Organisation Study Nirapara Complte Report
Organisation Study Nirapara Complte Report
Organisation Study Nirapara Complte Report
submitted to Mahatma Gandhi University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
award of the degree of
Submitted By
Reg. No. 61509
Under the guidance of
Company Guide
This is to certify that this report, based on the organization study conducted
by PRANAV SASI, second semester MBA student of our college for 30 days
starting from 20th March to 20th April 2015 at NIRAPARA ROLLER
is a
of Mahatma Gandhi
University, Kottayam.
I hereby declare that this report titled Organizational Study at NIRAPARA
prepared by me during the academic year 2015 - 2016, under the guidance of
Prof. AJAI KRISHANAN G , Department of Management Studies,
MACFAST, Thiruvalla.
I also hereby declare that this project report has not been submitted to any
other University or institute for the award of any degree or diploma.
The study will not be completed without acknowledging my sincere gratitude to all
persons who have helped me in the preparation of this dissertation.
I would like to thank the management and staff of different departments of NIRAPARA
FLOOR MILLS PVT LTD for their valuable help in completing this organizational study.
It is my great pleasure to convey my deep and sincere thanks to Mr. Sreeju P.S
My respected guide Prof Ajaikrishnan G has shown a keen interest in my study ,and
offered valuable suggestion and I am indebted to him.
My family and friends helped me and I would like to record my special thanks to them, I
also take this opportunity to thank the almighty god who enabled me to successfully
complete this study.
Fig. No
Page No.
Organizational Structure
Structure of Administration
Structure of Finance Department
Pictorial Representation Of
Porters Five Force Analysis
Page No.
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Strategic Intent
3.3 Organizational Chart
Purchase Department
Administration Department
Accounting & Finance Department
Quality Control Department
6.1, SWOT Analysis
I underwent an organizational study at NIRAPARA ROLLER FLOUR MILLS
PRIVATE LIMITED COMPANY to acquaint myself with the business environment for a
period of 30 days from March 20th , 2015 to April 20th as a part of the MBA curriculum at
the school of management studies of M.G UNIVERSITY.
The study was conducted to understand the structure, function and
processes of various departments and their interdependence. During the course of study I
was able to successfully interact with the employees of the organization. They were happy
to give me all possible information. They also took me to the worksite where I got the first
hand information about the manufacturing process and its functions.
The Methodology consists of data collection through observation,
interview and literature review. The data collected from different sources are classified,
analyzed and interpreted. based on which an organization structure, its functions and
various departments are identified. The various departmental functions are clearly
identified and their process and activities carried out are recorded. An in-depth analysis is
made us to understand the departmental process based on which a process chart is
prepared. The analysis further formed the basis for identifying the departmental
interdependence. The study further revealed some of the challenges faced by the
department. The study helped me to obtain an exact picture of fact based on which, a swot
analysis is done. Finally, with the help of latest statistics available from the organization.
The present trend and current scenario of fact is clearly revealed.
bear fruit only if the workers are given the right type of work environment and are
provided with these amenities of life which have direct bearing on his physical efficiency.
In short Research Methodology deals with the objective of research study, the
method of defining the research problem, the type of hypothesis formulated, the type of
data collected, methods used for collecting and analyzing the data etc
Primary data
It may be defined as a systematic viewing of a specific phenomenon in the proper
setting for the specific purpose of gathering data for a particular study
It is the direct method of collecting data. It is a verbal method of securing data.
For the purpose of this study direct interview of employees and workers are done.
I interacted with the employees and understood the work and responsibility carried
by each of them. This helped me to understand various department and their functions
clearly. Further discussion with them revealed some key functions and process carried by
each department and the departmental interdependence.
Secondary data
It is collected from various records like the annual report, company brochure,
Quality Management System and other manuals maintained by the company. Secondary
data are those which have been collected by some other person for his purpose and
published. So researcher is said to use that type of data for this study. Following are some
of secondary source of data. This method is also known as indirect method. Companys
internal records, publication, Annual report, Journal, Statutory report, Website.
The data collected companys departmental manual added key
information to this report add help me to understand the process carried by each
department in detail. Annual reports are used as statistics to reveal the present scenario of
the organization.
Audited reports, articles published in news paper and magazines related to Nirapara
roller mills helps researcher for his study.
Websites of Nirapara, websites of some market survey companies or share broking
firms sites and official sites of government helps more to conduct this study.
The process chart prepared for each department was given to respective
department heads for correction. The rough report prepared was also given to the
organizational guide for correction.
The food industry is the complex, global collective of diverse businesses that
together supply much of the food energy consumed by the world population. Only
subsistence farmers, those who survive on what they grow, can be considered outside of
the scope of the modern industry. Food marketing brings together the producer and the
consumer It is the chain of activities that brings food from farm gate to plate.The
marketing of even a single food product can be a complicated process involving many
producers and companies. For example, fifty-six companies are involved in making one
can of chicken noodle soup. These businesses include not only chicken and vegetable
processors but also the companies that transport the ingredients and those who print labels
and manufacture cans. The food marketing system is the largest direct and indirect
nongovernment employer in the United States.
