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2016-03-29 13:29:41
1.2.1 Child Abuse
The National Education Department Circular 12of 1987 stipulates that child abuse can be
defined as physical, emotional or sexual abuse by parents or any adult responsible for care
and wellbeing of a child. Depriving the child of a proper diet, medical attention and
education can also constitute child abuse.
In this case Ronald is a victim of child abuse; he is being abused by his mother physically as
the doctor saw bruises in his body that shows that he is being beaten by his mother physically
she fails responsibility of protecting him. Ronald mother was supposed to protect and give
him right to play not to beat him and choose for him what hobby to do. Ronalds mother
didnt give him a chance to explain exactly what happened to doctor she just answered first
instead of giving Ronalds a chance to do so she seems like theres something shes hiding.
was injured. Ronalds mother was supposed to give Ronald a chance to explain everything to
the doctor but she just answered first as if theres something shes hiding.
2.1.2 Counseling
Cancelling can be defined as a facilitative process during which the counselor, working
within a framework of a special relationship, uses specific skills to help young people to help
themselves more effectively (Gills 1997:2)
According to Garland (1998:112) the devastation experienced by the trauma victims may be
due to the following emerging stages of development in the victims response to trauma the
first stage that is when a victim breaking down is distrupted of normal functioning as a result
that has happened to Ronald he even avoiding going home because his parents will beat him
when hes going to soccer pitch. The Second stage according to stanfeld (2001:31) the
internal picture of the traumatized person is different she states that the long-term internal
situation is the result of two powerful drivers from injury; the victim has attached his or her
experience (e.g. sexual abuse during childhood). This stage is familiar to Ronald situation as
he went through his physical abuse his childhood is being affected because he will be afraid
of going to play with his friends or going to soccer pitch because his parents will beat him as
its results for him to end up in going to doctor.
Involvement in sport, cultural and other extramural activities
The maintenance of equipment and facilities
1.Schoeman, S.(ed), Jansen, C.A., Dreyer, J.M, Swanepoel, J.I. Van As, K.H., Vogel, H.M,
Steyn. H.C, and Kruger, J.S 2011. THE EDUCATOR IN A PASORAL ROL. ONLY
STUDY GUIDE FOR EDOH0D8. Pretoria: University of South Africa.
2. www.wikipedia/guidance.com