Project 9: Portfolio

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S y d n e y

P i p e r

S t o c k i n g

Na m e : S. Pip e r Sto c k ing
Num b e r: 20 8.681 .2585
Em a il : syd n eyp 881 5@g
We b site : http s://syd n

design Contents

M o nta g e


Statio n a ry


Bu sin e ss Ca rd


We d d in g An n o u n c e me nt


F lie r


We b p a g e


Bro c h u re


Ph oto d e sig n


Eve nt Ad

Instructor: Ben Pingel

Course: Communications 130

Date: February 14, 2016
Programs used: Adobe Photoshop
Description: An spiritual message montage made by the blending three images, and using typography.
Objectives: Unify a layout with a consistent theme and dominant spiritual message. Learn to blend two
or more images together gradually, using masks. Demonstrate more advanced Photoshop
skills for layout with multiple elements. Use a mask to apply a filter to one part of the image
Process: I cropped the background image to 8.511. I opened the rock image and feather cut and
pasted it onto my background. With black paint and a 100%, 50%, and 20% opacity,
soft-edged brush, I painted away the hard image edges and blended the image into the
background. I repeated the process with the Flower, but I did not lasso the ticket first. I
used brightness and contrast to bring out the white in the image. I added some type with
two contrasting fonts and I added a layer style (strong and smooth) and a layer behind the
text to make the text more legible.

Instructor: Ben Pingel

Course: Communications 130

Date: February 20, 2016
Programs used: Adobe InDesign
Description: Black & White flier to promote a graduate leadership conference.
Objectives: Create three completely different, original logos to fit a company or personal image that will
appeal to the audience. Use only the Illustrator tools to create and draw your logos.
Process: After trying out several drafts and ideas, I choose three and drafted them in Illustrator. I
took a vote on which of the three was the best. I chose the one that was voted as best logo.
I made three versions of the logo. One original, one for grey scale printing, and one white on
color background.

Instructor: Ben Pingel

Course: Communications 130

Date: February 27, 2016
Programs used: Adobe InDesign and Adobe Illustrator
Description: Matching letterhead and business card designed using a personally created logo.
Objectives: Use the basic tools in Illustrator & InDesign. Create a new logo to fit a company or personal
image. Do not imitate existing logos or use previous designs. Dont use photos or live trace.
Use the new logo to design consistent layouts for a business card and letterhead.
Process: I created the logo using simple shapes in Adobe Illustrator. I also used the shape and pen
tools to cut and combine these simple shapes. Once the logo was created, I opened a new
InDesign document and placed my logo .AI file into this document. I positioned the placed
logo in the top left corner of my letterhead.

S. Piper Stocking
(208) 555 5555
9876 Moose Way
Island Park, ID 83429

Business Card
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Course: Communications 130
Date: February 27, 2016
Programs used: Adobe InDesign and Adobe Illustrator
Description: Matching letterhead and business card designed using a personally created logo.
Objectives: Use the basic tools in Illustrator & InDesign. Create a new logo to fit a company or personal
image. Do not imitate existing logos or use previous designs. Dont use photos or live trace.
Use the new logo to design consistent layouts for a business card and letterhead.
I created the logo using simple shapes in Adobe Illustrator. I also used the shape and pen
tools to cut and combine these simple shapes. Once the logo was created, I opened a new
InDesign document and placed my logo .AI file into this document. I used the rectangle tool
to create the front and back outline of my business card.

S. Piper Stocking
(208) 555 5555
9876 Moose Way
Island Park, ID 83429

Instructor: Ben Pingel
Course: Communications 130
Date: January 24, 2016
Programs used: Adobe InDesign
Description: Black & White announcement for a wedding/reception.
Objectives: Apply the design principles and use appropriate typography. Incorporate basic InDesign
Process: I used a simple design for the wedding announcement. I used the pen and shape tools to
create the outline and background for the announcement page. I used two contrasting fonts
throughout the design.

Colton & Piper

Instructor: Ben Pingel

Course: Communications 130

Date: January 24, 2016
Programs used: Adobe InDesign
Description: Black & White flier to promote a graduate leadership conference.
Objectives: Apply the design principles and use appropriate typography. Incorporate basic InDesign
skills to improve basic flier layout.
Process: I first created 4 sketches of my layout. Then I chose one sketch as a guide to create this
layout in Adobe InDesign. I used black and grey rectangles for repetition and contrast
throughout the flier. I also emphasized the word Graduate in my title for contrast, and to
create a good focal point. I left white space on the right of the flier and kept my body copy
small. I was given the image, logo, and content for this flier.



Do you want to have the competitive edge in business?

