R.W. - Mens Guide To Women
R.W. - Mens Guide To Women
R.W. - Mens Guide To Women
I will show you a new reality that any dating counselor is 1,000,000 miles
away from because theyre in a completely dierent paradigm. An unhinged reality that goes beyond the context of even the best dating experts
to date (and 99% of all counselors dont even have a clue to whats really going on).
You will have a framework of personal power towards the women you want
in your life so strongly that in many cases you dont have to say a word or
you could say anything at all to have them doing what you want.
This Guide is about you and once you have your power its all about the
women and lifestyle that you can consistently live to fulll your fantasies
and make it happen with beautiful women from all over the world. If you
accept your mission to become congruent with your new universal paradigm you will experience a level of success with women that extends beyond even the best dating advice youve ever heard to date.
If you use the rest of my advice and any other dating advice on top of this
universal context and apply it in action and habitually, you will become one
of the rare secret successes in the world of dating. Your stories will become
legendary. Your conquests unbelievable to your closest buddies. You will
be a more balanced and fullled man as a byproduct which will extend into
all areas of your life.
The Power beyond ANY other that women dont want you to have (they
have the sexual power in America and want to keep that power) but will secretly fall for if you have it. What is that power? Its you. Its you reclaiming the power and taking it back from them. They will be forced to your
sexual gravity instead of theirs. Its changing the balance back to its natural,
biological ORIGINS.
The most successful men with ladies are naturals. We call them naturals.
This in itself is quite the paradox. Werent we ALWAYS naturals throughout
history by our ability to nd a mate and procreate? Arent all species alive
because they inherently know how to reproduce without being told to her
If we didnt procreate we didnt further our self-preservation through having kids. The naturals with beautiful women are just playing their biological role anyways. WHAT WENT WRONG? Something came into the equation along the line that caused us not to be natural with out counterpart
I hope you realize that if youre looking for the hoest pick-up lines, for fancy techniques youre not going to nd it here. But you will nd something
more powerful than you can imagine and even if you think you know what
it is you dont. You will nd that everything busy busy that is going on with
all the pickup lines and techniques is really just surface material that is covering something up.
Its covering something up that is deeper and larger in scope other than just
xing yourself or nding what works...there are universal implications
and dynamics that 100% of dating experts are missing until now. They cant
see why theyre doing what theyre doing, they cant explain it, they accept it and ght against it. Everything I will reveal to you is the universal
context in which ALL current dating materials and advice ts WITHIN and
almost becomes useless.
Good news is that although you have been seeing guys you would think
are less desirable to these women yet they are going out with them; here is
something about those guys. They are the ones who are not being traditionally or socially natural (its the raw biological process beneath the surface);
meaning they arent really healthy or balanced if they really are a jerk or a
You have a lot to oer women and can have some of those elements to appeal to her social persona as well but the profound truth is that you (and all
of us men, including the 40 year old virgins) really are naturals.
Always know that women are predisposed to respond to you biologically
when you start the mating dance; oen they cannot control themselves and
dont know what it is about a guy. I will give you the answers to both sides
of the paradox so that both men and women can have mutually fullling
relationships from which you will choose and lead.
commercials, Susan B. Anthony, Biblical purveyance, foundational psychology, Discovery channel, womens liberation, sexual revolution, evolutional
psychology in contrast to today, female empowerment and many more factors down to such as songs Shes so high above me.
Your understanding of ALL OF THIS has led to the single greatest power
and leverage you can use to regain your power as a man and be successful
with women.
Here is the profound universal paradigm which will change your life and
you wont hear anywhere else unless its from me. Are you ready? Here is
the profound universal paradigm:
You have the right to be a man; a BIRTHRIGHT. Sexual favor and choice
has always been in your hands. Todays independent women and their behavior is PURELY a product of social and cultural programming in America
that dees biological, universal, evolutionary, Biblical, inherent, traditional,
natural and historical truth & causes.
We have unknowingly empowered and EDIFIED the female beauty and
given her equal rights and opportunity as men as like never before in
Woman has become stronger than ever in the history of the world within the
U.S. and only within the last 100 years and unknowingly has gained MORE
power than men would ever like to acknowledge (and she KNOWS it).
Thats it. Go ahead and re-read it again. > Just look at songs like Shes so
high above me. All of this leading to the wussication of the modern man,
acting whiny, begging and pleading to be with her.
Now Ill say more:
This is why us men, who are NATURALLY playing our traditional role
which always worked through all of time up through our own grandparents
DOESNT WORK ANYMORE. The power our society has given to women
has become the fabric of our nation and culture itself.
I will go into much more detail but Ill say that this is really a double-edge
sword. I will be the rst to admit that women have added value to all of our
lives (and I mean through business, invention, music, entertainment, etc.).
It would be boring without them having this level of power but this is the
whole discord between why you havent been able to be successful with the
beautiful ones consistently.
They have essentially in a way, become men (in all other aspects except
physical and emotional) and they have taken the place of
a lot of men, really. They have taken a lot of mans power and man is confused. Man very confused.
It took my massive powers for objective global thought, my own experience
with countless women, going clubbing 100s of times, international travels,
investment in studying of social psychology, upbringing, questioning,
If you nd yourself instantly defending women in your thoughts, then its
obvious why you could never see it before; youre a part of this pervasive so
called reality which is all perception in our society and DOESNT EVEN
I told you this would be hardcore. I had to come at it from a global angle
aer experiencing rsthand natural success EVERYWHERE I WENT WITH
WOMEN, BEAUTIFUL WOMEN. 100 years ago if you were a good looking
guy, you could talk to her without ANY drama or problems in America.
One advantage: Ugly poor guys now have a chance with beautiful women.
Before they never had a chance. Hows that for a twist? Why? These hardcore women need something else; a MAN..a real man. But more on this
Either way, this ultimate power of yours will probably scare the living daylights out of most women. Why? Because YOULL TAKE THE POWER
BACK. Remember in 40 Days and 40 Nights (if youve seen it).
Josh Hartne refuses to have sex or even masturbation (the real kicker) for
40 days and his female co-workers corner him because hes trying to take
the power back to men (women know that they have the power and they
DONT want you to have it).
About 80%+ of Men outside America have the power when it comes to
beautiful women and maybe 1% in America (and even less of those who are
healthy like you and me who they REALLY want).
And its not because theyre inherently stronger than you, its because their
women are traditionally being women and playing their natural role without any illusional added value or display of assets geing in the way or
confusing their men.
You have to show them youre a man. You have to just BE A MAN in your
reality and oen that will be enough to aract women to you because they
can sense your POWER. You have the biological inherent power that they
are aracted to, not the unnatural wussiness of giving them the power.
Basically part of it is that you cant be fazed by her beauty because its just
a shield. 80 years ago women werent ALLOWED to make themselves look
sexy or prey except on special occasion. The men understood this maybe
for a reason. This kept things in natural order.
Think of her 100 years ago right now today (you know what I mean, work
with me here) and she wouldnt be looking all sexy and wouldnt be so
damn look at me, Im hot..so if you just see right through this facade
and deny its existence youll speak straight to the real woman in her that
WANTS to be aracted through the natural biological process that is inherent in both you AND her.
You are the one to lead the direction of the relationship. There are a TON
of implications and dynamics involved if youre thinking of marriage with
a real beauty or with the rst real 10 that you get with; stay cool, man and
make sure you read my Chapter on Divorce Prevention as its imperative to
understand the universal perspective to prevent future pain on both parties
through the decisions you make now or dont make now.
Yes its true many women wear the pants in the family in America today but
theyre just being who they are and the men dont understand whats going
on because they know that theyre supposed to have the power.
If youve given average or above average women value to them in the past
through sex, making love, making her laugh, experiences to remember, etc.
you know you can do it with the most beautiful ones once you internalize
the life giving information here.
These women do need loving too and unfortunately guys who are jerks are
capitalizing on this by having strong male archetypal characteristics without seduction tricks yet its the only options she has seen for nding a real
man. Do beautiful women a favor and let them have the opportunity to be
with you and what you can give to them instead man. You are probably
more psychologically healthy and sound than a jerk.
It always boggled my mind how much uglier guys than me could score hot
chicks but now it all makes sense. If all of us good looking guys spread this
word all the women in America would be like in a candy store of fulllment
and then the ugly guys or unhealthy guys would really have a hard time
because women will have the choice of healthier men like us who they more
rightfully deserve naturally anyways.
Then the less desirable (socially) guys might be forced to accept the women
who are more at their level instead. Hey, I know Im going to piss some
people o but I dont care because Im speaking from a global perspective so
theres always an angle that balances whatever I say out and cancels whatever that persons objection would be; this gives me power.
With this knowledge you also have the power of awareness too to transform
your life from the true inner self on outward (not with gimmicky surface
tricks and techniques that misses the whole point completely of pure power
and natural araction).
Women are aracted to bad boys like Tommy Lee and Colin Farrell because
they are living in their own reality and are indierent to what women really
Maybe our mothers and our grandmothers do not realize now that most
beautiful strong women would rather not have the traditional weight of a
marriage minded mating procedure, especially from a man that is overly
interested in them because she has the power of choice with any number of
In a more traditional society, yes the mating procedure would almost seem
more natural of course, but because the power has shied in our society in
terms of dating you are going to have to play by dierent rules.
So even though you can be a real and natural man by living in your own
reality and treating her like a real woman and not leing her get away with
drama that crosses your boundaries, you will have to take a more natural
social dating approach anyways. You can still nd a traditional wife when
you are ready though.
This of course is to your advantage because it is what a woman is more interested in having anyways, and she does not have to deal with the
additional ensuing implications of following the traditional route of courting her.
Because you do not have to be as concerned about courting her for potential marriage (this now comes about in modern dating rituals through time
in a relationship, for these independent women aer they have goen time
to know you) at the very start of a dating relationship, you can take a more
carefree approach and she will feel a live less weight on her shoulders.
Of course you may potentially be interested in her for marriage but time
will only tell as you develop a relationship. So just keep in mind that you
really should be taking a more social and lighthearted or fun approach at
the very beginning. And then it can develop from there if there is going to
be any potential future between youths.
Now the more traditional women in America, yes they may be looking more
in terms of marriage potential with a man, so you may be able to actually
date her and get away with doing traditional mating practices such as
going out to dinner every day, buying her expensive gis to show your
aection for her, etc. Just keep in mind that the modern beautiful independent women today are loving their independent life and their freedom,
and if marriage is going to develop its going to be in a natural way through
a relationship without a man expecting too much by his actions out front
through wooing her.
Our social dating and marriage dynamics have drastically changed in the
past couple of decades so that now we have a 50/50 power struggle essentially because we have had to make concessions for the modern, powerful woman even though marriage is still ultimately the tradition or climax
(ahem, in a dierent way) of a man and a womans relationship together or
commitment to each other.
Remember there is the very traditional courtship (which doesnt work anymore on our independent women who are fun focused and carefree as a
balance to their worklife), and there is the 50/50 social dating context in our
nation today and there is also the AMP (accelerated mating process or program).
Just keep in mind historical and traditional dynamics and decide how you
want to lead your life. When it does come down to marriage though, history, mom, biology and the Bible was right about keeping it traditional if you
want it to last (choosing a woman who naturally is traditional and not one
you would be arguing with every day) and best raise a family.
Keep in mind were rst talking about these issues in order to fully get you
to see why things are the way they are. It is an important part of your
Karate Kid training. It will all pull together as you read the complete
to make it go. Heres the deal and this may be a lile harsh; yes times have
changed and the economy is dierent but the mans natural role IS the provider and protector. He just may have to provide more or nd an ethical
way to do so.
Have you heard the saying...Where men are men and the women are men
too? Well, women have taken on traditionally masculine roles. Of course
we seem to accept this but you should be aware of its ramications.
And it started slowly, seepingly. Women wearing pants. I remember my
mom telling me when this issue started. She was in school at that time.
Women slowly opened up to the idea and liked the idea of having their own
sense of stronger individuality and freedom.
It would still take decades though for the real transfer of power to happen
though to now it is common for a woman to think she is the prize.
And everything, every WAY that women view it is ONLY from her current level of understanding of the world in which SHE was brought up in.
A feminazi herself could never really FEEL or KNOW what it is like to be a
real woman.
Go back 80 years and be like that; it would be blasphemy and more than
likely you would NOT be thinking like this because you would be growing
up more traditionally and naturally - period.
Also most cultures around the world are at in this term where we were 100
years ago where the relationships are more traditional. You know what?
Theres nothing wrong with that.
You want a marriage to stick together? The divorce rates are low around
the world and lowest where it comes down to the man being a man and the
woman being a woman in their traditional and dened roles throughout the
This is true and its even biblical. It is the price America is paying for the
power that women get (our families suer drama, confusion, arguments) all
and independent she DOES want someone strong and independent like her
that can thrill her and that isnt predictable and boring. Most nice guys are
so predictably boring it kills women; they all have the same neediness and
The problem just becomes a troublesome and power struggle marriage or
long term relationship in which every day divorces are happening, and can
she really help that? The only solution from one angle is for her to really accept a more traditional role and allow her husband to lead the family.
Healthy, long term nurture focused women steer away from the bad boys.
There wasnt even a place for bad boys 80 years ago for a woman unless you
were really outside of societys standards.
But with so many nice guys and men just being confused by womens
power and doing the things theyll think would aract the American
woman, it doesnt work. They are forgeing that she is still a woman inside.
Remember she has power and choice. She can choose many guys, the more
beautiful and powerful she is; is ANY of this going to lead to her happiness?
If youre just the next guy she may take you or leave. If you go the traditional courting or dating route then youre essentially just buying her
aection through meals, etc.
Is the fact that she is unknowingly defying biological order, causing some of
the drama itself that she is so unseled?
An American woman wants more than just a man who can provide for her;
nowadays she can easily provide for herself so regular men become boring
to her. She needs a lile extra kick.
She wonders where have all the real men gone? Not realizing that shes
part of the problem in the rst place (though through no direct fault of her
own). So they seek out a strong real man who wont give in to their demands everytime and hand their balls on a plaer.
Guys, she WANTS to be put in her place once in a while though shell never
tell you.
Why? Because she is not biologically supposed to be leading the relationship (look at our 50% divorce rate because the balance of power has shied
because of her naturally modern demands leading to debate and higher
expectations of sorts); it is still part of her to be a woman.
However, you cannot really tame the shrew (I say this respectfully and divorced men may say worse) because it is who she is.
An independently developed woman is more exciting, interesting, fascinating, intelligent because she is allowed to have the opportunities that man
has had.
There are some awesome, great women who have added a lot of value to
our society which I greatly respect; however with that, when it comes to
relationships, etc. there is just something that spoils the traditional nature of
the biological equation, which leads to the general oppression of men (I see
it everywhere).
The thing is, you cant make silk out of a pigs ear (dont know if thats the
right analogy...). What Im saying here is, if shes already so damn independent and can take care of herself, youre not going to be able to permanently
tame her. You could try to have taming of the shrew but shes just going to
resent it because youre crossing her line of independence.
This independence and empowerment which she has gained through her
life is not her fault. If she was born in another country, she would be a completely dierent person. You cant change her is what Im saying.
If you want to try to make an unhealthy balance of relationship work and
WANT that drama in your life, go ahead.
Hey, its great for dating but for marriage. I predict the paern, its a formula. When Rhe Butler took Scarle OHara up the stairs in Gone with the
Wind, he may have tamed the shrew (through sexual biological process)
but only for a lile while. At the end of the movie he is being a real man.
You can learn from him. Even though she probably will nd him again, it
just isnt in her nature to repress herself down, so drama will be back again
as it was throughout the whole movie with them.
That was a predicator for American marriage life to come, except now there
is oen less passion, eh? I dont know, I havent been married yet.
If you can maintain real friendships or AMP relationships with these women you can avoid all of the drama yet truly experience powerful interdependent and mutually fullling value between the two of you.
The answer? You want a life without unnecessary drama? Just want to relax in peace without nagging? Want to have a woman who does things that
you thought she is supposed to without her complaining about it?
In our 50/50 society today, we just take it for granted. We have grown up
in this culture, but do not realize how most the rest of the world is still very
traditional in nature.
Marriages have become a balance of power in the U.S...a give and take.
Roles must be known or there will be much more massive ris than should
be. If youre dealing with an independent woman, shes going to have
MANY more opinions (this is a blessing and a CURSE).
She is more developed in all ways but really its a traditional woman wife
that already KNOWS her expected roles. This kind of woman is NOT going
to complain or nag anywhere even close to that of an independent woman
because she knows her role - PERIOD.
Heres the thing with me. Ive always found these kind of very traditional
American women boring. In fact I take it back to my college days. I was
talking to this aractive blonde who I was kind of going out with and asked
her, Dont you want to be someone when you grow up?
And she said that she wanted to get married and have a family. Now I look
back on that (I havent seen her in 8 years) with the global eyes of
understanding and I realize that that is an extremely noble thing for a woman to want to do. It takes a LOT to raise and nurture kids. I dont know
how most mothers put up with that kind of drama. It is not only admirable
but is the natural thing that they want to do.
And all of these in a pen and women know that theres something that just
doesnt seem right as they are staying single for many more years, they still
have the biological urge to be a mother. Its just that now there are these
other opportunistic or relationship dynamics that have inuenced this and
the modern family.
Ive always found those kinds of women who are naturally traditional in
America kind of boring. Why? Because theyre not cuing edge, exciting or
on my level psychologically as a general rule of thumb.
But you know, they will care for you, nurture and raise a family without
additional drama or nagging (of course there will be some things here and
There is a world of a dierence between a woman who cooks and cleans
because thats what she knows to do and WANTS to do and a woman who
will start nagging at the thought of even doing it.
Heres the thing; I dont cook that oen and I dont have time to clean. Thats
not my role. Im the provider and protector. I dont and wont allow nagging in my life from a woman.
It is unacceptable and distracts me from my aairs. Now, are the woman
Im really INTERESTED in going to be tamed down? Not likely. Theres too
much socio-psychological proling and growth beyond her natural instincts
that its covered it up reshaped her natural identity.
So I maintain interdependent relationships with them instead of the drama
of a long-term dating relationship or marriage. Of course in modern society we men have more opportunity than ever before as well, but keep in
mind that it is our traditional role to be men and had the household.
Also. I naturally know that Im not going to be Mr. Mom. In fact, I dont
change diapers. Maybe in certain cases or as a novelty but really, I dont
change diapers.
And I dont care if women today want to judge me because of that. You
have to set up your own boundaries of what you expect from a woman. If
you are going to be in a 50/50 relationship with her or a marriage, be
prepared. Times have changed and youre right, things dont feel accurate.
Make sure you read The DeWussication of the American Man.
Since men are so sexual in nature and always thinking about it, through
much of time because women were repressed from sexual independence
or freedom; there was a sect of society that has been apparent for centuries
Prostitution was a way for men (and those women) to bask in something
that was the opposite of sexual repression. It fullled a strong desire
throughout time, but le these women separated from mainstream society.
That is all that I will say about this issue here other than that the sex trade
continues. Now, women have their own independence, lifestyles, and can
seek out sexual relations of their own if when they want (and they usually
dont want it from every single wussy that is at her feet), they want a real
Who to blame for our transition from biological, religious, or historical
tradition to where we are today? Make sure to read the rest of the chapters.
Well the news is...youre not going to tame a real shrew. So really, if youre
still single I suggest you look elsewhere for a long term (hey I am) and just
have FUN FUN FUN until then.
The level of understanding and clarity I will give you will help you realize
that you have the strongest power ever. You will nd the answers to why
women dont make any sense and why you are confused with whats going
on between men and women today.
Why do you keep trying and beautiful women keep turning you away?
Well theres a psychology and something even more powerful than that
behind it. You can learn ALL the techniques in the world but if you dont
understand the dynamics of what is REALLY going on in the big BIG
picture youre not going to have NEAR the success you could otherwise.
Ive struggled with this for years and maybe you have also.
Ive noticed recently also that people are talking less and less to beautiful
women and those that do are geing shot down. This means to me that
women are geing more and more hardcore independent in their denition
of who they are.
Of course there are benets to feminism which well talk about in other areas as well but it has changed our relationship dynamics drastically.
This newfound power and freedom that women have too developed and
live life in their own way, is really just covering up their natural and basic
instincts. This is what is throwing you o and confusing you when it comes
to relating with women.
You see its all perception. And when you can get the perception of the
REAL reality; you will see the Matrix and it will empower you like nothing
else because it describes the foundation and paern of human behavior in
women and why men arent successful with them anymore.
Youre not going to nd it in relationship counselors. What a eld to be in
Not only that, weve gloried this empowerment and most of the men arent
doing anything about it except being oppressed because they arent being
their natural self because the woman isnt being her natural biological self.
Of course its expected an American woman will have her way because she
knows how to take care of herself. Then comes the power struggle in a
relationship because the man knows how to do that naturally so they bicker.
And the drama ensues and households are broken.
Let me say again; I love independent women because they are strong like
a real man (mentally) except still feminine in their ways. I can talk with
them. They have interesting things to say.
Were on the same level in many ways. Would I marry one? Not unless I
want to bring SUPER drama into my life. Im talking unnecessary drama
that would happen over the smallest stupid things that a traditional wife
would handle. I am an alpha male provider and I dont do certain things
Someone like me should really marry someone who is my opposite and I
dont mean opposite as equal. I mean polar opposite.
So this means that if you are a strong man with a strong purpose and do not
want unnecessary drama in your life, pick a life partner when you are ready
that just isnt going to bring that up in the rst place (a more traditional, accepting wife).
So if youre a strong male personality for the LONG TERM it might be
easier on you to get a wifey that will not give you additional drama about
the roles YOU expect her to have and do.
A mans inheritance IS to lead a family and provide for them. Our nation of
wives dont understand the oppression that the man is going through with
all he has to put up with that he just doesnt feel he deserves.
Do we as guys NAG and COMPLAIN to women about work and our jobs
or whatever? For the most part NO. We are doing our biological role. Then
why in America if men are being men and providing without complaining are so many of our women just nagging and complaining about every
lile thing? She has born into a society of female empowerment (once again
which has great pros and great cons).
It IS a cultural thing and I will be talking about this subject a lot in order for
you to fully understand the macro dynamics of our society versus the paradigm of what women really want anyways.
Her independence is so permeated into our way of living that we dont even
see it anymore. But it just hurts marriages. A woman in America today..its
just naturally going to be harder for Her to go back to a traditional role
because she wasnt brought up in it.
So much of American marriages really are a power struggle which is taking
place on the instinctual, biological level of deance.
We can start a movement here. We really could. We can bring back power
to the American man. Then what would American women do? Its not going to make marriages any beer because we have an inherent daily issue
But as a single man, you can take the power back through living in your
reality and living out your destiny without being thrown o by too much
drama and be responsible for the decisions you make which will aect your
I didnt realize how much power women have (in America)...its more than
you think. Are you aware of this now? Of course it didnt make sense to me
because it didnt seem natural but it really is true and most women know
this. They know that they can get things from men when they want by using their feminine power and beauty.
Marriages that work traditionally you could say we were a 90% to 10% balance, but actually they were 50% with the dynamics as the wife being the
nurturing mother and knowing her traditional role, and the man as the
head of the household.
Popular culture has continued to pervade this reality of female empowerment to the point that it is now so pervasive, it is in a escapable. From Madonnas Material Girl to Destinys Child Independent Women.
As a man who is wanting to be successful with women in dating or however
you dene that, you should really understand everything that Im covering
in this e-book and apply it to your life how you see t.
The feminist and feminazis can be all hardcore but its really just the American family, marriages and the kids that are suering because of it. American men are confused and know that something doesnt seem right even
though theyre doing their part naturally.
If youre an American man that hasnt gone out of the country to try your
hand with women elsewhere, try it! BELIEVE ME...you DONT know what
youre missing. Youll be surprised at how easy it is just to be normal and
women will actually respond.
You will be in touch with your biological and natural self that you really did
have all along. There only has to be a shi in your paradigm when it comes
to dealing with beautiful women because you understand this.
The dynamics have shied and vastly changed in America. Women do have
a lot of power. And how dare feminazis say that traditional women are
whatever they are saying about them (hey, I said the stereotypical
traditional blonde was boring to me).
Arent I just stirring a hornets nest!? But now I realize that all traditional
women who their main goal is to be a mother, I just really respect that even
if we dont share other interests.
I know of a lot of families where the woman in the house DOES have the
power. Really..shes become the head and controls the money and decisions.
Is it right or wrong? You can decide where you stand for yourself. Each
family for themselves.
And as long as there is a balance between the two to make decisions and
work things out a marriage between two independent people could work
Now if youre an American man and married to an independent strong
minded woman am I suggesting that you all of a sudden start telling her
what to do and expecting more out of her? No.
There is a balance of responsibility. I really DO think that if you cant hire a
maid, that the woman should do the cleaning and cooking and be a housewife in a marriage.
Does that account for all of these independent women? No. Mostly theyre
not going to in their words stoop down to that level. If its not naturally
in them to do those tasks without complaint or nagging then theyre just going to resent.
So many women now are like, Dont cross my line buddy.
Am I saying that women are supposed to be weak? No. Just naturally as in
most cultures around the world, they know what their role is to nurture the
kids and stay home to take care of the house and to be her biological role of
being a mother, so the man can focus on what he needs to do and they will
live a much more happy family life.
I would encourage you to develop an opinion on this (feminism in modern
society) and take your power back when it comes to dating and living your
life; its up to you.
If you dont stand for something you could fall for anything. But relating
to women, you have to be able to see that what has been developed is just
a shroud over their real biological self which wants a real man more than
Am I proposing a nation of Stepford Wives like a hardcore traditionalist
Theres so much I can say about that. I strongly recommend you either read
the book or watch the movie. There is a lot going on here.
Mahew Broderick plays the nice guy husband to a strong independent
wife Nicole Kidman. Without saying, shes wearing the pants in the family and the power is swayed her way.
They move to Stepford Connecticut and without giving away all of the details, the main thing going on is this; everything seems perfect. Too perfect.
All of the wives are happy, good looking, respectful of their husbands, supportive, stay home to cook and clean, etc. All of the husbands meet at the
country club.
Eventually we nd out that all of the husbands were nice guys and theyre
women were really strong minded. All of the men were just trying to be
their biological selves and take their power back, which was RIGHTFULLY
theirs in the rst place (evolutionarily speaking ;).
I understand that you shouldnt in reality change a woman who is really
strong back down to the more basics. You just might have to start o with
a woman who never gets all of these ideas of domination in the rst (from
just growing up) and then she can grow from there if you want while still
remaining a mother.
But that movie makes it appear comically like the idea of a traditional wife
was just plain wrong when it isnt and never was with the extreme contrast
between modern accepted society and how it used to be 50 years ago.
Who is going to hold a beer house? A nagging, complaining woman (who
complains about everyday drama) or a more traditional wifey who WANTS
to play her traditional role because thats who SHE is?
You know the answer to that. What we have is really a pandemic crisis in
our country. Our 50/50 dating scene leads to the power struggle called a
marriage, (which never used to by the way) be a ball and chain.
to be successful with women; and this is not just about pickup lines or techniques, this is groundbreaking stu that is 1000 times stronger.
So feminism does exist, how you view it and relate to it into living your life
is up to you. There are many advantages as well because you can have relationships with women just as friends who are just as intelligent as you an
There is no doubt that feminism has brought about a tremendous level of
value to all of our lives, from women that were strong and added value to
society or entertainment.
There is a world of abundance. Even if she does turn you down there are so
many more that you KNOW want to get with you.
Dont put too much weight on one outcome. I f youre going to play the
game, play the game and have fun. Theyre out to have fun. The independent women want someone they can have fun and be themselves with, not
having someone who keeps calling them 12 times a day.
Hey, Im telling my Sikh girl-friend in Malaysia (divorced and 35) to go out
and use men. Have fun with them. Use them instead of smoking so much
and you can get rid of your habit. She now calls them patches.
She is a real friend to me. Its a priceless relationship. Of course I have several independent women who are just friends. And thats OK. Strong men
who really know who they are and where theyre going understand that
this is natural and healthy in todays societies.
I know again that more traditional women are boring to me and Ive never
been excited or fascinated by them however they do know how to make a
family work and dont bring all the additional drama to the table.
You want to balance your life out some more? First of all know who you are
but then also develop relationships with the types of women you want to attract but actually be real friends with them with no other motive than to be
just friends.
You can also get used to be comfortable around these types of women as
you go through your shiing and aligning your congruency up to your new
This has its benets as well. Think about going out to clubs with them as
compared to with some dudes.
This is an opportunity guys to actually have real relationships with women
who are at our levels and in some cases ahead of us.
The traditionalists separate this. They think more on the lines of guys
should ONLY have guy friends and girls should only hang out with girls.
That really is just a lile boring and unrealistic in our modern society today.
Despite all of the negative drawbacks I am supposedly covering, there really are many positive aributes that we can experience by having both independent men and independent women.
Today, you can mix it all up. I hope that this viewpoint of understanding
both traditionalists and feminists sides of the table, will give you the universal understanding which extends beyond all of them, connecting you directly to your own biological power.
Girls have BECOME interesting as PEOPLE not just as more boring housewives. In fact, these independent women are FASCINATING. And its ok to
make real friends with them. They can tell if you have an ulterior motive or
Once you understand all of this, you NEVER have to let another women
control you (ahem, if youre single) and you dont have to give into her
reality or her perception of reality based on the type of relationship you
choose with her.
Let her know that youre not one of those guys (wussy). This is the single
most powerful thing you can do. BE A MAN. Thats what theyre looking
for to have fun (and sex) with.
Have the authority to BE yourself. They really dont want the wussy man
they see on t.v. YOU have to be the answer to their strong womanhood by
being a strong man who isnt deterred by her social persona.
Thats who theyre aracted to. A man who takes care of himself and has a
strong reality.
Ive seen it rsthand, fat pudgy balding men are not only geing hot women overseas but theyre taking some of the hoest women in the states as
well. If youre not one of them are you going to let that happen?
Heres the thing..you dont need to compete against anyone. Just be yourself. Its a world of abundance. Theres women everywhere.
They are my equal and they should be yours as well. Its up to you to decide. I KNOW that all these hot women are my equals, not above me. I am
the best of what they could want in a man and the most they could ever
hope for (as long as I dont stray..).
When that becomes YOUR reality as well and you develop yourself to be
someone these women would want your experience of life becomes a lot
Doesnt mean who I do choose as my wife is going to be boring though.
She will probably be quite traditional though so there wont be additional
drama. She would be more like my babygirl.
There are so many options available today that you should have the power
and choice to live the life that you want to, whether it be combining the 5050 type of relationship or nding a woman who is more traditional, or more
dramatic, it is all up to you for the long-term (and short-term).
If you expect the traditional or according type of relationship with a beautiful Americanized woman, you probably will not be around her long enough
because she will get rid of you, because it is not what she is generally looking for unless you are very rich or handsome.
I can put up with and tame a womans drama short term and maybe youve
tried it but aer a while (or long term) it gets quite exhausting. So understand where you are at when it comes to the traditionalist view.
You do not have to discount the fact that Americanized women are independent, however this actually gives you several advantages when it comes
to dealing with them. Understand that there is value in feminism, despite
what hard-core traditionalists may say.
(Understand it is also the reason for a 50% divorc and a lot of drama).
She has the right to live her life the way she wants to, and this includes her
sexuality. Everything she sees in our media further inspires her to continue
looking beautiful and work on her image in order to uphold the standard
which our society has expected of her.
And this is the, part of her daily life. She knows that she will look good if
she wants to, and she hopes that this will aract the type of man that she is
interested in.
Because her women really are empowered and living their own lives with
the ability to express their sexuality they are not going to give up this right,
therefore the American men are going to have to deal with this in whatever
way they can.
If you look at the byproduct of the sexual revolution, a woman can now do
whatever she pleases and this is only purported in the media leing her
know that yes it is okay for her to have her own power over her life and
Because she really has this now and she never did before in history she is
not going to give it up. If all the men in America stood up to this, it would
just be like taming the shrew in a sense perhaps, because we cannot turn her
back to her original traditional self or that of her grandmother.
She is still going to have a lot of independents in her no maer what you try
to do, and this is now become the fabric of who we are as a nation and it is
not going away anytime soon unless our entire nation goes back to being
very traditional.
This means that the media would have to stop promoting sex itself. This is
very unlikely to happen because men are now so used to the edication and
glamorization of the female body and her energy.
The way we are in America not you are not going to be able to take sex
away from him and the way it is shown to us, because there will always be
someone who will be there to prey on the weakness of man (for prots) to
get more and more of this sexual energy which can in no way actually be
Throughout this there are going to be many mind stretches that are going to
be so profound you may not feel the full impact of them right away.
In America especially we have idolized female beauty. We have put beauty
on a pedestal with the beginning of media in the early 1900s and it hasnt
stopped from there. In fact its just been in the past 30 years that it has really
taken o.
Women have basically realized with the encouragement of popular culture
that with their beauty and bodies, they can have power over most men.
This is because of the development of feminism, the sexual revolution,
popular culture, mans interest to see more, economics, etc. and is now ingrained into our everyday lives through all forms of media.
Do they want power over men? What they do one is equality, unfortunately
many men are not acting traditionally or naturally like men anymore.
Where did the womens movement start? In America of course. I want to
put in a lile disclaimer before I get down and dirty; (strong, independent)
women have added unparalleled value to our society in nearly all elds of
Could you imagine if there were only male performers? Really, think about
that. In fact, the value that women (American women as our focus here and
especially) have added to peoples lives has been absolutely immeasurable.
This goes back to the days of Bey Boop and Marilyn Monroe.
You see, theres no denying the power of sexual energy and hope that a
beautiful woman can bring to a mans life even one that he can only dream
of if he isnt in a relationship. we do idolize that beauty and hope.
That alone has caused male soldiers throughout centuries (back then the
woman they knew and loved because lack of media) to have the inspiration
to carry on.
Being a veteran soldier myself I know the importance and power of that
hope or desire has given me because sometimes it was the only thing that
got me through the psychologically trying times.
We also just cannot deny that sexuality is part of who we are as human
Men used to look to each other for intelligent (sometimes) conversation.
Now there are women who are at and sometimes surpassed in our level of
intelligence and other aributes.
So looking at it from the female perspective. Shes brought up the way she
is and the way our society has taught her to be; makeup, Barbie, nice boy
Ken, Mean Girls, fashion mags, etc..
Of course at that certain age, girls no longer have cooties and shortly aer
that they start exercising their right to get favors because they realize it is
being oered to them for free from all of the aention they are geing from
guys; this further shapes their perception of their reality.
She will instantly classify him into a category if he does any of the things
that she has seen men do before.
The forced reality in which our society lives in, gives women a lot of power
because of their ability to express themselves and show o their physical
beauty or assets. This really takes the focus and center away from most of a
mans life.
But if a man can really realize and understand that he does live in his reality
and that he is interesting and has a life going on and is not going to give in
to a womans physical front, then women will gravitate towards him. More
on this later.
Women in todays American society have adapted themselves and taken on
traits which are more masculine in nature so now we nd ourselves as men
So remember that there was a point in your life when you knew there was a
power shi basically and ever since then that power has only grown stronger and stronger. Throughout all of time the opposite sex has been interested in the other.
The traditional opportunity to date between man and women has almost
become polarized in that there is all this sexual tension in energy going on
between both sexes, yet the people that deserve to match up are not been
matched up, so this creates a lot of frustration on both the beautied female
and the frustrated and life directed man.
Women from when they were the age of 13 on up especially, realize that if
they t the excepted social standards, they had power over most men. Let
me remind you that in most countries around the world this is not true.
In the words of a feminist from our country, she would say that those women are being repressed. Well what she does not realize is that those women
are being traditional.
And traditional is the biological and natural selection process of mating and
perpetuation of society in which a man and a woman stayed together usually for their entire lives.
So women and men alike do not really fully realize the global implications
or dynamics of what is going on because we are so inundated by our multimedia social society that perpetuates feminine beauty, continues the blue
ball nature of selling sex or almost selling sex itself without fully giving men
what they want which in turn makes them more frustrated.
And this also makes them week when it comes to dealing with women because they are seeing the same beauty that they see gloried and that aside
universally on TV, in print, in photos and in movies and music.
A womans show of beauty and her newfound independence is a blessing
and her curse. It is preventing her from having a real relationships with real
men who are her counterparts. She has so much independence because it
is just a part of who she is now (without her knowing that it is only because
of her societal upbringing) that she can oen not help arguing, bickering,
testing, controlling men in her interpersonal relationships, especially when
the men dont stand up to anything she has to oer because they are intimidated or just feel repressed and do not know how to handle it (because it is
NOT natural).
Naturals are successful with women because they are only doing what is
biologically their birthright without leing any of the forced reality interfere
with them connecting with who she really is.
