Capobianco Nyquist Tyrie Article
Capobianco Nyquist Tyrie Article
Capobianco Nyquist Tyrie Article
an engineering challenge,
and both are illuminated.
By Brenda M. Capobianco, Chell Nyquist, and Nancy Tyrie
A Working Model
Table 1.
Essential Feature
Client #1
Client #2
1. Client-driven and
Miss Newton
Director of the Childtime Day
Care Center
Mr. Cook
Owner and Chief Landscaper
of Cooks Greenhouse
Kavita Landers
2. Authentic context
Local greenhouse
3. Constraints
UV lightdetecting beads, string, pipe cleaners, duct tape, wax paper, cardboard, shoe boxes,
thin wooden dowels, clear nail polish, rulers, protractors
6. Multiple solutions
Each design team is required to submit a team plan that includes a detailed sketch of its
design; a description of how the sensor works; and instructions for how to use the sensor. Students initial each section of the team plan to verify their individual contributions to the plan.
Client #3
Figure 2.
Client Card #1
Nina Newton is the director of the
Childtime Day Care Center and she
is concerned about children getting
too much sun exposure during play
time. She would like a device that
can monitor the amount of sun the
children are getting. The cost must
be affordable and the sensor must
be age appropriate and safe for her
children, who are four years of age
and younger.
Client Card #2
Client Card #3
exploring why they are central to engineering and to understand and appreciate the skills of an engineer.
Each design team of four students was given one design
brief or what we call Client Cards (Figure 2). Once they
received the card, the teams were required to (1) define the
goal of the task; (2) identify the client and end user; (3)
identify all constraints; (4) list the available materials; and
(5) develop individual plans that they would share with
members of their design team and merge these plans into
one mutually agreed upon team plan.
Underpinning each of these tasks are seven essential features for teaching science through engineering design.
These features include the following (1) client-driven
and goal-oriented; (2) providing an authentic context; (3)
incorporating constraints; (4) using materials, resources,
and tools that are familiar to students; (5) requiring the
solution to be an artifact or process; (6) yielding more
than one solution; and (7) involving teamwork. What
follows is a description of each essential feature with a
supporting example. In addition, we identified questions
that facilitate students learning of the essential features.
Table 1 provides an overview of how each feature applies
to the three engineering design tasks using UV light
detecting beads.
January 2013
3. Incorporating constraints
Constraints are rules, conditions, or regulations imposed upon the design. Examples include cost, time,
and limited materials. In the early stages of a design
task, constraints may tend to be limiting or undesirable. For example, a car engine cannot exceed the size
of the space in which it fits, yet it cannot produce less
than a specified amount of power.
As a design proceeds, constraints help frame a design
problem as well as its solution. For example, a bearing
must have the same diameter as the shaft it supports.
Student questions regarding constraints for the UV
lightdetecting tasks may include: How much can
we spend on materials? How much time do we have
to design, produce, and test? How many prototypes
can we design and construct? What are some environmental conditions we need to consider?
best solution but rather a range of solutions. This allows students design solutions to be creative, innovative, and original.
7. Involving teamwork
Assessing Students
To assess students engagement in
the engineering design process, we Keywords: UV Index
developed a rubric that aligns with
both the essential features of design Enter code: SC011303
and A Framework for K12 Science
Education (see NSTA Connection).
More specifically, the rubric addresses disciplinary core
ideas, entitled Engineering, Technology, and Applications of Science, including ETS1.A: Defining and delimiting an engineering problem; ETS1.B: Developing
possible solutions, and ETS1.C: Optimizing the design
solution (NRC 2012, p. 203).
The purpose of this rubric is to provide a tool for assessing students engagement in the engineering design
process. The rubric can be used both formatively and
summatively. Depending on where students are within
a design task, a teacher may identify one or more engineering practices from the rubric and assess students
accordingly. For example, Miss Tyrie wanted to see how
well her students could brainstorm possible solutions and
draw detailed plans of their prototypes of UV sensors. She
focused on two elements of the rubric: (1) brainstorm a
solution (plan) and (2) develop a solution (plan), at the
beginning of the lesson and assessed the ideas students
presented in their design notebooks. She specifically
looked at the number of ideas each student generated
and if the sketch of their prototype had the materials and
dimensions labeled. As students progressed through the
design task, Miss Tyrie was able to assess how well her
students tested their sensor prototypes, communicated
their findings, and re-designed.
As science teachers begin to take their first steps in moving toward the next generation science education standards, we recommend integrating one or more of these
essential features when learning to teach science using
the engineering design process. These features motivate
students through real-world situations and challenge
them to chart their own course of action while applying
science concepts and fostering a sense of curiosity, innovation, and collaboration. These features also provide
a useable framework for teachers to craft their own engineering design-based tasks, related assessments, and
cross-disciplinary activities.
Brenda M. Capobianco ([email protected]) is an
associate professor of curriculum and instruction
and codirector of the Science Learning through Engineering Design [SLED] Partnership at Purdue Uni64
Content Standards
Grades 58
Standard E: Science and Technology
Abilities of technological design
Understanding about science and technology
Capobianco, B., and E.A. Thiel. 2006. Are You UV Safe? Science and Children 44 (1): 2631.
National Research Council (NRC). 2012. A framework for K12
science education: Practices, crosscutting concepts, and core
ideas. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.
Internet Resources
American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)s K12 STEM
education teacher resource entitled Engineering: Go for It
Boston Museum of Sciences Engineering is Elementary
Educational Innovations: Color, Light, and Sound: UV Detecting
Edmund Scientifics: Solar Beads
Purdue Universitys Science Learning through Engineering Design
(SLED) Partnership
SunGuard laundry aid that washes UV protection into clothing
NSTA Connection
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