Operational Plan Com 166 16
Operational Plan Com 166 16
Operational Plan Com 166 16
Brussels, 16.3.2016
COM(2016) 166 final
On 7 March 2016, the Heads of State or Government of the European Union and the Prime
Minister of Turkey discussed EU-Turkey relations and the progress made in the
implementation of the Joint Action Plan.1
It was agreed that bold moves were needed to close down people smuggling routes, to break
the business model of the smugglers, to protect our external borders and to end the migration
crisis in Europe. The need to break the link between getting in a boat and staying in Europe
was emphasised.
The NATO operation in the Aegean Sea, one of the tasks of which will be to identify potential
smuggling activity and notify the Turkish authorities in real time, is an important element in
these efforts. Cooperation between the NATO operation and Frontex will be crucial in
stemming the flow of irregular migrants.
To decrease the irregular flow of migrants from Turkey to the EU, the leaders warmly
welcomed the additional proposals made by Turkey and agreed to work with Turkey on the
basis of a set of six principles. The President of the European Council was requested to take
forward these proposals and work out the details with Turkey before the March European
Council. This Communication sets out how the six principles should be taken forward,
delivering on the full potential for EU-Turkey cooperation while respecting European and
international law.
Together with joint European solutions and the comprehensive implementation of the
European Migration Agenda, cooperation between EU and Turkey is key for an effective
response to the refugee and migrant challenge.
These joint efforts to deal with refugees are part of our global engagement with Turkey as
candidate country and as strategic partner.
Returning all new irregular migrants crossing from Turkey into the Greek islands
The return of all new irregular migrants and asylum seekers from Greece to Turkey is an
essential component in breaking the pattern of refugees and migrants paying smugglers and
risking their lives. It is self-evident that the arrangements for such returns, both of those in
need of international protection, and those who are not, can only be carried out in line with the
refugee protection safeguards that have been put in place in international and EU law.
Moreover, given the extent of flows currently between Turkey and Greece, such arrangements
should be considered as a temporary and extraordinary measure which is necessary to end the
human suffering and restore public order and which needs to be supported with the relevant
operational framework.
Recently progress has been made in the readmission of irregular migrants and asylum seekers
not in need of international protection to Turkey under the bilateral Readmission Agreement
between Greece and Turkey2. New arrangements on returns should build on this progress,
with all parties working together to facilitate swift and effective returns.
Legal safeguards for returning persons in need of international protection to Turkey
The return to Turkey of all irregular migrants and asylum seekers newly arriving in Greece
must be carried out in respect of European and international law. It is a fundamental
requirement flowing from the European Convention on Human Rights and the Charter of
Fundamental Rights that every case needs to be treated individually. In that regard, the
Asylum Procedures Directive lays down the particular legal and procedural parameters to be
respected. There is therefore no question of applying a "blanket" return policy, as this would
run contrary to these legal requirements.
The Directive recognises that in certain circumstances an expedited procedure can apply
whereby there is no need to examine the substance of an application. Instead, in these cases
asylum applications can be considered inadmissible, in particular where it can be expected
that another country would carry out the examination or provide sufficient protection. This
would arise, for example, if a person has been already recognised as a refugee or would
otherwise enjoy sufficient protection in a "first country of asylum", or if a person has come to
the EU from a "safe third country", where even though the person has not received
protection the third country can nevertheless guarantee effective access to protection3.
In accordance with the provisions of the Asylum Procedures Directive, a number of
safeguards need to be respected. Having first been duly registered and identified in line with
EU rules, a person that has lodged an asylum claim in Greece should be given a personal
interview when the responsible authority considers that the individual falls into one of these
categories of inadmissibility. This allows a screening to occur to identify whether there are
particular circumstances that arise. There is also a right of appeal against the inadmissibility
decision4. In the case of the "first country of asylum", in addition to having been recognised
as a refugee, this can also apply when the person enjoys "sufficient protection". In the case of
the "safe third country", the Directive defines conditions both in terms of the conditions in the
third country concerned, and in respect of the person concerned. Before returning a person in
need of international protection Member States need to be satisfied that the third country will
respect a set of standards concerning fundamental rights, non-discrimination, and respect for
international law.
