Lokring Corrosion Paper

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es LOKRING ‘CORPORATION —— 396 Hatch Drive CORROSION January 4, 1991 Corrosion Appendix Index Appendix 1 - Electromotive Series Appendix 2.1 - Monel Appendix 2.2 - Stainless Steel Appendix 2.3 - Titanium Appendix 2.4 - Carpenter 20 Appendix 2.5 - Hastelloy C Appendix 2.6 - Inconel Appendix 3 - Corrosion Tables Pages 1 - 6 Page 7 Page 8 Pages 9 - 11 Pages 12 - 13 Page 14 Page 15 Pages 16 - 17 Pages 18 -20 Pages 21 - 29 Appendix 4 - Comparison of Materials Page 30 CORROSION All metals and alloys are susceptible to corrosion in some type of environment. No single metal or alloy is suitable for all applications. The process of corrosion is a highly complex mechanism in that various forms exist. These various mechanisms may further be complicated by extraneous parameters such as fluid velocity, metal temperature, stress, electrical or nuclear flux, and many others. Perhaps the simplest form of corrosion most certainly noted by everyone is the "rusting" of a piece of iron. This is the combination of oxygen with molecules of iron to form iron in the burning of a piece of paper. In both cases a solid is being combined with oxygen and heat is liberated. In the case of rusting iron, the heat is liberated much slower and therefore at an unnoticed rate. Whereas most corrosion involves oxidation, not all mechanisms fall into this category. the tarnish that forms on newly polished silver is a form of corrosion whereby the surface atoms of silver are combined with sulfur in the air to produce a black silver sulfide. Electrochemical action enters into most of the corrosion mechanisms we encounter. The destruction caused when two dissimilar metals are placed in a conducting fluid is easily recognized as electrochemical in nature. This same type of destruction can occur as a result of particles of different metals in an alloy of sufficient heterogeneity or local point-to-point differences in a relatively pure metal. this "battery action" accelerates corrosion. Techniques for minimizing corrosion to an acceptable level have been developed over the years and vary in nature. Perhaps the most common technique is to select a material of construction which exhibits an acceptable corrosion rate under the conditions of use. It is imperative to understand that conditions of use are all-important in the selection of a corrosion protection mechanism. The slightest change in temperature, concentration, fluid velocity, etc. can have rather dramatic results on corrosion. For this reason. Lokring Corporation cannot make recommendations to our customers as to the best material of sonstruction for their application. We can only certify that the products we supply are made from a specific material tested, cleaned, and manufactured to our specifications. The information in this report hopefully will serve as a guide in selecting nls 4 materials of construction for our customers’ use. The final recommendation, obviously, must come from the customer who is in the best position to know his operating conditions. Let us now look at some of the corrosion mechanisms so that trouble areas can be more easily recognized. General Corrosion Uniform thinning and loss of metal not accompanied by localized action such as pitting, cracking, or erosion may result from direct chemical reaction or combination of metals to form oxides. General corrosion probably causes the greatest amount of damage to metals. In many cases it is possible to select and use resistant metals, coatings, or linings to minimize or eliminate this form of corrosion. Localized Corrosion - Pitting and Crevice Pitting and crevice corrosion are electrochemical in nature but result in loss of metal at localized spots or areas. These areas occur in the case of pitting as a result of localized breakdown of a film on the surface or by mechanical or chemical action. In the case of crevice corrosion, the areas generally occur because of differences in electrolyte composition in the crevice or shielded area compared with the surrounding electrolyte. Pitting is the most serious of these localized cell type corrosion actions because it can and frequently does occur very rapidly. It may not be detected until failure occurs. Pitting corrosion may occur in any material, but the most common and spectacular occurrences are with aluminum and stainless alloys in aqueous environments containing metal chlorides. The amount of chlorides required is small; even a few parts per million may cause this type of corrosion. Treatment with dichromates is frequently effective where chlorides are the cause of this trouble, Difficulty with crevice corrosion at gasketed joints can be minimized by using non- porous gaskets. Stress-corrosion Cracking Cracking often results from the combined effects of residual or applied stress on the material and chemical action without noticeable loss of metal through uniform corrosion. This form is insidious because it generally occurs rapidly once action has started and is