ENG 201
James Christensen
Introduction Claim
Immigrants are tax payers, job creators, and consumers. Immigration has been a constant
source of economy vitality and demographic dynamism thought our nations history. Although,
the U.S. border is more secure than ever, the number of immigrants has decreased, but at the
same time higher numbers of immigrants are the ones that are trying to cross the border.
However, they cannot cross the border of the U.S. because the border is more secure than ever.
The action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country is called Immigration,
people who are looking for a better future or in other words, looking for a better life. However,
immigration brings a lot of people to the United States every year because the USA is a fare
country, and a country where a family can find peace. Thus, people immigrate to the United
States because they are looking for security, better education, and a better quality of life.
In the past decade there was a high number of foreign-born population in the United
States. Between 2000, 2012, there was a 31.2 percent increase in the foreign-born. This is
because there are many immigrants already in the United States, both illegal and legal.
Immigrant people consist of students, families, single persons, etc. Not only consist of families,
but it also consist of students and people that just want a better life.
In the United States, there are many people from all over the world that came to the
United States with a unique purpose. Some of them came here to find the American dream, some
others came here to receive a better education and a better way of life. Every year the number of
students in the U.S increases because of the demand in the schools and universities. All what an
immigrant want is a better way of life, they are looking for a better life here in the United
According to the History magazine, The United States experienced high numbers of
people during the first part of the 19th century, and from the 1880s to 1920. Hundreds of
thousands of people immigrate to the United States, in order to have a better economy and some
looking for religious freedom. From its earliest days, America has been a nation of immigrants,
starting with its original inhabitants.
According to the Center of Immigration Studies, in 2013 reported a growth of
immigration in the United States, by 1.4 million from July 2010 to July 2013. This is referred as
the foreign-born by the Census Bureau, which means that this includes all those who were not
U.S citizens at birth, including illegal immigrants. In other words, this hit a record of 41.3
million in July 2013, the 1.4 million is only and increase since July 2010. Immigration has had a
big impact on the economy of the United States, actually immigrants affect a big dimension of
economy. According to George J, the U.S. economy goes up when there is a high number of
immigrants in the country.
As it says in the Book of Mormon, every country is a melting pot, and it does not matter
the culture or the religion, neither the skin color. We are one and we are daughters and sons of
our Heavenly Father. So, if someone from Africa, China, Brazil, or Mexico want to come to the
United States, the government should help them to stay here and have a better life in all the
meanings of the word.
There is an Immigration law #101 that says the rights and prohibitions for an immigrant,
whether this is illegal or legal in the U.S. On the other hand, for many immigrant people in the
United States, their main goal or purpose of being here in the United States for more than five
years, is to get the citizenship. The citizenship is something really hard to get because it could
take years and it cost a lot of money. Some people think that this is something easy after leaving
in the United States for more than five years. However, when immigrants see the steps that they
have to take before getting the citizenship, is there when they start to put their feet in the ground.
Many immigrants want the citizenship, and this is because is the only way for an illegal
immigrant to stay here in the U.S. However, if a student comes to the United States to study, but
after this he or she wants or plans to stay longer, the student has to either continue studying or to
find a legal job that can hire him or her so this students could have a job visa. For these reasons
and for so many more, the government of the United States should help those immigrants
whether they are illegally here or legal, to stay and to realize this dream of having a better life.
Immigrants have been helping in many ways to the United States, they take the jobs that
any American want to take, they create new businesses, they are able to create or plan new things
in the future. By talking about immigrants I mean all people that comes to the United States and
stays here for more than five years. It is the reality that those immigrants do not want to go back
to their countries because there is no future for them in there.
A person that immigrates to the United States, is because this person cannot succeed in
her or his own country. Immigrants do not want to do bad things in other country as it is in the
U.S. they just want to succeed and give this better life to their families and accomplish this
dream that for all immigrants it is the same. Only one dream, in only one country, only one mind
to realize it.
There are some students that decide to go to the military, and this is because it is the only
way that they could get the citizenship. However, this is something that it is dangerous for them
because they are putting their life on risk, but they do it because of this only dream. There are
other immigrants that do not want to go to the army but they do it because it is the only way that
they could stay for longer here in the United States. Being in the army is not the only way, but
after years of trying to get the citizenship and stay here in the U.S. without any problem, it is
impossible for some so that is why they decide to go to the army.
My uncle has 10 years here in the United States, he came with his family, but after five
years he noticed that it was going to be impossible to continue here in the United States. So, the
only way for he and his family to continue living here in the United States, was that his wife will
study and study until their daughters and sons get married. However, this is not the thing because
for now, his wife is tired of studying, but if she does not continue doing it they will have to go
back to Mexico.