And I am sure that most naturals who are successful with women, would
not even be able to explain it like this or even understand all of the global
implications that you do now. This means that you have at least as much
power as them as long as you internalize everything and live in your own
It is important for you to be aware of this perceptional dynamic in our modern culture and dating society, because you will soon nd out more about
what it means.
If youve seen the movie Boat Trip (its not that great but, Roselyn Sanchez
is in it), these two guys end up on a gay cruise. Cuba Gooding, Jr. is acting
like your normal pussytranced guy around Roselyn and he pretends to be
gay just so he can spend time with her.
My favorite part of the movie is when theyre dancing together, anyways.
She complains how all of her boyfriends were jerks (but obviously she was
aracted to them). Cubas acting like a nice guy but is really just giving his
power over to her through his gay facade to get near her in the rst place.
In the end of the movie when he parachutes back onto the cruise ship, you
know its not going to work out because heis still a wussyboy as you can obviously tell that even though she kisses him, he has gone under her control
and agrees not to screw up. This is all part of puing women on a pedestal.
This means that youre going to have to treat Roselyn dierent than other
guys do when you meet her; look past the forced reality which gives her
the power if you really want to have a chance with her..
by the fact that they are normal and dont live in a fake cosmetic centered
glamour reality. Now they may look good of course using those accessories but they are so much more real than the fakeness or front that American
women put on.
Furthermore though, Americas beautiful women are not that bitchy for
the most part once you get past their barriers of illusional defense. They
HAVE to have this barrier to protect them from the everyday wussbags that
come up to them.
Why? Because they just CANT take every opportunity with every single
guy. Bitchiness becomes a time management tool for them so they dont
have to feel they owe something back for every leech that pays her a compliment.
Unfortunately because of these unhealthy characteristics with our type of
independent, beautiful women youre going to be in for A LOT of drama
whatever you do especially if you keep one for long term.
In America there is so much focus on beauty. Oh you might see some real
people advertising campaign come along but it always turns back to the
sexy people.
Hey, Im a proponent of this as a graphic designer and photographer myself.
Like I said, I dont plan on marrying one though. My tolerance for drama
is about 0 meters at certain times; otherwise Ill invite it in for a short while
as long as I have the upper hand just to go along for the ride in a very short
If you just want to have fun and just be a real man, these women can handle
it (drama and heartbreak). American women are strong, they love drama,
they feed on it. Break some hearts if you want, its up to you.
But just be careful..because once you get past a womans outer defenses the
tables sometimes turn and she becomes the wuss and ends up loving you
and then you get bored and leave (Ive done this in almost all my relationships (granted it was never with a true 10) :S). Ah, but they love it.
Going back to our global reality check again, theres a lot of women especially in Asia (and Eastern Europe or Russia) who would love an American
man and prefer them over their own male counterparts in their country.
Courting used to be traditional and worked. Now since the dynamics have
changed its become challenging for both sexes in America. You can take the
more traditional courting approach usually with women from other cultures, and they will probably be likely to be interested in you without giving you all kinds of sighs, yawns or drama.
You can be the perfect gentleman with aractive women yet they can still
brush you o if you still dont get it with our type of women in America.
You can be a gentleman anywhere else you go on the world and for the
most part women will respond more naturally to you without puing up a
bulletproof social front.
These are profound and dramatic dierences that I have through personal
experience, that allow me to give you this insight which I think its priceless.
When you can look at cultural dierentiation, you will nd that you are not
so bad as you thought you are as a man or when it comes to dealing with
women. In fact you are actually a natural.
My international experience with women has proven that; It is not us men
who are the problem. We are only the problem in the sense that we are letting the forced reality get in our way of being real men.
Because this forced reality for the most part does not exist in most other
cultures, you will be able to realize that we are dierent from the rest of the
This really is an American thing, which is now spreading out a lile bit.
What Im talking about is this social persona which happens when a woman
allows herself to gain a level of independence were she does not need a man
to the point that it damages any hope for a real relationship, and she focuses
extremely on her beauty to the point where that distracts men and she
develops a more beauty centric focused social persona primarily gained
from our social programming and expectations of her.
Ive got a lile bit of a dierent story and its important you see this angle.
Ive noticed that yes there are dierences in aracting women in America
and in other countries.
Ive also noticed this: it was ALWAYS hard for me to meet women up front
but in about two dozen relationships (except for two where I purposely
went along for the ride) they ended up really liking me and wanting to stay
but I was the one who called it o and le them.
Oen calling me months aer weve broken up. Why? Because I am a natural. And I think most men are natural.
Aer the initial meeting point I had the upper hand except twice where I
let them be themselves. One was a cornfed blonde girl from Oklahoma and I
didnt have a relationship for (choke) 3 years (so I can relate to ANY of your
I was so anxious to have a relationship or something that what should have
been a short summer ing I just let her hang on and drug it out longer than
it should have. She then joined the Navy to try and get stationed in Hawaii
but ended up marrying someone else instead.
The whole time I wasnt really being myself, I was being someone who I
thought she would like, smiling in front of her parents, etc. I didnt let her
know the real me nor did I crack any of my jokes.
I let her say, Hey honey, whats wrong...stu like that. So Ive BEEN there.
Ive been the wussy nice boy. But you know what? I WASNT being myself.
Guys will always say, but Im just trying to be myself. I hear this cry and
when people say it at seminars or to Dave DeAngelo the full context hasnt
been revealed until now. GUYS, youre NOT the problem here.
But there is more to the issue as well from these universal viewpoints. You
may think you are acting natural but you are only leing her smokescreen
get in the way. And of course because of her strong social persona and how
men perceive her she will have a dierent response than her traditional or
biological reaction to such an approach.
She has adapted to her social identity and what our society expects of her,
and she has integrated into her lifestyle. Our social programming is really so pervasive you have to look at it from a dierent angle in order to see
what is really going on.
And if you can understand whats going on youll realize that you just have
to deal with these women dierently if you WANT to be successful with hot
American/independent women. Theyre not acting historically or biologically accurate either. Its all a perception. They dont have any power unless
you give it to them. They just think theyre the prize.
As a man you have to have your own set of standards so you arent thrown
o every time you see a beautiful woman.
Fortunately for many men, American women are now bending those standards because they can now be aracted to guys that arent at their level of
physical appearance or beauty as long as they meet their biological sexual
response nature in the woman and she cant resist the real man in him.
This gives augly guys or jerks a chance for once in history to get a hot woman. Otherwise, traditionally it would rarely ever happen I believe in your
same country unless there was a forced marriage.
Why? Purely traditional women know that they should stay away from
men who are emotionally or psychologically unstable because it will lead to
trouble further down the line, and that they will not be a perfect husband.
Actually now, Ive seen fat balding old guys get hot young women from
Asian countries. Now part of this araction does have to do with money
and opportunity but really the foundation is that hell take care of her; and
thats her way of surviving and perpetuating.
Heres the thing; basically dont look at foreign girls and stereotype or
judge them because once you get to know them, they really are of the highest quality and those guys are keeping it a secret.
Well up until now maybe it has been a secret but if you havent been to
Thailand you just have NO idea. No idea. Im not just talking about bar
girls alone either.
Youll nd that the entire Thai culture is about the happiest people on earth
as well as the most respectful and real. They have a level of respect that I
havent seen even in America. It truly is the land of smiles. There are hidden droves of real Thai women that arent bar girls who would really make
perfect wives I think. Filipinas are also a another option.
Now feminists would cringe at the word perfect wife but why? Only because theyre not going to be the perfect wife. That leaves something amiss
with them and they cant gure out why they cant hold a relationship unless its with a wussy guy who isnt being his natural self either.
All of this information may shock you in its full context. It may bring to
you tears. It may cause you to beat your chest and scream like Tarzan and it
may change your life - really.
Just know right now that when you can get a global perspective (which in
itself almost never happens in America) you will see that there is quite an
extreme level of cultural dierentiation. You can nd deals on airfare and
it is VERY economical to travel or live in Southeast Asia.
This has everything to do with you realizing that you have always been a
real man, and that it is your right to be a real man and initiate the process
of sexual araction with women.
Fat boomed girls make the world go round? No, they make Wisconsin go
round. Hey, theyre leading their lives and they can nd guys. My recommendation to them would be get yourself a good looking Italian man or
something seriously.
Many Europeans would love to have an American wife. Ive seen it happen.
They have to expand their thinking maybe or else nd a match for them.
Hey Ill stand up against the media. Men need to hear this.
Our whole modern dating system and its leaders are a part of this society
and our cultural history including progressive womens rights. Its all integrated and it caters towards continuing womens rights and power and
essentially balancing the power in a relationship between two independent
When people ask: Should a man ask a woman out? Is it ok if a woman asks
a man out?, etc. Its ALL (our entire dating world context) coming from
this societal reality of where we are at now (basically a 50-50 balance of
You CANT escape it PERIOD unless you have the universal paradigm shi
of absolute knowledge in order to be aware of that and see possible eective
It never was a problem for a man to ever think of being afraid of talking to
a woman. Back then women didnt ask men out (except maybe rarely) because the roles were more natural and traditional.
We are now living in a deance of those times where guys like us (or any
guys) could ask women slightly above their level of looks to go out on a
date or to do something.
There was also less competition because there was less media and less transportation options. This way a girl could decide to go with a guy or not from
there but he never dealt with drama up front unless he was really asking a
girl out of his league out, then he might feel some jiers.
Im talking about our grandparents generation. Remember that men naturally had the sexual selection and choice.
Remember that all of the other dating experts, gurus, and coaches are all fo-
cusing on the micro dynamics of the only perception that they see and the
paradigm they are in. They are working almost against natural enemy to
try and trick the girl into going for them.
Its this forced reality that we as a nation and culture live in which denies
and violates evolutionary nature itself by placing added value on a womans
sexuality. This has thrown a wrench in the system.
You can go out there and you will hear, see, and you will nd in America today looking in is a perpetuation of the female beauty, her power, and how
to somehow balance the relationship or a dating scenario 50-50.
For dating experts that focus on being successful with women, all they are
doing is focusing on the micro minutiae of trying to win her over, to somehow get through her forced reality barrier or trick or into going with them,
when they do not see the Universal or macro dynamics or context of what is
going on that really answers, even bypasses everything that they are ghting against to be successful with beautiful women.
NLP techniques or seduction methods, all focus on rewiring your way of
thinking in order to somehow counteract and connect with her energy and
is really missing the whole point entirely.
You do not need any rewiring, other than to realize that everything you see
is not what is really going on underneath the scenes (or bedsheets if you like
to think of it that way).
This should be a huge relief to you knowing that you do not have to try and
work against a womans power with some fancy pickup lines or seduction
technique; it is so important that you understand the foundational paradigms see you can come from a position of true power and be a man who
knows how to aract women naturally.
And because of the leverage of information Im giving you you will be able
to make this change and be far closer to success with women than you ever
realize. This means so much more than just going out there and trying
some new pickup lines and may be experiencing modest success; this is a
dated and pussy whipped because of her power that essentially violates
their evolutional nature.
You just really have to see everything from the macro dynamics and be the
natural man you are. Once you really have goen rid of the invisible force
eld that she holds up you can just be yourself.
If there is still some of her energy seeping through then yes you will need
some more technique work possibly.
But when you can really, truly live 100% in your reality, you can say anything to her and your odds of success have quantied and increased beyond
most other men who dont understand or are giving their power away to
her reality instead of keeping it for themselves.
So be wary of everything that you hear us see in our modern society when it
comes to dating, because it will all be coming from the 50-50 approach from
which we all live in and take for granted
but you dont know who she is..hmm...theyre managing to stay together,
interesting...Maybe its that she WANTS to raise a family and not control the
world herself.
Thats a formula that works and is biologically proven and accurate. That
way, the famous director can keep doing his thing without worrying about
the family when hes busy because his wife has it handled.
Thats peace of mind and thats a formula that is not only biologically natural, but it works. When you have developed your future goals, think about
all of this. If you have an American girlfriend already, what you do is up to
Feminazis dont realize that tradition works or they feel it would take away
their power.
You see their prime argument is the case for female power and equality.
That is the double edged sword and can be viewed as the problem itself.
They know that its right in their mind for women to have as much power
and opportunity as men. What Im saying is not that its right or wrong. Its
just that its the marriages that fail because of it.
The kids, the divorces, the lawsuits all stemming from their main purpose.
So essentially feminism IS a double-edged sword.
Why do marriages crumble? Like I said, its not money. Money is neutral.
Too much of anything can be toxic.
Money only exacerbates whatever the people were like in the rst. More
money with a person who does good with small money will do more good
with more money. Somehow who didnt know how to manage or control
money in the rst place with more money is just going to be a huge mess. If
both want control over it, then...
For the money case you could say its really a lack of nancial intelligence.
People thinking there home is an investment when its really their bankers
investment and Im not going to get too deep into that right now (just read
Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki).
The problem could be aributed to lack of nancial intelligence, overspending, buying liabilities, improper cash management but perhaps a big part of
that is the bickering and arguing that goes on from a strong woman in the
household (in many cases) who wants to control the spending herself.
Essentially the heart of what Im saying here is going to piss o a lot of people but it needs to be said. You should single handedly regain your masculine power, purpose, clarity and understanding because it is your biological
Women are literally forced to respond to a man who knows the natural process of araction because it is wired into her and she cannot even control
it for explain it. This biological premise cuts through all of the social programming garbage that is on top of it and clouding your vision.
You should be able to see the world as it really is, nally being able to explain what the hell is going on. Women will notice something is dierent
about you. Theyll see that youre not needy and that you do not have a
high tolerance for their unnatural drama most of the time.
Hey, have fun with American women and date a lot of them if you want
(AMP)...just be careful when it comes down to marrying. If you can foresee
the paern or look for clues in her behavior or personality aer youve been
together for a while, you could potentially predict a disaster.
The only viable option for an Alpha male like me or my father is really to
marry a very natural and traditional woman. Where do you stand? I know
it may not be in your plan right now because you may just want to pick up
chicks but this global understanding is priceless and is important to your
becoming eective with women on a level few are.
Divorce is not a pleasant thing..I dont even need to tell you because its bad
on both parties, the kids and also the man who thought things would work
out because he was marrying a woman he loved.
women because I am an alpha male, but I dont abuse that power. I respect
them always.
Most men really are good guys and theyll help a brother out and want to
end up geing married to a good woman.
Now, Im taking things right here beyond even the #1 dating guru in my
mind (David DeAngelo) on a certain level.
I have learned a lot from him about biological araction and whats going
on because most of the other dating stu out there is just JUNK thats coming from people who dont have our deep level of knowledge of whats really going on.
However, he is only talking really about American and developed
independent women and that point cannot be overstated.
He has stopped just short of releasing the greatest thunderball of knowledge that really and FINITELY explains what the hells going on in the big
picture and why men have been so confused when it comes to meeting and
approaching women.
Basically he reached the top base camp (and he took me to the top base
camp) but I took it to the summit. He would have come to the same realization but he never said it; if he only looked at the 50% divorce rate and steps
aer dating and also what else is going on in the world.
Heres the thunderball which I started this eBook o with from a dierent
angle now:
The ironic thing is you may realize that you dont want to put up with their
drama in a longer term relationship. This will buy you even more natural
leverage and power to live in your reality. Do not be oppressed.
You see, when a guy used to go up to a woman in the school gym and she
thought they were a good match for the time being, shed say yes to a dance.
Go outside the US. and natural sexual araction/mating process happens.
Back in the age of our grandfathers, you could date. People would nd
someone who was their match and maybe end up with them for a lifetime
and focused on the family.
But nowadays in the U.S. a woman has POWER and she has CHOICE
especially the more beautiful she is. She can turn down a dozen guys back
to back if she wants.
Why? Because the men are leing her shroud of beauty get in the way of
biological and natural araction which they inherently have in their blood.
Heres a lile known secret; I didnt even date in high school. I didnt date
until college!
With this power that is now a part of a womans entire state of mind and being comes dierent dynamics as a result.
She can now compete with men for jobs, start her own business and pursue
her own goals. This I say is GREAT for her. You go girl, seriously.
Ill be true and REAL friends with other women like this and I have many of
these strong independent women as friends around the world (large metro
cities), true friends but I just wouldnt marry one. Its too much drama.
What about you?
It becomes a power struggle because I am an alpha male with a very strong
purpose and direction. I have lile patience for nagging drama.
How much drama you want to put up with that is up to you, but with all of
this knowledge in this e-book you no longer ever have to be oppressed as a
man for the rest of your life.
You are about ready to just live your life fully as well as a man that naturally
aracts women. Your awareness will lead you to empowerment as you discover the elusive obvious that has been going on.
Once you get all of this you can really laugh at your lack of previous success because you cannot be stopped anymore.
Sex Sells:
Pussytrance & the Stripclub Project
It never used to be such a challenge for a man to play his natural role and
talk to women. Remember that we are all inherently natural.
Men have become scared to do their duty because the women in our society
have this perceptual power of beauty. Yes, they are independent but this
doesnt mean that they are any less of a woman when it comes to her sexual
nature and biological urges (she wants you more).
So what is it that completely throws o a normal put together kind of guy?
It can accurately be described as pussy trance. Yes her apparent power of
beauty and sexual hope gives us life and sustenance in the warzone and in
lonely times.
Strip clubs are extremely popular in the U.S. especially. It seems a very
male thing to do. But what is the psychology here and why is it important?
Because who we are as a society edies a woman and sexual beauty and
because most men cant break the invisible forced reality barrier that you
could call Brooks shield they want a way to become closer to this extreme
sexuality that they see in our media that is just keeping us a few steps
Basically pussytrance (call it whatever you want) is that shes supposedly
taunting us with something supposedly that we are so excited about and
emotional that it drives men to do stupid and crazy things when it comes to
dealing with them.
Going to stripclubs (which isnt stupid) allows men to soak in the pure sexualness of everything that cant seem to get fullled from with the media.
Media is basically giving men the blue balls (mostly psychologically and
psychosexually) with its prominent display of womens appearance and
We WANT MORE. Yes I said it rst: our BlueBalls Media. Make sure you
spell my name right. ;). Ok, not all of our media (family programming) but
so much of it (music, movies, music video) emphasizes a womans sexual
assets versus her traditional ability to nurture and be a housewife.
Basically sex sells. A womans powers of sexual energy is really a form of
currency (how else do you think Paris Hilton will sell ANY records? (ok,
Sco Storch can produce thats why))
Heres the formula: Pussytrance = blueballed men wanting more = More
Sales. Repeat.
Our male media archetypes are characterized generally as strong men who
live in their reality and have a purpose, whereas a womans main virtue is
her sexuality now (instead of ability to nurture and stay on the downlow in
the house).
There is a trend on TV. programming though in recent years which I will
discuss shortly.
Her sexual power used to only be for procreation but now its become something much more. Casual sex and the hope for it from both sexes is something that has been repressed for a longtime and now is out in the open
without all of the heavy consequences.
One way to repress or just prevent her ability to distract men is through the
use of school uniforms which still go on in private schools and countries
around the world today.
Sex and the hope of sex is uplied in our society more than any other and
right now more than at anytime in history. I agree there are a lot of advantages to it and it makes life a LOT more interesting.
We feed upon this sexual energy called pussytrance. A positive form of
channeling sexual energy that we see in the media around us is into what
Napoleon Hill called sexual transmutation.
This is just the channeling of sexual energy (usually from a woman) into a
positive and inspirational force in your life. It can give you hope, motivation, energy, willpower and can even cause soldiers to survive in balezones.
How can we deny this power which speaks so deeply to man? Its so pervasive in our society. Oen times men will do anything for sex and feel so
emotional about the issue because of the drama and hope it brings to our
Sexual transmutation is a more positive use of this energy than staying in a
pussytrance. Pussytrance is where you are stagnated by her beauty because
it synergizes with everything youve seen and know about through our
popular media and its biological; mans need for sex.
You can use and channel this energy how you see t, like Yoda taking a reball and redirecting it.
Being less dependent on it or even purposely denying its existence can get
you laid more than you would think. When you are in a pussytrance you
may stop and stare at a woman. You are based on a shaky and weak foundation which isnt even natural, traditional or biological.
You may lose all of your cool and start thinking about how to approach her
or what pickup line to use while youre still coming from no foundation at
all except hers.
Remember that when you are in a pussy chance it is just the forced reality
of added value and aention we have given to her sexuality that is covering
up the basic biological process of araction of you being a man and her being a woman.
A woman knows when youre in pussytrance and she KNOWS how to
aunt it. Shes trying to aract strong men but 99% of them are in a pussytrance and skerred.
They know that she is universally a part of everything they desire: sexy,
beauty and sex itself. They cant see beyond it to know that shes a real
person just like you are. Its just that her sex appeal is more apparent up
front whereas your aributes may be more subtle which she can nd out
through geing to know you.
I will show you how to use this to your advantage...shes really just looking
so damn sexy for you dude. Why? Because youre probably the only real
man shell meet that day, week month or even year.
All the other guys are pussytranced and it is so strong you cant try to break
it coming against it because youre just going to bounce o it.
Her spell over you will probably become stronger the more you think about
it and edify her like you think about your favorite actress. Moving in then
with a technique, youre still probably going to get show down.
Thats why almost everything youve been taught is wrong and doesnt really come close to pure and natural success.
If youre in her pussytrance and captivated by her sexual energy you may
think that youre automatically aracting her to you. This is not the case.
When youre held spellbound by her beauty, youre actually objectifying her
without even knowing who she really is (beauty is a blessing and curse for
Feminists want to complain about the objectication of women. How are
we supposed to respond when it is in front of our faces all the time (I dont
mean at a strip club)? Hah.
Most of our women love it and accept it that they can sexually express
themselves and keep themselves busy improving their image as part of who
they are in a competitive environment as well as hoping to aract men.
If anyones objectifying women, yes its our media but women and teenagers
MILLIONS of them are living up to this standard. Women have developed
from grade school onward into this surreal reality of unknowingly objecti-
There is also a growing trend of buddies going out together to get away
from their girlfriends (wha?!) or wives to bask in this pure sexual
fantasyland where they can be up close and personal to this energy.
Another reason why its so important is that the men are the ones who are
being catered to. They can get the personal aention from women whose
bodies they idolize or rather idealize. Im geing turned on just thinking
about it...(Im a very visual person).
You need universal strength and grounding to compete or ght against
her pussytrance. I will give you what you need in order to be able to with a
lile practice over the pussytrance of any hot women.
Our media is so good at continuing to propel this myth, that in just about
every movie we see a man being a wuss and talking about what you would
do to be with their, how he would do anything, blah blah.
Use all of your awareness and knowledge to your advantage. You will have
universal experience and truth on your side when dealing with a beauty so
her pussytrance doesnt even phase you, you dont even see it.
Women are so exible and can be a chameleon in dierent situations?
Why? Its in their biological nature. They can adapt around them to those
who have strong realities which through history could provide protection
for them.
If you stand for something you have a beer chance to aract a woman
even if she disagrees with you.
Im listening to Daddy Yankee and Pitbull right now and I can see it. The
women in the club will fall into a dierent state of mind and if they were
actually there, because of their STRONG REALITY (that doesnt give any
fake respect to women) they will ock to them even if they werent celebrities.
Take celebrity out of the equation and you have strong reality le. So keep
this chapter in mind when you read the other ones and understand that our
society will continue to propagate this and it will be very easy for you to become distracted again indenitely (like all of our other men), if you are not
grounded in something stronger.
This way you can put aside any emotional triggered response on your part
and remain indierent to her beauty which is desperately trying to get your
This whole eBook is really your baselin, fundamental Jedi training.
Or Karate Kid training. Watashi-wa Miyagi-san des. Anatawa Padawan des
(you are Padawan).
Is there anything there without the makeup? In many cases, who knows
but the implications of what this has done..!
Think about all of that; and these are supposedly our best looking women?
Theyre leing this illusion called makeup prevent them from even trying.
I have friends that are 40 something and 50 who I think are both virgins.
Theyre both single men who wont marry American women so have stayed
They have seen the paerns of other men and how relationship drama and
statistics turn out inevitably against their favor, so they have held o. Its
because of this power that she has become who she has, but its her makeup or added value that prevents men trying having the type of relationships that they want with them in the rst place.
Our whole cultural history in the last 100 years has done more damage
than we think despite the many positive benets it brings (Destinys Child,
swimsuit magazines, fashion models, T&A, sexual gratuity, etc.).
We have American men who refuse to date any women, have never even
had sex by the age of 40 or 50, maybe turn gay?? And all kinds of irrational and unbiological eects are products from this Forced Reality. All of a
sudden, men are sensitive to the more demanding female.
The psychosocial aspects of giving women the power and edifying their
beauty has had profound implications straight into the very thread of almost everymans life (single or divorced).
How successful do you consider yourself in the past?
Ive still been a man by dating 8s and 9s instead of the 10s I know are more
my level (sorry girls ;) and have gone outside the U.S. and have naturally
had success with beautiful and real women but what about those guys who
havent had any relief from the underlying biological function?
How frustrating is it when our society psychologically and economically
centers around sex and the beauty and power of women, edies it so that a
man cant stand it anymore and never gets any of the thing he craves the
most because it was ashed and waved in his face all the time?
This is quite unhealthy yet all of us have struggled with it to some degree?
Have you?
This really is an unnatural reaction due to a perceptual paradigm that only
exists on top of our biological reality and inherent nature.
Maybe youve had many relationships with less than your ideal quality
of American women (or had the benet of dating international or ethnicAmerican women), but its been the creme-de-la-creme that weve had the
hardest time because they have the most drama, aention, power, control
and favor with almost all men they want.
So even if you have a lot going for you all of a sudden its hard for you to
have a chance if youre just leing her know youre edifying her beauty as
40 Year old virgins, who have also never been married either.
If youre anywhere else in the world in a more traditional society you must
REALLY have something going on bad for you dude like smelly pits or
something. Remember its womens traditional and biological nature to procreate and naturally have some casual sex as well (in more and more countries) and women generally want sex more now than ever before in history.
With this information in this e-book we can prevent this from happening to
other men in America.
I hope YOU can help me spread this word to our fellow American men because we can start a movement together. A movement to reclaim our power
and rights based on universal understanding that allows us to stand up to
and beyond any feminists.
It is not in a mans biological nature to be controlled by a perception of
women and allow himself to be repressed or oppressed for life. This is going on in every town in America.
So just make sure that you understand where the 40 year old virgin ts into
the macro dynamics of our modern society.
Paradox Outlets
Just because she has more independence and choice not today than ever before, she is seen that men have become weak and scared because of her faux
This prevents men from seeing who they really are inside and from starting a relationship that can actually be fullling for her. Its up to you to not
be aware of and choose to reject and the night is invisible forced reality, because all it is doing is stopping men from being man and it is leaving our
women confused and agonized.
In fact it is almost ridiculous. You really have to get the big picture, which I
am giving you, in order to be aware of its existence at all. You dont have to
accept it.
Otherwise, if you are living in the only paradigm that you know which is
this forced reality you will always be on a shaky ground when it comes
to her because you will be giving in to her beauty; it will control you and
youll never have the amount of success with these women as you can ever
dream if you continue to buy into this forced reality, in which you unnaturally or unknowingly become weak in the presence of her beauty.
Because this is not natural, and it dees the biological order of natural selection, it has led to the great paradox of our men being confused and our
women wondering where the real man went.
They are still waiting for you to come up to them, just like other species
in nature. So I encourage you to really embrace the fact that this invisible forced reality is only a perception, because she still is a real woman
beneath the exterior she just as makeup on, some lipstick and some sexy
This goes back to the great paradox of her being unable to nd a real man,
and you will nd that this is absolutely true.
But she is still the schoolgirl within and she begs to just be a woman (de-
If she is feeling weak, she may go out to regain a sense of power by geing
aention from wussy guys and this will validate her once again. You have
deeper values than this so dont be thrown o by it.
Its the more traditional ones you have to careful with damaging their hearts
more easily if you have a Casanova nature.
Basically the rule is, when you are dealing with women as a single man,
dont let her get away with ANYTHING that will violate your independence
in your full
reality as a man.
Buying her owers, saying shes prey; basically you will KNOW what you
shouldnt do when you understand that you are not giving in to her forced
reality aer you nish this book and internalize it.
You wont do the wussy things that other men do to try and win her approval. Winning her approval is more aligned to courtship and she is not
looking for that right now unless you are a really rich, goodlooking guy.
By being a real man in your own reality you can defy all of the supercial
B.S. of drama that she lives in and speak to her naturally, heart to heart in a
way when you communicate.
As long as things stay interdependent and relational then youre good and
shell actually respect you a lot more basically because you balls to stand up
to her (for once compared to other men).
This means that yes, you will be making most of the decisions in a relationship about what to do, where to go, etc. but its just a responsibility youre
going to have to accept because that is the real traditional historical inheritance you have to live up to (as well as approaching her rst).
I learned from Rick H. that if you do anything with enough authority youll
basically get away with it. Now the balls are in your court dude but this
generally is TRUE when youre living in your own reality.
So well you may still have to work around independent women you can
still treat them with tremendous respect without giving in to their unreasonable demands. Do not be afraid to gently put your foot down if something doesnt match up right in your mind.
You dont have to go out of your way to please them because it usually just
makes them run. If youre working with independent women, become real
friends with them if thats allowed...respect them because theyre on youre
Now you can actually talk to women and not be as likely to be bored unlike
in the olden days.
If women today are like they are, many are looking for men like you to
have shorter term relationships with. This is a feature of our modern society and mating dynamics that you can take advantage of that men werent
supposed to back when things were more traditional.
Women have grabbed power from this (all of their power just about) so
why not you take advantage of our modern societys tendency towards lots
of dating.
The way I see it ANYWAYS and coming from this state of mind is that I
have to go out with hundreds of women before I get married just to nd
out who I should marry and not have any regrets (and that the women I
want the most and my lack of understanding of the Realities has held me
back repressingly so there is some tension to be bought back and repaid for
With the personal power that you are not privy to, you will be able to the
design and live the lifestyle you want to; this will allow you to make up for
all those years of ineectiveness give you so choose to view it this way as
well. Remember now that you are the catch.
If women didnt have this biological predisposition for araction to a natural man, maybe we actually would be screwed but we arent, because its
there beneath her added value front.
All animals instinctively know the mating process (do they talk to each
other?), yet we have the 40 year old virgin...somewhere along the line here
something went amuck and Im going to let you in on the profound truth.
We have placed so much important on her beauty that it throws the context
of the relationship o.
She never had this power on a massive scale before in history. But lets go
back to yesteryear..
Women and traditional dating in America...the courting process. Of course
good looking men hold favor in the courting process but if she still nds out
hes accepting her level of power and shying away because of the illusion of
her forced reality of beauty and its pretext, then she may not call him back
aer the rst date or two and hell wonder whats going on and keep calling
Remember, she wants a real man despite her mirage of beauty. She is so
sick of men pandering to her Oh youre so beautiful, let me take you that
she even turns out most good looking guys who are like this.
Our modern social dynamics have encouraged a frequency of dating like
never before. In the olden days most people usually didnt date for a few
potential prospects before they got married.
Now there is choice and frequency for both men and women...unfortunately
men seem to lose sight of this fact also when they see a real hoie. they lose
a grasp on reality and enter her reality meanwhile forgeing that there are
beautiful women everywhere (ok, not in Wisconsin).
You KNOW that youre funny, intelligent, sharp, intriguing so keep that
power and dont enter the forced reality when you see a beautiful woman
by leing her soak up your energy. Keep it for yourself.
Shes probably just another prey face. Go up to her and say hey, whats
up? and dont hang around too long or ever enter her reality, stay grounded in yours. See if shes got something special to oer or if shes so soaked
up unhealthily into her own perception of beauty reality that its all she is.
No longer do you not have to be an unhealthy, emotionally imbalanced bad
boy or jerk in order to get this quality of women that you so desire. These
women will connect with you once you get it. Of course if you have a
sarcastic, funny edge that can amp up the araction and progress with her
Dude, you know that you are a great catch (before this Guide), and now
with this foundational knowledge and application women should be drooling all over you and calling you all of the time, just to spend time with you
because you really are a great catch and you are a natural.
You can nally aract the women that you know you deserve, and now
even more if you want to have that in your life because of our modern social
dynamics with very lile strings aached in a win-win relationship.
Let her know that you dont give in to her demands. When youre coming from your hardcore and natural reality it will be EASY to pass all of her
tests. Shes testing you to see if youre a real man.
She has to qualify you in many cases just to really open up to you and then
she becomes more vulnerable so you can naturally do more work and both
act as normal human beings in an accelerated mating process.
Yes, your whole view of life will change with the paradigm shi. Youve
always got interesting things going on in your life anyways. In fact, you
DONT make geing women unhealthily a priority yet rather let it ow
Im saying that you dont need to be obsessed with seduction and all those
gimmicky tricks to have her transactionally (not transformationally) agree
to go with you just to appease some of that growing sexual tension (dude,
theyre all phreaks to me).
Women today will do things that they were never able to before in history;
they will actually sleep with a man in a win/win situation on the rst night
or within a few days. Why? Because of their freedom and ability to express
themselves (formerly mans right..sound familiar?). This is way dierent
than before.
The sexual revolution actually worked because women were repressed for
all of history and it was in their genes and blood to get it out. And its still
going on stronger than ever today although its more of a challenge because
not everyone is a Mr. VanDreesen.
These honeys are hardcore psychologically and physiologically and just
want a real man oentimes in cases where they just express themselves sexually and feel pleasure that you can give them (think Sex and the City).
Sex and the City is further propagating this reality. This show is actually
about the best thing that has happened for men like you and me. Its telling
women that its socially acceptable to live your life and express yourself in
this way.
Yes women love sex, they just do not want to admit that to all of the was the
man who keep dragging along at their high heels. In fact remember that
these women are oen frustrated because they cannot nd a real or natural
man in which to express their high awareness of their own sexuality. This is
also to your advantage.
If you both can have that kind of relationship and still respect each other
without mistreating each other its truly win/win. I used to think that
men love sex more than women but aer understanding all of this and the
knowledge that women CAN have stronger, more frequent and powerful
orgasms then men it just leads me to believe that women love sex at least as
much as men.
Especially with these poor repressed beauties who what they are dened by
is primarily sexual in nature yet they cant nd equal counterparts to share
that with. They might nd boytoy wussies who can fulll that need or settle for less with badboy jerks, or uglier guys who are not giving into to their
power so they can be women around these guys and be fullled sexually.
Independent woman is so pervasive in our society that weve forgoen
what anything else used to be like. We work with her, we compete with
With this power comes a responsibility to initiate contact with beautiful
women and get your options started. Those women deserve this opportunity to start to get to know you in any situations.
If you dont take action with the power, they can still come to you but youll
faster and more direct success by being the shark you are.
She wants it to feel like it is a natural process, of course this is not dicult
at all because you are speaking directly to her biological and sexually responsive inner female and build the sexual tension as you go naturally.
She will not be able to understand why she is able to feel such incredible in
motion and sensuality because it is so connected to her biological core. She
is expecting you to know what to do as a man and she will experience very
pleasurable benets.
With this knowledge though you will be empowered more than any time
in your life before this to take action. If you KNOW for a fact youre a great
guy with a lot to oer and youre living in your reality and the doesnt get
to know you by blowing you o you know for a fact that its her loss.
It is still a game. Dont let it even alter or budge your reality. You dont
care what she thinks because you have higher standards than that. Remember YOU are the center of your universe. Youre not going to accept to
be in orbit around her; its unshaky ground that you wouldnt base yourself
on anyways in the future even.
These hot women WANT a guy like you because theyre not seeing anything out of the ordinary even. You see right through them straight
through the force eld because you know they wouldnt be like that if they
werent brought up in this society.
You can see clearly now because the clouds are gone and you dont have
unknowing forces holding you back from your full power.
Things are beer now for the ugly, nerdy man than ever in our history.
Because if you can just BE A MAN before the rest of America gets this ebook
then youre going to experience your dreams with these hot women who
would prefer beer looking guys but as long as they can have someone
who can communicate with them sexually and be their challenge to them,
youre good to go.
Thats just how are society is with women; its who they have become.
Fortunately less desirable looking guys even have a shot with beautiful
women in many other countries as well and I know this for a fact.
Just being American alone can hold you at a strong advantage because the
women there are looking for someone to take care of them and in poorer
countries there will oen be a larger trade o balance exchange between
beauty and even average American nancial success for marriage.
Its really almost unfair that I see such a disparity going on but it allows any
man to live his dreams. Those women respect themselves but theres a lot of
leverage in what a less than average American guy can oer her.
If youre acting needy or clingy or give girls that instant ewww then
youre probably coming from a state of mind of dependency. A beautiful
woman doesnt want to have to drag you around if youre hanging on her
like a whipped puppy.
A woman like this, she wants someone on HER level that she can have FUN
with but wont be clinging on her so theres not that pressure.
International women are where its always been at for me until I nally
broke open in this profound knowledge (a WHOLE new world has opened
up of women who KNOW they look good since my great breakthrough);
however international women will always be a part of my worldwide domi-
nation (hehe), umm until Im married when I will probably choose a traditional woman from another country. How about that? American women
couldnt keep me if she did catch me, and Im using this as a part of my reality.
