U2002 2

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W. Hillger, DLR and Ing. Bro Dr. Hillger, Braunschweig, S. Elze, Airbus, Bremen, Germany, EMail: [email protected]

This paper addresses ultrasonic investigations of the pore content in CFPR laminates as
part of the German research project MaTech. Project partners are Airbus, Bremen,
Ingenieurbro Dr. Hillger, Braunschweig, and TuTech, Hamburg-Harburg, with DLR,
Braunschweig, as a subcontractor. As backwall echo evaluations are not possible in the
skins of sandwich components, investigations in echo-technique had to be carried out with
the aim of optimising the test parameters. Based on these results, a portable ultrasonic
system with C-scanning for pore content evaluation has been developed (Demonstrator).
This paper also presents results of quantitative pore measurements.

Carbon fibre reinforced plastics (CFRP) are attractive materials for aerospace structures
because of their high specific strength and stiffness. However, a porosity of more than 2.5
volume-% can significantly reduce strength. Therefore, after production the control of the
porosity content is very important.

The ultrasonic imaging technique is able to detect defects like delaminations and
debondings with a high degree of resolution. The indication of porosity by ultrasonic
echo technique, however, is difficult. Pores are very small voids statistically distributed in
the component. The pores do not cause reflections like delaminations but only sound
scattering. The quantitative determination by NDT is possible by evaluation of the
backwall echo amplitude, or better, of the evaluation of changes of the frequency spectrum
of the backwall echo [1, 2, 3]. This kind of evaluation, however, is not possible for CFRP
skins bonded to honeycomb or foam because the backwall echo is attenuated by the
bonding in an undefined way.
Therefore investigations on test specimens had to be carried out with the aim of optimising
the test parameters. The results were used for the development of a portable ultrasonic
imaging system (demonstrator I) for the measurement of the pore content.

Basic investigations for porosity detection

Two types of CFRP fabric specimens produced by the Airbus company have been
investigated: one type (D) contains respectively circular plate reflectors with diameters
of 3; 4 and 5 mm in different depths in the form of Teflon foils, the other type (M)
contains artificially inserted Freon capsules (in one or in different depth ranges) which
represent porosities of different concentrations. According to the guide lines of the project,
the thickness of the specimens ranges between 1.4 mm and 9.1 mm.
The test specimens with circular plate reflectors served for the calibration of the
amplification and for the optimisation of constant sensitivity in the thickness direction.
The investigations were carried out in immersion technique in order to obtain a
reproducible coupling. Fig. 1 shows an A- scan recorded from a defect-free region of a 9.1
mm thick CFRP-specimen. The gate for the evaluation is situated between the interfaceand the backwall-echo. The scales are 1 s/div. and 0.2 V/div.

Figure 1.
A-scan of a 9.1 mm thick test specimen,
scale: 1s/div. and 0,2 V/div.

Figure 2. C-scan and echo-dynamic curve of a 9.1 mm thick test specimen with circular
plate reflectors

Fig. 2 presents a C-scan recorded from a D-type specimen with a thickness of 9.1 mm.
High amplitudes are plotted in red, low ones blue. The look-up table is calibrated in 2 dBsteps, which provides a constant resolution in a dynamic range of 32 dB. The echodynamic curve clearly indicates that all reflectors deliver the same amplitude (-4 dB 1
dB). This constant sensitivity was reached by a focussed broadband transducer (frequency
range 2-6 MHz) with an active area of 12 mm, a 5 MHz filter in the receiver and a DAC
with a gradient of 2,1 dB/s. An avalanche pulser was used for excitation. For the
thickness range of 1 to < 3mm (thin components), a focussed broadband transducer ( 6-12
MHz) with an active diameter of 6 mm and a broadband amplifier (0.5 to 20 MHz)
delivered best results. Only an avalanche pulser provides optimum results for thin CFRPcomponents.