In deciding what type of new food products a consumer would most prefer, a
manufacturer can either try to develop a new food product or try to modify or extend an
existing food. For example, a sweet, flavored yogurt drink would be a new product, but
milk in a new flavor (such as chocolate strawberry) would be an extension of an existing
product. There are three steps to both developing and extending: generate ideas, screen
ideas for feasibility, and test ideas for appeal. Only after these steps will a food product
make it to national market. Of one hundred new food product ideas that are considered,
only six make it to a supermarket shelf.
The food industry faces numerous marketing decisions. Money can be
invested in brand building (through advertising and other forms of promotion) to increase
either quantity demanded or the price consumers are willing to pay for a product. Coca
Cola, for example, spends a great deal of money both on perfecting its formula and on
promoting the brand. This allows Coke to charge more for its product than can makers of
regional and smaller brands. Manufacturers may be able to leverage their existing brand
names by developing new product lines. For example, Heinz started out as a brand for
pickles but branched out into ketchup. Some brand extensions may involve a risk of
damage to the original brand if the quality is not good enough. Coca Cola, +for example,
refused to apply the Coke name to a diet drink back when artificial sweeteners had a
significantly less attractive taste. Coke created Tab Cola, but only when aspartame
(NutraSweet) was approved for use in soft drinks did Coca Cola come out with a Diet
Coke. Manufacturers that have invested a great deal of money in brands may have
developed a certain level of consumer brand loyaltythat is, a tendency for consumers to
continue to buy a preferred brand even when an attractive offer is made by competitors.
For loyalty to be present, it is not enough to merely observe that the consumer buys the
same brand consistently. The consumer, to be brand loyal, must be able to actively resist
promotional efforts by competitors. A brand loyal consumer will continue to buy the
preferred brand even if a competing product is improved, offers a price promotion or
premium, or receives preferred display space. Some consumers have multi-brand loyalty.
Here, a consumer switches between a few preferred brands. The money that manufacturers
invest in developing, pricing, promotion, and placing their products helps differentiate a
food product on the basis of both quality and brand-name recognition.
The food industry is very competitive and is constantly changing to react to consumer
demands and technological developments. As the world population increases, we are
challenged with new ways to produce and package foods. As a result there is a great
demand for young people to work in food businesses. Day by day, wide varieties of new
food products have been increasing in the food industry. So food industry has been
growing with new food products in the variant fields of the food industry such as in the fast
food, sea food, hotel foods. Thereby people get easily attracted towards this type of food
product and their demand of food products is constantly changing as
well. But, even if the food industry is very competitive and is constantly changing to
consumer demands, one particular type of food products is standing out of these constant
changing demand, i.e. Agro-food products. Agro food products retain their demand among
the people throughout the years. This is only because of awareness of benefits of agro food
products by the people. It has got lots of benefits. By Consuming, it will not cause any
harmful effects to the people.
The most important and useful one in the agro food products is Wheat products.
It is believed that wheat developed from a type of wild grass native to the arid lands of
Asia Minor. Cultivation of wheat is thought to have originated in the Euphrates Valley as
early as 10,000 B.C., making it one of the world's oldest cereal crops. In the Mediterranean
region, centuries before recorded history, wheat was an important food. Wheat played such
a dominant role in the Roman Empire that at the time it often was referred to as a "Wheat
Wheat, which can be produced in a wide range of climates and soil
conditions, grows in areas as far north as the Arctic Circle and as far south as the equator.
The production of wheat is so widespread that it is being harvested somewhere in the
world in any given month. But wheat grows best in regions having temperate climates with
rainfall between 12 and 36 inches per year. The United States ranks fourth in world wheat
production, following: 1) China; 2) the Commonwealth of Independent States; and 3) the
European Community (whose major producers are France, the United Kingdom and
One of the easiest dietary changes to make, and one that carries a real
health punch, is replacing refined grains with more healthful whole wheat. This one change
in diet can have a significant impact on health, from helping to maintain a healthy weight
to helping to avoid certain kinds of cancer. Recent studies, including one at the University
of Iowa, have suggested that higher levels of whole grain, including whole wheat, in the
diet were associated with a lower risk of both breast cancer and heart disease.
Other studies have associated the consumption of whole wheat and other whole grains with
a reduced risk of diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease. The USDA is now
recommending that every adult consume three servings of whole wheat and other whole
grains every day, but most people fall short of this important mark, averaging only one
serving per day.