It appears that to apply these provisions changes would be required to both Greek and Turkish
domestic legislation. In the case of Greece, this applies to the status of Turkey as a "safe third
country" and will entail a number of detailed procedural rules in areas like appeal procedures.
In the case of Turkey, this applies in areas like the renewal of temporary protection status for
Syrians who had left Turkey, access to effective asylum procedures for all persons in need of
international protection, as committed to by Turkey in the Joint EU-Turkey Action Plan, and
ensuring that protection equivalent to the Geneva Convention is afforded to non-Syrians,
notably those returned.
From 1 June 2016, this will be succeeded by the EU-Turkey Readmission Agreement, following the entry
into force of the provisions on readmission of third country nationals of this agreement Provided the decision
advancing their entry into force is adopted by the Joint Readmission Committee and approved by Turkish
parliament before that date.
Provisions on "first country of asylum" are set out in Article 35 of the Asylum Procedures Directive, and
provisions on "safe third country" in Article 38.
See Article 46 of the Asylum Procedures Directive. An appeal will automatically allow an applicant to
remain in the territory in a situation where the decision is based on the existence of a "safe third country",
while in the case of an appeal against a decision based on a "first country of asylum" it is sufficient that the
court has the power to rule whether the applicant may remain in the territory.
Once the inadmissibility of an asylum claim has been established, or the claim is determined
to be unfounded, a person can be returned under the applicable readmission agreement. The
principle of non-refoulement should be respected by Turkey in all cases, in line with its
existing international obligations.
Provided these safeguards are respected by Greece and Turkey, this scheme will be in
accordance with European and international law.
Practical aspects
In line with international and European law requirements (in particular as regards the
individual assessment of applications for international protection), fast-track operational
arrangements between Greece and Turkey can be put in place, more suited to the large scale
return of migrants. Steps have been taken to achieve this goal, with a joint Greek-Turkish
declaration on readmission issued on 8 March. For example, the principle of using a delegated
readmission officer with a view to accelerating readmission procedures of irregular migrants
was agreed. The number of such liaison officers will need to be increased; Greece and Turkey
have not yet reached an agreement on this increased number.
To implement such returns, the EU will support Greece to put in place the necessary
infrastructure. In particular, the hotspots in the islands in Greece will need to be adapted
with the current focus on registration and screening before swift transfer to the mainland
replaced by the objective of implementing returns to Turkey. For instance, the infrastructure
in the hotspots would need to be reconfigured to accommodate the readmission and asylum
offices and to deal adequately with vulnerable groups.
Another important element would be a substantial increase in reception capacity in the
islands. This could include separate facilities for irregular migrants and those undergoing the
longer procedure of an asylum request, and would require sufficient detention capacity to be
put in place for individuals who present a risk of absconding.
Until now, relatively few of those arriving in Greece have applied for asylum. Faced with the
prospect of a rapid return as a person not in need for international protection, the number of
asylum claims is likely to rise. The first requirement would therefore be to put in place
accelerated asylum procedures for all stages of the procedure, from the initial interview to a
possible appeal. The capacity of the Greek Asylum Service should be increased to enable
expedited readmission to Turkey as well as rapid acceptance of asylum applications. Appeal
Committees should also be able to rule on a high number of appeals within a short period of
time. In this regard, the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) should also be called upon
to support the Greek authorities in quickly and effectively processing applications and returns,
if necessary through an additional and targeted call for assistance from the Member States.
Finally, arrangements would need to be made for large-scale transport from the islands to
All these steps imply costs and a first estimate calculated on the basis of 2,000 irregular
arrivals per day, support from the EU budget would be needed at the level of around 20
million a month.
To resettle, for every Syrian readmitted by Turkey from the Greek islands,
another Syrian from Turkey to the EU, within the framework of the existing
The scheme linking the numbers of Syrians readmitted to Turkey from the Greek islands and
the number of Syrians resettled from Turkey to the Member States aims to replace, quickly,
irregular flows of migrants travelling in dangerous conditions across the Aegean by an orderly
and legal resettlement process.
