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IBPS Bank Clerk Online CWE-II Exam: Test-I Reasoning

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Held on: 16-12-2012 (First Sitting)

IBPS Bank Clerk Online CWE-II Exam

(Based on memory)

Direction (Q.15): Each of the questions given
below is based on the given diagram. The diagram shows
three circles each representing Doctors, Experienced
Hospital Employee and Post Graduates.


Which of the following represents such people who are

Experienced- Hospital Employees but are not doctors ?
1) Only A
2) Only C
3) A and C
4) F and C
5) G and A
2. Which of the following represents such people who are
Doctors and Post Graduates but not ExperiencedHospital Employees ?K
1) Only D
2) B and F
3) Only E
4) Only B
5) B and E
3. Which of the following represents such Doctors who
are also Experienced-Hospital Employees?
1) G and F
2) D and G
3) Only A
4) Only G
5) B and F
4. Which of the following represents Experienced-Hospital
Employees who are Doctors but are not Post Graduates?
1) Only F
2) F and G
3) B, F and G
4) A and G
5) Only G
5. Which of the following represents all such people who
are Doctors ?
1) Only D
2) B, D, F and G 3) Only F
4) B, D and G
5) B, F and G
Directions (Q.6-10) : Study the following arrangements
carefully and answer the questions given below:
6. How many such vowels are there in the above
arrangement each of which is immediately preceded by a
consonant and also immediately followed by a vowel ?

1) None
2) Three
3) Four
4) One
5) Two
7. How many such pairs of alphabets are there in the series
of alphabets given in bold in the above arrangement each
of which has as many letters between them (in both
forward and backward directions) as they have between
them in the English alphabetical series ?
1) None
2) One
3) Two
4) Three
5) More than three
8. On the basis of above series of alphabets DECK is written
as BABE and BARS is written as CHSR, then how will
JUMP be written ?
5) None of these
9. On the basis of above series of alphabets if PJ is related
to GI, EA is related to DO, then NF is related to
1) JL
2) OL
3) TL
4) TO
5) None of these
10. Which of the following is the fourth to the left of the
ninth from the left end of the above arrangement ?
1) V
2) I
3) U
4) M
5) None of these
Directions (Q.11-15) : Study the following information
carefully and answer the questions given below:
J, K, L, M, N, O, P and Q are sitting around a circular
table facing the centre but not necessarily in the same order.
O is immediate neighbour of both K and Q. Only one person
sits between K and J. L and M are neighbours but are not
immediate neighbours of Q. Two persons sit between M and
P. P does not sit to the immediate right of K.
11. What is the position of P with respect to Q ?
1) Fourth to the left
2) Third to the left
3) Third to the right
4) Second to the left
5) Second to the right
12. Who amongst the following is sitting to the right of J ?
1) N
2) M
3) L
4) P
5) K
13. Who amongst the following sits exactly between K and J ?
1) P
2) O
3) Q
4) L
5) None of these
14. Who amongst the following sits fourth to the left of M ?
1) N
2) J
3) P
4) O
5) None of these
15. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and
thus form a group. Which is the one that does not belong
to that group?


IBPS Bank Clerk Online CWE-II Exam, 16-12-2012

1) JL
2) NQ
3) ML
4) OK
5) PJ
Directions (Q.16-18) : Study the following information
to answer the given questions.
In a six storeyed building the ground floor is numbered
one, the floor above it is numbered two and so on such that
the topmost floor is numbered six. One out of six people viz,
A, B, C, D, E and F lives on each floor. No one lives between
C and F. There are two floors between the floors on which A
and D live. A lives on floor above the floor on which D lives.
E lives on odd numbered floor. B does not live on a floor
immediately above or below Es floor.
16. Who lives on the ground floor ?
1) E
2) B
3) D
4) A
5) Cannot be determined
17. Where does A live ?
1) Numbered 2 2) Numbered 3 3) Numbered 5
4) Numbered 4 5) None of these
18. Who lives immediately above Ds floor?
1) A
2) C
3) F
4) B
5) Cannot be determined
Directions (Q.19-23) : In each question below are two
statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II.
You have to take the two given statements to be true even if
they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts and
then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows
from the given statements disregarding commonly known
facts. Give answer
1) if only conclusion I follows.
2) if only conclusion II follows.
3) if either conclusion I or II follows.
4) if neither conclusion I nor II follows.
5) if both conclusions I and II follow.
19. Statements: All buses are cars.
Some buses are trucks.
Conclusions: I. Some buses are definitely not trucks.
II. At least some trucks are cars.
20. Statements: No leaf is a root.
All plants are roots.
Conclusions: I. No leaf is a plant.
II. Some plants are leaves.
21. Statements: Some chapters are units.
Some units are topics.
Conclusions: I. At least some topics are chapters.
II. Some topics are definitely not units.
22. Statements: All spoons are bowls.
All dishes are bowls.
Conclusions: I. Some spoons are dishes.
II. All bowls are spoons.
23. Statements: Some gates are doors.
No gate is window.
Conclusions: I. No door is window.
II. Some doors are definitely not windows.

Directions (Q.24-28): In these questions, relationships

between different elements is shown in the statements. These
statements are followed by two conclusions. Mark answer
1) if only Conclusion I follows
2) if only Conclusion II follows
3) if either Conclusion I or II follows
4) if neither Conclusion I nor II follows
5) if both Conclusions I and II follow
24. Statement:
A<F>T= E<R
Conclusions: I. A< F
II. R > F
25. Statement:
R > I < G < H >T
Conclusions: I. T < I
II. H > I
26. Statement:
T = A< K > E = S
Conclusions: I. K > T
II. S < K
27. Statement:
P < 0 = I < N >T
Conclusions: I. P < N
II. O > T
28. Statement:
D > E > L>A>Y
Conclusions: I. Y< D
II. A > E
Directions (Q.29-30): Study the following information
carefully and answer the questions given below :
Among five friends P, Q, R, S and T each having different
height, T is the second tallest. P is taller than only S. R and T
are taller than Q. P is taller than S but shorter than Q.
29. Who among the following is the tallest in the group ?
l ) R or T
2) T
3) R
4) Q
5) None of these
30. Who among the following is taller than T ?
1) R
2) Q
3) P
4) S
5) None of these
Directions (Q.3135): Each of the following questions
below consists of question and two statements numbered I
and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data
provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the
question. Read both the statements and Give answer
1) If the data in Statement I alone are sufficient to answer
the question, while the data in statement II alone are
not sufficient to answer the question.
2) If the data in Statement II alone are sufficient to answer
the question, while the data in statement I alone are
not sufficient to answer the question.
3) If the data in either Statement I alone or statement II
alone are sufficient to answer the question.
4) If the data in both the Statements I and II together are
not sufficient to answer the question.
5) If the data in both the Statements I and II are together
necessary to answer the question.
31. What is the total number of students in Course A in
College X '?

