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6 BI IB HL QUESTION BANK DIFFERENTIATION BASIC FUNCTIONS For what values of m is the Tine y= mx + 5a tangent to the parabola y = (otal 3 marks) ‘The line y= 16x—9 is a tangent to the curve y = 2x? + ax” + by—9 at the point (1,7). Find the values of « and 5, (Total 3 marks) Consider the tangent to the curve yx) + 4x? +x ~6. (@) Find the equation of this tangent at the point where x =—1 (b) Find the coordinates of the point where this tangent meets the curve again. (otal 3 marks) Let / be a cubic polynomial function. Given that f(0) = ©). FO) =-3,f) =F" ( and f" (-1) =6, find f (otal 6 marks) ‘An experiment is carried out in which the number m of bacteria in a liquid, is given by the formula n= 650 where isthe time in minutes after the beginning of the experiment and k isa constant, The number of bacteria doubles every 20 minutes. Find (a) the exact value of &; (b) therate at which the number of bacteria is increasing when ¢= 90. (Total 6 marks) (@) Sketch and label the curves yoP teases indy-—Linwtir0-x52 @ (b) Find the x-coordinate of P, the point of intersection of the two curves, @ (©) Ifthe tangents to the curves at P meet the y-axis at Q and R, calculate the area of the triangle POR. © (@)__ Prove that the two tangents at the points where x= a, a> 0, on each curve are always perpendicular. @ (Total 14 marks) (a) Write down the term in x” in the expansion of (e+ A)", where 0-
E sin 2e-+ cos x, find the possible values of sin x for which /"(2) = 0. For the function f: 3 (Total 3 marks) Consider the function y = tan x~8 sin. rad (©) Find the value of cos x for which (Total 3 marks) “The diagram shows a trapezium OABC in which OA is parallel to CB. O is the centre ofa circle radius r em. A, Band Care on its circumference. Angle OCB = 6. Let T denote the area of the trapezium OABC. 2 (@) Show that T= a (sin 6+ sin 28). ® Fora fixed value ofr, the value of 7 varies as the value of @ varies. (b) Show that T'takes its maximum value when @ satisfies the equation 4.005” 6+ cos 0-20, and verify that this value of Tis a maximum. © (©) Given thatthe perimeter of the trapezium is 75 cm, find the maximum value of 7. © (Total 15 marks)1B HL QUESTION BANK DIFFERENTIATION CHAIN RULE 1, Let sin (bx) ~ ke 60s (a) where Kis constant. Show thar 22 Kx sin (ke). 2. Consider the function (()= 3 sec +r @ Find 0. (©) Find the exaet values of @ fo Gi) FO 3. Let /be the function defined forx> ~~ by (x)= In 3x +1). (a) Find f"@0. (b) Find the equation of the normal to the curve y= f(x) at the point where x =2. Give your answer in the form y= ax + b where a, be R 4 ppemeeemnee Ltd @ fe (®) the value of x where the gradient of f(x) is equal tox. 5. Lety=e** sin (ma). » @ Find 4 (b) Find the smallest positive value of x for which = / 6/ Differentiate y= arceos (1-22) with respect tox, and simplify your answer, -3- (Total 3 marks) (Total 6 marks) (Total 6 marks) (Total 3 marks) (Total 6 marks)(Total 4 marks) 7. The function fis given by f':xbvel"™), x20. (a) Find f"(x). Let xy be the value of x where the (n+ "maximum or minimum point occurs, n € IN. (Je x9 is the value of x where the first maximum or minimum occurs, x1 is the value of x where the second maximum or mi occurs, ef). () Find xp in terms of x. (Total 3 marks) 8 Let/(e)= 08? (4x + 1,041. (a) Find f* (x). (©) Find the exact values ofthe three roots off" (2) = 0 (Total 6 marks) 9. The function f"is given by /"(x) = 2sin. (s:-4) (@) Write down"). 10. Air is pumped into a spherical ball which expands at arate of 8 em? per second (8 em? 3), Find the exact rate of increase of the radius of the ball when the radius is 2 cm, (Total 6 marks) ina straight line that wil take it ‘An airplane is flying at a constant speed at a constant altitude of: 1 directly over an observer at ground level, At given instant the observer notes that the angle is = x radians ands inressingat 2 radians per seond Find the peed, n Kilometres er hour, a which the airplane is moving towards the observer. Airplane 3 km. Observer (otal 6 marks) 12, The following diagram shows an isosceles triangle ABC with AB = 10 em and AC = BC. The vertex Cis ‘moving ina perpendicular to (AB) with speed 2 cm per second.14, A B . 1 Calculate the rate of increase ofthe angle CAB at the moment the trang (Total 6 marks) Oo 1B. Let f(x) = In fe ~ 32"), -0°5
0, find the function f* the derivative off with respect to x. (Total 3 marks) Let f(x) =xInx—x,2>0. @) Find f’@). > (), Using integration by parts find [(Inx)' dx. otal 6 marks) Find the x-coordinate, between ~2 and 0, of the point of inflexion on the graph of the function f :x+-3xe* - Give your answer to 3 decimal places. (Total 3 marks) Let y= e sin (nx), rm, é (©) Find the smallest postive value of for which $™ (Total 6 marks) Let y= xaresin x, xe ]-I, I. Show that (otal 6 marks) ‘André wants to get from point A located in the sea to point Y located on a straight stretch of beach. P is the point on the beach nearest to A such that AP =2 km and PY = 2 km. He does this by swimming in a straight line to a point Q located on the beach and then running to Y. P——2 km ¥ When André swims he covers 1 km in SV5 minutes. When he runs he covers ! km in 5 minutes.(@) If PQ=xkm, 0