Whole wheat products and other whole grains have been shown to have a significant
impact on overall health, and a diet rich in whole wheat and other whole grains has been
associated with an overall increase in health and an overall decrease in obesity. That may
be because whole wheat is a high energy, nutrient rich and relatively low calorie food. The
rich nature of many whole wheat products seems to promote a feeling of fullness and
reduce the risk of overeating.
Rice was the only food for the South Indians during the past. But after
the Second World War there was scarcity for rice and they were compelled to take wheat
as an alternative food. The high protein content and resultant nutritional value and absence
of the negative factors of rice and also the economy promoted them to substitute rice by
wheat to the extent of 30-35% so that there is almost an equal demand for rice and wheat
and their products.
In the past, rice and wheat flours required for domestic use were made at
home by women, using conventional equipments like stone grinders. Later with the
invention of electricity the conventional grinders have given way to mixes and wet
grinders. But it is time consuming and not at all economical. In the present day scenario,
where women are also employed or engaged otherwise to assist in making a living for their
family, powdered rice and wheat ready for use, have gained very much importance. Thus
NIRAPARA ROLLER FLOUR MILLS PVT LTD engaged in the manufacture of these
flours in roller flour mills have come into being.
The unit have a capacity to produce 40.000 kgs. of Wheat flour per day
of a single shift operation. There is a good scope for the unit. The major products
manufactured by this company are MAIDA, ATTA, and SOOJI.
Rice was the only food for the South Indians during the past. But after
the Second World War there was scarcity for rice and they were compelled to take wheat
as an alternative food. The high protein content and resultant nutritional value and absence
of the negative factors of rice and also the economy promoted them to substitute rice by
wheat to the extent of 30-35% so that there is almost an equal demand for rice and wheat
and their products.
In the past, rice and wheat flours required for domestic use were made at home by
women, using conventional equipments like stone grinders. Later with the invention of
electricity the conventional grinders have given way to mixes and wet grinders. But it is
time consuming and not at all economical. In the present day scenario, where women are
also employed or engaged otherwise to assist in making a living for their family, powdered
rice and wheat ready for use, have gained very much importance. Thus units engaged in
the manufacture of these flours in roller flour mills have come into being.
The proposed unit will have a capacity to produce 20,000 kgs of Wheat
flour per day of a single shift operation. There is a good scope for the proposed unit. The
goodwill of the promoters as the manufacturers of quality wheat products NIRAPARA
will definitely be an added advantage to the unit.
There are a number of small and medium scale units engaged in the
manufacture of these products in the state. However, the productions of these units are not
sufficient and the rest is met by the units of Tamilnadu. Also there is an ever increasing
demand for the products with more and more families abandoning the conventional
methods and switching over to packed powdered products. The goodwill of the group will
be an added advantage. Thus, the proposed unit will have immense scope and potential.
The major products produced by Nirapara Roller Flour Mills are
MAIDA,ATTA AND SOOJI .One of the prominent features of this products is its quality.
They produce pure and quality products and thereby they meet the customer satisfaction.
Another important feature is its price. They value the products, which is very much
affordable to common man.
Even if the products have its own wide varieties of features, The
Company mainly concentrates only towards the quality of the product. Its only because of,
they give importance to customer satisfaction rather than profit maximization.
The unit requires 400KVA electric power which is available from the nearby
power line.
The manufacturing process has mainly two divisions-cleaning and
milling. The wheat received is removed of foreign particles like stones and other
impurities, dust by De-stoner, sieves and washing machines. It is then conditioned and
powdered in Roller Mills. Then it is packed in 90 kg gunny bags and polythene bags of 50
kg, 25kg, 10kg and 1kg.The manufacturing activity is carried out in 100% hygiene
As mentioned earlier, the unit will have a capacity to produce
20,000kgs of wheat per day in a single shift. The unit will be working double shift and at a
60% capacity during the first year, 70% during the second year,80% during the third year
and 90% from the fourth year onwards.
The market for the product is all over Kerala. The company will sell the
products directly through wholesalers, retailers of general items and margin free shops.
Zero breakdowns
Zero maintenance
Zero wastage
To be the leader in quality and value of production and services.
Focus on customers.
Creative and maintain a shared vision, consistency of purpose and supportive
environment that includes appropriate recognition and reinforcement.
Creative a culture where people have the knowledge, skills authority for events of
their actions and for their contribution to the success
Understand the concept of variation. Apply appropriate statistical methods for
continual improvement and innovation.
Knowledge and support lifelong learning and personal growth.
Build long- term relationship with customers and suppliers.
Assess performance and benchmark against worlds best.
Problem description
Containment action
Verification of cause
Fig : 1
The Major Products produced by Nirapara Roller Flour Mills are MAIDA, ATTA and
SOOJI, WHEAT BRAN. The basic raw material needed is only WHEAT. It is believed
that wheat developed from a type of wild grass native to the arid lands of Asia Minor.
