Capobianco Nyquist Tyrie Article

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Scientific inquiry leads to

an engineering challenge,
and both are illuminated.
By Brenda M. Capobianco, Chell Nyquist, and Nancy Tyrie

ody Green is the owner of Cloud Nine

Sunglass Shop. Many of her clients are
active snowboarders and skiers who
must wear sunglasses when they are on
the mountains. Her clients want a device to determine how effective their sunglasses are at
protecting their eyes from the Suns rays while skiing
or snowboarding. Using what you learned from your
investigations with UV lightdetecting beads, devise
a way to design, construct, and test a sensor that can
detect the amount of UV light not blocked by the sunglasses. Keep in mind that the cost of your materials
must be low and that you have two class periods to
construct and test your prototype. Are you up for the
challenge? Miss Tryie then turned to us to say, Ever
since I started doing these engineering design tasks in

Science and Children

my class, I feel like my students are more engaged in

science. I feel like I am better prepared to teach science through engineering design and to incorporate
the new standards.
With the integration of new science education standards fast approaching, teachers like Miss Tyrie must
begin to think carefully about how they teach science
and how they get students to think about the science
they learn. According to A Framework K12 Science
Education, teachers must now consider both practices
of science and engineering to help students form
an understanding of the crosscutting concepts and
disciplinary ideas of science and engineering (NRC
2012, p. 42). For elementary science teachers, this
means providing students opportunities to immerse
themselves in these practices using approaches such

as the engineering design process. In this

Figure 1.
article, wea fifth-grade science teacher, an
engineer, and a science teacher educator
The Science Learning through Engineering
describe the steps we took to incorporate the
Design (SLED) Model for engineering design.
engineering design process in a fifth-grade
science classroom. Rather than taking an
isolated engineering design-based activity
and adding it into the curriculum, we took
an existing scientific inquiry activity using
UV lightdetecting beads and purposefully
created a series of engineering design-based
challenges around the investigation. We
then instructed fifth-grade students to use
evidence from their inquiries to inform their
designs. During this process, we reviewed
our model for the engineering design process
and identified seven essential features for
teaching engineering design. We quickly
learned that these features aligned well with
each design task we implemented. By sharing our instrucis placed on recording results from testing and using
tional approach, we hope to demonstrate how teachers can
existing scientific knowledge to explain what is haptake small steps toward effectively incorporating engineerpening. Fourth, design teams share their design results
ing design in the elementary science classroom and better
with another team and/or the entire class. Finally, depreparing their students for engaging in the practices of
sign teams gather feedback from other teams and return
science and engineering.
to their design to revise and retest.

A Working Model

An engineering design task is typically structured

around a particular model of the engineering design
process. Like scientific inquiry, the engineering design
process is both iterative and systematic. It is iterative in
that each new version of the design is tested and then
modified, based on what has been learned up to that
point. It is systematic in that a number of steps must be
undertaken. Our design model is based upon five interactive phases that students use to solve an ill-structured
problem (see Figure 1). Students work in teams to first
identify the overall context of the problem, including
the overarching problem and needs of a particular client and user. Second, students individually generate
ideas based upon what they know about the problem
and relevant scientific knowledge. Students then share
their ideas within their design team and mutually agree
upon one detailed plan. Third, design teams create and
test their plan or model. During this phase, emphasis

From Inquiry to Design Brief

In a previous article we described how we devised a way

for fifth-grade students to use UV lightdetecting beads to
develop and conduct a fair test investigation. In their investigations, students examined the effects of three different
variables on the UV lightdetecting properties of the beads.
These variables included (1) the SPFs of sunscreens; (2) the
color of fabric (hand towels), and (3) sunglass lenses (polarized vs. non-polarized). The students
learned that sunscreens with at least
a SPF of 30 are most effective at
blocking UV light radiation. Sunscreens with SPFs higher than 30
did not offer much more protection. In some cases, sprays were
more effective than lotions.
Students also learned that
the darker the fabric color, the greater the level
of ultraviolet protection. Last, students
learned that polarized lenses filtered
Students constructing
prototypes of their
January 2013


Table 1.

Applications of the essential features of engineering design tasks.