frequently not detected until failure occurs. Typical examples include the cracking of cold formed brass in environments containing ammonia, the cracking of the austenitic stainless alloys in the presence of chlorides, the cracking of Monel in hydrofluosilicic acid and the caustic-embrittlement cracking of steel in caustic solutions: This form of corrosion in some instances may be prevented by the elimination of high stress. Fabrication stresses including welding are the most frequent sources of trouble. Stress relieving or annealing after fabrication should always be considered where these metals are going to be exposed to adverse environments. Temperatures and concentrations are important factors in all cases. ‘The presence of chlorides generally does not cause cracking of austenitic stainless steel where metal temperatures are below about 50°C regardless of chloride concentration. Fatigue Corrosion Corrosion fatigue is a type of stress corrosion that occurs under dynamic or alternating stress conditions in a corrosive environment. Because of the combined effects of cyclic stress and corrosion, cracking-type failures occur with stresses well below the normal fatigue limit. Hydrogen Blistering and Cracking Micro-cracking and blistering with loss of ductility are often causes by the entrance and diffusion of atomic hydrogen into the metal. The most frequent occurrence of this form of attack is in steel equipment handling solutions containing hydrogen sulfide. Under these conditions corrosion of the steel generates atomic hydrogen, which penetrates the steel, and, at sub-microscopic discontinuities or voids, changes to molecular hydrogen with development of pressures high enough to cause cracking or blistering. Steel plates, piping, and forgings containing laminations frequently fail by cracking. Hydrogen attack of steel may also occur under dry conditions at elevated temperatures and pressures, but this is not generally considered to be due to corrosion. It is believed to be caused by the reaction of hydrogen with iron carbides in the steel and the resulting formation of methane. Resistance to this type of attack in steel increases with chromium because of the increased stability of chromium carbides. Intergranular Corrosion Localized electrochemical attack occurs and progresses preferentially along the grain boundaries of an alloy usually because the grain boundary regions contain material that is anodic to the central region of the grains. This type of attack may penetrate completely through the metal section with essentially complete loss of strength, although the apparent general attack may be slight. Many alloys are susceptible to this form of corrosion under specific conditions, but materials that are most frequently involved are the austenitic stainless steels, high nickel alloys, and aluminum alloys. Galvanic Corrosion ‘The more noble of two metals (see list in appendix) in contact in an electrolyte causes electrochemical attack of the less noble metal. Perhaps the best example is the use of zinc to protect steel equipment. The zinc, being anodic or less noble than the generally used as a preventive means where biological corrosion is suspected. As_we_have repeatedly pointed out, Lokring Corporation does not conditions. It is the customer's responsibility to determine which material he needs for the work he is doing. Minor changes in temperature or concentrations may make marked differences in the ability of alloys to work well in a given system. Only the . user_has all of the information needed to make the selection. Appendix Index Electromotive series Properties and uses of a selected group of metals Corrosion Tables (to be used a guide only) Data from 5th Edition of Corrosion Data Survey issued by the National Association of Corrosion Engineers, 1974] ASTM specifications for a selected group of metals ELECTROMOTIVE-FORCE SERIES OF METALS 7 (In order of increasing nobility) Magnesium Berylliun Aluminum Manganese zinc Chromium Iron Cadmium Nickel : Tin Lead ‘i Copper Mercury Silver Palladium Platinum Gold Appendix 2.1 MONEL Material Designator: M- ASTM: B164 Class A (Shapes) Alloy 400 B164 Class B (Straights) Alloy R405 Nickel 638 min Copper 28 - 348 Iron 2.5% max Manganese 2% max Carbon 38 max sulfur +0248 max alloy 400, .025- .060% alloy 405 Silicon 58 Maximum operating temperature: 315°C (600°F) Suggested tubing: ASTM B165 Monel is a nickel-copper alloy and is a trademark of International Nickel Co. It is especially used in marine and chemical process industries. It is excellent in fresh and sea water applications. It is very good for fluorine service. Also used for certain concentrations of sulfuric acid, steel pickling solutions, oil refinery acid sludges. Some low concentrations of hydrochloric acid can be handled by Monel. Monel is widely used for handling sulfuric acid solutions under reducing conditions. The alloy has shown satisfactory resistance in storage of 808 acid at room temperature, but should not be used continuously with pure acids of higher concentrations