Cultivation of wheat is thought to have originated in the Euphrates Valley as early as
10,000 B.C., making it one of the world's oldest cereal crops. In the Mediterranean region,
centuries before recorded history, wheat was an important food. Wheat played such a
dominant role in the Roman Empire that at the time it often was referred to as a "Wheat
Wheat, which can be produced in a wide range of climates and soil
conditions, grows in areas as far north as the Arctic Circle and as far south as the equator.
The production of wheat is so widespread that it is being harvested somewhere in the
world in any given month. But wheat grows best in regions having temperate climates with
rainfall between 12 and 36 inches per year. The United States ranks fourth in world wheat
production, following: 1) China; 2) the Commonwealth of Independent States; and 3) the
European Community (whose major producers are France, the United Kingdom and
One of the easiest dietary changes to make, and one that carries a real
health punch, is replacing refined grains with more healthful whole wheat. This one change
in diet can have a significant impact on health, from helping to maintain a healthy weight
to helping to avoid certain kinds of cancer. Recent studies, including one at the University
of Iowa, have suggested that higher levels of whole grain, including whole wheat, in the
diet were associated with a lower risk of both breast cancer and heart disease.
Other studies have associated the consumption of whole wheat and other whole grains with
a reduced risk of diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease. The USDA is now
recommending that every adult consume three servings of whole wheat and other whole
grains every day, but most people fall short of this important mark, averaging only one
serving per day.
Whole wheat and other whole grains can also be rich sources of the mineral known as
selenium, although the actual selenium content of the grain will vary according to the
selenium content of the soil. Vitamin E, however, seems to be present in high amounts in
just about all whole wheat and whole grain products. Vitamin E is thought to be a strong
cancer fighter which has the power to prevent cancer-causing chemicals from doing harm.
In addition, whole grain products like whole wheat bread and crackers also contain many
important micronutrients.
Whole wheat products and other whole grains have been shown to have a significant
impact on overall health, and a diet rich in whole wheat and other whole grains has been
associated with an overall increase in health and an overall decrease in obesity. That may
be because whole wheat is a high energy, nutrient rich and relatively low calorie food. The
rich nature of many whole wheat products seems to promote a feeling of fullness and
reduce the risk of overeating.
Maida flour is refined and finely milled wheat flour. It is also known as Maida
flour or general purpose flour. In the mills Maida flour is obtained by grinding it on the
rollers and by filtering it through a fine mesh. In South India it is made from tapioca. It
bears a resemblance to cake flour or pure starch and is prepared from endosperm. In India
it is used to make a variety of food items like puri, chappati, paratha, etc. as well as for
making pastries, cakes and many different types of bakery items like bread, toast, biscuits,
Maida takes longer time to digest so it is commonly believed that food items
prepared from maida flour are not very healthy. However during festive season, maida
flour is used as a basic ingredient in preparing various dishes. The food items prepared out
of maida flour gives a good taste. Maida is considered to be free from synthetic fiber so it
is very nutritious. Many industries manufacture it hygienically without even touching it
with the hands. They carry out milling and filtering process in such a manner that it aids to
preserve the protein content of maida flour in large amount.
4.2 ATTA
Atta is obtained from grinding complete wheat grains. It is creamy brown in color
and quite coarse compared to other types of flour. Since nothing is removed from true
whole meal Atta, all the constituents of the wheat grain are preserved. Atta available in
market varies in its fiber content from very low to whole of natural fiber in wheat, around
Traditionally, Atta is made by stone grinding, a process that imparts a characteristic aroma
and taste to the bread. High bran content of true whole meal atta makes it a fiber-rich food.
This may help to regulate blood sugar as well have other health benefits. The temperatures
attained in a chakki (mill or grinder, traditionally from stone), produced by friction, are of
the order of 110-125 deg C. At such high temperatures, the carotenes present in the bran
tend to exude the characteristic toasty smell, and contribute to the sweetness of the Atta.
The raw materials for production i.e. Wheat is brought from
FCI and also from states like Punjab & Haryana and is stored in go down. Flour milling
process is simple and continuous. There are mainly two stages namely Cleaning and
Milling. From the milling section the products go to the packing section.
Cleaning: The wheat received in gunny bags from lorries is cleaned by Reel
machine, Separator, Aspirator and Magnetic Separator to remove impurities like husk,
sand, silicate, dust and iron particles. Then the wheat is stored in wheat bins.
From these bins the wheat goes to De stoner, where all the stones will be
removed by means of specific gravity and from there the wheat passes through disc
separator where all the impurities like broken wheat, cockle seeds and other foreign matter
are removed. Further, wheat is treated in Scourer machine for the removal of fine dust
from the crease of the wheat. The dust is exhausted by powerful aspiration and polished
grains are passed through intensive damper, where, with the control of wheat flow and
float meter, water is added to the grain. Now the wheat is kept in concrete bins for 18-36
hrs for conditioning. After conditioning wheat is once again passed through separator and
aspirator for secondary cleaning and then to the second scourer to polish the grain and to
remove any adhering dust to grain before it goes to the milling section.
