Welding Design, Welding Procedure and Performance Qualification

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Edge Preparation - Need

Poor penetration
Poor access at root
Poor strength

Good penetration
Good access at root
Good joint strength
Basic Joint Types



Applicable Welds for Butt joint
Square Groove weld V Groove weld

Bevel Groove weld U Groove weld

J Groove weld
Applicable Welds for Butt joint

Double V Groove Double Bevel Groove

weld weld

Double U Groove Double J Groove

weld weld
Applicable Welds for Tee joint
Applicable Welds for Lap joint

Fillet weld

Plug / slot weld

Spot / seam weld
Applicable Welds for Corner Joint
Butt joint
Single V Groove angle 
Groove weld

Root face
Root gap

Double V
Groove weld

Groove angle

Single U Root radius

Groove weld

Root gap Root face

Weld Reinforcement

Correct Excess Under

reinforcement reinforcement reinforcement
Minimum cost High cost
Good joint Poor joint Poor joint
strength strength strength
Butt joint – Complete Joint

Weld from face side Backing weld from root side

Back gouging Back gouging from face side

Back weld Weld from face side

Tee Joint

leg throat leg throat leg throat

leg leg leg

Flat profile Convex Concave

profile profile
Tee Joint – Full penetration joint


leg = throat leg = throat

Welding Position – Groove



Welding Position – Groove

1G 2G

5G 6G

Welding Position – Fillet



Welding Position – Fillet


Area A

Area B

Dilution is the amount of base metal present in the

weld metal and given by (Area B / (Area A + Area B))
Dilution depends on the welding process and heat
High dilution alters the chemical composition of weld
Weld Metal Requirements
• Matching strength with the parent metal
• Good notch toughness at the operating
• Corrosion resistance
• Creep resistance for elevated temperature
• Resistance to wear, erosion etc
Filler Metal Selection
• Mechanical / chemical properties required
• Welding process
• Type of electrode, current, power range
• Metal to be joined and its thickness
• Weld joint design and welding position
• Shop or Field weld / surface condition
• Number of passes / amount of weld metal
Welding Procedure Specification
It is a written document that provides direction
to the welder for making production welds in
accordance with code requirements.
Any WPS must be qualified by the
WPS specifies the condition (ranges) under
which welding must be performed called
WPS addresses essential, supplementary
essential and non essential variables
Purpose of WPS Qualification

To determine that the weldment is capable of

providing the required properties for the
intended application.

WPS establishes the properties of the

weldment and not the skill of the welder.
Procedure Qualification
PQR is a record of welding data to weld a test
coupon. It also contains test results.
Completed PQR shall document all essential
variables including ranges.
PQR to be certified accurate and shall not be
If more than one process is employed then
weld deposit thickness for each process and
filler metal to be recorded.
Base Metal Classification
Base metals classified into various P Nos
depending on composition, weldability &
mechanical properties.

P1 - P11 Steel
P21 - P25 Al alloys etc.

Group nos within P nos classify metals for

procedure qualification where notch
toughness requirements are specified.
Filler Metal Classification
F Numbers are based on usability
characteristics i.e ability of welders to make
satisfactory welds with given filler
e.g. F1 - E XX20, F2 - E XX12,
F3 - E XX10, F4 - E XX18 etc.

A Numbers are based on chemical

e.g. A1 - Mild steel A2 - C - Mo steel etc.
Essential variables

Change in qualified Thickness

Change in P no
Change in F no of filler metal
Change in A no of filler metal
Change in deposited metal thickness
Decrease of more than 100° F in preheat
Change in PWHT
Welded Qualified
Px – Px Px – Px
Px – Py Px – Py
P3 – P3 P3 – (P3 / P1)
P4 – P4 P4 – (P4 / P3 / P1)
P5A – P5A P5A – (P5A / P4 / P3 / P1)
P5A – (P4 / P3 / P1) P5A – (P4 / P3 / P1)
P4 – (P3 / P1) P4 – (P3 / P1)
Procedure Qualification
Thickness limits
T (mm) Range of T max t Tests

<1.6 T - 2T 2t 2T, 2 FB, 2 RB

1.6 – 10 1.6 - 2T 2t -do-
10 - 19 4.8 - 2T 2t -do-
19 - 38 4.8 - 2T 2t if t<19 2T, 4 SB
2T if t>19
>38 4.8 - 203 2t if t<19 -do-
203 if t>19
Welding Performance Qualification

The performance qualification tests are

intended to determine the ability of welders to
make sound welds
A welder is qualified by radiography of a test
coupon or by radiography of initial production
welding or by bend tests taken from a test
Welding Performance Qualification
Variables for SMAW

Removal of backing
Change in Pipe diameter
Change in P number
Change in F Number
Change in thickness of weld deposit
Change in welding position
Change in vertical welding
Welding Performance Qualification

Thk (mm) Max tk of dep. Metal Test

<13 2t 1FB, 1RB
>13 Max to be welded 2SB

OD of test coupon Range of OD qualified

<25 Size welded - unlimited
25 - 71 25 - unlimited
> 71 71 - unlimited
Welding Performance Qualification
Welded Qualified
Without Backing
Fx Fx
With Backing
F1 F1
F2 F2, F1
F3 F3, F2, F1
F4 F4, F3, F2, F1
F5 F5, F1
Welding Performance Qualification

Weld Plate & pipe Pipe of OD

>610 mm OD 71- 610 mm
Plate 1G F F
Plate 2G F, H F, H
Plate 3G F, V F
Plate 4G F, O F

Pipe 1G F F
Pipe 2G F, H F, H
Pipe 5G F, V, O F, V, O
Pipe 6G All All
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