Ariel Queen of Athel Loren Wood Elves Rules

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riel counts as a Lord and a Hero choice in a Wood

Elves army. She must be used as presented here and

may not be given any additional equipment, magic
items, or Spites. Ariel will always be the army
General, even if Orion is also present. No model
currently exists in the Warhammer Wood Elf range
for Ariel – you'll have to convert your own
representation of her.

Ariel is the Queen of Athel Loren and presides over the

realm together with Orion. Ariel acquired the Aspects of
Isha, the ancient Elven goddess of nature, through the
strange magic of the Oak of Ages at the same time as
Orion gained the Aspects of Kurnous. Thus, the magical
force of nature flows through Ariel as if she were the
goddess Isha herself.

Ariel wields immense natural forces and weaves them according to her will. She
commands the trees of the forest to grow, and vegetation to spring forth from the
ground. It is Ariel who weaves enchantments around the Forest of Loren to delay and
mislead intruders, or lure them onwards to their doom! If Ariel perishes in battle, the
Elves will carry her away and seal her within the Oak of Ages to be reborn again in
the spring.

When enemies enter the Forest of Loren, Ariel shifts shape into her sylph-like War
Aspect. She grows almost twice the height of an ordinary Elf and unfolds huge wings
like those of a gigantic moth, covered in tiny scales of shimmering, iridescent colors.
Upon her wings are strange markings known as the Eyes of Isha, and the Spirals of
Isha can also be seen in the patterns of her wings. Sometimes, Ariel's wings display
the markings of the death's-head moth to indicate that she is enraged and in a vengeful
mood. Moth-like antenna emerge from Ariel's head, but her face remains that of a
beautiful she-Elf with piercing eyes. The upper part of her body is clad in shimmering
scales of incandescent green, while the lower part trails away into infinity – like an
ethereal or elemental being. She appears to glow with an inner light like the moon and
trails raw magic in a shower of glittering stardust. In this form, Ariel can fly around
the battlefield wielding her magic. The wafting of her huge wings over the heads of
the enemy fills them with both dread and awe.

Ariel, Queen of Athel Loren

Ariel 5 5 5 4 3 4 7 2 10

Points: 600

Ariel is a Level 4 Wizard and knows all of the spells from the Lore of Athel Loren. In
addition, she gets +1 to cast any spells from the Lore of Athel Loren.


Ariel has the following common special rules: Fly, Forest Spirit, Terror

Elemental Form. Ariel is no longer a mortal Elf and is bound to the natural world
with ancient and unbreakable ties. If she chooses to move using her ground
movement, she may move through all forms of Difficult Terrain without penalty.

Aura of the Fey Queen. Ariel is one of the truly legendary individuals in the
Warhammer world. All friendly units within 6" of Ariel are Immune to Panic.

Earthbind. If Ariel is endangered, the land itself will rise to protect her by entangling
those who would threaten her. Any units declaring a charge on Ariel count as moving
through Difficult Terrain for the duration of the turn. In addition, if Ariel flees from
combat, any enemies attempting to pursue her roll an extra D6 when determining their
pursuit distance and discard the highest result.


The Heartstone of Athel Loren. A physical representation of the many ties that bind
Ariel to the forest of Athel Loren, this gemstone protects her from the effects of hostile

This item grants Ariel a Magic Resistance of 2. In addition, if she successfully resists
a spell targeted at her, the casting Wizard must immediately take a Leadership test. If
he fails, he immediately loses a magic level and may not cast that spell for the
remainder of the game.

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