After all, after 10 years that my uncle and his family have been here in the United States,
he has not changed his job because he cannot do anything else. I mean he could but he is not
allow to do something else. So, for that reason he continues doing the same thing as he started
doing when first he arrived here. As this history of my uncle, there are many others and some of
them are more powerful than this one.
The government of the United States is trying to make things difficult for immigrants
here in the United States. This is because of the high numbers of immigrants here in the U.S.
However, this is not the best way to do so because the only thing that immigrants need is a
permit or the allowance to work here in the United States without any problem at all.
There are many immigrants that are persecuted, and this is because of their religion, race,
nationality, membership in any particular group. Additionally, the U.S. government offers
protection for victims that receive this kind of violence. For that reason there are visas for those
that are persecuted in their countries, so the government of the United States helps them to get
out of their country and come to the U.S. in order to have a better life.
There is another type of visa that help immigrants to stay here in the United States, it is
called a temporary status. This kind of visa or permit is for those people that cannot go back to
their countries because of disasters or civil disorder. It is called the (TPS), for example in 2011
people from Syria were allow to come to the United States because of the earthquake. Also,
people from Haiti in 2010 were allow to come to the United States because of the earthquake.
The visa waivers if for those people who plan to visit the United States for pleasure for a
period of time of no more than 90 days, they do not need to obtain a visa to come to the U.S. for
that period of time. However, this is only for 37 countries and it started since 2013. This is like a
trade-off, but this is only allow if the government of that country allows that person to immigrate
for those 90 days to the United States.
The Immigration Act of 1924 stopped many immigrants for entering the United States
because of all these high numbers. This reduced the number of visas by two percent, specifically
visas for Asian people. This made a lot of insecurity during the World Wide I, another important
thing is that this Act made immigrants over 16 years old to demonstrate basic reading
comprehension in any language.
As we see, in 1924 this Act made immigrant people to do not enter any more into the
United States, however, after all of these problems, immigrants were allowed to enter to the U.S.
again. We can see that immigrants are not loved since the 19s or 18s, it is not something that it
is happening right now. Immigration is a big topic to talk about and a really hard topic because of
all the laws and regulations that are and are applicable to immigrants.
Immigrants could not have or may not have the same rights as an American person, but at
least they should have some of those rights. They do many things for the United States in order
to improve this country. Immigrant people should not be label as immigrant because we are all
equal, we came from the same root and we are going to the same place. This is one of the big
things that bothers the immigrant person, to be called immigrant just because he left his country
and came to the U.S. to find this dream.
People from Asia, Africa, India, etc. Each of them is equal and each of them should have
the same rights that other people have. I am not saying that we are all equal because each of us
has their own gifts, but in the sense of we are all humans is in the sense that I am talking. For that
reason, regulations and laws should be not that difficult for immigrants, however they cannot be
that easy because they are immigrants and not citizens.
My experience about coming to the United States and been living here for almost three
years, it has been something different and better than the one that I could have if I would stay in
Mexico. Over all, I am glad for all the help that I have received until now, on the other hand, I
would like to be able to work outside of campus because it took me 3 semesters here at LDS
Business College to find a job. A job is necessary for me as a students because I have to survive
in any way.
So, for that reason some of the laws should change not only for those illegal immigrants,
but also for those students that are here for an only purpose, which is to get a good education and
go back to their countries to help in there. Some people think that if a student comes here to the
United States to study is because they have money, but that is not true, at least with me not. So,
for that reason I have to work, other students have to work as well. There is no way that we can
work outside of campus without getting in trouble. So, that is why students do not work outside
of campus because they want to continue studying here in the U.S.
Another important thing to mention, is that those families that come to the United States
and have their babies here, those parents have to wait until the child is 18 so he or she can claim
his parents and they can become citizens. This is too much time for parents to wait for this to
happen, and sometimes the government does not give the citizen to the parents because they
think that they should not have it. However, they need it in order to continue living here in the
There are some people that want to bring people to the United States, but they need
money to do so, or even some times they need to do some other things for this to happen. There
are many children that had been raped for some people that said that they will help them to cross
the border of the United States. Although, this is not true those children believe in them but they
get all of these bad experiences in their childhood. For this other reason the government should
help those children that are alone in their countries and the government should give them new
families that really love them and will take care of them.
Many of the immigrants that come to the United States are able to find the better life that
they wanted, however they live with fear of the police to get them just because they are
immigrants. For those immigrants that have found this better life, is good for them but at the
same time not because they cannot live in peace. They have to still take care of their children,
they do not have to get in troubles because if they do it they will be deported and send back to
their country.
An experience of one of my friends, is that she came here when she was five years old,
now she is 19 years old but there have been some problems with their parents citizen. So, she is
not allow to ask for her parents because of these problems. She says that it is terrible for her
because she does not know if the next day her parents will be there for her. All the regulation and
laws are saying that they cannot become citizens because they have to pass for other regulations.