Application of the Essential Feature for an Engineering Design Task

Essential Feature

Client #1

Client #2

1. Client-driven and

Miss Newton
Director of the Childtime Day
Care Center

Mr. Cook
Owner and Chief Landscaper
of Cooks Greenhouse

Kavita Landers

2. Authentic context

Child care center

Local greenhouse

Local water park

3. Constraints

Age appropriate and safe

Cost and time

Cost, waterproof, remain in

soil over time

Cost, sun exposure, waterproof

4. Materials, resources, and tools

familiar to students

UV lightdetecting beads, string, pipe cleaners, duct tape, wax paper, cardboard, shoe boxes,
thin wooden dowels, clear nail polish, rulers, protractors

5. Solution is a product or process




6. Multiple solutions

UV Sun Sensor Wristbands

Bracelets made of UV light
detecting beads covered with

Plantastic Sensor A pipe

cleaner, covered with clear
nail polish and three UV
lightdetecting beads. A
package of three sensors can
be placed in one or more

UV Light Guard A necklace or bracelet made of

UV lightdetecting beads
covered with sunscreen.

Sunscreen Monitor A cardboard placard that contains

beads sprayed with different
sunscreens and arranged by
SPF. The placard can be hung
from a swing set or stuck into
the ground.
7. Teamwork

Each design team is required to submit a team plan that includes a detailed sketch of its
design; a description of how the sensor works; and instructions for how to use the sensor. Students initial each section of the team plan to verify their individual contributions to the plan.

the UV light radiation best (For more detail, see Capobianco

and Thiel 2006).
After students completed their fair test investigations, Miss Tyrie brainstormed with her students different ways they could develop an engineering design
task using the evidence students gathered from their
fair test investigations. She asked questions such as
Who could benefit from knowing what we learned?
Who might want to use this information to solve a
problem they face every day? and What kinds of
situations require attention to overexposure of the
Suns damaging rays, and how could we help people
in these situations? Students responses to her questions included We think people who work in the sun
a lot would like to know what we learned from our
investigations. When my little sisters are playing
outside, I want to know when they need to put on more
sunscreen so they dont get sunburned. As a result,

Science and Children

Client #3

A student demonstrates a prototype of his teams design to

detect sunlight while snowboarding.

Shedding Light on Engineering Design

Figure 2.

Client Cards Three examples of engineering design tasks using

UV light detecting beads.

Client Card #1
Nina Newton is the director of the
Childtime Day Care Center and she
is concerned about children getting
too much sun exposure during play
time. She would like a device that
can monitor the amount of sun the
children are getting. The cost must
be affordable and the sensor must
be age appropriate and safe for her
children, who are four years of age
and younger.

Client Card #2

Client Card #3

Charlie Cook is the owner and chief

landscaper for Cooks Greenhouse.
Mr. Cook is interested in a device
that can monitor sun exposure to
his plants. Some of his plants need
indirect light and other plans require
lots of direct light. This device must be
low-cost, waterproof, and be able to
remain in soil for long periods of time.

we generated a series of engineering design tasks that

required students to use evidence from their fair test
investigations. These tasks were presented in the form
of what is commonly called an engineering design brief.
An engineering design brief is a plausible scenario or situation in which students are asked to solve a problem using
the engineering design process. The students are given a
limited number of materials and resources, a fixed amount
of time, and specific parameters or guidelines
to follow. Embedded in a design brief is a
description of the context of the problem
that includes a targeted end user, a client who needs help, a description of the
problem that needs to be addressed, and
a list of requirements for the design. The
purpose of the design brief is twofold.
First, it serves as an entry point for the
engineering design process, allowing the teacher to create
an anticipatory setting for
student learning in science and engineering.
Second, it allows students the opportunity
to immerse themselves
in engineering practices,

Kavita Landers is the chief lifeguard

at Columbia Water Park. She would
like to know which sunscreen to buy
and how often she needs to reapply
it. She needs a device that can
monitor whether or not her sunscreen
is still effective. The device must be
comfortable, easy to put on and take
off, and be able to withstand extended
sun exposure and be waterproof.

exploring why they are central to engineering and to understand and appreciate the skills of an engineer.
Each design team of four students was given one design
brief or what we call Client Cards (Figure 2). Once they
received the card, the teams were required to (1) define the
goal of the task; (2) identify the client and end user; (3)
identify all constraints; (4) list the available materials; and
(5) develop individual plans that they would share with
members of their design team and merge these plans into
one mutually agreed upon team plan.