If you didnt even get this book and are a good catch yourself you can
without much trouble nd a real wife or have relationships with 10s from
another country if youre having too much frustration in America.
Be aware that millions of women around the world love to be with you and
make that fact part of your reality. You will have more success by implementing everything in this book into your paradigm and reality than I think
you could have with any of the other seduction techniques, or tricks that are
out there.
If youre trying to throw a pick up line on her it is obvious that you are
coming from a point where youre trying to get her aention or approval.
She is aware and knows when that is happening. WHO YOU ARE and how
you communicate is much much more important than the words you say.l
Its almost everything in fact.
You almost have to do the opposite and just be indierent but be natural
and cool around her and she will be forced to respond.
Back in the traditional time, we could easily look for a mate with in our
hometown and be seled. Our forefathers and also our foremothers. Maybe only had to date of few people at the most.
In order to be ready for marriage. Remember because that things were traditional, both the man and the women were looking for marriage. back in
those days of our forefathers, the focus was to nd a spouse or a mate and
then think about surviving and making it work out through life together,
because that was the expected thing to do.
One amazing advantage of modern civilization, is that we are now aware of
and connected to millions of people around the world. With the empower-
ment of the modern woman and the sexual revolution, it is now acceptable
to date as many people as we want on the path to nding a potential marriage partner.
Let me look at it from another context, as an empowered man. You can now
use and repeat the same araction and mating process hundreds or thousands of times. Instead of just looking to get married, or nd one mate and
focusing on how to survive.
Let me restate that again because it is so important: You can now date an
unlimited number of women and repeat the same process that is used to
create sexual araction naturally without having any consequences of marrying her or raising kids, as long as you both know where you are at with
that issue.
Remember that as men and women, we already inherently know the natural
process of araction as well as the mating process itself all the way through
With the advent of the condom, as well as new standards in our society and
new freedoms for especially women to express themselves. They can experiment and explore an area that has been repressed for a millennia.
This means that they can fully explored their own sexuality, without much
consequence other than their own conscience. So once again, our modern
society gives us opportunities for men and women to basically accelerate
the entire mating process, because we no longer are dependent on nding
someone to take care of us right away early on in life.
All of our basic needs are taking care of and survival is actually quite easy
in most civilized countries around the world, and this allows us to work on
further self-actualization as well as gives us these opportunities and freedoms.
Whether it is right or wrong is up to you, but one thing is for sure, that this
is a time in which so many things are happening and accelerating at a pace
that has never happened before in history.
We are going through literally many dierent revolutions, all within the last
100 years.
Remember that nothing has really changed beneath it all, we are still men,
and they are still women (with a lile added value and aention). It is only
that the perceptual dynamics are released surface level and you can choose
to accept or deny them.
Things that have only got in the way of our understanding of who we our
within ourselves no longer have to hold us back. The opportunities of our
modern social dynamics are quite plentiful to have quality relationships
where both parties can have fun and fulllment without the heavy commitment of marriage yet.
The hard-core traditionalists which still exist in America will have a relationship where the man will court the woman, usually in a smaller or rural
area, and if she thinks that he would make a good husband than perhaps
she will marry him.
This is a kind of woman who has less independence and just was not given
the opportunity or didnt want to, to develop her own independence, so
naturally she is a lile more in line with leing the man lead in the relationship.
Most of the dating that is going on in America and all of the dating that relationship or dating experts are counselors talk about is really coming from
more of this 50-50 approach when it comes to dating.
And this is just become an accepted way of living and dating in our modern
social society, and the men are just having to live with this and except this.
One other thing this means for American man is usually this is with women
who are not necessarily the most beautiful ones or the ones that they really
want to be with in the rst place though.
In fact a man may be seling for a lot less than he wants to because he has
found that this less good-looking woman is a lile nicer in appearance and
not as so-called bitchy as the real beautiful ones.
Keep in mind that even if you do land a beautiful woman this way, either
through casual social acquaintance, a friend, or any other method that if you
are going to have a real relationship with third there is going to have to be
compromise on both parts in order for their relationship to work.
This is just how everyone in America expects it to be, Lile do they know
that the womans empowerment is actually the reason why we have a 50%
divorce rate.
Also very few people realize that traditional marriage does work, but it is
just hard to see when all that we know is that we have to unknowingly compromise a lile bit and go half-and-half in a relationship with an indepen-
lems, and I know of many myself and I see it everywhere, were really just is
a power struggle.
So in dening what kind of relationship you want to have with beautiful
women, maybe you would want to not put up with all of that additional
drama and retain your own masculinity.
That choice is up to you, and the way that you do that is just to be a man
living in your own reality and you really just have to sele for shorter-term
relationships with these women. Let them know your boundaries and dont
see them more than three times a week.
Do not have to play the normal relationship role if that is not what you
want. Remember that women today would love to express their own individuality and sexuality, and they do have a lot of drama that they carry with
By you dening the relationship early on that it is only going to be a drama
free relationship where you both can essentially partake in physical or physiological aspects with each other, then this leaves most of her drama out of
your life and you can control the relationship.
Basically if you do everything right you can have a lot of sex, and a lot of
wonderful strings free relationships with beautiful women who are looking
for essentially the same thing.
If you are going to have a normal or 50-50 relationship with one of these
kinds of women understand that there is going to be a lot of compromise, so
you just going to have to deal with it no maer how strong a man you are.
But if you go with the approach I am showing you, you can live a life of
drama free mutual experience with these beautiful women without all the
heavy implications of being in a relationship with her or expecting the traditional path of marriage with her.
If you ARE married or know Americans who are (duh), dont even think
that I would try to break them up. The man chose her and they should
Of course I cant guarantee you will get supermodels; thats on you. Things
that can help are; not leading a normal average joe lifestyle, having money
and resources, great looks, sense of humor, social status and communication
skills, puing yourself in the right places (usually metro cities), having a
solid direction and purpose that even she cant sway, social proof from other
women wanting you (leverage in your favor so she has to work to keep your
aention), intriguing interests and intelligence, etc.
Develop yourself as a man and live in your reality. If your focus is on seducing women through techniques but still coming from a frame of where
she is in control than youre not tapping into 1/10 of your inherent dormant
You just have to understand that power within like Im giving you the
knowledge of here. Unhealthy, less than average looking, unstable, hard
edged guys have been scoring with beautiful honeys for the past couple
decades because thats all a woman is seeing.
This guy is not an uber-player. An uber-player is a woman she would want
to be with who does all the right things naturally anyways and can hold any
type of relationship of HIS choice with her.
If he wants a one night stand and she doesnt, he walks away without circumstance. He knows that hes not going to let her try to put him under
her sway and drama where she withholds sex and he just cant be himself
around her.
So with a 50/50 relationship which you will not be able to escape its clutch
because of its ubiquitousness (ie. match.com, cosmo, mens journal, TV.,
etc.) you can still have a beer chance with a beautiful woman just by living
in your reality but be aware that she usually comes with more drama and
baggage than women who arent as image centric.
Consider the AMP method.
And without all of the strings aached or drama that goes along with traditional courtship, or even a 50-50 dating relationship, she may be very open
to having a sensual relationship with you where she can fulll her sexual
desires and really be a woman. This is best done with the AMP approach.
When you are FULLY congruent with just being who you are 100% of the
time and not leing illusional perception change how you react, women will
be magnetized by your sexual gravity.
Extend out your sexual energy just by being a condent man, grounded in
your own reality. They will pick up your body language and read the nonverbal signals. Its up to you to initiate (if they dont). Just be cool and yourself. She WANTS to meet a natural and cool guy, naturally. And if you do
have high social status or value that is a plus as well to get it started.
Theres no reason to change anything about you when you are around sexy
women. When you can be this natural, you DONT need pick up lines or
techniques and you dont even have to qualify for what they say they want
(their high level of social values speaking).
Its all about how you communicate with them directly. She may just be
ready for an AMP style relationship and even if you arent the hoest guy,
she will be drawn into your reality.
This sometimes works even beer for the hoest of the hot women and you
dont even break a sweat or anything; less than 1% change in response of
your physiology. That is your goal. And then just talk to her and be your
normal funny, cocky, naughty self.
Because most men are either scared of her or are in her reality right away
and lost control, she may be ready to have a sexual relationship with a man
who doesnt qualify as her social ideal. The closer you are to her social
personas expectations (tall, dark, rich, handsome, etc.) the more youll be at
an advantage but you really have just be congruent with who you are.
When you are supernatural like this, you arent sending her Oh, hes a
player vibe either. Everything moves along naturally.
Once you understand and internalize the information here you can have
your choice of women. The way I see it without trying to sound too harsh
is, let me put it this way..theres women that just plain dont even come close
to my physical expectations rst and I will yes completely rule them out for
ANY possibility of a sexual or personal relationship.
Remember, its a world of abundance and they have options too. Dont feel
like you owe less desirable women (if you dont prefer them) ANYTHING.
Let them want you and be nice to them, dont be rude but if theyre just not
your type then theyre not your type.
Remember you will also have to cultivate in dierence around beautiful
women because you are living in your own reality; and you also realize that
that is what aracts them anyways to you because you are dierent than all
the other men, so they want to see what angle you are coming from.
Youll nd that women that dont t the societal standard of beauty oen
become outcasts socially in some way and struggle to nd their identity because they dont t in.
They may have to make up for their lack of physical beauty in other ways,
knowing that despite prey girls seeming to be mean, these fuglier girls or
average ones will make up for that by being really nice and treating people
really well. Men nd this a relief because nally there are some women
around them that are acting normal.
What do average girls have in common with super beauties? Theyre both
women, duhy. Other than breasts and a vagina they both still have the inherent biological need to eventually procreate by nding a man with good
genes (relatively in relation to their physical status) who can perpetuate
their order and produce handsome (relatively again) healthy ospring.
You really have to look through the social persona and see that in any and
all women they are all the same and have the same biological desires no
maer what their social persona may show you otherwise. Essentially all
women are the same and if you have had sexual relations with women in
the past youll realize that it is inherently the same or similar process of progressing to intercourse with each of them.
All women are biologically predisposed to go through these certain emotions when they nd a man that can speak directly to that sexual inner being. She may not be able to understand it or explain it (or even want to because she is so full of the emotional fulllment) but it is there and real.
Ok, so we have both women with this underlying need but one group has
10 times more favor than the other one. Its obvious which side I know you
want and so do I. Why? Because we deserve it in order to nd a healthy
woman from which we can produce good looking ospring that will survive as well.
The world isnt fair.
The auglier oen do fall behind whereas the strong and beautiful are generally more likely to survive. Women who take care of themselves can make
themselves look beer as well.
Theyre all going to generally survive and procreate but now there are all
these other social implications in place primarily the forced reality.
What maers to you is that, you probably have been a healthy natural man
who has been trying things with women that worked on the lesser good
looking ones and trying the same things (same words maybe but in a dierent reality: hers) with the more beautiful one and it hasnt been working.
If you just cut straight right through the B.S. exterior of a prey womans
faux social persona which she was forced to develop shes generally just like
the average girl once you get to know her.
In some cases, case by case, she will be less interesting actually than the
more average girl, she might be unhealthy and emotionally unstable, she
could be neurotic (because of her obsessive focus on her beauty as her foundation), or she could be the most intriguing woman youve ever met and
actually be really intelligent.
The only way to nd the real her is to just nd out. Apart from her faux
force eld defenses she actually could be more desirable as a real person as
well than the average woman but its up to you to nd out. If shes neurotic,
have a short timer and move on. Stay drama free but keep it win/win physically then.
She may want to latch onto you and even become obsessive because she
found a man that has higher values and stronger principles than she does
(forced around her beauty) but Im talking about a percentage of them. I am
generally aracted to the beauties who ARE actually intelligent and have a
life going on and generally are ravens (black hair).
Ok let me get something also in here. Im single-handedly right now declaring that all women with black hair be called ravens. The cover most of the
world yet we only have denition for blondes (yawn), redheads and brunees but not black haired women (when they make up the majority in the
world anyways)?
Thats just been changed. Its up to you though what you want to call black
haired women but I suggest ravens because thats what I use (and it has
nothing to do with that overweight girl called raven).
Ok but since survival is generally easy nowadays what else do these women
have in common (average vs. beautiful)? Beyond the basic of wanting a real
man for whatever kind of relationship theyd be open to, these days you can
never tell. Its up to you to nd out.
Thats what it comes down to. Each woman has had dierent inuences in
her life and experiences that make her unique stemming from our aention
decit society.
If you only like beautiful women, go for them and cut straight through the
invisible crap and speak to her directly (and feel the sexual tension while
you do) then you can nd out how she compares to all your other beautiful options as well. Theyre order of natural selection will be to compete for
you and give you the best they have if youre a natural.
Do you have to have anything in common with them? No. These days
women are so unique and have their own likes and dislikes (a sign for the
road ahead). For short term relationships as long as shes damn ne who
cares? Do you? Do you even have to listen to what shes saying? Just look
at her mouth move, wrinkle your eyebrow or do a Steve Martin listening
Shes sometimes just happy that someone will listen. She may actually talk
her way into bed with you as long as youre natural and leading the relationship. This is great for shy guys. So do you have to listen?
If youre supposed to pick up key information like her phone number or
name, yes otherwise not necessarily though that becomes essential in long
term relationships to really actually do listen.
Wait a minute Ive oen forgot a girls name and said it in just the right wait
(from MY reality) that she only wanted me more.
It was like I had to remember all kinds of girls names that night. Do you
have to pick up every word or understand what shes saying? Heck I listen
to friends and Im only 1/4 there sometimes when theyre talking because
Im doing something else.
I also remember yawning when I was in bed with a girl and she was telling
me her life story..I think I fell asleep actually. Hey, but the big picture is that
Im in MY reality and shes aracted to that. Always come from your reality
ALWAYS or she will gain control and then it will go to crap.
When youre in your reality she is biologically aracted to you and she cant
get enough of you.
Everywhere you go women are naturally aracted to you and you understand the reasoning behind this. You always expect that crazy things are
going to happen.
Every time a woman comes up to you, you naturally end up geing her
information and adding it to your blackbook; its a never miss situation and
actually, they usually do come up to you when they stay away from the
other guys.
You are always natural even in the midst of the most beautiful women and
this is the one thing that turns them onto you the most.
You are the opposite of all the other men they are around. You have trouble
remembering all of your girls names and for some reason they all keep calling you to try and get into your schedule.
Because you have mastery over yourself and self control, other men look on
in disbelief as women come up to you in every environment or throw you
an inviting look or smile. They stand near you and brush up against you.
Of course you take advantage of these opportunities. Currently you are seeing about a dozen women.
You are rotating them into your schedule and dont even have time to pick
favorites. Theres no strings aached and your girls know it. Theyre aware
that youre probably seeing other sexy women as well but they dont mind...
they just want to get whatever time they can with you.
Sometimes you just have to take a night o from geing laid by dierent
beautiful women just so you can refocus and recenter your energies back on
your work and catch up on sleep.
Since you are starting to travel more, you have women lined up in every city
that you go. Anytime you leave the country you have guaranteed (free) sex
even if you dont have someone lined up.
You expect it and it happens every time. Youre thinking about changing
your policy of geing womens numbers to just giving yours out permanently so she can get a hold of you just like the others ones.
Youre geing rid of the less interesting or intriguing ones and sticking with
the ones you like the most; maybe theyre taller than average and have great
fashion sense, beautiful skin, model like bodies and black hair with a few
blondes thrown in as well.
You almost have to beat women o with sticks because they pick up that
youre a wanted man just from your energy even when you arent with other women.
Theres no way you can tell your buddies of the things youve done with
some of these women especially when you travel because they wont believe
Youre starting to get opinions on which of your ladies would like to do a
menage-a-trois and you match her up with one of your other girls and see
if they hit it o. Lile does one of them know that youre going to get rid of
her aer its over. And if they leave you for each other; whats beer than
Youve got the hoest women around you all the time. Its no dierent in
the club situation where you oen just taken women right home with you
and get it on and these are the women who dont normally do that either.
You have a new project coming up so youre going to have to cut your sextime in half just to get the project done. This is a taste of the life you can
Of course you can tailor it to yourself and add fast cars, explosions, guns,
bling, music, rubber duckies, whip cream whatever you want. Sometimes
youll be like all right, lets go to a 9 instead of your usual choice of a 10 for
a one nighter. You tell your women what to wear when they come over and
to bring some food over and they do.
This is just a taste of the life you can be living which is what women, beautiful women would possibly be open to. Because you are indierent you let
them know what kind of frame the relationship is going to have upfront
and then you can take them or leave them.
Throughout the rest of this e-book you will continue to realize how you can
be this kind of man if you want to, because you will have the knowledge to
apply it.
But before we go on, let me throw some other thoughts in here rst..
A lile about me? Yes Ive dated 3 women at the same time before on several dierent occasions. This was when I was like most American men though
and still confused.
Whats important here is the energy and vibe youre throwing o. All of
a sudden youre not throwing o a needy vibe. It is more important than
youll ever realize because a woman can sense this even when you arent
with any of them. This was before the huge breakthrough though.
Ive had women approach me and start new relationships during period
like this easily. Why? Foundationally, I was living in my reality and they
were naturally aracted because I wasnt giving in to their power and sometimes not even acknowledging them. Have you experienced this before?
Granted these women were hot but they still werent top shelf because this
was before.
Have you noticed that oen you might have spells or periods where youre
dating several women and then you have dry spells where youre needier
and looking for someone you can have a relationship with.
This understanding is really like a 6th sense that women have. Sometimes it
travels across thousands of miles and they can pinpoint down to a moment
when youve moved on or gained your independence of thought from them
and THATS when theyll call. Ive had it happen to me several times.
In the movie Swingers at the very end of the movie it just sums it up perfectly. Because of that profound sixth sense in our lives and that universality, I think that movies become a sleeper hit just because it includes that.
How does T Trent get all the women and Mikey has a hard time? Because
Mikey scares them o with his needy vibe that every other guy is giving
them; hes showing too much interest when she has the power advantage.in
the social situation. Its really quite simple.
What happens in the trailer of the Vegas girls is not only very funny but it
says a lot about our modern social dynamics. Mikeys afraid to be a real
man and hes still stuck on his ex-girlfriend. Trent checks in on him and it
looks like hes kissing her but hes being a wuss and geing her into friend
A friend mode where hes showing his wussiness and not coming from his
own reality...he just doesnt get it. When youre in a situation like that and
at that point, shes ready to go as long as youre natural in being a man.
Trent (Vince Vaughn) says it perfectly with: You start talking about puppy
dogs and ice cream, its going to end up on the friendship tip.
Just because youre now dealing with beauty exemplied herself doesnt
mean you have to nd a channel or way to divert the energy by becoming a
wuss and nding an easy way out once you understand the content of this
Remember, youre already a man and you know inherently what to do in
that situation especially if youve already made out a few times and had sex.
Ive also found that when I know Im going to have sex with her (aer we
get things started), it just naturally happens. Now it may not be the rst
night because oen theyll want to not be seen as a whatever, but it will
almost always happen with a strong intent as long as youre on the AMP approach and not the 50/50 or when stars collide.
I remember being in Rio de Janeiro and somehow I just felt hardcore pimp
and clear in my purpose and energy (basically like a badboy) so I went in
a club that night with a dominant reality KNOWING and expecting great
things to happen and within two minutes I had the hoest girl kissing and
hanging o of me in front of the bar. Do you think I gave in to her reality?
She wanted to be in mine.
Youre going to have to look at the Universal evidence of what I am giving
you. You will also realize that all men that are successful with women share
the same commonalities that I am teaching you..so you are covered, all in
one place right here for your foundational paradigm shi and new reality.
If it hasnt been working, do what does work if you want to get dierent
results, and follow those who are successful.
Throughout the rest of this e-book you are going to gain a tremendous
amount of information which you can use to get in touch with the man of
power and eectiveness that you really are when it comes to dealing with
(from within the frame of your reality) right at the beginning of the relationship.
She wont deny it if you are congruent with that belief. Then its up to her
and youll take her or leave it doesnt maer.
But if you can just be honest with women youre more aligned to your natural self anyways and it will stem outward from living in your reality and
Its when you are pussytranced (later down the road leads to pussywhipped) that you will start doing all kinds of techniques that appear dishonest to her.
Be the Rated R guy where she doesnt know where youre coming from.
If you can just approach her WITHOUT having your balls on a plaer, she
wont know what to do or where youre coming from. This provides a natural challenge for her to respond instrinsically.
You cant be rated be a rated G wussy whose got rated XX thoughts on
his mind. This isnt honesty and they can see right through it. Be the direct
approach Rated R guy with her who clearly sees through any sign of social
persona and you dont have to deal with that drama anyways.
Dont be a Lenny (more on this later). Like the terminator you can walk into
any environment especially a socially status powered one and you visualize
for yourself their force elds just by glancing around and you can take your
knowledge and power down their illusional forceelds so they completely
Now you will see friendly approachable women who really are your equals.
Eye contact: who do you think looks away last when youre in YOUR reality. She does and I dont care how beautiful she is, dont you look away rst
because its a sign to her that yep, she does have the power.
When youre coming from your reality its not even a problem. Its almost
like youre daring them or provoking them a lile just with your look and
showing that youre not afraid and are a real man.
Theres not even a staring problem that creeps her out with guys that are
pussytranced. Youre not focused on her breast or her beauty...you want to
see if shes more than a prey face and see if she has some value to oer or
is an interesting person behind the facade that other guys see and you dont.
Yes I will have more techniques later to add on top of the mastermind state
when it comes to approaching women. Really your paradigm of universal understand and reality of power allows you to live your life more fully
and in harmony with natural congruency (instead of trying to be someone
youre not).
Remember that you are living in your own reality and youre not going to
succumb to the forced reality which society has placed so aptly in front of
You really live in a dierent reality and paradigm; it is like seeing the matrix
one shoe really become congruent with the, because you know that women
are still women and they want you more than ever to be a real man.
This is all just a fake front that has held men back for about 30 years from
doing their natural part to approach and aract women to begin the natural
biological process they inherently know to do.
Because you are living in your own reality you are really in dierent to any
response that she can have. You really cant take her or leave her it does not
maer one bit to you.
You should never put too much focus on any particular outcome, because
none of it maers anyways.
You know that you can get women everywhere you go and in fact they usually come up to you.
The beautiful women will not be able to gure out how you can be so indifferent towards out when all of the other men would do anything for them.
This means that you are naturally a challenge to them and so they are
pulled towards your own sexual gravity. Any man that is a challenge for
them they are going to be a lot more interested in nding out if he is really a
And if you really are a man acting naturally through the smokescreen, their
biological response (which has been built up and is repressed because they
cant nd a real man) will forcefully pull her into your reality, and she wont
be able to control herself from your leading naturally; shell be glad someone nally gets it.
And because you really are indierent even when she is in your reality, you
now have her in your orbit. But you really must remain indierent. If all of
a sudden you have a beautiful woman at your side, and you lost it than
she will resent you for not being a real man, because you have lost your indierence.
Remember that the only thing greater than your indierence (as a general
technique or rule of thumb), is the fact that you are living in your own reality and you are not giving in to the forced reality that has been built up by
our society to prevent you from communicating with her to start the natural
accelerated (no strings aached) mating process.
So when youre out there you should not be having to think what technique
you have to use because you are living in your own reality, but just remember this if youre in the transition phase to becoming fully congruent, is just
to remain indierent.
This means that your energy should not go either way; remember that she is
aware of your energy.
So if you can remain completely neutral by being indierent, she will want
to try to gure out what angle you are coming from and the sexual communication between you two can take its natural course.
So do not forget to remain indierent, but you really have to be congruent
with that and it is a lot easier when you have accepted the traditional paradigm of biological existentialism and you are living in your own reality.
The moment you become too anxious or realize how hot she really is,
watch out, she can sense the energy and wants you to retain the power. The
magnetic magic pull. Magic stick, whut, whut?
If you are really indierent, and are congruent with this belief (which eas-
ily manifests itself all the time), it alone will aract beautiful women everywhere you go. In fact the most beautiful women will wonder why you are
not interested in them so they may be more likely to be interested in you,
and take things to a physical or sexual level because of the high leverage of
repression that they have gone through recently.
Let me repeat we are pre-wired to know what to do when it comes to attracting and mating with the opposite sex.
But what has happened is all this additional junk has got on top of it to
screw up the process (or our perceptions have stopped us from living are
real biological inherent nature and knowledge of the process).
We are just leing added value crap get in the way. Sure you could fantasize about some supermodel in you on an island, but eventually of course
you would have sex anyways.
But the whole point is that no had to teach you because we all know how to
do it from birth when we reach the age; both men and women are prewired
for this biological mating procedure or mechanism.
What would happen to animal species if anything of superuous value
would interrupt the natural biological process of mating? Youll have male
monkeys that dont mate with the females and would thus eventually lead
to extinction.
What if a shark doesnt eat its food in nature and instead refuses to eat it
because it has become a vegetarian?
Species would not perpetuate themselves and our whole biological order
would through time die out (if all of them were like this). Im not saying
that no people are having sex in America (nature nds a way) but if you
seriously look at the implications here you will realize what is going on in
The unbiological reality of giving extra value to womens beauty is throwing
the biggest wrench in a mans ability to approach, aract and begin the mating sequence properly.
Would you know what to do? OF COURSE YOU WOULD. It is inevitable
unless shes really ugly. Youre viewing it from the paradigm of the forced
Youll always be ne, stud, when youre in your reality. Then everything
continues to pursue along the natural progression that it was. However,
make sure you read my Chapter on Down Boy.
Also, once you know how to create passion in your rst 10, then you have a
new standard of personal experience to back up future spelunking tours.
When you keep the whole process NATURAL because thats what it is (and
that doesnt exclude doing all kinds of phreaky things once youre both hot
and horny) then the sexual progression culminating in sex is just a normal
She gets to feel the passion and heat as well. She wants it probably a lot
more than the slightly above average girl because she has all this pressure
built up in her and her expectations to stay beautiful. Once youre in, youre
in like Flynn.
Aerwards youve broken down the major relational barrier anyways so
you can relax more (yeah right aer) but you were relaxed anyways because
you were natural and youre not leing her beauty get you too out of control.
Ok, its all right to do a lile 2 step aer she leaves for a few seconds but this
is an important point: true naturals are like, yeah so what? Why not always
sleep with beautiful women if thats what you want and you both communicate that together? Shes looking for it too. She is repressed.
If youre thinking like dammnnn she was the hoest one I ever had sonnn..
just keep it within your reality. NEVER let her know that EVER. Dont profess your feelings for her or you become an instant wuss and a satellite in
her orbit. BE COOL.
We got here because our ancestors found a way to reproduce. Life simply
nds a way or in the words of beavis and buhead, just think...all those
kids are here because two people..did it.
They didnt have to put up with the drama that American women present
you are aware through knowledge and continuing experience that the sexual araction and communication process is basically the same with all of the
women you encounter.
They get turned on in similar ways, and actually you can get them to a point
where they literally become paralyzed and say take me now.
Your knowledge of everything that is going on here and knowing they all
women have these biological sensibilities and desires will allow you to fulll their desires when you can systematically lead them (as a natural man)
through the process (without the commitment of having a kid every time).
She may think it is coincidence, but it didnt maer because you are being
natural and you are a man. You can sweep her o of her feet and give her
what she biologically and psychosexually desires. And you can do this over
and over again.
If you ever forget, just remember to go back and Return to the Blue Lagoon;
where you have the birthright and so does she to know how to naturally go
through the mating process.
you are not being a real and natural man anymore. Maybe you notice that
she didnt return your phone calls, in situations where you really started to
get too interested and thought about her, all of the time.
It has happened to me also. Just think of it as a transfer of the balance of
energy in the relationship.
Once you start losing control and falling in love with her, that is most likely
when she will want to run away. Why?
Because naturally she is a woman and doesnt really want to have that level
of power and responsibility on her part, she may despise it and really resents it inside.
Because she wants you to be the man even though she wont tell you because of modern society has got all this garbage and junk on top of it that is
confusing her.
This really explains the dynamics of probably millions of relationships in
the past three generations that we have all experienced here within the
United States alone.
A woman today, especially a very beautiful woman, is aware of the relationship dynamics and very sensitive to who really has the power in the relationship. She is very aware of this and if you tell her your feelings for her,
she will get ready to run away.
Because the power and direction of the relationship will be under her control which is biologically unnatural. That is why she resents it. Women are
still women.
If you are going to be friends with a woman, you had beer really just have
in mind that you are going to be real friends with her. Women can sense if
you have another motive. They are very aware of a mans intentions and his
Also, if you know that your idea isnt friendship with a woman, by living in
your reality you wont appear to nice to her. I used to have the problem of
being too nice to women. This was primarily because I was confused and
didnt feel worthy to be with them sexually or know what to say.
Nice guy is a form of wussy where primarily you are just giving in to her
energy instead of being grounded in yours. As I grew more in my strength
of individuality and purpose, I became more eective with women and
wasnt just a nice guy.
I dont want them to call me a nice guy. When you become congruent with
your reality and new paradigm you will nd it will x just about ALL of
your problems that you had before.
You cant act natural and say that you are, because what you are basing everything on is her energy, and her reality. You have to be natural and your
energy has to come from your own reality.
It is not enough just to try and act natural because, although you are doing the natural things traditionally that would have aracted a woman, the
only thing that is geing in the way (and this is a huge thing) is that you are
shiing your center of power from yours to hers even without being aware
of it.
Because of our constant edication and upliing of puing beauty on a pedestal throughout our society, it has become an unnatural response for a man
to shi his energy from his center to hers.
I know you have experienced this before, and so have I as well, but men will
save the traditional unnatural things, if they arent too nervous but dont
realize that they are approaching and talking to her, knowing that she is the
one with the power because they are in a pussy trance.
What men dont realize today is that even though they are doing that traditional things which they have always done throughout all of time; which
may include asking her what her name is, if she would like to go out on a
date, or any other kind of normal things, what they dont just realize is that
he used all about, who has the power in the relationship from the very beginning. It is all about who is in frame control.
Because they are actually in a pussy trance (when approaching that shorty
with beautiful skin in the tight jeans), they think that they are acting normal
and cant gure out what is going on.
They will say normal things to her (or so they think), but youd really be is
all about their body language, and where they are coming from as a man.
The fact that they are coming from the wrong frame of mind completely,
(which is actually an invisible thing to them) explains everything that is going on, because the woman can sense every ounce of that energy.
She knows that he is basically handing his balls to her on a plaer, and seeing if he be so lucky as to get a chance with their. Of course this means that
he is just going to get shot down.
So now you can go ahead and laugh at the other men, who will always keep
doing this, but you now know beer. And you may have to have a moment
of silence for yourself because of all the past screw ups you had in the past.
Remember that it is okay to be a man, and though we think that we are acting natural by saying the things that are traditional and inherent to us, remember that the dynamics have changed and that she has this forced reality
of power, which puts us into a pussy trance and essentially gives her the
power right from the very beginning.
As men we do not understand this power of what is going on with this invisible force, you just have to take my word for it that a beautiful woman
knows what is going on exactly inside of you.
So this really answers the main issue of what men have a problem with:
Why is she acting like this or turning me down right away? Another
thing that you must understand is that every other average Joe or even
good-looking guy that goes up to her is saying about the exact same things
as you.
The fact that you are actually trying and doing something or have in the
past, he is a somewhat good sign, but it really doesnt help much if you
come in from the wrong place in the rst place.
You also cannot be self-conscious about yourself, wonder what shes thinking, trying to gure out if she likes you, thinking youre not good enough
for her...none of this is evident when you are congruent with your reality
and centered in it.
I remember looking into the eyes of a latina aer we did something and I
put on some music and almost became a wuss. I told her, I think Im falling for you. The reason she didnt run away (although she was very beautiful especially her skin and face) was because she had a self image that was
10 times lower than mine of myself.
I understood the power I actually had over her once I was in. This is the
same thing that happens to people when they dont have control over their
actions it may lead to domestic abuse when they are in a traditional relationship (usually) where the man is very masculine and the woman is feminine and quite weak and dependent.
A small percentage of men will abuse their wives and of course this is
wrong because it violates a basic human independent right.
Marriage is ultimately interdependent or a balance of both sides (dierent
dynamics and roles in Americas 50/50 and pure traditional marriage) but he
may abuse his right over her dependently. Dont ever do this to a woman
even if you are aware that you have the power.
Ive used the fast forward technique and saw that if I married a woman so
weak the polarized strong side of me would want to come out even though I
know I would never abuse a woman physically.
Just be aware of your power and respect it. Hold on while I put my wifebeater away. (Come on, that was funny).
One advantage you could say of feminism is that more independent women
are less likely to be abused in relationships where they have the control and
power. Unfortunately the man gets oppressed.
But if you realize the nature of our social dynamics are that we can be interdependent with each other, the AMP method provides a way for you to
purely have a relationship on the sexual, sensual biological nature within
two people (you and her).
So back to our main subject here of retaining emotional control and solvency; when you are coming from your own reality and understand the universal paradigm and underlying biological factors you know that her added
value (which you used to blow way out of proportion) is just the only
smokescreen from you having a potential relationship with her.
It also the one thing that allows other men to be turned down before they
even start with her. How?
Remember that she can sense a mans energy and can tell that he is bewildered or in a pussytrance from her. That is the man (most all American
men) who is focusing on the forced reality of the screentime we have given
to beauty and they are throwing that perception onto her.
You know that it is just a screen and you want to nd out what she is really
like by being indierent and coming from your own reality. You know that
you deserve beautiful women in your life and because you are so strong in
your own reality and have boundaries, you are on unstable ground where
you would be subject to her perceptual powers.
She may seem like the Queen Bee to other men with all of her drama. I have
realized that I am not afraid of real bees when I am around them..they are
less likely to aack.
You cannot show fear. You are the predator. I have killed bees or swaed
them away if they interfere with my independent reality. Most men let this
buzzing bee around them get them all ustered.
I know you have seen how most people react around bees. Be conscious
of how you react from now on. It is not going to kill you. You are above it
in the food chain so maintain your center. I am not afraid of bats anymore
either because I have experienced them close up and killed them.
Yes, it will slow me o for a lile bit when one comes swooping into the
room all of a sudden, but then I regain my composure and grab the near
swinging object to kill it with. If its violating my independence or zone, its
got to be handled.
If something is in your reality that do not want to be, then tell it to leave (if
youre married, thats another story). A bats natural habitat is not in my
energy zone or reality.
I will not live in fear or have it taking over my reality, period. If I do not
kill it, it will remain and keep trying to haunt me while invading my reality;
but I will not live in fear. If you can cultivate this strength within, women
will be very aracted to your reality of truth and lack of compromise.
You have to be a real man and stand up to your biological inheritance without leing any superuous perception get in your way of what women
want anyways.
Do not let there in the pennant scare you away either. They are more feminine than ever on inside, and are dying to express themselves with real
men. And if you set up the right kind of relationship you can avoid most of
her drama and she will be happy as well.
If you can develop this conscious state of mind of knowing your boundaries and being impervious to ridiculous energy, it will really help you when
around beautiful women.
You are very cool in the face of a perceived threat or dramatic distraction.
The queen bee may look like she may harm you but she cant as long as you
are a natural and interdependent man. Bee the man that she wants inside.
Drama Queen:
If you are just going to give her a tension that is really just handing over
your own power, you may as well just write it o, along with the millions of
men who are doing this daily in our country.
Now, you may have a beer chance if you are a good-looking guy or has
something else going on. Then she might look into seeing if you are really a
man are not.
If she senses that when she approaches you, and it turns out that you are in
awe of her beauty, she will very shortly thereaer leave you. Can you see
why women are so frustrated today?
All they see is that men are just so in awe of their beauty in this forced reality that our society has produced, that even when men think they are being
man, they are not being men (if only for the reason that they are unknowingly giving her the power through how they are reacting inside of them).
So it is important for you to remember that you must always come from
your own center, and be aware of all of the dierent implications of the social dynamics.
Aer all these years, she still wants you to be a man and a man is not being
a man anymore when he goes up to her and is basically handing over his
power to her. Nothing has changed in that sense, from tradition, a woman
is still a woman even if she is as beautiful as she is.
She does not want to reject all of the man that come up to her, but she almost has to just to keep them from sucking her energy and draining her like
a leech. There is no way that she could possibly be with all of those men.
All she wants is a real man, and this allows any man now in this modern society, who is being a man to actually have a chance with her even if he is less
than what she really wants tall dark, handsome and good-looking.
There is a dierence between what she wants and what she wants when
shes with you because you communicate directly to her and have the power
of biology and history in your favor; she has to respond or feel something
and will oen put aside your other aspects. You see to a woman, your personality and how you communicate with her is more important than your
looks or money for geing her to respond to you aer you start the process
of natural araction.