without preliminary tests. Sulfurous Acid-~is often very corrosive to Monel 400. Solutions of sulfurous acid and calcium bisulfite used to cook sulfite paper pulp are highly corrosive to alloy 400, in dilute solutions such as exist in spent cooking liquor or in the pulp itself. Resistance to corrosion is very good and considerable quantities of Monel are used for pulp washers, thickeners and screens in sulfite pulp mills. The concentrations of sulfurous acid that develop in condensed moisture from flue gases from heating equip- ment and smelting operations may be appreciably corrosive. In smoke-scrubbing systems, where concentration of sulfurous acid is kept low and where an opportunity for oxidation to the less corrosive sulfuric acid is provided, Monel 400 is often useful and is one of the few strong, malleable metals worthy of consideration for such service. (Monel - cont'd) Appendix 2.1 Hydrochloric Acid--Monel 400 is one of the few materials that may be used to handle hydrochloric acid. Corrosion rate in solutions of 10% concentrations at room temperature has been found to be less than l0mpy. Generally at room temperatures concentrations under 20% in air-free solutions and 10% aerated solutions should not be exceeded. In most processes in which hydrochloric acid is formed as a result of hydrolysis of chlorides or chlorinated solvents, acid concentrations are less than }%. Monel 400 can withstand these concentrations satisfactorily at temperatures up to 400°F. In air-saturated hydrochloric acid above room temperature, applications are usually limited to concentrations under 3-4%. If oxidizing salts are present in any but very small amounts, corrosion can be greatly accelerated. Alloy 400 has good resistance to corrosion by chlorinated solvents even at boiling temperatures and is used for drycleaning equipment and solvent distillation and re- clamation units. Hydrofluoric Acid--Monel 400 is an outstanding metallic material for hydrofluoric acid service. Aeration or the presence of oxidizing salts increases corrosion rate, but in unaerated acid it resists all concentrations up to the boiling point. Monel 400 is widely used in the manufacture and purification of hydrofluoric acid. It is widely used for critical parts such as bubble caps or valves and piping that are in contact with flowing acid. Phosphoric Acid(Skydrall)--Monel 400 has useful resistance to pure acid, 316 SS is probably equal to or better than alloy 400 in handling phosphoric acid. Nitric & Nitrous Acids--The stainlesses are the material of choice. Organic Acids--Monel 400 has useful resistance to corrosion by all the common organic acids. As with other non-oxidizing acids, aeration and temperature usually increase corrosion. Alloy 400 is highly resistant to glacial acetic acid. Monel 400 has been used for distillation of fatty acids up to 500°F. Alkalies--Monel 400 is highly satisfactory for handling most alkalies. It is resistant to corrosion by caustic soda through- out most of the concentration range. Alloy 400 is resistant to anhydrous ammonia and to ammonium hydroxide solutions of up to 38 concentration. $alts-- When salts are dissolved in water, they increase its conductivity and thereby enable it to carry a higher corrosion current. Galvanic effects are increased. Monel 400 is not sub- ject to stress-corrosion cracking in any of the chloride salts and has excellent resistance to all the non-oxidizing halides. (1) Neutral & Alkaline Salts such as chlorides, carbonates, 10 (Monel - cont'd) Appendix 2.1 sulfates, nitrates, and acetates have little effect on alloy 400. (2) Acid’Salts, Monel 400 has useful resistance to solutions of acid Salts such as zinc chloride, ammonium sulfate, aluminum sulfate and ammonium chloride. (3) Oxidizing Acid Salts, Alloy 400 is not resistant to oxidizing acid salts such as ferric chloride, ferric sulfate, cupric chloride, stannic chloride, mercuric chloride and silver nitrate except in very dilute solutions. This applies to acids containing chromates, dichromates, nitrates, peroxides and other oxidizing compounds except in a few specific cases, such as acid tanning and textile solutions containing chromates where the presence of glucose or other organic materials may have an inhibiting effect. (4) Oxidizing Alkaline Salts, Hypochlorites are the only common alkaline salts that are definitely corrosive. Monel 400 is useful in contact with alkaline peroxide bleaching solutions. Mercury--Monel 400 resists amalgamation by mercury at moderate temperatures. END USES: Pharmaceutical Marine -- valves, pumps, tanks, instrumentation. Water treatment -- deaerater heaters, heat exchangers, instruments, and process Sour Gas Food and Beverage Lines 1 Appendix 2.2 STAINLESS STEEL Stainless 316, 304L, 321, 347 Material Designator: SS, 304L, 321, 347 (Respectively) ASTM A276, A182 316 304L 321 347 Carbon(max) 0.08% 0.03% 0.08% 0.08% Chromium 16-18% 18-20% 17-19% 17-19% Molybdenum 2-3 & - ae - Iron Remainder Remainder Remainder Remainder Titanium(min) = - 5x Carbon - Columbium + Tantalum(min) =~ - - 10x Carbon Nickel 10-148 8-128 9-128 9-138 Maximum operating °C 649 427 649 649 Temperature: °F 1200 800 1200 1200 Suggested tubing: ASTM A213, A269, A249, A632 There are more than 70 standard types of stainless steel. Generally, all are iron-based, with 12-30% chromium, 0-22% nickel, and various amounts of other constituents. There are three groups of stainless alloys: (1) martensitic, (2) ferritic, (3) austenitict The martensitic alloys consist of 12-20% chromium with controlled amounts of carbon and other additives. Type 410 is a typical member of this group. These alloys can be hardened by heat-treatment, which can increase tensile strengths from 80,000 to 200,000 ibs psi. Ferritic stainless contains 15-30% chromium with low carbon content. The strength of ferritic stainless can be increased by cold working but not by heat-treatment. They are fairly easy to machine with high-speed equipment. Welding is no problem. Corrosion resistance is rated good although ferritic alloys are not good against reducing acids such as hydrochloric acid. Type 430 is widely used in handling nitric acids. Austenitic stainless steels are the most corrosion resistant of the three groups. These steels contain 16-26% chromium and 6-22% nickel. These alloys can be work-hardened, but heat-treatment will not cause hardening. Austenitic stainless steels are tough and ductile. Welding of these stainlesses can result in carbide precipitation and subsequent corrosion attack in these areas. To avoid precipitation, special 12 (Stainless Steel - cont'd) Appendix 2.2 stainless steels stabilized with titanium or columbium have been developed (Type 321 and 347). Another approach to the problem is the use of low-carbon steels such as Types 304L and 316L. Type 304 is the basic alloy of this group. Type 304 and 304L are low-carbon versions of 302. Types 316, 316L, and 317, with 2.5-3.5%, molybdenum, are the most corrosion-resistant. Considerable confusion exists in specifying low carbon content in stainless steels. For example, 304 differs from 304L in that 3041, has lower carbon content. ‘The lower carbon content is important when welding is to be done on the metal in fabrication or installation. If no subsequent welding is to be performed, the added cost of obtaining low carbon is not justified. Weld socket valve ends do require sub- sequent welding and low carbon content stainless is necessary when the product is to be used in a corrosive environment. Galling is a troublesome problem with stainless steels. Dis- similar types of stainless steels with marked difference in hardness, proper lubrication, and various forms of plating | are ways to minimize stainless steel galling. The use of a particular technique depends heavily upon the end use of the material. USES: ue Paper - Pulp industry--sodium and calcium brines, hypo- chlorite solutions, phosphoric acid, sulfite liquors, and sulfurous acid. Chemical plants--nitric acid service, phosphoric acid, bleaches, photographic chemicals, printer's ink, synthetic fibers. Food processing--sanitation requirements. 304L Food processing-~sanitation and sterilizing applications, Chemical plants--most oxidizing acids, ordinary rusting, dye stuff. (application note: 304L is required over 304 stainless only when the object in question will be subjected to Welding in its manufacture or use. Otherwise the 4 premium for low carbon is an unnecessary added expense. ) 321 _& 347 Chemical plants--applications where the fitting or valve will be subjected to welding in installation. Nuclear reactors -- instrument and process lines where welding is required. 13 Appendix 2.3 TITANIUM Titanium Material Designator: TI- ASTM B348-Gra Carbon 1% max Iron -5% max Oxygen 4% max Titanium Remainder Hydrogen -0125% max (other elements) (each .05% total .30% max) Tensile Strength 80000 min (Gr4) Yield Strength 70000 min (Gr4) Maximum operating temperature: 315°C (600°F) Suggested Tubing: ASTM B338-Grade 2 Titanium is a metallic element occurring in a great variety of minerals. Its chief reasons for use are good corrosion re- sistance, high strength, and light weight. It is usually not bothered by impingement attack, crevice corrosion, and pitting attack, It is better than stainless steel in sea water. It is resistant to nitric acid at all concentrations. It has a high cost. It is not easy to form and it tends to gall. All welding must be in an inert atmosphere. END USES: Monoethylene glycol plant--process instrument lines & sampling lines Acetic acid plant--process instrument lines Herbicide plant--process instrument lines Metal-electro plating plant--lines in plating bath Paper Mill--Chlorine and hypochlorite service Food Processing Sea Water and Brine Service Waste Water Treatment Ethylene Dichloride--process tubing Wet Chlorine--Process lines Hot Acetic acid--Process and sample lines 14 Appendix 2.4 CARPENTER 20 Carpenter 20 Cb3 Material Designator: C20- ASTM: B473 : Chromium 19 - 218 Nickel 32 - 388 Molybdenum 2-38 Manganese 28 max Silicon 18 max Carbon +078 max Phosphorus +0458 