The 1:1 resettlement scheme that aims to deliver this change will require a sound logistical
framework and sufficient resettlement pledges in order to function.
The 1:1 scheme will function if Member States make a sufficient number of resettlement
pledges. In this connection, the Statement of the Heads of State or Government of 7 March
2016 specifies that the 1:1 scheme should function "within the framework of the existing
A European Resettlement Scheme is already in place, which is the natural first source of
existing resettlements commitments to be linked to the returns of all new irregular migrants
and asylum seekers from Greek islands to Turkey. There are some 18,0005 places left
available, though part will be taken up by resettlements from Jordan and Lebanon.
Were a further need for resettlement to arise under the 1:1 scheme, the necessary steps could
be taken to transfer some of the commitments under the existing relocation decisions, notably
all or part of the currently unallocated 54,000 places, to the 1:1 scheme6. This would be in line
with the Commission's existing policy of considering that resettlement and humanitarian
admission are equivalent to relocation, as all are concrete expressions of solidarity with other
Member States or third countries experiencing a mass influx of migrants.7
The 1:1 scheme is expected to reduce quickly the number of irregular crossings in the Aegean
Sea. Its effectiveness will depend upon the full implementation of the steps set out in the
Communication. The EU and Turkey should agree on a weekly joint monitoring mechanism
to review the progress made under the scheme. Any necessary adjustments to the scheme
should be identified in this process.
Admissions under the Voluntary Humanitarian Admission Scheme8 with Turkey will be
activated once the irregular crossings between Turkey and the EU have come to end, or at
least have been very substantially reduced. It will allow for rapid and efficient admission from
Turkey of persons in need of protection displaced by the conflict in Syria. The Commission
expects that once irregular flows from Turkey to the EU have come to end, the number of
Member States willing to participate in the scheme will increase.
If these efforts would succeed, the Voluntary Humanitarian Admission Scheme could be
enlarged also to Jordan and Lebanon.
The logistical framework that underpins the Voluntary Humanitarian Admission Scheme with
Turkey proposed by the Commission in December 2015 could be used more generally for the
purposes of the 1:1 resettlement scheme. The Voluntary Humanitarian Admission Scheme
relies on the globally acknowledged expertise of the United Nations High Commissioner for
Refugees (UNHCR) in facilitating different forms of admission of persons in need of
international protection from third countries to which they have been displaced, to States
willing to admit them. The experience and expertise of EASO and the International
Organisation for Migration (IOM) should also be called upon. For the same reasons as in the
case of the Voluntary Humanitarian Admission Scheme, the 1:1 scheme should apply to
Syrians registered by the Turkish authorities prior to 29 November 2015.
The standardised operating procedures agreed in the framework of the Voluntary
Humanitarian Admission Scheme can be used for the more general purposes of the 1:1
scheme. They deal in particular with the selection of candidates and respect all applicable
international humanitarian law rules. For the purposes of the 1:1 scheme, these procedures
should be complemented by a mechanism that creates a disincentive for persons to cross the
Aegean Sea. Priority for resettlement should be given to those Syrians who remained in
Turkey since they are eligible for temporary protection.
A process to link the numbers readmitted from the Greek islands to Turkey and those leaving
Turkey to be resettled in the EU is required. A week-by-week approach, in which the EU
looks back at the total number of Syrians effectively readmitted by Turkey over the past 7
days and immediately launches the procedure for the same number to be resettled to the EU,
could be envisaged.
New routes to the EU may develop if the 1:1 scheme is successful. Turkey should commit to
taking any necessary measures to prevent new sea or land routes for irregular migration
opening up from Turkey towards the EU. If such a new route nevertheless emerges,
commitments and principles on returns and on resettlements should apply between the
relevant Member State and Turkey.
The conditions to lift visa requirements are set out in a 2013 roadmap, detailing 72
requirements to be met by Turkey in the areas of document security, migration management,
public order and security, fundamental rights, and the readmission of irregular migrants. The
Commission has been charting Turkey's progress on these points and the most recent report
was able to mark intensified efforts and a new level of commitment and engagement9. 35 of
the 72 requirements have now been fulfilled.