She will literally put aside your other factors (this explains why pudgy,
older men oen score hoies). She has leverage to nd a real man in todays society building up in her to make her emotional response stronger or
sometimes uncontrollable.
She may want Tom cruise or Brad Pi, but no maer where you are in the
looks department if you can show her that you are a real man then you
stand a much beer chance of against her.
Actually, its not even that you stand a chance when you are coming from
your own reality is that you just can not lose and she is the one who is in
your orbit. And she will go into a normal regular girl mode.
You have to communicate with the part of her that he is beyond all of the
beauty and that is still just a lile girl that has her own lile issues in her
own lile life. As Vince Vaughn said in Swingers, I dont know if shes
talking about how hard it is to be adopted or how her stepfather is treating
her...but deep inside theres this special dream..
Let me reiterate this from another angle: In the global context of our social
dynamics, it may appear that she has the power, but this is only an illusion,
because deep inside from your own reality, you know that you are a man
and you just have to communicate with the part of her that is a girl that is
beyond all of this external crap that society has built up.
Gwen Stefani sang, Im just a girl. Think about it. She is a feminine species who has inherent biological response mechanism when the mating
game starts with someone who knows what theyre doing and could be a
potential mate (nowadays its jsut someone who knows what hes doing often because of her repressed leverage).
Underneath it all she is still a girl. She has feelings (umm...I guess, and a
lot of them) and daily issues and probably has done a lot more dorky things
than you would guess.
If the rest of the natural world was allowing something supercial to get in
the way of natural selection, all forms of life would not be able to perpetuate
themselves and thus go extinct.
Keep in mind we are the only species that replicates the mating process for
sexual pleasure; these dynamics allow opportunities for both sexes to experience the process without consequence (in most cases). Hey, it is our gi
and curse in a way and we are at the top of the food chain. Sex guarantees
our survival and perpetuation.
Remember though, that this social persona she puts up is really just an illusion, this forced reality that our society has given her.
Really, she is waiting and wanting just to talk to a real man can speak to her
normally which can be sexy in itself; you see all kinds of guys will go up to
her, when they know that she has the power and they might try to say some
kind of sexy mind and think that it will turn her on.
This is not recommended anyways unless you have used it several times effectively and know how to do it. She gets so disgusted with all of the men
being the same and really just handing over their power even though they
are a strong man in possibly everything else.
It doesnt even maer what you say, it is all about how you say it. There
will be all kinds of guys that go up to her in a social environment, and will
immediately get rejected even if they have something unique to say if they
are coming from the standpoint of giving her the power.
Once again, because men arent aware that she realizes she is the one who is
in control of the relationship, which is against her biology (she doesnt want
it to be like that dude) when you go up to her feeling lucky to be able to be
near her presence or her highness, then you are just not geing it.
You can do the traditional things such as introduce yourself, and you are a
nice guy, but it doesnt maer to her.
What she sees is that you are just another regular guy, who is just handing
over your power to her right from the very beginning.
Lets look at a scenario like this; lets say that she is approached by a 100 men
in a weekend.
Lets assume that all of the man asked her the exact same question such as,
Hey, hows it going? It can be something as simple as that, but what she
is obviously aware of is where each man is coming from.
Do you think she is going to go for all of the guys where she naturally senses that they are feeling lucky to be near her? Or do you think that she is going to be more interested in a man like you, who is going to come from your
own center?
Remember that especially because of our social programming, aention she
gets, emotional nature, opportunities for expression, and many other reasons, she has become full of drama.
There are unlimited factors now which may lead to the development of her
personality and she is unique. She stands apart. Beneath it all though, she
is still just a girl and wants to be loved (not from dependent seeking wussies
either), but from a real man.
Independent Female Psychology (& You)
Remember that there are two general categories of women in the world
as far as social dynamics go. I will purposely polarize these though many
women have a lile bit of the other in their foundational personality as well.
Traditional women are generally thinking in terms of landing a man for
This is their general precept when looking at the dating scenario. Oen an
independent women will be geing older and then realize that she beer
get a man because its her biological duty and then she may try to take on
more traditional aspects and promote those in front of prospective candidates (men).
The real traditional stereotypical woman in America is for some reason actually blonde. Shes not super-smart (nor does she need to be) and she is
quite a girly girl.
She was on the cheerleader squad and is still marriage minded. She was
probably brought up in a rural community where she went to church a lot.
In other cultures, tradition and conformity to societal standards is generally
expected of women so they naturally dont develop too much to become too
American popular inuence has transformed even these women into expecting more of their own opportunities of distraction other than just motherhood, but they can still be a really good wife.
If a woman can be a good housewife in a traditional relationship? We already assume and know the man is being a good husband (and he should
be). There is nothing wrong with this. I respect traditional women for
wanting to live their biological role of motherhood.
Though they are living their life, they are looking basically to end up with
a man who will take care of them so that they can do their biological role of
raising their children and staying at home and cooking and cleaning. She
is against the idea of dating too many men and is averted from the idea of
Its just not in her nature to try and challenge a man or try to compete with
him in the work environment. She is generally trying to nd a man that is
her equal or maybe a step below in physical appearance and a step or several steps above her in terms of economical status.
Its very important that a man she nds can provide for the family so that
she can do her part of raising her young in the future and feeding the family.
The traditional woman has been the standard throughout all of time up until America in the early 1900s. The traditional woman still exists throughout most of the countries in the world. However times are changing and
more and more metropolitan cities are opening up to American inuence
within the last 25 years.
Now the traditional woman is sometimes forced into competing for men in
the workplace in order to make it go in a metropolitan city once she leaves
her family. Work becomes a priority and soon she turns into an independent woman and develops a strong state of mind in order to survive in the
workplace and keep her job or be promoted.
In more rural areas, tradition still rules through the rest of the world. In
Japan the traditional women are feeling discords of repression from their
naturally strong men in their fast-paced economy with growing Western
inuence leading to such things as Harajuku girls, and Cinderella wedding
fantasy trips in Austria.
In Europe, there is a dierent culture that is distinctly European in nature
however has traces of Western inuence and consumer dynamics as well.
The formation of the European Union ideally keep the dierent countries
interdependent while still retaining their own individual culture.
The traditional woman is still for the most party remaining traditional and
not geing too many ideas of independence except in larger cities.
Certain parts of Europe she can still be distinctly traditional however with
the age of the internet Eastern Europeans are opening up to the internet and
ways to promote themselves for the propagation of their traditionalism by
maybe marrying a man from another country, otherwise they may just marry one from their own country.
In India, despite the popularity of Bollywood, most of the country (like all
countries that are steeped in cultural tradition) is still akin to maintaining
tradition except in larger metros where there is more inuence of media
and where a woman may have to work alone to survive.
Thailand is still very traditional in nature except for something really interesting going on which would take more time to explain than I have now;
nevermind the fact that even the most developed or socially adept woman is
still very traditional and nature.
Once again this is cultural dierentiation. Generally most of the countries
in the world despite inuence that is coming a lot from America and then
being reformaed and integrated into their modern culture the traditional
woman still has her place.
Countries like Singapore are more of an exception where a single woman
maybe easily have to work to survive and compete and then henceforth becomes independent and gets rid of her more traditional past of just looking
for a man to provide for her.
Now, when dealing with traditional women in America its slightly dierent
than with international women. Make sure to read my Chapter on interracial dating.
You will probably nd though that international women despite cultural
barriers will actually more help you naturally be a man. Its strange but
I have rsthand experience and Ive had friends from 40 countries as well;
but importantly I can see generally what an American woman just is. She is
drama, she is light.
She is way more drama and light than a traditional woman (anywhere in
the world); its not just because shes a woman.
If youre a hardcore traditionalist or just lean towards the traditional woman, sorry if Ive been stereotyping but here I go again...Ive always stayed
away from these type of women yet they are embraced by the likes of Playboy and Maxim.
The girly girl who will watch your football game, is blonde (or society
thinks so), likes soball and cooks American apple pie. I can tell who these
girls were and I always thought they were boring. You know what? Generally they are compared to the drama.
However what I didnt realize until now is that I have a tremendous respect
for these women because they NATURALLY allow a man to be a man. They
will do their biological role to raise the kids and hold the house together. So
as far as DATING goes.
Remember generally that traditional women have marriage as their overlying pretext to your relationship with them.
Theres nothing wrong with this but youre going to have to be more careful
of breaking her heart especially if shes expecting a long term relationship
and you arent.
If you go into dating relations with her you need to let her know somehow
what kind of relationship its going to be. Though independent women are
drama exemplied and may seem heartbroken they are more likely to get
over you FASTER than a traditional woman who you may leave scarred for
life even.
Shes just not up to the fast pace world of power dating and she will also
generally be a lot more closed to the idea of having sex until aer many
dates...its her way of naturally wanting to keep you around because she
knows you want to sleep with her.
International and traditional women can be the avor and excitement that
can add to your life instead of just having a normal boring wife...its kind of
how I see it in retrospect on this issue.
Since I have a lot of interest in other cultures (and pop cultures) as well as
language Im intrigued by their women especially. These women are more
exciting to me (much more and it might have something to do with black
hair) than American traditional women.
They are more interesting (to me at least) AND they are more traditional
and will even do things that American traditional women wont like rub
your feet, massage you, etc.
Feminists cringe, go ahead because a man wants to be a man and relax once
in a while. These women are real women. Im talking eastern European,
Russian, and southeast Asian countries especially.
They want to love and support their husbands, raise a family and take care
of the house and food because they know their man is providing for them
(a huge leverage point in poorer countries) and keeping them safe and comfortable.
Many times they will oen sele for ugly European or American men for
the chance just to play their biological role of having a family and continuing their survival. Not surprisingly, their divorce rates are MUCH lower
than American couples.
Tradition is what has worked through all of time. There was even a time
when divorce was nonexistent. In some countries their men take traditionalism over the edge by abusing their wives within the marriage and these
women see whats going on and want an American man because theyve
heard he is nice.
Women are friends with gay men because they are not afraid of the women
in making treats him like a normal human being, however there is something missing in the equation there and that is sexual araction.
A gay man is not turned away by a womans beauty, he will easily go up to
her and treat her normal but obviously she may nd out that he does not
know how to create sexual araction with her so they can not even go there.
This is not good for American women when they see that only the gay man
can approach them and treat them normally, because they are wondering
what is going on with the rest of the real man who are the ones who can fulll them sexually.
But now you know that you do not have to be afraid to approach women,
and even if you stand less of a chance with them supposedly because you
arent as good looking at someone that they would really want, just because
you went up to them you stand a beer chance than all the other men who
are afraid and sunblind from her beauty.
This gives you a huge advantage over all other men that are either gay or
are just plain terried to go up and treat her like a normal human being
and/or start some sexual tension.
Isnt it interesting how when you have a girl that other women automatically are more interested in you when they dont even know? Why is that?
And why is it when you dont have any dates you may have found that no
women are interested?
Theres been times when Ive been high and dry and other times when Ive
dated three women around the same timeframe. Interesting..
The answer to why women just know is because...they just know.
My best friend said that when he has a girl all of a sudden out of the blue
hell get PHONE CALLS from women in dierent area codes. This is weird
Aer the industrial revolution women could live more civilized to raise
their families with modern conveniences (dang I feel like Im at Epcot center
or something). However she remained a good housewife despite geing
the right to eventually vote and she would always socialize with her ladys
group while the men did their thing together.
When the information age hit aer the sexual revolution of the 60s she was
starting to really realize that she had some power with her body and image
over men. By seeing role models like Madonna she really started to change.
The propagation and acceptance by men and women to view women doing
more and more risqu things started to shape our culture.
So what does a woman want now?
Now that she has stepped up for the rst time in history on Maslows hierarchy of needs to the top being self-actualization there is no answer.
Before a woman could know and want one thing; to raise and care for her
children and husband so that they can further extend their generational line.
Now what does a woman want? It could be anything from the latest sale at
Jimmy Choos, to a triple lae espresso, to a romance novel to a pay raise.
There really isnt any single thing other than the fact that beneath all of this
surface culture junk she still has the need for a real man and ultimately a
man that will allow her to still procreate so she can be a mother. It is a biological instinct that she is born with that she can not depress or deny.
What women say they want is almost always dierent than what they end
up with. You can be her dream come true for both.
Modern day, distracting, aention decit society has confused and
changed the mind of the modern day woman so that she doesnt even
know what she wants therefore she never fully reaches self-actualization either in many cases because it was inherently a mans right to self-actualization while a woman stayed at home cooking before.
Yes, some prey hardcore stu that will draw controversy, but look what
country has the highest divorce rate by defying traditional nature of the
man leading and woman not even wanting to develop herself beyond her
expected and biological role?
You will see that even the most independent of women will still come back
to their need to hear the pier paer of lile feet. Just read the MSN entertainment articles. That is what women inherently want (motherhood), despite all of the other options and opportunities they have available to them
today which may distract them.
On a lighter note what a woman wants when it comes to men and dating...
just read the rest of the eBook. She wants honesty and a man who can naturally be a man with her so she can continue the mating (or now the casual
dating or sexual exploration without consequence) process naturally.
She wants a man deep down who is still traditional in that he DOES hold
the upper hand and doesnt let her get away controlling him because she
developed into this even though she biologically wasnt supposed to necessarily.
Deep down, its still her inheritance to end up with a man who will provide
her with children, security (economically) and protection so she can be a
mother and nurture. Remember, motherhood is 100% biological and a necessity to the continuance of our survival. All of us have the inherent need
to procreate to spread our seed through future generations for aer we are
Keep in mind though, that if you marry an American woman there is going to have to be compromise and probably a lot more of it than you would
naturally want. Make of that what you will but the decisions you make
determine your outcome...personally I dont want anything to hold me back
from my destiny such as a wife who unknowingly tries to control me.
Despite the Mean Girls social persona of most of these beautiful American strong women, they all have the same biological similarities. And this
means that they are predisposed to respond to a man who can be a potential
mate DESPITE what they say they want in a man. What they say they want
in a man is just a reection of their social persona speaking (tall, rich, etc.)
This also means that they have sometimes no control our choice over whether they are aracted to you; stemming from the fact that you are a man who
is playing his biological role as a man to aract her, and start the mating
You dont have to be Tom Cruise, Mr. Moneybags, etc. once you start the relationship. Connect with her and she will put her persona aside of what she
wants because you are fullling another part of her.
Lets expand upon this a lile more...You know a woman really wants when
it comes to dating?
Well rst lets dene the two basic categories of heterosexual women:
1. Independent, empowered American inuenced women
2. Traditional supportive housewive women
The rst group wants a real man to stand up to them because they have this
power theyve grown up with. Now that you understand whats going on,
youve reclaimed your power (and you can help me spread the message).
You can be a bad boy or a lile more provocative and be successful with
these women in fact VERY successful with these women even if you arent
that good looking.
They just want a man to be a man despite all of the screentime their sexuality has received. They are more like us and more sexually aware than ever
in history. Can I answer for American women and marriage?
I almost feel sorry for them. Most have too much power that they dont
want to just do housewife stu (ahem, Desperate Housewives) so they
naturally (from their state of mind) lead to nagging and griping.
What other solution for American women is there? What if we all stood up
and said NO (the single men)? Maybe women would start to realize that
Its not healthy to be aracted to bad boys for women. But then again...are
they really healthy if their whole perception of reality is just based upon
this invisible power which society has only until recently given her? American women are not very emotionally stable. They are the light and they are
I remember Eric from Hypnotica.org saying women are the light and the
man is this nothingness. Now hes on my level and I respect him. Hes
also a dominant man. But Id like to bring some more clarity to this issue.
When I heard him say that I knew something wasnt right. You see, because to me, I AM THE LIGHT. A womans drama is not ever going to
throw my life path o. But hes right in that there is a balance. What he was
talking about is the American woman and not THE WOMAN.
American women only represent a small percentage of the women on this
earth but the dating gurus never touch upon that because theyre catering
to American guys (and so am I but its important you realize the global perspective).
A woman is the light and drama in his mind. He really means the strong,
beautiful, independent (American) woman is the light and drama and the
wussied American man is the nothingness who sits on his couch and soaks
up her bickering.
Unfortunately that is the sad truth of whats going on. Why is it sad? Because men arent being men and they know that something is just plain OFF
or WRONG; we have been repressed by this invisible force that is covering
up the biological reality of what women really want.
I dont know about you but Im not the nothingness. However if I want to
have a long term marriage that works and raise a family my wife will have
to be more of the nothingness to soak up my sporadic energy, ego A class
personality and drive.
As long as there is a balance that will work. Unfortunately some guys may
start to accept that they are perhaps wussies if only because of how (American) women respond to them.
Being a Man
This is because of tradition yes, but the men have seen American and what
happens when a womans beauty becomes exploited and capitalized upon.
Sex becomes her power and the power shis towards women if they become liberated yet she still resented because she is looking for a real man
despite the positive aspects of all the aention.
What we take for granted EVERYDAY, we cant explain our behaviors for
but people in other countries still look on in shock and disbelief and the
power we have given women by allowing them to express themselves.
You may not fully understand it yet but this explains so much of everything
in itself that is going on.
What our women dont realize is that they WOULDNT have their power
if we didnt give it to them in the rst place. But then again, DO they have
the power? Its all in your perception and if you want to buy into the bogus
crap of a seemingly bulletproof social persona that wasnt either your or her
fault that shes like that in the rst place.
To a large degree she resents that she has to keep up and stay beautiful to
perpetuate societys standard of her. Its a lot of work. She has to continuously compete with other women as well. Hey, its to your advantage she
(women) always takes care of herself and looks damn hot. Because remember she is still looking for a real man despite her social persona or your perception of it
Just think if she grew up in another culture, there wouldnt BE this invisible
freaking barrier. How do I know this? Not only from my global perspective of observation and thought but from rsthand experience of naturally
geing beautiful women around the world everywhere I go without hardly
trying; in fact they usually come (close) to me.
This is how it used to be 100 years ago in that if you wanted to talk to a
woman you did and she didnt give you any stupid drama. She would be
happy to.
This IGNITES something inside of her. A ame that becomes so powerful
of emotion and hope. Because she is so strong and feisty, she responds innately (to her) to challenge or to a REAL MAN.
The spark of real sexual araction and chemistry has begun in her. And as a
natural you can dial up the sexual chemistry quite easily.
In fact, because shes so hardcore in her ways and DESIRES a real man, she
will respond STRONGLY and naturally to those men that can match her.
Inside even though its not the same reaction in super traditional women
((who may actually run away from a challenge (because they are weaker
and want someone who will protect them not challenge them)), she will feel
that FINALLY heres someone that has an answer to my sexual and inner
desires. Her re needs some stoking from a real man.
She (women like this) being beautiful and desirable has yes sometimes fallen prey over the decades to quick x guys, seducers, NLPers, supernerds,
ugly badasses, jerks, not because she wanted them over healthier, beer
looking guys like us, but because they met the answer to her inner complexual physiological restlessness.
And oen shell sleep with men like this just to answer that internal calling
from men who have un-naturally found ways to communicate sexually to
her inner (traditionally inaccurate) unnaturalness.
She doesnt really want these kinds of men but she is biologically responding to them and she accepts there other behavior mishaps. The process of
natural araction is actually so easy because you were born with it to automatically know how it is done in order to prepare future generations.
Now you can use this to have casual sexual relationships instead of kids every single time if you so choose.
Theyll oen go out of their way just to answer this inner societal developed
biological and sexual calling to men that communicate with it on that level
(by standing up to her, treating her bad, giving her a challenge and questioning or just violating her persona).
These guys have to try harder to vamp up the sexual communication but
have learned to create sexual tension with her through undying devotion to
learning and practicing technique aer technique.
Think about yourself. Can you imagine even trying anymore? Youd have
all the beautiful women in a major metropolitan area at your doorstep if you
had their tenacity aer youre done with this eBook and some congruency
You really almost dont have to try like that. Biological araction is natural.
These guys (hate to break it to em) but theyre not supposed to be geing
our beautiful women. But they are. Hey, you dont have to hate them..
theyre taking advantage of their shot and living their life.
Theyve dened their reality around communicating sexual tension and
sparking araction albeit a bit unhealthily but eectively with these women.
View the world as an abundance. Ive been in places where I could have
more women than I know what to do with and theyve all wanted me.
By the way, if you are one of these guys (hey, hows it going? -beavis)
welcome but fortunately it doesnt maer what I just said (unless yo momma said you augly) but you can now FULLY take advantage of the opportunities that present yourself because you have the most cuing edge knowledge right now to live in your reality.
Yes, you can still score hot women of course BECAUSE OF our society and
the way women will respond to a REAL MAN. Theres more to life than
looks anyways. You can be a man with purpose and vision that lights the
way for everyone he is near (beer, what?)
So really with this training, you can be eective no maer where youre
coming from and even with women way out of your league only because
Down Boy!:
Yes, even despite how important the idea of sex is to you, it is really screwing up our relations with women everywhere by leing that overweighted
perception control our ability to give her the power.
Remember this has only happened for about 60 years or so, growing more
and more openly accepted in the past two decades. How are we not supposed to respond to a beautiful, sexy ass honey? Well, keep reading.
So, this is our emotional response and I know you understand what I am
saying. The key is to come from a dierent paradigm where you dont give
this added value any aention that people think it deserves. You will be
coming from a stronger reality in which your response is not founded in her
energy (shaky ground to be man).
If this is a natural reaction from a man, what we arent doing is communicating to her naturally aer that rst front-end loaded damn factor.
Were leing the forced reality that this added value has grown from, get in
our way of being ourselves.
You dont need some fancy tricks or techniques to ght against this, because
you will still be on shaky ground. You have to be able to control this by
coming from the understanding that I am giving you in this eBook.
Eventually you will get to the point where you will always be around beautiful women and it wont phase you anymore, because your principles are
based on solid biological evidence and your own reality and paradigm.
When you come from your reality, you can really be indierent and not let
your perception of a womans beauty get out of balanced control; in fact you
wont even really care, while other guys are tripping over themselves to go
talk to her.
She cares about whats in it for her; not what some drooling creep is thinking or a nice guy suitor says while she gags inside. She is really looking for
a real man like you.
And if you can just be natural and be yourself around her, she will instantly
know that there is something dierent about you.
If you are a joker with your buddies, guess who you can also be a joker
around? Of course, its with the beautiful women you meet everywhere.
Remember that a womans beauty is also a double edged sword.
If you take away the whole faade, we as men are survivors and killers. We
are the ones that would provide for and protect the beautiful woman. If you
take her and put her back 600 years, her beauty would not be an issue, nor
would it be gloried as it is in modern society.
The focus for all people at that point in time would be to survive and procreate. Understand that this could be her ancestors, who maybe were even
beer looking than her, but do you think that through any man o?
If you can just see through it all and realize that a woman is still traditionally a woman, and if you can remember that you are a man, this is a start to
understanding how you can see through her force reality.
It is all about coming from your own reality and understanding that she still
has the same inherent biological and physiological needs on the inside of
her. Learn to see right through her social persona.
All women are created equal biologically. No maer if she is the most beautiful woman you have ever seen or she is on location at a circus sideshow,
she has the same biological functions and the same basic sexual nature.
All women have breasts and a vagina. In that way they are all the same,
with the same instinctive response to a man who can speak to her on the
deep inner level sexually. With this knowledge you can more clearly see
right through her social persona and forced reality straight through to the
real woman that she is.
You are also aware that she is biologically predisposed to respond to a man
whether she can control it or not. If you can see all women as equal in this
maer and focus on the process of sexual araction itself and sparking
the inside of her, sometimes she can not control her instincts are response
(which is coming from her social persona exterior) which can lead to a mutually fullling relationship for both of you.
If you go back to the caveman days, all of a sudden, the men became a lot
more important, as they could defend the woman against Captain caveman
and other natural threats. In our society today, our biological needs are still
the underlying factor, which seems to have been looked over by the forced
reality which is the paradigm 99.99% of us see.
Despite everything that we have built up in modern society, and that he
have been able to climb up Maslows Hierarchy of Needs, there is still the
same basic physiological function that has been ingrained within us for
hundreds and thousands of years.
Everything that we have built up is just covering what has been there
through all of time and history. Its only been in the past, 200 years that everything has really begun to accelerate.
It is important that we look at everything that is going on from all possible
angles in order to really and fully understand it. When you realize that man
has always had the power over women and can see that he was the protector and the provider for her, you must really ask yourself and look at the
situation and think, what is really going on here?
When I go into and the establishment, a restaurant or a nightclub, I automatically think to myself that this is my reality and I am here now. I extend
my mental energy out into the room, covering all corners in every inch of
the room that I am in.
If you can learn to do this, which is really just a part of being in your reality,
women will be able to pick up your signal and recognize your presence.
Indierence is kind of like your salty peter. You are not sensationalized by
the presence of beautiful women.
You are VERY comfortable around them and do not let their energy and
beauty get to you. You know that there are many women everywhere that
are interested in you and that you have solid values and qualities as a real
man. This helps ground you.
You have entered her reality and let your feelings get in the way. If she was
not as beautiful, or rather if she was tamed down in appearance or if she
was full of less drama, you probably wouldnt be acting like this.
Yes it is part of life to experience all kinds of emotions, but if you want a relationship to last you are going to have to be the one who is always in control. This is why it has worked through out all of time and why there have
rarely ever been any divorces before modern times, especially in America.
Never before has women had this kind of power over a man, so he would
never even think of these things before anyways, because she was always
aware of him being the head of the household.
Now if a woman feels that you are too interested or into her, and you become really emotional and tell her your feelings, this is not a natural reaction or is it a biological reaction of a real man.
So she will resent you and know that she has the power. This is a huge tip:
Remember that you can please yourself.
You are not dependent on her for sexual gratication, so dont act like it.
Remember it is interdependence. This alone should help tame that added
value energy because youre not needy are dependent on her just because
shes so sexy. You can take care of yourself just ne. Remember to be indifferent to any outcome to start the process naturally.
And if youre trying to please her too much with your humor or comments
and coming o doofy (What are you doing here? - Scary Movie reference
#2) then you are just swaying too much of your energy into her reality.
Remember you have to stay centered in your reality and when you communicate it will all become more natural and be likely to turn her on even.
She doesnt owe you anything if youre just all drooling over her lap.
people would perceive as a beautiful gure or face, and you are in your own
reality than you have made the most important breakthrough of all and the
accelerated sexual mating dance has begun.
Remember that she wants to meet men who can essentially see her for the
real her and breakthrough that barrier but none of them are strong enough
to do it because there based on solid and shaky ground (the forced reality
which dees natural order).
When you say Welcome to my reality you actually MEAN IT and feel it.
Im here. Its not unhealthy cockiness its foundational condence and
strength and women cant HELP but notice because it is a biological trigger
to the natural man that they have been waiting for.
Shes got her sexual powers (or so she thinks) and youve got all kinds of
other powers such as purpose, direction, humor, intelligence, balance and
protection and much more to oer her.
Women these days (independent ones) are obviously aunting their beauty
(sometimes modestly sometimes at outright) and its just part of who they
are and their way to express themselves and hopefully that will aract the
right type of man.
See, they really are geing ready for men like us. However, Its also oen
seen as a competition from her perspective to look beer than the next girl
and to uphold the societal impositions which she feels are demanded of her.
If she were to live in another country and purposely do what she knows to
make herself prey she might even be arrested or frowned upon, or even
raped by some men.
She has great freedom in America to express herself this way and has
enough independence and power to usually protect herself in cases where a
psycho would try to take advantage of her without mutual consent.
So she has a strong mind in these areas to express her beauty and uphold
what she thinks is societys mandate and also her way to hopefully aract
healthy strong men. It has also become a part of her physiology and day to
day personality to be concerned with her image and physical appearance
and fashion. She will oen spend at least an hour a day on her appearance
whereas men spend usually a few minutes on average.
Other countries around the world are slowly opening up to womens freedom of expression and sexual display of prowess especially in major cities
and throughout media.
What may surprise you is how traditional most of the women remain in
those countries (for example India despite the glamour of Bollywood). Well
in America, our media has taken over and dened much of who we are as a
social group. We easily look up to celebrities and gures of power or fashion.
You HAVE to come from a foundation so STRONG and understanding in
order to be really congruent. You may think you have a strong reality but
you still dont fully get it. Heck, I thought I was strong before this. My
power is at least tenfold, thats how serious this dude. I now LIVE and SEE
everything in a dierent context and reality.
Where are you going to get THAT level of strength that aracts beautiful
women to you without even doing anything? You cant FAKE IT. Everything you know and have done in the past is based on a fake and shaky
forced reality.
If you want the hoest women in the world or those close to that quality,
you have to be real and come from a foundation of being connected with
understanding and reality that is so strong it extends and radiates out from
within you.
They can sense ANY faltering on your part. But why are we so easily
thrown o when we see a beautiful woman? Im going to enlighten you and
change your entire reality around so you can ROCK THEM.
You have to REPRESENT yourself as a man. A REAL MAN. Beautiful
women ock to real strong men. No, you dont have to be someone youre
not but theres something very important you have to understand that will
give YOU the power to be an uber-player instead of unhealthy, homelier
It is an amazing paradox and I will give you a clue which wont yet make
sense to you. You DONT have to try to be someone youre not because
thats defying nature anyways. As weird as it sounds you will be connected
with the universal and historical knowledge that will empower yourself like
nothing else before.
The universal paradigm shi you have will give you more strength and
non-wussiness that no amount of money can buy (except for geing this eBook) you just have to open your mind to take in all the dierent realities and
contexts that are going on that will allow you to see your inherent strength.
You will be connected with universal knowledge of your power as a man.
What does this have to do with geing beautiful women and living the life
with them that you want? EVERYTHING.
I am an easy going guy but I dont let people cross my boundaries of independence, why would I let a drama queen violate my boundaries? That is
just an example of how grounded you should be when dealing with them.
There will be more opportunities to put your foot down than with normal
people because of their heavy social persona until you break it. It will be a
sigh of relief when you can communicate to each other naturally, nonverbally through body language and start the mating ritual.
TELLING HER YOU LOVE HER is just a blatant relationship sign so use it
carefully unless it really is what you want.
Dont let her know all the inner feelings of joy going on (still there because
of our cultural edication of beauty). Keep it on the down low and be cool.
Sex just used to be for procreation but now, you can not only have casual
sex in consenting relationships if you so choose to, but you can experience
even greater euphoria by bedding the women that youve always dreamt of
and the level that you see edied in all of our media. But like I said Be cool
and come from your reality.
You can never lose it. If you slip outside your reality, tell her your feelings shes going to realize that you werent as much of a man and though
she may resent it from a guy like you who she really does want, she may
naturally go back to playing games and using her much -accustomed to
You must come from your own independent reality with her in your orbit
because she is skilled and strong in dealing with men and she knows whats
going on. The more beautiful society and her thinks she is, the more likely
she is used to her power, but also the more she desires a reprieve from it so
she can be a woman again.
You have to BE strong. If youre weak (meaning youre catering to her reality), youre uctuating and no amount of technique or trying to be strong
(she knows where youre coming from because she senses and feels it)
will work in most of the cases unless you hit fools mate, are a lile beer
looking and shes ready to go anyways. Thats a lucky draw there. You
want consistency.
Give her that gut level araction by just being yourself in your own reality.
If you really want to spice things up go to taco bell but aer that...you can
easily and naturally irt with her and tease her to turn her volume up and
really get her hot and bothered.
No ass kissing or swaying into their reality which is based on the misperception of added value. Women are so sick of ass-kissing or pleading guys.
They are just pandering to the smokescreen that prevents them from seeing
the natural reality and process of araction. So you dont have to do that
anymore and can just watch them bounce o her persona.
When they want a real man that is acting in their biological nature. YOU
are supposed to lead and initiate the chemistry Mr. Lover Lover.
With all the junk thats been added on top of it with out fast paced societal
evolution they now want a real man more than ever. Oh, do they yearn for
one (you). When youre in your reality and congruent with it you obviously
DONT have to the best looking guy; just dont let it bother you AT ALL.
Because all they see is men who may be nice and even good looking but
are still pandering to them and basically ass kissing and handing their nuts
on a plaer for her to have.
And EVERY guy is doing the same thing with everything he says, every approach because its all coming from this state of leing her have the power
and control and allowing her to be subservient.
Please be aware of this when you go anywhere and youll see how pervasively ridiculous it is. But you know beer.
We have been programmed their added value beauty as a byproduct of our
modern society and it has made us weak in emotional response through all
stages of a relationship with Cleopatra and why?
It has caused relational havoc because we ended up under her control or
her just not calling back and we kept calling because we wanted to be with
beauty etc.
American or independent women who are REAL beauties or models live in
this ctional alternate reality but where most men do just hand over their
nuts for the whole relationship because they are just happy to be around
them. Lile do they realize their own life (or control of it) is slipping away.
Its not even like we were being used...we let her use us and she resented it!
Maybe you were strong upfront but then buckled to her pressure and demands and obvious experience of control?!
Men get into marriages like this and where do you think it ends up? My
dad has said several times and hed rather be single than to live with a real
nagger and put up with that. He keeps picking an opinionated (the older
In your situations, if youre struggling between your and her reality of her
social persona and your view of it, fast forward and ask how you would be
acting around her if you were together for a long time (ie. in a cross country
road trip), would feel so wussied then? No, youd be a normal man.
It seems that if a woman reaches a certain point, even when were with her
we give her all of our focus and oen submit to her every request. If you
can see from those small examples above, when youre natural even with a
10, youre still living in YOUR reality.
Youre always in your reality, not just at the front when meeting her. Youre
always in your reality. The more beautiful, the more shell respect it until
her social drama starts to try and enter and you have to warn her again.
Have your own stu going on so when you think you might be tempted to
enter her reality you know that you have your own things going on to get
back to. Remember that when youre in your own reality you do have your
own life, and dont let any beautiful womans way that.
I am trying to get you to completely look pasture beauty because that is
what she wants you to do anyway.
And by training yourself to live in your own reality you can completely look
beyond her beauty because you want to nd out if she really is more than
other people think she is from her appearance.
Get past her social persona (its unstable and shaky ground) as fast as possible so you dont have to deal with that and start dealing with her directly.
Your body language will be forcing HER into a trance.
And you will not be thrown o by the forced reality in which she lives. You
live in a natural reality where it is OK to talk to any woman or any person
you nd that you think might interest you or add value to your life, because
you know that you have value that you can and do their life.
So since you are a natural, go grab a granola bar and celebrate.
Yes. The most important thing for you to remember it is to come from your
state of mind, to be grounded in your own reality. And also to be aware of
course of the universal and global dynamics.
When you are solely congruent with your own reality, theres no way that
any woman even the most beautiful woman in the worlds power can throw
you o balance.
This is more important than trying to get a quick x of surface pick up
lines. It really is so much more powerful. And because you are already a
natural biologically you are closer than you realize to achieving a re-alization of your full empowerment and ability to aract women.
You know that you are a man of strength, you know that you have value
and a lot to oer to any woman, you are a real man. When you really are
grounded in congruent with your own reality, it is always on.
What does it mean to be always on? Anywhere you go and everywhere you
go in the world at any time of day you are in control of your own destiny
and your own reality.
Its always on means that you can get women anywhere you go, but you
know, all kinds of awesome things are going to happen to you, and that you
are not afraid to talk to any woman, because it is always on.
Oen, you will nd that women will come up to you, start touching you,
and maybe even kissing you, because it is always on. The concept of its
always on I got from Craig or Rick H. (friends of Dave D.s).
Your ability to be grounded in your own reality and to be never and the fact
that you are always on allows you to talk to an approach any woman anywhere without any fear, and more than likely she will respond very posi-
tively to you.
It is in her best interest to be open to you and to nd out more about you
because you have so much value that you can give her.
He never let her sexual aura inuence you or make you any less of a man,
in fact, because you know that it is hurting the other men and their success.
Plus the fact that she is your counterpart, seeing her will only give you more
strength and power to be a real man.
Because youre always in the mode of anything can happen and that everything is possible, and more than likely, what you want to happen will happen without you even trying, somehow, the law of araction and the lawful
favorite is heavily on your side in any interaction with any woman.
And because you are grounded in your reality, anywhere you go you are
never nervous because you are independent and a natural man (bean burrito eater you). Your energy extends outwards naturally and aracts women.
Because it is always on, you are not afraid to talk to an approach any woman anywhere you go, and youre not afraid to get her phone number or email if you are interested.
Because you are indierent to the outcome you have absolutely no loss
anyways; she dont know you, does she know you? (Another Swingers reference). Your real personality, reality and knowledge is grounded deeper
than her perception of your social persona anyways.
Women, some Ill are always magnetically aracted to you, which only
seems to make things even easier for you to get the results that you want.
In the rare circumstance that you are actually what some people would call
rejected, it never deters you it never even raises your temperature or does
it even faze you.
You can handle anything that a beautiful woman could dish out because
youre so grounded in your reality. In fact, what she did was actually kind
of cute and funny. You can walk away from a woman at any time you think
that anything is not going in your favor. You can just walk away, that is
right I said, just walk away.