However, she is doing everything that is on her hands to accomplish this because she really
wants her parents to still live here with her.
Now, there is this American family that want to adopt her, so she does not have any other
problem, but this is not the only solution and not the correct one for her. She thinks that it could
be a good idea so she could continue living here without any problem, but she wants her parents
to stay here with her. This American family is trying to convince her to be adopted by them. I
will say that it is not a bad idea, but where in the world her parents are going to be? Is she doing
the correct things? Should her parents should go back to Mexico after more than 10 years of
living here in the United States?
It is true that we as immigrants we are constantly dealing with barriers, but it is not
possible that the rest of our lives we will be dealing with all of these barriers. 15% of the
population here in the United States is Latino, 60.6% has a high school diploma, 12.5% have a
bachelors degree, and only 3.9% have advanced degrees. This is something that do not
motivates me, but at the same time makes me want to become a better person and finish with my
education even though the difficulties that I may have in this journey.
Many people make judgments and assume stereotypes that are not true about immigrants.
People joke about how immigrants work in farms, restaurants, and do the jobs that Americans do
not want to do just because it is a not well paid job or it is a dirty job. Those judgments pass
through generation through generations, and American children learn them and they repeat the
same words that they hear on the streets. One proposed reform would allow undocumented
immigrants to work legally and to become citizens. Other reforms would create a path to
citizenship for undocumented students or those who serve in the armed forces.
More people would feel comfortable doing taxes, getting jobs, going to school without
the fear of doing something to get kicked out of the country and back the native lands that do not
have much to offer. American is a country of freedom and a country that can give many things to
all these immigrant people. They often do not try to get educations to get ahead. And, they stay
either uninformed or misinformed about their rights and the possibilities for their futures.
Another important thing for immigrants is that they have cars but some of them are not
allowed to drive because they do not have a driver license. Some immigrants have a permit that
allows them to drive but just for a certain time. It is uncomfortable to go anywhere and carry
your passport because you need it as an identification. Either when you go to the bank, you have
to carry you passport so they can see that it is you the one that has the account. It could be better
if immigrants could have a specific identification card so they would not have to carry around
with their passports.
As a Mexican I live in a country where everything is easier than in my country of birth,
which is Mexico. However, I do not have the same rights and the opportunities that I would like
to have. Although, I will stay here in the United States because it has treated me better than in
Mexico. Thus, I would like the laws and regulations to change for immigrant people that come or
are right now in the United States.
Unfortunately there is a big difference between seeking a better life and wanting an easy
life. Thanks to the Obama administration, there is a big chunk of the illegal immigrants who are
coming over for an easy life subsisting on the government dole. Immigrants who want an easy
life they will accept everything that the government will give them, this is food stamps, some
money, and other things that they need. On the other hand those immigrants that are looking for a
better life will do anything in order to obtain it.
That is why immigrants are called the hard worker people because of all their effort that
they put to came to the United States, and to stay here. Every immigrant wants to continue living
here in the U.S. and that is why they have more than two jobs and they have a family to give the
best that they can. Immigrants are not lazy people, and you can say it as you see those
immigrants working in the sun and receiving the minimum wage for what they do.
All immigrants arrive with unique backgrounds that offer insight into their lives. Their
histories shed light on why Mexicans have risked everything to enter the United States. I will say
that not only Mexicans are the ones that put on risk their lives because of crossing the border.
Other people from all over the world put their lives on risk because they took the decision to
come to the United States.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints help some immigrants to get jobs here in
the U.S. This is an example of how the church help everyone and let people from all over the
world to become members of the church, no matter their culture, race, or way of thinking. I can
say that the church helps in many ways to those immigrant people. As the church does it, the
government of the United States should do it because all of us are equal.
Thus, immigrants play an important role in improving labor market efficiency. However,
the economy is not going to be the same in every part of the United States, in each city it is going
to be different because of the number of immigrants that are in that city. In 1986 immigration
reform and control act granted legal status to some three million former undocumented migrants
who were first granted temporary legal residents and then later adjusted to permanent resident.
Thus, during 1988-1992 the number of immigrants in the United States went up in an extremely
number because of the legal status that the government of the United States was providing for
those immigrants.
Seeing the numbers of people who come to the United States, shows the big impact in
America. People from all over the world immigrating to the United States in order to have a
better life, by having better education, jobs, and a safer security. Immigrants work more than 80
hours per week in order to give to their families what they need. Immigrants try really hard to
give to their families a better life than the one that they had in their country. President Obama
said, 140 million people worldwide would leave their home country and move to the United
States permanently if our border was open. However, there is only 12 million total of
immigrants that are able to immigrate to the United States, but they do it illegally. The big
question is, why immigrants choose the United States to immigrate and start a better life?
