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E-Portfolio Lesson Plan

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Viterbo University

Lesson Plan Template

Effective Fall 2014

This lesson plan template includes all the Viterbo Essential Elements. For full instructions and examples of each
of the lesson plan components, see the Viterbo Essential Elements posted on Moodle in the Education Majors
course. All items below will expand as needed to add text.
Name Kara Suckow
Lesson Title Preparing for an Interview

Date 11/14/15
Grade Level 10th-12 Grade

Time Frame 5 Days, 50 minutes each

Learner Profile and Contextual Factors: 10 students in the special education classroom. Various ability levels
present. 8 Caucasian students, 1 Hispanic student, and 1 African American student.
Curriculum Standards: This lesson follows
standards developed be The Wisconsin
Standards for Business and Information
Technology. Under the Common Career
Technical Core, standards have been
developed for Career Ready Practices.
There are a total of 12 statements that
address the knowledge, skills, and
dispositions important to becoming career

Unit Goal/Central Focus

Participating in a job interview
involves more than just answering
questions about individual skills.
Appropriate attire, hygiene, how to
sit, and gaining background
information about the job is
important as well. This lesson
focuses on a daily approach to
developing the skills necessary to
complete a successful interview.
This lesson will be taught after a
student has completed some type
of future plan and/or career
assessment. All information
gathered during the week will be
placed in a job folder. These
folders will be filed in the
classroom, and students will have
access to these folders and add to
them each time they practice.

Materials: iPad, Computer,
Newspaper, Paper, Pencil,
Folder, Magazine.

People: Special education teacher, paraeducator, general education teacher.

Unit Summative Assessment

The purpose of this unit is postsecondary preparation. This unit
will assist those students working
on their transition plan objectives.

Prior Student Knowledge: The students participating in this lesson have had prior work to determine what kind of jobs
they are interested in. They have completed career assessments and narrowed down 3-5 jobs they could potentially
apply for. It is important for students to complete and assessment and identify what job skills they have, to be able
to for a job that will fit the skill set they have.

Lesson Objectives: Each student who participates in this

lesson, will develop the skills necessary to complete the
following tasks independently:

1) Locate jobs in the newspaper, online, etc.

2) Research a job they are interested using appropriately
3) Put together an appropriate outfit for an interview
4) Prepare a resume
5) Learn appropriate job interview skills

Academic Language:
What is the key language demand/function?

Formative Assessment: The assessment following this lesson

will be the final interview completed with the special
education teacher.

What academic language will you teach and/or develop? What is the key vocabulary and/or symbols?
What opportunities will you provide for students to practice content language and/or vocabulary and develop fluency?
What supports will you provide that will help students understand and successfully use the academic language?

Key Language demands and

Academic Language
Interview, Employment, Hygiene, Exposure and discussion of terms Smart Board activity of connecting
Job Application, Resume, Cover
the term and definition
Connect the term and definition
Lesson procedures reflect best practices that are research-based and have a direct and positive effect on the teaching/learning environment.
You should indicate the time needed for each component of the lesson. Lesson plans should be detailed enough that any teacher could teach the
lesson from the plan.

Intro/Motivation/Anticipatory Set: This lesson will be

introduced by watching a short video on a person applying for
a job, and following the steps appropriate to prepare for the
interview. Students will also watch short video clips of good
and bad interviews when that topic is introduced later in the
Instructional Procedures/Developmental Lesson/Universal
Day 1 (Monday)- Students will learn where to find
available jobs, and choose a job they would like to
apply for

Students will be shown the employment

section of a local newspaper
Students will be shown on the smart board of
the classroom how to search for jobs using the
Students will work in groups using the
newspapers and an iPad to find a job they are
interested in.
When they have selected a job to apply for,

Differentiation for All / Multiple Pathways/Alternative Teaching

Use visual aids, recordings, and videos for auditory and/or visual
Collaborate with general education teachers for assistance.
Offer a variety of resources to locate jobs. (Newspapers, iPad,

they will print it out, or cut it out of the

newspaper, and place it in their job folder.
Day 2 (Tuesday)- Students will do research on the
job they are applying for, and the

Students will use their iPads to first identify

information on specific skills necessary for the
job they are applying for.
Students will also research the company or
employer who will be hiring for the job
Students can write down information about
their job, receive assistance from someone else
to write down information, or print the
information they found
Information found can be filed in their job
folder when they are finished.

Day 3 (Wednesday)- Students will discuss

hygiene and proper attire for an interview, and
come up with an appropriate outfit to wear.

The class will start with having a group

discussion about personal hygiene and how
they should look when going to an interview
o Personal hygiene includes taking a
shower, shaving, brushing teeth,
combing hair, wearing deodorant,
putting on clean undergarments
The class will discuss what they believe they
should and shouldnt wear to an interview.
Students will use their iPads, a newspaper, or a
magazine to look at outfit options for their
Students can print out clothing options, cut
options from magazine or newspaper
clippings, or draw out what they would like to
Clothing options will be put in the job

Day 4 (Thursday)- Students will learn interview

specific skills and review the information they
looked up during the week.

The class will start by receiving a hand out on

questions most commonly asked by an
The class will have a group discussion about
appropriate interview skills
o Making eye contact
o Not rushing through answers to
o Where to place hands
o How to sit in the chair
o Coming up with questions to ask the
Students will break in to groups and work with
peers and teachers/support staff.
o Students will ask each other questions
from the handout, and have the
opportunity to practice interview skills
talked about
o Support staff and teachers will provide
constructive criticism and offer tips
and encouragement
Students will review their job folders. They
will be encouraged to dress appropriately to
participate in a mock interview the following

Day 5 (Friday)- Students will participate in a mock

interview with their special education teacher

Students will be given an assigned time to

meet one on one with their special education
The special education teacher will prepare

questions specific to the job the student chose

to interview for earlier in the week
Students will participate in the interview with
their teacher
The teacher will review with interview with
the student when it is over
o The teacher can provide the student
with a rubric, and fill it in with the
student after the interview
o The student and teacher can talk about
how the interview went and come up
with strategies to make the next
interview better
As a group, students can complete a selfreflection about their interview and put it in
their job folder to be used for the next round
of interviews.

Closure: Each students mock interview will be filmed with

the teacher. The class will watch the videos and comment on
the pros and cons of each. The class will share what was easy
and what was difficult about finding a job to apply for.
IEP Requirements: Refer to each individual students IEP.

Rationale/Theoretical Reasoning/ Research: This lesson plan follows the Gradual Release of Responsibility best practice teaching method.
Each day, the instructor models the task at hand. The teacher then works with the students, then the students work together, and finally each
student works independently. This type of best practice also leads up to each student independently completing a mock interview at the end of the

Management/Safety Issues: What management and safety issues need to be considered when teaching this lesson?

Classroom Management: Individual students behaviors and special needs should be considered.

Safety: There are no safety concerns associated with this lesson.

Analysis: Include quantitative (numerical) and qualitative (descriptive) data which address the questions: Did the students attain each objective?
How do you know? What is your evidence?

Reflection/Future Modifications: Provide specific, evidence-based example, not generalizations.

To what extent did the class learn what you intended them to learn? Provide specific, evidence-based examples of
student learning?
What did you learn about your students as learners?
What will be your next instructional steps?
What have you learned about yourself as a teacher?

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