max sulfur +0358 max Copper 3-48 Columbium) (.56 - 1,08 Tensile Strength 85000 mi: Tantalum ) (combined Yield Strength 35000 mi: Iron Remainder Maximum operating temperature: 427°C (800°F) Suggested Tubing: ASTM B468 Carpenter 20 stainless steel is a registered trademark of Carpenter Technology for a nickel-chromium alloy. It is the only one of the exotic group that has an appreciable amount of iron in it. It is most widely used in sulfuric acid service. It provides satisfactory resistance to all such concentrations below 110°C (230°F). The alloy is not attacked by nitric acid below 95°C (203°F) and 60%. Cold hydrofluoric acid also can be handled below 20%, but hydrochloric acid will corrode C20. END_USES Sulfuric acid plant--process instrument lines and sample lines Sulfuric acid plant--pilot plant process lines Large air conditioning systems--acid lines for water treatment Super phosphoric acid plant--Sample valves at 400°F Sulfuric acid plant--Sample and feed lines at 300°F Pilot plant--Sulfuric and phosphoric acid lines at 450°F Titanium dioxide plant--Sulfuric acid uses 1s Appendix 2.5 HASTELLOY_C Hastelloy C-276 Material Designato: HC- ASTM B574-72_ Chromium 14.5 - 16.5% Iron 4-7h Nickel Remainder Tungsten 3-4.5% Molybdenum 15- 17% Cobalt 2.5% max Manganese 1% max Vanadium 35% max Silicon 05% max Carbon 02% max Phosphorus 03% max Sulfur -03% max Tensile Strength 100,000 min Yield Strength 47,000 min Maximum operating temperature: 427°C (800°F) Suggested tubing: ASTM B622 Hastelloy C is a registered trademark of the Cabot Corp. It is a relatively high nickel alloy used primarily for its good corrosion properties. It has the highest tensile strength of the materials we are considering here. It is available in wrought or cast forms. Fabrication, machining, and welding present no unusual problems. It resists all concentrations of hydrochloric acid at room temperature, as well as wet and dry chlorine. This alloy has excellent resistance to pitting, stress corrosion cracking, and to oxidizing atmospheres up to 1900°F, Hastelloy C resists corrosion against ferric and cupric chlorides, hot contaminated mineral acids, solvents, chloride-contaminated media, chlorine, formic acid, acetic acid, acetic anhydride and sea water. END_USES. Herbicide plant -- process instrument lines Hydrochloric acid service -- pump lines and check valves Research --hydrochloric acid service Super Phosphoric Plant -- Hot Acid Service Petrochem Plant -- Hot Sulfuric Acid Service Chemical Plant -- Check valves on chlorine injection pump service Sulfuric acid -- HC is recommended for boiling sulfuric acid up to 10% concentration. It is usefully resistant to all concentrations 16 Appendix 2.5 (Hastelloy C - cont'd) at room temperatures up to 160°F, At room temperatures the corrosion rate in all concentrations is normally less than 3mpy. Hydrochloric acid -- HC is resistant to all concentrations at room temperature, and is used successfully up to 120°F. Hydrofluoric acid -- linings of Hastelloy C have given three years service in hydrofluoric acid furnaces. 17. UY Appendix 2.6 INCONEL Inconel Material Designator: INC- ASTM B166 Chromium 14 - 1% Nickel 72% min Manganese 1% max Silicon -5% max Carbon .15% max Sulfur .015% max Copper .5% max Tron 6 - 10% Tensile Strength 90000 min Yield Strength 40000 min Maximum Operating temperature: 649°C (1200°F) Suggested tubing: ASTM B167 Inconel is the trademark of International Nickel for a high nickel content alloy. It has the highest nickel content of the materials we are considering. Inconel resists corrosion well -- particularly at high temperature. It is an out- standing material in sulfur free environments. Inconel can be used from cryogenic to above 1200°F. The alloy is used extensively in the chemical industry. Applications include heaters, stills, bubble towers, condensers for pro- cessing fatty acids, evaporator tubes, tube sheets, flaking trays for the manufacture of sodium sulfide, and equipment for handling abietic acid in the manufacture of paper pulp. Inconel strength and oxidation resistance at high temperatures make it useful for many applications in the heat-treating industry. The alloy is standard in nuclear reactors, it has excellent resistance to corrosion by high-purity water, and shows no indication of stress-corrosion cracking in reactor water systems. Inconel is resistant toa variety of corrosives. It performs well under oxidizing conditions and under reducing conditions. The high nickel content provides excellent resistance to alkaline solutions. The alloy has fair resistance to strongly oxidizing acid solutions, The oxidizing effect of dissolved air alone is sufficient to insure complete passivity and freedom from attack by air-saturated mineral acids and certain concentrated organic acids. Chromium-Nickel stainless steels sometimes fail catastrophically by stress-corrosion cracking. This type of failure is usually associated 18 (Inconel cont'd) Appendix 2.6 with environments containing chlorides as well as with stress, water, dissolved