Engineer Renewal Program Experiments Research On Internet Check Class Site For Beginning Research (Videos) Community T'Souke

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What we know

-We need to educate people

about saving energy
-We can use solar, wind, tidal
as renewable sources
-we need to make it as
efficient as possible so as to
not want to disturb the
people living there or wildlife
-We can make solar energy
more efficient by
magnifying the light of the

Learning Issues
-Is solar energy enough for
-What are the larger
implications for our project?
Can this work inform all of
Canada? done
-How will these works in cold
-Lunar? Hamster wheel
plant? Source energy from
treadmills? Energy by black
plasma? Heating facility?

Action Plan
Engineer Renewal

The community/TSouke First

-value tradition
-the community members
help to make the project a
reality- help install the solar
panels and wiring, they give
feedback about how the solar
panel project is going, they
helped make the decision for
the current project (solar)
-Already using solar energy

-How will this affect the
-What role does the
government play? done
-How will the people adjust to
the new type of energy?
-What role do the people in
the community play? done
-Who do we go to for funds?
-what is the communitys
feedback to solar?

Community TSouke:
How much electricity does
TSouke need?
How much wildlife is there in
this community? What will
we have to clear (forest)?
Will TSouke be able to
switch to other energy

Research on Internet
Check class site for
beginning research
Community TSouke:
Student 1, 2, 3, 4
Want to address:

Student 5, 6, 7,

-Solar energy only works

during specific seasons
(warmth, sunlight)
Water-tidal, wave
Wind-Windmills are onshore
or offshore

TSouke Community
How much electricity does
TSouke need?
How much wildlife is there in
this community? What will
we have to clear (forest)?
Will TSouke be able to
switch to other energy

-influence spokes to make it
work better
-need wind
-near mountains so wind may -How will this affect the
work well
-Will this be expensive
-Will we use tax dollars?
Wave, Tidal, Off-Shore
What type of First Nations
reserve is this?
How do we apply for
permission and funding for
renewable energy?
Canadian Government is
available to ask for funding
How many houses in
Solar is being used in
Ontario. The MP of Esquimalt

Team Tidal
Student 8, 9,
Team Off-Shore Wind
Student 10, 11

said that he would take this

idea back to Ontario.
On average, one house takes
14 400 W of power/per day
Interview with Andrew
Solar Panels are getting
1296 MW per day (for all
houses) + offices
90 houses in TSouke
TSouke has a solar project
Created project seven years
Energy they have now is
sufficient (parity
Would like to have more
energy solutions for the rest
of the world
Batteries help to store power
for night time: Solar batteries

What appliances (video

games) are used in TSouke?

are plausible
Sell energy back to BC Hydro
(making money by selling it
One problem with solar is
that when it is rainy, cloudy
or windy they harness less
Denmark, Germany, Holland,
parts of USA use renewable
Eagles can be injured
because of wind turbines
TSouke is open to a project
about saving energy
TSouke wants to be
independent of BC Hydro, if
we do make a new energy
source, we want help them
work towards being

Key Word: Efficient

Stakeholders: government, community members, wildlife
Feb 23, 2016-02-23

We will enhance the solar energy project making every

effort to support TSouke in being a self-sustaining and
economically independent First Nation.

Availability (geography)
Availability (conditions, weather)
Space it takes up
How it works
What else does it affect?
Will they want it? Will it be accepted?

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