To accelerate implementation of the roadmap with a target of lifting the visa requirements by
the end of June will require even further efforts from Turkish authorities in adoption and
implementation of the legal and administrative measures needed to fulfil all the requirements
of the Visa Liberalisation Roadmap. The package of 9 legislative proposals under discussion
Second report on progress by Turkey in fulfilling the requirements of its visa liberalisation roadmap (COM
(2016) 140, 4 March 2016).
will have to be adopted by Turkey in good time on the basis of an understanding reached with
the EU. The applicable benchmarks will not be amended.
On the understanding that Turkey takes the necessary measures to fulfil the remaining
requirements, the Commission will make a legislative proposal to lift the visa requirements
for Turkish citizens at the end of April 2016.
The Facility for Refugees in Turkey covers both immediate humanitarian needs, and more
ongoing development needs. On the humanitarian side, a 40 million contract was signed with
the World Food Programme on 4 March, to cover food assistance via an e-card scheme which
will help to reach 735,000 Syrian refugees. Fifteen other projects are being negotiated with
partners, for a total of 50 million. With these projects, a total of 90 million will be
contracted by mid-April 2016. This allocation will quickly expand the provision of
humanitarian assistance in Turkey, including food, non-food items, health, water and
sanitation and protection.
A decision was also taken to allocate 55 million from the Facility to the EU Regional Trust
Fund in response to the Syria crisis to urgently support development-orientated project in
particular in the field of education, in line with the conclusions of the first Facility Steering
Committee of 17 February. This translated into signature on 4 March of a regional contract
with UNICEF, of which 38 million will allow an additional 110,000 Syrian children in
Turkey to go to school during the current academic year.
At the same time, projects are now under way through the EU Regional Trust Fund in
response to the Syria crisis totalling almost 140 million. Relevant actions worth 76 million
have already been selected and identified, and could be signed by the end of April 2016,
following endorsement by the next board meeting of the Trust Fund of 22 March. Further
actions worth 64 million are currently being elaborating for possible contracting by July
2016. Further transfers from the Facility to the Trust Fund will be made in light of needs to
cover the project pipeline. In addition, projects for refugees in areas including education,
human resources and environmental infrastructure are also being developed by the
Commission under the Trust Fund, using the 164.5 million transferred from the Instrument
for Pre-Accession (IPA) programme at the end of 2015.
The next step towards bringing further projects on stream will build on the finalisation of the
comprehensive needs analysis, currently conducted by the Commission in close cooperation
with Turkey. The Turkish government finally submitted its contribution on 4 March. On this
basis, the needs assessment should be finalised by mid-April. In parallel, technical
consultations with the Turkish authorities are currently taking place in Ankara to allow for the
early identification and programming, by the Commission, of urgent and mature projects in all
fields covered by the Facility. Without the pro-active engagement of the Turkish authorities,
no progress will be possible. Contacts are also on-going with International Financial
Institutions (IFIs) and other agencies as potential implementing partners. The Commission
will draw on the expertise of its established partners from the UN, IFIs, International
Organisations, Member States and NGO community for actions relating to their specific
expertise. This should allow for the holding of the second Steering Committee of the Facility
in April.
On the resource side, the Commission received the respective contribution certificates from
Germany and Finland. All Member States are encouraged to swiftly make available their
national contributions so as to allow for a swift, stepwise roll-out of the Facility to address the
needs of the refugee population in Turkey, in support of Turkey's own efforts.
To prepare for the decisions on the opening of the new chapters in the accession
negotiations as soon as possible, building on the October 2015 European Council
The state of play in the European Union's accession negotiations was set out in the
enlargement package of November 2015.
Since then, Chapter 17 (Economic and Monetary Union) was opened at an InterGovernmental conference on 14 December 2015. In this context, important reforms will be
discussed. The chapter covers, for instance, rules requiring the independence of central banks,
prohibits the direct financing of the public sector by central banks and prohibits privileged
access of the public sector to financial institutions.
In addition, preparations are now under way to progress towards the opening of five chapters:
Chapter 15 (energy), Chapter 23 (judiciary and fundamental rights), Chapter 24 (justice,
freedom and security), Chapter 26 (education and culture) and Chapter 31 (foreign, security
and defence policy).