Come learn how at Vouant Communications annual Graduate
Leadership Conference.
Vouant Communications is devoted to helping tomorrows leaders
gain essential leadership skills in the workplace. During this dynamic
three-day seminar, attendees will meet with top executives of Vouant
Communications to discuss breakthrough leadership techniques, while
cultivating attributes of leadership that will market to any employer.
Conference is available to graduating seniors. Space is limited.
Registration and more information available at:

October 21

8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Lincoln Convention Center

Web Page
Instructor: Ben Pingel

Course: Communications 130

Date: March 12, 2016
Programs used: Notepad ++
Description: A web page designed to showcase a personally created logo.
Objectives: Write content to describe the process of creating your logo and how it appeals to a target
audience. Acquire a working knowledge of HTML and CSS.
Process: I created this web page using only Notepad++. After I marked up all my content and inserted
my image, I attached a pre-made CSS document to my HTML. I then used the colors from my
logo as the colors for my web page. I found these colors by opening using a css color picker.
I also changed my fonts to Georgia and Arial. I declared some backup fonts just in case the
viewers browser didnt have these fonts. I also used padding around the logo and text so
that they would not be too close to the edge of the web page.

Instructor: Ben Pingel

Course: Communications 130

Date: March 26, 2016
Programs used: Adobe InDesign
Description: A two sided (single fold) brochure.
Objectives: Set up and align a two-sided, folded document. Create an original, new logo and use it in a
Process: I set up the single fold layout in Adobe InDesign. I dragged the ruler to mark the center fold
of the brochure. I used yellow bars throughout the brochure to create repetition and flow.
I chose photos that showed either yellow fruit and/or lavender to create contrast using
complementary colors and to use an organic them for the essential oils message.For the
image of the oil bottles, I used the quick selection tool in Adobe Photoshop to remove the
background of the image. I then used the refine mask dialogue box to smooth, feather,
shift edge and apply contrast to the outline of the flamingo. The changes I made in the
refine mask dialogue box made a softer image that didnt look so sharp and cutout against
the brochures background. I then placed the oil bottles into InDesign where I used the
text wrap option to wrap my text around the alpha channel of the image.I created the logo
in Illustrator using the pen tool and then I placed it into InDesign. I placed the logo on a
black background for contrast.

Are You
Interested in


Sydney Piper Randall

Wellness Advocate

What are essential oils?

When you smell a flower, or any other plant, what
you are smelling actually serve a bigger purpose
than what you may think. What we smell, is actually
one of many aromatic compounds (chemical structures inside the plant) that plants put off for survival.
Plants are made up of several of these compounds
that can heal the plant or keep it from harm (such
as using certain smells to keep pests away).
We can use the oils from certain plants to heal and
protect our bodies. Essential oils are the liquids
extracted from these plants. The oil can come from
the plants seeds, bark, flowers, fruit, stems, etc. The
purity of this oil taken from the plant is affected by
variables like the soil condition the plant was grown
in, the region, harvest, and many others.

Why use doTERRA?

doTERRA wants to produce quality products that
are safe and pure for families to use. doTERRAs
products are Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade.
This means that each bottle of oil has
been tested for its purity, potency
and consistency. There are not filler
oils in doTERRAs products that are
commonly found in other brands of
essential oils.
Because of doTERRAs high
standard of quality, their essential
oils are safe to use in your home
and around young children, pets,
and everyone else.

How to use essential Oils

Essential Oils can be used by breathing them in.
*Use oils in a diffuser
*Inhale deeply from an open bottle

Essential Oils can be applied directly to your skin. For
children and adults with sensitive skin, it is recommended that you dilute with a carrier oil.
*Apply to area of concern on your body
*Ex. Rub oil on the bottoms of your feet

Essential Oils that are marked with the
Supplement Facts box can be used
for dietary use.
* Add a drop of oil to a glass of water
* Take drops of oil in capsules
* Apply under your tongue

Instructor: Ben Pingel

Course: Communications 130

Date: February 6, 2016
Programs used: Adobe Photoshop
Description: Demonstrate good photography and image editing skills. Incorporating color into a poster
layout with original photo.
Objectives: Learn basic photography skills. Choose a color scheme, take a photo to match those colors,
then incorporate the colors into the layout. Adjust image levels, saturation, color balance,
sharpen tool on separate layers for NDE (non-destructive editing.) Size and crop the image.
Use layers to design text, and repeating graphic elements in Photoshop.
Process: I first formulated my plan by choosing a color scheme from the Visual FOCUS book for my
layout, I did an indoor shoot with the flowers and opened on the windows to let in natural
light. After deciding on the image I wanted to use, I brought the photo into Photoshop and
used these specific editing techniques: levels, sharpness, saturation, and color balance.
Then I design an 8.511 layout that including my photo, text, and repeating design elements.
I incorporate my color scheme title, color swatches, and color names into my design. I used
the eye dropper tool and adjusted the color in the color picker to match the color wheel. I
created shapes using the polygon tool and used them as a repeating element in my design.

Event Ad
Instructor: Ben Pingel

Course: Communications 130

Date: January 31, 2016
Programs used: Microsoft Word, Epson Scanner, (PDF converter)
Description: A color full-bleed event ad made to promote a fundraiser using Microsoft Word and a
Objectives: Find, scan and import a high-quality image. Create a full-bleed design. Choose a color
scheme and typeface(s) that work for the message and audience.
Process: I scanned the tray of donuts image and used a Word image effect to add the top line
and color. I used a circle for my title for repetition in the design because of the circular
shape of the donuts in the image. Then I added a box with a light shade of green to for a
complimentary color scheme but also to help add focus to the text. The box is rounded to
keep the same rounded element.

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