Doris Sommer - The Work of Art in The World
Doris Sommer - The Work of Art in The World
Doris Sommer - The Work of Art in The World
~ ~
Acknowledgments xv
Government-Sponsored Creativity
TWO. Press Here 49
indebted to Ken Wissoker and the readers for Duke University Press, Alice
Flaherty, Francesco Erspamer, James Chandler, Carrie Lambert-Beatty,
Carlo Tognato, Paolo Vignolo, Toril Moi, Srinivas Aravamudan, Francisco
Ortega, Virginie Greene, Diana Taylor, J. Lorand Matory, Kay Shelemay,
Evelyn Higginbotham, Henry Louis Gates Jr., Michael Fisher, Amrita Basu,
Jackie Bhabha, Jennifer Leaning, Lani Guinier, Jeffrey Schnapp, James
Honan, Michele Stanners, Dean Williams, Ute Mehta Bauer, Natalya Sukharnos, Gediminas Urbonas, Nomeda Urbonas, Helen Molesworth, Marcela Mahecha, Jose Falconi, Anitra Grisaldes, Betsy Bard, Alexis Kusy, Codruta Morari, Clara Schejtman, Michael Fisher, Annie S. Kaufman, Sara S.
Kaufman, Maria Acosta Lopez, Kathleen Woodward, Marshall Brown, Jane
Brown, Sara Guyer, Ian Baucom, Angela Perez Mejia, Celia Maria Velez,
Laura Hagopian, Julia Leifert, George Lipsitz, and Eben Werber.
Welcome Back
Larry Summers was still president of Harvard University but already anxious about keeping his job when I briefed him on the Cultural Agents Initiative to bring civic responsibility back to humanistic education. After he
had publicly speculated on women's limited aptitude for science, Larry's
presidential days were numbered, and some of us added one worry to another. Besides the sexism, we feared for the future of the humanities. Disputes about careers in science were igniting international scandal, while
waning budgets for arts and humanities hardly provoked whimpers. Empirical fields heated up explosively as creative areas cooled dangerously
down. Despite what little warmth we could muster for defending arts and
interpretation, the corporate climate of higher educatien stayed discouragingly chill. My gambit with President Summers was to kindle some concern
for humanistic education by stoking a dusty pragmatic defense. There was
nothing to lose, really, except for academic squeamishness about putting
art and accountability in the same sentence. After all, I could count on
Larry's respect for effective problem-solving. And I could also depend on
a long tradition of democracy that develops side by side with aesthetics.
e creatiVIty to humanistic interpretation 1n ways
make them model cultu al
of artist
r agents. They are maestros in the dou e sen
and teacher, creator and philosopher. Mockus and Boal knew how
art and interpretation overlap with civic education when they treated entire
cities as their classrooms.
Larry was impressed. I hope that you will be too, not only with artists
who promote positive change from the top down or the bottom up, but also
with their co-artists in contiguous fields who help to translate good ideas
into enduring practices.
A Start
The Work of Art in the World takes inspiration from arts projects that merit
more sustained reflection than they have gotten. These are creative works
on grand and small scales that morph into institutional innovation. Reflecting on them is a humanistic assignment insofar as the humanities teach
interpretation of art (to identify points of view, attend to technique, to
context, to competing messages, and evaluate aesthetic effects). Part of
the work is to train free, disinterested judgment. This faculty for pausing
to step back and take stock is basic to all disciplines. But the best training
ground for judgment is the carefree area of aesthetics. The reason is simple:
deciding if something is beautiful requires responding to an intense experience but obeying no established principles, and this decision is therefore
free from prejudice. Aesthetic judgment is an exercise in unbiased evaluation, a knack that science and civics need as much as art does. That's why
humanistic training is a fundamental contribution to general research and
to social development.3 (See chapter 3, "Art and Accountability.") Training free thought is an extension of teaching appreciation for art, along with
care for the world that art constructs and enhances. Therefore, interpreting art, appreciating its power to shape the world, can spur and support
urgently needed change. This is not a deviation from humanistic attention
to the mechanisms of art production and reception. It is a corollary and a
homecoming to civic education.
All of us would do well to consider art's ripple effects, from producing
pleasure to triggering innovation. And acknowledging art's work makes us
cultural agents: those who make, comment, buy, sell, reflect, allocate, decorate, vote, don't vote, or otherwise lead social, culturally constructed lives.
But humanists can fulfill a special mission by keeping aesthetics in focus,
lingering with students and readers over the charmed moments of freely
felt pleasure that enable fresh perceptions and foster new agreements.
More apparently practical people may rush past pleasure as if it were a
J.VJ. c us and
ns1on of
sustainable social change. (See chapter 1, From the Top. )
The appropriate question about agency is not if we exercise it, but how
intentionally we do so, to what end and what effect. (1\gent" is a te
. .
rm t at
acknowledges the small shifts m perspective and practice that Anto .
Gramsci described as a war of position in which organic intellect
1including artists and interpreters -lead moves toward collective chan 5
dreams about art remaking the world
It wont' do tom
Nor does it make sense to stop dreaming altogether and stay stuck
1ll cyniciSm. Between frustrated fantasies and paralyzing despair agenc
y 1s a modest but relentless call to creative action, one small step at a time.
With N
staying close to the masters can offer new agents useful distillations of trial
and error, and also spike humanist interpretation with provocative questions. Many artists today link art to accountability, as in the exemplary cases
of Alfredo Jaar, KrzysztofWodiczko, and Tim Rollins. Admirable maestros
such as these consider the practical dimensions of public response to their
art. Shouldn't the question also arise for interpretation? If humanists ask
after creative processes and recognize interpretation as creative, it makes
sense to pause alongside artists and to consider what interpretation does in
the world.9 So much depends on how we read literature, objects, and events
that commentary often codetermines art's effects. I(There is nothing either
good or bad, but thinking makes it so" (Hamlet, 2.2).
More than a decade ago, while increasing numbers of talented students
were leaving literature to pursue something uuseful" (economics, politics,
medicine), I paused to think about the disappointments. Bereavement is a
familiar feeling for humanists, and stopping to ask why made me wonder
about being left behind. Is what we teach useless? Of course we can and do
defend literature as serious business. Along with other arts, creative writing shapes our lives by generating assumptions, private desires, and public
ambitions. At the core of human practices- from nation building to health
care, from intimate relations to human rights and resources-art and interpretation effect practical interests and explore possibilities. These worthy
but stock responses were not persuading disaffected students to stay, or
administrators to reallocate support.
My subsequent responses are admittedly personal, and they account for
the particular shape of this book. The admirable projects that I was fortunate to encounter and the modest forays that I am trying to develop make
up this individual exploration of a collective opportunity: to link interpretation to engaged arts and thereby to refresh a civic vocation in humanistic
education. Cultural agents are formed individually and I offer my case as
one of many. One at a time was Friedrich Schiller's approach to coaching
artists and interpreters in the construction of political freedom through indirect aesthetic practices. He addressed his Letters on the Aesthetic Education ofMan ( 1794) to a single reader and published the one-on-one mentorship in order to multiply generations of apprentices. I count myself among
them. From my first chapter to the last, a thread of theory spins through
comments on a variety of projects and winds up with renewed appreciation
for maestro Schiller, the artist and teacher. None of this seemed obvious to
l!C t
d social commitments and creative contnbutlons.lO
son, drives we owar
irreTeacbing desparr o
spons1 e comp
apprenticeship to risk-taking artists. In one expenment, I. ~Ieced .together
Out of Bounds
The variety of projects that I'll mention (including mimes who direct traffic; legislative theater; classical music orchestras of desperately poor youth;
a poster blitz that broke the silence around AIDs; painting a town to revive it; garbage pickers recycled into publishers; among many others that
you may add) share a family resemblance. They begin as works of art to
arrest attention to particular issues; but they don't stop there. Instead,
they ripple into extra-artistic institutions and practices. Humanistic interpretation has an opportunity to trace those ripple effects and to speculate
about the dynamics in order to encourage more movement. It will mean
participating in activities that stray beyond the "text" or artwork while
maintaining the intellectual rigor and the acquired caginess of humanistic
close readings. Among the artistic achievements that beg close reading are
pragmatic projects (in law, medicine, crime prevention, economic development) that are fueled by the disruptive energy called art. For example,
lum called Cultural Agents. It hosts a series of speakers who combine art
with other professions (medicine, law, business, engineering, and government) to do admirable work.U Admiration, I learned from Mayor Mockus,
ask why her testimonio about civil war in Guatemala, published in 1984, was
so politically effective. But reading her rhetorically reveals a formidable lit-
tion rather than legal status. (See chapter 1, "From the Top.") A medical
doctor and photographer "falls in love again" with her patients through the
ration of various skill sets to hitch stale and unproductive social patterns to
The course includes a fair where local artist-activists and students pitch
cultural agency obviously don't fit into standard fields of study. On the one
o ocal produce, racial profiling, date rape,
energy conservation, and so forth.
hand, the natural and social sciences may recognize effective programs but
Humanities-inspired v t
en ures
e t ese are restructuring curricula
m Engaged Humanif
Ies programs, also in medical schools and business
schooIs, even in fledgli
ng programs In Public Leadership. EVIdently, the
lllllanities have import t
thr gh
. . an wor to do 1n these and other collaborations
ou out uruvers1ties and . .
CIVIc msbtuhons. Civic life depends on aesthetic tr .
amtng to develop ima .
thinking 18. normally what h gtnabon
and Judgment. This training in free
will probably overlook art as a partner to economic, legal, or health care advancesJ and therefore will miss a motor of social effectiveness.14 And on the
other hand, humanists concerned with defending art for its own sake are
likely to bypass social effects though they attest to aesthetic value.
This discord between pragmatics and aesthetics is doubly debilitating
since the "adjacent possible" counts on a combination of art and science.15
Development needs the imagination and judgment that the arts cultivatej
and the arts thrive on adaptive challenges that throw systems into crisis
and require new forms. Tracking hybrid creations means stepping beyond
established practices and linking onto creative experiments. I want to en-
. t take risks, to learn a lesson from art-making about
courage mterpretatiOn o
, h d d'rty through tnal and error. Try again. Fail again. Fail
getting one s an s 1
. t' mantra (formulated by Samuel Beckett). Real teachers
better IS an art1s s
take ~sks, Paulo Freire urged at the beginning o~ P~dag~gy of the Oppressed
m Hegel "It is solely by nsking hfe that freedom is
obtained." 16
An incentive to coax art interpretation out of solitary bounds and into
aesthetic detour was also an invitation/ obligation to make new forms when
old ones caused conflict. No one, in the unstable modern world, gets away
politics, economics, ecology, medicine, etc.) where particular skill sets are
duce social change. Success in art and everything else depends on copro-
A still-spotty but spirited movement called Engaged Humanities is
French Revolution, the Letters warn against running headlong after reason because freedom is attainable only indirectly, through beauty and art.
taking the risk to explore what civics means for liberal education.17 More
Aesthetic education for all would allow the broad public to imagine, to
than the Public Humanities programs, which bring cultural events and
Making and thinking about art could then trump inflexible reason, which
new creations from conflict. They achieve freedom within constraints and
acknowledge the freedom that fellow artists display. A poet and philoso-
coproductions with diverse partners.18 (See also the Community Arts Net-
ric. Though I'll mention other mentors and interpreters for the work of art
edness, the humanities left behind the risky optimism that drives civic re-
to ground this disinterested appreciation for beauty. But using Kant to cut
out purpose truncates his ambitious project. It was finally a civic project
Open Parentheses
The Work of Art in the World might have addressed only fascinating art
projects and left interpretation alone. The projects are sure to charm you
with the surprise and pleasure that make them socially effective, while commentaries will lack luster by comparison. Attending to humanistic interpretation may seem ((unseasonable/' to cite Schiller on aesthetic education
during the Terror, at a time when departments of humanities downsize
or disappear altogether. To compound the external threats of budget cuts,
falling enrollments, and slim job pickings, internal campaigns of cultural
cerbate impatience with the formalist (rheand performance stud Ies exa
. . .
d 1' t' ) analysis of humanistic Interpretation. But If
torical, genenc, an sty IS IC
. . .
. t ead a book about artistic Interventions In social
it is useful or mterestmg o r
. . b
b oks can collect cases and abstract general prin _
challenges, It IS ecause o
B 1d0 es in his books. Good catalogues do that too.
ciples t e way oa
"'~e lay hold of the full import of a work ~f art only as we ~o through in
our own vital processes the processes the artist went through In producing
the work. It is the critic's privilege to share in the promotion of this active
't "20 Th
ese are o. n
process. His condemnation is t at e so o e~' arres ,~ I .
children at the turn of the twentieth century, through recent and impressive educational gains for Finland and South Korea as well as art-making to
Dewey's last words in Art as Experience. Why arrest that work of creative
criticism when it supports democratizing transactions with art? Dewey the
that education needs art and that art needs interpretation. Through art we
beyond business and academic learning, aesthetic education has civic work
to do.24 Learning to think like an artist and an interpreter is basic training
for our volatile times. Together with professional artists, interpreters are
cultural agents when we explore art as "our greatest renewable resource"
for addressing the world's fundamental challenges of disease, violence, and
s~ps ~th public institutions; they develop novel entry points, routes, and
as part of artIS t'IC agency In
. both familiar and un..
familiar to Enlightened Europe.
a con tlon of and a complement to artmaking-world-making i D
n ewey s pragmatic and democratizing sense
o art as experience- that s k
par s more exploration and more experience.
11a ng a 1ead from Schiller D
'd .
' ewey I entlfied all active citizens as creative
ar Ists. IS was radical in th . h
e eig teenth century and again in the 193os,
when D
ewey e1ped to inspire F kli
ran n Delano Roosevelt's massive emprograms I Or painters t
ter I "F
'ac ors, wnters, and musicians. (See chap' rom t e Top.") Today th hil
' e P osophical hne that links art to hberty is recovered b J
y acques Ranciere who d d
h .
