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Acts10: Cornelius sent for Peter. The Lord said to

Peter, "Do not call them unclean." Peter preached
to the Gentiles and the Spirit fell.

Acts20: We sailed to Troas. Paul raised Eutychus

after he fell from the window. Paul encouraged
the Ephesian elders to care for the flock.

Acts11: Some in Jerusalem criticised Peter. He

said, "The Spirit told me to go." Many in Antioch
believed. Barnabas and Saul taught there.

Acts21: Paul was warned not to go to Jerusalem.

He said, "I am ready to die." We went there and
saw James. Paul was arrested in the temple.

Acts12: Herod killed James and arrested Peter.

The church prayed earnestly. An angel led Peter
out of prison. An angel struck Herod down.

Acts22: Paul said, "Jesus appeared to me and

sent me to the Gentiles." The crowd threw dust.
Paul told the tribune, "I am a Roman citizen."

Acts13: Paul and Barnabas proclaimed the word.

Paul said, "God has sent a Saviour, Jesus, as he
promised." The Jews stirred up persecution.

Acts23: Paul caused a dissension between the

Pharisees and Sadducees. The Jews plotted to kill
him. The tribune sent him to governor Felix.

Acts14: Many believed at Iconium. The crowd at

Lystra wanted to worship Paul, then they stoned
him. Paul and Barnabas returned to Antioch.

Acts24: Tertullus accused Paul before Felix. Paul

said, "I simply went to worship in the temple."
Felix kept Paul in prison for two years.

Acts15: Some men taught circumcision for the

Gentiles. Peter said, "God gave the Spirit with no
distinction." Paul and Barnabas separated.

Acts25: Festus arrived and summoned Paul. Paul

said, "I appeal to Caesar." Festus brought Paul
before King Agrippa to decide the charges.

Acts16: Paul took Timothy with him. We baptised

Lydia in Philippi. Paul was imprisoned and there
was an earthquake. The jailer was baptised.

Acts26: Paul said, "I opposed the name of Jesus.

He appeared to me and made me a witness."
Agrippa said, "This man could have been freed."

Acts17: They taught in Thessalonica and Berea.

In Athens Paul said, "I proclaim the God who
gives life to all. He will judge the world."

Acts27: We set sail for Rome. A storm struck and

all hope was lost. Paul said, "Take heart, we must
run aground." Everyone reached land.

Acts8: Philip proclaimed Christ in Samaria. A

magician offered money for the gift of the Spirit.
Philip baptised an Ethiopian official.

Acts18: Paul taught in Corinth for a year and a

half. He went to Ephesus with Priscilla and Aquila.
Priscilla and Aquila taught Apollos.

Acts9: Saul went to arrest the believers. Jesus

said, "Why do you persecute me?" Saul was
baptised and began preaching. Peter raised

Acts19: Paul laid his hands on the disciples at

Ephesus to receive the Holy Spirit. Demetrius, a
silversmith, started a riot in the city.

Acts28: On Malta Paul healed all who had

diseases. We came to Rome. Paul lived under
house arrest. He proclaimed the kingdom of God
to all.

Acts1: Jesus said, "You will receive the Spirit and

be my witnesses." He was taken up in a cloud.
The believers cast lots to replace Judas.
Acts2: At Pentecost they were filled with the
Spirit. Peter told the crowd, "You crucified Jesus
but God has made him Lord." 3,000 believed.
Acts3: Peter and John healed a lame man at the
temple. Peter told the people, "Faith in Jesus has
healed this man. Repent of your sins."
Acts4: They were taken before the rulers. Peter
and John said, "We cannot stop speaking about
Jesus." The believers prayed for boldness.
Acts5: Ananias and Sapphira told a lie and fell
dead. An angel released the apostles from prison.
Gamaliel advised, "Leave these men alone."
Acts6: The disciples chose seven men to
distribute food. Some from the synagogue
disputed with Stephen. They took him before the
Acts7: Stephen said, "Brothers, God called
Abraham and appeared to Moses. You killed the
Righteous One." They were enraged and stoned

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