We Will Rise Again Choral PDF

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We Will Rise Again VERSES 1,24: (d = 100-104) Descant 4. Fear not, I am with — you: — 1, Like a shep-herd Twill feed you; I will gath - er 2. 1 am strength _— to the wea - ‘ty to the weak I ae Fear not, I am with — you; rT 4.am your God I will strength-en you, and l.you with care. I will lead____you and 2am new life. Though the young may grow 4.am your God. 1 will strength-en you, and up - hold youwith my — hand 1. hold” you close to my ___ heart, 2. wea - 1 will be their hope. 4, help up - hold youwith my — hand * — We will run and not grow wea - ry, for our Text: Based on fala 40, 41; David Haas, 6 1957, Music: David Haas. ‘Text and music ©1985, David Haas Published by OCP Publication. WE WILL RISE AGAIN, cont. (2) will be our strength, and we will fly i God will be our strength, and we will fly like the (r3 || Final ] rit (last time) toVerses|| A Fine eagle, we will rise a - gain, 13 |[Finet rit (last time) | _toVerses||_ Fine eagle, we will rise a - gain. VERSE 3: t t F 3. Lift up your eyes, and see who made the stars I DS. al fine 3.lead you, and I know you, 1 call_ you each by name,

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