. "
m politics. By ae th .
e en s an aest etlc regime
s ebc regime he means an awareness that human life is
For readers who may bristle at the boundaries where art meets accountability, zealous to keep at least art free from instrumental purpose, I'll beg
some indulgence and ask you to continue for a bit. Perhaps the renewed
possibility of central billing for arts and interpretation, or maybe the historical connections between humanism and public life, or possibly a few
fascinating nomadic projects that follow from ripples of aesthetic effect will
persuade a change of heart. The chapters that follow begin with noteworthy
cases of art's work in the world, and they continue with a reflection on civic
responsibility before I respond personally to the opportunity/ obligation of
agency in my everyday work as a teacher. The book ends with Schiller, to
seal the disparate cases and considerations by resending his Letters on the
Aesthetic Education of Man, the "unsurpassable manifesto" for making art
work in the world.26
Chapter 1, "From the Top," tracks arts projects inspired by high-ranking
.. al 1 d
ncluding Antanas Mockus, Edi Rama, and Franklin
politic ea ers, 1
In all cases, press here, wherever, because the lines will ultimately connect
works of Augusto Boal, ACT UP, and the Pro-Test Lab. Is art enough to
produce social change? 27 Chapter 3 takes a pause to consider 'kt and Accountability" and casts a backward glance to reconnect aesthetics to civics
through the education of taste, otherwise known as judgment. Snapshots
of recurring debates between defenders of art's autonomy and promoters
of art's responsibility feature judgment as the tiebreaker. In chapter 4, ''PreTexts," I hold myself accountable as a cultural agent by translating civic responsibility into a quotidian register of classroom teacher. Along with the
pleasures of feeling useful through an arts-integration approach to literacy,
I learned how close creativity is to criticism and how user-friendly literary
theory can be as a reflection on art-making. Finally, chapters, "Play Drive
in the Hard Drive," circles back to Schiller in order to name the creativecritical faculty as an instinct that makes us human. Goaded by conflicts
between unfeeling reason and irrational sensuality, the play drive fuels all
arts interventions and humanistic interpretations with the combination of
optimism and respect for constraints that can encourage more work for art
in the world.
These pages remain open to your criticism and contributions, including
nominations of exemplary cultural agents. This is a "Beta/' or experimental,
version of the project to generate commentary and criticism, as Augusto
Boal said of his experiment with Legislative Theatre.28 He asked readers to
send in responses to his postal address. Following his lead, I invite you
to send suggestions for updates of The Work of Art in the World by e-mail
to Cultural Agents, [email protected].
And now, if you want to fast-forward to some issues in this book and
defer others you can p
h d 1 .
ress a ea se echvely as Boal instructed his readers,
though that menu has obviously changed:
For English stay tuned.
- l
' para espano presione un traductor.
If you want
- top down creativity, press
Government-Sponsored Creativity
When I feel trapped} I ask mysel what would an artist do?
"Professor Mockus, what gave you the idea to replace the traffic police with
pantotnitr1e artists?" It was an obvious question for the recent mayor of
Bogota, but if the student hadn't asked, I might not have learned that one
principle of the mayor's astounding success is his disar111ing sense of humor. He knows when to take a joke seriously and set off ripples of shared
fun. Antanas Mockus and I were co-teaching a graduate course at Harvard University during the fall semester of 2004. Foundational Fictions,
a course on the backdrop of nineteenth-century national novels, and th,e
work of other Cultural Agents framed his reflections on creativity during
two terms in office (1995-1997 and 2001-2003). Those novels, written by
political leaders to fan desire for national consolidation, were background
cases for considering art's recent work in public life.
Before Bogota elected Mockus in 1994 it was the most dangerous city
in Latin America, according to the U.S. State Department advisory not to
go there. At international airports, official warnings singled out Lagos and
Bogota as places too troubled to traffic in tourism. On this count, Bogo'
tanos themselves didn't doubt the North American advice to keep a safe
distance from the city. Many had lost confidence altogether and emigrated
if they could afford to, so that- for example- their children could attend
school without personal bodyguards. The city seemed hopelessly mired in
a level of corruption that turns almost any investment against itself because
conventional cures of money or more armed enforcement would have aggravated, not mitigated, the greed and the violence. Stumped for a while,
like the poI
l'tIcaI scientists
an d economists,
Larry Summers, who
admit defeat when I ask what they would have done, the new mayor took an
unconventional turn toward art. Mockus had been reluctant to call his ere-
ativity by its common name. But by 2oo6 "Por amoral arte" (For the Love
IS po tica p ahorm for the presidential elections
1n Colombia.2 The n t d
ex an near y successful 20IO campaign for the presidency was more cautious b t b
' u uoye y Citizens already primed to co create
PB~OJects with Mockus. 1hen an invitation from the curators of Berlin's 2012
Iennale confirmed his i t
n ernationa reputation as a creative artist.4
The mimes were only
f h
t e mayors many arts-inspired intervenlons or cultural acupunctu , d .
res unng hts first administration. The therapeutic term customizes " b
ur an acupuncture," coined by Mayor Jaime
If you ask Antanas Mockus how he came to art for civic education he may
modestly fail to mention the dissertation he wrote in philosophy, about the
power of (art-ifical) representation to mediate between personal perception and interpersonal communication. Published in 1988, the thesis describes an arc from Descartes's achievement of conceptual clarity by using
Super Civico.
Source: El Tiempo archives. Bogota, Colombia.
linguistic artifice/representation to Habermas's invitation to communicative action: through representation, conflicting positions can play and construct universally acceptable principles.19 (Augusto Boal treated all repre-
kept his distance from government until Antanas Mockus made him think
again: "I askedmyselfwhatwould be gained and what lost by working with
the new mayor in a desperate city. My conclusion was that Antanas was
worth the gamble. He does not instrumentalize art for pre-defined ends, as
standard politicians do, but rather engages debate and polysemic interpretation through art. In any case, full artistic freedom made little sense in a
violent society that lacked freedom of movement and exploration." 17
sentation as theater, that is, to act and to know that one is acting. )2
"Whether or not Mockus mentions his significant contribution to philosophy, he will not fail to attribute his initiation in art to his adored
mother, a ceramic artist who raised two children on her own strength and
talent after her husband's early death. Mrs. Nijole Sivickas Mockus is a
Lithuanian immigrant of delicate proportions and solid determination who
still produces massive and dynamic ceramic sculptures every day though
she is into her eighties. Serving as her assistant from childhood through
his young adult years, Antanas would be instructed, for example, to in-
OMS 2012
Numberof 50
40 ~-----------r---t ~-----\~--~
(in millions)
+Additional US$700
million from the sale of
50% of the shares of the
local energy company
......~~~~~'-'-.I....L..L...L....L...L..--L-J.--L.....L..i___j. _j_
J.. _ . . . .L . . .
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J. . .
. t to deliberate. One game was to tie the ends of a string t h
ot e
f e player and looping another stnng through the first to t. h
wnsts o on
Ie t e
new ends onto the wrists of a partner. The challenge to untangle the connection engaged the antagonists in physical contact so long that collaboration began to override the enmity.
The fateful affair began when Mockus tried to offer official remarks
at the inaugural ceremonies for the new faculty of arts. The dean had already been heckled into silence by the hostile student crowd. But President Mockus was not deterred. He must have counted on his talent for
inventing charms to establish civility, even though the students were at
their unruly extreme that night, determined to outshout the president and
to undermine any new university program. Mockus tried several moves to
quell the crowd, but each failed. Then, in a move that no one could have
predicted, the future mayor turned around, dropped his pants, and mooned
the crowd of noisy students. They were stunned into silence. Satisfied at
having won the skirmish, the president resumed a decorous posture and
delivered his speech to a quiet audience. The shock for him came later. The
next day, Mockus got to see his own bare bum featured on television during the nig~tly ne~s program. One of the students evidently came prepared
to shoot With a Video camera. In a single stroke, Mockus became embarrassi.ngly visible to all sectors of Colombian society and inappropriate as
pre~ldent of the National University. Now famous for his former job and
' oc us campatgne to become mayor of a desperate City willing to take a risk on the unconventional candidate
But during that fi t
. d Th
rs unevent month in office, citizens felt disappomte . e new mayor h d d 'd d
d h
a ect e to address the high rate of traffic
eat s to show some success b
comm . d
e ore tackling entrenched interests and he
ISSione a study b the Ja
It tur d
panese International Cooperation Agency.
ne out t at at least 25 e
vented by
P rcent of the accidental deaths could be preImprovmg behavior am
study of the st t . .
ong pedestnans and drivers. A follow-up
ree s pmpomted as 1
the deadly crossw lks 34 w
tng e target for his cultural acupuncture:
tth the tr bl
couraged the Inst't t f
ou esome nerve exposed, Mockus en1 u e o Culture d 't
that would arouse sh
c .
an ounsm to design cultural pressure
and Tourism, by the
crosswa s, not fear of fines. (Culture
been a
d fu
government before Mway,k had
n un er nded afterthought for city
of I
oc us ecam
cu tura ciudadana) E h d
e mayor; under him it became the hub
. ac ay for a
h h
rated director Paul B
mont 't e mayor asked the institute's
romberg, cror a good idea.
h1s L1t uaman n
omplexity that matters for democr~cy. One effect is. ((~earning ~o listen better/'
as when he honors literal meamngs and also anticipates mistakes in multicu1tura1se tt1ngs37 For example, he wrote an essay on ((Cultural Amph'b
1 1ans" to establish the importance of translation as a skill in educationj and
1am convinced that this keen observation takes advantage of his own bicultural formation that shuttles between languages. Educators, he writes,
are fundamentally amphibious because they move material from one register of language and experience to otherSj without this agility for translation, teachers could not teach. The same ability to interpret elements of one
code in terms of another allows cultural amphibians to participate in legal,
moral, and cultural expressions without violating their personal integrity.
Amphibians help to bridge the dangerous divorce of law from morality and
culture by translating the reasons of one into the others. ((The idea of modern democracy is inseparable from the possibility that different reasons
may back up the same rules." 38
This is a significant departure from traditional Colombian politics,
which had advocated cultural coherence and consistency in legal reasoning. Intolerance for political and ethnic diversity went so far- according
to historian Alfonso Munera-as to sacrifice Panama to the United States
in 1903 though the future canal was predicting fantastic incomes. For con. servative Colombia, it was apparently worth the price to be rid of the cuiturally inassimilable and politically radical Afro-Colombians concentrated
in Panama39 The grammanan-statesmen
A Numbers Game
Theories about socially constructive art are still in stages of underdevelopment, given political skepticism about what art is good for and also hurnanistic defenses against usefulness. Grant Kester makes a significant contribution in ((Dialogical Aesthetics: A Critical Framework for Littoral Art/'
proposing new criteria for collaborative projects that negotiate the boundaries between aesthetic and social values.44 But taking statesmen into account as ((littoral" artists is a stretch.45 Either creative leaders seem too rare
to generate principles, or they appear practically diabolical. More people
have heard about Adolf Hitler, for example, than about Antanas Mockus.
Hitler, we know, was a mediocre painter and then a devastatingly successful director and lead actor of a historical epic that he made sure to choreograph, decorate, broadcast, and film. 46 Maybe the Spanish conquerors will
come to mind as exemplary administrative artists. They were consummate
architects and city planners on lands that were already populated but that,
as artists, they imagined to be empty canvases wiped clean. Add the pomp
of Catholicism, which dazzled believers and dignified violent conversions
from the Middle Ages into modern times, and also the general taste for refinement and beauty that justifies privileged classes to take advantage of
everyone else, not to mention the devious creativity of financial institutions
that have sunk the global economy into a general depression, and you may
conclude that the combination of art and power creates an unfair imbalance against civic decency.
But resistance to abuse also uses art: Painters and poets in concentration camps defended their human dignity as creative agents. Antifascist
Red Army posters outdid Nazi propaganda in design and impact. Indigenous New Christian artists smuggled old symbols of local cults to keep
their chain of worship unbroken. And other popular arts, from slave songs
ectiVe project or ri
crcat1ve whether they stay with
PP1e out mto ne w works. The ACT uP experience
definiti.on nonconformists and risk-takers- is less likely to support dictators.hip than a nation of dutiful followers. I've asked this almost rhetorical
questi~n to po~itical scientists and political leaders; they generally concur
that.dictatorship frowns on creativity and embraces Schiller
put It this way '1\rt lik
' e Science, IS emancipated from all that is positive
afndhall th~t is humanly conventional; both are completely independen;
o t e arbitrary will of m Th
.. I
en. e po Itica legislator may place his empire
er an mterdict, but he cannot reign there." 59
The difference betwe d
as much 'd 1 .
en Ictatona and democratic arts, then, is formal
as I eo ogical. Recognizing th . .
e Citizen as artist promotes rhizomes
or netwo ks f . .
r o CIVIc effervescence
creation. Logicall M k
. 'as against a pyramid of creator atop his
y, oc us obJects to b .
II d 1
tant to develop coli . I
eing ca e a eader: It is imporecttve eadership
to the results that
I tons of people contributed
we ac Ieved "60 Th
IS similar to the ch ks d
e political appeal of citizen-as-artist
ec an balances 0 f d
decentralize execut'
emocrattc republics that hope to
With an urgent pragmatism that demanded quick results, Edi Rama took
liberties with democratic principles in Albania's capital city. Voted mayor of
Tirana on the Socialist ticket in 2ooo for the first of three terms, and chosen
International Mayor of the Year in 2004, Rama was voted out by 2011 in a
suspiciously close contest against the center-right Democratic Party.61 His
objections to fraud were justified and became a hot issue in his successful campaign to become Prime Minister in 2013. Though Rama had distanced some supporters by staging relentless protests in favor of his own
leadership,62 a winning block of Albanians endorsed his unusual project
for national recovery: an aesthetic make-over that moves from decorative surfaces inward toward respect and self-regulation. As mayor, Rama's
bold leadership style determined Tirana's priorities and even the designs
for painting the facades of depressingly grey buildings. But citizens collaborated too, officially and informally, to an unprecedented degree. Rama
seized the groundswell to frame his national campaign as politics from
the bottom up, no doubt to allay concern over his earlier and notoriously
auteur approach to public art.63
You hear him everywhere: a gravelly basso exhorting the lazy, seducing the skeptics, booming his way through a hip-hop track about Tirana that half the city seems to own. He is inexhaustible. He spends
his days repairing the body and soul of a shattered capital and his
nights prowling its streets, seeing that the work got done, and that
no one has been stealing street lights or dropping beer bottles or
cigarette wrappers- that people are behaving like citizens. Rama is a
Balkan original, and maybe the most original thing about him is that
he isn't really a politician. He is an artist who, you might say, took
Tirana for his canvas.64
Contemporary journalists observed that the mayor's art projects did what
they could, from the top down.