IBPS Bank Clerk Online CWE-II Exam, 16-12-2012








I. The respective ratio of girls and boys is 2 : 3.

II. The number of students has grown by 5 per cent
this year as compared to 4 per cent last year from the
number 1000 which it was year before last.
What was the grand total of Falcon Team of College X ?
I. Mayank correctly remembers that Falcon Team
scored a grand total of above 82 but below 91.
II. Animesh correctly remembers that Falcon Team
scored a grand total of above 77 and below 84.
Which direction is Ajay facing at the moment ?
I. After walking 5 metres early morning from point P',
Ajay is facing the opposite direction of the Sun.
II. Ajay took two consecutive right turns after covering
a distance of 6 metres to reach the point P.
How is M related to H ?
I. H is the daughter of P and sister of K.
II. S is the son of M and husband of P.
How is healthy coded in the language ?
I. In that code language eat and drink healthy is written
as seta pa me and drink hot beverages is written
as ta nu fa.
II. In that code language eat hot meal daily is written
as fa me la du and cold and hot is written as pa fa
How many such pairs of letters are there in the word
FINANCIAL, each of which has as many letters between
them in the word as in the English alphabetical series (in
both forward and backward directions)?
1) None
2) One
3) Two
4) Three
5) More than three
Cause : The Government has recently increased the taxes
on retail items by about 10 per cent. Which of the
following can be a possible effect of the above cause ?
1) The retailers will reduce the prices of retail items by
about 10 per cent.
2) The retailers will close their shops till the taxes are
rolled back by the Government.
3) The retailers will increase the prices of retail items by
about 20 per cent.
4) The retailers will most probably increase the prices of
retail items by about 10 per cent or less than 10 per
5) None of these
Statement: Many students died in a collision of their
bus and a truck near the school premise because the
driver of truck lost his balance owing to high speed of
the truck.
Courses of Action:
A) The Government should immediately cancel the
licenses of all the trucks operating in the city.


(B) The Government should prohibit the movement of

all the vehicles near the school premise.
(C) The Government should set up a high level task force
to suggest measures to prevent such incidents in
the future.
A course of action is a step or administrative decision to
be taken for improvement, follow-up or further action in
regard to the problem, policy etc. On the basis of the
information given in the statement, decide which of the
suggested courses of action logically follow(s) for
1) Only A
2) Only B
3) Only C
4) Only A and C 5) None
Directions (Q.39-40) : Study the following information
carefully and answer the questions given below :
The Government has decided to continue providing
subsidy to consumers for cooking gas for three more years.
This is not good news from the point of view of reining in the
fiscal deficit. Mounting subvention for subsidies means
diversion of savings by the government from investment to
consumption, raising the cost of capital in the process. The
Government must cut expenditure on subsidies to create more
fiscal space for investments in both physical and social
infrastructure. It should outline a plan for comprehensive
reform in major subsidies including petroleum, food and
fertilizers and set a final deadline.
39. Which of the following is a conclusion which can be
drawn from the facts stated in the above paragraph ?
1) Government cannot withdraw subsidies provided to
various items.
2) Government subsidy on cooking gas is purely a
political decision.
3) Government can compensate the expenditure incurred
on subsidy by raising the various taxes.
4) Subsidy provided by the government under various
heads to the citizens increases the cost of capital.
5) None of these
40. Which of the following is an assumption which is implicit
in the facts stated in the above paragraph?
1) It is not possible to create more infrastructural
facilities if the present level of subsidy continues even
for short duration.
2) The Government should sought assistance from
international financial organisations for developing
infrastructural projects.
3) The people of India may not be able to pay more for
cooking gas.
4) India is no longer a developing country and many
people in the country are rich enough to buy petroleum
products at market cost.
5) None of these


IBPS Bank Clerk Online CWE-II Exam, 16-12-2012

English Language
Directions (Q. 41-45) : Which of the phrases 1), 2), 3)
and 4) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in
the following sentences to make the sentence grammatically
correct? If the sentence is correct as it is and there is no
correction required mark 5) ie No correction required as
the answer.
41. During the recession many companies will be forced to
lay off workers.
1) have the force to
2) be forced into
3) forcibly have
4) forcefully
5) No correction required
42. He wanted nothing else expecting to sleep after a
Stressful day at work.
1) nothing better than
2) anything else unless
3) nothing but having
4) nothing else than
5) No correction required
43. Ramesh took charge of the project, within a few days of
having appointed ?
1) having an appointment 2) being appointed
3) after being appointed 4) appointing
5) No correction required
44. It is difficult to work with him because he is one of those
persons who think he is always right.
1) think they are always 2) always thinks he is
3) is always thinking they are
4) always think his
5) No correction required
45. Foreign businesses in developing countries have usually
problems with lack of infrastructure and rigid laws.
1) usual problems as
2) usually problems on
3) as usual problems like 4) the usual problems of
5) No correction required
Directions (Q. 46-50): Pick out the most effective word
from the given words to fill in the blank in each sentence to
make the sentence meaningfully complete.
46. They work hard not because of the _______ but because
of their inner urge.
1) desire
2) drive
3) energy
4) incentive
5) motivation
47. His _______ background has made him so docile .
1) famous
2) lucrative
3) rich
4) advanced
5) humble
48. It is _______ for everyone to abide by the laws of the
1) expected
2) obligatory
3) meant
4) optional
5) recommended
49. _______ he is a hard worker, his quality of work is not of
a desirable level.
1) Despite
2) Because
3) Although
4) Somehow
5) However

50. In spite of repeated instructions, he _______ the some

1) commits
2) detects
3) corrects
4) imitates
5) exhibits
Directions (Q. 51-65) : Read the following passage
carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain
words have been printed in bold to help you locate them while
answering some of the question.
Political ploys initially hailed as master-strokes often end
up as flops. The Rs. 60,000 crore farm loan waiver announced
in the budget writes off 100% of overdues of small and
marginal farmers holding upto two hectares, and 25% of
overdues of larger farmers. While India has enjoyed 8%-9%
GDP growth for the past few years, the boom has bypassed
many rural areas and farmer distress and suicides have made
newspaper headlines. Various attempts to provide relief
(employment guarantee scheme, public distribution system)
have made little impact, thanks to huge leakages from the
governments lousy delivery systems. So, many economists
think the loan waiver is a worthwhile alternative to provide
However the poorest rural folk are landless labourers,
who get neither farm loans nor waivers. Half of the small and
marginal farmers get no loans from banks and depend entirely
on moneylenders, and will not benefit. Besides, rural India is
full of the family holdings rather than individual holdings
and family holdings will typically be much larger than two
hectares even for dirt-poor farmers, who will, therefore, be
denied the 100% waiver. It will thus fail in both economic and
political objectives. IRDP loans to the rural poor in the 1980s
demonstrated that crooked bank officials demand bribes
amounting to one-third the intended benefits. Very few of
the intended beneficiaries who merited relief received it. After
the last farm loan waiver will similarly slow down fresh loans
to deserving farmers. While overdues to co-operatives may
be higher, economist Surjit Bhalla says less than 5% of farmer
loans to banks are overdue ie overdues exist for only 2.25
million out of 90 million farmers. If so, then the 95% who have
repaid loans will not benefit. They will be angry at being
penalised for honesty.
The budget thus grossly overestimates the number of
beneficiaries, It also underestimates the negative effects of
the waiver-encouraging wilful default in the future and
discouraging fresh bank lending for some years. Instead of
trying to reach the needy, through a plethora of leaky
schemes we should transfer cash directly to the needy using
new technology like biometric smart cards, which are now
being used in many countries, and mobile phones bank
accounts. Then benefits can go directly to phone accounts
operable only by those with biometric cards, ending the
massive leakages of current schemes.
The political benefits of the loan waiver have also been
exaggerated since if only a small fraction of farm families