Milling: In the milling section, the grain is gradually ground by Roller Mils
equipped with centrifugal cast chilled iron rolls with specified grooves. The stocks are
ground by each roller mill and are of different particle sizes, which is achieved by passing
the grain stock through plan sifter, equipped with series of wooden sieves of wire or nylon
clothing, by different aperture to sieve the ground stock and separate them in different
particle sizes. The stock of same size are brought for common treatment to different roller
mills, thereby making a continuous process. During the process, coarse endosperms are
separated and treated in purifier, which runs on a negative air pressure with centric action
having different nylon clothing frames. The stock is stratified, thereby the light branny
particles are removed from the stock and pure endosperms are separated from different
frames. This keeps the quality of the product absolutely free from fiber. At the tail end of
the process, brain finishers are employed to remove the stock adhering to the bran thereby
enabling maximum flour extraction from the wheat. The air which is used for the transport
of materials along with fine dust particles are treated in Filter dust collector where the pure
air is exhausted, claiming all the fine particles back in to the system. All the machines are
connected to different destinations by steel pipes and fittings to handle the stocks in most
hygienic manner.
Departmentation is the process of grouping activities into units for the purpose of
administration. In other words, it denotes grouping of related jobs and activities without
violating the principle of homogeneity over which an executives has authority to exercise
and assert.
Every organization needs a well established administrative set up for efficient
functioning. Nirapara has established finance, production, human resource development,
sales & marketing, purchases, quality departments under the supervision of experienced
and competent officers. All the departments are under the control of department heads that
are controlled by Managing Director.
Production Department
Production manager
Quality Tester
Roll Men
Machine Operator
Floor Manager
Fig: 2
The most advanced Swiss technologies are used.
Raw material
The basic raw material used for production is wheat. Wheat is a grass, originally
from the Fertile Crescent region of the Near East, but now cultivated worldwide. In 2007
world production of wheat was 607 million tons, making it the third most-produced cereal
after maize(784 million tons) and rice.
Production process
The raw material for production i.e. Wheat is brought from FCI and also from
states like Punjab & Haryana and is stored in go down. Flour milling process is simple and
continuous. There are mainly two stages namely Cleaning and Milling. From the milling
section the products go to the packing section.
Cleaning: The wheat received in gunny bags from lorries is cleaned by Reel
machine, Separator, Aspirator and Magnetic Separator to remove impurities like husk,
sand, silicate, dust and iron particles. Then the wheat is stored in wheat bins.
From these bins the wheat goes to De stoner, where all the stones will be
removed by means of specific gravity and from there the wheat passes through disc
separator where all the impurities like broken wheat, cockle seeds and other foreign matter
are removed. Further, wheat is treated in Scourer machine for the removal of fine dust
from the crease of the wheat. The dust is exhausted by powerful aspiration and polished
grains are passed through intensive damper, where, with the control of wheat flow and
float meter, water is added to the grain. Now the wheat is kept in concrete bins for 18-36
hrs for conditioning. After conditioning wheat is once again passed through separator and
aspirator for secondary cleaning and then to the second scourer to polish the grain and to
remove any adhering dust to grain before it goes to the milling section.
Milling: In the milling section, the grain is gradually ground by Roller Mils equipped
with centrifugal cast chilled iron rolls with specified grooves. The stocks are ground by
each roller mill and are of different particle sizes, which are achieved by passing the grain
stock through plan sifter, equipped with series of wooden sieves of wire or nylon clothing,
by different aperture to sieve the ground stock and separate them in different particle sizes.
The stock of same size is brought for common treatment to different roller mills, thereby
making a continuous process. During the process, coarse endosperms are separated and
treated in purifier, which runs on a negative air pressure with centric action having
different nylon clothing frames. The stock is stratified, thereby the light branny particles
are removed from the stock and pure endosperms are separated from different frames. This
keeps the quality of the product absolutely free from fiber. At the tail end of the process,
brain finishers are employed to remove the stock adhering to the bran thereby enabling
maximum flour extraction from the wheat. The air which is used for the transport of
materials along with fine dust particles are treated in Filter dust collector where the pure air
is exhausted, claiming all the fine particles back in to the system. All the machines are
connected to different destinations by steel pipes and fittings to handle the stocks in most
hygienic manner.
Disc Separator
Plan sifter
Ist Break
g bins
Plan sifter
Fig: 3
Role of:
Production manager
Responsible for maintaining ISI formality such as (a) Testing and maintaining 4
He is to check the punctuality of workers and ensured that no one comes late for work;
no one leaves the company premises. Before cease work without the proper
permission and to be replaced HRD without delay.
He is responsible for taking for initiative action for purchase of spare parts and to
consult with the management.
He checks the quality of flour produced and also the production charts (SPC) at least 4
times a day and to give necessary instructions as and when required.