He claims still to be an artist first and most of all, and activities in
public service are an extension of his aesthetic sensibility into the
realm of action and life. He shrewdly appraises the legacy of communism as a cultural and social toxin that cannot be eliminated except
over time, and perhaps a very long time. But he is helping restore Tirana society's immune systen1 and positive attitude by, for exan1ple,
the Return to Identity Programme, ruthlessly razing the haphazard
and often environmentally damaging outlaw buildings of all kinds
in order to produce a clean slate on which urban planning can occur
that will meet the needs of present and future generations.6s
Mockus too was unfriendly to unauthorized street-life, especially to sidewalk vendors. (What would they think of artist Krzysztof Wodiczko's
homeless shelters aIa carte: nomadic structures designed in consultation
with users in New York City? ) 66
For some critics Rama stretched the possibilities of democracy beyond recognition. "Political analyst Fatos Lubonja says the capital might
as well be renamed 'TiRama.'" 67 But the city that for half a century suf~ered Soviet stagnation, followed by a decade of mob-run speculation and
mfor~al b~i~ding that littered the city and poisoned its river, gave the de termmed VISionary a chance. Citizens let themselves be charmed by his
recovery project. Without hesitating, as Mockus had while asking "What
would an artist d0 '>" R
ama was a ready an artist and ready to start. ((The first
thing he~~~ as mayor was to order paint. He blasted the facades of Tirana's
gray Stalimst apartment bl ks . h
. .
oc Wit color- notous, Caribbean colorturrung buddmgs into patch
k f bl
lows and d
d h . wor s o ues, greens, oranges, purples, yel,
re s, an t e ctty itself10 t 0
sampler"6s H
somet tng close to a modern-masters
e actually invited
tire blocks d
mo ern masters tn from 2002 to paint enan turn Tirana into
a ga ery worthy of visits by tourists and
Decades of visual bli ht had 1
. .
challenged" says R
eft Albanians Irntable and aesthetically
ama; ut he add th " h
Streets of newly p . d b . . s at t ey can be calmed by beauty." 70
amte uildm s b
fostered safer com
g ecame admtred public property and
merce. The chan
. .
oans and Investments 71 B h . ge encouraged stgntficant internat1onal
on the documentary fi y t e time he collaborated with artist Anri Sala
co ld
m Damm i i l (G
u report that there
co on ive Me Colors) 2003, Ram a
had hi
was no other ty
ac eved more depth d
In all of Europe where citizens
an subtlety 111
h .
wou gather in ffi
t etr conversations about color.
to consid h
co ee houses h
' omes, and newly recovered parks
er t e aesthetic
qua1I ties or f: 1.
34 CH
at mgs of freshly painted buildings,
and to deliberate about designs for new projects on still-drab facades. Deliberating for the pleasure of it, with no apparent personal goal but the
free interchange of opinion, renews a taste for politics in the classical sense
of the word: a disinterested vita activa (see chapter 3, '~t and Account-.
ability"). And this aesthetic education of Tirana - proceeding, as Schiller
said it would, from freely admiring art to imagining how to make moretrained citizens to identify freedom as worthy of cultivation.
Rama must have learned from other painters and architects how to
transform ugly buildings into beautiful ones. An obvious but unacknowledged teacher is Friedensreich Hundertwasser, whose architectural makeovers in Austria in the 1980s gave new looks to the Rosenthal Factory in
Selb and to the Mierka Grain Silo in IZrems. For these projects Hundertwasser called himself an "architecture doctor." 72 And though he favored
organic lines on buildings and in manifestoes over the geometric patterns
that Rama features, the structural use of color on aesthetically ailing buildings is an undeniable family resemblance.73
Mockus had made sure to engage the broadest possible base of Bogota's
citizens in co-constructed arts projectsj and he delivered the results to
Enrique Penalosa, who realized many of Mockus's construction plans,
though they represented competing political parties. Sadly, Mayor Rama
didn't relay his work to the dubiously elected new mayor. Nor, presumably,
would Basha have received the offer of good practices from the opposition.
But now, Prime Minister Rama's bottom-up approach is a sign that the
public's developing common-sense, from aesthetics to participatory politics, may insure more continuity in public projects.
Sometimes though, bottom-up creativity can raise cautions even for
good governments, because art is unconventional and naughty by nature.
Understandably, leaders tread with care, or they waffle between defending
artistic freedom and channeling resources toward agreeable artists. Broadbased art-making has to deal with disagreements, differences of perspective, competing designs, and conflicting desires, all of which can derail
the goals that voters endorsed when they elected winning candidates.78 A
monumental case of this challenge to coordinate art with government is
America's New Deal, which wrestled "to reconcile artistic freedom with the
imperatives of bureaucratic control and public accountability." 79
First world leaders are even more skeptical. For the same reason that
persuaded Rama to become mayor in Albania though he would have refused in Switzerland, his foreign fans and those of Mockus discount the
value of art in more stable societies. North Atlantic cultures are different,
they say, agreeing with Max Weber, less disposed to creativity than to selfrestraint.81 ((Traditionally, Americans harbored an attitude that art was a
luxury," made by the talented few and meant for the fewer who could afford to buy it.82 But a double irony plays out on this demarcation between
the rational North and the creative South. The first is that Franklin Delano
Roosevelt's New Deal, of course, promoted a massive program of social regeneration through art-making. The second irony is that the U.S. program
did learn a lot from Latin America. Though several influences combined to
support New Deal arts (Dewey's progressive education, settlement houses,
redefinitions of art coming from revolutionary Russia, European Group
Theatre),83 Mexico was the stunning model.
After an exhausting rash of revolutions that lasted from 1910 to 1920,
Mexico faced the colossal challenge to reinvent itself. Without a shared
culture there would be no general will to do the work, so recovery started
in earnest when President Alvaro Obregon appointed Jose Vasconcelos as
minister of education (1921-1924). Leaving his brief stint as rector of the
National University, where he had a not come to work for the university but
to ask the university to work for the people," 84 Vasconcelos took up his new
job with a missionary zeal that irked many but achieved broad and lasting
results. His comprehensive program included (1) public schools for children and adults, where teachers became his ((artist-apostles"; (2) the publication of all manner of affordable books to stock a new network of libraries;
and (3) murals about Mexico by masterful Mexican painters who helped
to revive local arts. The still illiterate masses were heirs to enviable artistic traditions, including Aztec and Mayan murals, and they responded to
grassroots creativity that facilitated communication and fueled patriotism.
Vasconcelos took a lesson from John Dewey on pragmatic refonn, though
later he dismissed the North American as a soulless utilitarian, almost by
national definition.85
The United States, according to Vasconcelos, had missed its chance to
become the democracy that Hegel imagined would materialize to the west
of Europe. Squandered on an incorrigibly racist society, the spirit of democracy moved even farther west to Mexico. Vasconcelos credited his country with forging a unified ((cosmic race" to crown human evolution with
Fl GORE t. 7
Disposal Plant in Qyeens, New York, sculpted by Cesare Stea for the Works
Progress Administration, 1939. The Granger Collection, New York.
Most accounts of U.S.-government-sponsored art acknowledge the inspiration from Mexico's spectacular muralists, though striking omissions
occur.96 But the accounts hardly mention other Mexican models for the
FAP, such as the overhaul of public education to feature the arts, or the
massive state publishing project that encouraged local writers. The great
Mexican muralists were impossible to ignorej Diego Rivera, David Alfaro
Siqueiros, and Jose Orozco had already dazzled private collectors, and
they would fire up government agencies. The messenger benveen the art
world and the administration was George Biddle. Brother of the president's New Deal adviser, Biddle had been FDR's classmate at Harvard Law
School before becoming a painter and going to Mexico to apprentice himself to Rivera. 9 ~ l1npressed by the public arts programs there, Biddle suggested to the president in 1933 that a mural should embellish the new Justice Department building in Washington, DC. The Treasury Department
approved the commission, a first step toward developing the PWAP and
then the FAP.98
Drawing on John Dewey's exhortation to make art available to all, the
director of the FAP, Holger Cahill, said in 1936: "The organization of the
Project has proceeded on the principle that it is not the solitary genius but
a sound general moven1ent which maintains art as a vital, functioning part
of any cultural scheme. Art is not a matter of rare, occasional masterpieces."
The Department of the Treasury objected, arguing that the government
should commission outstanding artworks, not provide relief to mediocre
artists_99 Cahill knew what was at stake:
The Project has discovered that such a sitnple n1atter as finding employment for the artist in his hometown has been of the greatest
importance. It has, for one thing, helped to stetn the cultural erosion which in the past two decades has drawn most of America's
art talent to a few large cities. It has brought the artist closer to the
interests of a public which needs him, and which is now learning to
understand him. And it has made the artist more responsive to the
inspiration of the country, and through this the artist is bringing
every aspect of American life into the currency of art.10o
The partnerships that Cahill brokered between local artists and community
leaders through the WPA mural project raised hackles on both sides. I nevitably, the government's offer to artists equivocated between promotin
aesthetic value and insisting on the political merit of locallore.101 But th~
resultin~ pride .of ~lace a~d the pleasure in beautified communities helped
to sustam patnottsm durmg depressing times, according to WPA leadership. New Deal artists also "saw their art as part of a national movement
a p~sitive f~rce that would further both the acceptance and availability o~
art m Amenca but also uplift the morale of a depressed nation." 102 Making
art d~monstrated that national renewal was possible, despite conditions of
scarcity. Even the anno
ymg negotiatiOns were constructive, reaffirming the
emocratic process in each Iocale.I03
Mt~st aclcou.nts of the reasons to establish the WPA's artwork stop here
the governn1ent. Why else would a penurious state develop programs, hire
administrators, and run political risks about decorous lines being crossed
with public n1onies? True, the allocation for a mural was usually a minuscule 1 percent of the cost for a new building/ 05 and the combined expenditures over eight years for Federal Arts Projects came to only $35 million
(hardly n1uch of WPA's more than $4 billion per year) for a mere forty
thousand employees (barely a dent among 33 million WPA workers). 106
Nevertheless, this minority of artists was provocative enough to mire Congress in long sessions of penny-pinching control.
The fact is that many artists were left-leaning socialists, or communists,
or sympathizers.107 The times were rife with revolutionary artists, internationally. Strategic disavowals from FAP's administrators didn't convince
conservatives who denounced artists as dangerous and unworthy of welfare
commissions. Maybe conservatives hadn't heard how much trouble Rivera
and Siqueiros had made inside Mexico, leading violent protests in the official Art Academy and reducing capitalists to cartoon characters in communist publications.108 But the Los Angeles mural by Siqueiros was notoriousj
it showed an Indian nailed to a double cross topped with U.S. coins and
an eagle. More notorious was Rivera's homage to Lenin in the mural he
painted for Rockefeller Center.109 Those works were covered over to avoid
more scandal, but conservatives had good reason to remain vigilant.
Perhaps predictably, the noisiest government interference was with theater artists who were making a spectacle of social protest. (The Writers'
Project got almost equal harassment in the notorious ((Dies Committee." 110 ) When WPA director Harry Hopkins hired Hallie Flanagan for the
Theatre Project in 1935, he promised there would be no censorship. But
he broke that promise six months later.111 Tensions peaked in 1937 around
Marc Blitzstein's The Cradle Will Rock. Flanagan wasn't sure she should risk
producing the relentless class critique in a clin1ate of violently repressed
strikes, though Orson Welles goaded her on, intending later to move the
show to Broadway. After the WP A revoked support for the show, and closed
the theater where it was to open, Blitzstein and Welles reconvened the
crowd in another theater. They also fired up the fired actors to deliver sizzling performances.U2 Liberties like this one led to escalating allegations of
communist influence and sometimes to ridiculous accusations.
Congressman Joe Starnes of the House Committee on Un-Axnerican
Activities, for example, famously grilled Flanagan in December 1938. He
was sure that she was protecting a core of communist infiltrators. To sig-
rather than populist preference. Alongside popular tastes and massive pro~
undue private power over private affairs and, to our misfortune, over public affairs as well." 119 Public support for creative critics seemed a risk worth
ductions (to employ thousands of theater workers) Flanagan had also cui~
taking, and it usually paid off. Artists generally understood ((that because
the murals were commissioned by the government for the public, 'a lack
of controversial political subject matter is certain. Ideas will derive either
from history or from the peculiarities of present-day life."' 120 Mexico had
made that bet a decade earlier and continued to support artists in conve-
ciousness, and a winning combination of high art with broad appeal. But
t~em would control the trouble. Maybe leftists were being funded because
t. ely. mad~ ~ublic shows of their opposition to injustice, hunger and so-
cta meqmtles That
. .
way, revo utwnary theater also performed the magnammtty and tolerance 0 f th
eJr government sponsor, and the New Deal
capture even antigovernm t
. . .
en protest as part of its program. Everything wo ld b
u e possible msJde th N
D 1b
it, to paraphras pd C
e ew ea ut nothing tolerated outside
e 1 e1 astro on th C b
no stake in the st t h
e u an Revolution.l1 7 If artists had
a e, t ey would su 1 h
But performing p t .
re Y ave tned harder to destabilize it.
ro est m official sc
ists confessed in th .
enanos mttigated the message, as artetr tormented r fl .
during hungry tim
e ectwns. Putting them on the payroll
es, t e state might
way oflife- rebeJI
arrest -In defense of the American
tous energies that
wou d otherwtse explode against goYRoosevelt's reformist h
r etonc met th
b 1
ort and m spite of our
e re e s halfway: In spite of our
we have n 0 t
we ave not effectiv Jr.
wee ed out the over-privileged
e1Y 11 ted up th
ar mandate from th
e un erprivileged .... We have ... a
e people, that A
men cans must foreswear the concep42
tangle, though, between artistic freedom and the demands of the state.
TRAP (Treasury Relief Art Project, 1935-1938) was literally the acronym of
ence that inevitably compromised his art. But his contemporary, Edward
Biberman, bought the deal. Artistic freedom, he admitted, is never absolute.122 Most art historians take Biberman's side, endorsing the results of
moral and financial support for artists during the Depression. However
contentious the negotiations became between federal authorities and the
Writers' Project, and although Congress closed down the Theatre Project
before all the other projects fizzled out just before World War II (officially
ending in 1942)/23 scholars today generally conclude that the processes and
the products were worth the effortsP4
But some cringe at the force-fed patriotic content and the opportunism that allegedly choked aesthetic initiative and finally doomed the collaboration. This difference in judgment runs parallel, I think, to alternative
approaches to reading a novel. There are readers who focus on how the
novel ends, whether the protagonist wins or loses a questj and others read
for ((form," attending more to the complexities of plot and to the variations of language than to resolutions. Is it funny that critics of the government's artistic constraints turn out to care more about the ideological
theme of artistic freedom than about the aesthetic forms that responded to
constraints? An endgame observation by historian Jane DeHart Mathews
concludes that art is inherently incompatible with accountability. Flanagan's "fiery" leadership is Mathews's best case: the same verve that produced admirable theater doomed the Theatre Project to a congressional
.1 , believes that creativity cannot abide interference
dcath.tl5 Ami smcc s 1c
. .
erethe end oft lle 11. lc~l re
. . 1): 11.11. i McKinzie is equally skeptical about the benefits of
attve act1v1ty. '-~c c
t t isual arts.t26 By the 1970s n1ost art htstonans were sure
offic1a1suppor o v ' '
. .
e could not survive offiCial mtruswn, and the few who
that acst11ctlc va u
began to linger over the formal qualities of w PA painting were dismissed
as iconoclasts or rcbcls.
