Sped Microteach 3

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Micro Teach Learning Plan with modifications for two students

Title: Context Clues

Name: Paige Woodall
Subject/Grade: Reading grade 3
Type of Instruction: Cooperative Learning

Lesson Plan
When given a worksheet with 6 different sentences including an
unfamiliar word in each, TSW will determine which context clue
(synonym, antonym, or definition) can be used to define the
unfamiliar word, circling 5 out of 6 of the correct type of context
clue being used from the multiple choice options.

Date Taught: April 21, 2015



o The font on Victors

worksheet will be 24 size to
help with his low vision and
he will also be allowed 15
extra minutes to complete
the assessment.

Background Information:
Know meaning of synonyms and antonyms
Know how to comprehend the context/meaning of a

Review of
synonyms and
antonyms to
help jog

Sheet with each group members role in the center of each
groups table
Poster paper for activities
Markers/highlighters for students to complete worksheets
Extension/elaboration and assessment worksheets
Cut out magnifying glasses for group activity

Increased font for

Given his own
copy of the
activities and
notes that will be
taken to aid his
low vision

memory of the
learned content
and to prepare
her with what
she needs to
know as she
learns context
worksheets are
mostly typed
out so she
doesnt have to
worry much
about her
writing skills

Classroom Management/Environment:
Set up classroom in groups of 5, all directed towards the
Instruct students with their expected behavior when it
comes to groups activities and answering questions
o They may call out answers unless my hand is
o If I direct a question at a student, only they can
o When we move to group activities, you must each

Victor is given
seating near
teacher so that he
can see the bored
and teacher
Assigned the
manager role

Assigned the
Reporter role
because she
often gets
distracted and
doesnt finish
her work, so as
the reporter she
will already

complete your task, only helping others when they

ask for it. Be respectful of each others learningbe helpful not hurtful and dont mess with your
group members possessions.
o Stay on task, I will be walking around to make
sure you are all completing the task. If you have
any questions please raise your hand and I will
come help

have the
provided for her
by her group so
all she will have
to do is report
the information
to the class
Addie will be
seated at the
front of the
room close to
teacher so that I
can manage her
behavior and
make sure she
remains focused
as well as near
her group so
she can
efficiently stay
on task as we
move into
group activity
without getting
Addie is the
reporter for the
group so that
the information
is already put
together for her

so she just has

to present it off
the list and is
less likely to get
Greeting: Good morning class! I hope you all had a
wonderful weekend and came to class today excited and
ready to learn something new!
Engagement: Have you ever been in a conversation with
someone who told you something but you werent sure
what they meant by it because they used a word that you
have never heard or didnt know what it meant? Well,
today Im going to teach you how to use your detective
skills to find other key words in the statement that will
help you figure out what that unfamiliar word could
Expected Behavior: Before we begin our lesson, I want
to remind you all to be respectful when I am teachingremember to raise your hands if you have any questions;
however, you may call out any answers to my questions
UNLESS my hand is raised- then you must also raise your
hand. Throughout our day today, your behavior
expectations may change; however, I will let you know
how you are expected to interact with your classmates and
myself when the time comes.
Link to Previous Knowledge: In order to do this, we are

Direct question
toward Victor
So Victor can
you give me an
example of a
synonym of
All writing on the
board will be
large so that
Victor can read it

going to be able to keep our knowledge of synonyms and

antonyms in the front of our mind because those are going
to be our secret helpers that show us what the unfamiliar
words could mean! So before we begin, lets review what
synonyms and antonyms are.
o Addie, tell me in your own words what the
definition of a synonym is [same meaning]
Great answer! A great way to remember
synonyms is to think about the movie Alice
in wonderland! The characters Tweedle
Dee and Tweedle Dum look the same just
like synonyms!
So Victor can you give me an example of a
synonym of Happy? [glad]
o Exactly! (point at student and ask): tell me what
an antonym is? [opposite meanings]
So, what would an antonym of Happy
be? [sad]
Exactly! To remember antonyms we can
think of the move Snow White: the
character Grumpy has the opposite
personality as Happy, just like words that
are antonyms have opposite meaning of
one another.
Outcome: By the end of the day, you will all be prepared
with the proper detective skills to use the context clues in

a sentence to figure out the meaning of a word that you

are unfamiliar with!
When you read a paragraph that has a word that you
are unfamiliar with, what do you do?
o Do you say, oh I dont know what this means
so Im not doing it. OR do you say, man I
dont know what this words means, BUT I do
know how to put my thinking cap on and use
my detective skills to find other words in the
sentence that can help me figure out what that
word means. ?
o YES! You try and figure out what that word
o When you come across a word that you are
unfamiliar with in a sentence, you can use
what we call context clues to help you figure
it out.
o Class, its time to take out your magnifying
glasses and look for clues in the sentence to
help you solve the mystery.
1. Context clues:
We are going to be focusing on three different
kinds of context clues that we will be able to
search for in a sentence, which will help us
figure out the meaning of the unfamiliar word.
The first context clue type is the
DEFINITION: this is the words defined in the
sentence (or sentences nearby).
o Lets see an example of the definition

