Plan of Investigation Help

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Creating a

Research Plan:
Objective B

Criterion B: Strand 2
Students are required to develop a plan in order to investigate
the research question...
The plan should include a plan for the main stages for the
investigation that could identify sub-questions; define/explain the
methods to be used in the investigation; define sources of information.
There is flexibility in the process and students can revise their plans depending
on their findings during the investigation.
Evidence that this objective has been addressed will be seen through notes and
verbal feedback provided by the student. Students should include an appendix
with the product of the investigation, for example, or add a research method
and process section in their final product.

Some things to consider adding to your plan

Where should I look for information?
Where should I avoid looking for information?
What key words could/should I research?
How will I record relevant information?
How will I remember to cite my sources?
What methods (internet research, library research, interviews, surveys, copy
and paste) will I use to complete this investigation? Why?

Who can I look to for guidance?

If a group project, what will be each persons responsibilities?
What problems do I foresee? How can they be avoided/overcome?
What are the major steps that will be followed to complete this particular

Criterion B- Strand 2

formulate and follow an action plan to investigate a research question


formulates and follows a limited action

plan to investigate a research question
formulates and follows a partial action plan
to investigate a research question
formulates and follows a satisfactory
action plan to investigate a research
formulates and follows a detailed action
plan to investigate a research question

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