IBPS Bank Clerk Online CWE-II Exam, 16-12-2012

benefit, and many of these have to pay bribes to get the
actual benefit, will the waiver really be a massive vote-winner
? Members of joint families will feel aggrieved that, despite
having less than one hectare per head , their family holding is
too large, to qualify for the 100% waiver. All finance ministers,
of central or state governments, give away freebies in their
last budgets, hoping to win electoral regards. Yet, four-fifth
of all incumbent governments are voted out. This shows
that beneficiaries of favours are not notably grateful , while
those not so favoured may feel aggrieved, and vote for the
opposition. That seems to be why election budgets
constantly fall to win elections in India and the loan waiver
will not change that pattern.
51. Why do economists feel that loan waivers will benefit
farmers in distress?
1) It will improve the standard of living of those farmers
who can afford to repay their loans but are exempted.
2) Other government relief measures have proved
3) Suicide rates of farmers have declined after the
announcement of the waiver.
4) Farmers will be motivated to increase the size of their
family holdings not individual holdings.
5) The government will be forced to re-examine and
improve the public distribution system.
52. What message will the loan waiver send to farmers who
have repaid loans?
1) The Government will readily provide them with loans
in the future.
2) As opposed to money lenders banks are a safer and
more reliable source of credit.
3) Honesty is the best policy.
4) It is beneficial to take loans from co-operatives since
their rates of interest are lower.
5) They will be angry at being penalised for honesty
53. What is the authors suggestion to provide aid to
1) Families should split their joint holding to take
advantage of the loan waiver.
2) The government should increase the reach of the
employment guarantee scheme.
3) Loans should be disbursed directly into bank
accounts of the farmers using the latest technology.
4) Government should ensure that loans waivers can be
implemented over the number of years.
5) Rural infrastructure can be improved using schemes
which were successful abroad.
54. What was the outcome of IRDP loans to the rural poor?
1) The percentage of bank loan sanctioned to family
owned farms increased.
2) The loans benefited dishonest moneylenders not
landless labourers.








3) Corrupt bank officials were the unintended

beneficiaries of the loans.
4) It resulted in the Government sanctioning thrice the
amount for the current loan waiver.
5) None of these.
What are the terms of the loan waiver ?
(A) One-fourth of the overdue loans of landless labourers
will be written off.
(B) The Rs. 60,000 crore loan waiver has been
sanctioned for 2.25 million marginal farmers.
(C) Any farmer with between 26 per cent to 100 per cent
of their loan repayments overdue will be penalised.
1) Only (A)
2) Only (B)
3) Both (B) and (C)
4) All (A), (B) and (C)
5) None of these
What is the authors view of the loan waiver?
1) It will have an adverse psychological impact on those
who cannot avail of the waiver.
2) It is a justified measure in view of the high suicide
rate among landless labourers.
3) It makes sound economic and political sense in the
existing scenario.
4) It will ensure that the benefits of Indias high GDP are
felt by the rural poor.
5) None of these
Which of the following cannot be said about loan waiver?
(A) Small and marginal farmers will benefit the most.
(B) The loan waiver penalises deserving farmers.
(C) A large percentage ie ninety five per cent of
distressed farmers will benefit.
1) Only (C)
2) Both (A) and (C)
3) Only (A)
4) Both (B) and (C)
5) None of these
Which of the following will definitely be an impact of
loan waivers?
(A) Family holdings will be split into individual holdings
not exceeding one hectare.
(B) The public distribution system will be revamped.
(C) Opposition will definitely win the election.
1) None
2) Only (A)
3) Both (A) and (B)
4) Only (C)
5) All (A), (B) and (C)
What impact will the loan waiver have on banks?
1) Banks have to bear the entire brunt of the write off.
2) Loss of trust in banks by big farmers.
3) Corruption among bank staff will increase.
4) Farmers will make it a habit to default on loans.
5) None of these
According to the author what is the governments
motive in sanctioning the loan waiver?
1) To encourage farmers to opt for bank loans from
2) To raise 90 million farmers out of indebtedness.


IBPS Bank Clerk Online CWE-II Exam, 16-12-2012

3) To provide relief to those marginal farmers who have

the means to but have not repaid their loans.
4) To ensure they will be reelected.
5) None of these
Directions (Q. 61-63): Choose the word which is most
nearly the SAME in meaning to the word printed in bold as
used in the passage.
61. incumbent
1) mandatory
2) present
3) incapable
4) lazy
5) officious
62. ploys
1) surveys
2) entreaties
3) ruses
4) sliders
5) assurances
63. aggrieved
1) vindicated
2) intimidated
3) offensive
4) wronged
5) disputed
Directions (Q. 64-65): Choose the word which is most
OPPOSITE in meaning to the word printed in bold as used
in the passage.
64. plethora
1) dearth
2) missing
3) superfluous
4) sufficient
5) least
65. merited
1) ranked
2) unqualified for 3) lacked
4) inept at
5) unworthy of
Directions (Q. 66-70): Read each sentence to find out
whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if
any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that
part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is 5).
(Ignore errors of punctuation, if any)
66. It is more better l)/if one of the parents 2)/stays at home
3)/to look after the children. 4)/No error5)
67. With a fresh coat l)/of paint 2)/the school can 3)/ look
much nice. 4)/No error5)
68. I asked the salesman l)/if I could exchange 2)/the faulty
camera 3)/with another one. 4)/No error 5)
69. It took me l)/almost a hour 2)/to fill the 3)/application
form. 4)/No error 5)
70. She insists l)/you stay 2)/until her husband 3)/comes
home. 4)/No error 5)
Directions (Q. 71-80) : In the following passage, there
are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These
numbers are printed below the passage and against each,
five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank
appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.
Mankind has seen rapid (71) in the last 150 years
because of the mass manufacturing techniques (72) in western
nations and later taken to new levels of efficiency by Japan.
Mass production and production for the masses became the
bases of new business strategies. Large scale consumption
by all with the social benefit of (73) poverty became the
dominant economic strategy. The advent of electricity and
its large-scale application to lighting, heating and operating

machines added a fresh dimension to manufacturing. By the

1950s came (74) in electronics and transistor devices to be
followed by innovations in microelectronics, computers and
various forms of sensors all of which (75) altered the
manufacturing scene. It is now no longer necessary to make
prototypes in a factory or a laboratory to study a new product.
Many new products can be (76) on computers and their
behaviour simulated on them. By choosing an optimum
design through such simulations, computer programmes can
directly (77) the manufacturing processes. These processes
are generally called Computer Aided Design (CAD) and
Computer Assisted Manufacturing (CAM). These capabilities
are leading to newer forms of (78) by customers. Each
customer can be offered several special options. Customised
product design or (79) manufacturing are other popular
techniques currently in (80) in many developed countries.
71. 1) havoc
2) transformation 3) destruction
4) violence
5) deforestation
72. 1) discarded
2) resorted
3) indulged
4) perfected
5) designated
73. 1) removing
2) nurturing
3) appeasing
4) cajoling
5) mastering
74. 1) additions
2) gadgets
3) modifications
4) variety
5) inventions
75. 1) immediately 2) precisely
3) irreversibly
4) indefinitely
5) measurably
76. 1) designed
2) produced
3) manufactured
4) sold
5) purchased
77. 1) inspire
2) cultivate
3) visualise
4) drive
5) curtail
78. 1) uses
2) demands
3) advertisements
4) consumption 5) goods
79. 1) visible
2) secure
3) fundamental
4) overt
5) flexible
80. 1) view
2) wings
3) vogue
4) isolation
5) order

Numerical Ability
81. In an urn there are 4 red balls and 3 blue balls. If two balls
are drawn at random, find the probability that none is red.






5) None of these



82. On annual day of a school some chocolates were to be

distributed equally among 420 children. But on that
particular day, due to some reason 140 more children of
another school joined them, hence each child got 1
chocolate less. How many chocolates were originally
supposed to be distributed among the children ?


