TriFold Ablon FINAL

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Schedule Location

Churchill School
Parenting, Teaching &
8:30-9:00 AM - Registration and
Continental Breakfast 301 East 29th Street Treating Children with
New York, NY 10016 Behavioral Challenges
9:00-11:00 AM - Lecture with Registration
Dr. Stuart Ablon
Understanding noncompliant and Early Registration $45 A Lecture by
$60 after April 15th
explosive behavior. Dr. Stuart Ablon
Description of the limits of To register:
Coauthor of Treating Explosive Kids:
conventional reward and punishment The Collaborative Problem Solving Approach
responses to such behavior.
For more information
11:00-11:15 AM - Break [email protected]
[email protected]
11:15-12:35 PM - Lecture cont.
Describing a new philosophy and
approach to working with
challenging kids.

12:35-1:00 PM - Question & Answer


The Flawless Foundation creates and

supports programs that see the
for continuing education credits. perfection in every child living with
mental health and neurodevelopmental

“Kids do well May 3rd, 2010

if they can” Churchill School
301 East 29th Street
N e w Yo r k , N Y 1 0 0 1 6
Educational Objectives:

At the end of the presentation participants will About Dr. Ablon

be able to:
J. Stuart Ablon, Ph.D., is Director of Think:Kids in the Department of Psychiatry at Mas-
• Discuss how different explanations for and sachusetts General Hospital (MGH). He is also Director of the Psychotherapy Research Program at
interpretations of explosive/noncompliant MGH and Associate Clinical Professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychiatry at Harvard
behavior can lead to dramatically different Medical School.
approaches to intervention.
Dr. Ablon is coauthor of the acclaimed book Treating Explosive Kids: The Collaborative Problem
• List the various cognitive skills that are cen-
tral to complying and handling demands for has been funded by, amongst others, the National Institute of Health, the American Psychological Association, the Ameri-
can Psychoanalytic Association, the International Psychoanalytic Association, the Mood and Anxiety Disorders Institute,
and the Endowment for the Advancement of Psychotherapy.
• Discuss why conventional reward and pun-
ishment procedures may not be effective for Dr. Ablon consults extensively to families, general and special education schools, inpatient psychiatry units, and residen-
many explosive/noncompliant children and tial and juvenile detention facilities, and lectures throughout the world to thousands of people each year on understanding
adolescents. and helping challenging kids.

• Describe a new philosophy and approach to About the Approach

working with challenging kids. Adult/child power struggles can leave both parties feeling frustrated with adults scratching their heads, wondering how it
could have gone differently. Dr. Stuart Ablon offers a new way to understand and help all kids, but especially our chal-
lenging ones. He describes a revolutionary approach that challenges conventional wisdom and may very well change your
. This lec-
“I have read books and participated in classes where ture with Dr. Ablon will help you gain insight into challenging kids while learning techniques that can work in any setting
we explored this effective, revolutionary approach but to solve the everyday problems of educating, treating and parenting great children.
never felt the philosophy so alive as when Dr. Ablon
presented here at Oregon Health & Science University.
Offering a coherent, empathic approach to working
with kids and adults who, sometimes fall short of
expectations, Dr. Ablon’s talk has proven inspirational
to my residents, fellows, and me.”

Craigan Usher, MD
Assistant Professor of
Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Sponsored by
Oregon Health & Science University The Flawless Foundation
Co-sponsored by
Churchill School and Think:Kids

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