But recently, defenders of the WPA underline its contributions to formal
experimentation. John O'Connor and Lorraine Brown argue, for exa1nple,
that the Federal1hcatre Project showed how innovative and powerful national theater could be. Among its controversial formal innovations was a
genre borrowed from communist agitators in Europe, the ((Living Newspaper."1211 (Augusto Boa! would use Newspaper Theatre, too. 129 ) Large casts,
using multimedia, staged contemporary social issues researched by WPA
journalists. Some of the Newspaper's experimental techniques became lasting contributions to stagecraft: photographs, projections of anin1ation and
film sequences, offstage loudspeakers to add comn1ents, questions, crowd
noise. With occasionally local variations, particular ueditions" of the Newspapers would often play simultaneously in several cities to create a national
buzz. Probably the best-known edition, produced in eleven cities, was OneTIIird of a Nation. It played out FDR's haunting concern for the country: uy
see one-third of a nation ill-housed, ill-clad and ill-nourished." 130 Because
the WPA's mandate was largely to provide for artists (and maybe to contain
them), rather than to yield returns on investment, the government actually
. "
aes etic ree om than did risk- averse private
fundmg. Try-out theater in New York City, for instance, amounted to a
luxury at the time as writer d d'
san trectors explored new n1aterial that they
could later pitch to com
.1 d
mereta pro ucers. TI1e first experiment was sold
tot e movies, and the second to a Broadway producer_l3t
In the aftermath of the
h . .
WPA, t e C1v1c promise of aesthetic education
apparent1y met a precocious d B ffi . .
Lyndo J
en ut o ctalmterest revived by 1965 when
n o11nson established th N . I
and the Nat
E d
e atlOna Endowment for the Arts ( NEA
ona1 n owment ~ h H
hadfallenbeJ d
ort e umamttes(NEH).111eUnitedStates
1111 t11e USSR in th
the government h d
e compet1t10n for space exploration and
ope to reenergiz 1
tional pride Gle S b
e earnmg and creativity, along with natold a Sena~e conn ~a org, the head of the Atomic Energy Commission,
mmtttee: ~~We ca
or esthetically in a
ld .
nnot auord to drift physically, morally,
wor m which th
e current moves so rapidly perhaps
toward an abyss." 132 1he NEA was careful to keep funding decisions free
from almost any consideration but artistic To an important
degree, the hands-off policy responded to a developing retreat of art and
interpretation into private subjectivity. Art had practically developed an
allergy to any strain of usefulness.
'l he founding NEA language was less about civic capacity than about
identifying a great country by its great culture. A section called "Prohibition against Federal Supervision" promised not to medd leP 4 But freedom
came with a caveat: "Public funds provided by the Federal Government
must ultimately serve public purposes the Congress defines." 135 Ronald
Reagan planned to abolish the NEA soon after his election in 1980, but desisted after other conservatives including Charlton Heston defended the
agency. Ten years later, scandals about Robert Mapplethorpe's "obscene"
photographs and Andres Serrano's "Piss Christ" again threatened the Endowment during debates as acrimonious as the anticommunist WPA hearings!16 And renewed legislation in 2006 conceded to the religious right that
"obscenity" should not be funded! 37 Surviving in the NEA language is an
echo of Dewey's defense of art as life lived critically and creatively, but the
zeal is gone and so is the connection between art and civic agency.
Many North Americans may know something about Roosevelt's arts initiative, but most don't know its significance. General histories of the period
downplay art's accomplishmcnts. 138 lf citizens knew more about how art
works in this case and in others, they might sense a wealth of resources for
social development and dctnand more creative education as well as extracurricular arts programs. We could learn to anticipate inspired interventions and even coax our in1agination to create them. More books like Art
Worked: The New Deal, Art and Dernocracy (2009) by Roger Kennedy will
help to train expectations. Kennedy celebrates the monumental econ01nic,
environmental, and also spiritual effects of New Deal arts, though the case
seems exceptional to him rather than a link to others.
A revival of the New Deal's decision to keep art at work during hard
times seemed possible in March 2009. 139 With the American Recovery and
Reinvestn1ent Act the Obama administration appropriated an extra $50
million to the NEA "to be distributed in direct grants to fund arts projects
and activities which preserve jobs in the non-profit arts sector." ln August, the NEA's con1munications director placed a conference call to engaged artists, encouraging them to address the administration's concerns:
health care, education, the environment, specifically preventative care,
more cases of art to the rescue. Jorge Gaviria, who worked for the city, told
us about his prison program for ex-combatants, youth who never developed regular work habits and don't expect to live past the age of twentyfive. He asks them what activity they would find exciting. Invariably they
answer with some form of art. One prisoner dreams of playing guitar, another of painting, or dancing, or acting. Then Gaviria arranges for instructors in the chosen media to come early, every day, over long periods. He
also told us about his arts-based high school for three thousand at risk students. Astoundingly, none of them drops out of school, while dropout rates
soar almost everywhere.
Expecting art to work should be part of violence prevention and of education more generally. Otherwise experts continue to overlook a ubiquitous low-cost resource. Everyone noticed the art effect the next day during
meeting of UN
Habitat's "Safer Cities." I had commented that the theme of art was miss-
p ex~s bmlt"along the divide between rich and poor. uTomorrow" my host
contmued, we will spend the h 0 1 d .
w e ay m what had been a violent hotspot
an you see that all the yo th 1 d
. "
u ea ers are artists. My worry deepened of
course, because If he alread kn
y. ew t at the leaders were artists and didn't
er Wit prevention for th
dence change his . d
e expert panel, why would more evimm or my conce ~ E .d
. .
don't seem to
rn. VI ence IS 1n but decision-makers
process t e informatio b
lem is prejudice rath h
n a out arts effectiveness. The prober t an a dearth of d t 143 p
pirical facts don't ex t
a a.
ragmatists know that ernIS unt we notice th
turally constructed e
noticing depends on cui"
xpectat 10 ns.l44
Safer Cities" helps to b k
municipal governme t cr~ er collaborations between at-risk youth and
n s. Ihes can d 1d
or on armed police. Th dcr
ec e to spend money on art projects,
e Iuerence will d
t e alternatives. The u . . . .
epend, 1n part, on arguments for
N llllhahve typ 11
P anners, law enforcers
lea Y engages advice from urban
' economtc devel
opers, and psychologists, none of
om ave foregrounded th
e arts. Maybe art Iacks the glamour of gravitas.
WPA's legacy, and more examples that I won't mention but that perhaps
you will. All of them channel hostility into art and thereby into learning.
These and other cases can inspire a range of development programs, but the
particular relevance for violence prevention and youth development merits
urgent consideration worldwide. Postwar chaos and dissolution of families
make gang life ever more common. In their search for identity, their indefinite futures, economic scarcity, social inequality, and sometimes undecided
genders, youth are nonconformist and rebellious, like artists. Feelings of
aggression are normal, especially in unfair conditions, so authorities would
do well to stop wishing those feelings away.
Art honors the explosive energy, Hallie Flanagan explained to her congressional interrogators: ult is the very essence of art that it exceed bounds,
often including those of tradition, decorum, and that mysterious thing
called taste. It is the essence of art that it shatter accepted patterns, advance into unknown territory, challenge the existing order. Art is highly
explosive. To be worth its salt it must have in that salt a fair sprinkling
of gunpowder." 146 The sprinkling can accun1ulate dangerously if governments don't provide outlets for artistic ((symbolic aggression." Behaviorist
research clinches the connection between violence and a lack of creativity
by observing" that murderers have a characteristically underdevelo pe d capacity for play. 14 ~ One takeaway. lesson for civic leaders is to multiply opportunities to develop that capacity. Youth generally accept the invitation to
play and_ to make a~, for obvious reasons. Art t~riv~s on nonconformity,
exploratwn, expressiOn, and the development of mdiViduality.
Vexed as the national and international debates have been' there IS
news at the city level in the United States, and it connects to the go o d news
abroad. lvlayors are beginning to acknowledge and to promote sustainable
development sparked by art's agency. 148 Jaime Lerner' three-time mayor of
Curitiba and twice governor of the state of Parana' began h 1s T ED ta lk m
2008 by saying that cities are not a problem they are a solut
. .
. '
y City
can be saved w1thm three years and this will revive entire countnes.
149 Th e
lessons can be abstracted, U.S. consultants say, in a manual fo
. b"l" FO
r CIVIC SUStam~ I tty.- ~ev:s from Detroit, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Los An eles
to ltnk the arts
urban revival, confirming economist Rictard
. s observattons m 711e Rise oif the Creative Cl ass ( 2002 ) . Consider
practiCally devastated Braddock, Pennsylvania At an Ideas Fest' 1.
;'vf j h
lVa In 2010
a} or o .. n F~tterman spoke "about how art could bring social chang~
~o: town decimated by violence and poverty.tSl The burly giant ( 6'8")
a spent two years at Harvard's Kennedy School of Go
he rna hav
. .
vernment, w ere
the m:del oefgobttenfthe I.nspirations he acknowledges: Florida's book and
ur an armmg pro t D
Bronx rooftops.tsl B t th " Jec s m etrOit s wastelands and on South
u e two-pronged a
h" f
pproac o art and agriculture
could multiply t
m o an entire menu of t h .
collected tips from . t
ec ntques 1f the mayor had also
m ernattonal cases Ad d ft
education and social
Press the name of your destination on a Paris Metro map and it lights up at
the points between the station you entered and the one you are going to.
The light-up technique now appears in museum displays about science and
history, in business plans, and -no doubt- in military maps. When the
electric pulse sends sidetracks beyond a straight or sinuous line, the constellation of bright paths suggests how a creative act can spark responses
throughout a city. Urban acupuncture is Jaime Lerner's name for pressing
on a collective nerve to illuminate a whole body politic. Antanas calls it cultural acupuncture to underline art's agency.
Some vibrant examples are the tags that teens paint on public walls to
provoke cities that may respond with mural contests and commissions
rather than with repression.1 As public constituents, the youths press for
recognition; and getting it can rouse them to become leaders, teachers,
and entrepreneurs who mentor other young citizens of say, Philadelphia
or Chicago.2 Graffiti-inspired murals in the United States stir the imagination of officials in Paris3 and set off a street artist to paint and paste portraits of angry immigrants at home before taking his "Face to Face" project
. 5
hich encourages more art-making. But BeiJing may be
attract touns s, w
g Slte for wall-tagging
arhstSj their mentor is Mao He
the most st unnm
holds the record for the longest graffiti piece, four thousand characters of
revolutionary slogans that covered public surfaces in the
and ignited
momentous change.
Consider also "Eloisa Cartonera" as acupuncturist. Making new books
from old cardboard was Eloisa's artistic response to the bankruptcy in
Buenos Aires in
The storefront publisher may not have intended to ignite a chain reaction,
but by now the initiative has inspired over thirty resource-poor collectives
to publish literary riches all over Latin America, with new sites opening
in Asia and Africa. When the Cartonera in Lima failed to sell its beautiful
cheap books, "Sarita" pressed to create more readers with an art-centered
pedagogy. The approach moved Harvard University's Cultural Agents Initiative to develop "Pre-Texts" and to train teachers in Boston, Mexico,
Colombia, Puerto Rico, El Salvador, Hong Kong, and Zimbabwe among
other sites. (See chapter 4, uPre-Texts.") These responses to art with more
art create networks that multiply good practices by pressing a point and
stimulating far-flung activities.
Change Artists
Whether or not a work of art intends to change behaviors, its effect is pro-
voc~tive. Art reframes relationships and releases raw feelings that rub
agamst convention. Wall tags raise hackles about invisibilityj cheap artisanal books show up el"t'
I 1st Id eas ab out who should read good literature. A
fresh feeling and a crif 1th
Ica oug t can g are at economic, racial, generational environmental)
pre Icaments that triggered an artwork. In other
words, aesthetic effects
are cnses o comprehension, breaches between
habit and understandi
ng. ere are at least two kinds of responses, John
ewey pomted out to the 1
a most perverse pleasure oflosing cognitive con1 E. h
~0 It er you appreciate the stimulation of emotional and mental faculties as a satisfying re-encha t
n ment of the world and stop there (in the tra.
1 ton o art for art's sake).
' or your feeling kindles curiosity and arouses
nergy or making more art Th.
than t h
IS second optiOn deserves more attentiOn
I as gotten outside the art
ld Th
velops skills d.
. .
wor every activity of art-making ean 1magmat10n it
' wrests some creative control over maten
and social constraints that might otherwise seem paralyzing. Artists are
never simply victims of circumstance. And their agency sets off creative
responses: Authorities who reframe graffiti "vandals" as artists are creative
agents too, along with the youths who violate decorous invisibility. A publisher who puts her finger on pedagogy as an answer to disappointing book
sales links education to art. To follow through from the call of social challenges to the responses of aesthetic innovation is to stimulate collective
Some, probably many, artists today harbor ambitions to set off chain reactions from art to social change? Typically, though, they stop at an initial
moment of provocation, assuming that their work is done once an art piece
goes public. When I convene local artist-activists in "Cultural Agents Fairs"
to mentor students, much of the proposed work tends to short-circuit until
workshops press toward aftereffects. Short-circuiting is what Ben Davis
of Artnet unkindly calls the ((lazy posturing of the (my art is my activism'
kind." 8 If artists collapse politics into art, rather than turn one or the other
onto a connecting tangent, they assume that making art is already a political move. Habermas makes this complaint about surrealism for thinking
that absurdity is a straight shot to liberation. (See chapters, "Play Drive in
the Hard Drive.") Staying off tangents doesn't get us very far. Boal knew
that when he developed hybrid "Legislative Theatre." Inspirations may start
onstage, but they continue in legal chambers ((to follow the normal route
for their presentation." 9 Political art turned in on itselfwinds up "unhappy/'
Carrie Lambert-Beatty concludes.10 Her example is the Yes Men whose brilliant impersonations of newscasters and expert witnesses exposed the devastating greed of big business. But their widely broadcast campaign against
Dow Chemical, for example, had no practical aftereffect.11
Compare similar tactics of falsified news in Argentina's "Tucumin is
Burning/' a "counter-information" operation of 1968 that ignited participation from growing numbers of journalists and broadcasters. The repressive Argentine government was promoting hype about Tucuman becoming a model "place of prosperity and development" while it approved
a transnational takeover of the sugar industry that would bust the unionsP
Taking advantage of the imminent First Biennial of Avant-Garde Art in
Buenos Aires, Roberto Jacoby and fellow artists, sociologists, economists,
and technicians from Buenos Aires and Rosario traveled to Tucuman to
gather testimonies and data. At the art show, they presented .films, photos,
documents, recordings, statistics, graphic propaganda of the unions, audioIt
J ,
l )St'd down the exhibition, but the cxpenence fueled del
m'.xt "i ,1y t 1e .11 my t l
. .