This is in line with the European Council conclusions of October 2015, which called for
negotiations "to be re-energized with a view to achieving progress in the negotiations in
accordance with the negotiating framework and the relevant Council conclusions".
The Commission aims to finalise all related preparatory documents in the spring with a view
to submitting them to Council, without prejudice to Member States positions and the
negotiating framework.
Work is well advanced in the area of energy (Chapter 15) and fruitful technical consultations
were held in Ankara on 1-3 March. An updated screening report will be delivered by the
Commission in April. In coherence with the approach for other candidate countries, it is
anticipated that this will recommend setting opening benchmark(s).
In the key areas of the judiciary and fundamental rights, and justice, freedom and security
(Chapters 23 and 24), technical consultations are now being organised following the receipt of
written submissions from Turkey. These chapters cover a range of critical issues including
fundamental rights such as freedom of speech, judiciary, anti-corruption policy, migration and
asylum, visa rules, border management, police cooperation, and the fight against organised
crime and against terrorism. The EU expects Turkey to respect the highest standards when it
comes to democracy, rule of law, respect of fundamental freedoms, including freedom of
expression. In terms of opening benchmarks in these essential areas, candidate countries are
generally asked to prepare comprehensive Action Plans with precise timelines for alignment
of laws and for providing the necessary budget. The updated screening reports for these
chapters could be issued by the Commission in May.
On education and culture (Chapter 26), Turkey is finalising its updated negotiating position.
The Commission will be able to update the Draft Common Position and table it to the Council
in April.
The chapter on foreign, security and defence policy (Chapter 31) has already been examined
in detail and the European External Action Service is finalising an update screening report
which will be ready in April.
Turkey is part of the International Coalition against Daesh and a member of the International
Syria Support Group (ISSG). In this capacity, it plays a key role in the joint efforts to solve
the Syrian crisis. In this context, the EU and Turkey should also enhance their cooperation for
delivering humanitarian aid to Syrian population. The situation of the refugees stranded at the
Turkish border, notably in the corridor between Aleppo and the Turkey-Syria border deserves
special attention.
As already stated by the European Council, the EU is ready to work with Turkey to improve
humanitarian conditions inside Syria which would allow refugees to live in areas which will
be more safe. To be successful, it is fundamental that the commitments made by the ISSG in
Munich on 11-12 February are swiftly implemented in full by all parties.
The Commission is already providing and will continue to provide, substantial aid inside
Syria. Since the beginning of the crisis, the Commission's humanitarian aid for Syria amounts
to 468 million. For 2015, this figure stands at 160 million.
Today, 50 projects are currently in place, totalling over 200 million. This includes
humanitarian, development and stabilisation assistance. A substantial share of humanitarian
assistance projects operate cross-border from Turkey - for 2015, this amounted to 43.2
million, 27% of the total budget devoted to of Syria. These projects rely heavily on local
cooperation with the Turkish authorities.
Cross-border actions from Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq will continue to be a major part
of actions of humanitarian assistance in 2016. 15 million will be contracted in March 2016,
with some 70 million further funding planned to be contracted by early May, following a
recent call to humanitarian partners.
The arrangements for the return of all new irregular migrants and asylum seekers crossing the
Aegean Sea from Turkey to Greece operating together with the 1:1 resettlement scheme will
be a temporary and extraordinary measure, and should begin as soon as possible. The aim is
to replace the current mass irregular flows of migrants by a controlled and legal process. The
objective is also to break the pattern of refugees and migrants paying smugglers and risking
their lives.
This Communication sets out a framework that will ensure that the process is carried out in
accordance with international and European law, which excludes the application of a
"blanket" return policy. It also indicates the steps, legislative and logistical, that need to be
taken as a matter of urgency for the process to be launched.
This new phase in EU-Turkey cooperation to tackle the migration crisis will require concerted
efforts from Greece and Turkey, supported by the Commission, EU agencies and partner
organisations. It will also require the support of Member States, both in terms of the provision
of personnel and the willingness to make pledges for resettlement.
Accordingly, whilst some important steps are still needed, the means both legal and practical
exist to initiate the new arrangements as a matter of urgency.