E-Portfolio Lesson Plan
E-Portfolio Lesson Plan
E-Portfolio Lesson Plan
This lesson plan template includes all the Viterbo Essential Elements. For full instructions and examples of each
of the lesson plan components, see the Viterbo Essential Elements posted on Moodle in the Education Majors
course. All items below will expand as needed to add text.
Name Kara Suckow
Lesson Title Preparing for an Interview
Date 11/14/15
Grade Level 10th-12 Grade
Learner Profile and Contextual Factors: 10 students in the special education classroom. Various ability levels
present. 8 Caucasian students, 1 Hispanic student, and 1 African American student.
Curriculum Standards: This lesson follows
standards developed be The Wisconsin
Standards for Business and Information
Technology. Under the Common Career
Technical Core, standards have been
developed for Career Ready Practices.
There are a total of 12 statements that
address the knowledge, skills, and
dispositions important to becoming career
Materials: iPad, Computer,
Newspaper, Paper, Pencil,
Folder, Magazine.
Prior Student Knowledge: The students participating in this lesson have had prior work to determine what kind of jobs
they are interested in. They have completed career assessments and narrowed down 3-5 jobs they could potentially
apply for. It is important for students to complete and assessment and identify what job skills they have, to be able
to for a job that will fit the skill set they have.
Academic Language:
What is the key language demand/function?
What academic language will you teach and/or develop? What is the key vocabulary and/or symbols?
What opportunities will you provide for students to practice content language and/or vocabulary and develop fluency?
What supports will you provide that will help students understand and successfully use the academic language?
Rationale/Theoretical Reasoning/ Research: This lesson plan follows the Gradual Release of Responsibility best practice teaching method.
Each day, the instructor models the task at hand. The teacher then works with the students, then the students work together, and finally each
student works independently. This type of best practice also leads up to each student independently completing a mock interview at the end of the
Management/Safety Issues: What management and safety issues need to be considered when teaching this lesson?
Classroom Management: Individual students behaviors and special needs should be considered.
Analysis: Include quantitative (numerical) and qualitative (descriptive) data which address the questions: Did the students attain each objective?
How do you know? What is your evidence?
To what extent did the class learn what you intended them to learn? Provide specific, evidence-based examples of
student learning?
What did you learn about your students as learners?
What will be your next instructional steps?
What have you learned about yourself as a teacher?