He ensures that employees under them are not undertaking any work or business other
than that of the company.
He is the custodian of first aid box. And sickness of any worker, the supervisor should
render all to get medical treatment and other aids.
All type of leave for workmen should be recommended by the production manager
and approved by the company manager.
Shift supervisor will be responsible for all workers at the factory and mere attention
should be given to punctuality, general behavior.
Workers under him wear proper uniform. Any complaints/ knowledge of any fraud,
theft or any misconduct by any workman must inform to HRD.
No worker should be permitted to leave the working place before completion of his
Ensure each worker clean his working area before he leaves, tool board and tools are
to be cleaned.
In Nirapara Roller Mills, the production department have two managers i.e.,
company manger and production manager. Both the mangers are controlled by the General
Manager of the company.
Human Resource
HR Manager
Operation Manager
Fig : 4
Personnel management is that part of management function which is primarily
concerned with the human problems in industries. In order to solve these problems
personnel management is assigned a very important role to play labor, being an important
factor of production needs motivation and power guidance from the side of management to
get the desired result.
Employee welfare
Nirapara Roller Mills providing many facilities for their employees.
(a )Economical status
Company providing the facility of PF, ESI etc for their employees.
: token system
Free accommodation is provided in the company for all employees.
Functions of HR manager
conditions of services signifying his consent to comply with the standing orders for the
company. The periods and hours of work for all classes of workman shall be posted upon a
notice board at the time keepers office or factory building.
The workman shall be at work in the factory at the time fixed and notified.
However, a workman in a relay shift shall normally not leave his post until he is relived by
his successor or otherwise instructed by Head of section or any other superior officer
empowered to instruct. All workman unless specifically exempted shall enter and leave the
factory through the time office gate or main gate. Any workman who is more than half
hour late shall be liable to be treated as absent for half a day. All workmen are liable to be
searched while entering or leaving the factory premises, or at any time while in the factory,
by the person authorized by the management on this behalf. All workmen will be entitled
to national and festivals holidays as per the Kerala Industrial Establishment Act. However,
the management reserves the right to detail any workmen to work on a holiday subject to
the provision of the Act.
No workman shall be entitled to be promoted as of right. All promotions shall be
on the basis of merit and suitability in the discretion of the management. No strike of any
kind shall be staged by the workman without giving the company 14 days notice. There of
within one month of the proposed strike, and without reasonable cause.
A workman found guilty of misconduct shall be imposed any one or more of the
following punishments, warning, censure, and suspension for a specified period. Demotion
to a lower post, imposition of fine, reduction in pay, discharge from service, dismissal
from service.
All process, plans, photographs, designs or drawing pertaining to the company
whether of repaired by the workman or otherwise are secret documents which no persons
shall publish or causes to be publish. No workman shall disclose any secret or secret
information regarding the companys activities to any person except when it is necessary to
do so during the performance of his duties.
Fines may be imposed on workman in accordance with the payment of Wages Act
on workman covered by the said Act. However, the Management may in its discretion
impose fines on workman not covered under the said Act or the same principles, as in the
Certificate of Termination
Every permanent workman shall be entitled to a service certificate at one time of his
dismissal discharge or retirement from service.
A workman accept one who is under obligation to serve the company for a
minimum period of service, who wishes to resign and leave the companys services must
give the company the same notice as the company is required to give him under the clause
Number 24 (9).A workman who has contracted with the company to serve for a minimum
period of service shall not be allowed to resign before the expiry of the said minimum
period of service.
Factory Operator
He is in charge of identification of defects or failures
It has a well established industrial relation and this department gives more importance to
the welfare and the safety of the employees. Also the time management of Nirapara is
very good. All these section are under the direct control of HR manager.
Sales Department
Sales Manager
Sales Assistant
Tele Marketing
Fig :5
Responsible for
1) To relay on market research.
2) To identify understand segment.
3) To spend time in plan.
To right orders after margin.
Set up and click the sequence of order for dispatch in root wise.
Cash discount rate % should mention before it sent for nakkel print
Sales section
To draw the root of dispatch ascertains the local capacity for each lorry loaded
(10 tones as per load). In the case of the load for dispatch is not full the sales manager
phone and obtain maximum load capacity. The dispatch is planned such a manner
maximum load capacity is attained for each lorry.
Purchase Department
Purchase Manager
Fig : 6
The purchase department plays a very important role in this
organisation because purchasing has its effect on every vital factor concerning the
manufacture, quality, cost, efficiency and prompt delivery of goods to customers. Its
function is to procure materials, supplies, services, machines and tools at the most
favourable terms consistent with maintaining the desired standard of quality. Purchasing is
the most important function of materials management as the moment an order is placed for
the purchase of materials, a substantial part of the company's finance is committed which
affects cash flow position of the company. Thus, if the size of a business concern permits,
there should be a separate purchasing department and the responsibility for purchasing all
types of materials should be entrusted to this department. The head of this department is
usually known as the Purchase manager or the supply manager or the chief buyer.
