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Interdisciplinary Unit

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Interdisciplinary Unit

Basic Math

By: Matthew Urrabazo

This week we will be covering the different areas of basic math and
incorporate this material into our lessons, so that it can reinforce what
students hear in the classroom. I feel if we as P.E. teachers can
incorporate what our students are learning in the classroom it will help
them get a better understand of the material.

Behavioral Objectives:
Students will become knowledgeable and be able to identify basic math
skills through the lessons and activities they will participate during the
unit and will be asked to score at least a 7 out of 10 on the quiz.
Students will actively participate in the drills and activities designed that
will keep them active throughout the period.
Students will demonstrate respect, and good sportsmanship while
actively participating in the designated drills and activities in a safe

Source Outline

Content Area
a) Math
II. Basic Math
a) Addition
b) Subtraction
c) Multiplication
d) Division
III. Games & Activities
a) Basketball Games
i. Math Facts Basketball
ii. Math-sketball
b) Soccer Games
i. The Ace of Soccer
c) School Yard Games
a) Basic Math Tag
b) Math Kickball
c) Scooper Math
d) Math Relay Races
e) Running Away with the Answers
IV. Assessment
a) Pre-test
b) Post-test

Interdisciplinary Unit
Topic: Basic Math
Teacher: Matthew Urrabazo
Monday February 8, 2016

1. Warm-up
1. Stretches
2. Introduction
1) Introduce the students to the
1 week unit on basic math
2) Introduce Vocabulary
1) Addition
2) Subtraction
3) Multiplication
4) Division
3) Show visuals around the gym
1) Pre-test
1) 10 question test
2) Basic Math Freeze Tag
3) Closing

Facility Layout: Basic Math

Freeze Tag

Circles- Taggers
Teaching Points:
1) Make sure to take your time
on your test.
2) Do not run over anyone.
3) Have fun but be safe at the
same time
12 Penny Jerseys
12 Cones

- Students will correctly calculate answers to
basic math problems in a variety of games
and activities.
- Students will gain knowledge of basic math
skills used while participating in
- Students will learn to appreciate the
importance of teamwork and good
sportsmanship through encouraging and
supporting teammates during games and

Students will come in to class, sit in their assigned spots and being doing their
stretches. There are no set stretches that the student must perform, but the student
must be doing a stretch of some kind.
Students will be given a basic math pre-test before the beginning of the 1 week unit.
The test will contain 10 questions on addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Basic Math Freeze Tag
This game is played like the basic version of Freeze Tag, but the only difference is when
the student is frozen by the taggers the only way he/she can return to play is by solving
a math problem the teacher has provided to them. If the student gets the math problem
wrong then that student also becomes a tagger. The teacher can vary the difficulty of
the math problems.
Students in wheel chairs if chosen to be taggers can used a foam noodle to tag
students. Also instead of being able to run, the student will have to speed walk.

Interdisciplinary Unit
Topic: Basic Math
Teacher: Matthew Urrabazo
Tuesday February 9, 2016

1. Warm-up
1. Cardio
1. Jogging to music
2. Jump Ropes
2. Math Kickball
3. Scooper Math
4. Closing

- Students will correctly calculate answers to
basic math problems in a variety of games
and activities.
- Students will gain knowledge of basic math
skills used while participating in
- Students will learn to appreciate the
importance of teamwork and good
through encouraging and
1) Make sure to keep theduring
ball ongames
the floor
Do not run over anyone.
3) Have fun but be safe at the same time
20 Scoops
1 Kick Ball
40 Tennis Balls
4 Polly Spots
40 Whiffle Balls
20 Penny Jerseys 20 Buckets

Facility Layout: Math


Triangles- Defense
Circles- Student Kicking
Stars- Bases

Facility Layout: Scooper


Triangles- Group of Partners

Circle- Variety of Balls
Students will come in to class, get a jump rope and set it on the ground next to their
assigned spots. Students will then begin to jog in place to music. Then the students will
begin to jump rope to the music on the teachers whistle.
Math Kickball
This game is played like the basic version of kickball, but the only difference is when
the student is coming up to kick the only way he/she can kick the ball is by solving a
math problem the teacher has provided to them. If the student gets the math problem
wrong then that counts as an out. Each team gets 3 outs per inning, and after a team
gets 3 outs they switch from offense to defense. The teacher can vary the difficulty of
the math problems.
Scooper Math
One Partner stands on a poly-spot with the scoop in one hand. The other partner starts
in the middle of the gym. On the signal from the teacher, the player in the middle picks
up a ball and tosses it to the other player standing on the poly-spot. The player
standing on the poly-spot must catch the ball in his scoop. Each tennis ball will have a
different number written on them. When the teacher blows her whistle to stop the
students must add up how many points they got, then switch positions. The pair of
partners with the most points win.