o Notes printed
with the
layout of each
activity in
large font to
give to Victor

Have Addie
answers at the
board with you
to work on
motor skills

context clue: The boy was

unresponsive when he didnt answer
any of the questions that we asked.
Say our unfamiliar word is
unresponsive. If we look at the
sentence carefully, we see that
the word is actually definedsaying that unresponsive is the
act of not answering when
questions are being asked. So,
the context clue used is
definition because the word was
defined in the sentence.
The second type of context clue is the
SYNONYM: This is when a word that has the
same meaning as the unfamiliar words is in the
same sentence.
o Looking at this sentence, see if you can
find a synonym context clue: I hate,
or detest eating green peas. [detesthate]
Good! So you found hate and
detest to be synonyms because
the OR is showing that detest
is another word for hate,
relating the two as synonyms.
SO if we dont know what
detest means but know that hate
and detest are synonyms, we
can figure that detest must
mean that you dislike
something, using the synonym

context clue to figure out the

The third type of context clue that we are
going to discuss is the ANTONYM: This is
when a word that has the opposite meaning of
an unfamiliar word is in the same sentence.
o Lets look at this sentence: The blade
of grass was massive compared to the
tiny ant.
Victor, tell me what you see in
the sentence that tells you that
two opposite things are being
related? [it says compared to]
In this sentence, our unfamiliar
word is massive
So if we know that the
sentence is saying that the ant is
tiny then we also know that
massive must have the
opposite meaning as tiny
because the sentence tells us
that the two are being
(point at student and
ask): What does tiny
mean? [small]
So if we know that tiny
means small, then what
could massive mean if it
has the opposite
meaning of small? [huge

or big]
o Now, you are going to split off in to your
groups and look at this short paragraph to
see if you all can use the examples we just
completed to pick which context clue can
be used in this paragraph to help define an
unfamiliar word: Mr. Fry is quite affable.
In fact, he reminds me of Mrs. Baker. Do
you remember how kind she was?
o Take 2 minutes to come to an answer
within your group
o Raise up the magnifying class with the
context clue written on it that you used to
define the word in the sentence. [synonym]
o How do you know that its synonym? [it
says he reminds them of her-saying that
they are similar and when two things are
synonyms they can be seen as synonyms of
each other.
o GOOD! So if you know that Mr. Fry is
affable but you are unfamiliar with the
meaning of affable, how can you figure out
what it might mean? [look at what word is
used to describe Mrs. Baker because it says
they are similar-she is kind so affable
means something similar to kind]
o When given a sentence with an unfamiliar word, the
student will use what they have learned about
identifying context clues and take their understanding to

Victors worksheets are 24


The majority of the

worksheets is typed out so
that Addie doesnt have to
worry about making her
handwriting perfect

the next level by determining which of the word choices

best defines he unfamiliar word
o For a student who is struggling to understand how to
determine what context clue is in a sentence, they will
be provided a worksheet with 6 sentences. In each
sentence, the unfamiliar word will be highlighted and
the part of the sentence that represents either the
synonym, antonym, or definition context clue will be
circled. The student will then look at the context clue
that is located for them in comparison to the unfamiliar
word and identify which context clue is represented in
the sentence, writing either synonym, antonym, or
definition in the blank.
Review: So Addie, tell me what context clue would
useful if a sentence is comparing two different things?
o Victor, what about if two similar things are being
related? [synonym]
o And if I were to say I am exhausted because I
didnt get any sleep last night? [definition]
Anticipation: Now that you have put your detective skills
to good use, you will be well prepared for tomorrows
lesson where you will take it to the next level and
discover the last two context clues- the example and the
Praise: I am beyond impressed with all of your hard
work today! You all were on your best behavior and

o Ask Victor question

in the review: what
about if two similar
things are being

o Ask Addie question

in review: What
about if two similar
things are being

participated with one another so respectfully! I am so

proud of the way you all recalled all that you have
previously learned and put that knowledge to use as you
mastered the concepts of context clues! You all would
make great detectives!
When given a worksheet with 6 different sentences including an
unfamiliar word in each, TSW will determine which context clue
(synonym, antonym, or definition) can be used to define the
unfamiliar word, circling 5 out of 6 of the correct type of context
clue being used from the multiple choice options.

o Worksheets in size 24 font to

help with Victors
identification with low
vision as well as extended
time of 15 minutes to allow
him to complete the activity

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