IBPS Bank Clerk Online CWE-II Exam, 16-12-2012

1) 1640
2) 1680
3) 1690
4) 1600
5) None of these
83. Raj Kumar got the result of his 8th class. Each subject
consists of a maximum of 140 marks. If he scores 98 marks
in science; 129 marks in sanskrit; 131 marks in Maths,
110 marks in English and 120 marks in Hindi, what was
his percentage of marks in all the five subjects ?
1) 84%
2) 82%
3) 77%
4) 79%
5) None of these
84. If Suresh sells an article at a price of Rs 9300, he incurs a
loss of Rs 3100. At what price should he sell the article
so that he gets a profit of 25% ?
1) `7250
2) `7350
3) `7650
4) `7750
5) None os these
85. There is a circular ground whose area is 246400 sq metres
If a person runs at the speed of 13.08 m/sec, then how
much time will he take to complete the circle?
1) 125 sec
2) 130 sec
3) 100 sec
4) 120 sec
5) None of these
Directions (Q.8690): What should come in place of
the question mark(?) in the following number series ?
86. 2 4 16 96 768 ? 92160
1) 7680
2) 7580
3) 7608
4) 7090
5) 7860
87. 14 36 ? 300 894 2676 8022
1) 101
2) 102
3) 103
4) 104
5) None of these
88. 5 8 13 20 ? 44 61
1) 29
2) 30
3) 31
4) 32
5) 37
89. 11 16 31 56 91 136 ?
1) 171
2) 181
3) 185
4) 191
5) 197
90. 3 4 12 45 196 ?
1) 985
2) 990
3) 995
4) 1000
5) 1005
91. The simple interest accrued in 2 years on a principal of
Rs 24000 is one-eighth of the principal. What is the rate
of simple interest p.c.p.a ?
1) 5
2) 4.5
3) 6.25
4) 7.25
5) None of these
92. If a person runs 14.35 km in five weeks, then what distance
does he travel everyday ?
1) 400 m
2) 410 m
3) 405 m
4) 415 m
5) None of these
93. If a train 280 metres long runs at the speed of 7.4 m/
second, how much time will it take to cross a platform
460 metres long?
1) 95 sec
2) 96 sec
3) 98 sec
4) 99 sec
5) 100 sec
94. If a trader sells his stock of oranges at Rs 18270, he gains
45 per cent. What is the cost price of total stock of oranges?

1) `12600
2) `13600
3) `12650
4) `13650
5) None of these
95. If the numerator of a fraction is increased by 20% and its
denominator by 25%, then the fraction so obtained is


What is the original fraction ?







5) None of these



Directions (Q.96105): What will come in place of the

question mark (?) in the following questions ?

12 1

1 = ?
13 26 13

1) 1



2) 2


3) 1


5) None of these

97. 4 566 5 + 24.2 - 36 = (?)2

1) 20
2) 21
3) 22
4) 23
5) 25
98. 5252 + 2525 = ? 25
1) 310.8
2) 311.8
3) 311.08
4) 312.8
5) 312.08
99. 8 ? = 4888 4
1) 150.75
2) 125.75
3) 125.05
4) 152.75
5) None of these
100. 39254 + 5217 - 2286 = ? 50
1) 813.7
2) 843.7
3) 834.7
4) 943.77
5) None of these
101. (62.5 14 5) 25 + 41 = (?)3
1) 4
2) 5
3) 9
4) 8
5) 6
102. (23 23 23 23 23 23)5 (23 23)2 (23)2 = (23)?
1) 32
2) 30
3) 9
4) 7
5) 11
103. 27% of 510 + ? = 266.3
1) 182.6
2) 122.6
3) 123.6
4) 128.6
5) None of these
104. 2 2 3 3 7 2 4 3 = ?
1) 1080
2) 1008
3) 1800
4) 40 3
5) 168 6

of of of 222

1) 42
2) 43
3) 39
4) 37
5) None of these
106. A car covers a distance from town A to town B at the
speed of 58 kmph and covers the distance from town B


IBPS Bank Clerk Online CWE-II Exam, 16-12-2012

to town A at the speed of 52 kmph. What is the

approximate average speed of the car?
1) 55 kmph
2) 52 kmph
3) 48 kmph
4) 50 kmph
5) 60 kmph
107. Mr Phanse invests an amount of `24,200 at the rate of 4
p.c.p.a. for 6 years to obtain a simple interest. Later he
invests the principal amount as well as the amount
obtained as simple interest for another 4 years at the
same rate of interest. What amount of simple interest
will he obtain at the end of the last 4 years ?
1) `4,800
2) `4,850.32
3) `4,801.28
4) `4,700
5) None of these
108. In a sale, perfumes are available at a discount of 25% on
the selling price. If a perfume costs `5,895 in the sale,
what is the selling price of the perfume ?
1) `6,020
2) `7,860
3) `7,680
4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
109. What approximate value should come in place of the
question mark(?) in the following questions?
754 4136 24 = ?

1) 294
2) 276
3) 265
4) 300
5) 288
110. The cost of 15 digital cameras and 21 handy cameras is
`3,54,900. What is the cost of 5 digital cameras and 7
handy cameras?
1) `1,25,500
2) ` 1,18,300
3) `2,15,100
4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
111. A canteen required 56 kg of rice for seven days. How
many kg of rice will it require for the months of April and
May together ?
1) 496
2) 480
3) 498
4) 488
5) None of these
112. How much part of a day is 45 minutes?






5) None of these



113. The total number of students in a school is 31700. If the

ratio of boys to the girls in the school is 743 : 842
respectively, what is the total number of girls in the school?
1) 14860
2) 16480
3) 15340
4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
114. The sum of five consecutive even numbers A, B, C, D
and E is 130. What is the product of A and E ?
1) 720
2) 1024
3) 660
4) 672
5) None of these
115. If the square of a number is subtracted from 4052 and the
difference is multiplied by 15, the answer so obtained is
41340. What is the number ?

1) 36
2) 1024
3) 32
4) 1296
5) None of these
116. 20% of the total cost of a plot with an area of 395 sq ft is
`78,210. What is the rate of per sq ft of the plot ?
1) `1,020
2) ` 999
3) `1,000
4) ` 995
5) None of these
117. The owner of a furniture shop charges his customers
15% more than the cost price. If a customer paid ` 9,039 for
a sofa set, then what is the cost price of the sofa set ?
1) `7,680
2) `7,860
3) `7,880
4) `7,660
5) None of these
118. Each child from a certain school can make 5 items of
handicraft in a day. If 1125 handicraft items are to be
displayed in an exhibition then in how many days can
25 children make these items ?
1) 6 days
2) 9 days
3) 8 days
4) 7 days
5) None of these
119. The product of two successive positive integers is 462.
Which is the smaller integer ?
1) 20
2) 22
3) 21
4) 23
5) None of these
120. While withdrawing an amount of ` 49,350 a customer by
mistake collects ` 48,150. The remaining amount is
deposited back to his account by the bank, which shows
the balance of `25,376. What will be the customers
balance after depositing the remaining amount ?
1) `26,576
2) `26,676
3) `26,586
4) `26,686
5) None of these

General Awareness
121. Which of the following is not correct regarding the JICA
President Award?
1) It is given to an individual
2) It is given to an organisation
3) It is given for making contributions in the field of
4) The 'J' in JICA denotes Jordan
5) Delhi Metro is the recipient of the 2012 Award
122. Who among the following was never the Governor of
Reserve Bank of India?
1) Osborne Smith
2) James Braid Taylor
3) Montek Singh Ahluwalia
4) CD Deshmukh
5) D Subbarao
123. Which one of the following is correct regarding the Note
Issuing Authority of the Reserve Bank of India?
1) Apart from the government, it has the authority/
monopoly to issue currency notes other than one
rupee notes/coins
2) One rupee notes/coins and coins of smaller
denominations are put into circulation by the Central