It is one of the most important departments which deal with purchase of raw material. This
department is headed by Purchase Manager. His duty is to order the tones of wheat
required by the company. Then he has to make ensure that the raw material sent by the
suppliers is of required quantity and moreover it is his responsibility to check whether the
raw material is of standard quality. If the raw material is not of the standard quality the raw
material will be rejected and will send back to the suppliers. If they are of good quality it
will be used in the production department.
The purchasing department has a lot of documentation to maintain and file as a
part of its job requirements. Those documents include paperwork from other departments
asking for material or products needed to operate. Most purchasing departments utilize
what is called a purchase order when ordering products and services. This order is used by
the accounting department so the company that supplied the material can get paid.
Most companies require the purchasing department to maintain a monitoring procedure for
the inventory or stock that needs to be on hand. Each department, especially in the
manufacturing industry, uses a lot of material in the production process. A minimum
supply is needed for the production process to continue while new materials are ordered.
Monitoring inventory and stock will save a company a lot of money in the long run.
To develop good supplier relationship which will ensure the best terms of supply of
To develop alternate sources of supply so that materials may be purchased from those
alternate sources if a particular supplier fails to supply the materials.
Administrative Manager
An organization unit that performs management activities benefitting the
entire organization includes top management personnel and organization. This department
is headed by Administrative manager. He is otherwise called Office Manager.
payroll documents, and briefing new employees on the operations of the business or
In short, Administrative Manager focus into the following areas:
To look after all matters of the company related with the government departments.
To deal with all correspondence and settlement of company with all government
departments. Preparation of all relevant return and notification as per schedule.
To give timely advise and guidelines to other staff regarding departmental settlement
of the company.
Finance Department
Chief Accountant
Executive Accountants
Fig: 8
It is one of the most important departments which maintain the accounts of the company.
Calculation of monthly salary of office staff. Until otherwise notified all employees
shall be paid on last working day of month.
Calculation of wages of factory employees. The wages slip and computer print of
wages must be collected back from the concerned supervisors with workers individual
Inform the management all due payment in advance and ensure payment of creditors
on due date as per the instruction before issuance of cheques of any nature, the
accounted should ensure that the efficient fund balance is available. No cheques is to
be issued without having sufficient fund.
Finalization of accounts
o Miscellaneous accounts are to be adjusted.
o Nullification of all balances
Submission of returns- ensure that monthly, quarterly, half yearly and annual returns
are submit on due date.
Besides duties he/ she is to assist administration in correspondence and other works
related to sales tax, service tax, P.F, E.S.I, IT, labor welfare fund and industries
departments in consultation and approval of manager administration.
Responsible for maintenance or registers, ledgers, computer printouts and all files.
Responsible for maintenance of all vouchers, unit wise to sent cheques on daily
base to bank.
In Nirapara Roller Flour Mills, there are 4 employees in the finance department to
handle the financial dealings. There is one chief accountant to handle the income and
expenditure of the entire organization..He is overlooking the final accounts. Then there is
another two more account staff in this department for the data entries. They are responsible
for maintenance of all vouchers, unit wise to sent cheques on daily base to bank. Another
prominent staff is Cost accountant. He plays a vital role in this department. He/she is
responsible for total cost management of the organization to calculate the expenditure
incurred by sales representatives and to identify thrust areas, if any. To check cash credit
bills of the day corresponding to cash receipts of each party. For all partial payments of
cash credit bills, debit note to be prepared. To proper budgeting for all activities of the
organization. Preparation of balance sheet of all units monthly and comparative study of
accounts and to assist in the finalization of accounts.
In Nirapara Roller Flour Mills, Finance Department prepares accounts and audits
them to make it up to date. This department makes necessary arrangements for the working
capital requirement, filing of returns of income tax, sales tax and fringe benefit tax
quarterly or half yearly or yearly.
the quality of the raw materials as well as the finished products. If the raw material is not
of the standard quality the raw material will be rejected and will send back to the suppliers.
If the raw materials are of good quality the raw material is used to the production
department. After starting the production there are many steps to check the quality of the
Nirapara Roller Flour Mills Limited are committed to supply the very best quality
products to meet the customers need. Superior quality is the main reason behind their
dignified position in the same sphere of business. Companys quest for excellence and
efforts towards achieving quality has enabled them to gain a substantial market share
within a short span of time. They abide by stringent quality control measures at all level of
manufacturing process. It has been always ensured by the company that their customers get
superior quality products. These quality control specifications are followed tooth-to-nail
from material sourcing to delivery of consignments. They consume the finest quality of
raw material which is purchased from reputed names in the market.
