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ISU Billing Master Data

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ISU Billing Master Data:

Billing Class - usually it represents the customer class: residential, industrial, commercial, wholesale
Rate Category - represents the product that is sold to the customer
Rate - represents a unit of variant programs associated with a charge. For example if you calculate the energy charge
for 4 products is better to create only one rate and use it for all 4 products
Schema: it contains the collection of the rates. Best practice is to have one schema for one rate category. This is
better for readability of the schema.

The rate is the most important element of billing. The appropriate

rate is derived from the rate category and the rate type during rate
determination. A rate category is allocated to each utility
installation. It contains data that controls the cross-rate processing
of meter reading data and billing. The data can be overridden by
individual specifications in the installation. The rate
type establishes the rate allocation of the registers and is usually
stored in the installation structure. It can also be stored in the rate
category or in the installation, for example, in the case of flat-rate
installations. The graphic below illustrates the interaction between
the different elements of contract billing.
Operands are descriptive variables defined by the utility company.
The rate allocates values such as price or demand to the
operands. The operand values serve as input and output parameters
for the variant programs. The contractual billing rules are stored in
the variant programs (for example, quantity x price). You define
how billing values such as measured consumption or demand are to
be processed and calculated. The billing schema groups together
one or more rates and determines the sequence in which the variant
programs for the rates to be billed are executed.

What is the process to create ISU Master Data?

The process to create master data in the standard SAP IS-U sistem is:
1) Create Technical Objects:
1.1 Create Connection Object - transaction ES55
1.2. Create Premise - transaction ES60
1.3 Create Installation - transaction ES30
1.4. Create Device - transaction IQ01 or EG44 for device info record
1.5 Install Device in the Installation - transaction EG31 (full installation) or EG33 tehnical installation
and EG34 billing related installation
2) Create Business master data
2.1 Create Business Partner - transaction FPP1
2.2 Create contract account - transaction CAA1
2.3 Create Move In (Move the business partner into the premise) - transaction EC50E

What is the process to create ISU Billing Master Data?

These are the stepts to create a billing master data construct.
1) Configure billing classes (SPRO -> SAP Utilities -> Contract Billing -> Billing Master Data ->
Define Billing Class)
2) Configure Rate types - transaction EA56
3) Define Rate - transaction EA30
4) Create regster operands - from within EA30
5) Define fact groups - (SPRO -> SAP Utilities -> Contract Billing -> Billing Master Data -> Rate
Structrures -> Rates->Define Rate Fact Groups)
6) Create Schema - transaction EA35
7) Create Rate category - transaction EA53
8) Create Rate Determination. - transaction EA87

What is the process to create an invoice?

1. Create Schedule master records:- transaction EA43
2.Create meter reading orders: transaction EL01
3.Enter Meter Reading Results: transaction EL28
4.Check if Billing order is billable: transaction EL28
5.Perform Billing Similation: transaction EA00
6. Perform Billing : transaction EASIBI
7.Check for Outsorting: transaction EA05
8.Perform Invoicing: transaction EA19/EASIBI
Reversals: EA13
Meter Reading Correction: El27

What is ISU EDM?

These are the three pillars of EDM:
1) Profile Management - This area manages data values in profile.
2) RTP Billing - This area manages interval meter read billing through RTP interface.
3) Settlement & Scheduling - This area manages energy settlements.
Areas in Profile Management:
Key Types of Profile
i) Historic Profile - Stores historic data such as consumption.
ii) Forecast profile - Stores prognostic values such as forecast.
iii) Synthetic profile - Profile containing values generated on the basis of predefined periods (day and
season groups) and corresponding day and annual profiles.
iv) Formula profile - Profile containing values calculated from historic/ forecast profiles using a user
defined formula such as addition, subtraction.
Areas in RTP Billing:
Consumption recorded in profile are billed through Real Time Pricing (RTP) Interface through which
interval readings can be billed on RTP or Time of use (TOU).
i) Integrates ISU-EDM with ISU-Contract billing
ii) Is easy to enhance (customer-specific formulas and results functions)

iii) Period-based billing

iv) Time-of-day blocks (e.g. on-peak rate / off-peak rate)
v) Day blocks (e.g. weekday / weekend day)
vi) Season blocks (e.g. summer / winter)
vii) Application of a spot price or index price
viii) Determination of demand values (e.g. maximum demand)
Areas in Settlement & Scheduling:
In a de-regulated market scenario energy settlement is a key process, which can be used to
calculate the actual/forecast for a area (Settlement unit)
Based on the role in the utility market ISU -EDM settlement can be used for:
i) Sending schedules (Supplier)
ii) Sending consumption (distributor)
iii) Energy settlement (Settlement co-ordinator)

Key Functionalites of EDM:

a) Acts as a Energy repository for storing interval data such as meter reads, prices with interval as
small as 5 mins.
b) Handles complex billing such as real time pricing and time of use pricing through RTP billing.
c) Handles energy settlement process via settlement workbench.
d) Forecasting by using synthetic profiles.
e) Reporting Energy values at various levels e.g.customer, with the help of formula profile.
f) Consistency check for while importing the data.
g) Automatic replacement of missing data values.
h) Publishing interval data on the internet via SAP transaction server and internet application
i) Graphical analysis of interval data such as Consumption v/s Forecast.
j) Integration with Excel for import and exporting the profile values
Key Benifits of EDM:
a) Complete solution for Energy Data Management especially for customers in de-regulated industry.
b) Pre-configured interfaces for automated meter reading (AMR) systems.
c) Complete solution for interval meters.
d) Seamless integration with other my-SAP solutions such as CRM, BW.
e) SAP is continuously enhancing system to meet the challenges of de-regulated industry.

The IS-U process for billing and invocing is:

1. Create Meter Reading Orders
2. Download / Print Meter Reading Orders
3. Read the meter (outside SAP IS-U)
4. Upload / Manual Entry of Meter Reading Results
5. Billing the installations (mass billing)
6. Invocing the created billing documents
7. Print the invoices
The prerequisite for this process is that master data must exist in the system

The process to create master data in the standard SAP ISU sistem is:
1) Create Technical Objects:
1.1 Create Connection Object
1.2. Create Premise
1.3 Create Installation
1.4. Create Device
1.5 Install Device in the Installation
2) Create Business master data
2.1 Create Business Partner
2.2 Create contract account
2.3 Create Move In (Move the business partner into the premise).

Another prerequisite would be to have billing master data in the system:

These are the stepts to create a billing master data construct.
1) Configure billing classes
2) Configure Rate types
3) Define Rate
4) Create regster operands
5) Define fact groups
6) Create Schema
7) Create Rate category
8) Create Rate Determination.

Hi Ramesh,

Try these links:


Billing Master data:

1.Billing class-The billing class classifies installations for billing
2.Rate type-Used to classify a)Registersb) Devicesc) Flat rates d)Reference values
3.price-The price key is the name of a price
4.Operand-An operand is always allocated to only one division,it is used as input and output parameters in variant
5. Variant Program- Are small,independent ABAP/4 programs (EA99)
6. Rate-A variant program is processed for each rate step.
7. Fact Group-Fact groups enable different operand values to be used within one rate.
8. Schema-Rates and their variant programs and operands are included in a billing schema
9. Rate category- Controls billing - used to determine the rate in conjunction with the rate type
10.Rate determination-Rate type + rate category = Rate

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