Sed 481 Syllabus Assignment

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Welcome to 8th Grade English!

A life without literature is no life at all.

Coyote Ridge Elementary School
Ms. Williams - English Department
Please feel free to contact me for any extra assistance or questions about class. I
am more than happy to help!
School Phone:
Extra Assistance:
Office Location:

[email protected] All emails will be answered within 24-48 hours.

(623) 237-4015
Before/After school or during lunch.
Room 28

Bell Schedule:
Available: 7:30am to 8:25am
Prep hour: 7:45-8:25am
RTI: 8:29-9:09am
Block 1: 9:12-10:22am
Block 2: 10:24-10:43am
Lunch: 10:45-11:25am
Block 2 (continued): 11:28am-12:20pm
Block 3: 12:22-1:32pm
Block 4: 1:35-2:45pm
Available: 3-4pm

Course Description:
Hello and welcome to 8th Grade reading and writing; a fancy way of saying
Language Arts! My name is Ms. Williams, and I look forward to being your
instructor this school year. This course is designed to cover the Arizona College
and Readiness Standards set by the State of Arizona Education Governing Board
at the 8th Grade level in the English Language Arts content area. The students
will be participating in various literature-centered discussions and activities.
Students will cite textual evidence from various texts, mostly short stories, as well

as revise work for improvement over a period of time. These various methods, as
well as the standards, will promote the critical thinking skills students will need
later on. The students will also develop an argumentative essay with evidence to
support them. Lastly, students succeed on the Arizona Merit Assessment given to
all students in the state of Arizona as a standardized measure for educational
excellence and growth. All classes will consist of some method or activity to keep
students engaged.
Important Events and Outcomes:
1) Students will read several short stories and articles in class and at home.
Some of the articles we use in class will be used for the final
argumentative essay at the end of the year. Students will write various
other essays throughout the semester.
2) Students will be responsible for reading twenty minutes a day and
recording a one paragraph summery in their Reading Notebook.
Students are required to read five (5) novels outside of class. As we are
reading three (3) novels in class, students may use those three for their
Reading Notebook.
The Novel Units:
1) To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee
Power through Race
Students will write a final one page analysis of the novel that will be revised in class
through workshop activities.
2) The Giver
In a Perfect World
Students will write a final two page narrative of their perfect world after reading the
novel. The paper will be revised in class through workshop activities.
3) The Diary of Anne Frank
A Life in Hiding
Students will write a three page reflective essay on the novel. The paper will be revised in
class through workshop activities.

Short Stories/ Poems:

The Ransom of Red Chief O. Henry
Tell Tale Heart Edgar Allen Poe

The Circuit Francisco Jimnez

O Captain, My Captain Walt Whitman
The Gift of the Magi O. Henry
Articles about current events or events relating to what we are reading in class
will be assigned for homework. A total of twelve (12) will be assigned. Articles
can be used on final argumentative essay.

Literary Assessments:
All readings assigned for homework will have questions that appear on the
warm up, this is to check that students read. Students will also have tickets out
the door and essays to also check for understanding.

Homework Policy
Students will have some kind of articles, short stories, and novel chapters to read,
and a writing activity to go along with it. Articles are typically do Friday. No late
work will be accepted unless there is an emergency, in which case please contact
Teacher Assistance
I will be available for homework help or additional concerns for students
before/after school or during lunch. If you or your student are unavailable
during those times, an appointment can be made via email, phone call or in
Classroom Grading
Participation Points (calculated by attendance and participation in class)
10 points/day (600 points)
Written Article Responses

10 points each (120 points)

Warm Up/Closing Question

10 points each (80 points)

Reading Notebook

50 points

Essay 1

25 Points

Essay 2

50 points

Final Essay

75 points each


1000 Points

Grading Scale
A: 1000-900
B: 899-700
C: 699-500
D: 499-300
F: 400-0

Grade Recording
I will have article responses collected and returned by Monday. The warm up
question will be graded and recorded daily. The reading notebook will be
checked when the teacher goes around the room at the beginning of class. Essays
will be graded within one week.
Rules and Consequences
A classroom needs structure in order to inspire learning. A learning environment
cannot exist without rules. Rules need to be up held with realistic consequences
and punishments. Students need to learn that breaking the rules results in
penalties. The research of Dr. Harry Wong inspired the following class room
1. Appropriate language will be used.
2. Students will stay in assigned seat unless directed.
3. All electronics are to be turned off before entering class.
4. Only the teacher dismisses class.
5. Students will leave all conflicts outside of class.
1st Offense: Warning
2nd Offense: Call/Email Home
3rd Offense: Detention
4th Offense: Administrative Referral
**Teacher Reserves The Right To Skip Steps Based Upon Severity Of Violation**