According to Gallups 2013 poll, about 13 percent of the worlds adults, approximately 630
million people, said they would like to leave their home country and move somewhere else
permanently. People would like to leave their home country because of the insecurity and all the
economic problems that are in those countries. For example, if a Haitian resident arrives in the
United States looking to do the same job he performed in his native country, his wage will
increase tenfold compared with what he was making back home. So, economic, is another reason
why people immigrate to the United States. People know that they will have a better economic
future in the U.S. Those immigrant people that come from very poor countries, they work really
hard in the United States because it is easier for them to do more money and they get pay better
than in their countries. Matthew La Corte says, Currently, about three percent of the worlds
population lives outside the country where they were born. This happens because of all the
benefits that they receive when they move to the United States. Those benefits are, better
education, safety, and better economy to their pockets. Those immigrants send money back to
their country to help the family that they left when they moved to the United States.
Those illegal immigrants that come to the United States, the government should do
something to them. However, not all the immigrants come to the United States to do bad things
as, steeling or making trouble in every neighbor. Some of them come to stay here and start a new
and a better life. The government should help them to stay here in the United States, and send
back those criminals that are not doing any good to the United States. Back in the days, to be
more exact, in the 19th century, people that will immigrate to the United States, they were able to
do it and stay for the rest of their lives. So, president Obama should help those immigrants as it
was in 19th century, so they could start a better life.
Illegal immigrants that are looking for a better life, the government should make it easier
for people who want jobs to stay here. There are many organizations that try to help immigrant
people, by giving them money or food or stamps. However, that is not the best way to do it
because the government should help them to find jobs or to continue with their education. There
is a Chinese proverb that says, Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to
fish and you feed him for a lifetime. (Rhoda Thomas, p.76) Thus, it is better to teach immigrant
people or to help them to find a job, but it is not good to give them money or food because they
will not learn how to work and get those things by their own. So, they will become miserable
people because of their lack of knowledge.
There are immigrants that are taking American peoples jobs. In other words, some
American people think that immigrants come to the United States to steal their jobs, but actually
immigrants do the dirty jobs. Randy Rhodes, president of Harvest Select, has been having
trouble finding Americans that want to do this dirty job. Until September of 2014, Randy had
employed immigrants from Guatemala who actually will do this dirty job, for the minimum
However, with Alabama's new law, known as HB56, which says that the U.S. will punish
those businesses that hire illegal immigrant people. Randy, lost his employees who were
Guatemalan immigrants, and those immigrants are not allow to work anymore without a permit
because they have to follow the federal requirements. Somebody has to figure this out. The
immigrants arent coming back to Alabamatheyre gone, Rhodes says. I have 158 jobs, and I
need to give them to somebody.
Immigrants died attempting to walk across the Americans border. In 2013, The Arizona
Daily Star reported 140 deaths in the border, this means that there are less immigrants in the
United States because they have been dying in the intent of walking across the Americans border.
The government of the United States, do not care about these deaths because those come from
outside of the U.S. However, those immigrant people are still humans as all of the American
people, so the government should do something about it.
The government should help those immigrants that are trying to get a better life in the
United States. If the government gives this permission, there will not be deaths of immigrant
trying to cross the border. Thus, there will be immigrants trying to succeed here in the United
States, and immigrants that will work hard enough to give the best and support their families.
Immigration is a big effect in every part of the world, it affects the economy, culture, and
way of living. Nowadays, the United States is one of the first countries for immigrants to
immigrate to. There are many histories to talk about and many people that died in the intent of
crossing the border to come to the United States. However, with all of these things the
government of the United States has been helping with this act of immigration, but in the last
years the government has been closing his eyes because the high number of immigrants that are
already in the United States.
Immigration is a movement that happens in every part of the world, however, it happens
the most in the United States because it is a country of freedom. The laws, the security, the help,
education, way of life and all the opportunities that a person has to develop here in the United
States are unique. Immigrants want all of these opportunities for them, so that is why they come
here to the U.S. in order to get all of these opportunities, not only for them, but also for their
families. The future of the immigrants is at risk because they do not have the same opportunities
as a citizen of the United States. For that reason, the government of the United States should help
them to get those citizenships as easy as it could be. However, not everyone could have it
because it is something that it is not easy to obtain as I already explain on my narration part.
With the new reforms and laws here in the U.S. it is becoming more difficult for
immigrant people either they are illegal or legal to become citizen, however if we could change
some of these laws and regulations, immigrants could find a country of peace. I will say that
immigrants and I include myself, we see the United States as a country of peace and freedom.
We just want a better way of life, with new opportunities, and with a better future.
I have a strong feeling that some days things and laws and reformations will change for
immigrant people that we will become one and that immigrant people are going to be able to go
out of the United States without any problem of coming back. There is just one more thing that
we can do, and it is to keep our hope elevate and fill of faith. Maybe in some more years those
laws will change for the good of the immigrants.
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