Pre Treatment

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BS Textile Technology

Course: BS-TP-504
Credit Hours: 3+1


The Need and Importance of Pretreatment Processes

Pretreatment of Natural Fibers

Wool: Various stages of processing, scouring and bleaching.

Silk: Degumming.
Cotton: Shearing, singeing , method of singeing, desizing, methods of dsesizing
Scouring, saponification and detergency in scouring technique of scouring, bleaching,
Sodium hypochlorite bleaching, Hydrogen per oxide bleaching, Sodium chlorite
bleaching, Chemistry of optical brightening agent, application of OBA, mercerizing,
objective of mercerizing, process of mercerizing and tests for mercerizing.

Pretreatment of Man-made Fibers

Desizing, Scouring, Heat setting, Bleaching and OBA.

Pretreatment of important blends

Polyester / Cellulose, Polyester / Protein, Polyester /Acrylic and Wool / Acrylic.

Pretreatment of Cellulosic Material

Desizing: Enzymatic Desizing, Oxidative Desizing , Testing and evalution Tegawa

Scouring: Discontinuous process, Pad-steam process, Testing for absorbency
Mercerization / Causticization
Mercerization and Causticization on lab scale and testing for degree of mercerization.
Bleaching: Bleaching with Calcium hypochlorite, Sodium hypochlorite, Hydrogen
Various methods.
Optical brightening.
Application of optical brightening agent by exhaust and continuous processes.

Pre-treatment of wool

Scouring, Bleaching with hydrogen peroxide and reducing agents, Application of

optical brightness agents.

Pre-treatment of man-made fibers

Recommended Books:

The Theory and Practical of Wool Dyeing ,

of Dyeing and Colorists, Bedford.

Dyeing of Silk ,
Prof. V .A. Shinai and D.Naresh M.Saraf
Latest Edition, Vol.III Sevak Publications, Mumbai.

Technology of Bleaching and Mercerizing, Dr.V.A Shinai, Dyes company

Publication Trust.
Dyeing of Synthetic Polymer 7 Acetate Fibers, D.M.Nunn, Latest Edition
Sevak Publication, India.

C.L.Bird, Latest Edition ,The Society

Dyeing and Chemical Technology of Textile Fibers, E.R.Trotman, Latest

Edition, Charles Griffin and Company Ltd, High Wycombe England.

The Dyeing of Cellulosic Fibers,

Technology of Bleaching and Mercerizing ,

Mumbai, India,

Wet processing of Cellulosic Fiber,

Shore, Dyers Company Publication Trust.

Dr.V.A.Shinai, Sevak Publication

Dr.Ahmed Niaz.

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