Argumentative: Essay

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Submitted to:
Ms. Michelle Jane D. Rosello

Submitted by:
Marice Abigail J. Marquez
Jeanelle Carmela S. Aslapal

Nowadays, Abortion is a very big issue about women who terminate their pregnancy
even though it is illegal. Many people are aborting their child due to many factors such as
financial problems, rape victims, unwanted child, etc. Aborting a child has two types:
Spontaneous abortion or miscarriage it is when a baby has already died in the womb of the
mother it can be intentional or unintentional depending on how the mother took care of the child.
Induced abortion is a deliberate termination of pregnancy by taking it from the mothers
womb.Abortion is a subject that many people have strong views on. Anti-abortionists believe a
person is alive from the moment a human egg is fertilised and any attempt to end that life before
or after birth is considered as murder. And according to one anti-abortionist, "There is no
difference in killing a four-year-old child and aborting a pre-born child. Therefore, Abortion is
considered as a sin and against the law for many.
There are many evidences that abortion should be illegalized by the government because
of its negative effects to women and women should use contraceptives than to abort a foetus.
Primarily, The government should prohibited the abortion because as what the dictionary defines
abortion is an act of terminating pregnancy followed by the death of the fetus and spontaneous
expulsion of a human fetus during the pregnancy stage. There are at least twenty percent of all
American women who performed abortion because the institutions and the doctors are not
forbidding this type of action. Since that time more than 50 million unborn babies have been

by abortion. This is far more than the entire population of California. According to the

Gut matcher Institute, one out of every three women of childbearing age has had one or more
abortions. Furthermore abortion has become the most frequently performed surgical procedure in
America. In some countries like Philippines abortion is generally illegal. Under the abortion
provisions of the Penal Code, a person who intentionally causes an abortion with the consent of
the pregnant woman is subject to a penalty of prison correccional were in the person shall be
from six months to six years in prison. While in china abortion is legal and is a government
service available on request for women except in cases of sex-selective abortion. In addition to
virtually universal access to contraception, abortion is a way for China to contain its population
in accordance with its one-child policy. However in 2008, there were an estimated 13 million

abortions performed, and approximately 10 million abortion pills sold. Induced abortions are
more common in urban areas, where couples may only have one child. Thats why abortion in
china is very high because of its policy. And in some places in china aborted fetuses were sold
for food, Chinese people are eating fetuses because of the nutrients in the fetus body but this
rumor was not yet confirmed.

Secondarily, the women should know what would be the positive and negative outcomes
of doing the abortion. When the women would be having her first abortion there are major
compliments which can occur at the time of an abortion such as infection, excessive bleeding,
embolism, ripping of the uterus, hemorrhage, and many more. Especially for the young ages with
the age of 16 and over the age of 35 should not have an abortion because at those ages, it might
prevent them from ever having more children. And at those ages it is very risky to have some
abortion. For some there are positive indications why aborting was done such as fewer mouths to
feed, to empower women but they do not know when performing this action there are risk factors
like maternal death and future pregnancy complications. Abortion was supposed to empower
women, free them from the rigours of childbearing and the drudgery of housework, and enable
them to achieve an equal place with men in the work force. Several decades passed by many
women are wondering when this freedom, empowerment and equality is going to have a positive
impact on their lives. Women appear to be the losers when it comes to abortion. But the facts
remains, abortion has not solved anything. There are no positive effects of abortion on society.
Nothing good comes from murdering children.

Lastly, women proceeds to have abortion for some reasons such as they are not yet ready
to be a mother at the early age, some are raped victims that who got pregnant and doesnt want to
take care of the child whose father forced to have sexual intercourse with them, and women also
do abortion if the fetuses diagnosed with birth defects, and doesnt want to raise a child with
birth defects, and for many girls and women, this was the final death of romance for them when
being pregnant. Women who chose not to have an abortion often found themselves abandoned by
the man and faced the hard life of a single parent. According to the Republic Act No. 10354 the

Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012 informally known as

the Reproductive Health Law or RH Law is a law in the Philippines, which guarantees universal
access to methods of contraception, fertility control, sexual education, and maternal care. It is
already legalized the use of contraceptives for the individuals for it is needed to reduce high birth
rates especially for the poor ones. Abortion is the intentional killing of unborn child. Many
women feel that adoption is cruel, and that aborting the child is more humane. Another viewpoint
expressed by quite a few unwed mothers is that lack of money and time for childcare may result
in a neglected and ill-nourished child who ends up living on the streets or becoming a criminal.
These mothers feel that the birth may be a wrongful life, and aborting the child may be
preferable. Abortion is also being used as a family planning technique. When contraception has
been overlooked or fails, many married women resort to abortion. Abortion exists for the
mothers convenience, not necessity.
Abortion is not an option for terminating pregnancy. There are many ways to prevent
pregnancy by using contraceptives methods or even natural methods. And using contraceptives is
not only for preventing pregnancy but also for protecting against sexually transmitted infections.
And by the used of The Reproductive Health (RH) bill which promotes information on and
access to both natural and modern family planning methods, which are medically safe and
legally permissible. And because of this law they are preventing unwanted pregnancies. Since
Philippines are against abortion this law was made. Women should be careful for their actions to
prevent unwanted pregnancy and which will lead to abortion. Instead of taking directions from
the state, the people should begin to exercise its moral authority in the church. The pulpits of
America need to tell the people that, in Gods eyes, abortion is murder and that the practice must
be completely stopped. This will stop abortion forever. Aborting a child would not let you stop
from being a mother and when abortion was already done you are already considered as a
murderer or filicide who killed her own child. Abortion was not the only process for preventing
pregnancy there are many ways such as contraceptives that can be used before or after
intercourse to avoid unwanted child. Before doing abortion the mother should think what would
be the effects for not safe sex, do not abortion as an option to escape from a problem because at
the end performing abortion may lead to a very big problem in the future of the mother. And it is

better to bear a child and let other people took care for them than to kill them. Because there are
thousands of families who is trying to have a child but unfortunately was not given.

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