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Syllabus Vocabulary 1

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Department of English language Teaching

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of IAIN Kendari

Course Outline

: Vocabulary and Pronunciation I


: Suhartini Syukri, S.Pd.I., S.Pd., M.Pd


: 2


Academic Content


Unit description and learning outcomes

In this unit students will have the opportunity to enrich their vocabularies and pronunciation
of the words and in which context it is used.
Course objectives:
By successfully completing the course, the students will be able to:
1. Pronounce the targeted vocabularies correctly and fluently,
2. Use the vocabulary correctly both in written and oral presentation
2: Teaching methodologies

PPT/ text
Teamwork/ role play
Practicing and identifying the target phonetic transcription of the week

3. Assessment for mid and final test:

Sitting examination and students are asked to write 300 words on the following genres
(descriptive text for mid test and recount for final test). The topic of the test will be issued on
the day of the exam.

4. Note for weekly students independent learning


Students are required to read ELT related passages and highlight the learned topic of the
Students are required to write 300 words essay, and ask them to include the learned topic
of the week in their essay.


Phonetic Transcription


Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8

, : ,
, i:/i:j, I
, u:/u:w,
eI/ej, aI/aj, a/aw
oI/oj, o/ow, / r
i/ir, o/or, u/ur

Words and Grammar (time words, places and

manners, suffixes/prefixes)

Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Week 15
Week 16

b, d,
, f, g
h, j, k,
l, m, n
, p, r, s,
t, , ,v
v, w, z, /vocabulary test

Mid Semester: Assignment 1
Write an essay 250 words about ELT related
topics. In your essay you need to include the
knowledge of meeting 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. To show
your understanding you need to highlight those
knowledge in different colors.
The world and at home

Leisure and social issues

Final Semester: Assignment 2
Write an essay 250 words about ELT related
topics. In your essay you need to include the
knowledge of meeting 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and
15. To show your understanding you need to
highlight that knowledge in different colors.

5. Assessment :
- Vocabulary test : 20%
- Writing Test : 40 %
- Presentation test : 40 %

6. Unit Resources

McCarthy, M & ODell, F. (1999). English Vocabulary in Use Elementary.

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Watchyn-Jones, P. (2000). Test your Vocabulary- Series. England: Peguin Books.

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