Seven Essential Features

Underpinning each of these tasks are seven essential features for teaching science through engineering design.
These features include the following (1) client-driven
and goal-oriented; (2) providing an authentic context; (3)
incorporating constraints; (4) using materials, resources,
and tools that are familiar to students; (5) requiring the
solution to be an artifact or process; (6) yielding more
than one solution; and (7) involving teamwork. What
follows is a description of each essential feature with a
supporting example. In addition, we identified questions
that facilitate students learning of the essential features.
Table 1 provides an overview of how each feature applies
to the three engineering design tasks using UV light
detecting beads.
January 2013


1. Clientdriven and goal-oriented


Engineers are goal-oriented by nature. This means that

teams of engineers work to meet a specific goal. This
goal is often centered on the needs of a client and/or
end user. The client may be an individual person or a
large company. The end user may be a consumer of a
product made by the company. Biomedical engineers,
for example, may be asked by an orthopedics company to design a new prosthetic limb for a young child.
The client would be the orthopedics company and the
end user would be the child. For Client Card #1, Miss
Nina Newton is the client and the children at her day
care center are the end users. Miss Newtons primary
concern is protecting the children from too much sun
exposure. To prompt students initial understanding of
the design brief, the teacher may ask questions such as
What is the problem? What is the goal? Who is
the client? Who is the end user? How can you help
Miss Newton and the children at her daycare facility?

2. Providing an authentic context

One of the more appealing features of engineering

design tasks for students is that the problem is often
couched in an authentic context. Like most problembased learning activities, students are more motivated,
engaged, and excited to learn when they are presented
with a problem that is situated within their world.
Settings, such as the local water park (Client Card
#3) and greenhouse (Client Card #2), provide realworld appeal for students. Other ideas for authentic
contexts may include a local pond or river where the
water may appear unclean or polluted. Students could
work in teams to design, create, and test a process or
product to make the water clean. This becomes even
more relevant for students and their families who live
in areas damaged by natural disasters, such as tornadoes, hurricanes, and flooding.

3. Incorporating constraints

Constraints are rules, conditions, or regulations imposed upon the design. Examples include cost, time,
and limited materials. In the early stages of a design
task, constraints may tend to be limiting or undesirable. For example, a car engine cannot exceed the size
of the space in which it fits, yet it cannot produce less
than a specified amount of power.
As a design proceeds, constraints help frame a design
problem as well as its solution. For example, a bearing
must have the same diameter as the shaft it supports.
Student questions regarding constraints for the UV
lightdetecting tasks may include: How much can
we spend on materials? How much time do we have
to design, produce, and test? How many prototypes

Science and Children

A student wears the prototype of her teams design for children

at the day care center.

can we design and construct? What are some environmental conditions we need to consider?

4. Using materials, resources, and tools familiar to

Engineers use investigations to gain data essential for
specifying design criteria or constraints and to test
their designs. Planning and designing such investigations require the ability to use appropriate equipment, materials, and tools best suited to make accurate measurements. Teachers must provide materials
and tools that students are familiar with or are able to
use effectively. For the UV lightdetecting tasks, materials such as duct tape, string, scissors, and rulers
are resources that students are either accustomed to
using or can quickly learn how to use. In what ways
can these materials or combination of materials inform your design? Are there are other materials to
consider? are examples of questions the teacher can
ask to prompt students thinking during the creation
of their designs.

Shedding Light on Engineering Design

5. Requiring the solution to be a

product or process

The solutions of most engineering design-based problems include a product

or a process. An example of a product is
generally an artifact that is called a prototype. A prototype is a three-dimensional
model which may be a physical model or a computer model. An example of a prototype is a UV light
detecting sensor.
A process is a series of steps or methods to make a specific
product. An example of a process is the procedure necessary
for making an ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) laundry
detergent (see Internet Resources). Teams of engineers
design, construct, develop and test their prototypes or
processes in such a way that is possible for another team
to replicate or reuse the design. A key question the teacher
can ask students at this point in their designs is: In what
ways does your product or process meet the clients needs?

6. Yielding more than one solution

An important feature of engineering design tasks is that

there is no one particular or right solution to any task.
Like science, engineering requires the construction of a
plausible solution. However, in engineering, engineers
must balance constraints with available resources, compliance to the clients needs with the demands of time,
safety, and cost constraints. There is usually no single

The change in bead color indicates that it is time to reapply


best solution but rather a range of solutions. This allows students design solutions to be creative, innovative, and original.