IBPS Bank Clerk Online CWE-II Exam, 16-12-2012

3) At present, the RBI issues notes in seven
4) The functions of note issue and currency
management is discharged by the RBI through its
head office in Mumbai
5) None of these
124. Which of the following is not correct regarding the
National Integration Day?
1) It aims to bring unity, peace, and spreading of love
and brotherhood among fellow Indians
2) It is also celebrated as Quami Ekata Divas
3) It is celebrated in remembrance of Indira Gandhi
4) It is celebrated on October 31
5) National Integration Day celebration ends with
Childrens Day
125. In banking, a Pay In Slip
1) Means a slip through which a person can deposit
money in his account
2) Means a slip through which a person can issue cheque
from his account
3) Is also called a withdrawal slip
4) Must essentially contain IFSC Code
5) None of these
126. The Reserve Bank of India reduced which of the
following rates by 25 basis points in October 2012?
1) Repo rate
2) Cash Reserve Ratio
3) Statutory Liquidity Ratio and Repo Rate
4) Repo Rate and Cash Reserve Ratio
5) None of these
127. Who among the following has authored the book, titled
Saga of Struggle and Sacrifice?
1) Manmohan Singh
2) APJ Abdul Kalam
3) Hamid Ansari
4) Pranab Mukherjee
5) Amartya Sen
128. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh effected a reshuffle of
his council of ministers in October 2012. Which of the
following pairs is not correct with regard to the new
Union Cabinet Ministers?
1) Manmohan Singh: Planning
2) Salman Khurshid: External Affairs
3) Kapil Sibal: Communications
4) Anand Sharma: Information Technology
5) Ajay Maken: Housing
129. A unique function of the bank is to create credit. Which
of the following factors do not determine the credit
creation power of banks?
1) Amount of Cash Reserve in the Country
2) Cash Reserve Ratio
3) Special Drawing Rights
4) Monetary Policy of the Central Bank
5) Willingness of Customers to Borrow


130. For which of the following debt instruments, not having

a fixed rate of interest over the life of the instrument, can
Floating Interest Rate be applied?
1) A loan
2) A bond
3) A mortgage
4) A credit
5) All of these
131. Which of the following is not correct regarding SMS
1) It is operated through Pull Messages
2) One-Time Password (OTP) is a type of pull message
3) Most SMS banking solutions are add-on products
4) The lack of encryption on SMS messages is an area
of concern
5) None of these
132. In banking, Mobile Banking refers to the performance of
which of the following services through a mobile device?
1) Balance checks
2) Account transactions
3) Payments
4) Credit applications
5) All of these
133. Which among the following subsidiaries of the State
Bank of India, which were nationalised in 1960, has now
been merged with SBI?
1) State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur
2) State Bank of Hyderabad
3) State Bank of Patiala
4) State Bank of Saurashtra
5) State Bank of Travancore
134. The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is to be implemented
in India. Which of the following taxes will not be replaced
by it?
1) Excise duty
2) Service tax on the Centres front
3) Value Added Tax (VAT) at states end
4) Cesses, surcharges and local levies
5) Wealth Tax
135. Service Tax act/Rules in India has provided exemption
to small scale service providers from service tax up to
aggregate value of taxable services provided up to how
much in a Financial Year?
1) Rs 1 lakh
2) Rs 2.5 lakhs 3) Rs 5 lakhs
4) Rs 10 lakhs
5) None of these
136. Which of the following does not aptly describe Demat
Account in India?
1) It refers to a dematerialised account for individual
Indian citizens to trade in listed stocks or debentures
in paper form
2) It is required for investors by the Securities and
Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
3) In a Demat account, shares and securities are held
4) This account is opened by the investor while
registering with an investment broker (or sub-broker)
5) Access to the Demat account requires an internet
password and a transaction password



IBPS Bank Clerk Online CWE-II Exam, 16-12-2012

137. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has

introduced a new type of Demat Account called Basic
Services Demat Account (BSDA). Which of the following
is one of its features?
1) Individuals are eligible to have multiple BSDA account
across all depositories
2) Investors will receive transaction statement on annual
3) Investors can avail at least two delivery instruction
slip during account opening
4) Investors can avail SMS alert facility for credit
5) If investors account have zero balance and no
transactions during the year then will receive no
annual statement
138. Which of the following is not one of the major charges
usually levied on a Demat account?
1) Account opening fee
2) Annual maintenance fee
3) Annual fee for spot conversions of one currency into
4) Custodian fee
5) Transaction fee
139. Who among the following has authored the famous
novel, titled Joseph Anton?
1) Jeet Thayil
2) Salman Rushdie
3) Shobha De
4) VS Naipaul
5) Chetan Bhagat
140. Which of the following are the essential facilities/benefits
provided by a Demat account to an individual to trade
the securities in the stock market?
1) It reduces brokerage charges
2) It makes pledging/hypothecation of shares easier
3) It enables quick ownership of securities on settlement
resulting in increased liquidity
4) It avoids confusion in the ownership title of securities
5) All of these
141. Which one of the following can be described as a
secondary function of commercial banks in India?
1) Overdraft facilities
2) Discounting Bills of Exchange
3) Money at Call
4) Purchase and Sale of Securities
5) Remittance of Funds
142. The balance sheet of a bank comprises of two sides; the
assets side and the liabilities side. Which one of the
following items comes under the side of Assets?
1) Subscribed capital
2) Acceptance and endorsements
3) Money at call and short notice
4) Bills for collection
5) Paid-up Capital
143. In the reshuffle of Union Council of Ministers,
undertaken by Manmohan Singh in October 2012, who

among the following is a Cabinet Minister (excluding

Ministers of State and Ministers of State with
Independent Charge)?
1) Pawan Kumar Bansal
2) Shashi Tharoor
3) Jyotiraditya Madhavrao Scindia
4) Sachin Pilot
5) Chiranjeevi
144. The first ever India Biodiversity Awards were presented
in October 2012. In which of the following categories
were these awards not given?
1) Community Stewardship
2) Decentralised Governance
3) Environmental sensitisation
4) Co-management
5) Protected Area
145. Which of the following Central Armed Police Forces of
India has recently celebrated its golden jubilee?
1) Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB)
2) Border Security Force (BSF)
3) Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF)
4) Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP)
5) Central Industrial Security Force (CISF)
146. Which of the following is not correct regarding cheque
in banking?
1) It is a type of bill of exchange
2) It is a non-negotiable instrument
3) There are four main items on a cheque
4) Parties to regular cheques generally include a drawer
and a payee
5) Cheques have been in decline for some years, both
for point of sale transactions and for third party
147. Which of the following does not aptly describe a Demand
Draft in India?
1) It is a type of cheque
2) It is an Account payee instrument
3) In case of Demand drafts, the drawer is a bank
4) The principle of Cheque Clearing does not apply to it
5) None of these
148. India has taken a pledge towards strengthening the
institutional mechanism for biodiversity conservation
in the country with a sum of $ 10 million announced by
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in this regard. The
name of this pledge is
1) Rio Pledge
2) Doha Pledge
3) Hyderabad Pledge
4) Delhi Pledge
5) Kyoto Pledge
149. Which of the following is not a technique/tool/
instrument of money/credit control by the Reserve Bank
of India?
1) Open Market Operations
2) Bank Rate