. J
_ C}' (soon to be hrut.1lly repressed, tt ts true) .1nd seeded
nunus tot uemOLt 1
].Koby continues to invent joint schemes, including "Venus," a "' currency" that looks like money .HH.i byp.1sses "leg.1l tender"
when the law is linked to cxploit.ltion. 14 1his is Argentina's version of a fast1
Stage Conflict
"Why have all you people come tonight?" Augusto Boal asked as he sat
on the edge of a stage at Harvard University in December 2003. "Do you
know what is going to ha ppen."' . . . N o "'.... And you can1c anyway? " H e
was already an old man but still irresistibly boyish and bubbly five years
before he died Just shy of etg
htY Wh o e1se could get a public of professors
games ror actors and nonactors, to loosen up an
nsk look1
h.ui prepared} Boal told two stories that night. One was about a peasant
leader in Brazil's desperately poor Northeast who was ready to take up arms
after young Augusto performed a revolutionary play. rfl1e other story stars
,1 sumo-sluped Peruvian woman who hufled and puffed her disapproval of
the Br.1:rili.1n director. 18 Boal had told those stories many tin1es1 including
the widely read versions in his foundatiotul 'II~t.afrc cif the Oppressed ( 1974),
.1g.1in two decades later in 11zc Rainbow c~f Desire (1995) 1 and then again in
his autobiography Hamlet and the Baker's Son (2001).19
Like traumatic experiences or epiphanies1 these pivotal encounters
shocked Boal into turning a professional corner, and they haunted him
throughout a career as animator1 joker, facilitator, therapist1 and legislator. Boal was not the first to experiment with interactive theater1 but he
was the one who abstracted the principles into an infinitely portable and
effective practice. By 1932, the Ronunian- born psychotherapist Jacob Levy
Moreno was settled in the United States .1nd touting "psychodrama" for
patients to act out their neuroses .ltH.i get dram.1tic rclief. 20 Later, movements for political enfranchisement would stage political therapy: in 1959,
the San Francisco Min1e Troupe began to defend free speech; the Bread
and Puppet Theater started in 1961 to protest the war in Vietnam; the Free
Southern TI1eater became the cultural wing of civil rights in 1963; lt's All
Right to be a Wornan Theatre validated feminism in the early 1970s. And El
Tcatro Campesino was founded in 1965 to build the United Farn1 Workers
Union.21 TI1e Teatro's experience as partner to a political n1ovement runs
parallel to that of Yuyachkani in Pent.n In both cases, labor leaders discounted theater as merely representative or entertaining, not constitutive
of the moven1ent. But Teatro Campesino's founder Luis Valdez knew how
theater played midwife to the nascent union, performing plays about pressing issues on the flatbeds of trucks, improvising with volunteers while insisting on aesthetic quality. TI1e shows stopped, Valdez remembers, because
the leaders "were not focused on the arts; they allolt'cd the arts to happen.
It was viewed as a tool and not a service. So the chaotic birth of our independence began." 23
Meanwhile in Brazil, theater was also experimenting with collective processes1 before the dictatorship ( 1969 1982) stopped the action. Boal didn't
stop directing a radical theater company until he was arrested in 1971 and
tortured in a n1ilitary prison.21 In exile, he made his most radical n1ove,
converting from Marxist director to nont11igned facilitator. The change
achieved a distilled sin1plicity that can do without professional actors or
a shared ideology. Boal's conversion began when Virgilio- that unforgettable northeast peasant- had been moved by the revolutionary actors'
chant "Let's spill our blood." Later that night, he invited Boal and his comrades to join a raid planned for the next morning. Boal explained reluctantly that the actors' rifles weren't real but made of plastic, and that_ he
admitted with deep embarrassment- the members of his troupe were not
really fighters. "Oh," said Virgilio, t(the blood we spill is my blood"i and the
white cast- so very white, Boal remembered with shame- would pack up
their phony guns and return to Rio before the violence they incited could
Unmasked and contrite, Boal abandoned his vanguard method for an
experiment with what he called t(simultaneous dramaturgy." 25 It was basically Playback Theatre with an open end: The director invites an oppressed
person to narrate his or her story up to a crisis point. He scripts and stages
the story for actors and then asks the audience to suggest solutions, which
he writes up on-site for his actors to try out. That approach fell apart in the
Andean highlands.
At the beginning of Boal's long exile from Brazil he directed a literacy
program in Peru. There, he formed a local theater company which, one evening, staged the dilemma of a woman whose deceitful husband would return the next day. Furious at the man, but afraid to be abandoned and even
more vulnerable, the protagonist faced a predicament that the play would
try to resolve. From the audience, a woman whom Boal describes as overpowering and menacing interrupted each unconvincing ending: (IYou have
to be very clear with that man," she bellowed. Every timid adjustment the
director tried confirmed her scorn for Boal1 until she lost patience, turned
her back on the stage, and lumbered toward the door. Equally exasperated, Boal ran after her with a challenge to show him, onstage, what she
meant by t(being very clear." Replacing the wife, the lumbering nonactress
gave the unfortunate husband figure a blow so smart that it literally floored
him. The smack also toppled what remained of Boal's top-down approach
to theater.26 His feeling for this woman, fear mixed with admiration, was
close to awe) an unusual aesthetic effect for the veteran director but a foundation for ethicsP
From then on, Boal would encourage the public to take the stage in what
he called (IForum Theatre," an innovation that features the t(forum" as part
of the play instead of a post-performance discussion. The one-act tragedies
that play out dilemmas (about poverty, disease, violence, abuse, exclusion,
tively for opportunities to interrupt an action that is moving toward disaster. Once the play ends tragically, the facilitator invites the audience to
watch a rerun until a volunteer shouts "Stop! " in order to replace a character and improvise a change to the script, which prompts other actors to improvise corresponding changes. Then more replacements follow until time
runs out. Inspirations hardly ever do.
Trying out possible scenarios is literally how Dewey described deliberation. He understood it as a theatrical exercise and would have recognized
Forum Theatre as an ingenious medium for pragmatic ethics. The imaginative tryouts of various possible actions can explore consequences without
doing harm. "Deliberation is a dramatic rehearsal (in imagination) of various competing possible lines of action ... . [It] is an experiment in finding
out what the various lines of possible action are really like . ... Thought
runs ahead and foresees outcomes, and thereby avoids having to await the
instruction of actual failure and disaster. An act overtly tried out is irrevocable; its consequences cannot be blotted out. An act tried out in imagination is not final or fatal. It is retrievable." 32 After playing through these tryouts in Forum Theatre, the facilitator may play the "joker" - Dewey might
call him ethical philosopher- to goad participants toward ascesis, a classical term for the derivation of general principles from particular conilicts.33
Theatre of the Oppressed
one player from another, "its original sense of wondering at, standing back
from something in astonishment. ... Surprise is in itself a rebellion; it says,
'No, I do not accept this as normal.' " 38 Our jaded times need more of this
aesthetic effect.39
By the time he wrote The Rainbow of Desire, subtitled, The Boal Method
of Theatre and Therapy, Augusto had been living in exile for fifteen years.40
France became his second home. He went there because he had to leave
Portugal once "the Revolution of Carnations withered.'' 41 He had gone to
Portugal in flight from Argentina, where General Videla started his own
dirty war after the one in Brazil sent Boal packing. Several Latin American
countries were locked down in dictatorship, and artists pressed where they
could. The CADA collective in Chile is worth mentioning. Its "No more
... (fill in your chosen abuse)" graffiti would appear on officially whitewashed walls day after day.42 Young Alfredo Jaar chose exile instead of hideand-seek with Augusto Pinochet's agents, after provoking them relentlessly
with one question on billboards, painted highway lanes, and faceless filmed
interviews: Are you happy? 4 3
That Europeans were unhappy too shocked Boal, who was living in Paris
and traveling in the region. "In Europe, I started hearing about species of
oppression not discussed in Latin America: loneliness, isolation, emptiness, and lack of communication- very different from strikes, shortage
of water, hunger and violence.... There were more suicides in Scandinavia, where matters of basic subsistence were resolved, than in the southern hemisphere, where dictatorships murdered people, but where fewer
people pointed weapons at their own heads."44 Statistics continue to show
a rate of suicide in developed Europe three times that of Latin America.45
Suicide was the pressure point that connected theater to therapy for
Boal. Until then, he had located his work in Brecht's line of experiments
to distance the public from bourgeois ideology, not in the line of Ibsen's
psychological drama. But now, Brecht's techniques for dislodging audience
sympathy from the action onstage served to develop theater as psychological therapy. With his wife, psychiatrist Cecilia Thumim, Boal put patients
and normally neurotic subjects onstage inside and outside hospitals. The
subject of distress would double as the agent of relief. One actor at a time
would tease out personal conflicts between desire and fear. Teasing elements apart is just what theater does, Boal explained, simply by staging a
proble1n. More dramatically than ever, he appreciated the "aesthetic space"
of theater, where actions are performed and recognized as performance.
Patients are often overwhelmed and trapped in internal conflict. But theater externalizes conflict in ways that the protagonist can explore. Even
before a joker invites spect-actors to play out interventions, the very fact
of playing oneself doubles the subject's perspective. Actors know that they
are acting.
The same person can be both victim and viewer of victimization.
l\-1ore than the entrenched narrated content of the tragedy, the protagonist becomes a narrating subject at a critical distance from the character.46
(Emmanuel Levinas had an ethical preference for narrating, ((saying/' over
inflexible content that is "said." 47 ) Boal calls this dynamic doubling "metaxis/' which means belonging to two worlds at the same time.48 With characteristic flair, he announced that therapeutic theater is a ((Copernican
Revolution," because the subject is no longer the center of his universe but
a moveable piece in a dynamic system of stars. Unmoored from habit, he
or she can join forces with others, including psychiatrists.4 9 The staged process can produce relief, called catharsis. Deliberately and from the hospital ward, Boalliberates this medical term from Aristotle's coercive theater
where desire is pathological and relief means purgation of nonconformist
energy. Boal instead defines catharsis as the expulsion of the very "cop in
the head" that Aristotle had engaged to torment protagonists and to terrify
their spectators.50
The path from vanguard political theater- that peaked for Boal in the
196os- to socially interactive Forum Theatre, followed by the Rainbow's
subjective drama, came full circle back to politics when Boal returned to
Brazil and invented "Legislative Theatre." Having lit up points along his
path, Boal produced what amounted to a floodlight on theater's liberating
work: from representation to reflection to imagining change. The cumulative effect moved the vice governor of the state of Rio de Janeiro to invite
Augusto and Cecilia back to Brazil, to develop theater education in a new
statewide network of Centers for Integrated Popular Education.51 By 1986
oppositional Boal was working for the government! It was a dream come
truej he wrote about integrating theater into basic education. But it lasted
only until the next election.52 The following years were a struggle on decreasingly fertile ground. Grassroots TO companies dried up because members couldn't pay bus fares, because facilitators were afraid of the crossfire
in favelas, because injustice became so habitual that people were losing the
energy of indignation. By 1992, Rio's Center for Theatre of the Oppressed
seemed light years behind the shining moment that brought Boal back.
Only foreign visitors were interested in the afterglow.
Even so, we lived in great hope, which is, as the saying goes, the last
thing to die.
It died.
One day we decided to put an end to the Center1 to carry out
compassionate euthanasia on our moribund dream. How best might
we lay this dream to rest, after its death? We didn't want a sad, tearful burialj we preferred something in the New Orleans style. A musical funeral, a funeral which would have a joyful aspect-a bang not a
By coincidence, 1992 was an election year and elections in Brazil- in marked contrast to many European and North American
countries- are an erotic moment in national life.53
During the political campaigns that year1 TO 's tragicomic antics ramped up
to a good-bye bash reported in avid media outlets. A spectacular funeral
procession for democracy1 classroom simulations of materialist history
lessons on Ipanema's beach1 quick-change artists whose bikinis winked
underneath nuns' habits, were all coveted photo ops for newspapers and
newscasters focused on a group that seemed poised to win an election.
Against genuine or histrionic protests- that he was a man of the theater
not of politics, that the funeral and other "invisible theater" events were
"only" arts interventions- Boal ran for city councilor on the Workers Party
ticket. He won and took office as vereador of Rio de Janeiro in January 1993.
Boal fills some funny pages with scenes from that allegedly unintended
campaign, including his distress at the possibility of winning. Nevertheless1
he took advantage of the office to develop art's potential over the next four
years. It was an unprecedented opportunity to create a hybrid of theater and
procedural politics called "Legislative Theatre." ''As the function of vereadors
is to create laws and to ensure the proper enactment of those that already
exist, the people's participation in this process could be achieved by means
of theater: transitive democracy." 54 Democracy in the Greek polis belonged
to the few free citizens "the fasces, or small bundle of sticks," and in contemporary politics the bundle collapses under abusive "pragmatism." ss But transitive democracy can engage economically and educationally uneven populations, respecting the rules of each without missing their points of contact.56
ics of the Oppressed (2oo6). The focus here broadens from theater to general arts education.58 One school-based activity was to paint personalized
images of Brazil's national flag. A YouTube video shows an eight-year-old
boy painting the standard image and then covering it in shades of gray that
deepen to black. "It's because the country feels like a prison to me, dark and
teachers, citizens and spectators, for sessions from which everyone takes
away more than they brought.64
Among the countless contributions of Boal's acupressure (including
the collective ]ana Sanskriti that just celebrated 25 years of TO in villages
around Calcutta, where twelve thousand peasants had gathered to hear
Boal speak in 2002) I can report on sequels he sparked close to home: Following Boal's Harvard workshops in 2003, Betsy Bard facilitated a summer
theater program at the local high school. 65 After seeing the high school
production, doctors Felton Earls and Maya Carlson developed a Forum
Theatre approach to AIDS prevention and treatment for youth in Tanzania.66 Meanwhile, Cultural Agents offered "Pre-emptive Acts" for the Equal
Employment Opportunities Commission so that law enforcers and human
resources officers could rehearse responses before discrimination explodes
into actionable cases. Similar workshops support MIT's Interfaith Fellows
Program.67 Colombia's Ministry of Justice invited cultural agent Carmen
Oquendo to facilitate for its LGBT rights campaign.68 And plans are under
way to make Forum Theatre an alternative to just talking about race and
gender at Harvard College.
airless," he explains to the facilitator while texturing the thick paint into a
jail-like grid.59 Another activity, just to mention one more, was to recycle
junk into sculptural self-portraits that explored environmental and personal adaptation and sustainability.60 (Jaime Lerner's urban acupuncture
included teaching children to recycle, so they could teach their parents.)
In some significant way, these stimulations follow from the acupressure
that Freire administered. In Pedagogy of the Oppressed (1969) he pressed on
top-down teaching to level hierarchies into horizontal relationships. Respect without deference would curb authoritarian habits and cultivate student initiative. Freire's best disciple took the theater as his classroom; he
brought directors down to the level of jokers. Contemporaries and friends
during Brazil's dictatorship, Freire and Boal were tired of revolutions that,
true to their literal meaning, go around in circles.61 Freire chided teachers
who bank data in students presumed to be empty depositories; and Boal
scorned directors who stage spectacles that pacify the public. Anyone who
works for the people rather than with the people does them a patronizing disservice.62 In complementary manuals, Freire and Boal orchestrated
polyphony in schools and onstage. You can log onto a combined PT 0
(Pedagogy and Theatre of the Oppressed) website to clinch this relationship.63 Boal's last father, as he calls Freire, knew how to convene pupils and
It can be a hard history to tell, hard for the survivors who still choke up
when they talk about the losses though they cannot stop telling. Mostly
it is hard for historians who are used to holding a narrative together on
the anchor of singular heroes and villains. 69 The protagonist of ACT UP is
a loose collective of mostly arts activists who fought the AIDS epidemic.