Development of the demonstrator

The demonstrator consists of the components shown in Fig. 3: scanner with transducer
adapter, water box with pressure and suction pumps as well as the ultrasonic system USPC
with built-in motor controller a portable PC.
The transducer scans the component to be examined. The acoustic coupling is carried out
via a water split technique with water circulation.
The ultrasonic amplitude between the interface- and backwall- echo of the component is
recorded during scanning and a C-scan is displayed.
If the inspector accepts the C-scan, an evaluation of the amplitude histogram and a
calculation of the pore content is carried out.
The water box contains a vacuum pump which is required for the vacuum pads at the
manipulator in order to keep it attached to the component. Two different transducers built
in adapters are required for two thickness ranges of <3 mm and 3 to 10 mm. The delay
lines of the adapters are produced of materials which allow transmission of ultra sonic
frequencies even above 15 MHz.
The developed ultrasonic system was attached to a PC-board. The transmitter (pulser)
contains an avalanche transistor which provides a broad frequency spectrum with high
acoustic power above 10 MHz because of the extremely fast switching.
The preamplifier consists of discrete, low-noise transistors in order to get a high signal-tonoise ratio. Two different frequency filters were developed for two thickness ranges of the
The main amplifier contains a DAC (distance amplitude control), which provides a
constant sensitivity over the component thickness. A commercially available ADC
(analogue to digital converter) with a sample rate of 100 Msamples/s digitises the
amplified and filtered ultrasonic signal.
The Windows - software for the demonstrator provides control of the manipulator and of
the ultrasonic system, adjustment of the gate for the amplitude measuring, the data
recording including a software peak detector as well as the C-scan presentation and the
pore evaluation. In addition, a go-to function permits to store A-scans from a reference Cscan.

Evaluation of porosity content

Fig. 4 shows a C-scan of a 4.2 mm thick CFRP-specimen type M with artificially
inserted areas of pores. The volume porosities are 1.3; 1.6 and 2.3 % distributed over the
thickness range. The areas are clearly indicated in yellow. The echo-dynamic curve
indicated the amplitude range caused by the pores which is situated between -19 and -8 dB.
The amplitude range of the natural scattering is below -19 dB, the amplitudes of the
circular plate reflectors are higher than -8 dB (see Fig. 2). These defined amplitude ranges
for defect-free areas, delaminated ones and areas with pores were found at all 26 test
specimens in a thickness range of 1.4 to 9.1 mm.

Scanner with vacuum pads and

transducer adapter

Waterbox with pressure- and

vacuum pumps

Ultrasonic system USPC

with built-in motor controller

Figure 3. The three easily transportable components of the Demonstrators for pore
examinations in CFRP components
Fig. 5 illustrates the detection of pores using histogram evaluations. The four amplitude
histograms are extracted from the C-scan in Fig. 4. The relative frequency of the
amplitudes can be found below the histograms under the colours of the different
amplitudes. Histogram a) in Fig. 5 was obtained from an area without artificial porosity.
There are only a few amplitudes displayed in the range of -25 to -15 dB, which indicate a
high degree of quality. Histograms b), c) and d) from areas with artificially inserted
porosities show a much larger amplitude range up to -7dB. These results show that the
porosity content can be extracted from the amplitude histogram. An evaluation procedure
is currently in development.

This report deals with ultrasonic investigations of the porosity content in carbon fibre
reinforced (CFRP) aircraft structures.
Basic investigations on specimens with different thicknesses (1.4 to 9.1 mm) and with foil
delaminations of different sizes in different depths were carried out. The results were used
to derive optimal acoustical parameters and to create an improved ultrasound set-up
(demonstrator) for the pulse-echo technique:
- focussed and extreme broadband transducer in a C-scanning system;
- high depth independent resolution up to 10 mm thick CFRP-components;
- optimised components of the demonstrator are: avalanche pulser with high power

above 10 MHz, different filters, low-noise preamplifier, main amplifier with DAC,
ADC with 100 Msamples/s;
Windows-based software for ultrasound settings, scanner control, data
acquisition, C-scan display, and histogram evaluation for calculating the porosity in

Figure 4. Indication of pores in a test specimen with a thickness of 4.2 mm

a) Area without additional pore content

b) Area with 1.3 % pore content

c) Area with 1.6 % pore content

Area with 2.3 % pore content

Figure 5. Detection of the porosity content

Tests of specimens with artificially inserted pore contents resulted in:

- C-scans with obvious resolution improvement in comparison to former results;
- histogram analyse allowing a quantitative assessment of volume porosity values in
the range of 1 to 2 %.
Work is continuing to complete software algorithms, including results from signal analysis
investigations and possibly including corrections, which may become necessary for other
types of porosities in real serial production.

[1] Gundtoft, Hans Erik: Quantitative material characterisation of composites by ultrasonic
scanning, 15th World Conference on Nondestructive Testing, Roma (Italy) 15-21 October
2000, Conference Proc. on CD
[2] L.-K. Shark , C. Yu , J. P. Smith: Automatic estimation of ultrasonic attenuation for
porosity evaluation in composite materials, 15th World Conference on Nondestructive
Testing, Roma (Italy) 15-21 October 2000, Conference Proc. on CD
[3] A. Demma, B.B. Djordjevic: Effects of porosity on the Mechanical Strength and
Ultrasonic Attenuation of CF-Peek fibre Placed Composites, 15th World Conference on
Nondestructive Testing, Roma (Italy) 15-21 October 2000, Conference Proc. on CD

The work is sponsored by the bmbf+f of the German Government under the Material
Technologies Programme MaTech.

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