IBPS Bank Clerk Online CWE-II Exam, 16-12-2012

3) Liquidity Adjustment Facility
4) Refinance
5) Monopoly to issue currency notes
150. Which of the following is a type of Indirect security?
1) Mutual Funds
2) Ordinary Shares
3) Debentures
4) Preference shares
5) Innovative Debt Instruments
151. Europe recently produced the greatest comeback in Ryder
Cup to retain the trophy. With which sports is the Ryder
Cup associated?
1) Golf
2) Tennis
3) Baseball
4) Basketball
5) Ice Hockey
152. The Cheque was first introduced in India by which of
the following banks?
1) Bank of Hindustan
2) State Bank of India
3) Bank of India
4) Punjab National Bank
5) None of these
153. United Nations secretary general Ban Ki-Moon has
announced that every year 10 November will be
celebrated as
1) Malala Day
2) Earth Day 3) Development Day
4) Wilmut Day 5) Jobs Day
154. Which of the following is a quantitative credit control
policy of the Reserve Bank of India?
1) Margin requirements 2) Moral suasion
3) Bank rate
4) RBI guidelines
5) Direct action
155. What is the term for inflation when the general price
level increases at the rate of about 5-6 per cent per
1) Creeping inflation
2) Walking inflation
3) Running inflation
4) Hyperinflation
5) Galloping inflation
156. Which of the following cannot be termed as nontraditional functions of a commercial bank in India?
1) ATM facility
2) Issuing credit cards
3) Venture capital financing
4) Creating deposits
5) None of these
157. Who among the following is a Deputy Governor of the
Reserve Bank of India?
1) Abhijit Sen
2) Mihir Shah
3) K Kasturirangan
4) HR Khan
5) Arun Maira
158. Which Union Budget first announced the introduction
of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) from April 1, 2010?
1) Budget 2002-03
2) Budget 2005-07
3) Budget 2007-08
4) Budget 2009-10
5) None of these
159. The National Capital Region (NCR) in India is a name for
the conurbation or metropolitan area which
encompasses the entire Delhi as well as urban areas
around it in neighbouring states. Which of the following
is not that neighbouring state?



1) Punjab
2) Rajasthan
3) Uttarakhand
4) Uttar Pradesh 5) None of these
160. Which one of the following banks was nationalised in
the second wave of nationalisation in 1980?
1) Central Bank of India 2) Bank of India
3) Syndicate Bank
4) Corporation Bank
5) Bank of Maharashtra

Computer Knowledge
161. The system unit
1) coordinates input and output devices
2) is the container that houses electronic components
3) is a combination of hardware and software
4) controls and manipulates data
5) does the arithmetic operations
162. In Word you can force a page break _____
1) By positioning your cursor at the appropriate place
and pressing the Fl key
2) By positioning your cursor at the appropriate place
and pressing Ctrl+Enter
3) By using the Insert/Section Break
4) By changing the font size of your document
5) None of these
163. The basic unit of a worksheet into which you enter data
in Excel is called a _____
1) tab
2) cell
3) box
4) range
5) None of these
164. To reload a Web page, press the _____ button.
1) Redo
2) Reload
3) Restore
4) Ctrl
5) Refresh
165. Which of the following is a programming language for
creating special programs like applets ?
1) Java
2) cable
3) domain name
4) Net
166. Which part of the computer is directly involved in
executing the instructions of the computer program?
1) The scanner
2) The main storage
3) The secondary storage
4) The printer
5) The Processor
167. In order to create column data in Word you need to
1) Tab consecutively until your cursor reaches the
desired place
2) Set tabs or use the Table menu
3) You need to use Excel
4) Press the space bar until your cursor reaches the
desired place
5) None of these
168. When the computer is switched on, the booting process
performs the
1) Integrity Test
2) Power-On Self-Test



IBPS Bank Clerk Online CWE-II Exam, 16-12-2012

3) Correct Functioning Test

4) Reliability Test
5) Shut-down
169. Press the _____ key to move the insertion point to the
first cell in a row in Excel.
1) Page Up
2) Page Down
3) Home
4) Tab
5) None of these
170. How many margins are on a page?
1) Two (header and footer)
2) Four (top, bottom, right, left)
3) Two (landscape and portrait)
4) Two (top and bottom)
5) None of these
171. Language used in a computer that is similar to the
languages of humans and is easy to understand is
referred to as
1) Source Code
2) Machine Language
3) High Level Language 4) Object Code
5) Assembly Language
172. Which of the following should be used to move a
paragraph from one place to another in a Word
1) Copy and Paste
2) Cut and Paste
3) Delete and Retype
4) Find and Replace
5) None of these
173. Excel documents are stored as files called _____
1) workforce
2) worksheets
3) worktables
4) workgroups 5) workbooks
174. A computer programmer _____
1) does all the thinking for a computer
2) can enter input data quickly
3) can operate all types of computer equipments
4) can draw only flowchart
5) is not a useful person
175. A cookie _____
1) stores information about the users web activity
2) stores software developed by the user
3) stores the password of the user
4) stores the commands used by the user
5) None of these
176. Which of the following is not true about an assembler ?
1) Translates instructions of assembly language into
machine language
2) It does not translate a C program
3) It is involved in programs execution
4) Is a translating program
5) It does not translate a BASIC program
177. A web site is a collection of _____
1) graphics
2) programs
3) algorithms
4) web pages
5) charts
178. Which contents are lost when the computer turns off ?
1) storage
2) input
3) output
4) memory
5) None of these

179. Which of the following is hardware and not software?

1) Excel
2) Printer driver
3) Operating System
4) Power Point
5) CPU
180. To be able to boot, the computer must have a(n)
1) Compiler
2) Loader
3) Operating System
4) Assembler
5) None of these
181. In Excel, this is a prerecorded formula that provides a
shortcut for complex calculations
1) Value
2) Data Series
3) Function
4) Field
5) None of these
182. In word, replace option is available on
1) File Menu
2) View Menu
(3) Edit Menu
4) Format Menu 5) None of these
183. A word gets selected by clicking it to select a word, in
1) once
2) twice
3) three times
4) four times
5) None of these
184. The process of trading goods over the Internet is known as
1) e-selling-n-buying
2) e-trading
(3) e-finance
4) e-salesmanship
5) e-commerce
185. In word, when you indent a paragraph, you
1) push the text in with respect to the margin
2) change the margins on the page
3) move the text up by one line
4) move the text down by one line
5) None of these
186. The operation of combining two cells into a single cell in
Excel is referred to as _____
1) Join Cells
2) Merge Cells 3) Merge Table
4) Join Table
5) None of these
187. What do you see when you click the right mouse button?
1) The same effect as the left click
2) A special menu
3) No effect
4) A mouse cannot be right clicked
5) Computer goes to sleep mode
188. In order to delete a sentence from a document you would
use _____
1) highlight and copy
2) cut and paste
3) copy and paste
4) highlight and delete
5) select and paste
189. When machine instructions are being executed by a
computer, the instruction phase followed by the
execution phase is referred to as _____
1) program cycle
2) machine instruction
3) execution cycle
4) task cycle
5) machine cycle
190. Which of the following refers to the process of a
computer receiving information from a server on the
Internet ?