Wisely anonymous, their activities would have been short-lived if each artist had taken credit for brilliant work in the homophobic and triumphant
corporatist environment of the late 198os and early' 90s. Like Boal's theater
and Lope de Vega's Golden Age drama about an entire town that takes responsibility for confronting abuse/0 ACT UP protected itself from persecution with a "first person plural." Here was no charismatic Martin Luther
King Jr., no Mahatma Gandhi, or Harvey Milk, or Cesar Chavez; no icon
of leadership, but rather a rush of iconoclastic artworks that disturbed the
superficial calm of New York City.
The headless nature of this story keeps ACT UP from making appearances in history books, observers will say. And it is true; there seems to
be no one point on which historians might focus to light up a sequence
of events that move d rom
nd public space. A result of thts narrative fail,
medicine, law, commerce, a
.ons of citizens won t eas1ly find the mformat 10n
ure is that new genera 1
the 1r own feelings of outrage, msptre responses, and acthat could tngger
derable accomplishments of coordtnated arts activknowle d ge tI1e cons1
me 1de a of the civil rights movement and of the femi1sm. C 1ttzens ave so
. movemen t, but hardly a notion about their sequeltn ACT UP, though
. tmpacte
d h ea lth care for everyone in the United States and laid claim to
ghts Wh1"}e the "plague" of AIDS continues to ravage enorh
. .
genera uman n
. ns - at least thirty-three nnlhon worldWide
With a dispromous popu1a t10
. .
In fact, AIDS continues in the spotlight, now that the threat of infection
has become universal. What falls out of focus, survivors of the early crisis
one of the movement's art collectives, Gran Fury, with paste-up drafts of
posters, variations on the pink triangle logo, and notes to the printer. Pieces
from the New York Public Library, to which ACT UP donated its archives,
from Rochester University's Library, and almost-forgotten personal stashes
bers strong after a first call to arms in 1987, may be too particular (in both
meanings of minority and queer) for straight readers to take to heart. "They
years that would otherwise have been entirely tragic. On wall text, the gallery displayed precise and escalating numbers of yearly deaths from AIDS
years complain, is the history of homosexuals as both victims and the van-
adding up to 15o,ooo, more than the number of U.S. soldiers who died in
the Vietnam War. The devastation of AIDS never inspired the City of New
New York streets in 1989. With the exhibition- and gallery talks, conferences, poetry readings, and course development- this engaged curator cre-
thetically arresting art as the vehicle for ACT up's effective eight-year cam-
ated a stir against the silence that mutes a movement founded over twenty
years ago, forty years since the Stonewall Riots of 1969 set off the gay rights
movement in the United States. The exhibition hoped to revive the throb of
precisely because of the enduring artwork. Think about the relentless leit-
ers, and other visitors who can again act up against indifference.
The show is not nostalgic, Molesworth insisted if anyone asked. Hor-
and pins, worn on T-shirts, and projected in neon lights as a window display at the White Columns Art Gallery.
ror years of the epidemic are not magical times to be recovered, she chas-
The neon version of the pink triangle pointing upward from a base
tened us. But her decision to dedicate the show to the movement, rather
that spells out Silence=Death was on display at the Carpenter Center for
1 ) . , ()tts 111 (i concentrated time to re.1ct to dis<1Ster .1nd lc)
\.JParttSS 1l.Htllll 1
. {) . .011 t nued
sometimes nosthumous, .Ktion. Molesworth
open rou t es l L
. .
. .
. h. , 1. )tll sn'Lt 1cuhrconverl'etKe between poltttc.ll acttvtsm and
pu ts lll'l ng~.: l . r ... '
art, itwiting us to press for future results. Her curaton.1l work ts .1 second
degree .KtiYism, a re:-;ponse to the .u-tworks .uHi to their impressive effects,
th.~t links interventionist ,ut directly to students, to the spheres they
will dcYelop, to visitors, and even to readers of reviews such as "Blunt Instruments: Collectives' AIDS Art Made an lmp.Kt with Just .1 Few Strong
lnuges."~2 By a subsequent, terti.1ry ripple dlect I feature her work in my
courses .md in this book on arts interventions that don't give up. M.1ybe
readers will dare to design new .1rts interventions, or just register the connections between art and activism as voting citizens. In both her case .1nd
mine, hum.mistic interpretation extends art's itnpact.
"Act up!" w.1s the challenge launched by Larry Kr.1mer at New York's
Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center early in M.uch 1987 . A
crowd had come to he.u him talk .1bout his art, but Kramer lud tired of
talk while the A 1us epidemic raged. He turned his session of the speakers'
series into .1 pl.ltform for planning direct action:" 1 he audience must have
expected the confront.ltiotul style; he was famous for it. 'lhe angry energy
h.1d just been st.1ged in shout- down scenes of his .wtobiogr.1phical play
1/rc Nomrall /cart at New York's Public 1he.1ter?'1 13ut that M.1rch evening,
Kramer's disturb.1nce played more like a Forum ,..l heatre intervention than
a scripted dr.1ma. His message to the A 1 DS tragedy was "Stop!" 'I hen he
got on history's stage to change the script and set ofr a new dynamic. Other
spect-actors joined to improvise more developments. By Man.:h 24 1 the
new AIDS Co.1lition to Unleash Power was demonstrating on Wall Street
against pharmaceutical profiteers. After seventeen arrests .1nd a follow up
infiltration of the New York Stock Exchange, the pril:e of treatment fell by
20 percent .md the rood and Drug Administration (FDA) shortened its
drug approval process by two years."'5
1hc weekly meetings of ACT uP convened in sp.Kious Cooper Union
Hall, where the New York 300 put into practice their readings on "radi
cal democracy/' which featured Freire's petbgogy along with counter
hegemonic political theory?6 Anyone could take the floor for ten minutes,
only ten. If the speaker wanted to continue, perrnission w.1s decided by ma
jority vole. All decisions were reached that way. Por ex.lmple, when impres ~
sive actions were planned on Wall Street, in St. Patrick's c.1thedral, at
the FDA - a minority could not block the action. Instead, dissenters would
design .w .1ltenutivc action and bro.1den the movement. '1 he spirit of autonomous lc.Hicrship rcpe.1ted through specific collectives. Intentionally
outr.1geous names gave an edgy charm to .1ssaults on murderous respectability: Gr.w Fury, Silence De.1th Project, Cang, and Fierce Pussy used
guerilla m.ukcting techniques to re.1ch a m.1ss .wdicncc. "1 n subway cars,
tt".lnsit st,ltions, t.1xi c1bs, outdoor billboards, and bus p.mels, their whec.\tp.lsted posters and crack and peel stickers powerfully communicated ACT
up's outrage and were ubiquitous throughout New York City. P.1iring text
.wd im1gc with penetrating anger ,1nd se.1ring wit, A<.'T up's art collectives
targeted specific individuals and institutions at the local ;lnd tutionallcvel,
advoc.1ted for safer sex and gay and lesbi.1n rights, .l!Hi galv.mizcd broad band support for the A IDS activism movetnent." 77
M.uginalized in political histories, ACT uP fills ~1.1ges of art history.
(Docs this dissuade other historians from t.1king it seriously?) ll1e visu~ll
sophistication of activists commands the attention of art scholars just
.1s it had arrested citizens on the street. 'I:1king tc'thniqucs from notable
contemporary artists, such .1s blowing up .His the w.1y Richard Prince did
wtth his Marlboro cowboys, citing the tormented doll tlut Hans Hellmer
twisted into .1 swastika for the poster "A Lns: tin 6t," ,1nd borrowing B.1rbara
Kruger's favorite font for Gran Fury's "Re.1d My Lips," puts ACT UP .utists
on the crest of a contemporary art w.we. lnside the colkctivcs, .1nonymous
ACT uP artists competed with the best .1dvertising t.1lent to outshine commercial messages with bold Jnd often tragicomic visu<ll arrests. "He Kills
Me" identifies .1 portrait of Ronald RL'ag.w. "MEN, Usc Condoms, Or Bc.1t
It," re,Hi the big block letters on ,1 fluorL'SCl'tll yellow b.Kkground. rl hese
strategies of rcpurposing existing forms, ".1ppropri.1ting," and disrupting
visu.1l .1nd vcrb.1l regimes became fund.uncnt.1l to the history of postmodern aesthetics, impossible to narr.1tc without .Hidrcssing Gr.1n Fury, for
ex.1mplc. Outside the collectives and under their proper tumcs, the S<lmc
.utists produced first rate formal and .1bstr.1tt work, doubling between politital and nonpolitcal .ut in .1 fecdb.Kk loop that dcmonstr.1tcs the connections between critique ~1nd creativity.
Apprenticeship to both civil rights .md thl' women's movement linked
ACT uP to a M.nxist tradition of''imm.lnl'nl nitiquc," .walysis tlut locates
contr.Hiictions in the ruling discourses (of citizenship, medical rcsponsi
bility, equal rights) .1nd demands .1ccount.1hility. 'lhc c.ll'lier movl'mcnts
h.1d <llre.1dy ,H1ded performance to politic.1l philosophy: civil disobcdi
encc for civil rights, br.1 burning for feminism, and L'g.1litarbn circles at
I' R I S S liE R l\
progress, much less its incursions into n1edicine, law, and cor~unerce. ~ut
two artists, S.uah Schulman and Jim Hubbard, captured the d1ffuse quahty
of ACT uP in their Oral History Project. And curator Helen Molesworth
designed the simultaneous display, suggesting (as did Boal) that narrative
pohttery, graphic design, and mtro uce new an
cal organizing.'' 86 An1ong the ripples the movement made was the expan ACT uP raised demands for
. of universal hmnan rights. In acad cmtcs,
. sites
. b y add'mg advertising and the virtual space of 1ned1a. Along With
Internationally though, AIDS receives sustained and growing attention1 perhaps disproportionate attention from the perspective of women's
health, for which AIDS is a complication in the general disaster of genderbased violence. Rape is an epidemic for which medical and legal remedies
treat only symptomsj violence against women demands the kind of cultural
acupuncture that ACT UP pioneered.
At the end of Molesworth's gallery talk1a young man asked about musi-
cal creativity during those ACT UP years. The question stirred a memory of
lic sphere with provocative art that seemed to be selling so.mething (a flip
strategy of the advertising campaign that Oliviero Toscan1 developed for
"utopia" for her in clubs like the Paradise Garage1 where music mash-ups
paralleled the postmodern pastiches of visual artists. The dress, the music,
Benetton where selling clothes was a prompt for circulating socially urgent
drugs, dancing/ the joy and the admiration that her quickened voice evoked
messages) .s7 And bold performances by veteran artists were sure to get on
TV's universally viewed six o'clock news. For example, the demand inside
into a reverie about Latin dance halls during those years. They were acu-
pressure sites that made syncopated/ socially uneven crowds throb together
with the same music. And though I cannot yet follow through to significant
mous banner attached to balloons1 while bullhorns insisted on the message. Better yet1artists documented the visually arresting actions on newly
reforms and improved social conditions that the clubs must have facilitated, I know that they expanded the interracial space to make new hybrid
affordable video cameras. One of the lessons learned from civil rights was
that filming arrests makes them safer. Police don't want to play bad guys
in the movies.
Perhaps it's unfair to wonder if ACT UP schooled itself in the civil rights
form of nonviolent activism1 but not enough in the content of racial justice.88 Of the more than a million HIV infections in the United States today1
Dance-Hall Democracy
the rate for African Americans is seven times higher, three times for Latinos, than for whites.89 It would be tragic to speculate that the decrescendo
a floor. It was in "centrally isolated/' as the locals say1 Ithaca/ New York,
where a friendly gay club went Latin on Wednesday nights. Once a week
of the New York movement coincides with the release in 1996 of afford-
able treatment for the mostly white activists and their younger social class-
intellectually restless.
~.lams t~e
rom tnterna pressures by 1993, years before
ART was developed Kra
"~De d6nde es us ted?" I asked the best Latin dancer I ever followed around
in step. Readers of novels like Cecilia Valdes set 1n th e 1830s know th at the
popular bailes de cuna-where classes mixed freely-had already developed a Cuban taste
for freestyle
partnering But the revol u t.10nary camps
our State Bank? You know there's nothing in it'). My favorite: Wtthm a few
hours of the invasion, all the street signs in Prague are painted over. The
tanks wander directionless through the streets for hours, then days, and
Development Bank where Abreu pressed for loans, there were objections
then for the rest of the occupation, because all the maps in the city are de-
stroyed as well." 94
The Plastic People continued to rock in secret and out of town, includ-
more than two million young people concluded that every dollar invested
in El Sistema was reaping about $1.68 in social dividends.10o
ing at Vaclav Havel's country house. Several members of the band were
put on trial in 1976 and two musicians went to prison. General outrage inspired Havel to draft the human rights manifesto, Charter 77 The notori-
Pro-Test Lab
ous trial rippled in waves of solidarity for the persecuted musicians and also
for Havel's leadership. The tide would topple the communist government
They figured it would be impossible to fight city hall. Authorities in Vilnius had already sold the.last movie theater to developers. So two local
artists made saving the cinema called "Lietuva" (Lithuania) into an art
Velvet? The name was borrowed from another rock band. When Lou Reed,
founder of the Velvet Underground, came to Prague in 1990, Havel asked
project. That way Nomeda and Gediminas Urbonas wouldn't measure success on reclaiming the theater but on seeing how far they could go. This
counterintuitive though it may seem. A.5 surely as rock resisted the Soviets
double motor of civic responsibility and experimental art. If it were not for
civic commitments, Nomeda and Gediminas would not have taken this art
Antonio Abreu. (Classical music also invites Israeli and Arab youth to play
assignment. And were it not for this work of art, Lithuanians would not
boim and Edward Said.96 ) Since 1975, Abreu's youth orchestras are social
networks of rigorously trained but otherwise disenfranchised children and
literally sustains the res publica, which was imploding under rampant postSoviet privatization.102
the United States, Britain, and China.97 One spectacular sequel is Paraguay's recycling of a garbage dump into the space and material resources
in Venezuela (about four million over the years) 90 percent live under the
poverty line. They do well in school, don't drop out, and find employment,
sometimes as music instructors and internationally coveted professionals.
cinema's attractions include its sleek lines and broad access from a popular
plaza.104 The same centrally located plaza had long been the site of dem-
pendence. The building seated almost one thousand in the main hall and
From ages two and three, children attend nucleos where they develop
friendships through music-making, not gangs. The joy of playing together
sustains them during long hours of training. For pragmatic reasons, Abreu
placed El Sistema under the Ministry of Family, Health, and Sports, not the
Ministry of Culture where support would have been precarious. The aim is
G d. .
use. e 1mmas and
Nomeda proposed to interview patrons of the final Interna t.1ona1p]1m Fes-
2oos, when plans for demolition were announced, the Lietuva was about
they invited the collective to occupy the ticket office that would become
the fourteen cinema employees. The public future of the building and its
ences among pro-testers who had huddled in the cinema to shelter particu-
accompanying plaza had been secured in 1994, when the company signed a
State Land Lease that was good until 2093. 105 Scandalously, ((Lietuva" was
that kept the Lab clear of any one ideology. It is a strategy that comes in-
put up for auction to private bidders in 2002. And tragicomically, the mu-
in 2004 to designate Vilnius as Europe's Capital of Culture. Almost everyone felt frustrated. What had been common -libraries, stadiums, concert
vened a public meeting to change its mission from defending the cinema,
((For 'Lietuva/" to recuperating the country, ((For Lietuva without Quota-
halls, public swimming pools, and other recreational sites - became private
tion Marks." The two hundred attendees represented new groups: anar-
chists, members of the Green Party, true Social Democrats ("the losers"),
embody. During the twenty years of official independence since 1990, nothing public had been built. The only new structures were shopping malls and
private housing. But no one protested. The very word {(protest" conjured an
On April 9, 2005, the mix thickened when the Pro-Test Lab con-
America Will Help Us! (June 2, 2005). It was a photo op of a crowd wear-
A first move was to invent ((Vilma/' an e-mail list of artists and activists
ing President Bush masks and eating popcorn. Bush had visited Lithuania
in 2002 and famously declared that ((from now on any enemy of Lithuania
is an enemy of the U.S." The backdrop for the photo was a huge poster of
culture.108 Had the event been a political demonstration it would have re-
neous coalition, though few artists joined because political art had long
America Will Help Us! and other contentious displays of dissent passed
under the legal radar though all the media outlets picked it up.
