Syllabus 2016
Syllabus 2016
Syllabus 2016
Rm. D-103
[email protected]
602 764-5000 Box # 1529
Course Overview:
World History and Geography is a one semester, required, sophomore course. The course
emphasizes the study of history and geography of the world and how they are interrelated. Units
that will be studied are:
Unit 1 Greece Rome Middle Ages
Unit 2 Age of Revolution
Unit 3 Imperialism
Unit 4 World War I
Unit 5 World War II
Unit 6 Cold War
Unit 7 Independence Movements.
Students will analyze political, economical, geographical, historical, and cultural aspects to draw
conclusions about how world regional issues influence the present.
Teaching Philosophy:
It is my responsibility to provide students with a positive learning environment and the guidance
needed to explore the various cultures of the world. It is the students responsibility to actively
take part in the learning process. Together we can learn anything that we choose to learn.
Major Student Activities:
Students will participate in class activities and discussions.
Students will read assigned materials from the text and outside resources.
Students will research various topics and properly cite that information.
Students will complete assignments which include but are not limited to:
Interactive Notebook (It will be collected at the end of the course.)
Exams, Quizzes, Essays
Movie Reviews and Computer Projects
Oral and Group Presentations
Mid Term and Final Assessment
Leal 1
Classroom Expectations:
In order to provide a positive learning environment for all students, everyone will be expected to
follow these basic classroom rules:
Be in class, in your seat, ready to work when the bell rings.
Come prepared each day with all materials required for this class.
Show RESPECT for everyone in the room. No profanity in this classroom.
Do not bring food, drinks, or hats into this classroom.
Follow all campus procedures and policies, as written in the student handbook.
Tardy Policy:
Tardiness is constituted as not being in the room and in your seat when the last bell rings. All
students are expected to arrive to class on time. Only a signed pass will be accepted as a valid
reason to be late. The policy outlined in the student handbook will be followed for any tardy.
Absent Work:
If a student is absent on the day an assignment is due, (including a long-term
assignment) it is to be handed in the day the student returns to class.
Exams or major quizzes missed due to absence will be made up the day the student
returns to class. The make-up exam or major quiz will be over the same material
but will be of a different format.
Parents and students may refer to the unit overview sheet to check on work missed.
Students should check my web page for any notes missed.
It is the responsibility of the student to get missed assignments or make up missed
exams and major quizzes.
Anything assigned on the day the student was absent will be due within one day of
the students return to class in order to receive full credit, other wise the assignment
will be treated as late work. (See Late Work policy below)
For missed videos student will write a three paragraph essay on the video topic.
For missed daily quizzes student will prepare five questions and answers on a topic
of the current unit of study.
If student is in sweep he/she must see me by the end of that day to turn in
assignments and get that days work. If not the work will be considered late work.
Late Work:
Late work is defined as any work completed and turned in after a designated due date. Work
becomes late when an absence is unexcused, for truancy, or when a student turns in
assignments after the equal number of days allowed for excused absences. Late work will
be accepted up to the day prior to the last day of the grade-in-progress period (each 4
weeks). Students will receive a grade equal to 50% of the grade the student would have
originally earned if the assignment was turned in on the actual due date.
Plagiarism & Cheating:
Plagiarism and/or cheating will not be tolerated. Parents and administration will be notified of
the offense.
Leal 2
**Grading policy for the social studies department will be according to department and district
policy, which is subject to change.
90% - 100% = A
80% - 89% = B
70 % - 79% = C
60% - 69% = D
Below 60% = F
Grades will be based on the following:
Unit Assessments will calculate 56% of your grade:
o Exams/Essays/Midterm
o Projects/Reports/Presentations
Daily Work will calculate 24% of your grade:
o Notebook- complete and organized
o Homework/Class work/Daily quizzes
Final Assessments will calculate 20% of your grade:
o Final Exam
o Final Course Assessment -Document Based Questions/Essay
Students must achieve a grade of 70% or higher as a final course grade to qualify for the
next level course. Passing this course is required for graduation.
At anytime parents can use the InTouch On-line program to check students current grade.
Exam Remediation Policy:
Students that achieve below 70% on unit exams will have the option to attend remediation
sessions to help them correct the missed questions on the exam.
Materials needed:
A three-ring binder, at least 2 inches thick, used for this class only.
Notebook needs eight tab dividers labeled as follows:
Syllabus/ Miscellaneous
Greece-Rome Middle Ages
Age of Revolution
Cold War
Independence Movements.
Loose-leaf notebook paper only. (no spiral paper)
Pen (blue or black ink only) and No. 2 lead pencil for exam days
For library days you need your login/password and a 3.5 floppy disk.
Colored pencils or crayons.
Leal 3
Student handbook
Bring notebook and proper supplies everyday!
After reading the syllabus, please sign and return this sheet.
I have read, understand, and will adhere to the guidelines and policies set forth in Mr.
Leals World History and Geography class. I understand that this class is required for
graduation and failing to meet this state requirement will prevent me from receiving a
diploma until credit has been received. It is my responsibility as a student to achieve the
grade I desire. Failing to abide by these rules or not attending class may result in an
undesirable grade and disciplinary action.
Student Signature____________________________________________________Date________
Parent/Guardian Signature ____________________________________________ Date________
Print name of Parent/Guardian____________________________________________
Please include the following, as this is the best way for me to contact you and for you to contact me.
Please print clearly. Thank you.
Please print:
Students first name
Students last name
Leal 4