IBPS Bank Clerk Online CWE-II Exam, 16-12-2012

1) gathering
2) uploading
3) inputting
4) outputting
5) downloading
191. Which of the following is not a storage medium?
1) hard disk
2) flash drive
3) DVD
4) CD
5) monitor
192. _____ is the part of the computer that does the
arithmetical calculations.
1) OS
2) ALU
3) CPU
4) Memory
5) Printer
193. User can use commands to search for and correct words
in a document.
1) Print and Print Preview 2) Header and Footer
3) Find and Replace
4) Spelling and Grammar
5) Copy and Paste
194. Which of the following will be used if a sender of e-mail
wants to bold, itlaics etc the text message ?
1) Reach Signature
2) Reach Text
3) Reach Format
4) Plain Format
5) Plain Text
195. Which of the following justification align the text on
both the sides-left and right- of margin?
1) Right
2) Justify
3) both Sides
4) Balanced
5) None of these



196. Which of the following characteristics is used to compute

dynamicaly the results from Excel data?
1) Goto
2) Table
3) Chart
4) Diagram
5) Formula and Function
197. What is included in an e-mail address ?
1) Domain Name followed by Users Name
2) Users Name followed by Domain Name
3) Users Name followed by Postal address
4) Users Name followed by street address
5) None of these
198. The other name of motherboard is
1) Mouse
2) Computer Board
3) System Device
4) Central Board
5) System Board
199. In Power Point, the Header & Footer button can be found
on the Insert tab in what group ?
1) Illustrations group
2) Object group
3) Text group
4) Tables group
5) None of these
200. What does CO stands in COBOL ?
1) Common Object
2) Common
3) Common Operating
4) Computer Oriented
5) None of these

Answers and explanations

1. 3;
2. 4;

3. 1;
4. 5;
5. 2;
6. 5;

ExperiencedHospital Employees who are not Doctors

can be represented by A and C.
Such people who are Doctors as well as Post
Graduates but not the ExperiencedHospital
Employees can be represented by B.
Such Doctors who are also ExperiencedHospital
Employees can be represented by G and F.
ExperiencedHospital Employees who are Doctors but
not Post Graduates can be represented by only G.
Doctors can be represented by B, D, F and G.
Such combinations are : RUI : KEA

7. 4;

8. 1;

9. 3;




Therefore, N

10. 2; 4th to the left of ninth from the left means 5th from the
left, ie I.
(11-15) :



11. 2;
12. 4;
13. 1;
14. 5;

P is third to the left of Q.

P is sitting to the right of J.
P sits exactly between K and J.
K sits fourth to the left of M.



IBPS Bank Clerk Online CWE-II Exam, 16-12-2012

15. 3; Except in ML, in all others the first person is sitting to

the immediate right of the second person.
(16-18) :
Floor No.


16. 1; E lives on the Ground Floor numbered '1'.

17. 3; A lives on the floor numbered '5'.
18. 5; Either C or F lives on the floor immediately above D's
(19-23) :
19. 2; Some buses are trucks (I) conversion Some
trucks are buses (I) + All buses are cars = I + A = I =
Some trucks are cars. Therefore conclusion II follows.
Again, sometimes particular affirmative premises tend
to be universal affirmative. Therefore, conclusion I
does not follow.
20. 1; All plants are roots + No root is a leaf = A + E = E = No
plant is a leef conversion No leaf is a plant (E).
Therefore conclusion I follows.
21. 4; Both the premises are particular affirmative. No
conlcusion follows from the two particular premises.
22. 4; All spoons are bowls + Some bowls are dishes = A +
I = No conclusion.
23. 2; Some doors are gates + No gate is window = I + E = O
= Some doors are not windows. Therefore, conclusion
II follows.
24. 4; A < F > T = E < R
Conclusions: I. R < F : Not True
II. R > F : Not True
25. 2; R > I < G < H > T
Conclusions: I. T < I : Not True
II. H > I : True
26. 2; T = A < K > E = S
Conclusions: I. K > T : Not True
II. S < K : True
27. 1; P < O = I < N > T
Conclusions : I. P < N : True
II. O > T : Not True
28. 4; D > E > L > A > Y
Conclusions : I. Y < D : Not True
II. A > E : Not True
(29-30) : R > T > Q > P > S
29. 3; R is the tallest in the group.
30. 1; Only R is the taller than T.

31. 2; From statement II:

Total number of students = 1000 + 40% of 1000 + 5%
of (1000 + 4% of 1000) = 1000 + 40 + 52 = 1092
32. 5; From statement I:
Grand total of Falcon Team
= 83. 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89 or 90
From statement II:
Grand Total of Falcon Team = 78, 79, 80, 81, 82 or 83
From both the statements:
Grand total of Falcon Team = 83
33. 1; From statement I:

Ajay is facing towards the West.

34. 4; From both the statements :

Gender of M is not known. Therefore, M is grand-father or grand-mother of H.

35. 5; From both the statements:
eat and drink healthy se ta pa me . . . (i)
drink hot beverages ta nu fa . . . (ii)
eat hot meal daily fa me la du . . . (iii)
cold and hot pa fa ga . . . (iv)
From (i) and (ii), drink ta
From (i) and (iii), eat me
From (i) and (iv), and pa
The code for 'healthy' is 'su'.
36. 3;

37. 4
38. 3
39. 4
40. 1
41. 5
42. 1
43. 3
44. 1
45. 4
46. 4
47. 5
48. 2
49. 3
50. 1
51. 2
52. 5
53. 3
54. 3
55. 2
56. 1
57. 2
58. 4
59. 4
60. 4
61. 5
62. 3
63. 3
64. 1
65. 2
66. 1; The use of double comparatives in a sentence is wrong.
Therefore, 'It is more better' should be replaced with
'it is better'.
67. 4; 'look much nice' should be replaced with 'look very

IBPS Bank Clerk Online CWE-II Exam, 16-12-2012

68. 4; The use of 'one' after 'another' is superfluous.
69. 2; 'almost a hour' should be replaced with 'almost an
70. 2; 'your stay' should be replaced with 'you on staying',
because 'insist' is always followed by preposition 'on'.
71. 2
72. 4
73. 1
74. 3
75. 2
76. 1
77. 5
78. 4
79. 5
80. 3
81. 3; Total balls = 4 + 3 = 7
Exhaustive number of cases = Selection of 2 balls out
of 7 balls = 7C2

87. 2;

88. 3;

= 21
1 2

Favourable number of cases = selection of 2 blue balls

out of 3 = 2C2 = 3
3 1

21 7
82. 2; Let there be originally x chocolates.
Now, according to the question,

Required probability =

89. 4;


420 560
4 x 3x
x = 1680
83. 1; Total marks obtained by Raj Kumar
= 98 + 129 + 131 + 110 + 120 = 588
Total maximum marks = 140 5 = 700
588 100
Percentage of marks =
84. 4; CP of article = Rs (9300 - 3100 =) 6200
To gain 25%

6200 125


SP = Rs

85. 1; If the radius of circular ground be r metres, then

r2 = 246400

r2 = 246400

r2 =

246400 7
= 78400

r = 78400 = 280 metres

Circumference of the ground = 2r
280 = 1760 metres
Time taken =
= 125 seconds
86. 1; The pattern is as given below :
4 4 = 16
16 6 = 96

90. 5;



96 8 = 768
768 10 = 7680
7680 12 = 92160
The pattern is as given below :
14 3 - 6 = 42 - 6 = 36
36 3 - 6 = 108 - 6 = 102
102 3 - 6 = 306 - 6 = 300
300 3 - 6 = 900 - 6 = 894
894 3 - 6 = 2682 - 6 = 2676
2676 3 - 6 = 8028 - 6 = 8022
The pattern is as given below :
8 + 5 = 13
13 + 7 = 20
20 + 11 = 31
31 + 13 = 44
44 + 17 = 61
Note : Consecutive prime numbers have been added.
The pattern is as given below:
11 + 5 = 16
16 + 15 = 31
31 + 25 = 56
56 + 35 = 91
91 + 45 = 136
136 + 55 = 191
The pattern is as given below:
3 1 + 12 = 3 + 1 = 4
4 2 + 22 = 8 + 4 = 12
12 3 + 32 = 36 + 9 = 45
45 4 + 42 = 180 + 16 = 196
196 5 + 52 = 980 + 25 = 1005

91. 3; SI =

Principal = 24000 = Rs 3000



Pr incipal Time

3000 100
= 6,25% per annum
24000 2
Alternative Method :

Pr incipal 8



Pr incipal Time

1 100 25

= 6.25% per annum.