Here is a technique that will allow you to always have the upper hand in
any situation when meeting a woman. Just throw out what I like to call the
seed. Of this leaves the power always in your hands.
Even though you are coming from your own reality, its always a safe bet.
Just to go ahead and throw something out there at her to see if she is interested in you.
Just say something like, Hey, whats up? If you can sense that there is
something more going on between you, for example that she might give you
a smile back or start telling you about her day, these are just signs that she
might be receptive to you.
Remember that you want to be the rated R guy (Swingers, again). You
are always a lile mysterious and women can not tell where you are coming
from except they know that you are living in your own reality.
This will almost force them to be drawn into your reality in order to nd out
more about you. What you are not doing is going up to her like a wussy
and being dependent on her response.
Actually you could almost care less what she says, because it really doesnt
maer to you. You understand anyways, that you cannot appear too interested in her otherwise she may feel that yes she does indeed have the power
in her favor. That is not what she wants to feel.
Were men, theyre women. Were all here for a reason. Remember the social dynamics now allow us to explore the mating process many times (and
love) without having the dependency of certain outcomes wahhhhh...
(with protection).
Women want you to notice and you do see how they dress when they go
out. Its easy to approach her so dont make a big deal about it anymore after youre understanding here and internalization of these principles.
When you are throwing seeds (of communication not sperm) out, you are
just basically going o to women and just giving a lile comment on something. You might say a short lile joke or something funny. Maybe you
notice something else that is going on in the environment, and you just
pointed it out her, just something.
What this does is allows you to maintain control without fear of rejection.
How is it possible for her to even rejects you if all you are doing is throwing
a lile comment out at her.
Plus you can walk away from her before she responds. A good idea is to
always leave the conversation rst; this way you dont appear needy (and of
course you arent anyways). Get her info and move on if its appropriate but
be indierent and casually cool.
This is so important because it will allow you to gauge how interested she
is, and you can leave at any time without fear of rejection or loss. But more
importantly than that, you are doing the single most important thing by
instigating action.
By shing instead of hunting and overpowering women, you will be actually more likely to ease your way in to the lile girl inside of her that can
respond to you as the biological female that she is.
Keep in mind that you are just throwing lile seeds out there in a social
environment, and not only does it increase your social value, it makes sure
that she is aware of you even if she didnt pick up your strong reality to
come to you.
Keep in mind that although many women today will still go up to him and
him talk to you, that the traditional role of men going up to women rst is
still prey much the standard.
So if you are not thrown o by her sexual energy in the rst place, and then
you go o up to her and just throw out a lile seed of communication to
instigate something everywhere you go, you are not only increasing your
Oen she will just ignore you on the outside (despite the inner creature..try
to look for these signals, a small glance your way to see if youll be a man)
so it is up to you to initiate the contact and youre not afraid because youre
not leing any supercial added value or crap get in your way; you are
Beyond the forced reality you know that she is a normal human being, well
at least you are going to nd out. See if she is just another prey face are
not for yourself.
You may nd that she is a lile neurotic, or you may nd that she might t
into your reality because she is a lile funny, quirky, demure, sexually repressed, or anything else that you may like.
To her, and by her I mean a beautiful woman,it is so rare for her to actually
meet a real man or to communicate with a man on a normal level or even
any level can really turn itself into a sexual adventure because you know
how to naturally leave the progression has a man.
To her this is so refreshing and she may actually go further than other guys
would dare to believe just because you are a real man and this is one advantage of this forced reality that you can completely turn in your favor and
capitalize on because the women, the real beautiful ones are actually quite
You know that it is always on and of course she would want you once she
gets to know you. And by throwing out lile seeds of communication with
any woman who you nd might be of potential interest to you, you have already surpassed most of the barriers that it takes because you are a natural
Remember that she may try to test you and see if you really are a real man.
So its important for you to always come from your own reality. Once she is
assured that you really are a man, it is up to you of course to take the next
step. This will usually mean that you will go ahead and get your information such as a phone number or e-mail address.
Dont say that you are going to call her or not, leave that completely up in
the air and in your reality. Act in a maer of fact sense knowing that she
will yes indeed to view her phone number. And also that it is not a big deal.
It is a very natural process which your grandfather would be proud of.
Remember that there really are millions of women out there in the world
that would love to be with you. You know that you are a strong, desired
and wanted man.
Not every woman may be interested in you when you are indierent and
approaching her, but thats the point; you dont really care. If you show
too much interest the game can be over before it starts.
Its always on because you can approach any women just casually and socially. If something does develop, youre still naturally indierent and take
it from there. Have her in your orbit.
So the key to being a natural man is really just to see through the invisible
force eld and treat her as if we would throughout any other time in history.
Remember all animals dont get scared when it comes down to the mating
In humans its more enjoyable than doing it like they do on the discovery
channel but otherwise its the same thing; dont be nervous. Always be
ready to just talk to women wherever you go. Make it a habit.
You are comfortable with yourself and they are comfortable around you and
interested because they dont know where youre coming from.
beer than the average looking man in already seem like an interesting guy
that she would have a beer chance of taking an interest with me than with
someone else.
But any time you come from that state of mind where you are not grounded
in your reality, you are just leing her have the power because you are faking your own strength.
Oen men who are the strongest man in the world are weak now in our
society when it comes to dealing with beautiful women, and that is the only
thing that will throw them o of their center.
Pure fearlessness comes from your own grounded reality as well as the
knowledge that you are gaining of all of the universal implications into why
she is the way she is. You never need to be afraid of any beautiful woman
again, even if you are a lile bit ugly or overweight.
Remember that our social dynamics dictate that she wants a real man, and
because of her lack of options she will be open to anyone who can treat her
naturally like the woman she is well he can be the real man that he is.
Now because of a womans strong social independence, that relationship
may not last very long dependent on the level strength of each person.
Remember that a beautiful and socially accepted woman can have all kinds
of men who will do anything for her which increasingly makes her board,
however she may nd in other real man has come along and leave you for
him for any reason especially if you are giving out to her powers of perceived authority.
Your ability to take action will put you in the best favor with aracting
beautiful women into your life. Yes, I used to be the guy whos also held
back and never approached most beautiful women (with the social persona exterior) either aer I realized the drama but was really just seeing the
forced reality (mind you I have had many relationships with dozens of very
good-looking women but just not the best of the best in America).
It is very important that you internalize what I am saying here and make it
your own reality as well. It does not take much to go o to a woman and
just throw a lile seat of communication out to her. Aer you do it a few
times, or even a dozen times then you will start to realize that they are actually real people to and you can focus more on the traditional and real woman that is behind the fronted exterior.
The more beautiful she is, the more she is actually like you (this is the way
that I see it) because you are a strong man and her visual aspects are shown
up front; you know she could be a child-bearing mother down the road (inside of you, this is why you are aracted to her). You can use that to your
advantage when approaching women.
Also, aer a lile bit of inner work you will be able to see that all these
women (who are biologically LOOKING for a man like you) are looking
beer than ever; they are geing ready for you and they are everywhere!
It confused me because I generically t the ideal of what women say they
want anyways but couldnt understand it until recently. Just remember to
be indierent but do approach and sow some seeds which can lead to a different kind of sowing, anyways..
You can almost laugh at society with what you have seen is done to women
today. You can almost feel kind of sorry for her that men are unable to communicate with her because of these barriers, this forced reality that has been
put there.
When youre out in a public environment or when you are in a place where
there is mixed company between men and women, take a look around and
feel the wussy energy of the other men and you may also notice that most
of them do not even approach the beautiful women because they are to in
shock of how beautiful she is and her sexual energy is too strong they are on
such unstable ground that they cannot even approach her.
Dont you think that this makes a beautiful woman frustrated?
Why do men just stay away from her? Its almost like a curse. Now do you
think this might possibly build up some sexual tension? Can you also see
how why she may choose a more psychologically unhealthy man instead of
other men that are more like her physically?
She will lower her physical appearance standards in a man more than she
would traditionally just because of the leverage of it being so hard to nd a
real man, that she will sele for something else as long as he knows how to
naturally bring out araction in her.
I think personally, that this is just the hard edge inner core that is just being
repressed than just wants to be a normal woman (and nothing special more)
that she will go ahead and sleep with guys that are not good looking at all
but who do understand the exact same natural process that you understand.
By being a natural man you will speak straight through to her just as if you
would speak straight through and communicate normally in a sexually descript way with other women around the world (take it in the face if you do
not believe me or have not experienced this year sell) or that you already
have with lesser looking women.
And if youre still nervous when you approach you understand why. You
still are leing the forced reality from before still seep in. Once you completely rid of that you will be on max eectiveness.
It will probably take around a dozen approaches or so (depends on you) to
completely become congruent and get rid of that former fear now that you
really understand how stupid it was. Otherwise with other tricks youll
still be ghting against societys paradigm of that illusion of glamour.
The only thing that stood in your way when dealing with the average looking women in your past was that they did not have the forced reality of
beauty that is so evident and pervasive throughout our society.
That did not get in your way because you have always been a natural. So
as long as you can get past her forced reality, and live strongly in your own
reality so that you are not swayed over by this false sense of whatever you
want to call it, you can have natural success with the most beautiful women
in the world.
Of course you do not even have to have the money, the looks, or even the
personality to maintain a short-term relationship with a real beautiful woman. Why?
Remember that she is just so fed up of not dealing with real men (when the
only thing really stopping down is the sexual barrier that she is puing up
and fronting) that she will oen sele for a lile bit less of a man for any
kind of relationship.
When you go out in public and realize that it is kind of true that not many
men approach her because she is so beautiful, well you now know where
you stand and can see why your chances are about 100 times beer than any
other man just because youre taking the action so some seeds and throw
her a comment, make a joke, tease her a lile bit, play with her and reject
her yourself and walk away and have her chase you, or anything else you
want to do as long issue are in your own reality.
But another way I like to look at it is that there are so many 10s that I have
seen in magazines that kind of look exactly like her or very similar and I
also know that I have a live to oer them as well as a real man who has a
real life put together.
So what does she have to oer? You have to nd out and take the action
yourself remember because you are acting traditionally, but not you have
nothing to be afraid of.
One good technique is just to ask her opinion on something. Believe it or
not, you can even say Nice weather, eh? AS LONG AS you are natural,
indierent and dont care and this can be 10 times more eective than a pick
up line. She wants to meet a man naturally and not through pick up lines
The whole psychology of the pick up line is that its almost unnatural and
working to appease her social persona to accept you and give in. When you
come from the core, you can really say anything.
You are not afraid of rejection; because it rarely happens anyways when you
are natural, and you can also just turn away and laugh at her and walk o.
Understand that you may have to do some things which can be considered
hard-core against the more beautiful or apparently bitchy women.
So many men would be afraid to oend the lile princess herself (I usually
have made up nicknames that I start calling them right away like Loy for
Leticia, Elma for Karen because I did tickle me Elmo impersonations, etc.),
but you know that she really is a woman beneath her fashionable exterior
which jokingly scares o so many men.
She is probably a dork as well, so reach out to that part of her. Even call
her dude. Give her a silly name (aer a lile while). Shell wonder where
youre coming from. Just say anything but be grounded in your universe.
Theres so many opportunities for you.
Youre going to be comfortably you anyways down the road as a man, so
just be yourself upfront. If you can just be yourself upfront and casually
direct with women, theyll be relieved.
You know you have a lot to oer...give them lile insights into who you are
and dont care about the outcome. Stories are great to start o with.
Ill imitate the voice of a girl the entire time I talk to her, Ill IM pretending
the bad boy version of me is out and the nice guy clone is talking to her to
relay messages (that was with a white girl whose cat talked to her, but anyways).
Its not a bad idea to actually tease her a lile bit when you meet her and as
the relationship goes on to build sexual tension.
Keep in mind that do not have to necessarily do anything dierent throughout the sexual araction process other than maybe increase the level of sarcasm, wit, humor, teasing, stealing her frame, etc. in order to more swily
move to the process of araction and prove that you are a real man yourself
to her.
But the most important part is that you just come from your reality and
never give in to hers because that is a violation of traditional principle and
natural selection anyways.
Yes, you will have to be able to reject her if you are not interested or if she
gives you too much drama that you just do not want to take on in your life,
or if you think that she is going to try to keep violating your own reality too
much than you can go ahead and reject her at out right with no remorse.
This will oen mean that she will come chasing aer you because it is so
rare that a man would actually turned her down, so just be prepared to deal
with her from their (and maybe just take her back to your place reluctantly
right then and there).
Beautiful women I see as my equals and they are just like me. They are my
biological equivalent and balance. I know that they are really dying to meet
a man like me on the inside. When you can believe this and know it for a
fact, rock force.
When you can believe this with all of your heart and know that you have
value stay within your frame and reality, this will become so evident to
women and they will be aracted to you more than any number of pickup
lines or techniques that are meant to try and win her old verve from the
wrong frame anyways.
With their independent power, they are basically alpha females; hey, Ill
admit that I bring a lot of repower and drama to the table as an alpha male
but I want to prevent when stars collide in a long-term relationship.
In fact all of my adult life I have known that these beautiful independent
women were my equals, and it has always confused me up on two very recently.
Maybe you have had this feeling as well, because you know that you are
a man of quality, integrity, and value. The good news is that you can now
nally experienced the level of women that you know you deserved in your
man and living your reality and play your own natural role.
You really have to see what is going on when you look around at meant today and what you and I did in the past. While we were doing is essentially
giving up our power whether we knew it or not because of her beauty.
Remember that our society will never escape this it perpetuates beauty, it
puts it on a pedestal and is so pervasive that you just have to see what is
going on and understand that beneath it all a woman is still a woman and a
man is still a man.
If you can see through all of this and be a man and keep your power, you
will realize that you can still be a natural with women all of the time because its your reality. Make taking action and initiating a habit. It will
lead to opportunities of fulllment for both of you.
I didnt waste time with pickup lines and seduction techniques though I
found them interesting, but I always knew there was something that really
explain what was actually going on.
There was something going on that is much deeper than anything that this
service information talks about our deals with. All of the techniques that
you are seen are within the context of the information that you now have in
your hands.
Visualize this. All wussy men you can grey out in any public situation because even if they talk to the beautiful women there, there chances are slim.
So now you can survey the eld immediately and see if you have any real
competition, which doesnt maer anyways.
If youve got things going on and youre in your reality, just go ahead and
talk to most of the honeys there for a lile bit each; introduce yourself without giving away the power and sit back.
Oentimes theyll have the same vision you do of the other wussy men
grayed out who they choose not even to acknowledge in many cases even
if they approach or not, but theyll see you. If you go into a club, just go up
and say Hi and smile to all the women you see and then sit back with a
beer at a prime location, and stay centered in your reality.
Sow seeds of communication may lead to sowing a dierent type of seed
(not from Jungs garden center either).
Socially she may not be out looking for a guy. This is actually your best
time to casually and naturally take advantage of opportunities.
This way it wont feel like it was forced. One of the honeys I met was at a
club where it was a meat/meet market. The level of game being thrown
around and forced reality of beautys persona was at its usual all time high.
Women in that environment can sni out ANY weakness in a guy because
the dynamics are hyper active and polarized. She knows that most men will
try to hit on her. What did I do? I was upstairs of course being confounded
at how hard it is to get women in a club (especially this one..World Cafe in
So I was siing there with my beer upstairs looking down at the dance oor.
And there were two girls who sat down at a table near me. They were obviously perturbed by all the game being thrown at them from downstairs by
men who knew they had the power so they were seeking a desperate reprieve.
I noticed the hoer skinny one and she kind of gave me a lile smile or look
and aer another sip of beer I went over to her. I asked her (without giving
her the power), Are you Brasilian?
And she said, No...she was actually Portuguese Hawaiian (I later found out
she loved Brasil). Aer I asked her name, she was smiling and they said
something like it was just so hot down there but you could tell there were
just so many guys. So I asked her for her email and phone number and she
wrote on a cocktail napkin.
Anyways, I went out with her on the eve of the Bush/Gore announcement
of a draw. Shes the second or third girl I know that just puts her head at
So just start practicing talking to women. You dont have to have a motive
to begin with..just get used to maintaining control and being indierent but
start talking to beautiful women all the time and make it a habit. It ISNT a
big deal.
We think about what will she say or think? Dude. Bitchslap yourself...
youre not like that anymore. It doesnt maer what she says. Throw seeds
out and really be indierent and carefree, centered in your reality. You
dont think about what shes going to say or build a mountain out of something less than a molehill.
And you dont have to sele for Deuce Bigelows level of women like a guppy humping the scuba man at the boom of the tank.
I nd references to succumbing to a womans beauty (read=power) even in
GQ and Maxim..its pervasive. Its imbedded into our cultural society and
you will be inundated by it unless you are grounded; you can ignore it or
use it to practice living in your reality and not being responsive to it.
Make it a non factor; when youre coming from your reality you know that
you have more values and substance than that. Make her prove herself to
Do you think that in the future you would pander to her demands? No?
Then just be more who you really are up front with her. If youre accepting
her manipulative behavior with what youre doing right now youre going
to have to change some things.
Just be congruent with who you really are. Dont put on a front with women. Guys will go out of their way to get a womans aention...look at it this
way. Think about the future. Picture her old and gray and you not pandering to her then. Relax its going to be ok.
But there is a dierence between geing out there and actually interacting
with women and not doing it. Nothings going to happen if you dont interact.
In the rare case they might come up to you if you are the socially most desirable dude in the house or are famous but otherwise for the most part you,
the man is going to have to take initiative.
Nature nds a way. Its your biological duty to procreate. Even when the
odds are stacked against the normal guy in the U.S. what with our independent beautiful women youll still nd a way to procreate.
Remember were dealing with something else here; the forced reality of
added value which is only a perception because the real her is right beyond
that (and good for you she already looks sexy).
Remember that we men are front end loaded; in the split of a microsecond
were aracted to a woman and we want to maybe let her know. Dude,
you goa chill back. Thats what its all about.
Keep that within because most of the time once you nd out what shes REALLY like you maybe wish you didnt meet her or tell her that. Just because
shes ne so what?
There is an abundance of other women out there anyways, you DONT need
that one. And dont use the word need. That denotes dependency and you
are an independent strong man.
Just think of it to your advantage that we have all of this additional aention and value to womans sexuality (because they look ne) but you can see
right through it that she is still a woman so you can approach being a TRUE
Heres the thing; you KNOW shes going to fall in love with you to some
degree once she does get to know you (if you are a great catch) and then
SHELL become the wuss and you may want to run (thats been my experience).
So dont show her your cards up front. Play it really cool. Im going to have
to save techniques for something entirely dierent because this is the foun-
Make sure you meditate on and implement the Shark Tale analogy. It will
help you take immediate action...a shark who sees its tasty bait. In fact
aer you watch the very beginning, the opening sequence of the movie, that
is a perfect example of how men in America are acting.
We see a lile worm on a sh hook which represents the female and then
we see a blurred shark in the background approaching the worm and you
know of course the shark is supposed to do its biological role and eat the
But what happens? The shark becomes a wussboy and lets the worm get
away. This is exactly what is going on when a man is leading the added
value of a womans social persona or appearance throw him o from doing
what he knows he is his natural and biological function.
Let this be an example of leverage for you and make sure you read the
whole chapter and internalize it. It will help you take action and fully break
through any remaining barriers when it comes to approaching any women.
Its worth buying the movie just to let that sink in. Theres other things going on in Shark Tale too. How Will Smith becomes an instant wuss when he
sees Angelina Jolies sh; a real partaker in the forced reality.
She gets mad at him when he nally turns her down you turned ME
down? Just be prepared for a short period of drama if you do leave a girl
who thinks shes on that level. The rest of her personality is quite unhealthy.
Ive got more coming up on the Shark Tale soon..
With your new understanding, be able to pick out how society continues to
perpetuate this illusional reality; its EVERYWHERE, where we cater to a
womans beauty and let it throw us o.
This level of knowledge is tremendous leverage for action as you shouldnt
even be skerred ANYMORE to approach.
Remember, you may not think that a woman knows where youre coming
from, but she knows.
Being aware that you are coming o as a wussy is 10% of the problem
though most guys will never realize it even though they think theyre saying the right things.
The other 90% is being in your reality with a universally strong center and
never being swayed by her beauty barrier.
You will notice a considerable dierence, in fact all the dierence and the
women will be happier and MUCH more likely to take it further from there
once you are this.
Even if I could tell all guys so they understand whats going on, they still
have to get in their own reality so that they arent swayed and instantly
transformed into a wuss with her presence.
In the future I will be coming out with some more technique based stu,
even though I am one of the few dating gurus who really focuses on the
natural process itself.
The techniques that I will get into will be based on top of being a man who
naturally aracts women and your foundation here.
about her that is probably really going to annoy in but you if you spent too
much time with her other than what you have planned, and use that against
If you can fast forward from the signs you are geing from her (she would
try to spend all my money, Im not going to deal with that level of drama,
etc.), if they are obvious, you may be able to prevent great distraught in
your life.
When keeping the fast-forward power technique in mind, remember the
entire frame of the kind of relationship you might want to have with her
or the lifestyle that you are leading. This all helps keep the power in your
hands, because you know that it probably wouldnt work out in the future
I am really strong when it comes to this because I know that there is only a
1% chance in reality that I would marry an American woman, so really she
has no chance against the anyways, even though she probably will fall in
love with me once she gets to know me.
Just use something like the fast-forward power technique to your advantage. Fast forward and you know youre not going to be acting like this
around her anyways down the road. You have a busy lifestyle and career
so just remember to stay in your reality and look at things objective; it probably wouldnt work out with her.
The last couple hoies had all kinds of dierent issues, etc. This will help
keep the power and force on your side where it belongs (and she wants it to
Remember in the AMP relationship style you dont have to put up with her
drama by leing her know ahead of time and framing the relationship. Let
her know when she gets out of bounds.
She can still have those trouble signs but because you are not in a 50/50 relationship you can basically bypass all of that drama about what it would be
like to have a real relationship with her (wouldnt last).
A Shark Tale:
this is the only thing that is geing in the way of a shark been a shark or a
man being a man. And it is so ridiculous that you would allow anything to
get in your way from fullling your biological purpose.
At the very beginning of the movie of very similar thing is happening. A little worm is given a lot of added and perceptual value because of the screen
time, so all of a sudden we feel sorry for itself if anything would happen to
it (mind you in a biological unnatural fashion).
This is so profound I recommend you see it for yourself from our angle and
paradigm here.
And Lenny lets it get away as well. My question is how the hell does Lenny
even survive?! A vegetarian? Sharks arent vegetarians.
The only reason we have such a thing as the 40 year old virgin is because
were leading this extra screen time or perceptual value of this forced reality
get in our way of fullling the biological process.
Everything that Glamour magazine and Cosmopolitan, and all of our media, including the empowerment of women is doing, is just making women
more frustrated because they are not being fullled either because all the
men are being thrown o by the screen time that is geing in the way of the
biological process of araction itself.
If all of us gave too much perceived value which violates nature itself, and
everyone became a 40 year old virgin both men and women, and this was
spread across all people, then we would deed nature by no longer being
able to perpetuate our entire humankind.
In Swingers, Vince Vaughn is telling Mikey that he is a bear with these big
fangs in big claws and is baing the bunny around hes got these big fangs
and he doesnt know what to do with the bunny.
The bunny is just siing there in a corner shivering and he doesnt know
what to do with these big claws. Dont be a Lenny.
If the bear did not eat the bunny or kill it essentially the bear would not
survive and perpetuate the natural order. Understand that these are natural and biological realities that are parallel to exactly what is going on here,
except instead of actually killing a woman you are starred in the natural
biological process of mating (or going in for the kill) to perpetuate our natural order of humankind.
If this was not done we would not be able to survive beyond ourselves, nor
would we have goen here in the rst place.
All that is going on is you are seeing a perceptual and emotional added
value that is simply violating the biological nature of sexual araction that
leads to reproduction and our human life.
This beauty that you have seen before that is making men weak is just a
forced reality that has been built up over the past couple decades that is
now denying all will meant to be a woman and a man to be a man because
men are seeing the added value that is geing in the way of claiming what
is rightfully theirs.
Remember in the natural way of things you really do have the right to be a
shark when starting the natural araction process with women. You have
just been leing this added value or screen time get in your way of sparking
a natural araction response or emotion in women which starts the mating
So if you can really look at the scene from that movie and understand how
ridiculous it really is, that a shark would be ghting his own biological order he would not be able to survive, nor would he be able to take care of his
future generation if you let something as stupid as some added value get in
his way which is only a perception anyways.
It is so ridiculous because a shark is not a vegetarian, a shark is a meat eater.
Capsule understand if you are not going to play your natural biological role
than you are really just being a Lenny and leing something so stupid as a
shrimp pleading its case get in your way. Remember that a woman natural-
ly wants you to spark the biological mating process itself is your role, traditionally it has always been your role so it is up to you to be the shark that
you really are and not let their screen time get in the way.
In fact it is again so ridiculous when you look at it, how a lile shrimp
could plead its case with a huge close-up in front of the camera in a ridiculous whiny voice that you are almost tempted just eat it just for daring to
let some stupid extra added value get in your way of fullling your natural
duty anyways.
It is so blown out of proportion that I think this is the best leverage you can
use for really encouraging yourself to instantly see what is going on as well
as take action. The more that she is aunting her beauty, the more she just
wants a real man to come along and take care of things.
If you are a real shark or a real man, you are going to do what it takes in
order to survive and fulll your biological role or duty. If there were only
beautiful women and they all acted like this, how on earth would we be able
to continue our civilization as we know it?
Can you see why women are so frustrated why men are just been man because theyre leing their own screen time which they oen regret get in the
Remember that the forced reality of her screen time is just giving additional
value that is all fake in the rst place. It is just a shallow front that is standing between you and having success, and fullling her as a result as well.
You think the shrimp is going to get mad at you?
You can go ahead and laugh because you know your own reality and your
purpose. You can also go ahead and nd other shrimp or woman (please
use these in a parallel analogy, but purposely view them however you want
in order to live in your reality and get the job done).
Even if in nature a shrimp pleaded its case and what it lets you need its, this
is just unacceptable anyways because it dees the biological nature of evo-
lution, you can always nd other shrimp anyways who are ready to fulll
their part in the circle of life because its not up to them anyways.
It is not a womans role to go out and seek you; though of course in todays
society that has changed because it is unnatural and untraditional. So keep
this in mind it is your duty to go ahead and take the action to start the natural process of accelerated mating.
It is not the shrimps role to stand up to the sharks. Why on earth would a
shark or a man want to defy his own biological right?
Which really has more value in any scenario here; A shark eating so it can
survive or a shrimp geing unnatural screen time and value that it wasnt
supposed to deserve which would maybe try and prevent the biological nature of things to happen so the shard that survive?
If you want more leverage on the situation understand that the shark would
not survive, or the bear bad in the bunny around, or if it really was like this
all of the time we would not be able to perpetuate our human order because
a shrimp or a woman is not going to seek you out, you have to go to her
(and if she did seek you out, who do you think has the power in that relationship which dees biological order?)
Know your role! Women want you to know your role and expect that you
know it.
It also does not maer where a shark nds its shrimp, as long as it is tasty.
Think again about the value that is being placed which is just so stupidly
ridiculous from stopping you to start the natural and accelerated mating
process which you can now have with as many number of women as you
want as long as you are a man (and accept responsibility for whatever consequences may come from that).
Actually a woman is just making herself tastier for you to go ahead and
fulll your natural role. Can you really ask for more? Can you see why
some men are so successful and natural others are not? Most of the men in
America are leading the shrimp to plead its case and they actually listen to
the shrimp...this is a serious thing because what if the 40 year old virgin becomes an 80 year old virgin and is not able to perpetuate itself?
American men are leading the shrimp prevent them from what is inevitable.
And the women are resenting this because they cannot nd a real man who
will put aside the screen time that society has given them in order to fulll
their biological inheritance.
The men in America have become Lennys. They have become weak when
it comes to dealing with women only because theyre listening to the shrimp
were looking at the screen time of added value that is given which is only a
supercial front to prevent them from being the man that they are and that
is it.
That movie is so incredibly powerful, that I encourage you to buy it and
think about what is going on and let it sink in. You can use this exercise this
technique as your greatest tool of leverage when you see a woman.
You can be the shark and she can be the tasty shrimp, however you want a
look at it, you are really doing a woman a favor because nally she is meeting a man who is not afraid to be a man and who can fulll her sexually and
in other ways as well.
Remember that she is tasty and she is very repressed and frustrated. All
women have this inherent biological function that works were made in
long-term, nevertheless it will still work just as strong or even stronger
when she can connect with that centuries old biological instinct within her
that she can not explain and achieve sexual and natural fulllment.
You can be the natural man that you are or you can look at this added value
that we have given them and allow that to stop you from being a truce success. Why on earth would you let the shrimp pleading his case get in your
The American men are actually listening to the shrimp plead its case and
they are becoming so emotional and tied up in the shrimps case that they
cant see that they are not doing what theyre supposed to anyways and the
It doesnt even maer about pickup lines and thats why not even focusing
on them because this really is everything. You could even view it as every
time that you go out, you have to feed yourself as a shark and you see all
of this beautiful bake in front of you just have to go out and in RK start the
process of natural araction.
There beautiful women everywhere (except in Wisconsin), so your opportunities are truly endless and plentiful. Dont change your standards for any
level of beauty.
Have the hoest girl in the world but still be yourself man. Thats most
likely what would keep her around once you have her (not giving in to her
demands and drama).
I hope you can start to see the world with new eyes, but remember that you
are in your reality and are in dierent. A shark does not get super excited
when it sees food everywhere, it stays cool and goes in for the kill naturally.
Never let a womans energy or drama throw you o because it is the only
thing that is testing you (this additional screen time and added value) that
is geing in the way of what you want and keeping hundreds of other men
away from her so you can have her because they are being all any.
The advantage today of course is that you can accelerate the mating process
without much consequence; and this is also what the woman is looking for.
If you ever let her screen time (connection with the universal and sexual
energy of beauty pervasive in our society and connected with your own secret emotions) get in the way (which never used to be evident before)
Just see her as tasty bait if you want (I think you know what I mean). Women will cringe at this thought but its really about starting the natural sexual
araction process with her because you do have a lot of value you can oer
Its up to you to make it happen and get it started because they will thank
you and possibly fall in love with you. And this essential process is how we
ensure our survival (though now you can use the accelerated mating program for socially and interpersonally accepted near-consequence free win/
win relationships that women are looking for just as much as you).
Women are not at the top of the food chain, men really are as much as the
empowered woman would like to think today. All this aractive bait out
there and other men just arent biting, HELLO!
They can go hungry as long as you take care of yourself, but I now feel it is
my duty to share this information with men who would really like to have
success with women being one of their ongoing and habitual accomplishments or part of their natural life.
If you let ANYTHING stop you, youre just being a Lenny and leing her
added value of perceived screentime get in the way. She aint Beyonce, and
theres no dierence in approaching anyways..just be real, be a natural man.
You dont have to be Jay-Z.
Theres millions of beauties everywhere; just be yourself. Dont try to be
someone your not by giving into a false illusion which denies biology itself.
You dont have to let bait get away or swim away, just be natural and throw
out your shing line instead of coming at her with your jaws open.
Yes, Lenny can change his stupid unnatural ways and ensure his survival by
not focusing on the pleading case of the shrimp and just go ahead and play
his biological role.
You should now be living in a new paradigm right now. Deny it in the rst
place, because this added value of perception WASNT here before and this
dynamic does not exist in most countries anyways.
The bait is there being dangled in front of you and you are surrounded by
Lennys who wont bite. Another key to this is being natural. Most Lennys
who do approach are leing the shrimp swim away because they are biologically being swept o and missing the bite.
A real bite is not just approaching but being a natural and starting the pro-
cess of araction instantly. Some Lennys may try to take a bite are never
successful. But you have to be in your reality and the right frame.
Otherwise other NLP or technique guys who are ghting against the forced
reality still, theyre never scoring or biting eectively almost most of the
time because they are not in the biological role..they are listening to the added value and succumbing to it and the bait is still geing away.
I dont know if they even knew how important their script was (to us) when
they wrote it! Thanks DreamWorks!
We are all natural sharks you could say because of our inherent nature to
aract the bait in the parallel biological process. We as men really are at the
top of the food chain.
As another note, I remember siing in the huge beer city store in the sunroom (I forget the name of it) across the border of Ohio in Tennessee with
some other college students aer our Free Love party for AIESEC 8 years
ago which I promoted. A girl named Dee who was cool and their leader;
she was saying, You just get all girls dont you? Youre just a player (respectfully).
And within I knew it was true but because of the social programming I almost didnt want to accept it because I wasnt at the time.
Even then I was ghting against the Americana of the forced reality which
was always stopping me from having full success.
Align yourself with biological proof and experience success with women
that you want and she will love it as well. You ARE a natural. Everything
around us has been holding us back (tough defense) from that but you dont
have to let it anymore. She will respond unconsciously from the inner self.
This is only because she is very independent. Im talking right now about
when you are in an actual dating relationship. When youve usually got
past the initial beauty barrier, and now you are relating with her, you are
going to nd yourself still in a power struggle more than you want to be.
That is why you must really come from your own reality, however the dynamics of the modern dating world, really do state that you are going to
have to make a compromise and there is going to be a lile more input from
her basically then has happened in traditional.
This is just the reality of what you are dealing with when you are in a serious dating mode, or eight type of relationship that is considered as courtship or potentially leading to marriage.
If you just look down the road a lile bit further, you will realize that you
will have to put up with this the rest of your life if you are with their, so just
keep this in mind. If you choose a more traditional woman, yes you can
have and retain a lot more of your natural independence as a man.
Like I said I am very aware of this nature of the independent woman, and
that she does bring a lot of interest, intrigue, value and excitement to the
dating equation, but Im aware that I will not be able to fully be myself as a
man due to the compromising nature and ensuing power struggle that will
daily take place.
Are you ready to handle this kind of drama? Just the even more in dierent
and then maybe she will want to hang o of you who are around you and
maybe turn the relationship into an AMP.
If you do not want to deal with a high level of drama, and I mean worldclass drama, that this level of womanhood brings to the table and into your
life, then you beer think about what kind of relationship you really want to
have with her.
Remember is going to be very hard to repress the independent and free
spirit within her, or to get away with telling her what to do all the time be-
cause she is not going to accept this. So the recommendation I would make
is that you have a dierent kind of relationship with this level of woman.
Make it more free natured and free-spirited naturally.
Dont go into the relationship as if it is going to be a courting more mating
dance, go into the relationship very drama free and short-term focus. You
will let her know that you are not going to put up with their high level of
drama, and this basically means that youre not going to have a serious relationship with her where you would have to deal with this on more of a
daily basis.
This allows her to be the woman that she is around you, and allows you to
dene your boundaries and her to recognize those boundaries much more
easily, otherwise she will be out of your life.
She will be more accepting of this kind of relationship because you are being an honest man, and are still leing her be the rest of the woman she is
with all of her drama and emotion when she is not around you.
She will know what your boundaries are and that she is not to act in an uning manner around you. The benet for her is that she has nally found
a real man with which she can have a social or sexual relationship with
without the heavy-handed drama that comes at her from all of the other
man that she is around.
As far as money goes in the relationship, you are not taking the traditional
or courting ritual anyways, so this means that you really do not have to buy
her things or pay for her aention.
Paying for her aention and buying things in order to win her approval is
a trademark of the traditional courting ritual of which our forefathers did
with women when they were interested in specically marrying them.
Do not feel that you have to buy her anything or old for anything other than
your own personality and sexual araction. This is what women want anyways.
When you can just be a man and take the focus o of the money, its not that
you are cheap but rather that you are focusing on the more important things
anyways that directly relate to her femininity.
When you start buying her all kinds of things she will instantly categorize
you and put you into the suitor classication. In a 50/50 its ok once in
a while (Im not geing into that stu), but retain your gravity that she is
pulling and staying with you and not the other way around.
She is much less likely to go ahead and sleep with these kind of man, because the traditional approach anyways (even if she wasnt so bored to
death by them and all the men coming aer her like this) doesnt include
giving up sex until a long time into the relationship, because that is more
her way of keeping you if she is interested in you for marriage.
So when you can come out the whole relationship angle from where she really wants a real man to come from in todays society, you can throw all that
other garbage out of the way.
And it is not uncommon for her to want to sleep with you very soon aer
she meets you. Because you are leading a whole dierent kind of lifestyle,
one that is really kind of like hers, without all of the drama and long-term
heaviness associated with the suitors that are chasing aer her.
If you are going to go aer her with a traditional approach, (there is a problem in that term just going aer her anyways, because she should be coming
aer you because youre a man who naturally knows how to aract her) she
is likely to just ignore you because you are like all of the other men who will
are taking the approach of they will do anything for her and by her things
just to win her aention.
I hope that you can really realize that this is what is going on and millions
of men in America are doing this and the women are just fed up.
