College Resume

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Sydney Z.

Intolubbe Thomas
Po Box 156 Scottsville, VA 24590
434-327-3258 | [email protected]
Christopher Newport University, Newport News, VA
Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, May 2017
Minors in Biology and Leadership
Presidents Leadership Program, Fall 2013-Spring 2017
Accepted to the 5 Year Master of Arts in Teaching Program
Universidad de Pablo de Olavide, Andalusia, Espana, 2015
Charlottesville Parks and Recreation, Charlottesville, VA, 2011-present
Water Safety Instructor (2012-present), Swim Instructor for Ben Hair Foundation (2014-2015)
Assisted head coach with all administrative duties to include computer and copy tasks (2015)
Coach for City Swim Team (2011-present): instruct children ages 5-18 years
Lifeguard at Charlottesville pools (2011-present): supervise safety and rescue of patrons
Christopher Newport University, Newport News, VA, 2014, 2015
Summer Leadership Adventure Program Facilitator: served as an orientation leader for the Leadership
program at Christopher Newport University: led activities, discussions and information sessions on the
Leadership Studies minor, team building and personal growth
Yates Elementary School and Carver Elementary School, Newport News, VA, 2014-present
Classroom Volunteer: assisted teachers in organization and arrangement of classroom, grading papers,
tutoring students and teaching lessons
Special Olympics, Newport News VA, 2014-present
Attend soccer practices and tournaments
Virginia Living Museum, Newport News, VA, 2013-present
Animal care volunteer, classroom assistant volunteer
Ben Hair Just Swim for Life Foundation, Charlottesville, VA, 2011-2013
Golden Aid Award, Platinum Aid Award and Diamond Instructor Award
Charlottesville Parks and Recreation, Charlottesville, VA
Water Instructor Aid (2008-2011): assisted in the instructing of swim classes for all ages
Alpha Kappa Delta International Honor Society for Sociology, initiation Spring 2016
Member of Alpha Sigma Alpha Sorority, 2014-present, Ritual Chairman, 2015-2016
Christopher Newport University Study Abroad Student Ambassador, 2015-present
Extreme Measures A Cappella, 2013-present: Executive Board President 2016-2017, Executive Board
Secretary, 2015- 2016; Arranging Committee, 2013-present
CNU Community Project: Rain Garden, member of student group responsible for constructing CNUs
first rain garden, wrote accepted grant proposal for CNU Green Grant, Fall 2015
Green Team student organization member, 2014-present: work to create a more sustainable,
environmentally conscious campus, and attend events and conferences concerning environmental issues

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