oxygen, and other factors. Inconel is virtually immune to chloride-ion stress-corrosion crackin “~~ Sulfur Compounds-- alloy is resistant at moderate temperatures, but it is subject to sulfidation in high-temperatures. Marine Atmosphere-- Inconel is somewhat superior to Monel. Inconel has excellent resistance to marine atmospheres. Water--Inconel is highly resistant to moving sea water and salt water spray. The alloy is practically free from corrosion by fresh water, including the most corrosive of natural waters. Inconel has excellent resistance to corrosion by primary and secondary coolants in nuclear reactors. Galvanic coupling of the alloy to steel or SS does not accelerate the attack on either member of the couple. Steam--Inconel is completely resistant to all mixtures of steam, air, and carbon dioxide, and is particularly useful for contact with steam at high temperatures. Steam does not impair the alloy's spring properties. Acids--in general, alloy has useful resistance in both oxidizing and reducing solutions. The alloy is not resistant to solutions containing appreciable amounts of sulfur dioxide, but it has good resistance to tarnishing by the dilute solutions encountered in food processing. Sulfuric Acid--alloy has fair resistance at room temperature, oor Tesistance at boiling temperature. Monel and some of the exotic" SS have better resistance than Inconel. Hydrochloric Acid--moderate resistance in dilute mixtures only, not recommended in hot or concentrated solutions. Hydrofluoric Acid--moderate resistance, poor resistance in the vapor phase. Phosphoric Acid--Inconel has good resistance to all con- centrations at room temperatures. Attack is rapid at high temperatures and concentrations of over 50%. Nitric Acid--shows poor resistance. Organic Acids--Inconel has practically complete resistance to corrosion by organic acids as they occur in food products and alcoholic beverages. Acetic and formic acid at room temperature do not effect Inconel. The resistance is only fair at elevated temperatures. Exceptional resistance can be expected with hot fatty acids, including oleic, stearic, linoleic and abietic. Good results in some pharmaceutical applications in which product purity is essential have been reported. Alkalies--Inconel is a preferred material for ammonium hydroxide service or. for high-temperature applications which require resistance to sulfur attack. Alloy is used to handle the alkaline sulfur solutions used in the manufacture of sulfate or kraft paper. Inconel is almost entirely resistant to solutions of ammonia at all concentrations and temperatures. Salts--Inconel has good resistance to most neutral and alkaline salts and to many acid salts. Hypochlorites are definitely corrosive to the alloy. Inconel is not affected by alkaline solutions containing hydrogen peroxide. Inconel is one of the few materials suitable for use in contact with hot, strong solutions of magnesium chloride. When fully sub-_ merged, the alloy has been useful for such components as tubes 19 (Inconel - con'd) Appendix 2-6 in magnesium chloride evaporators and steam coils in open concentrators. The alloy has been used in contact with nitrosyl chloride at room to above 120°F, Inconel has good resistance to oxidizing acid'salts; it is superior to Monel. The alloy is not resistant to solutions that con- tain appreciable amounts of such salts as ferric chloride, cupric chloride, and mercuric chloride. It is practically unaffected by silver nitrate solutions. Inconel is used in silver salts in the manufacture of photographic materials and for film-processing equipment, Inconel shows good resistance for chromates, dichromates, permanganates, nitrates, and nitrites. Chlorine & HCL--Inconel is unaffected by dry chlorine or dry HCL at room temperatures. The condensate from wet chlorine or wet HCL is corrosive to the alloy. At temperatures above the dew point, rates in wet gas are the same as those in dry gas. Of the common metals Inconel along with Nickel 200 has the highest permissible operating temperatures and is the preferred material for applications where sulfur may be present. 20 APPENDIX 3 CORROSION TABLES NOTE: USE THIS CORROSION TABLE WITH CAUTION! The data presented is believed reliable but a chart of this sort cannot cover all conditions of concentration, temperature, impurities and aeration. It is suggested that this chart be used only to select possible mater- ials for use and then more extensive investigation be made of published corrosion results under the specific conditions expected. Where such information cannot be found, corrosion testing should be conducted under actual usage conditions to determine which materials can be utilized. a APPENDIX 3 CORROSION TABLES un 7ued FL, 9 AoTTOISeH oz-dze9 euoour urated euezdoon, uorTA N-eung auaTAusektoa uOTAN gab ss 9T€ TeuoH 1803s ssezg umuyunTy. 