You dont have to qualify for her social personas expectations of what she
wants in a man as long as you can communicate on the biological reality
and paradigm that sparks the mating process unconsciously in her.
afraid of her, then you still dont get it and you need some more work from
this training here.
But if you are naturally just a shyer guy and not an outspoken person, you
may prefer having women come to you, but at some point youre going to
have to talk with them anyways.
I would recommend that you just throw some seeds out there if you are
naturally a shyer guy. You can just go up and say something and then just
turn and walk away and really have her energy o of your mind and then
she will very oen follow you and then you can take it from there.
Remember that you do not have to be afraid to approach women so do not
let been shy be any kind of excuse for you; you are living in your own reality seat can do whatever you want.
Let me ask you: Are you funny at all? How are you when you are just being normal? Loose and relaxed. Youve just found another breakthrough.
You dont have to perform or have ANY anxiety around women now that
you understand whats in this Guide.
As long as you are a funny or cool guy anyways, and dont let anything
more than 1% of the environment or situation change that (most guys its
99% of acting un-normal), women will start going crazy.
All weve been doing is leing this perception get in the way of talking to
another human being (THATS IT...a million dollar secret); which from that
point we can start communicating with her past her social weapons grade
persona and base it on more solid ground; your great and natural personality as a cool dude.
If you are a cool dude ANYWAYS, just let 0% of ANYTHING change who
you are. You just have to work on geing it down to 0% change of who you
are in any environment and when you can be this real to women, theyll be
all over you and lead the direction teasingly and a bit sexually or naughty.
Say hello to my lile friend.
In fact, men like this are so hard to nd, thats why these lonely beautiful
women will ock to you once the secrets out and they will compete over
you. You just have to come from your reality; your center knowing that
YOU do hold the sexual power and that you are a great catch.
When you know that her barrier is fake and not even real you can cut right
through all that B.S. even if youre acting like a nice guy just by awareness
alone of the global dynamics you will be a refreshing change for her.
Its recommended that you show her part of your personality naturally so
she can get an idea as to more of you but she will FEEL that youre coming
from your reality even if youre a nice guy.
Then she could be onto the opportunity of a lifetime. You can go up to her
and just say hey whats up if youre coming from your reality of not needing her, this can make all the dierence.
Other guys put out this desperate vibe of neediness and that they would
make her the center of their universe if they just had a chance.
Now, good looking guys like us who are great catches nally have a chance
with our real counterparts, the strong, beautiful independent women we
know we deserve.
And just by coming from your own center of reality and not needing her,
this can make ALL the dierence and it doesnt even maer what you say.
You can get her number, email, take her with you right there, leave her and
come back a lile later and her info, it doesnt maer. An actual healthy guy
who is not intimidated by her? This could be her luckiest day ever!
Everywhere you go is your opportunity just to invite women into your reality by shing and not going out to meet chicks.
Tell her a joke, nudge her elbow, its your reality and if youre congruent and
I mean 100% congruent with your independence, living in your reality and
really having an indierent outcome to anything she says, she will not only
let her guard down but can become a wuss herself.
Youre just being yourself man, being direct and cuing like a diamond
straight through that social persona of junk thats added up over the years.
The words to say will come to you because youre just treating her like another person and this to them is like whoah.
Because all they get is Id do anything for you, Do you have a boyfriend?,
Can I take you on a date? from wussy, needy, dependent, insecure guys
(only because they have not yet realized what you know).
You know you could have been at any scale along there because I used to
be one of the nice guys but I actually laid o on approaching 10s because I
didnt want to get rejected.
I never really came from a dependence on her but I was in awe of her
beauty but could sense the invisible force eld that our culture has edied
so much. Once you realize the big picture of where all of that really stands,
Its healthy guys like us that have been confused and come o as needy to
them only because were being traditional. And being traditional with these
untraditional (hello) women, just doesnt cut it.
Why? Because were (as a nation) giving in and accepting the fact that they
do INDEED have the power to squeeze our balls unless you dont accept
that false standard.
If you can just really be normal and not acknowledge her fake reality
which has been propagated and idealized/idolized by our media, you dont
even need a technique or to know what to say.
Why cant you just treat her like anyone else; like your buddy? You have
no idea how refreshing this is to them. They can easily sense when men are
watching creeping or stalking them.
Just go up to her as if shes on your level. You already know you have a
lot to oer but just be cool and nonchalant and direct with her. Be honest.
Your reality and universal paradigm is more important than any number of
techniques you tried to learn without knowing this.
When shes aware that you can talk to her normally and socially shes going
to breath a sigh of relief and let her guard down and she cant just shoot
you down like all the other creepy guys that she can see coming.
If you still feel nervous about seeing and immediately approaching a beautiful woman youve still got some work to do to expagate the false reality and
ush it out of your system.
I recommend my Shark Tale exercise. Youre already most of the way there
(and millions of miles ahead of your desperately techniquing competition)
just with the information you have now.
Its really a piece of mind knowing that you can approach beautiful women
easily anywhere you go which naturally leads to geing their email and/or
phone number and taking it from there.
Just start collecting and get it going. We are the guys who are natural to
begin with remember? Just do the same things youve done when you got
things started with your less good looking x girlfriends and youll be ne.
Just try to control your emotion and keep it inside when youre sleeping
with women of your dreams and prey faces next to you all the time. Say it
with me: Stay cool....Be cool.
Its just your reality.
A woman will oen stay with a man because she feels she can never get
enough love or hear him say, I love you. Keep this in mind if you are in a
50-50 relationship.
You know you deserve these women and you probably have more to oer
them than they have to oer you. They want to nd a great catch like you
and theyll probably tell all their friends too (heheee...).
If you know how to make her sexually satised you may have a stalker on
your hands.
Like my dad says jokingly about me, He likes to sow his seeds but hopes
for a crop failure everywhere. Dont forget protection, heck for YOUR
sake. See how natural this all really is?
99% of the dating advice out there is JUNK next to this, the true and pure
universal paradigm and reality which leads to you reclaiming your rightful
power as a man to get women of quality.
And, fortunately because the modern day social dynamics have changed,
now you can have an unlimited number of women without drama consequence as compared to the more traditional days and when there wasnt
A big part of this is because women arent just looking to get hitched, theyre
looking to express themselves sexually (more like a mans nature) because
theyre leading a life which has predominantly male traditional characteristics.
Hey, its an advantage to you that you couldnt get away with 100 years ago
because then youd have 100 wives and children.
So just remember that you will are expected to lead the relationship in the
direction that you want and she can either comply or youll get rid of her.
Remember that is part of the process of natural araction.
At its best to let her know very near the front (especially if you are playing
the accelerated mating game) so she doesnt think it is a 50-50 relationship;
either way you will set your boundaries.
Practical examples of this could be just going ahead and geing a womans
number, calling her, telling her to meet you for coee at tax time, and then
walking with her through an interesting part of the city and then taking it
from there.
You could call her out and invite her over for dinner. You could say like
my friend Brent says, Im feeling kind of tired tonight, at a long day...why
dont you grab some item and come on over for dinner so we can talk and
get to know each other.
I will have a lot more techniques based in the future because I know that
you will want to hear some of those as well. I will be leading the front on
this edge, but no maer what you do live in your reality, dont put up with
drama that violates your independence.
And just frame the relationship properly from the start. have this means
dont be a wussy and calling her every day of the week.
If you want to take the 50-50 dating approach, theres all kinds of advice you
can get on that and you already have experience Im sure with that, just now
you will be dealing with more beautiful women so youll have to put your
foot down and let them know that they are close to being let free (half jokingly) if they violate too much of your independence.
Remember that we are no word near the courting ritual because the women
away are interested and it bores him to death. No maer how much you
hear that this is the way to do it know it isnt.
Those dating counselors are wrong for these type of women. And do not
buy her owers. I will get more into this in the future as well as techniques.
women that you have been with or will be with in the future. Now when
you start going out with the real women of your dreams here, the most important thing to remember basically is to not enter their universe through
becoming a was he by giving in to her perceived sexual power.
You may realize that she is more screwed up inside, and maybe even way
more shallow than any of the other average women that you have been out
with. In fact many of the slightly above average women that you have been
with possibly would make a much beer long-term relationship.
But back to the process that leads to sexual intercourse, it is not going to be
any dierent with a beautiful woman than As with other women you have
had in the past.
This is as long as you are staying in your reality and not leing her beauty
get in the way. It is important for you to focus if on anything about her,
make it out about her personality itself.
She will be a lot more comfortable with you and the ways, because she is always self-conscious about how she looks anyways. If you can just take that
self-consciousness away from her and actually focus on her which is what
she really wants you to do anyways; she wants you to realize that there is
a real woman behind their bed is quite interesting and intelligent and has
more to oer you then her looks.
She just wants men to realize that there is more to her than her looks (despite all the aention and screen time that is given to it). If she doesnt want
you to realize that, then she is a very unhealthy woman and one that you
would probably not want to be around for a very long time.
Remember that the main problem women are having is that they can not
nd any real men, you will nd in your near future that these beautiful
women are not only the same as the average ones when it comes to the sexual araction process, but they will probably be even more sexual in nature
because it has been repressed.
git r dun. Of coarse women want someone who is experienced. And they
respect the fact that you know the female body and how to please her. She
does want a real man.
So since you already knew what to do cowboy, just dont let her extreme
beauty get in your way of doing what you know naturally and thats it
youre ne.
The process itself (generally speaking) is exactly the same. You will nd
that dierent women have dierent positions were things that they like
done and even in terms of frequency, but otherwise everything is just a natural process.
Let me restate that you have a lot going on in your life, and you have a lot
of value to give a woman (which I know you do), than what is stopping you
from leading the life that you want with the women you always desire?
They are looking for a real man just like you, who can fulll their traditional
female fantasies and desires. So go make it happen and have fun. In the
future I may have more specic techniques based things for you to just be a
natural around a woman to progress the relationship along.
Also do not get over excited when it is time for sex when you are connecting
with your perceived value of it; just be a real natural. Animals in the wild to
not get nervous when it comes to sex. Why?
Because it is a natural and biological function that they were born with.
Anything else that gets in the way is just ridiculous if you really think about
it. Who let the dawgs out again?
So dont let it stop you at any point in time from progressing a relationship
forward that both of you are interested in aer you get it started.
All these women are looking good for you man. They only look good because of our cultural society and history, otherwise they wouldnt; but you
are aware of this process (other countries would be in shock if there women
were like this).
You know that most the other men are being Lennys so you really dont
have any competition.
Your ability to really be indierent and not even acknowledge her drama or
supposed beauty takes you directly to the female that is within her as you
can both commence the natural (accelerated) dating or mating process.
Think of how can she tell if you are an interesting and great guy if you are
coming at her from the angle of creepy un-trustworthiness of being intimidated by her and hiding your agenda?
If you can see the universal paradigm of reality, cultural dierentiation, the
rise of feminism and the forced reality of added value that is temporary
holding you back from success from women, you are ahead of almost all of
our men.
Realize that even those RARE men that are good catches (without being
jerks) that are good with women probably dont understand as much about
what theyre doing as you do. This is power in your hands, so use it for
your life.
When you connect with women directly, it is oen an unconscious response
on their part that they are compelled to be aracted to you even if you
didnt meet their social personas standard of Brad Pi looks.
Interdependent Relations
With Women Everywhere
Once you are living in your own reality and fully, you will know that youre
not afraid of any beautiful women anywhere you go. You see them as on
your same level, no maer their level of beauty.
You are not afraid of them because although their emphasis may be on
beauty, you have something real to oer and bring to the world that is within you, and you know that you are worthy of the women that you want to
have in your life.
Remember that these women are so anxious to nd a real man, that when
they do nd one they will oen go with someone who is even the mostly
unstable or almost abusive just because he will treat her like a real woman
despite her social persona (Tammy Faye Baker level of mascara piledup).
Hey, thats actually prey good. If youre still seeing remnants of forced reality that will show you o. Think of Tammy Faye Bakers level of makeup
just covering up who she REALLY is and the biological araction process
that you know she will respond to.
And I think you can see this everywhere, and maybe have known people
like this. You do not have to be unhealthy or let the less good-looking or
less to oer guys get all of the beautiful women.
In fact they would rather be with a beer looking more normal guy, as long
as he does his job of being on man and lets her be a real woman.
Remember the relationship dynamics though; if you are going to have a real
relationship that lasts through time that is more than just a sexual thing, you
are going to have to make more compromises in both of your lives in order
to continue to be together because of her given independence because of our
50/50 relationship dynamic.
But as long issue are willing to have sexually healthy, fun, value driven, in-
telligent relationships with women who are looking for the same thing, its
really up to you how many of these type of relationships you want to have
in your life.
Because I guarantee you there are so many women out there that are looking for men that will just be a real man and bring to the table someone they
can just have a good time with without worrying that hell be knocking on
her door every single night.
This is the same reason that so many of the most desirable women will sele
for unhealthy guys (because they are just being a real men), and she cant
wonder why the guys who are more like her in terms of looks, balanced
lives, are acting like she would own them; so she seles for less is long and
she gets a real man.
This is kind of sad, but remember that this gives opportunities for you or
other men if they arent as good-looking as what she said she would like in
a man.
The reason there is this disparity or divergence, is because shed really cannot nd enough real man so she will sele for less. Because most of the
man that she ideally describes, she may see them but she will nd out that
they are not being real men and will cater to her every women desire; and
this is just so frustrating for her.
She will still say that she wants a tall dark and handsome man, who has his
life together, who has some money, but what about us guys who are like
that? Are we not really what she wants anyways (some of us)? It doesnt
even maer anymore because she is so desperate to have a real man be a
man around her without giving into her reality despite her buzzy beeness.
If you can just be yourself and have your own boundaries (no maer what
your looks are like), you can easily land beautiful women especially when
you take the casual relationship approach without giving them too much of
a feeling that they are being hitched or have to respond to you or try to get
rid of you because of the your nagging impetuosity.
So, as long as you live in your reality and have your entire frame set of how
you relate with beautiful women, you can just go ahead and start collecting
e-mail address and phone number is everywhere you go and just casually
start a relationship.
She isnt as concerned about looks as you are; dont even let it be an issue
but always do be primed so you can have everything else work in your
favor as well.
Than you do start adding these up, and if you want to rotate women you
can do that its up to you it is your reality. Remember that your women are
a part of your orbit and you are not going to put up with their drama.
What they are looking for is a real man like you can give them what they
want in the short term until they are ready to sele down and fulll their
biological duty of becoming a mother (this is a whole dierent ballgame
here with these type of women because of the dynamics of sharing a more
split relationship).
If you go around and start having relationships with all kinds of women
and you are taking the 50-50 type of dating dynamic that is ubiquitous
throughout America today, you are going to limit yourself and you are going to put up with a lot of drama, and not nearly as much sex.
Plus youll have all of your girlfriends asking you about your other girlfriends with this kind of relationship. This is not going to be healthy.
If you are going to really be an Uber player, you are going to have to keep
your relationships light and no strings aached with the women you are associated with.
You know that either of you can come or go at any time, although she will
most likely want to stay in your orbit. Remember this means that you are
not going to play the boyfriend role with her and be buying her things and
doing anything that would appear like you are according her; this will make
her run.
It is important that you make this distinction, and not live the life that you
have lived before with 50-50 type relationships. This is a mandate for an
Uber player if that is what you want to be.
No woman is going to control my life or work against my destiny, why
would I let any of them up front either? How about you? Or are you just
allowing yourself to bounced o of Brooks shield? Learn to see beautiful
women as just being who they are, women. You should be excited that they
look so hot everywhere for you.
If youre having problems approaching her, you also know that anywhere
further along the road (fast forward technique) with her you would not always be acting like a smien boy, you would be comfortable, relaxed and
sometimes bored even around her because youre being yourself.
You will see opportunity everywhere and not be afraid when you become
congruent with your new reality and theres no reason to be afraid of approaching any beautiful woman.
The fact that they always look hot is to your advantage; it gives you someone even more beautiful to approach naturally than 100 years ago like your
great great grandfather did; plus you can accelerated the mating process
because of our social dynamics without the consequences of having to raise
a family together or puing up with each other 24/7.
YOU are the one that sets the tone or context of the relationship and shortly
aer you meet her. If you talk about puppy dogs or ice cream then youre
going into a friendship mode that isnt empowering (Ill tell you another
way this is), if you comfortably bring up sexual topics and get her opinion
on them, that leads in another way.
If you ask to take her out for dinner, youre paying for her aention and putting things into a courting mode. She will respond accordingly. Women are
very exible because they want to respond to you being a man because its
your reality thats dominant anyways. Not domineering and dependent but
dominant, has lines and boundaries and structure to it.
Youve probably seen guys get turned down by women in a social environment (maybe its happened to you as well), yet youll see the girl instantly
agree to go with someone else instead. This was probably because the man
was acting the part of a real man without any distraction.
Just think of the disadvantage that primarily caucasian women have with
me, Im not going to pander to their silly demands or fall prey to their unbeknownst habits unless it might serve my interest.
You can use things like this to your leveraged advantage, Well I usually
dont date XX_women but Ill make an exception with you but watch yourself girl because three strikes and youre gone.
Because now I realize that Ive always been a natural (and if youre like me
so are you, we all are except something has been clouding that reality) and
that when trying to get hot women in the U.S. it wasnt ME that was the
problem (its a social dilemma this forced reality that is destroying or frustrating millions of American mens lives).
Maybe you havent had the opportunity (or taken it) to experience women
outside the U.S. and maybe you have an idea of what it might be like. Youll
realize that you would have been successful anywhere you go by just being
yourself (more than likely) with women at your level and above without
hardly trying.
This is an understated point that I still havent heard any dating guru even
bring up and maybe its why they could never break through to the ultimate reality of whats going on.
If youre just against the whole idea of dating women from another race
or from another country ask yourself why youre thinking that in the rst
place? Did society say that you must only date American women or women
of your own race?
So many millions of men will just expect to do what their parents without
really expanding their mind enough to see what other limitless possibilities
are out there and half of them will end up in divorce partly because of this
Going through 4 years of Army with no women even near me in that work
environment and the stressures there (stress and pressure) has only compounded the need (though its not a dependency) for me to just get with
literally hundreds of women and at least dozens more before I get married,
otherwise Ill know something still wont feel right because all these years of
Maybe you can see that too, its kind of like a donkey eating a wae; I mean
like holding a carried out in front of a donkey (the blue bowl syndrome of
never enough sexual satisfaction in American culture).
In fact we would not even be so aware of it so much if it wasnt so capitalized on. What turns you on more a pair of play jeans on a honey or a traditional skirt and school uniform? Okay maybe that was not a good analogy,
If she tries to force money as an issue; thats a sign, stay away from a golddigger and refuse to give in to her demands. There are much healthier
women out there. Turn it around and have her buy you stu if anything or
steer clear. Ive had women buy me stu instead of me buying them stu.
When you base a relationship on buying or paying for her aention or
time its just a losing proposition if she expects it yet will run o with another guy (like me) who thrills her but doesnt have to buy her aention.
If you sense that youre having to pay for her aention through meals, owers, gis, etc. with this type of woman who now has THE POWER in society and gets it from all the guys, how are you any DIFFERENT from the
same boring thing? It bores princess to death.
As Dave D. said it really is sexual currency in our society. This is actually
what makes this Forced Reality work. The reason I call it forced is because it isnt natural.
It dees biological evolution and stems from the empowerment and idolization of female beauty which was until recently repressed for all of time (and
still is in half the world and most of the world doesnt live in the forced or
fake reality though Ive seen rsthand intl metro cities are culturally accepting it).
Remember our American society is the epicenter of this revolution which
has since spread. But nowhere is it as strong and permeated than in the
U.S.A. itself. Why? Because other cultures have been developing on their
own independently of the U.S. for longer than us. Their cultural tradition
are steeper and deeper.
Most countries are slow to change. In Italy there is an interesting mix going
on. They are a traditional country which naturally polarizes and typies
men and women.
Think of machismo and the women, though popular in modeling via Milan
are still very feminine and traditional themselves. They still expect a man to
be a man even though they may say they dont like it (from geing inuence
from America).
Women really want a healthy, emotionally balanced, t, funny man with
a plan who can be a man. You dont have to become a jerk to land 10s, although certain personality aspects you can vamp up to correlate and also
ngerfeed her social persona.
In America women are stronger than we realize and that has slowly seeped
away the power and balance of power in everyday work, dating and marriage life.
Its all around you and if you cant see that then youre blind or living in a
very rural, traditional community. This independence of women has still
permeated throughout small towns in America due to the progeneation and
inuence of our media in print, news, lm, radio and television
Dude, the dynamics have changed from our biological expectancies in this
new forced reality if were dealing with the strong, independent women.
She may get bored of your courting tactics unless she really thinks youre a
catch and is ready for marriage (and has motives there), or if youre really
If she is a traditional type of girl who refreshingly doesnt have all the drama and is more of a real girl that you can relate to (but usually not AS good
looking Ive found in America) you can still date in the courtship manner,
understanding that she is going to be thinking about marriage.
Are YOU thinking about marriage right away? Then dont be courting
girls if thats not what you want.
If youre not aware of it, just geing caught up again in the 50/50 female/
male friendly dating scene, what you see online and the seemingly normal
society we have now youre seeing it from the eyes of the forced reality. It
is what you know.
Im going to show you what potential hardships and trouble you may be
into in the long run (which most of these other dating experts dont even
give a second thought to).
You probably havent realized yet but someone from another culture can instantly have culture shock in coming to the U.S. and be in gasping disbelief
of the power that women have and how much liberty they have (which is a
double edged sword).
Whereas in most countries, women just arent allowed to develop, mature
themselves and have the same opportunities as men for self-actualization.
NO, the rest in fact MOST of the world is NOT like us. That when you deal
with women from another country it actually seems more natural than dealing with American women despite the language barriers (how ironic, eh?)
And they have much lower divorce rates and the families stay together because a woman knows her role for the long run and biologically.
Not only that but most men can come home to peace without nagging and
get home cooked meals all the time and support. Think about YOUR long
term plans as well here (boy I hope youre single).
Underneath the American dating scene you take for granted, bluntly put;
most of these women youre looking at dating (in America) have WAY more
power and independent mind than you may like to bargain for when you
look at it for the long-haul.
Understanding this fact and avoiding it completely could prevent hassles in
the future by you just choosing not marrying one. Hate, think about your
own independent reality and how important that is; you want someone
who will support you are constantly trade you are put you down?
Although alpha males may be aracted to alpha females in todays modern
society, it just leads to high passion, high crimes, roller coaster of love, baby
mama drama, bier resentment, etc.
Its just an idea Im throwing out there for you that is such an out there kind
of thought but when you look into the future and step aside from what
everyone else is doing you just might prevent a ton of drama and nagging
that doesnt have to be there. Look at the paerns and statistics.
She cant help that shes who she is at this point in her life and you cant
change that or make her something (like part of a more traditionally oriented culture) that shes not because she loves her independence.
This independence is going to create decisiveness and she will become very
opinionated once you further get know her. Hey, this is the real stu beyond the beauty if you plan on being with beauty.
If youre a strong man which I think you are, then its a formula for a lot of
arguing, bickering, debating, dierence of opinion, and building up of resention on her part that leads to many marital issues and a ton of mostly unwanted drama in your life and her nagging when youre just being yourself.
Please just consider what youre geing into and look at the statistics and
other men you know that have been married and then divorced. Look at
the ones who ARE married and see whats kept them together.
Its not that a more traditional wife is weaker, its really just that she holds
true to those values and for beer or worse hasnt had the opportunity (or
took it) to grow herself and take on more masculine traits of independence
and breadwinning. Provided she has a strong husband who knows his role
and can do whatever it takes to win enough bread then she can stay home
can take care of the kids and the house and without giving you drama over
things you would expected a wife to do (because its been a historical standard along with most of the countries today).
In Swingers, it also took me a long time to realize why on earth would
Trent rip up the girls phone number aer he got it? Then aer countless
times it nally hit me FINALLY that HE has the POWER and control...hes
living in HIS reality where he can always get women and do what he wants.
Have you seen that movie? Let that moment sink and it took a long time for
me to really get it, but when I did it was like a big Aha.
Shes an independent woman and Im an independent man. I KNOW that
she would long for me once she gets to know me and I KNOW that I can
add value to her life. In fact a lot of super beautiful women are looking for
men just like that to fulll the shallowness of their supercial reality.
If they can get real excitement, love, drama, humor, challenge and sexual
energy that you can give them (and you know it) its what theyre aching for
beneath that shallow exterior.
Keep in mind the type of relationship though and that you are going to have
to compromise part of who you are in order to be with her in a 50/50 unless
you go AMP.
Well 100 years ago you could have walked to her and been ne but something dramatic has changed and its integrated into our society. A practical
exercise for that is to really see it from that angle that there isnt any of this
other invisible stu that has built up since then. If youre not nervous, shell
be at ease.
Women want a man who they say is comfortable in his own skin. Really,
its just being natural anyways; not leing your perception of their added
value get in the way because you dont care what they think.
They usually care very much what people think. Get it? And when youre
coming from your reality, you are condent and smooth and undistracted.
This bugs them and they want to nd out why youre dierent.
Even view the whole approach in that its a traditional style of relationship..
refuse to acknowledge her beauty but you have to be prepared for dierent
responses which I will teach you in the future more specically but really
just coming from the frame of mind that you dont accept her games or acknowledge the fake power then whatever she says that might be drama-ful
is ridiculous and doesnt even maer. Dont let it throw you o no maer
who she is.
Women have sexual fantasies too. In fact, you and I KNOW they do. They
long to fulll those fantasies with a man who gets the whole process and
speaks to her biological part.
If you can increase your social value, you will have a beer chance of keeping one of these women to appease that part of her as well, but if you are
just a strong man...get it started and take it from there. Tag team o the
But you cant show her interest in the way of peddling to her reality...starting it o naturally is enough for her to know that youre interested.
If youre really coming from your powerful reality shes going to test you
anyways so you really have to be congruent and the answers to those tests
will come naturally if you just have the right state of mind living in your
reality and refusing to accept hers as being more dominant.
Sadly, most American men just arent living in a reality where they can fully
be themselves naturally (which they really are within) BECAUSE our perception of women has changed (yes they are stronger but they are also more
sexual and desiring of a real man than ever before too).
Many men are just plain be oppressed by their wifes inherent power and
ability to control many outcomes of things that they want should be doing
instead, yet they accept it or stay together because of the kids. And that
may be ne but its just the reality of millions of men.
One thing I respect about many African-American men is that they generally just really live in a strong independent reality that is theirs and they usually get what they want and the women get what they want. They dont let
as much drama get in the way from both sexes playing the biological mating
What feminists wont tell you is that women are now using men both blatantly obvious and in millions of less obvious ways, women are using men
and sometimes controlling a mans life.
How do these women have the right to say that men are using women?
Ultimately it comes down to exchanging and adding value to the other
persons life even if its just a short-term sexual encounter for both parties
This way no one has to be using no one. However in our modern society
50/50 balance has become the norm for real relationships. Remember that
women have brought up in this society and that they are independent now
so you have to compromise if you choose one for a serious relationship.
What options would she have le if we all said no (for marriage)?
As a great catch yourself you know that you can add value to any womans
life no maer her level of beauty (because they all have the same basic needs
so you may as well go for the ones you want anyways)
They even try to make us think that God is a woman. But that is a whole
dierent point. You can read my Dewussication of the American Man.
Its up to her to try and keep you because she wants a good man and a good
So some guys get to have ALL the fun while the others dont and wondering
what that guy is doing? Well maybe you can be assured that whatever hes
doing hes womanizing them and bringing out her natural femininity. So
you can fall for that excuse if you want to.
I think women want to be women and explore their desires. Funny thing is,
those women who were womanized never complain about it. They usually
loved it and talk to their girls about it and the next time hes back in town
she has to keep her friends away from him.
Just to iterate a point: as adults it should always be consensual relations (of
If youre being natural you wont have to face rejection with a woman once
youre doing the right things in the right place at the right time. Its the
American women that may be a lile more of a challenge.
The American women have no cards on the womanizing argument with
themselves since they get to do the choosing (guys do the picking) and the
relationships would be PURELY consensual. If theyre trying to defend more
hapless women from a womanizer, nah, theyre just jealous and probably
want that guy
If you are specically interested in sexual relations you could see it like this;
they all have a pussy, they respond biologically the same in the natural attraction/mating process, they may just appear all dierent on the surface
As a natural man living in your reality you can easily communicate with
them on a sexual level. If you are having trouble because of our societal reality, take a trip outside the U.S. to re-understand that you are a real natural.
You KNOW how to communicate with people, you know how to make
them laugh, when dealing with women (with the barriers aside grounded in
your reality) it doesnt maer what you say, because you are communicating
naturally straight to her and past the persona.
You are not doing anything dierent, just being natural. Youve just let all
the junk get in your way before, and now that you know where it comes
from, whooheee. The power is yours. Dont expect too much though even
though you want to view yourself as Casanova or Romeo.
Ive gone in public places for example the Full Moon Party where it was
mostly Europeans and I just realized...no ones going to get laid here; its in
public, its a party.
You really just have be indierent and take random opportunities that you
want. Once you can break past any social persona exterior of a woman
ignoring you (because you have to start it, remember? Then you can take it
from there and some cases you might be expecting too much.
Remember not to put any importance on the outcome or she may sense that
you want to hook up and she might stay away from that energy of a man
on the hunt. Be concerned with your aairs but throw seeds out there just
naturally and when she responds, take it from there. Say something cooky,
doesnt maer.
Understand that this e-book is probably unlike anything you have ever
heard or read before. In fact it is probably the opposite of what are 50-50
dating relationship seen represents.
I think you can understand the value now of this investment that you have
made, and how that the traditional dating counselors will get you nowhere
towards further success with women.
You can have interdependent relationships with women anywhere and everywhere you go in the world because you are a real man living in your
reality and you are not afraid to be yourself and see tell potential opportunities just by casually starting them with no strings aached.
What I have realized is that almost all women outside the U. S. are not like
this, in case you didnt know.
During my international travels I really did nd out that I never had a problem aracting women sexually. In fact I found out that they usually came
up to me. I wonder if other American men have been made aware of this.
Have you? It is such a relief to know that you are still a wanted man in that
you can be yourself and act normal and women will actually respond to
you sexually because they didnt in the United States and they still dont but
now we understand why.
But in case you dont have the resources for otherwise to go and experience
this for yourself anytime soon, please be aware that you really have millions
of possibilities (and by that I mean beautiful women for relationships of
your choosing) all over the world.
And let me reiterate beautiful and interesting as well. In fact I oen found
international women a lot more interesting than American women because
they made sense, you could communicate nonverbally quite easily and they
didnt have a hardened social persona.
I tended to notice that beautiful American women were so shallow and
stock up on themselves (or that was my perception because I never truly
found out what was behind there before then) that it was such an polices for
me to experience international women in many dierent ways.
I could express myself biologically, and so could she because it was always a
win-win situation.
So let me say again that you really would have a mind opening experience
if you when to any of the countries I would specically recommend, and
maybe you have experienced some of this yourself.
Maybe you realize that international, ethnic or exotic women in the United
States are just a lile bit dierent than the independent Caucasian women in
Hey, if you can bring out ANY emotion in a woman upfront (esp. with
strong women) you ought to do well as long as you know where to take
things. If I wasnt with all those girls and going somewhere else aerwards I
could have taken her to my room.
Social proof is important. I can teach you about being the guy. This is just
the beginning. Ive been a nightclub promoter and I dont pay to go in any
club anywhere I go in the world. See, if youre going to learn from me I hope
in your mind that I would be someone that you would WANT to learn from.
Im hardcore funny too once I know a woman. But with strong independent women, you have to show these qualities upfront much more. I can be
downright mean to real beauties but they always be thinkin then..
I have an Indian American girl-friend in Chicago who is desired by men and
I asked her if shes seen a proboscis monkey; so I sent her a picture of one.
It has a really big nose and I was leing her know her photo (with a slightly
big nose) reminded me of that monkey.
Thats just the kinda guy I am (-Beavis). But you have to work it right; when
dealing with people you have to know their boundaries.
Ive been friends (shes an X) o and on since college so we joke around.
Thats what I like about strong women, they take more and meet you at
your level when it comes to that.
I have another X girl in L.A. that I have to stoop down to her level because
shes not as developed and mature socially or adept. This is also a problem
you may nd if you travel abroad (a-broad?) to meet honeys.
On one part because of the language barrier things are actually more interesting and exciting and you can communicate on a dierent level much
mores because you have to.
However, Ive found that I cant verbally spar with them near the hardcore
level I can with functionally developed American women.
Keep it win/win though. Hey Ive gone out with traditional (American)
women too and theyre generally a lot more BORING and marriage minded.
They dont provide the excitement that strong independent women can to
me or an exotic international (and more traditional) woman can. Now that
the game is on with beautiful American women though, all possibilities are
open for you and me. They want men like us.
Try not to actually care what a woman is thinking or what she may not
be thinking about you. Chill, dude. Get comfortable with the unknown; if
shes still around you, youre doing good. Dont tell her your feelings (especially in AMP).
Dont seek her approval or enter her zone by listening too much (over your
boundary) to her drama. She knows youre naturally interested in her but
her social persona cant gure it where youre coming from when you live in
your own reality and shell want to stick.
Telling her youre interested in any way has too many connotations to
wussboy trigger from her already on-edge social persona that the power
shi may change very suddenly and then shell be gone.
Our women are so independent today that if you try to nd one with the
same interests, none of that maers because you arent going to nd one
thats going to agree with you on everything.
If you have a more traditional or international woman she will be more likely to mold more into what you are interested in instead of disagreeing with
you on it.
Passion or Coincidence?
So is your physical relationship with a woman passion or coincidence?
It is never quite coincidence because it is in your nature to proactively seek
out that which you are hunting or shing for.
It does not happen by chance, nor does it just usually fall into your lap.
Granted that when your energy is strong enough it will automatically start
the araction process in women around you.
The process of approaching her does not have to be as violent as a bear with
clause, thanks and a shivering bunny rabbit (I hope it isnt that violent when
you approach women), but women today just respect honesty and someone
that doesnt give in to her illusional barrier to biological araction that lies
within that cannot be denied.
This barrier keeps other men out and it will allow you to get in because you
know how to deal with it. This will save the real men for her to experience
passion with. It is not a coincidence.
You can make her feel like it is coincidence because the whole process will
be natural to the part within her that is predisposed to respond. But she
will feel as if it is natural because it is; the entire process is natural once you
started because it is inherently part of your genes.
She will love and enjoy the passion and sexual fulllment (if the process
leads there which it probably will) that you can give her to let her get in
touch with her sexual nature.
You do want to give her a lot of value when it comes to the physical stu;
and she will be saying she doesnt know what it is about you and she can I
explain the feelings of passion that he is having when she is around you and
especially intimately. She will also respect the fact that you do not keep calling her 50 times a day.
Sexual tension is like a rubber band or a magnet. If you give up too much
of yourself or her energy or reality, the equation doesnt work and the aention and their relationship fall at. There has to be enough sexual energy
in push and pull that balances out between the two of you. Remember that
women are very sensitive to reading and receiving body language and sexual signals.
They are also very good at irting and also naturally now very well how to
increase the level of sexual tension with a man that they are interested in
and that also knows how to naturally take them together to that level.
If you do not think it is a natural process and you have a hard time experiencing this, then you need to either experience this with above average
looking women so you know what is going on or you need to get out of the
United States entirely to experience this.
You are a man and a view these your inheritance to know how to procreate.
All of our forefathers and foremothers obviously knew how to make it happen because we are here today.
It is such a relief to be around beautiful women who are interested in you
without their own issues of upholding their front (although now you are in
a dierent paradigm to break through it).
Remember that I said though, that you can actually go through the entire
sexual araction process through consummation (AMP) in todays society
without almost any recourse as long as you and her are okay with it (and
also that you wear protection).
In fact you can now go through this entire process thousands of times in
your life. It is up to you the number of partners you so choose to experience
this process with. This is something new that is a byproduct of our society
and the sexual revolution.
It is now almost okay and of course accepted socially that a woman can express yourself sexually. In fact our media encourages this with TV shows
like Sex and the City.
Never before in our history have women been allowed to have this level of
freedom and who do you think they want to experience it with? Well sometimes yes it is with other women.
But mostly it is with a real man who they feel is their counterpart, who can
sweep them o of their feet ideally but knows the process of araction and
how to make her feel good so that she can feel all of these things that she
has been reading in her romance novels.
This is a huge advantage to you that our society has basically approved of a
womans right to have sexual relationships with as many men as she wants.
Many times she will want it just as much or more than a man well. You can
make it to your advantage to try and repress her head build the sexual tension so that she wants it so bad and then aer much pulling back you just
give her what she really wants.
This whole process can be done in a maer of hours from meeting her. This
is just known as the accelerated dating process.
