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LONDIWE SIBIYA 5927-648-7 EDPHOD8 Assignment 01 835021

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1.1 Ronald stage of psychological development

According to Ericksons eight stages of psychological development Ronalds stage of
psychological is identity vs. role confusion also known as the adolescence stage since she is
15 years old. Description teenager must achieve a sense of identity in occupation, sex roles,
politics and religion.

1.2.1 Child Abuse
The National Education Department Circular 12of 1987 stipulates that child abuse can be
defined as physical, emotional or sexual abuse by parents or any adult responsible for care
and wellbeing of a child. Depriving the child of a proper diet, medical attention and
education can also constitute child abuse.
In this case Ronald is a victim of child abuse; he is being abused by his mother physically as
the doctor saw bruises in his body that shows that he is being beaten by his mother physically
she fails responsibility of protecting him. Ronald mother was supposed to protect and give
him right to play not to beat him and choose for him what hobby to do. Ronalds mother
didnt give him a chance to explain exactly what happened to doctor she just answered first
instead of giving Ronalds a chance to do so she seems like theres something shes hiding.

LONDIWE SIBIYA 5927-648-7 EDPHOD8 Assignment 01 835021

1.2.3 Emotional Abuse

Lourie and Stefano (in Hobb et al 1993: 108) defines emotional abuse as an injury the
Intellectual or psychological capacity of the child, as evidenced by an observable and
substantial impairment in his or her ability to function within his normal range of
performance and behavior with due regards to his or her culture.
Ronald psychological capacity is merely affected about the whole abuse situation that hes
going through, he cant even function as a normal child he doesnt act normal like any other
learners in class and his school work is being affected too. Ronald is being abused by his own
mother with reference to some of the components of emotional abuse first is rejection,
Ronalds mother dont give him the right to play as it is stated in CHILDREN RIGHTS that
the child have a right to play. Secondly is isolation he is being ordered to leave his favorite
sport (SOCCER) that makes him feel alone in the backbone. Thirdly terrorizing Ronalds
mother told him that he mustnt be sissy when hes felling pain and said he told him several
times that he must stop this soccer thing but couldnt listen, she didnt even give chance to
explain of what happened and when did this happen she just answered first like theres more
to tell and preventing Ronald to tell the doctor. Ronalds mother was shouting at him when he
was feeling pain in doctors room instead of comforting.

1.2.3 Emotional Neglect

Whiting (1976:2) states that emotional neglect is a result of subtle or blatant omission or
commission experienced by the child, which causes the child to experience handicapping
stress. Neglect also entails meaningful adults inability to provide the child with the
necessary nurturance, stimulation, encouragement and protection at various stages of his or
her development, which inhibits his or her optimal functioning. The inability to provide a
child with necessary nurturance, stimulation and encouragement hence the child experience
stress and the unable to cope.
Ronald is being blamed by his mother for his injury of sprinkle spray he tells the doctor that
he is a clumsy kid in this case she is trying to cover herself to the doctor and trying to stop
him to explain what happened to him. This affects his psychological mentality. Ronalds
mother is neglecting him by not getting him help as soon as she find out that hes being
injured, she was supposed to get him an emergency help because she didnt know how bad he

LONDIWE SIBIYA 5927-648-7 EDPHOD8 Assignment 01 835021

was injured. Ronalds mother was supposed to give Ronald a chance to explain everything to
the doctor but she just answered first as if theres something shes hiding.

1.2.4 Physical Neglect

Refers to the failure to protect a child from exposure to any kind of danger, including cold or
starvation or extreme failure by educator (parent or child carers) to carryout important
aspects of care, resulting in the impairment of the childs health development (Hobbs et al
In this case Ronalds mother failed to protect her son as a carer who is responsible of his
well-being. Ronalds mother was supposed to take him to the doctor as soon as she finds out
that he is injured but she waited for 3 day until he took him to the doctor. The doctor finds
bruises in Ronalds body that shows that hes being physical neglected Ronalds mother was
supposed to tell the doctor about that bruises if shes not responsible about them in this case
it shows that shes responsible for that bruises as the doctor was taking a good look in them
and noticed that they are older, she told the doctor to not focus on that bruises he must focus
on the one that they are coming for.

1.3 Maslows hierarchy of need

The possible effects on Ronalds behavior may result negatively on physiological needs he
may feel about the clothes he wear and may try to cover his skin to hide his bruises in his
body. On safety needs he may develop a sense if being unsafe when he is around his mother
because his mother used to beat him he will be afraid even to be at home when shes around.
Belonging and love Ronalds may feel that she doesnt belong anywhere because her mother
neglected her now that may cause him to feel unloved. His self-esteem is low because he is
ashamed of his situation and he was embarrassed to even tell his friend that his parent dont
want him to go to soccer pitch, also his school work is affected due to this incident he may
not be able to concentrate in class because visuals of her mother shouting at him in his mind.