1 Excellent 4 Unsatisfactory 2 Good 3 Fair Se a a AG UD Gadiddd Hd a of del i dai i a iw’ 3 a «i | Seid dddd dedidciad cided i deictsh dis AG GHAEN a GM MAAR OA Arid dette tt GOMOAGHA ARAMA GOO AAA ett tt OEPEAO AGOHAAAAAA COMA ddd Atle! GONG AeA A AAAAOMAA SAAN OM oA toto oad A ad aaKdA Haaaaa @ aS OANA AAAAKANA AOdA A Adnman an aa HHA dd itt td HAHAHAHA AOA HAAATHAHAAA MAAN tile tcl cost St AGHA AHAAAATHATAA HAMA AAAI tt Cte oD BCE tH OL CU MEO HO CY EN tr A OO SE dd SI rH CU CN ON CHC rd DCU CLO rH OD HetHanaddawATKdH Aerdadadagsadamdnad tot AAAAHAA THAD ATA HH Ht rol tr oll Srncio gs ae le le Aluminum Hydroxide Aluminum Sulfate Amines Sulfate Liquo? Bicarbonate Carbonate Ammonium Chloride Amn. Amm. Monophosphate Ammonium Nitrate Beet Sugar Liquor Benzene Acetic Acid Acetic Anhydride Borax Acetone Blk Boric Acid Ammonium Hydroxide Brine Ammonia Anhydrous. Ammonium Phosphate Ammonium Sulfate Barium Carbonate Barium Chloride Barium Hydroxide Barium Nitrate Barium Sulfate Barium Sulfide Ammonium Sulfite Beer Amy] Acetate Aluminum Fluorid Aniline Acetaldehyde Acetylene Acrylonitrile Alcohols Aluminum Chlorid Apple Juice Arsenic Acid Asphalt Bromine Dry Bromine Wet 22 APPENDIX 3 CORROSION TABLES mmyuea tL 2 Kotteqsen oz-dzeo Teuoour urzteq euerdoen uoatA N-eung eustAyzedTog uoTsN gab ss 9Tf TeuOH 13038 sseig umuyuinty 1 Excellent 4 Unsatisfactory 2 Good 3 Fair Meidddddidtdcideiid eideiieit od do ried 2 din od dod dod dri dddridcdid af do ae oS Ha ot a d a ni a Odors dddridd Ao deleted cirri Woh oH del od Ade Added oot Wad odd Ad Wt dated AAD AANA TAA OMA Ae HOON FAM Adda oO OHA dd ddd a od AAA THANE POAT ATT He At nao ann me as aa HO ee ae ce wea we weg FA de de ed did ddd ddd Pte rh ed eb Od OF rtrd OU rh et eh OF rH et eh em 69.8 OD rlON At rt Dd rH HON CY HEU CE rt rh rt CO CD HAVANA OAAI HH redndrid vad dawde 4 APEIAAAIO AMAA AT PFANT THAT rH HAAIMAT TTT AMAA AVFHATTAAMOAAAMAHAG HE GOT TOMA TA GATA THO AAAI OPA A OO Ht PL Ol tO 3 y t D W Carbonate phonic-" Hypochlorite Calcium Sulphate phonic-1 Chrome Alum Bisulphite Calcium Chloride Cal. Hydroxide Cal. Carbolic Acid Carbon Bisulfide Carbon Dioxide Carbonic Acid Chlorinated Water Copper Acetate Copper Chloride Copper Nitrate Copper Sulfate Corn 0i1 Crude Oi1,Sweet Cottonseed Oil Diesel Fuel Creosote Diethylamine Chloroform-Dry Chlorosul) Coke Oven Gas Dowtherm Chlorine Gas-We Chlorosul) Carbon Tet-Wet Carbon Tet~Dry Carbonated Water Castor Oil Chlorinated solv. Chloric Acid Chlorine Gas-pr: Chromic Acid Butyric Acid Citric Acid cal. Drying Oil Epsom Salt Buttermilk Coconut O11 Bunker Oil cal. 23 APPENDIX 3 CORROSION ‘TABLES un Fues rE 9 AoTTeIseH oz-dae yeuoour upated euezdoon wosTA N-eung euetayyektod UOTAN gab ss 9TE Teun 19038 sseig wnuyunTy 1 Excellent 4 Unsatisfactory 2 Good 3 Fair deittddeieted dete Hrdiciririricicirigicl aici cidiciricicl Grirird a a ria a dridtiddirividrigicd Gddd ddddiddddidd va OO ttt tt Added 0 tet er VOLO OL OD OL ONO dt et te A OEY OECD EY AO Ate PAO et dt AO GAMO AMA ttt ANG CON GO Aol wa aNN A A noe + a aa oe a od a we He i Hatt eA OAR Ort ried et rl nt ott rt Adri dddidididididied teeta: 4 ct dard dt dere TA AIM TOA AAT dir et tr HAAAATAHO MH TTA HAAANAN AAA ee HAAN A EEO AAA COMA ed y t 3 ES ae 3 as ° Saou a she S83e Soonk B<8238 5 B28 ensese B88n8 go" "Ss Bo qece Sonaha ESSSe pesdee Bak Bre SeEEas Shaag ES tsssue0 ogo Sone SSSCoSoGkAES AP oASSaS S&N aha 2 oan Ren SOA Tan eeOD ga 2 gesa Sages eegona Oo enagodd wae sey EI Abad 2266228 goneasags BESESSao fol o Ghee ea BGS cous sOnaaSameo Gknaeuaa Boose Zeas Bhoddcam bun oO bhOndadane Sas Ong Pondgaeos SSEBEER EERE ER Ra SSESEREE Sano” -O Soe oSesak eee SSSSSSER ESS SS SAAR AAS SS SRS EES eoaaane BERETS Fe ae Renee OOSSSOOOOOMM EME 24 APPENDIX 3 WOFUEATL) oof dedi Go oWdddiddieiddddd ooo ddd dddddd wl D AoTtOIsCH| a A Cee tc Add a oz-dzeo} a TOUOOUT) Fi riciricia wel a on ded arid eid UPZTO) A Ad Ae dete det tte SUSTGORN] MO AHH HAHA OMMOMMMNE A ddd dAdedae w03TAl ROA Add AAO dedi etl N-eung ALOOATAN HOOK AAA ATO AA det eat rt Oren BUETAU®ATOd] m a a aan 3 ce cy cies ca a an ty 2 YOTAN] woe 4 a g BAL) ett Addie é $8 STE) PAA GA OM MAH AH HO dirt Ariel z TRUOH) AMAA Cloirin HO Added Adiddaics 5 TROIS] THAT TCA HAI OANA Saad ac g SSPE] HH MMI GAC IHO TAHA AHO OO VAN Ade 8 MMUTUMTM] Serle ert rh eV eS etn thea tet et et rd GY Cd etd UCN OL at Odd oY ol & 48 ge su 28 pe a S3y 0 Bide, ad kdoe 9 S230 8 e BB paeiiagzad an aho2s 3 2 Sl2S RaeK TTBS oo BoTre BX ond B/C Lae SS gon $2 aa bas sg 88on Boat Teg a4 w as AEG 3 as 8O8% 2. Slasadgenaae 38 gy goRnG0 8h 88880 & Gl Esuuasaaas 3 ReCayerS go8ae 6 ‘alg saad Orda gi sssegeue g2aaa B BISSSSGsaaee ESRESTS 2, Aq SSSE Seo teo, 22d8% dou blaessssaaaa SSS2 22889 Sag00 4 62 Sen be SERS R DEED Ca ook OChem OST VO UaeS Go ane eed Baeleessssoook Saane Geen geek Croke sae DE EES ASES/SSRRSRE SSS Soo kbvoe $5 Stud ees BUA s eso eEReEe me SE Se ee eee aS See eidd Bee a ee bee Bases e eee eEES deowlEn Rae eR AG SAA AS a ee GG Ssss SSssesseeeeee 25 APPENDIX 3 CORROSION TABLES umquea Ty, 9 Aotteqsen 0z-daeo euoour usted euezdoan uosTA, N-eung euetkyzektoa uoTAN gab Ss 9TE Teuow yeas ssezg umnuzunTy 4 Unsatisfactory 2 & ¢ a a a o x a 4 2 Good 3 Fair de ¥ ddddd ddaad dol ddd Ad didddcd cio dod coinrigdal oof