Maria Connolly Resume 1

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Maria Connolly

Phone: 225.573.7326 Email: [email protected] LinkedIn:

Louisiana State University, graduating May 2016
Bachelor of Arts in mass communication
Concentration in public relations
Minors in psychology and business

Florence University of the Arts, Italy, June-July 2015

Course credit in international marketing


DIG Magazine
Brand Ambassador, August 2015-present

Womans Hospital
Marketing/PR Intern, January 2015-August 2015

Plan large social events: Pub Crawl (300+

attendees), Holiday Cocktail Competition
(350+ attendees), Restaurant Week (700+
participants), and monthly branding events for
30-50 people.
Coordinate sponsorships for events such as The
Louisiana Marathon (15k-20k), Top Hat Soiree
(200+), Brew at the Zoo (500+), Forum 35's
Uncorked (150+) and Viva il Vino (100+).
Manage DIG's marketing interns, all social
media platforms, Wordpress website, weekly
invoices and deposits.

Planned special events: Baby Grand (500+

attendees), NICU Reunion (400+), Fertility
Reunion (200+), Celebrate Life (100).
Created tagline for future Womans Hospital,
Mary Bird Perkins-Our Lady of the Lakes
Breast and GYN cancer center (breaking
ground in 2016).
Reoccurring volunteer for Bust Breast Cancer
(1500+), Baby Grand (500+), Woman's
Victory Open (500+).

Miss LSU-USA Pageant
Executive Director, March 2015-present

Oversee committee meetings, manage finances, coordinate LSU and community involvement, run
contestant practices, etc.

Event date: April 10, 2016, 750+ attendees, $80,000 profit to date, total TBD.
Assistant Executive Director, March 2014-March 2015

Assisted Executive Director, created all meeting agendas, took minutes at all meetings, gained

Total raised in 2015: $86,000, total donation: $65,000

The ALS Association Louisiana Mississippi Chapter
Event Director, January 2016-present

Planning 2016 Red, White & Sneaux gala (April 21, 2016, approx. 350 guests)

Aid nonprofit in sponsorship donations, live and silent auction donations, printing and signage
donations and more
Alzheimers Services of the Capital Area
Team Captain- Walk/Run to Remember, October 2014

Received award for donating the most money and having the most participants of any registered
Missioners of Christ
Short-term missioner and Fundraising Coordinator, June 2012- June 2015

Led a group of 30 young adults during two-week missions.

Work with local churches, schools, businesses and individuals to provide financially for students
attending mission.

Arranged meetings, donations drives, parish appeals, and giveback nights to fundraise.
Delta Zeta Sorority
Philanthropy Chair, January 2014- December 2014

Organized and planed all philanthropic events for the LSU Delta Zeta chapter.

Held bimonthly meetings with local philanthropic partners

Planned fundraisers at Louisiana State University (donation amount increased since previous year)

Created a scholarship for St. Lillian Academy students

Miss LSU-USA 2014 donation: $53,000

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