Aer she gets to know and feel that she is comfortable with you and most
importantly that she can trust you, when the time is right easily and naturally you can take both of you to the bedroom, or the countertop, or the
bathroom, etc.
You see when you are a natural, youre not leing any other supercial drama get him away. This allows her to trust you because you are being honest
and real with her.
That when she does trust you she will be more likely to follow your direction and leading all of the relationship to the next level. Do you think she
is going to trust a nervous, dgeting wussbag who looks like he has some
kind of agenda and hes just hiding it that looks like he has some trick up his
She cannot trust him and sees him coming from a mile away. You just have
to be real and when she can be comfortable with you she can trust you easi-
er as well; because you are puing your reality out there without any questions asked, and she will assume that yes it is the truth. She respects this.
Modern day women look at a super traditional female and almost cringe
because she doesnt have the liberties that she does.
How selsh is this really? The empowered woman cant see that this woman is happy and simpler and is 5 times less likely to divorce.
Desiring beautiful women (top shelf) and not eectively doing anything
about it for so many years myself (in America) of course made me question
what is going on, as I am sure that you have also felt.
Everywhere you go theres beautiful women (almost everywhere) and
theyre arent nding enough real men! The world is yours.
All these honeys which most all men dont know how to communicate
with and you know why. She walks tall and proud basking in her sexual
front waiting for a guy like you and then may really be open to a relationship.
There are no enemies in women, only those you havent met yet.
Most American men may not have been able to experience a full progression to the sexual level of consummation with this apparent quality of woman (10s), because of the invisible forced reality unless they get this e-book is
You know that the sexual araction and accelerated mating process is not
a coincidence because you know you have to start at naturally, and she can
feel swept away by how natural and biological it was she cannot explain.
She cannot grasp be ethos or explanation of how everything just went along
and she got swept up and wanted to do what you wanted her to; and she
loves it.
It is almost a good thing for a woman to be called a bitch, when you look at
it from a certain angle.
If a woman is dened as a bitch she will emotionally go into a role where
she becomes a very feminine raw person under the authority of a man who
has the congruency to live in his reality and connect with her sexually in
this nature.
In fact so many of these women who are superne, are looking for relationships where the man can really treat them like they have control over them
sexually, just in order so that they can let out the real schoolgirl inside (mind
you in a respective sense from both parties).
All of these people are just really aware of their own sexuality and do not
make any excuses for it.
This really is a whole dierent level of reality for most men to even comprehend that it exists, yet I assure you that it does exist. The women that you
see in music videos almost dene themselves sometimes in this category as
being a bitch herself.
And she is looking for a man who can really be a strong independent man
who can respect the fact that she just wants to be a real woman. The term
bitch is almost a term of endearment, because a woman is really geing
what she wants from a strongman, when most of the other man make her
their queen.
Hopefully now you can understand that this is real and that millions of
people in America are doing this in a healthy way. Yes it can be unhealthy if
a man really is out of control and treats her with too much authority and his
domineering, then it is wrong.
But when they can both really sexually connect with each other on that level
of pure, raw unadulterated energy, then it really is a win-win situation for
those type of people.
However these women are going to need a real strong man, one who can
really put up with her and really show her that he is a man because the
second that he loses his composure around her is the minute that she will
And these women are some of the hoest women in the world also by the
way. Buy of especially notice that in the African-American subculture, that
this term is used a lot.
But what is really going on is that everyone involved with this part of the
game is really just basking in and not being ashamed of their own sexuality
to be a man and to be a real woman. This makes people look away in shock,
or be secretly jealous because it is what they are missing out on in their own
So why do rock stars, rap stars, and celebrity men really do get laid more;
they do dont they? The answer is yes. Not all of them but most of them really do and heres why:
They are living in their own independent reality. THEY are the center of
their universe...now their mission might be to give more value to more people around the world but all of that stems from their center or their core.
Beautiful women do not throw them o their path. The women throw
themselves into their path.
They dont cater to beautiful womens reluctant expectation of having the
power they do. Women are so relieved just to be around a man who is a
man (and of course the high leverage of social proof alone as well as other
women conrmed to profess their love for him helps).
Women have to have their real life dream beaus as well. Why not you?
Why not give her an unforgeable experience even if you dont end up marrying because you have to go through the experiences to potentially nd the
one anyways.
See what SHE has to oer, YOURE a great catch. You do not have to be a
so-called player, nor does she have to be a bitch. Treat it as an interdependent opportunity for both of you to explore the more sensual side of
your nature.
She might just be another prey face thats unknowingly falling into the
forced reality of beautys power which she never asked for in the rst place.
It doesnt feel biologically accurate to her (thats why beautiful, intelligent
and independent women are so frustrated and relieved to nd real men
who get it because theyre so rare).
Ive had a girl in Hawaii accept to be my mistress while she knew I had
another girlfriend. She was my bitch as a term of endearment which she
thought of rst.
This was aer she called me on the phone professing her love for me and
crying while I was yawning while driving on H-1 (true story). And I didnt
buy her anything...she was buying me things while she had other nice
guys buying her all kinds of gis.
Which guy do you want to be? I dont make it about the money because I
know Im a great catch and I have higher standards and requirements than
selling out to her and expect that in a woman too (hey she wanted to buy
things for me and kept surprising me ie. porno videos).
It is up to you to decide how you want to treat them. Being that she was
viewed as my bitch, yet in a respectful manner allowed us to carry on a
certain kind of relationship that not only appeals to her social persona but
also to her biological and unconscious desires. This is fulllment on both of
those levels for both of us. Not all women though aligned themselves with
the social expectations that society terms as bitches so just be careful.
Youll just have to nd women that are like this and just be a lile more appealing to their social persona because that is a lot of what denes who they
really are as an extension of their natural and sexual nature.
Always be respectful in the sense that you never degrade her; make sure
that it is something that she wants to partake in as well. And you can see
these women out. The best thing might just be to just be upfront about everything and just the natural and congruent, with a take it or leave it stay of
Pussy Control:
the list because you have your own goals and life going on, and you never
make any excuses for it because you are a real man. You do not need to
apologize or pander to any woman no maer how beautiful she is.
It is up to you to shot call the relationship.
This means that you will not only set the frame of what kind of relationship that is right from the start, but you will also lead the direction as far
as when you are available, when she can see you, where you are going and
what youre going to do with her.
If anything you will give her a few options at the most, but usually it is
beer just to disagree with their (remember that she is in your reality and
about to get cut loose at any time).
But it is you who is guiding and controlling the relationship in the accelerated mating program, and calling out the shots. This is because a man is biologically predisposed to do this, and a woman is biologically predisposed to
respond to a man who is taking control, despite what she may say socially.
And respond she will.
If you start feeling wussy around her you are not truly geing it. She is
aracted to you in a dierent way; her initial value on your looks is not as
important as how you communicate with her nonverbally and sexually.
It does not maer how beautiful she is, you must always retain your center
of power and she is in your orbit; it can not be any other way or the relationship will crumble because it dees natural and biological predisposition.
Although it may look can appear as if a woman has the power because of
her sexual beauty (that we are only really aware of because of the screen
time we have given it in our popular society), she is still the lile school girl
within that has the same biological and sexual response functions as her
grandmother did.
She will have a strong response and will not be able to resist your sexual
gravity because she is nally met a man who is bold enough to commence
is not her choice consciously), she will oen make compromises in other areas as long as he is purely following along the process of sexual araction.
This means that you know that you can instill this feeling in many dierent
women (especially aer you have had even a lile experience) because they
are all biologically the same.
This is an incredible amount of leverage in your favor, and it will almost
seemed to make the entire game of sexual araction unfair. However you
now have the greatest leverage in the world in order to really be a man,
because you have wasted too many years of your life in the forced reality of
her sexual power keep you from being aective with women.
It is time to regain all of those years back, because you are now all where of
exactly what was holding you back. And now is the time for you to decide
if you are going to live the life that you know you deserve, and bring the
women into your life that you deserve, and that you know you can fulll as
If you are not aware most men will still go throughout their entire lives never achieving the level of success with women that they so desire.
It is only made worse by the constant media propagation and the blue balls
syndrome that is a byproduct of men never fully feeling aective or strong
enough to be a part of that which they desire and deserve.
Unless men also get this information which you are privy to right now, they
will most likely go on without geing anywhere close to the level of success
that they deserve with women as well. And from a beautiful womans perspective, we already know what she is missing.
She is almost resenting the fact she has so much power, and just wishes she
could nd some real men to share experiences and memories with. It really
is sad when it comes down to the 40 or 50 year-old virgins that are in our
And clearly you understand where this has come from now. But I must
warn you that this forced reality will continue. In fact you may have to ght
against it at rst until you really become congruent with your own reality
and are able to completely tune out all of that added value that is just getting in the way of you playing your biological role to start the araction
By going along with the accelerated mating program instead of a 50-50 dating relationship which is so pervasive in our modern society, you will be
living a life of eectiveness with women that other men cannot even comprehend.
And society will go ahead and still continue to propagate and build the
perceived value of the illusory importance of her beauty that is throwing
a screen that is right on top of the inherent sexuality and natural araction
process that is right there anyways.
So be aware that you will continue to see the pervasiveness of beauty everywhere in our modern society, so I would recommend that every time you
see an image of a beautiful woman that you use that opportunity to think
about what daily issues she is having, wonder if her dog died, or just see if
she is actually a person of substance in value beneath a faade, etc.
You will not be able to escape this inundation of added value in our society.
However this will allow other men to continue to be ineective with the
women that you now have available to begin relationships of your choosing with (and whether they take it or not you dont care because youll nd
other women that will).
It is up to you to choose how you view and handle its. You can look at it
tongue-in-cheek, knowing that it is only allowing these women to be looking at their best so that they are ready to meet you everywhere you go, however you want to see it because you understand that it is just a smokescreen.
Do not fall prey to falling in to this forced reality, I would say at any time,
otherwise especially when you begin dealing with women right away here
on the natural level.
When you live in your own congruent reality, you will be able to look at the
propagation of beauty in our media and it will not even faze you because
you understand it has its own role and is really essentially the same as the
shrimp pleading its case to try and throw o the biological reality of what is
inevitable anyways.
A beautiful woman has in her mind that she has to owe something to every guy she accepts something from (understandably so) so she tries to turn
down all of the wussies to prevent a dependent situation where she has the
power. That is also why the traditional courting behavior bores these independent, fun seeking women.
Why do these hoest American women seemingly become bitches? You
have to nd out who they really are beneath their hardened social persona
in order to see for yourself.
Usually you will nd a dierent social person completely, although not in
all cases if they let it dene who they are. But beneath all of that is the biological inheritance which she was born with that you can connect with as a
man to initiate the modern-day mating sequence, that she is compelled to
follow when she nds a man who knows what he is doing.
It implies that a man has no control over himself and his completely under
her spell. This does not help men when they are trying to approach women,
because it is only acknowledging that she does have the power from their
frame of mind (hey, they side in the movies and they saw it in magazines
and they also hear it in music).
So really what these people are saying is that they have nothing going on in
their life other than to submit to her demands.
If you really listen to the lyrics and think about it sounds so pathetically
sickening it makes you want to puke.
But most of the love songs are all about themes of dependency on the other
person. I understand that this makes it more emotional and can maybe express a lile more dramatically the feelings that are within.
But please take these literally. In fact some of my favorite songs I have had
to relook over again and realize how wussied they really are.
This almost spoils my favorite slow or love songs just because I realize how
pathetic they really are. The way I recommend that you see this and I know
that you are aware of it when you look back and think about the songs that
you listen to and really hear their lyrics, is to just let that be a silent extension of any possible trace of the motion le with and you.
Remember that you are a cool man, and you would never do anything as
pathetic as what most of the lyrics are in love songs, because the reality is
she will just run a can run away as far as she can like Lola.
Just view it as a way to still maybe experience some emotion in your life,
and maybe as a way of representing anything that is le that can be a lile
melancholy if you lived in a world of sappy melodrama.
I understand that this will really destroy a lot of people if they take what I
am saying to seriously, because it will break down a lot of what has meant
anything in their lives. So just think about what it means to you and hopefully it did not destroy your view of truly beautiful music.
If you try to take the lyrics that you are hearing and apply them to success with women, and grow faster undying love for her she is going to turn
around and run.
So dont say I didnt warn you about that. You could play love songs near
her in a more serious relationship, and maybe let that be the spoken word
for you or representation of how you really feel about each other inside, but
otherwise dont ever tell her something like you will do anything for her,
because then she knows she has you at her control, and she will resent this
because she wants a man to be a real man.
Now women themselves will always love love songs, because it speaks to
the really emotional part of her as well which she is not usually experiencing.
But just keep in mind that she will always end up with a real man because
it is her biological and sexual nature, because she does not want a man to
be professing her undying love for her because that means that she doesnt
have her freedom anymore stand she is almost trapped because he will keep
following her around and doing anything for; she really does just want to be
a woman.
So just remember that beautiful love songs can hold a place in a womans
life to also represent the motion that she idealizes. With the way that relationship stay together is where one person in the relationship has the power
and traditionally and biologically that is always the man.
And part of the reason she will end up staying with you is because you
never profess your undying love for her (hoping that someday you really
might) and become an emotional broken down wussbag who has no control
over your life or hers; this means that she will have to lead the relationship
and possibly protect YOU in a life-threatening situation, this is what is going on in her biological response when you tell her your feelings for her.
Traditionally a woman would respect this and feel uplied, but since the
dynamics have changed she will resented because she does want you to be a
So do not take this information or go ahead and destroy all of your favorite
love songs and burn them, rather a just want you to see the big picture of
how they really represent the emotion that is going on between two human
Hopefully you can put aside the dependent and pathetic lyrics and just use
it as a representation or extension of something that really might be there
between her and you. I can hardly think of any love song where it is truly
The only one I can think of is by the group Live and the lyrics go, I have
all will, but I am lost within your eyes. This is about the only song o the
top of my head that I know that isnt just reeking of sappy wussiness. Ok
maybe the song, Girl, Girls, Girls as well.
You can to understand that what these lyrics are doing is speaking to the
biological and emotional part of us that longs to express itself. Just because
you hear a woman profess her love for a man, doesnt mean that he is a
wussy man.
If you want to be a man that a woman would sing about, you have to be a
real man. If a man is wussy for her and giving her the power (which dees
biological law itself except for maybe the praying mantis) by professing his
love she is going to resent it. It may be quite emotional at rst but something wont feel right for her and she wont return your calls.
She should be more aracted to you than you are to her. So if you listen to
love songs, listen to a womans instead of a mans lyrics because it can be
the reality of how you aect women when you are a real man and keep the
power and araction in your favor in the relationship.
Just be very wary of lyrics and dont let that be the guideline for your success with women because a lot of it is the opposite of a womans biological
and unchangeable nature.
But by all means try not to let it destroy your perception of love songs (Im
struggling with this). For example I used to love the songs by Savage
Garden but if you listen to most of the lyrics, yikes. I still want to love the
song but I understand the dynamics now of how that just doesnt work.
I recommend, again to view it as an unspoken testament of your longterm
commitment to each other, which in Hope that is within you (without ever
professing it and screwing the relationship up) so let the music speak for
Marriage or a long term relationship is a commitment and requires concession on both partners in the relationship (in our modern society) and music
or having songs for each other can help things out. Who let the dogs out.
of a relationship or when she is ready for it and then she will still withhold
sex for a long time. It is important that you understand these dynamics
from her perspective.
But when you come at the angle of meeting her where she wants to be in
a relationship you throw all of this other heavyweight drama aside so she
doesnt have to deal with it and can just be the in the pennant free minded
woman that she is with a real man, you!
But I was dealing with a very independent woman who can take care of
herself, and because I did not frame the relationship properly from the rst
place it was like two stars colliding.
She was coming from the 50/50 frame of mind were we would take it slower
and get to know each other beer.
She led me around the city and we did things and met up with her friends,
and more and more I felt that yes she did indeed have the power here,
which I resented.
So I just went along with it and we did everything, but I felt the power slipping away from me. All of this power that had slipped away and basically
allowed me to be oppressed throughout this whole time frame of 48 hours, I
had stored up on till the very end.
I let out all of my demotion in drama on to her, in which I was very much
the dominant person in the situation and I think it even scared her a lile bit
to nally nd out she was dealing with a real man.
But none of that maered, because the whole relationship was set up on a
mutual 50-50 via e-mail contact over the previous year (although not that
oen and even that now is just being a funny and taunting kind of guy).
This is the kind of relationship that a lot of men are dealing with an America, and that I experienced near Singapore when dealing with a very independent woman.
Understand that it is going to be hard for you to control the frame when the
whole relationship is set up on a 50-50 or modern accepted way of dating
between two people.
This is essentially what happens in all or most American long-term relationships, because the woman is inherently strong, in fact stronger then the man
would like.
No maer how strong of a man that you really our, when you are dealing
with the woman that you are really interested in because she is beautiful,
yet also independent, you are going to have to make some compromises.
This is just the way it is if you go with this type of relationship style.
Or you could choose a more traditional woman, and have a more traditional
role where you can be a man and she can be a more stereotypical less-developed (psychologically) woman.
Otherwise the only way youre going to escape this, is through the entire
relationship approach that Im talking about (that of being and uber player).
This relationship approach, because it speaks directly to the woman in her
with consequence free outcomes (because you are in dierent, whether she
goes for this type of relationship or not doesnt even maer to you because
you can nd other beautiful women who will and you have to be willing to
walk away) will all allow you to bypass when stars collide.
The relationship approach that Im talking about is the one that the most
successful men with women take.
They are not going to traditional route and expecting every woman to want
to marry them, because that is going to provide a lot of drama and heartbreak, as well as not enough sexual action for the man along with the other
heavy-handed implications involved.
So if you are dealing with a woman were the whole relationship frame is set
up (as in America today) worthy approach is going to be more 50-50, give
and take, compromise, a man is going to have to put up with a womans independence, therefore naturally losing some of his just in order to continue
to be around her.
This is exactly what happened in the scenario with me because the frame
control for the relationship was taking a 50-50 approach.
Yes she was giving all kinds of signs in fact more than I have ever heard that
she was interested in me (hmm...youre taller than I thought....THATS
interesting (note noted), etc.) but it didnt maer because I was not
of compromise.
If you do not want to compromise, you will probably have to take either
the very traditional approach and get a woman who has not been allowed
to develop herself as a independent woman or just stick to the uber player
approach of just having a relationship that is really focused on her sexuality
and expressing herself without any strings aached.
This way by having this kind of relationship you can really avoid the drama
of a more serious relationship where stars would collide, yet still experience
the benets of your natural and sexual araction to each other.
You can turn the great paradox around in your favor because our basic sexual and biological roles have not changed.
What happens when two powerful independent personalities come together? Stars collide. Lots of passion and hope at the beginning and then reality
sets in.
Maybe an American couple gets married and all of a sudden, the guy is always naturally being himself then aer the chase is over and theyre seling
down he starts being more and more normal like leaving the toilet seat up,
Let me ask you, if youve been married you can probably aest to this. Why
do women nag? Beer yet, lets narrow this down a bit because that is what
it is really about...why do American women in particular nag?
Many of our married men may think that it should be a crime against
On a dierent note, I lived around poor people but every night I was reading, learning, dreaming, going to business seminars when I could even
though I lived at a poverty level income and working paycheck to paycheck.
You see, its up to you to want more. I want to be the best MAN I can be. In
fact one of the reasons Im still purposely single at 29 is I want to get the
nancial and other aspects really squared away BEFORE I get married.
Then I can be the ultimate provider for a real wife.
I gured the paern out. I could marry an awesome, exciting, beautiful intriguing and independent woman but really where it would lead is divorce
or turmoil. Why?
Because I am an A class personality and she would be too. Stars collide. Its
not going to last long. You want to talk about DRAMA? Oh sure, the highs
would be high but the lows would be low and thats just before lunch; starting aer the honeymoon when realities set in.
So how DO two A class personalities stay together? By staying apart much
of the time. Really. Give each their own independence and space where almost always the guy will want more space so they can keep the relationship
on interdependent terms.
Seriously, you can make a relationship like this work if youre both really
busy because youre not always around each other. But youre just going to
have to work a lot of things out and communicate all of the time or resentment will build up very fast (particularly on her part because youre being a
natural man anyways).
I would go as far as geing separate bedrooms. Now this is an extreme
thought. But if youve got a wife who can get prey wound up, why not
aer an argument sleep in your own spaces (not on the couch unless YOU
want to).
It may take a while to naturally forgive each other and work it out and if
youre in the same bed at that time youre just breeding some more contempt and dislike for your girl.
Take the time out and each get your own space. Soon enough youll both get
a distance on the issue, cool o and then have interdependent make up
The perfect marriage would be an interdependent harmony (of traditional
nature maybe 80%-20% in terms of control and 50-50 in terms of she is being
a mother, cleaning and cooking and you are doing everything else) but in
our modern society unless you have a really traditional woman, it is going
to be 50/50 and our nation generally accepts this (or do the women accept it
and the men are just allowing themselves to be repressed).
Anyways, just be aware of a really strong woman and how that may aect
your future as a man because it will be a lot of conceding.
Can you put up with her drama and emotion all the time just to have her
around you (with a girlfriend)? Or would you resent it? Im talking about
the 10s basically.
Keep in mind the type of relationship you want to have with them. About
the only formula that actually works with these women is AMP (Accelerated Mating Program) itself because it doesnt carry the drama or strings
aached in any other type of relationship with her.
We can be (and have been) more natural with less beer looking women
who didnt have a superior, highly developed social persona (of beauty) and
that is why weve had success with them instead; we could be more natural.
Yes, it may seem like a tradeo for the long term where you might have a
lile more peace in the home but if youre not married yet I want to give
you the full power of realizing that there are 10s around the world who are
traditional who would make near-perfect housewives so you can be a man
without compromise and lead the family.
Just think about your options, if for no other reason than it gives you more
choice and power in your reality. I can see women throwing high-heel
shoes at me on Oprah already!
Be careful when stars collide (two independent and powerful people). With
AMP you can have the best of most everything without any other drama or
heavy associations involved (marriage, chores, sharing responsibilities, etc.).
In fact being an American man myself Ive been a part of this society yet its
only because I went outside our borders and looked at whats going on and
started to question things that I began to realize what was going on until
recently when it hit me like a ton of bricks.
My brother is married and hes a nice guy. Hes busy working most of
the time but his wife is nice of course and their marriage seems to work
and I think itll stick together. They have a balance. Hes a nice guy but he
doesnt change diapers, he lets her do that and she accepts that role.
Anything perhaps everything I say here will be exploited and twisted by the
mass media and feminists (hey put this sentence in too). But theyll be missing my point that feminine power and opportunity is a good thing...it just is
the underlying #1 societal cause of divorce thats all.
Im trying to keep this related to being single but theres just so much that
aects married life in America that I have to mention a lot of it because it
aects your long-term relationship dynamics and your entire life of being a
man who is on his own path.
Traditionally, a wife should be allowed to focus on raising the kids most of
the time.
If she has a job and has to raise the kids in order to make both ends work
then the husband needs to pick up his slack and ideally produce enough
cashow income so she doesnt have to work and/or hell have to do some
of her duties for not providing his perfect role of being the provider (no economics excuses permied).
If a woman wants to work and have a career (how American is that?) then
just keep in mind what you could be geing yourself into; theres going to
be a lot of meeting in the middle.
Why do you think the t.v. show Desperate Housewives is such a hit? I
really a mans fault that she is the way she is? Now it is not the mans fault
she is the way she is or for how she got that way, it is just a historical, cultural reality (and he chose to marry her maybe because he was also surrounded
by other strong independent women as well, so maybe he didnt think he
had much of a choice).
Remember that Im speaking from the universal perspective here, and Im
not trying to say anything against anyones particular relationship, rather
I am just noting the foundational evidence of what has led to our current
In fact the woman herself isnt sure how or why she got all this power in the
rst place, she just accepts it the way she is because it is the way that he was
brought up and raised. She is not going to change and she is independent
and can take care of herself.
She is not going to want to tame herself down to a more repressive state,
like her traditional counterparts in the rest of the world or her grandmother.
So. this is the issue that almost all married men in America are dealing with;
marriage has basically become a power struggle.
The real problem lies in that the men are not being able to fully be their biological self because the women have gained too much power and independence.
In Shakespeares book in the TAMING OF THE SHREW, the lead woman
is a very strong and independent person who is doing whatever she wants.
This was in a time where of course things were very traditional.
It took a strong man in order to so-called tame her towards the end of the
book. Eventually we do see her tame down, however because of her strong
independent nature, you can already predict the rest of the story with the
book doesnt tell you (more drama).
Just look at American society today in our divorce rate. You may be able to
tame her for a lile while, as in Gone with the Wind but she is still going
to be a feisty one, and there is going to be a lot of drama in that relationship.
If you want the relationship to really work out, no maer how strong you
are of a man, you are going to have to live in your reality and you are still
going to have to make some compromises.
You will have to make way more compromises than with a traditional woman. Yes I have had relationships with very traditional women (from other
countries) and it is like a strong peace of mind and a real natural balance
that is actually quite relieving being around them.
Keep this in mind if you are thinking about marrying one of these really
strong independent women. Yes she is exciting, she is interesting, and she
has a lot of drama and values she can add to your life, but unknowingly she
is going to train the life out of you because she is the light.
Just be prepared for this as millions of men have already discovered this,
and are being oppressed by this light.
Guess she may be really beautiful, but if he is not a traditional woman and
is more independent in our names are, you can simply predict drama and
lots of aention in the future because this is not the natural order of selection; it is a formula for instability.
If she is really strong, and you are a really weak man then it may work out.
Yes a woman may wear the pants in the family and this is the case for many
families in marriages across the US, but as long as the man accepts this and
his own repression, then there is a balance in the relationship.
It all comes down to making the right decisions for your long-term. Are you
really prepared to handle that kind of drama in a long-term relationship
where you know that you will be less of a man because of what she brings
to the relationship.
It will never be boring there will always be some kind of drama going on,
this I can guarantee you.
Dont expect that you are going to name her, it is in her independent nature.
To look at the reverse side yes you can say that women have been repressed
throughout all of history by the more dominant man, however this is the
natural way of things. It is only up until recently that the equation which
has worked for all of time has been switched around.
Remember that the woman was never allowed to develop herself as much
as a man, and aer all these years of repression you could say on her part,
she is naturally going to be a stronger woman, so just keep this dynamic in
mind when you are thinking about a long-term relationship with an American woman.
You are going to have to be willing to accept a lot more compromise and
this is just the way of things.
Hey, all of this is information you can choose to use to regain more of the
inherent power that is your biological right as a man.
Maybe even American women will be begging you instead of anything else,
and saying that they will do anything for you, however if you see the signs,
well that is up to you. Im just giving you the power of knowledge for you
to use to your benet and regain your power with women.
Just be aware of what you could be geing yourself into. This awareness
alone can give you a level of insight that could be called wisdom or at least
personal power and choice.
An average American marriage (read: IF you marry an American woman)
now virtually requires that a man compromise more of who he naturally is
(hence becomes resentful and more wussied himself) just in order to balance out the relationship of living with a naturally more opinionated and
demanding wife.
Just look around and at the statistics. This is now a given in our 50-50, balanced our society.
Im not saying dont marry one or dont consider strong independent beautiful American women for wife potential, just understand the implications of
what youre probably taking on and geing yourself into.
That you will have to compromise a lile more than you thought or than it
appears in the whirlwind romance of dating her.
A more traditional American women (there are still a lot le) isnt going to
be as exciting however she will be a much more stable, loyal and supportive
wife who wants to do her biological role especially as long as you can
provide and protect so she can primarily raise the kids when youre working.
Oooh..doesnt this just PISS the feminazis o. And thats the whole point;
can you see it now? Most of our strong women have these feminist points
ingrained into them so if you cant read trouble and drama then I dont
know what to tell you.
It all comes down to your choice as far as a long term partner...its your life.
I dont want you to have to get divorced if maybe you could have prevented
it in the rst place by seeing the bigger picture, just not going there and
choosing someone else in the rst place.
There are millions of women to choose from and even more outside the U.S.
so dont think that shes necessarily the one even or especially if its hightime romance and passion up front.
Its so common and easy for people not even to see that YES they could be in
a dierent relationship, they could have a DIFFERENT wife and hence a different life with dierent kids if they made dierent decisions.
This may really turn you o and may not seem real but if you can really
step outside of things and turn back the time machine or step into the future
each decision you make (especially one like WHO you marry) is going to
have compound directional eects aer that and because of it.
And youre normally just going to take it for granted and accept who youre
with without realizing that you could have chosen someone else.
This level of thought is almost dangerous to married men because I dont
want to give them advice as it may potentially lead to a divorce; of course
I cannot and will not be held responsible in ANY way as its your life and
your decisions, but if youre single just having this global perspective can
save your future family from divorce, can save you from nagging, drama
and nancial destruction all based on the decisions you make...this is just
power in your hands for your to decide what to do with. Consider it almost
life counseling to a degree that I dont think ANY marriage or relationship
counselor has.
They just look at whats right in front of them; strong American arguing
woman and hapless man and try to make it work. If this information isnt
opening up your eyes you might need a pulse check.
Now, are you going to be happy about hearing this and how millions of our
fellow American men are falling into troubled times and unnecessary drama?
You may not like hearing this and Im sure most women REALLY arent
going to like it but Im a man and Ill stand up to all of them because this is
Universal knowledge. So I hope you can accept that it is for the most part
the truth and reality of what is going on.
Maybe this isnt what you bargained for but its important you really understand the global implications and see it from all angles because what Im
doing is giving you the absolute power to have success with women.
Most men are confused because they dont know what actually is going on.
And millions of men still cant see whats going to happen (even those who
get remarried), they cant pick up the paern and are too closed minded
(though not their fault) because its all part of our society and culture.
Now because I want to look at everything and teach you from many angles;
here is the maybe only legitimate argument feminists will have which it actually cancels right out because of all the power they now have...tradition is
youre supposed to nd a wife and raise a family.
I believe that women are naturally more mono... but you can take advantage
of these times that have changed and have relationships with the strong
women who have taken on the more masculine role of having many relationships instead of just looking for a marriage partner.
So if you were really a traditional male then youd just be looking for a
wife and only having sex with one woman your whole life. Because of the
importance our society has placed on sex, we men have denitely become
more aware of it (the sexual currency).
And now we can have relationships with women who are looking for the
same aributes without long term commitments.
This power and ability becomes more hard edged when you take a traditional woman and just use her for sex because she will be more heartbroken if shes expecting a relationship.
The way I see that is she stills winning and you cant tame a man who
wants to sow his seeds biologically with many women. Value was added to
her life and she has a memorable experience she can remember.
And it may come full circle because you may end up marrying a woman
like that who provides you with less drama and challenge in your married
Just an interesting note here...men through history have had multiple wives
and harems in dierent cultures. King David did I think even. Anyways
the power and choice is all in your hands, but hopefully this will bring a
higher-level awareness of our interpersonal society.
Divorce Prevention
Marriage counselors, relationship experts cant grasp the real underlying
problem of whats going on. Yes, but how do we solve these problems?
That is some tough answers because like I said you cant really tame a shrew
or a woman who her whole life has been expecting things and using men
(who gratefully pander to her) to all of a sudden return to her biological reality for a longstanding relationship (AMP reaches this sexual reality without the drama and implications).
Am I talking bad against American mothers? Of course not. They are who
they are. They are fullling their biological role as well as leading interesting lives and taking on more work oentimes.
Im just looking from the universal perspective.
All Im saying here is that without modern social dynamics, it just makes
marriages more of a challenge than it would otherwise. There has to be a lot
more communication and compromise.
This is the case with one of my best friends. He is married to an alpha female; a very strong go-geer personality. At times it may seem she is in
control because she can be so authoritative. This is a 50/50 scenario that is
prevalent throughout our society, except for the remaining hardcore traditionalists and Christians or other traditional religious groups.
What goes on behind the scenes in America is probably a lot more arguing
and debating than there should be. Marriages that look put together are
crumbling at the seams, barely holding on.
I must tell you, the Church is right on this one and so is evolution itself.
Tradition is what works for marriage and the passing on of generations.
The 40 year virgin is a byproduct of our modern culture and this power
shi. Now some relations are sometimes more parallel to a praying mantis
woman who bites the head of her wussboy mating partner.
So how DO YOU explain to an American mother that she should just give
up more of her rights and independence? You almost cant. Its been ingrained into her. Its just more of a challenge.
Speaking for myself I say, Im just going to avoid that whole scenario all together because of the additional drama it will bring to my life.
I do have the right to speak on this aer seeing my father divorced 5 times
and traveling to other countries which are more traditional. I have observed
this for a decade or more outside the box when I could.
I could marry a woman thats strong, intelligent, beautiful, desirable but
then what? Two stars collide and it gets augly. I always believed in the
sanctity of marriage and wondered America has so many problems here?
Its so accepted to get a divorce nowadays. Its also the kids who end up getting hurt.
My parents divorced a long time ago. Well unfortunately it should have
happened just because they are both who they are, separate and independent people.
My dad is a lile too stubborn and domineering and my mom was nurturing yet independent and didnt want to put up with his more stubborn nature.
Im like my father in a lot of ways (and in many ways the opposite) but I see
the paern of whats going on in America and I dont awnt to get into that
trap. I dont want to get divorced like he did many times. Youre not supposed to get divorced but sometimes its just so hard to make it work in the
rst place.
Im not blaming either one of them and it actually worked out beer. So just
be aware that your decisions will determine your outcome. If you want a
beautiful, strong, independent wife, just be aware that it is a double-edge
sword or you will nd out for yourself.
Its kind of tragic and bad for our women that they dont want to just sele
down to be a wife or be a real traditional woman without nagging because
she has her independence burnt into her.
What hope is there for her? 50/50 co-marriage at best? Have her husband
step up? He could but she will probably resent it, who knows..it is a societal issue.
Single men now have some knowledge and choice in this situation but a
woman who is reliant on her image or social persona alone isnt going to
live a healthy or balanced life (only a % of them).
The answer is for our women to really be women in terms of seling down
and really being a mother WITHOUT nagging her husband. But I cant answer for you if they will do that. The men may have to step up and I dont
know what the results will be as each case is a dierent scenario.
Its not that traditional marriage was a dependency, but it worked. The traditional wife doesnt demand as much and she knows her role, to keep the
man free to do his role without nagging him.
When thinking about dating and future long term relationships you should
ask yourself how much of your own independence do you want to sacrice
in order to be with a beautiful, strong, independent woman?
Really. It may not be you, but I could potentially save future strife on many
of my readership base by avoiding a costly and oppressing situation which
they were just being herded into because of popular social programming.
She may be beautiful and passionate and exciting and intelligent.
Can you really handle that long term the other drama she brings to the table
when you are always near each other? You do realize you will have to make
greater sacrices than you realize? Why? A guy just wants to be a guy and
also needs his space.
aunting it.
Your reality is a slow and steady control and cool response to the instant
biological and mental euphoria.
She knows that men are weak during this stage and she can sense it before it
even happens. Women sense this energy. Its not about just being yourself
its about being yourself in your reality with the paradigm that denies the
forced reality that everyone else is living in and causing them to be unsuccessful.
If you try other techniques without living in your own congruent strong reality of understanding the global context of the forced reality, you have that
thing called emotional response and fear which are unpredictable variables.
When you see a hot woman and you all of a sudden feel bueries inside
and then fear creeps over you on how to approach her? Hey, I used to feel
this about a minimum of 2,000 in the past 10 years and Im sure you have
When I see published top 100 women or top 10 anything I understand
that I know that this is just someone elses opinion and that when I look at it
I disagree with almost all of their choices.
I ip through GQ magazine and I realize I wouldnt even buy 90% of what
they are showing because its not my style. I know specically what I like
and what I dont like.
If you can develop this discernability and not be afraid to be like this (picky)
around women, they will respect you. Why? Because all of the other men
who are unnaturally acting like wussies will agree with a woman on anything just in order to maybe have a beer chance with her.
She can she through this. She will respect YOU if you have an opinion. Remember that she is the one who is one step away from you dropping her if
she really screws up.
From the age of 18 you didnt know it but you ocially became independent in basic nature (not necessarily nancially). At the age of 18 you can
really do your own thing.
Do realize that it IS your life. YOU have to take care of YOU. And if youre
a man, when you get married youll have to take care of your wife and she
will help nurture and support you.
Did I walk in fear when I went to Indonesia to visit my foster children? Hell
no. My best friend was in Iraq for a year living with drama and B.O.B.
I blended in and tried not to stick out mind you but Im not going to live in
fear anywhere. Those that I met were surprised with my courage and most
had never seen an American.
All people should be allowed to live in freedom of fear and oppression.
Cultivate your own strong beliefs and reality. Meditate on it. Dont just let
any woman throw you o your center. You have be coming from somewhere that has higher values than her perceived social value in that instance.
