5) How Did You Attract/address Your Target Audience?
5) How Did You Attract/address Your Target Audience?
5) How Did You Attract/address Your Target Audience?
We set up a questionnaire on survey monkey so that our target audience could fill in
what they thought of our opening title sequence. The questions varied ranging from;
how would you classify the genre of the film, what age group do you think this film
would appeal to, do you think it is an effective opening title sequence, would you go
and see this film in the cinema etc. This allowed us to see whether or not our
opening title sequence was suitable for our chosen target audience as they were
able to give us feedback about our opening title sequence which also allowed us to
see whether or not they would like it and consider watching the film.
We managed to attract our target audience by using characters that are a similar age
to them. This is because we felt as though our target audience will be more likely to
relate and watch the film if the characters are of a similar age.
The following below is the feedback that we got from the survey. The survey was
taken by 16 different people who are aged 15-25 years old.
Overall I feel that our film did appeal to our target audience due to the fact that we
made sure that we tried to make it as interesting and intriguing for our target
audience to view. This survey also proves that our target audience felt as though our
opening title sequence was successful and adhered to the thriller genre.