Interdisciplinary Unit
Topic: Basic Math
Teacher: Matthew Urrabazo
Wednesday February 10,
Facility Layout: Math Relay

1. Warm-up
1. Muscular Endurance
1. Planks
2. Math Relay Races
3. Running Away with the Answers
4. Closing


- Students will correctly calculate answers to
basic math problems in a variety of games
and activities.
Triangles- Beginning of the Lines
- Students will gain knowledge of basic math
Circles-Pile of Cards
skills used while participating in
- Students will learn to appreciate the
importance of teamwork and good
through encouraging and
1) Take your time when trying
find match.
Facility Layout: Running
Do not run over anyone.
Away with the Answers
3) Have fun but be safe at the same time
16 Sets of index
15 Cones
20 Hula Hoops
Triangles- Group of Partners
30 Jump Ropes
Circle- Pile of Cards
Muscular Endurance:
Students will come in to class and sit at their assigned spots. Students will then begin
to practice planks.
Math Relay Races
This game is played like a normal relay race where there are 2 lines and one person
from each line runs to the opposite side of the gym. The only difference in this game is
that the students are running to opposite sides to pick up note cards that match. One
card will have a math problem to solve and the other card will have a solution to the
problem. Once they think theyve found a match they run back to their line to get
approval from the coach. If it is a wrong match the student has to continue this process
until they find the right match.
Running Away with the Answers
The students will be assigned to groups of 3-4 and will perform an activity in which they
will collect a certain number of cards that total a specific number. The students, one at
a time, will place those cards in a hula hoop from a larger number to a smaller number.
(i.e., 15, 11, 5, 4). A physical activity will be performed upon completion of this task. For
example, the teacher will tell the students each group will need to collect four cards
and they will be performing push-ups. The teacher will announce the goal number of 35
and they will have to collect 4 cards that total a sum of 35 (i.e, 15, 11, 5, 4 is one

Interdisciplinary Unit
Topic: Basic Math
Teacher: Matthew Urrabazo
Thursday February 11, 2016

1. Warm-up
1. Muscular Strength
1. Push ups
2. Math Facts Basketball
3. Math-sketball
4. Closing

- Students will correctly calculate answers to
basic math problems in a variety of games
and activities.
- Students will gain knowledge of basic math
skills used while participating in
- Students will learn to appreciate the
importance of teamwork and good
through encouraging and
1) Make sure to keep the during
ball ongames
the floor
Do not run over anyone.
3) Have fun but be safe at the same time

Facility Layout: Mathsketball

Triangles- Beginning of the Lines

Circles-Pile of Cards

Facility Layout: Math Facts


4 Sets of Math Fact Flashcards 30 Bean Bags
4 Basketballs Red and Yellow 20 Penny Jerseys
8 Poly-spots
5 Tennis Shoes
Star Number
20 Gator Balls Cards
30 Poly-spots
Triangles- Group of Partners
Muscular Strength
Circle- Pile of Cards
25 Tennis Balls
Students will come in to class and sit at their assigned spots. Students will then begin
to practice push ups.
Scattered throughout the "playing area" will be a number of different objects. Each
object will have a different point value: Tennis ball = 1 Scrimmage Vests = 3 Bean Bag
= 5 Nerf balls = 20
Tennis Shoe = (wild card) any number needed Poly spots = 25
The teacher will give each group/team a multiplication flash card problem to solve.
When the group figures out the correct answer, one team member will dribble into the
"play area" and begin to collect the correct number of objects that will equal the answer
of the multiplication problem.
Math Facts Basketball
Scatter star number cards (cut-out stars with random numbers written on them) all over
the rest of the gym starting about 10 feet away from the groups. Give each team a
stack of math flash cards and a poly spot (this will be their "basket" to collect stars).
The team selects one math card problem at a time; they solve the problem and then
one member dribbles the basketball out onto the court. That person then tries to find
star number cards that have numbers that total the answer of the math fact (i.e., 5X6:

1. Warm-up
1. Stretching
2. Post-test
3. The Ace of Soccer
4. Closing

Interdisciplinary Unit
Topic: Basic Math
Teacher: Matthew Urrabazo
Friday February 12, 2016
Facility Layout: The Ace
of Soccer

- Students will correctly calculate answers to
basic math problems in a variety of games
and activities.
- Students will gain knowledge of basic math
skills used while participating in
Triangle- 1 Partner
Circle- 2 Partner
- Students will learn to appreciate the
Star- 3 Partner
importance of teamwork and good
sportsmanship through encouraging and
supporting teammates during
Soccer Balls
1) Make contact with the top half
20 Cones
of the ball so you can keep it on
10 Decks of
the ground.
2) Dont lean back. Keep your
chest over the ball.
Students will come in to class, sit in their assigned spots and being doing their
stretches. There are no set stretches that the student must perform, but the student
must be doing a stretch of some kind.
Students will be given a basic math post-test after the 1 week unit. The test will contain
10 questions on addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Students must get at
least 7 out of 10 questions right in order to participate into the game.
The Ace of Soccer
Place the cards face down in the middle of the gym with partners equally spaced
throughout the activity area. Partners should be approximately 10 feet apart and have
enough room to safely pass and trap the ball without interfering with other students.
Each set of partners has one soccer ball. On the teachers signal, the child will turn
around choose a card and pass and trap the soccer ball the appropriate number of
times. If the card has a 2-10 on it, that is the number of times to be passed and trapped
back and forth between the partners. If he chooses a Jack = 11 passes, Queen =12
passes, King =13, Ace =1, Joker = 0, choose another card. The number of passes and
traps are the number of points received by the team.

"The Health and Physical Education Web Site for
Teachers/PE Central."The Health and Physical Education
Web Site for Teachers/PE Central. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Mar.
"19 TAC Chapter 116. Texas Essential Knowledge and
Skills for Physical Education."Texas Education Agency.
N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Mar. 2016.

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