Think about down the line anyways; she may not be anything like she looks
like she is cracked up to be (thats not the best analogy is it?). Youd probably get bored with her anyways.
Its all about whose reality is stronger. Yours is naturally stronger once you
tap into it. Make sure you read A Shark Tale and Return to Blue Lagoon.
These will help you get more denition in your reality of your inheritance.
Im the most jovial fun loving guy with a very high tolerance level but when
it comes to certain issues I dont budge. Fortunately I guess, most people
never get to see the hardcore me but rather the fun-loving guy.
There is a certain line every man should have that people just dont cross
and that you wont allow.
With the information in this ebook you will realize mostly EVERYTHING
you may have done wrong in the past with women.
EXERCISE: Aer you go through the rest of this book. Look at magazines
and photos of the type of women you want to aract from your new reality.
Be impervious and indierent to the drama it presents. It doesnt have to
interfere with your life, however you can invite it in if it behaves.
Be strong in yourself and your self-respect; I am the most interesting, funny and fascinating guy you will probably EVER meet girl. Of course Ive
got women aer me and Im not ashamed of it.
The strong will survive, ne with me. All women would fall in love with
me aer they know me and they consistently do. Say and believe things
like that.
KNOW that you are a great catch and a natural when it comes to meeting
and aracting women to your reality. They are in your orbit and not vice
The other model doesnt work because it isnt biologically founded. You
dont live on shaky ground of a rollercoaster of her reality; you are more
grounded than that in principles and strong belief systems.
You have depth, intelligence and real value. You are decisive when it comes
to certain things and indierent when around the drama of beauty queen
Do you have ANY idea the abundance of beautiful 10 women you can have?
When you are grounded in your reality it doesnt even become an issue because you will naturally aract them because you are unlike other men who
give in to their universe and beg and plead to aach themselves like leeches to her. Ick.
Its true a lot of feminists or a percentage of them are real life lesbians. Because they are so hardcore in their thinking (esp. the feminazis) theyre
missing something.
Theyre taking on male dominant characteristics and something doesnt
seem to t for them deep inside (duh). Oen these type of women who promote womens rights, etc. oen end up with a strong man anyways.
Now aint that somethin. They were still biologically aracted to a real and
strong man now they have a beer chance of a lasting relationship with a
wussboy though otherwise therell just be drama unless she really submits
to the strong man.
Nice guy. Why doesnt this work with American women? Because this man
is falling into her universe and orbiting around her reality.
Really take these clues seriously because so many American men end up in
frustration and then get kicked into the ground aer a bier divorce. Why?
Because they didnt see the signs.
Not all but many women who are independent are gold diggers, feminazis, psychotic bitches, or even stalkers that are out there looking for men to
prey upon who are not strong enough to be a real man.
You have to understand where the drama is coming from and then bypass
it completely while being centered in your universe. Anything she does
wasnt as cool as what you were doing. The party wasnt a party if you
werent there.
Be the guy everyone wants to know that is cool, funny and natural with
Look at the movie Cocktail. Heres an independent man working to make
it go (Tom Cruise). But for a whole section of the movie he tries to play a
strong American woman but ends up geing played himself as the subservient wussboy.
You can sense and feel that its just not him. Its not worth selling out like
that and it doesnt feel right or natural (because it isnt).
You are an independent force that extends sexual energy (naturally) outwards and communicates naturally and easily with women because you
bypass their social persona and are impervious to their added value of
drama that pulls weak men into her orbit because they are not grounded in
something solid, their own reality.
This is so important that it can triple your success with women in a short
Be congruent with who you are and a woman will oen follow your lead,
naturally and despite what she may be saying because you will be communicating on the biological level where she must respond to your strong masculinity (living in your reality and path).
Get her information and follow up later, have her call you, or take her with
you right away
You lead the direction of the relationship: Accelerated mating ritual and not
the 50/50 boyfriend girlfriend or traditional suitor approach
Dont hand over your power or give in to her ridiculous demands or drama
that violate your own independent reality and her know that you will walk
If you question if youre entering into her orbit instead regain your center
independently and say no
Become the man that any woman WOULD want and know that you are her
best option
ing in to her power which she herself does not necessarily inherently want
(because it is not biologically accurate).
So if you can just understand this that she really does want to be a woman,
then you wont give sway too silly, drama full things or become a wuss boy.
When you approach a woman, it is not fear, it is this additional value which
you alone have previously idolized that you are going to have to shi your
paradigm to be fully eective.
You may not be able to look beyond our society where we naturally share
relationships in a more give/take manner because of her gained independence. To understand something else, may be confusing to you.
All you have to do is either look back at history or look at 90% of the marriages around the world and realize that men are being men and the traditional women may have (though dont have as many liberties as our women) are holding a family together and do not have the drama we have in
Most men when it comes to approaching a woman are completely out of
control. Remember that these men (which used to include both of us at
some point), are basing themselves on giving in to her reality or the perceived value of the forced reality.
It is our emotions taking over, that most men would also go through as well
around the world when seeing a beautiful woman wearing sexual and unappealing clothing.
You will nd when you actually do approach her naturally that she will not
treat you like the other men. So dont even worry about what she is going to
say anyways, it doesnt maer because you are indierent.
It is in our nature to desire sex, but when it is put out in front of us we can
easily get so on edge about it and emotional that we really become a train
Most men in other countries do not have this problem in dealing with
women because their women are either repressing their physical beauty
and aributes or they are inherently so traditional as a nation anyways that
it does not get into their way (a woman will still retain her basic traditional
inheritance because that is how she and her family brought her up, unlike in
America); it is still her social context.
When youre going to kiss a girl, there is absolutely no reason to freak out
when you are in the right place at the right time (which is natural), because
you know when you are in the right place at the right time.
How does this work? As long as you have kissed a woman in your life
before to the point of being comfortable with it, you are now natural and
know how to do it with any woman in the world.
There is no reason ever for you to freak out when you know that naturally
she is ready and you are ready. If you are geing nervous it is only and I
repeat only because you are leading your perception of her beauty get in the
way and that is it.
As soon as we see her we go into a pussy trance. This is an emotional trigger that is linked psychologically, physiologically, socially, self historically to
our own culture and upbringing placed on the blatant display of a womans
This emotional and uncontrollable response is oen a trigger-happy
thought process that we men just want to ingratiate ourselves in to see if we
can get ever closer to serve passing the blue balls syndrome of never geing
enough beauty and the ideal of sleeping with beauty herself.
All of the emotions and internal hope, and sexual transmutation connect
with the universal display and our knowledge of rampant sexuality...all of
this massive the motion happens instantly we see a beautiful woman.
Doesnt she just looked like all the women weve seen an idolize? Men have
go into a stupeed awe of the pussy trance. You see a kind of knew that
these kind of women would be more interested in men who werent begging
at their fashionable heel. I kind of hinted and knew about this. But I never
fully had enough self-control anyways to see it to fruition with a true 10
herself before I had this knowledge.
You cant just say something coming from the wrong reality in the rst place
that even may fool her into thinking that you are a man.
And then all of a sudden you start to shake her show signs of weakness to
her (and Im talking about a real beauty) that is the point when she senses
that you are uncomfortable, that you can just about predict that shes going
to split. You really have to be congruent with your reality, no maer how
beautiful she is.
You know that inside she is just the woman just as much as any other women and they all have the same desire to be with the real mad just like you.
You are about ready to fulll her fantasies because she is not found a real
man in a long time, and the one she had before wasnt as good looking or
had as much going on as you did.
Now is just between you two, and you can let natural progression of the
mating dance take place in the more social and accepting dating dance.
In fact with a woman who really is a top shelf catch that millions of men
would love to be with...
I would strongly recommend that you maintain your congruency at all
times, because she may actually pick up some energy that you are swaying
to more of her power and she will resent that and be ready to move on and
hopefully nd in other men.
Of course you have your own life going on as well and that is your center
and priority and women comes second if anything, maybe third down the
When you make it unhelpful Lee your priority to hunt down the women
you just in the wrong state of mind anyways. Remember that she is going
to have her own life going on as well and she will spend time shopping and
with her friends, and you need to respect that is well by leading the relationship and nding out what your schedule is and then giving her options
o of that.
Remember that you should be able to sense that things are really swinging
her way when they overly push into your standards and you just kind have
to put your foot down and say no.
With the strong independent, beautiful women, one of the best things you
can actually do is just to say No.
Despite what the feminists say about trying to repress an independent
woman, you have to let her know your boundaries so that she doesnt control your life.
It is the natural order for a woman to be around a man who is stronger than
herself that is just the way it is as an evolutionary fact. Let her know that
you are ready to move on at any time, if she starts to get out of hand.
A woman will play hard to get, because she is really testing you to see if you
are really a man and cannot stand a weak man; but aer she nds a man she
may feel that she has hit the jackpot (emotionally and potentially sexually).
At some point fairly soon you will let her know that you are not going to
just chase you, rather you will throw out some seeds to see if she will start
the mating dance and ritual with you. You do not have time trying to gure
out which of each of your women is trying to play hard to get.
In fact if you see and know that she has started the mating ritual with you
and gives you a sly look right before you both part that is a sign that she
knows whats going on and you know that the game is on.
Remember that when youre in your reality youre not going to be calling
her 100 times a day. In fact you should be having her call you, just think of
the power dynamics of the relationship in that you are in your universe and
she is a satellite remember?
If you know that she is obviously not interested in you, then its best just
to walk away and that will put her to the test because you are now playing
hard to get see you can see if she really likes you at all so you could take it
from there. What you really have to do is walk away and give her up forever if thats what it takes.
Furthermore, this means that you have to get rid of all energy or thought
about her in the atmosphere aer you leave her. I have done this and I have
seen a woman come back up to me and asked me to dance and wanted to
get with me except that I was with six other women anyways.
Remember that interpersonal relations here when dealing with beautiful
women is not a dependency. So she can play hard to get just a lile bit to
keep the game going as long as there is some araction between both of
you, but remember that you are playing the ballgame in your court and she
is a guest in your reality.
You are not going to go stretching beyond yourself or really going out of
your way if she is trying to play hard to get. I, myself have generally notice
this; I will not call women for a long time, and actually do forget about them
until, oh hey they do end up calling me.
And if there is a sexual tension or social dating ritual or dance going on between you, and you are the one with the power, she will usually be the one
calling you.
You almost dont even need to work on your inner game, other than to realize the universal paradigm shi and become congruent with the reality that
is already yours and extend that into your relationships with women.
It is so much easier to do this which I am giving you the information and
power to do, then it is to try to x all kinds of inner game things to match
yourself up to playing a game in the wrong paradigm itself.
All of the techniques about pickup lines and seduction are founded in the
wrong paradigm completely. There are some are trying to work against her
other guy in the room is on auto response drooling and upliing her in their
mind and youre not..guess who has the favor with her, thats right hero.
Some of those guys will have an upliing experience.
And her reality is shaky ground, thats why when youre coming from an
angle of giving her the unnatural power your reality is shaky because its
not biological.
So some of these guys will come from a state of mind with even just a seeping acknowledgement that yes she does have the power and they may try
tricks on her, try to say something original, use pick up lines, etc. and none
of it maers.
Because she can SEE and FEEL where theyre coming from is not a state of
power in their own reality. Its based on giving HER the power and trying
to get a chance with beauty herself, even just a minute of her time.
Its really pathetic. Hey, I didnt understand what was going on before so
I mostly just avoided talking to the women I really wanted to and just enjoyed the scenery.
Either you take action or you dont. Theres nothing in between. Cant you
see it? Youre a wanted man and shes wanting you biologically she is programmed to respond to you.
If her drama starts to violate your independent reality, let her know right
away...keep it for your girls, I aint your girlfriend.
Go out in public and watch men come from this whole state and approach
of knowing that she has the power and see what happens. There is something PROFOUNDLY dierent about a man who just lives in his reality and
knows he has the power and hes not playing into the faux forced reality.
Women can pick this up and strong. It really is an energy and state of mind.
When you are really congruent with it, beautiful women will come up to
you or notice you when you step in a room and want to be near you.
They are magnetically aracted to you because they dont want to have all
this power which society has forced them into as well. Its a wolfs bane to
They ARE women and their biological instincts STILL want to be around a
REAL MAN now more than ever despite this illusion of power weve given
Women today, especially beautiful ones are frustrated more than ever (and
so are the men who dont have this knowledge). They used to be able to
land a good guy.
Now since the social macro dynamics have changed in our society, she can
date more oen than before without necessarily keeping marriage a priority
as much as it used to be.
Unfortunately the men which she used to be able to get (us) dont understand the universal dynamics of this forced reality because were telling her
with our body language that we know that she has the power and not us.
This has prevented us from having relationships with the top shelf independent women who we would used to be able to get (and who we still can get
if we just step outside our country because Ive done it with dozens of women, granted most of them were traditional but I always came from my reality so I was O.K. but make sure to read the chapter on When Stars Collide).
So remember just to be fully congruent with your own reality aer you have
an understanding of what you want as well as internalizing the rest of the
information in this e-book, and you will be much further along than almost
all competition.
Take the time to go ahead and really visualize, in turn allies and make your
reality how you live every minute of the day. You do not have to give in to a
womans social persona at any point anyways when you are being a natural
and real man.
You will learn to get away with many things and realize that women really
respect that level of honesty anyways, as long as you are congruent with
what you are doing and can take them or leave them because youre in different.
I am aware of the three basic styles of dating or mating rituals and have chosen the one that I prefer best: AMP (Accelerated Mating Program), 50-50, or
Traditional courtship.
I understand that when I am ready for a potential wife, of course I will have
to be responsible for the potential consequences from any of these mating
To know that all along you were closer to being successful with women anyways, and also knowing that they still really do want a man who is real (and
honest), should empower you to go ahead and create these win-win relationships in the accelerated mating program or process.
Theyre dressing up for social proof, validation and recognition (sele
down beavis), but also to nd a real man like you.
When you are around women you will see that there is an ever expanding
manifestation and proof that everything that I am saying here is true and accurate.
But you are really just nding or rediscovering your own natural ability to
eectively communicate with women which has always been within you.
The more practical experience you get (which will add up quite quickly) in
communicating with women and aracting them, the more you will realize
that yes you are a natural and that the easier everything becomes so much
so that in fact you are really not even trying because you are a natural.
This will even take you to higher levels of success with women when you
become 100% congruent with your new reality and your ability to be a man
who naturally aracts women for the kind of relationships that you would
like in your life.
Just remember throughout the accelerated mating process with each of your
ladies, that you will always remain cool and indierent, and youll actually
act in a maer of fact sort of way.
This means that you live your life expecting the outcome which is inevitable
in the accelerated mating program. She does not even need to question it,
because you will naturally lead the relationship there.
Just understand these macro dynamics, and internalize your reality to become congruent with what you know. Women will be drawn to you everywhere you go; they are on edge and repressed sexually and are sick of men
giving in to their reality instead.
Just be the man and notice the instant dierence. Take action and talk to
women naturally without seeing the forced reality and start to reap the
rewards of interdependent relationships that you direct.
Be Cool
There is a class of bad boys or jerks in our society that have already proven they can get hot women.
The only dierence is that they are living in their reality and just being a
man without giving in to her beauty front that is only perception anyways.
She is going to be more lenient in choosing them instead of nice (read
wussy) guys because they speak directly to the inner natural girl in her.
So are you going to keep leing these guys get all the hoest ones? A woman is not as interested in your image or physical appearance as you might
think she is.
She is more concerned nowadays (because she is so frustrated) if she can
just nd a real man and she will accept some of his perceived downfalls to
be with him just because he is a real man and treats her like a woman.
He may oen tease her about her looks. If you are a beer looking man,
dont think that its just these other guys. You know the truth now of what
is going on.
She would rather be with you as long as you are a real man with her. Traditionally men did not give in a womans image front. Otherwise if there
enough 40 year virgins back in history you may not have been born. People
always found a way; Return to Blue Lagoon.
Do what is biologically accurate and be a real man. That IS what she wants.
You really have to be cool and in dierent. As long as you are in your reality, you dont have to do unhealthy things or some of the hardcore putdowns
that these guys do.
But it would be to your advantage to have some kind of all knowing cultural or social personality where you can understand whats going on and
make fun of things or her. Think of how you are around your buddies.
ent. This way, women will feel it is more natural anyways, especially in our
modern social dynamics.
Dont be overly nice to them. Remember that sexual araction is a biological and natural process. If you have the feeling of wanting to be too nice to
them then they may qualify you as a friend.
Keep the options open at the front. Tease her a lile as this will help set the
tone and increase the sexual tension. Because you know its always on, you
are not afraid to approach or even give a woman on knowledge and a sly
lile smile.
Being in your own reality means that you are indierent when you see
(what you might have used to consider) a beautiful woman. Youre comfortable, almost too comfortable around them.
No maer how beautiful a woman is and you can tell by looking at other
guys and how they are dgeting or acting.
Remember you are in a completely dierent paradigm; the one of natural
araction. Because women can sense energy and where a man is coming
from, they can pick you out in the whole room because you are indierent
to their energy and beauty and will oen just come up to you because of
this (and also because they have already disqualied the men they sense are
in awe of their beauty).
You are indierent to the energy they used to have because you are
grounded in a solid reality; the paradigm of natural araction and universal
understanding. This is what its all about, because you are a natural.
This means that you dont have fall into the idea of learning tricks, seduction, NLP or pick up lines. Those are for people who are still in the paradigm of forced reality.
Dont be a slob, take care of yourself so shed be interested in you right away
once she realizes you are in the natural paradigm of araction where she is
really in despite her exterior.
The more potential energy she has, cancel it out mentally. You dont care.
You live in a dierent paradigm and are grounded in your energy.
Women who get aention all the time (the most beautiful, socially accepted
ones) will be drawn to you even without saying a word sometimes just because you are the only one who is dierent. Shes knows she has found a
potential real man.
Think of how you would act around a woman youre not interested in. If
you can be like that around the ones you are interested in really, then youre
geing somewhere.
No, ITS NOT LOGICAL, it doesnt make sense. Theyre skiish drama and
ightiness has a reasoning behind it. You have to inherently be cool when
around this level of drama while other men who arent made of steel are
Youre not the problem. And its ok. You just have to realize all of this and
then act dierently if you want to aract and get with the hot independent
Guys will say, Well I just want to be myself...Well you have to understand
the women youre dealing with here, realize that not all women in the world
are like that and that it isnt natural.
And if you really want to successfully get independent American women
then youre going to have to act dierently then you have been. And that
primarily means that you will have to come from your own congruent
reality and paradigm even if you say the exact same things that you have
been saying, so you dont let her added value or social proof get him away.
You are a cool and natural man when it comes to dealing with women. You
do not have to be emotionally or psychologically unstable like some of the
guys you have seen geing these women; you are their rst choice anyways
as long as you can prove that you are a real, cool and natural man who understands the process of natural araction.
Let me warn you though that such a strong social persona is usually covering up something..a weakness in herself. Its a mirrored reection. This is
a sign of trouble and instability down the road, however it can provide a
lot of mutually benecial excitement for the both of you (especially under
And you may nd out that she really is a cool girl like yourself, but just
keep in mind that this level of similarity between you two will probably
work against you in a real relationship.
So just be cool when it comes to meeting women and being your real self.
You can handle anything.
Think of this: When you see classied or online ads of people looking for
people. Isnt this really just a selsh thing? They dont know you. Theyre
interested in nding a match for them, daydreaming of someone they
would like. Think about that.
swf seeks bdsmlsbnswm or whatever.
And youre interested in nding someone to have sex with (or whatever),
you dont know who that next person is; you just have an idea in your mind.
So a hot woman anywhere you go is feeding o of social proof but she
doesnt know you. She also has the biological urge to respond and commence the mating sequence or some kind of relationship if you match up
with her in either her social personas perception of you as a match for her
or if she responds biologically.
We all want to nd someone to match our needs and our ideals. Interesting. So if you can fulll a beautiful womans desire of what she is really
looking for; a real man through a natural process (starting casually and then
moving forward fairly fast but with no strings aached), you can be fullling both of your selsh desires.
Be Her Hero
Girls just want to have fun. You can be the man that gives them the fun that
they are not geing from all these other boring, clingy men. That of man
just ties her down and she wants to have fun without consequence.
She would rather have it where she is calling you instead of you calling her,
if for no other reason than the endless cycle of wussies that try to weigh her
It doesnt even maer that the man really might be interesting or good-looking when theyre coming from the angle of giving her the power and also
taking the wrong approach in the rst place of trying to court her. This is
almost a double disqualication for all of these men.
If you can be a man and stay in your reality and let her be a part of your orbit (which means that you will be doing that natural biological process of attraction anyways, except in a more accelerated fashion) AND you just frame
the entire relationship from the way that she wants it to be any ways which
is more carefree, and if anything could develop over time aer she gets to
know you (which is where she will probably fall in love with you anyways),
then you are just giving her everything of what she could want.
And as long as you really are an interesting guy who has your life and your
reality together with and you dont give in to hers, and you can just keep
the entire relationship light or sexual, she will be very relieved that she can
express her modern female desires with a real man and still carry on her
life without the drama of you begging at her feet for pandering to her every
second of the day.
This gives her the freedom and peace of mind to allow the relationship to
develop further naturally, however you may just have something shorter
term than that in mind, but this is the way that women want a relationship
to developed anyways.
Women today want the relationship to start o from a nontraditional approach, they want to keep it light and fun and then let it developed from
there to see if they are really interested in you for the long-term.
Of course you will have to dene what kind of relationship its going to be
anyways, because it may just be a sexual thing for you and for her.
But you can still give her all these other feelings and emotions when you are
with her in bed, and interspersed now and then while still maintaining your
reality, I have found that these things will usually make her fall in love with
you and want you more so its all up to you.
You can live in your reality and she can experience the type of relationship
where she can be a woman, keeper drama to herself without interfering
with your reality, so you can both have a very fun and usually sexual type
of relationship where she can also lock away at any time if she wants. But
because you know that she is in your orbit and you have the control that she
will want to stay around you anyways.
You can develop these kind of relationships and start them with women
everywhere you go, and you can start living the life of your dreams if this
is what you want. Remember, all women will have sexual fantasies theyre
keeping inside and would like to unleash with the right person.
All the time be giving these women what theyre looking for without the
pressure on them to fall into everything that you say because youre not
around each other all the time anyways, nor are you calling her 100 times a
It really is a win-win scenario that allows you to live the life of and uberplayer and allows her to be a modern-day woman who can express her
own sexuality without the dependent drama and pressure that suitors bring
Hey, she can be just like Carrie on Sex and the City. It probably wont really
maer to her how many women you are with thing you do not have to tell
her, because you can just avoid the whole issue anyways. But if she wants
to keep you around you or the one who has the control and can leave her at
any time.
She also has the right to be a woman who has relationships with many different men as well so you may have to understand this.
Do not get too dependent, overprotective, checking up on, or controlling
or thinking that she is yours. You cannot have this kind of obsessive or
dependent mind control over her, because it dees the whole nature of the
relationship anyway. Does James Bond ask her who she was just with? No,
As long as she and you have a good time when you two are together that is
all that really maers because you have other women on the line anyways.
Let me point out an understated angle on the situation.
From one angle you can really say that you are geing free sex. But of
course you are geing free sex for several reasons. Remember that money
is not what this is about here, this is about being a man yourself and about
allowing her to be a woman without any strings aached.
This is not about buying her things and paying for her aention in order to
win her over. Love dont cost a thing you could say. This is a win-win situation for both parties taking place in the modern accelerated mating ritual or
50-50 dating relationship.
Buying her things is not what a woman is looking for because it complicates
that all of these suitors that are chasing aer her would be willing to buy
her prey much anything in order to win her over, when it is not marriage
right up front that she is looking for.
If she is going to be interested in marrying a guy it is not going to be from
this perspective when she rst meets him, it has to develop naturally for her
as an independent woman.
Remember that it is also not about money for the woman either unless she is
trying to land a good catch for a marriage, then she may be more exible for
suitors (although probably quite bored and pretending she is interested).
She will be more relieved that you are not buying her things in order to win
her approval because with that approach it feels as if she owes you something which is more aligned with the traditional courting behavior which
will lead to marriage.
She is not looking for a man to start o with the traditional courting procedure because she is now a free, fun-loving and independent woman. Add
to that fact that all of the guys out there are approaching her like this are doing it in the wrong way in the rst place.
This means that you can lead a more casual and sexually framed relationship by completely avoiding the whole courtship procedure in the rst
place, without even having to focus on money been an issue.
Usually you can do things that are prey much free like go to interesting
places or walk around in street markets etc., or just have her over at your
When you start buying her things its starting to show her that you are interested and her and automatically a response will be triggered that will give
her a red ag that you might be seriously interested in her from marriage.
If you started doing this, basically it will mean you are giving over or into
the dark side and she may be ready to leave you soon. Start it o by keeping it casual, fun, sexual and care-free.
By keeping it drama free like this you can live the life of your dreams until
you are ready for a woman for long-term, then thats another issue.
At the beginning a woman may try to grab a hold of your balls and
squeeze...by the way can you buy me this? for example.
Its just a sign dude; potential golddigger. Do not give into that kind of demand if it does not t within your reality. A woman is going to respect you
more if you dont pander to her and give her the power like all of the other
needy men.
When it comes to the physical part of the relationship, well you just have
beer handled. Its all about giving her value and what she wants to experience and feel.
She is going to love this if you really know how to centrally give her what
her body and emotions desire. This can keep her running back to you very
That when you are in, she will probably compare you to the wussies that
keep following her and respect you more for just being a real man. So go
ahead and be her hero.
If you are in the accelerated mating program with her, then just give her a
lot of value and exciting yet interdependent pleasure (dont pop up an engagement ring I guess).
Remember you can also be friends with intelligent, beautiful independent
women. They can add a lot of real value to your life and vice versa. If
youre in an environment where its best to be friends; hey, youre indierent
and youre cool. They can be relaxed around you.
If you have lots of friends they can tell their friends and Welchs grape? But
dont have an ulterior motive when you really choose to be friends with a
strong woman. She will value that because she probably doesnt have too
many guy friends.
It just adds more zest to your life. I like my girl-friends because they are
sharp and cool.
You are a man, you are strong, you know that you could kill if it came down
to it; this is our inherent birthright to be men despite all of the added distraction, opportunity or u which has been added on top.
Our soldiers ghting in the war on terror are very aware and are closer to
a fundamental baseline than most men in America can realize. These are
real men, risking their lives who want to come home to loving women who
wont nag and destroy everything they ght for.
Our biological roots are more frontline in this situation and we go back to
the things that really maer the most, family.
There are dierences between men and women although they may have
easily seem to be clouded over, you just really have to look at history and
experience and see that Men are men and women really are women.
We no longer have to associate ourselves with more primitive behaviors
(which many people still do in the world) because of living in our modern
and civilized society, however all of our biological instincts and responses
are still intact.
It is almost a sick joke when you can understand how women feel and how
ridiculous it actually is that men would be afraid of approaching them.
Keep in mind that she may forget that she is beautiful because she may be
only spends about 20% of her day thinking about that and the other 80% she
is just being a normal human being. When she is looking out at the world
with her eyes she doesnt see her own beauty unless theres a mirror right
She is wondering why you dont just approach her as a normal human being. And when she sees all these guys geing nervous, it is almost a tragedy inside of her and she may even question herself, What is wrong with
me and why cant I aract normal, healthy, interesting, even good-looking
strongmen that have a life of their own?
All of these fears that you have had really are false. One of the most ironic
things that I am teaching you, that all other dating experts will tell you is
that you should just be yourself.
Basically when you are thinking that you are being yourself you are not biologically being yourself. Remember that the social dynamics have changed,
so that a woman is more used to dating and 50/50 rather than mating and
seling down from marriage (the strong independent beautiful ones we are
interested in).
They dont appreciate the drooling courtship approach and would probably
love to have a no strings aached AMP relationship because they are so repressed (and yet so sexually aware) and can completely indulge in that part
of their nature.
This is an advantage of our modern social dynamics as well once you get
it. This should INSPIRE you to action and because its always on there are
women everywhere to start things with.
Always be on and know that anything can happen; consequently this
means that you should look good at all times in public as well. Be ready.
So this information does not make sense with what is coming from all of the
so-called relationship and dating experts in America who are telling a man
just to be himself, to buy her owers, and basically pay for her aention.
This isnt what women are looking for anyways because this is the courting
procedure which leads to a traditional marriage.
So many men in America are actually pussy whipped, because they give in
to the demands of women even though women ultimately do resent that.
Women know that they do have so much power, but this really comes back
to their main problem of trying to gure out where have all the Cowboys
Your knowledge and understanding of this will allow you to have more
leverage to reject her forced reality (which she herself does not necessarily
want), in order to further maintained your strong reality and give her what
she really wants by bringing out the feminine nature in her.
Understand also that women in America today, will be a woman (or actually
be as aggressive as a man) sexually and in the bedroom, but will probably
go back to her independent ways in the workplace and in her regular social
interactions because that is just her lifestyle and her habits.
Its up to you in a dating relationship never to let her sway you over to her
side, in that you start becoming a wuss and telling her your feelings for her,
start buying her things all the time, or giving her too much aention.
These women will oen rejects the idea that a man should be so strong to go
ahead and challenge your own independence; but, it is oen the strongest
women that end up having a real strongman themselves in order to balance
out the natural feminine girl within that just wants to be loved, and to feel
passion, pleasure and the motion.
You have to know that it is in a womans nature to want to have a real man,
and for her to be a real woman at least sexually.
These so-called dating experts have to realize that we are in a more dating
mode which is more social and a lile more carefree than the intensity and
high level of expectation of courting.
So they are just teaching men wrong and the women are being frustrated
from this. Why dont these independent women just stand up and say that
it is casual relationships that they are looking for instead of a more serious
and heavy minded man?
Oh yes they have or had Sex and the city. I still cant gure out why dating experts are still telling men though to buy her owers and basically
court her.
Maybe they are wanting to protect her somehow from her newfound independence when she can take care of herself just ne.
Men are still doing the traditional thing of taking a woman on a date which
is more of a mating ritual which leads to the thoughts of, Hey, maybe we
can get married sometime soon...gee, you are so prey.
This is just not helping men out any and all, because these type of women
are usually not interested in courting until they have been able to more casually start a relationship with a man without all that heavy expectation
which turns are oen the rst place.
But more importantly, men are told to just be themselves when it comes to
women in dating. This is where I agree with the relationship counselors
however no one is geing it.
If men would actually do more of a casual and social dating relationship instead of puing on the heavy cording procedure which they are being told
by relationship counselors (primarily women), then the women wouldnt
feel as much pressure when she just wants to experience some of her own
freedom and what a man can oer her without much consequence.
This is one area where I disagree with relationship or dating experts. I
would think that women would agree with me on this one. Unfortunately it
really is the man who do not get it.
Granted there are some more characteristics that they may have to alter
with their personality in order to naturally interest women of this high social order, but if men really were being themselves (and more casual when
it came to the dating approach) women would be a lot happier because they
would actually be dating men that were their counterparts.
However we know that this is not the case.
Men are told to just be themselves, and many of them are except for one major problem; they are leing their emotions get in the way an out-of-control
because they are falling under her pussy trance of added social value.
So if men really could just be themselves and be natural (by living out of
their own reality and not leing her have control the situation which would
be ve the natural order) than they actually could have dating success and
the women would be happy as well.
So this is kind of where I agree with female dating experts (a lile bit) when
they say that men should just be themselves, because remember that these
women to are looking for real men and they are wondering why they dont
just act normal despite their apparent beauty and level of independence.
A woman will not feel aracted sexually to a man who is an over emotional
wussbag (despite popular love song lyrics or sappy movie endings).
A man that can not control his emotions, is giving in to her reality and losing control of his for the time being, is going to nd out very obviously that
she is not interested in him.
Why isnt she interested in him? Because it dees the biological order, she
just really wants to be a woman despite her overprotective, overhyped faade.
She knows that she could control him if she wanted to, because he is already
begging at her feet. She does not ultimately want a man that she can control.
Despite what you may have seen with Madonna and other women that are
using them as boy toys, it may give them a sexual rush for a time but it still
is not what is aligned properly within them that they yearn for.
How can she be aracted to a man who dees the biological order of natural
selection who she can easily control? She is not supposed to be the one who
is in control.
Can you see what is going on here? Women are so used to this that it has
become just as much of a phenomenon that really sucks to them as it does
for men to try to gure out whats going on: go back to the Paradox.
Women are so sick of this and get it happening to them so oen it has become so predictable and sometimes just plain outright nauseating.
It is so apparent to them and happens so oen that it is boring and they can
see it coming from any man who does not have his center. Why do you
think theyre aracted to men who do not just give in to them despite their
physical beauty?
If you can be a challenge to her, where she questions where you are coming
from and wonders if you are interested in her, she will be intrigued because
you are dierent than all of the other men who are just handing themselves
over to her on a silver plaer.
The fact that you are not like any of the other men sets you apart from all of
them and she will want to gure out more about you. If you can play out
this role and actually be a challenge to her and not really ever give away
if you are interested in her this will fascinate her and she will follow you
around in many cases.
It is this perceptual value that we have placed on her beauty (because our
society has encouraged and assimilated into our consciousness in plain daylight), that is really the only thing holding back any man from having true
success with women (overcoming this 100%).
I really want to have you see this from many dierent angles in order for it
to really sink in.
So it may seem like Im sometimes being a lile redundant, but I just really
want you to get it because youre going to have to think dierently and really be grounded in your reality in order to put aside the forced reality that
is so perpetual in our society.
You can really live in your dream reality and all the world of excitement,
fun, pleasure, value and opportunity.
Because I am on his level; you see all celebrities are real people. They just
have vehicles of more leverage to get themselves out there. Other people
were too scared to talk to him or didnt recognize him and I was the ONLY
one talking with him.
I wasnt like, Oh wow...let me have your autograph and acted unworthy
in front of him. I treated him as an equal and he respected me. Had I not
had to run to my plane I would have sat down and talked with him and exchanged information. He was a great, interesting guy.
They were doing an intense security screening on him and I looked at his
Gucci shoes which were on the conveyer to go through x-ray and I looked at
my ray ones and felt a lile stupid then but didnt show it.
When they were doing the treasure nder thing on him he looked over and
gave me that knowing look of exasperation and I knowingly grinned back
at him but for the perfect amount of timing.
There are those who make their backyard the world and there are those
where the world is their backyard. My two neighbors who mow their lawn
every two days, well you can guess which category theyre in.
On a random note;I have a S.F. buddy and when he was at Ft. Bragg he said
even the average or ugly chicks think theyre hot sh*t. This is because there
is about 80% men around that area.
I will have a lot more information coming out on how to be a high social status man. Just to let you know that I have been a nightclub promoter and I
never paid to go and nightclubs anywhere I go.
And I have been to Miami, Chicago, Houston, LA, all over Southeast Asia
and its really just beginning because I will be picking that up again in 2006
restarting in Houston.
I can teach you how to be a high status male and what characteristics you
should have to naturally be the guy.
When you can be congruent with your understanding of your rightful place
as a man and when you know your boundaries and what you want with
women, you will be several times more eective geing women than ever
You can have women competing for you. Be the man.
Remember that as soon as you get out there again youre going to be inundated with Americanism. It will seem normal to you to all of a sudden be at
online dating sites or going through what you used to go through.
It all comes down to you. You are the man and natural evolution is on your
side. Your reality is already changing because of this information. Engrain
it into you; go over and over it again and practice really seeing the world
through your new eyes if it hasnt become you yet.
It may take a while to shi and gain that congruency to your new (and more
biological) reality. Its ok to be a man. You dont have to apologize for it to
ANY woman.
Let me reiterate that if things seem normal to you once you get out there
and you cant get the bigger picture view, step back and think about what
youve learned here.
Here are a few steps on how to help you regain your matrix perspective
which you can bring in and out of focus at anytime:
-I am a man and dont have to make apologies about it. I am at the very top
of the food chain for a reason
-I understand why America has the highest divorce rate in the world
-I am aware of my historical, biological (and even biblical) right to be a man
-I am aware that independent women can be fun and want a strong man but
are full of drama
-American women are not acting the way 90% of all women do or are
-I have seen the light
-I am dening and sharpening my purpose as a man...women are peripheral
components and not the center of my universe
-Im not going to be repressed anymore
-I can go anywhere in the world and aract just as beautiful women
-I can get and keep naturally healthy women by being myself
-I can adjust my techniques of strong manhood to match the game of
powerful women players to do what works
-I live in a culture which idolizes feminine beauty and am aware of the
oppression of the modern man in the media
-I dont need additional drama and am not dependent on ANY beautiful
woman to get me anything because I can please myself
-I almost feel sorry for American women for having to put up all this social
persona just to deal with the wussies
-There are women everywhere that want to have my babies
-I have control over myself in situations where drama tries to blatantly
showcase itself
Thankfully we do have a freedom of choice. There are some countries where
marriages are chosen for the young couple. I cant even imagine that.
-Rion Williams