8 2
92. 2; Distance covered in 5 weeks ie 35 days
= 14.35 km = 14350 metres

Distance covered per day =

= 410 metres

93. 5; Total length to be covered

= (280 + 460 =) 740 metres
Time taken =

= 100 seconds



94. 1; Required CP =

18270 100
= Rs 12600

Now, according to the question,

95. 2; Let the fraction by

x 120 3
x 3 125 5

y 125 5
y 5 120 8
96. 2; ? =

12 1 14 24 1 28 53

13 26 13

4 566
+ 24.2 - 36 = 452.8 + 24.2 - 36
= 477 - 36 = 441

97. 2; (?)2 =

? = 441 = 21
98. 3; 5252 + 2525 = ? 25
7777 = ? 25 ? =

= 311.08

= 1222
= 152.75
100. 2; 39254 + 5217 - 2286 = ? 50

99. 4; 8 ? =

42185 = ? 50 ? =
101. 5; (?)3 =

= 843.7

62.5 14 5
+ 41 = 175 + 41 = 216

? = 3 216 = 6
102. 1; (236)5 (232)2 (23)2 = (23)?
2330+4-2 = (23)? (23)32 = (23)? ? = 32
27 510
103. 4;
+ ? = 266.3
137.7 + ? = 266.3 ? = 266.3 - 137.7 = 128.6

104. 2; ? = 2 2 7 2 3 3 4 3

= 14 2 12 3 = 1008
5 4 3
105. 4; ? = 222 37
8 9 5
106. 1; Quicker Method :
If two equal distances are covered at two different
speeds of x kmph and y kmph, then
Average speed = x y kmph
2 58 52

= 58 52 kmph
= 110 kmph = 54.83 kmph = 55 kmph

IBPS Bank Clerk Online CWE-II Exam, 16-12-2012

107. 3; Case I :

24200 4 6
= Rs
= Rs 5808
Amount = Principal + SI = Rs (24200 + 5808)
= Rs 30008
Case II :

30008 4 4
SI = Rs
= Rs 4801.28
108. 2; Let the SP of perfume be Rs x.
Discount = 25%
Now, according to the question,
75% of x = Rs 5895
= Rs 5895
5895 100
x = Rs
= Rs 7860
109. 5; ? = 754 4136 24 =
24 = 288
110. 2; Let the CP of 1 digital camera be Rs x and that of 1
handy camera be Rs y.
Now, according to the question,
15x + 21y = Rs 354900
On dividing both sides by 3, we have
5x + 7y = Rs
= Rs 118300 = Rs 118300
Therefore, the cost of 5 digital cameras and 7 handy
cameras is Rs 118300.
111. 4; Number of days in April and May = 30 + 31 = 61
Requirement of rice for 7 days = 56 kg.
Requirement of rice for 61 days

= 61 kg = 488 kg
112. 3; 1 day = 24 hours = (24 60) minutes

Required answer =
24 60 32
113. 5; Boys : Girls = 743 : 842
Total number of students = 31700

Number of girls = (743 842) 31700


31700 = 16840

114. 3; Let A = x, B = x + 2, C = x + 4, D = x + 6 and E = x + 8.

Now, according to the question,
x + x + 2 + x + 4 + x + 6 + x + 8 = 130
5x + 20 = 130 5x = 130 - 20 = 110

= 22

A = 22 and E = x + 8 = 22 + 8 = 30
A E = 22 30 = 660

IBPS Bank Clerk Online CWE-II Exam, 16-12-2012

115. 1; Let the number be x.
According to the question,
(4052 - x2) 15 = 41340
= 2756
x2 = 4052 - 2756 = 1296

4052 - x2 =

x = 1296 = 36
116. 5; Total cost of the plot =

78210 = Rs 391050

= Rs 990
Rule of Fraction : CP of sofa set =
= Rs 7860
Required number of days =
= 9 days
5 25
Suppose the two consecutive integers be x and x + 1
According to question,
(x) (x + 1) = 462
x2 + x - 462 = 0 x2 + 22x - 21x - 462 = 0
x (x + 22) - 21 (x + 22) = 0 (x + 22) (x - 21)
x = 21
Customer's balance in account = (49350 - 48150) +
25376 = 1200 + 25376 = Rs 26576
The 'J' in JICA stands for Japan. JICA is the
abbreviated form for Japan International Cooperation
Agency. Delhi Metro, which was built with the
assistance from Japanese government, was awarded
with the Japan International Cooperation Agency
(JICA) President Award in October 2012 for its
contributions to Indo-Japan ties.
122. 3
123. 3
124. 5
Pay In Slip is a slip through which a person can
deposit his money or cheque in his bank account. It
is also called as Deposit Slip. It must contain : Date;
account number; account name/title; and signature.
128. 2
127. 4
128. 4
Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) are supplementary
foreign exchange reserve assets defined and
maintained by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Not a currency, SDRs instead represent a claim to
currency held by IMF member countries for which
they may be exchanged.

Rate per square ft =

117. 2;

118. 2;
119. 3;

120. 1;
121. 5;

125. 1;

129. 3;

130. 5
131. 2; SMS banking services are operated using both push
and pull messages. Push messages are those that the



bank chooses to send out to a customer's mobile

phone, without the customer initiating a request for
the information. One Time Password is a type of push
132. 5
133. 4
134. 5
135. 4
136. 1; The term "Demat", in India, refers to a dematerialised
account for individual Indian citizens to trade in listed
stocks or debentures in electronic form rather than
paper, as required for investors by the Securities and
Exchange Board of India (SEBI). The Demat account
number is quoted for all transactions to enable
electronic settlements of trades to take place.
137. 3
138. 3
139. 2
140. 5
141. 4
142. 3
143. 1
144. 3
145. 4; The Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) celebrated its
golden jubilee on October 24, 2012. ITBP was
conceived on October 24, 1962 for security along the
India's border with the Tibet Autonomous Region of
China border covering 2115 killometres. The ITBP is
trained in Civil Medical Camp, disaster management,
and nuclear, biological and chemical disasters.
146. 2
147. 4
148. 3
149. 5
150. 1
151. 1
152. 1; The Cheque was introduced in India by the Bank of
Hindustan, the first joint stock bank established in
1770. In 1881, the Negotiable Instruments Act (NI Act)
was enacted in India, formalising the usage and
characteristics of instruments like the cheque, the bill
of exchange and promissory note. The NI Act
provided a legal framework for noncash paper
payment instruments in India.
153. 1
154. 3
155. 2
156. 4
157. 4
158. 3
159. 1; The National Capital Region (NCR) in India is a name
for the conurbation or metropolitan area which
encompasses the entire Delhi as well as urban areas
ringing it in neighbouring states of Haryana,
Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan. With a
total area of about 33,578 km2, it is the world's second
largest urban agglomeraion by population and the
largest by area.
160. 4
161. 2
162. 2
163. 2
164. 5
165. 1
166. 5
167. 2
168. 2
169. 3
170. 3
171. 3
172. 2
173. 2
174. 1
175. 1
176. 2
177. 4
178. 4
179. 5
180. 3
181. 3
182. 3
183. 2
184. 5
185. 1
186. 2
187. 2
188. 4
189. 5
190. 5
191. 5
192. 2
193. 4
194. 2
195. 2
196. 5
197. 2
198. 5
199. 3
200. 2



IBPS Bank Clerk Online CWE-II Exam, 16-12-2012

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