Afterwards, they check all these materials for their exactness and utility. Every
manufacturing stage is thoroughly monitored by highly qualified experts, ensuring flawless
production at every stage. Moreover, each item is carefully checked by well equipped
quality controller in order to allow the movement of only excellent products so that they
can easily meet the international standards.
The company guarantees customer satisfaction through on time delivers of products
with the correct quality and quantity as per customers requirement.
o The company has a dedicated Quality Control Department under the
supervision of a Quality Controller provided with the various types of tools
and equipments. Companys teams of quality controllers make sure that each
of the products are manufactured in quality standards.
o The test observations are fed into the computer to generate the test status of
each batch comprising eight hours of production. All the records connected
with the raw materials, compounding, production parameters and test
observation are maintained for tracing the production history of a particular
Responsible and authorized for the quality of all raw materials and finished products.
Responsible and authorized for the quality products to the customers and to attend
customer complaint from respective quality if any.
Working with the management team for necessary administrative matters interacting
with the production, marketing, materials and technical service department for
corrective and preventive actions required.
Quality Department holds a very important position in Nirapara Flour Mills. Each
and every stages of the production has to be approved by the Quality Department to assure
the quality of products. After confirming the quality of the output by the quality
department, products shall be dispatched.
Fig: 9
SWOT analysis is the most renowned tool for audit and analysis of the overall strategic
position of the business and its environment. Its key purpose is to identify the strategies
that will create a firm specific business model that will best align an organizations
resources and capabilities to the requirements of the environment in which the firm
operates. Its the foundation for evaluating the internal potential and limitations
/opportunities and threats from the external environment. It views all positive and negative
factors inside and outside the firm that affect the success. The overview of four factors
(S,W,O,T)are given below.
1) The Quality of the Products is NARAPARACPNY greatest strength.
2) Strong support from top management.
3) Highly professional management.
4) Retailer network all over Kerala.
5) Good employee relationship.
6) A well- motivated sales force.
7) A solid base of satisfied customers.
1) Man power: In some department there is over employment.
2) Ineffective modernization or the automation of office.
3) Less sales promotion activities.
4) Only Concentrating on industrial markets.
5) Product is available in standardized size only.
6) Credit facilities are not made available.
1) Company is in lucrative area where there is a lot of scope for development and
3) Flours are considered to be very essential items. Hence there are always
possibilities for stable demand.
4) Company always has the option of expanding the market throughout the globe.
1) Competition: The Company is facing severe competition from local as well as national
2) Uncontrolled increase in the price of raw material is the problem of the company.
3) Price war between existing surviving companies.
4) Scarce resources: The main raw material that is, resin is considered to be a scarce
resource and there is a likely shortage of raw material in the long run.
5) Power failures are an obstacle for the timely production.
To further understand the competitiveness of the rice industry, each of these five
forces will be analyzed to determine if there are prevalent factors affecting the industrys
Pictorial representation of Porters Five Force Analysis
Anyone can enter into the market without any restriction. So the threat is also high.
On wheat industry there are different substitutes available such as cornflakes, oats , rice,
etc leads to high threat.
The organization study is based upon the information imparted by the respected
personnel of the organization. Interaction with workers, information from journals,
magazines, news papers and annual report also helped to discover newer areas in the
functioning of the organization.
Nirapara Roller Flour Mills (NRFM) deliver quality product at right time.
Skilled, trained co-operative and experienced manpower.
Employees are satisfied with job and salary.
Nirapara Roller Flour Mills facing high competition from similar business concerns in
the market.
Good co-ordination between the different departments of the organization.
Maximum production capacity is 107tons/ month.
Good industrial relation.
Customers are very much satisfied with the quality and delivery of the product.
Effective training programs to the employees for increasing the production.
Give timely rest to the workers in order to produce consistent performance.
The cost reduction steps taken by the management were fine, but need improvement.
Maintain better ties with the dealer.
Company should adopt advertising and increase the promotional strategies for
increasing the sales.
Company should have to utilize their plant capacity fully.
AAA Company should have to increase the productivity to meet the growing demand.
Nirapara Roller Flour Mills Private Limited is a great blessing to the state. Its
ardent and sincere passion, multifarious facilities, monumental growth, marvelous
production and variegated facilities are the hall marks of the company. Their products have
been a great success in the market. The standard quality of the products is their greatest
The study helped me to understand that the company is facing severe competition
and it affects the profitability of the company. I was also able to understand some of the
drawbacks and problems of the Nirapara flour mills pvt ltd such as absence of efficient
Marketing department and absenteeism. I hope that if the unit is managed to overcome
these drawbacks and problems, it can increase its efficiency.
Aswathappa K,Human Resource and Personnel Management, 4Th edition ,Tata McGraw
Hill New Delhi (2005).
Philip kotler ,Marketing Management,12th edition, Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt Ltd.
Nirapara Flour mills pvt ltd Brochures
Annual Reports of Nirapara Flour mills pvt ltd