0, giving your answer correct to four decimal places. @ (Total 13 marks) 8. The function fis defined by f(x) = "(x + 1), here p € R, @ —@_ Show that f"@) = P(E + 1) + 1, Gi) Let eG) denote the result of differentiating /() with respect tox, m times. Use mathematical induction to prove that FM GR = ph (e+ tn). ne Z. o (6) When p= V3, there is a minimum point and a point of inflexion on the graph of. Find the exactvalue ofthe x-coordinate of (@ the minimum points Gi) the point ofinflexion o © )tsp= 1 tet be the region enclosed by the cure, the axis andthe fines x=-2 and = 2, Find the area of Q) (otal 13 marks)1 IB HL QUESTION BANK DIFFERENTIATION QUOTIENT RULE ‘The following table shows the values of two functions /and g and their first derivatives when x=I and x= 0. = Se) Fey eG) gs) 0 4 i 4 3 1 2 3 a 2 308) (@ Findihe derivative of LO when x= 0, g(x)-1 (b) Find the derivative of f(g (x) +28) when x=1. (Total 6 marks) = x bSe45 Let f(x) = ARES xe. () Find ('@). (b) Solve f'@)>2. (Total 6 marks) ‘The fncton jis defined by 6) = 27 fore bee Be R x46 (@ —Showtharf*()= 12-2" 7 +6)" (b) Hence find the smallest exact value of 6 for which the inverse function f~ exists. Justify your answer. (Total 6 marks) A curve has equation f() = 14#0,0>0,0>0. (@) Show that /"@) = bees) © (b) Find the coordinates of the point on the curve where f(x) = 0. ° (©) Show that this is a point of inflexion, Cy (Total 8 marks) “ 1‘The fneton fis defined by fs) = 7, forx> 0 © @ @>) Show that re 2x-x? Ind oa ii) Obtain an expression for f"(x), simplifying your answer as far as possible. © ©) @ __ Find the exact value ofx satisfying the equation f"@) = 0 Gi) Show that this value gives a maximum value for f(:). o (©) Find the x-coordinates of the two points of inflexion on the graph off ) (Total 12 marks) ebsinx ‘be asinx @ Lety= swhere 0
0. sO Find the interval where g’()> 0. Find the interval where g” (0) > 0 and the interval where g"(!) <0. Find the value of t where the graph of g (0 has a point of inflexion. Let ¢* be a value of t for which g’(¢*) and g”(i*) <0. Find e*, Find the point where the normal tothe graph of g (0 atthe point Ce, g (AD) meets the axis -11- Find the S © © (Total 15 marks) « © @ ® 8) (Total 18 marks)1 1B HL QUESTION BANK DIFFERENTIATION HIGHER DERIVATIVES ay Ify=In@x~1), find >, ry=In@x~ find (Fotat 6 marks) 5 The function fis given by (2) = = 2 , «#0, There is a point of inflexion on the graph of fat the point P, Find the coordinates of P. (otal 6 marks) Find the x-coordinate, between ~2 and 0, ofthe point of inflexion on the graph ofthe function Give your answer to 3 decimal places. (Total 3 marks) ‘The function fis defined by f: x + 3*. Find the solution of the equation /"(x (Total 6 marks) ‘Accurve has equation f(x) 14#0,b>0,c>0. (a) Show that f"(z) = a ) (b) Find the coordinates ofthe point on the curve where f(z) = @ (©) Show that ths isa point of inflexion. (roti mars) 1 -12-IB HL QUESTION BANK DIFFERENTIATION 2, find the wo values of & when x=5, 12x? —3y° ae i, (Total 4 marks) Find the gradient ofthe tangent to the curve 3x2 + 4)? = 7 atthe point where x= 1 and y>0. \), (Total 3 marks) A curve has equation xy° + 2x7y = 3. Find the equation of the tangent to this curve at the point (1, 1). (Total 6 niarks) ‘A-curve has equation x° y= 8, Find the equation of the normal tothe curve at the point (2, 1). (Total 6 marks) Consider the equation 2x) = xy +3, (@) —Findy whenx=1 andy <0. ay () Find > whenx=1 andy <0, ) 7 y , (Total 6 marks) The point P(I, p), where p > 0, lies on the eurve 2x) + 3y? = 16, (@) Calculate the value of p (©) Calculate the gradient ofthe tangent to the curve at P, (Total 6 marks) Find the equation of the normal to the curve x° + 3 — 9xy= 0 at the point (2, 4). (Total 6 marks) Find the gradient of the normal to the curve 3xy + 2x3 =2 atthe point (1, -2), (Toto! 6 marks) ven that 371 = x3 43 gy. Given that 3°” = x9 + 3y, find fen that y (Total 6 marks) -13-yy Inx=e forx2 1, find x at the point (I, 1). Given that ? ~Y Ww. (Total 6 marks) 2a wyty= in, Consider he carve with equations” +2747 <3 (a) Find in terms ofthe gradient ofthe curve at the point (-1, 4). © «ey Given thatthe tangent the carve fs parallel to hea a hispid he vale ofk « (Total 6 marks) 12. Find the gradient of the tangent to the eurve 3 y= e0s (xy) atthe point -1, D. (otal 12 marks) ap
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