Another successful event was Fashion Collection for Work and Rebel-
lion (July 12, 2005). A well-known designer and several glamorous models
The clever name contains protest in the double sense of inclusion and
turned the cinema's rooftop into a catwalk and made the show irresistible
to the media. It covered the front pages of the newspapers, including Busi-
ness News. This was the last straw for the already harassed pirated films, rock and folk concerts, milk bars, masquerades, all of
Wasn't it enough that a sweet deal with the city had just gone sour and
cost him a fortune? Or that the cinema's plaza had hosted a Monopoly-
were more than sixty events in the first half of 2005, a barrage that worried
the new ow~ers o f "LIetuva " enough to resell the property to ((Paradise
Apartments, a front for Lithuanian and Russian investors.I07
like game called VIP Market where architecture students displayed scale
models of churches, parks, and an opera house, with offers to turn them
07 would
Into garages, shops, or apartments? (An Internet versiOn m 20
~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~~ ~ ~
,~ ~
~ ~
~ ~
Pro-Test lab: America Will Help Us! Action at the Lictuva Cinema,
Courtesy Gediminas Urbonas and Nomeda Urbonas.
invite players to "develop" the city as one of four characters - the corrupt
mayor, a gas tycoon, a local gangster, a vamp. The trick at the end of the
game is that no matter how high a player scores, the Pro-Test Lab destroys
the profits.) Now the mogul's own friends and allies were humiliating him
with enthusiasm for subversive fashion. (Anarchists tried to undercut the
Lab's victory with objections to "collaborating with spectacle.")
The Lab also experimented with a TV talk show to get politicians, architects, human rights activists, and city planners to talk about public space.
One show featured the architect of the cinema's replacement building. Another brought in lawyers for the developers. The show also reported on the
disastrous gentrification of Oslo as a warning to Vilnius. The cumulative
effect was to ground the concept of public space into a concrete demand.
Therefore, frustration escalated when the cinema closed in September 2005
to be immediately sold to Paradise Apartments. Citizens' voices had not
been heard, so Vilma invited everyone to bring out their dogs and make
more noise. Dogs Barking Will Not Disturb the Clouds is a Lithuanian folk
saying about purposeless complaining. On the square in front of the con76
Nomeda Urbonas.
demned building, the dogs created a media success, and also disagreement
with activists who objected to the post-protest message.
Vilma was the Pro-Test Lab's electronic afterlife. One powerful connection that it brokered was an invitation for Gediminas and Nomeda to speak
on the state-owned radio station. This got journalist Rasa Kalinauskaite
firedj she then joined a private TV show and developed her new passion for
heritage. Becoming the Lab's lead spokesperson, Rasa also founded Lithuania's Alternative Heritage Commission to hold government accountable to
the law.
By the end of 2005 Paradise Apartments hired media monitors to track
the artists' activities. And when another heritage expert spoke on national
radio about abuses committed by the developers- collapsed buildings}
d d "eVIdence" of
1 legal elimination of a playground- the mom tors proVI e
libel. Fr01n late 2005 to the present, the company has tried to have the artists' accounts arrested and in 2008 it sued the heritage expert for damages.
No lawyer would def~nd her, but an artist stepped in as happened in ACT
uP. Musician Tomas Bakucionis was only a law student then. He had got.
p rr1 st Lab petition to the
ten mterested
in the law while draftmg a 200 ro- e
1governmen t demanding
na t1ona
astoundregard mg pu tc s c
. .
. .
ingly, the goyernment found four of the seven pet1t10n points legitimate.
1his was a re.ll Yictory. One of the points was to explore the establishment
of a "Public Sp.Ke Comtnittee" in the Ministry of Culture, though municipallawyers lud argued that the term was bogus because property was private by definition.
A series of suits and countersuits forced Gedin1inas and Nomeda to investigate their civil rights. 1hey discovered the International Aarhus Convention, which explicitly guarantees the right of citizens to participate in
decisions about environmental use. 109 This right was a surprise to Lithuania,
though the country had signed the convention, translated fron1 a Inistranslated Russian version. For example, "environment" turned into "nature";
"transparency" became "publicity"; "sustainable" translated as "balanced."
The document had never been cited in Lithuanian courts and the artists'
case depended on approval of their fresh translation, which finally came in
January 2009. The developers retaliated with a civil suit to demand compensation for compounded losses, alleging that the Lab experimented with
public resources, including the very courts that were judging their pranks.
But the artists assured the authorities that they were following the law to
the letter, an innovation in Lithuania that evidently had a defamiliarizing
Making Sidetracks
Agent Spotting
Pedro Reyes had an ambitious idea for an art show, but he hesitated. The
idea was to fill Harvard University's Carpenter Center galleries during the
spring of 2006 with projections about the future. And the hesitation came
from thinking about the future, which conjured such bleak visions for the
Mexican artist scenes of violence, scarcity, disease, and death that he
felt stuck between wanting to be honest and hating to spread gloom. Then
something happened to revive his faith in art along with his hope in things
to come. Reyes met two spectacular cultural agents1 "connectionists/' to
use his neologism for masters of hybrid forms that link art with social development. The first was Antanas Mockus, the mayor who thinks like an
artist. The second was Augusto Boal1 the artist who acts in city government.
Discovering them was an invitation to think otherwise about prospects and
about one's own creative contribution to forging a future. It was also a bur-
1hcy regularly negotiate "littoral" coproductions with other- perhaps recently recruited- artists to create collective works that generate the byproduct of 111utu.11 .1dn1iration. 1 So after worrying a bit about the alleged
bad aesthetic effects of good social intentions, Reyes got back on an active
track and recognized rnany of the artists he n1ost adn1ires as cultural agents.
The new fran1ing of art allowed hin1 to imagine a witty and productive
future worth projecting at the Carpenter Center. He called the successful
exhibition ad uswn, "to be used." There was an oversize T-shirt hung like a
banner that read: "Turn always to the left, or always to the right, and you go
in circles." A11 enorn1ous top invited visitors to give it a spin that would land
and interpretation that Mockus had pioneered. Latin Ainerica may be unstable politically and poor by economic n1easures, Reyes admitted, but it is
incredibly rich in creativity. That richness can pay off in public gains.
, I
It's not that creative arts should be immediately useful or that they lack
intrinsic value. On the contrary, the very autonomy of art allows it to chal-
lenge existing arrangements and to exercise freedom. Art triggers fresh perceptions and unclogs procedure in ways that make it a social resource to
reckon with.3 Five years after meeting Mockus, Reyes reflected on his own
recent projects, noticing that they begin either as art and end up as social
intervention, or they flip the other way around. Take, for example, Palas por
Training Taste
Judgment matters for all human activities, and the best way to develop it
is through aesthetics. Immanuel Kant was sure of this when he insisted
that aesthetics was a cornerstone of the philosophical Enlightenment. Science and morality- the true and the good- respond to existing criteria of
reason and decency, to established values, desires, and rulesj but judging
beauty and the sublime have nothing at stake besides judgment itself. It
doesn't make you rich, or saintly, or famous. Aesthetics is the only field of
passionate engagement that unhinges rules and values surprise. It ignores
33 Palas par Pistolas (Guns into Shovels) Exhibit. Courtesy Pedro Reyes.
convention and allows an uncluttered moment for free judgment. No wonder aesthetics developed alongside democracy, which depends on a subjective ability to distance oneself from particular economic, political, or
continue to burden public resources even after they stop shooting. The chal-
lenge of what to do with the dead weight of disabled arms inspired Reyes
of intersubjective philosophy.9
down the metal. The result is Imagine ( 2012). With advice from musician
can be erudite, but they cannot judge.10 And obedient subjects of estab-
Edi Kistler, Pedro produced a series of fifty eerily beautiful and hauntingly
lished rules and authority don't bother to exercise because they don't need
to consider specific questions. What is the best field for toning the gen-
Reyes and his crew transformed the weapons in just two weeks, realizing
Pedro invests this alchemy with the power of spiritual transformation. ((I
beautiful and the sublime is the one intense human activity that doesn't
wanted to liberate these objects from their demons rather than perpetuat-
which pleases in the mere act of judging it." 11 To take pleasure in a poem f~r
the familiar double bind of radical thinking about the politics of art-making:
its moral message, or appreciate a play for its politics, or a meal for its nutn-
either expecting too much revolutionary effect or holding out too little
tion, is not an aesthetic response because it begs returns from the poem,
hope for change. Agency enabled him to engage with the existing culturally
constructed world, instead of summarily discarding its value or despairing altogether? Grand gestures now seemed unnecessary_ and irresponsible- while the work of making art in complicated contexts promised real
and desire, judg1
rom practical reason, which is determtne Y mora
talent which can be practiced only and cannot be taught." Stanley Cavell
captures the word with an inspiration from Wittgenstein. Judgment, he
says, is not logic; it is rather a grammar, so that usage in communication, not
rational argument, develops a sense of right or wrongP Familiarity with the
language system, appreciation for its particular uses, contexts, and contin-
ma terially. But aesthetics prepares the ground for interperso na1persuasiOn
in more contentious fields.
Hannah Arendt reads Kant's Third Critique of Aesthetic Judgment (
reason and his Second Critique on (moral) practical reason as setting the
exercise judgment even when they mistake the activity for reasonable argument. And they can change their minds -learn a new grammar, Antonio
cannot judge. They follow determined paths. The Third Critique supple-
ments the objective track of reason with a necessary subjective pause for
Aesthetic disinterest, I should make clear, is far from indifference. In-
difference is a lack of feeling that isolates us from society and from interpersonal obligations. Disinterest, on the contrary, is a condition of free-
judgment of beauty excites the feeling of love that lingers on the beautiful
sider the contingencies and the effects of reasonable thinking (Third Cri-
form and that assumes others will feel the same. And though an experience of the sublime begins with confusion or fear, it continues through the
tique prologue, part 4). Judgment checks ((the scandal of reason," which
it, reason would reduce thinking to a technical exercise and dismiss feel-
and respect are generous responses that demand nothing in return. Indif-
supporting the public exercise of reason that Kant identified as the mature
ence. Was the experience of an object or an event freely felt, with no inter-
the form please me rather than the content? Would other people react in
the same uncluttered and disinterested way? The questions are subjective
Perhaps his thinking about politics developed too late in life to write a
dangerously direct, when aesthetics could do the political work of civic development.
. for the En1tgh tenment b ecause it considers
Taste was a favorite toptc
preparticularity rather than general laws. Taste de es astmg aV: .
th fnvohty taste
JU ge experience.2o Though tarnished by assoctatwns WI
' .
11 h olds out a hope that can again bnghten
f c interpretatiOn
umams 1
purpose. It is the purpose o f d eve1opmg
u nbiased Judgment..
B h'
f'udgment and decil0
e md taste, Kant discovered the general acu ty J
scholars, good news for humanists who can explore the contributions of
care a out 1t. If we
. . d. .
don't care, the faculty of. JUdgment will fail us. There's no pomt
m Istmpleasure, or right from w
gu ishing free. from contingent
rong grounds for
d .
eement, 1f we are 1nured to suffenng or afraid of love W'th
I out e1tght
d surprise, what would stimulate the curiosity that begs q t.
ues tons o aesthe tic value? To repair the corrosive effects of not caring, ar t comes to t he
rescue as the partner of aesthetic judgment. This is Schiller's contribution
shun social responsibility, and those who assert responsibility but dismiss
cal nature, Schiller explained, doesn t survive our gaze. But art holds its
pose as a renewable surprise. Novelty is practically art's definition. When
nature fails to refresh perception and to quicken the spirit, art can ignite
Shklovsky, join Schiller's company when they credit art with interrupting
the feeling-fatigue that follows from mindless repetition. Without art, "life
cated the first major work of philosophy to the connection. In this spirit,
formalist criticism need not dead-end in art for art's sake. It can revive a
(1) cultivates aesthetic disinterest to (2) train a general faculty for free judgment that (3) generates a shared or common sense
Kantian tradition that
is reckoned as nothing.... Habitualization devours works, clothes, furniture, one's wife, and the fear of war.... And art exists that one may recover
the sensation oflife." 32 I emphasize the commanding subjunctive construction. Art has a purpose. Shklovsky dismissed the academy's sententious
defense of art for its great ideasj there are very few great ideas and many
ate human agency so precious to third world and minority subjects in the
disarming technique.
great works of art. Content is clearly not the source of artistic power. Art is
For Shklovsky, as for Kant and Schiller, beauty and the sublime have in-
direct ethical and therefore practical effects, not through ideas but through
pleasure. Aesthetic experience rekindles love for a world gone gray from
down a frenetic modern pace that loses touch with human value.27 They
habit. I admit that formalist art education can seem annoyingly outdated
tion to venture into the multifarious practices that make up culture, the
art, on intangible ritual and spectacle as they shape our sociallives. The
arts projects that I feature here are all of this non-textual nature. But attention to formal devices remains useful, however much the contents change.
