All Students and Career Ready
All Students and Career Ready
All Students and Career Ready
Grading Scale:
Makeup Work:
A. If absent from class it is YOUR RESONSIBILITY to make up the work.
B. There will be a class calendar posted on the back wall with daily descriptions of class.
a. Objective, links to google docs, PowerPoint slides, and links to homework will be
C. It is your job to check this for work missed.
D. If you miss any notes it is YOUR JOB to get them from a classmate.
Late Work Policy:
A. One day late will be 25% off.
B. Two days late will be 50% off.
C. Work will not be accepted more than two days late.
This does not apply for class projects!!! Projects will not be accepted late.
Bathroom Policy:
A. You will have a total of 5 bathroom passes per semester.
B. For every time after 5, you will lose participation points.
C. Only 1 male and 1 female student at a time will be allowed to use the bathroom (unless
D. Use them wisely!!!
Behavioral Consequences:
A. Verbal Warning
B. If behavior does not improve I will meet with student in the hallway.
C. If still no improvement I will issue student a referral.
If at any point I feel the behavior is completely out of hand it will be at my discretion to
skip steps 1 and 2.
Cell Phones/I-Pods:
One of the things I hear most from high school students is I wish teachers would treat us more
like adults! I could not agree more; therefore, you are not to be on your cell phones in my classroom
unless otherwise directed to.
While at work, adults are not to be on their cellphones (unless its for work). You will lose
participation points in my class for being on your cell phone.
Hats are not permitted in the building or in my classroom; this applies to both males and females.
If I see you with a hat on, I will take the hat. To get your hat back you will have to write a 1-page
apology letter or 1-page paper on a topic of my choice.
There will be ABSOLUTELY no tolerance for cheating. If I catch you cheating on a test or quiz,
you will be given a ZERO. In addition, if you are someone who lends your worksheet for a classmate to
quickly copy, you will be given a ZERO also.
Plagiarism is a serious offense. Plagiarism, presenting someone elses words, ideas, or work as
your own, without giving credit to the true author, is a form of cheating. Students who cheat or who assist
others in cheating will be subject to the Agua Fria Union High School Districts procedures for
disciplinary action. A first occurrence typically results in loss of credit for the entire assignment.
Ground Rules:
Given the course content and the likely potential for discussion to become heated, and perhaps
even inflamed, we need to establish ground rules for class interactions. At the most minimum, they must
A. We will acknowledge and respect the diverse cultural experiences and backgrounds in
B. We will respect diverse opinions, even if we do not always agree.
C. We will neither demean nor insult any individuals or groups of individuals.
D. We will create a safe environment, conducive to open and honest conversation. If a
class member request that a comment not be repeated outside of the classroom, we will respect
their confidentiality.
Last but not leastRESPECT!!!
One of the main ingredients for a successful classroom atmosphere is RESPECT. I have an
extremely low tolerance for lack of respect, whether it is to your classmates or me. I will give the utmost
respect to each and every student, and I expect the same in return.
Register to Vote: . You may register by mail, on-line, or in person. You must
register 30 days before the election in order to participate.
**Parents please review this syllabus with your student. Do not hesitate to contact me throughout the
year regarding any questions you may have. Email: [email protected]. Please complete the
section below and have your student return it by Friday August 8, 2016.
My signature below acknowledges that I have received a course syllabus for U.S./AZ Government and
Free Enterprise and I have an understanding of the expectations and policies of the course.
Student Name
Student signature
Parent Name
Parent Signature
Phone Number
This form also serves as a permission slip in order to allow your child to watch any/all of the
following films:
Parent Signature
Parent Signature