Curriculum Design - Stephen King 1922 - Educ 699 104
Curriculum Design - Stephen King 1922 - Educ 699 104
Curriculum Design - Stephen King 1922 - Educ 699 104
Curriculum Design
EDUC 699.104
Meg Goldner Rabinowitz
Unit Outline
Students will read 1922 over a four-week period with an emphasis on the tragic flaw of the main
character Wilfred, while concurrently working on drafting, outlining and writing their own short
story with a character that has a tragic flaw that greatly impacts the development of the story.
Students will read 1922 at home, and in class students will lead a Socratic seminar with
instructor guided questions focused on specific excerpts that directly deal with tragic flaws and
character development.
Unit Goals/Objectives
1. SWBAT understand, identify and contextualize the role that tragic character flaws play in
the development of Wilfred James in 1922.
2. SWBAT understand and identify the steps needed to prepare, outline, draft, revise and
complete an independent short story.
3. SWBAT develop a short story (of at least five pages) that contains a dynamic character
with a clear tragic flaw.
Addressed Common Core Competencies
1. CC.1.3.9-10.C Analyze how complex characters develop over the course of a text,
interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the theme.
2. CC.1.3.9-10.F Analyze how words and phrases shape meaning and tone in texts.
3. CC.1.3.9.-10.K Read and comprehend literary fiction on grade level, reading
independently and proficiently.
4. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.9-10.3 Write narratives to develop real or imagined
experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured
event sequences.
Methods of Assessment
1. Daily Exit Tickets - written response, 3-5 sentences that assesses understanding of the
text, tragic flaws and character development. This serves partially as a formative
assessment, but it also ensures that students complete the assigned reading.
2. Formative Assessments weekly drafting and outlining for the students short story that
will allow for direct feedback from the teacher and peers in the form of character/story
outline, rough drafts and final drafts.
3. Summative Assessment a final five page independently developed short story that has
at least one character with a clear tragic flaw.
Day 3
1922 pgs. 28-35
Character outline
work time in
Day 6
The Atlantic
Stephen King
on the Creative
Day 2
1922 pgs. 16-27
deadlines and
expectations for
short story
Day 7
1922 pgs. 54-62
Review of fandesigned cover
art for 1922
Day 11
Rolling Stone
Stephen King:
The Rolling
Stone Interview
Day 12
1922 81-91
Rough draft
work time in
Day 16
Stephen King
talks short
Day 17
1922 111-120
LeBron James
The Decision
Day 13
1922 92-102
Group work to
track progression
of tragic flaw in
Day 18
1922 121-123
Final book
Day 8
1922 pgs. 63-71
Rough draft
work time in
Day 4
1922 pgs. 36-43
Group work to
identify tragic
flaw of main
Day 9
1922 pgs. 71-80
Icons of HipHop
Kanye Wests
tragic flaw in
Day 14
1922 103-110
The Guardian
George Bushs
Tragic Flaw
Day 5
1922 pgs. 44-53
Short Story
outline DUE
peer feedback
Day 10
Short Story
rough draft 1-2
pages DUE
peer feedback
Day 15
Short Story
rough draft 3-4
pages DUE
peer feedback
Day 19
Day 20
In class work day Final short story
with instructor
5 pages DUE
support to finish
short story
30 pts:
Both outline and drafts
were completed, and
were used to clearly
map out, revise and
improve the final paper
to the best it can be.
20 pts:
Both outline and
drafts were
completed and
assisted in the
writing of the final
Short Story
30 pts:
Story is well-edited,
free of grammatical
errors, engaging, clear
and is 5 pages or
25 pts:
Story has some
grammatical errors,
is somewhat
engaging and clear
and is 5 pages or
15 pts:
0 pts:
Story has many
Story was not
grammatical errors, is submitted.
not engaging, is
unclear and is under
5 pages.
Tragic Flaw
40 pts:
Main character has a
clear tragic flaw that is
presented either subtly
or deliberately to the
reader and helps guide
the story.
35 pts:
Main character has a
mostly clear tragic
flaw presented, may
or may not guide the
25 pts:
0 pts:
Main character has a Story was not
tragic flaw that is
unclear and does not
guide the story in any