da oie aod < a a dood ddddded Sed dt Aad riddicid Go Aeiririd Fl Aridridia ROA a nd HOM FHM wee PEAAAAA TH ANAEMIA AANA erica SOA FRAO OM HOR od oo Adina PEA AAA AAHOOGH CHOTA A AAA OLE CD meres a 4 nia 4 dea Hed dd dette detrei eect ed tet OU OOO GGL Goo EOL OEE EEE OLOOL OLE. dard doriadridviddddaddnid 4 e13c3 a8 3 g8age3 2 ah gs 2 88 ay aogeeete 8 a SRE 25 geseesse & ee greene 2 oy #gehBBee Te zB 882888 mE oS ookeditiade 28 32 888388 $6 4 3 gehfBtiude 22.0 5 $e FeRReE Bog 3 ggebeusesee Gigs 2 2 2. GERbES $y 3 = gsgesggusds 289s «3 pei a 5 bbbees Be Soo soeea ee 2e 8 2589 gh pelee 8 Gitte d afSeade Seoes 3° Foas8.8 GaGEEE da Sapna staanagooova ws sa oat Tenaga S 22290 BOREL EEEE ER COCCCEETEROT TEU Cen rE ere Boag asses SESE RR TEEE eee g esas ace see aaaaas BEELER EERE CREE LEE EEEE EEE EE ELEELEEEEEEEE Seen ss es ssroneeeneepepaddas eS keesiseee2222 SUSaS 2288 seer agaaceeEs38 8s SS SRas SA ERE Se ) ) ee ne 26 APPENDIX 3 i é Zz 6 5 a g 8 8 unyues Ty > Aotteasen oz-dae euoour uTaTed euezdoon uO3TA N-eung euetayyektod uOTAN gab ss 9T€ Teun 1303s sseig umuyunty 1 Excellent 4 Unsatisfactory 2 Good 3 Fair a dddd odo ded ddd rdddddddid cididcirid Gidel cieirloidielal cicicisicinicd rich Griniddiririgiricicl Giricirinirial ad diciciidcid cicirivicicicindnd Gini ciriciricicd ciririddied HH addin Bod ded ddd idee MOA ddd BONO OOM deieieteid de ddd AOA added ddd dete ONO ddd Bad ddd ded Add ddd oc NN CN ANH AQ THN Ad A AA oc cee aa a 3 aoa He dd dd ddd ddd tet ted HAQHHANA HAMMAN AMA Adria Add dddigada andedddddaardddacddnaa Artdddidet MACAMAEATGAACHO NAGATA GEOadTsiriciged Ada s AATANAATATIAAATIPFATTHAATANAT TAA ett Adadnddgddadaddsetdddddacarad ated sles Sodddan Phtalic Anhydride Potassium Bisulfit Potassium Bromide Potassium Carbonat Potassium Chlorate Potassium Chloride Potassium Cyanide Dichromate Pot. Diphosphate Pot. Ferricyanide Pot: Ferrocyanide Pot. Hydroxide Pot.’ Hypochlorite Pot. Permanganate Potassium Sulfate Potassium Sulfide Propane Sodium Bicarbonate Sodium Bisulfate Picric Acid Pine Oil Sodium Aluminate Salicylic Acid Silver Bromide Silver Chloride Silver Nitrate Sodium Acetate Sodium Bisulfite Sodium Borate Sodium Bromide Sodium Carbonate Sodium Chlorate Sodium Chloride Sodium Chromate Sodium Cyanide Sodium Fluoride Pyrogallic Acid Salt Pineapple Juice Propyl Alcohol Salad Oil Phthalic Acid Pot. Seawater 27 APPENDIX 3 CORROSION TABLES unyued tL, 2 Aotteasen oz-daeo [auoour urated suerdoon wOsTA N-eung auaTAyzehtoa uoTéN mak SS 9TE TeauOn Tees sseza umuyunty 1 Excellent 4 Unsatisfactory 2 Good 3 Fair ad dda do rie a Soiddddal dd AAAAAAA GC HA Aridri oF riricidiririciici Go rinicl cf Hridicl Chadd vf dda dediddetetet deat dete dW AAEM etd AAAAA A ANAT OM HAONMAM THA ie Od ddd addon oe BAAN Ode Ad AMMAN AAHAGH TOMO OF FY ANMMGOMM Gis an ann . avo . an cl wt nt Add ddd td ttt AAAI HAA AAPA HANA OH HAAN TAM HANAHAN Oo dra AOAGHAd i drt AdAAGHAATTOGMHMHAAOTGACATIE TAG AOA AO PMT LON HC CLL OD A OD HO CT OOD DO ri OO ICU St FAs odddridanaddridan ad edt eg tlre 3 an ane ages 3 8 gag ,88 feed fe 8 858 fo #85 off 96888 ag S fofo,,.¢°§ ded gob geser, 2 48k Seesefeeed 2 ITS Eeseheucee 2 FES Besa e sete eee isa aedeaca ce oes BaSuececcs & » Had BEghbGogEe gh ooh 3 BESeeoeace.8 2 GbE SSeeSee ee. g4 ei. 8e 8 PEPE EEEEE Er mae ga235 aan S823 e BESSSagqege6 SE 5. ads oooo sss ZARB bedskdaagec® = aeg gee Bhoe BEka 8 ge teesisyuuygy thee ei See REE aa Gas agseaeg tigi geese ss ssee Sees budge bee 9a Segcu ss 222422222222 20 2s2aSe3 33 gagagaaaaa sees GhaSaahasee ncaa agg e sek 2S Bee Bees eee ee Ss sSbsasasassa saad aa ke se kaa eR ES BBSa8e88 88 aos cba aa ba aaa dada aeae eer anesse * 28 APPENDIX 3 CORROSION TABLES unyuea FL 2 Aotte38eH oz-dzed euoour uprated euezdoan vOaTA n-eung aueTAUgeATOa uoTAN, gab ss 9TE TauoH 1893S sseag unuyunty 1 Excellent 4 Unsatisfactory 2 Good 3 Fair Vinegar dod dow cl aied Andee retdtetetet Ae rte ra gtordie wan «a 8 riaa FANT GAG POHMOAI w MOMMA Zinc Hydrosulfite Water ,Boiler Feed Zinc Sulfate Water, Fresh Water, Salt Whiskey Wine Zinc Chloride Xylene-Dry 29 6 O} oO) 4 COMPARISON OF MATERIALS Corrosion Resistant Alloys 316 S.S. 20 HC-276 TI INC ELEMENT. ASTM A-276 ASTM B-473 ASTM _B574-72 ASTM _B-348 ASTM B-166 Chromium 16-18% 19-21% 14.5-16.5% - 14-17% Nickel 10-14% 32-38% Remainder - 72% min. lolybdenum 2-36 2-3% 15-17% - fnasanee 2% max. 2% max. 1% max. - 1% max. Silicon 1% max. 1% max. 05% max. - 5% max. Carbon 08% max. 07% max. 02% max 1% max. +18% max. Phosphorus 045% max 045% max. -03% max. - - sulfur 03% max. .035% max, 03% max. - -015% max, Copper 34% - . -5% max. omen seta Iron Remainder Remainder 4-78 .5% max. 6-10% Tungsten - - 3-4.5% - - Cobalt - oa 2.5% max. - - Vanadium - - 35% max. - - Oxygen - - - 4% max. - Nitrogen - - - 05% max. - Titanium - - - Remainder - 3 Hydrogen = - S -0125% - g Others - - - Total .30% - F Tensile Strength 75000psi min. 85000 min. — 100,000 min. 80000 min.(Gr4) 90000 min, = & Yield Strength 30000psi min. 35000 min. 47,000 min. 70000 min.(Gr4) 40000 min,

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