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First Baptist Church: 6 PM Worship

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6 PM Worship

First Baptist Church

Where Love and Joy Abound! Prelude......................................................Rhonda Blalock
Hymn 243...........................................Sweet, Sweet Spirit
Mike Hardin, Pastor Prayer............................................................Mike Hardin
Hymn 455................................................I Must Tell Jesus
Hymn 493..................................Onward, Christian Soldiers
Hymn 495...............................Serve the Lord with Gladness
Prelude......................................................Rhonda Blalock Sermon...........................................................Mike Hardin
Call to Worship 8.....................A Mighty Fortress Is Our God Life Question 4: Why Am I Here? - Ecclesiastes
Invocation.......................................................Mike Hardin Hymn 309......................................Lord, I'm Coming Home
Welcome Postlude.....................................................Rhonda Blalock
217 Oh, How I Love Jesus
233 Behold the Lamb
Missions Report.............................................Martha Stone Goal $1500.00
Hymn 261......................................Wonderful Words of Life Received to date $580.00
Hymn 405..............................................Have Faith in God
All proceeds go to North
Hymn 426.................................................Victory in Jesus
Offeratory..................................................Rhonda Blalock American Mission
Special Music
Sermon..........................................................Mike Hardin
Life Question 3: Who Am I? - Psalm 8, Hebrews 2
Invitation 318..................................The Nail-Scarred Hand Purpose Statement: As a loving fellowship of believers, the
Announcements people of First Baptist Church Lovejoy are called by God to
Benediction educate and equip all people to become mature followers of
Postlude...................................................Rhonda Blalock Christ.
Healthy Kingdom Church
Nursery:Peggy & Virginia Worship Service #3
Wallace On Sunday Morning, May 16, Your Healthy Kingdom Church
April Children's Church:Wanda team will lead the morning service. They will be sharing with
25 Bramlett you the vision God has given them for his church in Lovejoy.
Special Needs:Marcia Please pray for God to speak to them and to you on this
West special day.
Nursery:Gladys Mixon &
Thanks! There are no words to express my gratitude for all
Christine Melvin
Preschool and you have done during my illness and grief. I will always be
May Children's Church: April
Children's Church grateful to each of you for your thoughtfulness and kindness.
2 Brumback
Workers B.J. Marcum and family
Special Needs:Dianne
Gladys Mixon 25

April Brumback 4
Terri Hardin 6
Donnie King 7
Chris Thompson 7
Maxine Bridges 9

Upcoming Events
Wednesday April 28
Prayer Meeting
7:00 PM

First Baptist Church of

Where Love and Joy
2347 Talmadge Road
PO Box 579
Lovejoy, GA 30250

May 2, 2010

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