Exercise #1: Invocation of The Four Archangels: Introduction To Channeling and Mediumship

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Exercise #1: Invocation of the Four Archangels

1. Face east. The first Archangel you will invoke is Raphael, who is the Archangel of
healing. The associated colors are bright yellow and mauve. To call the energy of
Raphael, say, Archangel Raphael, I invoke thee for protection. You should
imagine a gentle wind penetrating your entire body. (When done in a group, as
we do in class, this is truly dynamic!) Then take a moment to take your
temperature again to see what you feel associated with this energy.
2. Face south. The second Archangel you will invoke is Michael, who is the warrior
Archangel. Again, take your temperature. Now, invoke Archangel Michael by
saying, Archangel Michael, I invoke thee for protection. Take your temperature
once again. Allow yourself to perceive the difference between the first energy and
the second. The colors associated with Archangel Michael are red and gold. You
may imagine an intense radiation of heat associated with this Archangel.
3. Face west. The third Archangel you will invoke is Gabriel, who is the messenger
and the gatekeeper between this world and the next. Take your temperature first.
Then say, Archangel Gabriel, I invoke thee for protection. Take your
temperature again. Feel the difference in the energy. The colors associated with
Archangel Gabriel are blue and orange, and the associated feeling is a sense of
moisture or flowing water.
4. Face north. The fourth Archangel you will invoke is Auriel who is the Archangel in
charge of all earthly things. Take your temperature first, and then loudly and with
authority say, Archangel Auriel, I invoke thee for protection. Now, take your
temperature again, and feel the difference in energies. The colors associated
with Auriel are green and brown, and the associated feeling is a cool, calm, and
rooted sense of stability.
As you did this you should have perceived differences between each of the energies.
When you are in your own home, your own space, and you want to channel the energy
of a spirit, you can use the above invocation to clear the space before you begin.
Likewise, you can use this in a public place provided you get there early. To be most
effective, the names need to be almost sung out audibly. The vibration of sound
connects you to the vibration of the Archangels. Doing it silently works, but is not nearly
as effective.

The exercise is excerpt from Psychic Development Level 4:

Introduction to Channeling and Mediumship
(available at www.SandyAnastasi.com)

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