7. Involving teamwork

Engineers, like scientists, work in groups that are called

technical or design teams. The difference between a team
of engineers and a team of scientists is that engineers must
work within constraints while meeting specific design criteria. Todays engineering projects are far more complex
and diverse and would require more time and energy for a
single engineer to complete. Therefore, when students are
given a design task, they are often encouraged to work on
the problem as a team and to be mindful of each individuals contributions and expertise to the task. Questions
to foster cooperation among students in design teams
are: In what ways are elements of each members individual plans represented in your teams design? How
has each member contributed to the planning, constructing, and testing of your design? Why is it important for
your group to work as a team? Were their times during
the design process that your team worked well or did not
work well? How could your design team improve their
performance on the design task? In Miss Tyries class,
students could easily identify each team members contribution by pointing to different parts of the teams plan or
sketch. Students responses to her questions included the
following: We think it is important to work together because we need to meet the clients needs and make a good
sensor for the kids at the day care center, so they dont get
sunburned. We had trouble making our sensor look exactly like our sketch in our notebooks. We worked really good when
we tested the sensor to see if it worked
because everyone did something to
help. We could probably
do a better job at having
everyone make a good
sketch of our prototype and making sure
we include feedback
from other groups.
January 2013


Assessing Students
To assess students engagement in
the engineering design process, we Keywords: UV Index
developed a rubric that aligns with
both the essential features of design Enter code: SC011303
and A Framework for K12 Science
Education (see NSTA Connection).
More specifically, the rubric addresses disciplinary core
ideas, entitled Engineering, Technology, and Applications of Science, including ETS1.A: Defining and delimiting an engineering problem; ETS1.B: Developing
possible solutions, and ETS1.C: Optimizing the design
solution (NRC 2012, p. 203).
The purpose of this rubric is to provide a tool for assessing students engagement in the engineering design
process. The rubric can be used both formatively and
summatively. Depending on where students are within
a design task, a teacher may identify one or more engineering practices from the rubric and assess students
accordingly. For example, Miss Tyrie wanted to see how
well her students could brainstorm possible solutions and
draw detailed plans of their prototypes of UV sensors. She
focused on two elements of the rubric: (1) brainstorm a
solution (plan) and (2) develop a solution (plan), at the
beginning of the lesson and assessed the ideas students
presented in their design notebooks. She specifically
looked at the number of ideas each student generated
and if the sketch of their prototype had the materials and
dimensions labeled. As students progressed through the
design task, Miss Tyrie was able to assess how well her
students tested their sensor prototypes, communicated
their findings, and re-designed.


As science teachers begin to take their first steps in moving toward the next generation science education standards, we recommend integrating one or more of these
essential features when learning to teach science using
the engineering design process. These features motivate
students through real-world situations and challenge
them to chart their own course of action while applying
science concepts and fostering a sense of curiosity, innovation, and collaboration. These features also provide
a useable framework for teachers to craft their own engineering design-based tasks, related assessments, and
cross-disciplinary activities.
Brenda M. Capobianco ([email protected]) is an
associate professor of curriculum and instruction
and codirector of the Science Learning through Engineering Design [SLED] Partnership at Purdue Uni64

Science and Children

Connecting to the Standards

This article relates to the following National Science
Education Standards (NRC 1996):

Content Standards
Grades 58
Standard E: Science and Technology
Abilities of technological design
Understanding about science and technology

National Research Council (NRC). 1996. National

science education standards. Washington, DC:
National Academies Press.

versity in West Lafayette, Indiana. Chell Nyquist

is the project manager of the SLED Partnership at
Purdue Universitys Discovery Learning Research
Center. Nancy Tyrie is a fifth-grade teacher at Sunnyside Middle School in Lafayette, Indiana.

Capobianco, B., and E.A. Thiel. 2006. Are You UV Safe? Science and Children 44 (1): 2631.
National Research Council (NRC). 2012. A framework for K12
science education: Practices, crosscutting concepts, and core
ideas. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.

Internet Resources
American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)s K12 STEM
education teacher resource entitled Engineering: Go for It
Boston Museum of Sciences Engineering is Elementary
Educational Innovations: Color, Light, and Sound: UV Detecting
Edmund Scientifics: Solar Beads
Purdue Universitys Science Learning through Engineering Design
(SLED) Partnership
SunGuard laundry aid that washes UV protection into clothing

NSTA Connection

Download the (SLED) Model for engineering design,

client cards, rubric, and a list of trade books for
various grade levels at

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