2.1.1 Guidance

LONDIWE SIBIYA 5927-648-7 EDPHOD8 Assignment 01 835021

To give advice or information aimed at resolving or difficulty, especially as given by

someone in authority www.wikipedia/guidance.com

2.1.2 Counseling
Cancelling can be defined as a facilitative process during which the counselor, working
within a framework of a special relationship, uses specific skills to help young people to help
themselves more effectively (Gills 1997:2)

2.1.3 Support for learning problems

Support for learning problems refers to problems experienced by a particular group of
children who give evidence of shortcomings in the development and use of listening,
speaking, reading, writing, comprehension and mathematical abilities and show a
discrepancy between the given potential and the actual level at which they function.
As a pastoral carer/educator I can only give guidance to Ronald and advice her on important
steps that she has to take for all necessary help from the social workers, SAPS, psychologists
and examine his health for possible infections.


Ronald as a learner facing abuse at home his school work get affected due to stressful events
happening at home which can be a barrier of learning because he is worry about going home
having to deal with abuse. According to Lewis 1995:5 the way the child experience stress
depends on only on the event itself, but ability to cope with the event. Ronald developed fear
because this situation was overwhelming for him and he felt helpless especially because hes
been abused by his own parents who were supposed to protect which eventually affected his
psychological development.

LONDIWE SIBIYA 5927-648-7 EDPHOD8 Assignment 01 835021

According to Garland (1998:112) the devastation experienced by the trauma victims may be
due to the following emerging stages of development in the victims response to trauma the
first stage that is when a victim breaking down is distrupted of normal functioning as a result
that has happened to Ronald he even avoiding going home because his parents will beat him
when hes going to soccer pitch. The Second stage according to stanfeld (2001:31) the
internal picture of the traumatized person is different she states that the long-term internal
situation is the result of two powerful drivers from injury; the victim has attached his or her
experience (e.g. sexual abuse during childhood). This stage is familiar to Ronald situation as
he went through his physical abuse his childhood is being affected because he will be afraid
of going to play with his friends or going to soccer pitch because his parents will beat him as
its results for him to end up in going to doctor.

LONDIWE SIBIYA 5927-648-7 EDPHOD8 Assignment 01 835021


2.3.1 Parent involvement
Involvement in life-skills education programs and assisting teachers in addressing the
diverse needs of learners.
Involvement in the teaching of particular skills, topics, or area of information

Involvement in sport, cultural and other extramural activities
The maintenance of equipment and facilities

2.3.2 Parental counseling

The ability to listen is essential

Ask for their help
Covey to parents that you are equal partnership with them in education
Try to reassure them by giving them concrete examples of their childs success and

difficulties and explain to them who you are doing about it

Their cooperation and their willing participation is undertaking specific tasks.


2.4.1 Intervention strategies
Intervention strategies are processes that involve helping individuals or
groups of learners who experience barriers to learning (Donald el at2002:16)
Important guidelines that are taken into account when intervening Ronalds
situation will involve reporting the abuse to the right authorities such as
social welfare, police and getting help psychological therapists and so on.

2.4.2 Reporting the abuse

As an educator it is my responsibility to report Ronalds story to social
welfare and south African police service as soon as possible and also
suggest professional assistance with the school if possible and get her
parents involve as they are his guardian.

2.4.3 Support Service


LONDIWE SIBIYA 5927-648-7 EDPHOD8 Assignment 01 835021

Ronald will have to undergo trauma session from psychologists and

therapists assisting her to recover from all the pain and letting him know
its not his fault also get checked for his health for possible infection in his
ankle and his bruises. There is a possibility that he might be taken from
his parents because they are abusing him

2.4.4 Counseling parents of learners with learning disabilities

Arrange a meeting with Ronalds parents and tell them that he told me
about abuse and I am going to report them to police and social welfer and
I am willing to get mental help through psychologists and therapists.

1.Schoeman, S.(ed), Jansen, C.A., Dreyer, J.M, Swanepoel, J.I. Van As, K.H., Vogel, H.M,
Steyn. H.C, and Kruger, J.S 2011. THE EDUCATOR IN A PASORAL ROL. ONLY
STUDY GUIDE FOR EDOH0D8. Pretoria: University of South Africa.
2. www.wikipedia/guidance.com

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