The document discusses yield curve mathematics. It defines the term structure of interest rates as the relationship between the yield-to-maturity of a zero-coupon bond and the bond's maturity. It states that it is common to use continuously compounded rates when pricing derivatives modeled in continuous time. The price of a zero-coupon bond that pays 1 unit of currency at time t is denoted as Z(0,t). If Z(0,t1) < Z(0,t2) for t1 < t2, an arbitrage opportunity exists. While such zero-coupon bonds do not always trade directly, their prices can be implied through a process called bootstrapping using available market data.
The document discusses yield curve mathematics. It defines the term structure of interest rates as the relationship between the yield-to-maturity of a zero-coupon bond and the bond's maturity. It states that it is common to use continuously compounded rates when pricing derivatives modeled in continuous time. The price of a zero-coupon bond that pays 1 unit of currency at time t is denoted as Z(0,t). If Z(0,t1) < Z(0,t2) for t1 < t2, an arbitrage opportunity exists. While such zero-coupon bonds do not always trade directly, their prices can be implied through a process called bootstrapping using available market data.
The document discusses yield curve mathematics. It defines the term structure of interest rates as the relationship between the yield-to-maturity of a zero-coupon bond and the bond's maturity. It states that it is common to use continuously compounded rates when pricing derivatives modeled in continuous time. The price of a zero-coupon bond that pays 1 unit of currency at time t is denoted as Z(0,t). If Z(0,t1) < Z(0,t2) for t1 < t2, an arbitrage opportunity exists. While such zero-coupon bonds do not always trade directly, their prices can be implied through a process called bootstrapping using available market data.
The document discusses yield curve mathematics. It defines the term structure of interest rates as the relationship between the yield-to-maturity of a zero-coupon bond and the bond's maturity. It states that it is common to use continuously compounded rates when pricing derivatives modeled in continuous time. The price of a zero-coupon bond that pays 1 unit of currency at time t is denoted as Z(0,t). If Z(0,t1) < Z(0,t2) for t1 < t2, an arbitrage opportunity exists. While such zero-coupon bonds do not always trade directly, their prices can be implied through a process called bootstrapping using available market data.
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Basic Yield Curve Mathematics
Much of what is said here is a reprise of the excellent introduction in
[Rebonato, 1998, 1.2]. The term structure of interest rates is defined as the relationship between the yield-to-maturity on a zero coupon bond and the bonds maturity. If we are going to price derivatives which have been modelled in continuous-time off of the curve, it makes sense to commit ourselves to using continuously-compounded rates from the outset. Now is denoted time 0. The price of an instrument which pays 1 unit of currency at time tsuch an instrument is called a discount or zero coupon bondis denoted Z(0, t). The inverse of this amount could be denoted C(0, t) and called the capitalisation factor: it is the redemption amount earned at time t from an investment at time 0 of 1 unit of currency in said zero coupon bonds. The first and most obvious fact is that Z(0, t) is decreasing in t (equivalently, C(0, t) is increasing). Suppose Z(0,t1) < Z(0,t2) for some t1 < t2. Then the arbitrageur will buy a zero coupon bond for time t1, and sell one for time t2, for an immediate income of Z(0,t2)Z(0,t1) > 0. At time t1 they will receive 1 unit of currency from the bond they have bought, which they could keep under their bed for all we care until time t2, when they deliver 1 in the bond they have sold. What we have said so far assumes that such bonds do trade, with sufficient liquidity, and as a continuum i.e. a zero coupon bond exists for every redemption date t. In fact, such bonds rarely trade in the market. Rather what we need to do is impute such a continuum via a process known as bootstrapping. It is more common for the market practitioner to think and work in terms of continuously compounded rates. The time 0 continuously compounded risk free rate for maturity t, denoted r(t), is given by the relationship C(0, t) = exp(r(t)t) (1) Z(0, t) = exp(r(t)t) (2) r(t) = 1 t ln Z(0, t) (3)