Day-To-Day Classroom Procedures:

Classroom procedures determine the flow of the class. Students need to
develop routines within the class. Procedures need to be explained, rehearsed,
and reinforced if necessary. My personal philosophy is that structure and order
are needed to maintain a classroom. The rules will be taught and retaught as
needed. From my research conducted on Dr. Richard Lavoie, my classroom
procedures will be conducted as follows:
Beginning Class Teacher will stand at the door greeting students and passing
back graded assignments. Students will hand their homework into the
designated bin on the table next to the door, picking up any materials or papers
needed for class. Students will then sit in assigned seats and begin working on
the Warm up displayed in the front of the room. The Warm up will be
collected at the end of class along with the Closing question written on the
same paper.
Ending Class Class with end with students answering the closing question
on the same piece of paper as the warm up. The question will serve as an
assessment of the lesson. The students will turn their papers into the homework
bin on their way out.

Transitions Between Activities A signal of One, two, three, eyes on me will

be used if students become noisy or an activity has finished. Teacher will check
for understanding by asking students to repeat instructions. A timer will also be
used to manage activities.
Managing Student Work This is divided into three categories:
1. Collecting Homework Homework will always be handed in by students into
the homework bin at the beginning of class. It is located in the front of the class,
next to the door.
2. Handing Back Homework Homework will be handed back by the teacher as
students enter the class.
3. Handing out Materials for the Lesson Materials will be placed on the
homework station next to the bin. Students will pick up materials or handouts
that the teacher has placed on the table.
Student Absences All the lessons and homework for the entire month will be
placed in a three ring binder, on a book shelf, in the back of class. Students may
refer to work they have missed from there. Tests and quizzes will need to be
made up by speaking to the teacher and setting a time aside before/after school
or during lunch.
Late Work Late work will not be accepted, excluding incidence of excused
absences or emergencies that have been communicated to the teacher.
Grading and Recording Student Work The teacher will have short answer
assignments graded within twenty four hours, tests within three to five days, and
essays within seven days. Grades will be updated daily either before/after school
or during prep hour.
Communicating with Parents Parents will be called and/or emailed if a
student has a disciplinary issue or work related issue. Calls will be returned
before/after school or during prep hour. If parents would like to set an
appointment to meet and discuss their student, an appointment can be made by
email or phone.
Consideration of Diverse Learners Accommodations needed for students
with IEPs or 504 plans will be followed accordingly. Any additional tutoring or
modifications to assignments needed will be provided.

A brief description of some of the Arizona College and Career Ready

Standards covered:
Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what
the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
Compare and contrast the structure of two or more texts and analyze how
the differing structure of each text contributes to its meaning and style.
Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text,
assessing whether the reasoning is sound and the evidence is relevant and
sufficient; recognize when irrelevant evidence is introduced.
Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant
evidence. Introduce claim(s), acknowledge and distinguish the claim(s)
from alternate or opposing claims, and organize the reasons and evidence
Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing
and present the relationships between information and ideas efficiently as
well as to interact and collaborate with others.
Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection,
and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for
a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.
Speaking and Listening:
Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in
groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 8 topics, texts,
and issues, building on others ideas and expressing their own clearly.
Come to discussions prepared having read or researched material under
study; explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence on the
topic, text, or issue to probe and reflect on ideas under discussion.
Delineate a speakers argument and specific claims, evaluating the
soundness of the reasoning and relevance and sufficiency of the evidence
and identifying when irrelevant evidence is introduced.
Present claims and findings, emphasizing salient points in a focused,
coherent manner with relevant evidence, sound valid reasoning, and wellchosen details; use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear

Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English

capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. Use punctuation
(comma, ellipsis, dash) to indicate a pause or break.
Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and
domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when
considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.
For a comprehensive list of the 8th Grade Arizona College and Career Readiness
Standards for the English Language Arts, please visit

Ending Note to Students:

I love literature and I hope you will love it too. My goal is to help students
understand and make the class as painless as possible. I promise that if you take
the time to ask questions and come to me with concerns, I will answer and help
you to the best of my abilities.
Good luck with your school year!
Ms. Williams
8th Grade English Teacher

Parent/Student Contract:
(Please sign and return this form by the beginning of the 2 nd week of class.)

I, ______________________, have received and read this syllabus, and understand

that if I have any questions in regards to its content or any assignments listed, I
can always contact the teacher of this class.
(Parent Name Printed)

(Student Name Printed)

(Parent Signature)

(Student Signature)

I, _______________________, hereby give my consent to send my childs grades to
me through email, for purposes of any questions or necessary progress reports.
(Parent Name Printed)

(Parent Signature)

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