Though Kant found abundant stimuli for aesthetic judgment in nature, his
disciple Friedrich Schiller preferred the deliberate charms of man-made
beauty. In Letters on the Aesthetic Education of Man
adds a 1eve1 of affinity between, .politics and aesthetinterest
m the world. The dif1
ics beyond Kant s han ds-o ff "d'sinterested
. as pure contemplatiOn and aesthetics that mference bchVeen aest11et ICS
eludes mtenerence
goes b ack to a disagreement between Kant and Schiller,
. prepares a ptt ched debate about Nazi politics. (See chapters,. "Play
an d 1t
t he Hard Dnve") Kant's disciple, Hannah Arendt, considered
the link between politics and art to be contemplative judgment and so she
d 1.d nt worry, as Ber tolt Brecht and Walter Benjamin did, that
. art would. re.
36 For Arendt, aesthetics and politiCs
p lace pol1 tcs m a
shared a harmless affinity for dispassionate reflectiOn. AesthetiCS was practically a protection against the disruptive power of art. uTaste de-barbarizes
the world of the beautiful by not being overwhelmed by it." She was paraphrasing Kant: "Taste, like judgment in general, is the discipline (or training) of geniusi it clips its wings ... . I then, in the conflict of these two
properties in a product something must be sacrificed, it should be rather
on the side of genius." 38 But, she admitted, the Greeks achieved greatness
in both politics and art by muddying the difference and tolerating the contamination of judiciousness with creativity.39 Brecht and Benjamin recognized that explosive tension while the Nazi umagic show" overwhelmed
The danger was dramatic enough for Arendt to notice the possible vagaries of aesthetic judgment, but she blames artists for the breach of disinterestedness. (Brecht was the worst for his shameful opportunism in
poems to Stalin. ) 40 "Fabricators," she frets, are so fixed on ends that they
employ any means to make art, which is why the Greeks and especially the
Romans excluded artists from public life.41 In antiquity, artists were suspect because they retreated in private to deform materials. The works they
create, however, are public and, like politics, they communicate a common
sense of the world:u
Art implies taking risks and courting danger, but art-avoidance is not an
option. Making art is hardwired and constitutive for human beings. Fol-
[ 2004 ]43).
(See chapter 4, "Pre-Texts.'') "The aesthetic regime ... simultaneously establishes the autonomy of art and the identity of its forms with
the forms that life uses to shape itself."44 This consciousness of artifice in
the everyday distinguishes the aesthetic regime from the "ethical regime"
of art (which cares more about content than form) and the "poetic or representative regime of art" (which privileges rules of form). It is aesthetics,
he says, that allows us all to take a critical distance from even quotidian
Ranciere's shorthand for comparing authoritarianism to democracy
is the distinction between exclusive and inclusive experiences of art. The
distinction, as noted in chapter 1, "From the Top/' is often formal: singleminded masterpieces versus negotiated "littoral" coproductions.4s In one
approach reverence for genius sustains the worki in the other collective
admiration among citizen-artists drives it forward. A criterion of good government, "The Distribution of the Sensible" gives the explanatory subtitle
to Ranciere's The Politics of Aesthetics (2004).46 His point is that democracy
needs across-the-board participation in the artful, intentional, human activities that aesthetic judgment considers. Unless it spreads like muckto remember Francis Bacon's quip about money-art makes trouble by
concentrating innovation in a few powerful hands while the masses repeat
mindless operations.47 The advice means to correct a crippling elitism inherited from Plato's Republic, where a hierarchy of work keeps artisans too
busy to participate in politics, and keeps ungovernable artists entirely out.48
se ect10n and for the effects of interpretatiOn, umams
add re f1 ex1ve
. questions to research agendas and 1esson plans: What, for ex-
artists negotiate between freedom and constraint.50 Despite all the restric-
and denouncing the 1ntolerance for foreigners and foreign languages that
tages of foreignness for both newcomers and natives.57 That is, I turned up
the interpretive volume on bilingual writers and speakers who play games
with master codes. The objective was to share an appreciation for the lin-
mined numbers and order of lines, syllables, and rhymesj or consider the
deaf and mute condition of fine silent filmsj or a series of jazz riffs that
ample, are the desired effects and objectives of teaching? Which criteria
help us to select materials and approaches? How does interpretation affect
the world?
All people make choices. Paradoxically, rational choice adds self-imposed
limitations to the "hard" constraints outside of one's control. Limiting your
choices subject to change. For related reasons, they have become poster
earn by dint of their virtuosity, despite embarrassing and even costly mis-
cities into civic centers.51 Artists are realistic about limitations but also am-
takes. Mistakes can also brighten speech with a sun-risa59 or give the plea-
sure of a found poem. Always, they mark communication with a cut or a tear
writing anything can sting, every time language fails us. And knowing how
language can fail makes success feel like a small miracle. In other words,
interests would undo themj human beings are social animals dependent on
I'll mention a personal choice for research and teaching that made accountability a self-constraint. Mine is a convenient case because I can trace
it, though there are many others about whose origins I can only speculate.54
Several years ago I might well have chosen among topics then popular in
Latin American cultural studies: violence, necrophilia, sexism, racism, consumerism, corruption, neoliberalism, human rights abuse, xenophobia. The
issues were and remain urgent, but I wondered what academic or social
th e attent'on
of humamsts
ge nious
response to constraints, it can sustam
trained to value the uncommon udefamiliarizing" effects of art.
t age nts can
ASl'de from the endgame of denunciation, h umams
. play the
reedom, like
verything else worth preserv1ng, required the cultivat
f .. .
ton o Ctvtc vtrtue.
Cicero for example, pnded himself on having been a pol't ll cr .
t tea y eaectJve
rator in the Roman tradthon that combined wisdom a d 1
n e oquence for
the public good.
Tius nurtunng of
. freedom through art and ph'lt osophy m
ublic semce became a foundatwn of the humanist curriculurn.6s
Nevertheless, the foundation has been repeatedly contested in debates
between defenders of politically purposeful education and champions of
contemplation. How did aesthetic freedom disconnect from political freedom, if their origins depended on one another? The long view will get
lamentably short shrift here, given the many centuries and complexities
that make up the history of the humanities.69 1he "accumulated confusion
of purposes" could give every defender and detractor a legitimate point?o
By offering a quick review of both vigorous and vacuous moments for civic
education, I want to underline the element of choice, of judgment, regarding the propriety of civics for the humanities today.
Even during Europe's early Middle Ages, while humanism was generally
discredited as a vestige of pagan cults and then almost forgotten in the monasteries, Saint Augustine forged a compelling connection between a classic
care for the self and a Christian dedication to spiritual salvation. Monastic
contemplation of God came dose to the character formation later called
humanistic education. By the late twelfth century, when humanism made a
comeback through classical texts used as exempla of doctrine, rather than
as studies in style, cathedral schools offered an alternative to contemplation. The schools trained youth for the priesthood by adapting Peter Abelard's rationalist method of preparing professionals in everything from law
to medicine. His popularity attracted students to Paris where the demand
for teachers grew. Teachers formed a commercial guild- the universitasthat made knowledge and sold it to students through a chain of solve~t
professionals. Modern universities inherit these cross-purposes: monastic
eharacter formation that contemplates a goo d outsl'de one self' and com.
h " nd econorruc
merctally self-interested skill building. And thoug CIViC a
values are not commensurable" they depend on one another.
Meanwhile, vernacular languages were stretc hmg an shaping up as hte
.. .
1key thanks to late
rary medta ready for Renaissance wntmg m a persona
medieval extracurricular affairs that inspired love, lays, lyrics, and epic adventure.n Also, a renewed passion for civic secular philosophy moved, for
example, King Alfonso the Wise to establish his Toledo translation workshop where the classics came alive in colloquial "romance/' because Muslim and Jewish translators shunned Latin, the Church language.73
Fourteenth-century poet Francesco Petrarch would learn from Augustine that the only proper study for human beings was the study of one-
selfi in the saint's case for the sake of Christian piety, and in the poet's for
humanist autonomy from contingencies. This inner focus, along with the
unitary and cumulative knowledge that included both natural and moral
erence for the dignity of man and also supported teachers of increasingly
avid disciples. The highest studies for Renaissance humanists were the cre-
of any cultural progression, which was irregular at best. His new intuitive
ative works of human ingenuity, not the Scholastic rationalism that still
dominated universities. Revisiting the classics-including the New Testa-
cultivated taste to revive moral philosophy for its application in the real
world75 A century later, Niccolo Machiavelli embodied that practical bent
the humanities as the core curriculum for Europe's first truly modern university in 1810.83 By then, Kant's concept of human "subjectivity" seemed
along with the literary flair that Petrarch promoted as politically efficacious.
Machiavelli offered unsentimental lessons to leaders who needed to navigate moral and political maelstroms. To admire him as a "civic humanist"
lightened educators to include a gymnasium for aesthetic training to develop judgment for citizenship.85 The charge of Humboldt's innovative
is redundant for this Renaissance man, because one term already implies
the other76
the core curriculum for Virginia, stressing personal and civic virtue and
cian. Then public purpose fully flowered again in the eighteenth century
when private interests sustained public projects78 Although the Enlight-
Humboldt was smart enough to surround himself with brilliant artists, in-
cluding Goethe and Schiller, and to persuade the Prussian authorities that
creativity and critique were two sides of the same high-yielding coinP
The very success of the modern university derailed humanistic interpret aflon mto
Useful Uselessness
a Ian rasCist pnson,
Antonto GramsCl was defending humamsm against th c d c
e Ia IOr technical
a profound revolution needs the imag t.
training ' because
. .
ma 1on and the interpretive skill to reframe eXIsttng structures.n
Meanwhile, however, Germany was constructing collab t.
ora IOns t at re.
kindled classic fears about artists. ''After Auschwitz", Ado rno comp amed
art had lost the glow that Arnold called sweetness and light.93 Was this th~
moment of disconnection between art and civic education? In the United
States of the 1940s and 'sos, New Criticism in literature was abandoning
ethics for the sanctuary of formalism. 94 NeYertheless, a countervailing
postwar movement that Geoffrey Harpham tracks rededicated humanistic education in the beleaguered United States as the humanities. Triumphant against fascism and defensive about communism, the humanities
cultivated a long tradition to foster free thought and critique.9.>
Or maybe it was in the heady 196os, as Sartre's Marxist humanism inspired revolutionary commitments, which gave social engagement a bad
name.96 During a "turbulent decade," ci\11 rights, student rebellions, draft
resistance, feminism, and anticolonialism, including Cuban campaigns
in Latin America, all became foci for humanist reformers.9- Later, many
teachers would become disenchanted with revolutionary purpose and also
notice that their students were cautious and conservative. But during the
sixties when all manner of social change seemed not only possible but immanent, left-wing humanists developed a confidence in progress that felt
like scientific predictability, while science itself ,\as becoming more ten ta. 98
h .
t tve.
The changes go together. After relati\ity and quantum mec ames
shook the public's belief that science would soon resohe its few remaining
questions, "certitude was gone" from the natural world, and culture became
a compensatory anchor against the anx.iety of cosmic instabilitY. By th~
end of the decade and throughout the following generation, ''
had cornered the New Critical formalism into discrediting e~:pectatwns
of change. Nevertheless a strong countercurrent did demand change, on
h led
particular fronts. Ethnic and gender campaigns were effects t at np.~ .
out f
li 015
t .Marxism. 111rom disappointments with color-blmd, mascu
t. h h nanist canon cared
tnqu1ry Into racist or sexist elements o t e UI
less ab
. 1 d
tent and propose
' out torn1 than about previously margma 1ze con
alternative readings to feature underrepresented subjects. But the simultaneous "theory revolution" would again shift attention from content to
form. 100
Structuralism and post-structuralism engaged linguistics to argue that
social progress had been impossible because human beings are not free but
determined by self-perpetuating linguistic systems. Each in his own way,
the "speculative structuralists" (Althusser, Foucault, Derrida, Barthes, and
then La can too) pioneered an influential antihumanism that was "bursting
with elegant despair." 101 It bred a "form of morose but pleasurable political
resignation." 10 2 Subjectivity practically vanished, along with intentionality,
so that even Marxism hardened into a penchant for critique rather than for
evolution. 103 This profound skepticism about meaning was one response to
the fizzled effervescence of failed Marxist programs for universal liberation.
It ran parallel to the dismissal of beauty in art-making. Now it is neuroscience, too simply understood as deterministic, that seems to promise
scientific answers to questions about human taste and choice, dissuading
humanists from thinking beyond inherited patterns.104 This doesn't deny
the burst of identity politics since the I96os that rescued subjectivity and
agency for particular groups (women, LGBT, ethnic minorities, postcolonial nations). But the humanities as a field doesn't yet register the moral
and civic ground lost when we gave up a shared focus on the effects of style
and taste.
Humanistic inquiry has a habit of closing in on itself. Remember that
after Petrarch and other civic-minded pioneers, Renaissance humanism
"degenerated" into philology, antiquarianism, or self-centered subjectivity.105 And following the revived enthusiasm for the classics among Enlightened educators, Greek and Latin literature turned at times into dry
subjects that tried students' patience.106 Today the humanities seem finally
free of considerations beyond art for art's sake. The post-World War II generation of academics looked away from the Holocaust, keeping company
with artists who favored abstract form over the engagement of art with historical context.107 This cultural amnesia is complicit with privilege, Jacques
Ranciere says, because it makes academic capital of despairj it recoils from
the responsibility to effect change and instead confirms hopelessness as
an intellectual platform. Art interpretation became purposeless, except for
the obsolescent purpose of getting an academic job.108 This is a difficult
freedom to defend before budget committees. tiThe last professor/' Stanley
Fish, bids the whole purposeless enterprise an unsentimental good-bye.
umamsm cannot
d should not "save us .... To the question 'ofwhat use
h h
are t e umanitles ?'
answer IS none whatsoever. And it is an
th e only honest
answert atbnngs
honor to 1ts subJect.
What IS the result? We lose interp
ersona1 reedom,
the basis for agreement among dismterested sub1ects Another 1oss t hat follows from the first is general respect and support for the hu mamt1es. If art
and interpretation amount to the same personal liberty, why support both?
And if they produce only personal pleasure, why support either? Addressing humanism's usefulness recovers commitments to civic education and
distinguishes between two levels of feeling free: the artistic freedom that
the public perceives with disinterested pleasure; and the political freedom
that art can renew or refresh by developing our judgment.113 In France,
where "theory" with no particular object had been hegemonic since the
I96os and had dictated intellectual trends abroad, fatigue with antihumanism has brought younger philosophers to "a renewed sense of moral and
political responsibility." 114
At the same time in Europe and the Americas artists have been working
with apparently no other purpose but to create human connections. "Relational aesthetics" is the name that Nicolas Bourriaud coined for this interactive art. 115 Exemplary for Bourriaud is Rirkrit Tiravanija1 an Argentineborn artist of a Thai family who gained notoriety for installations that last
no longer than a conversation over dinner. Invited to present at a gallery or
museum, Rirkrit would clear out a storeroom, turn it into a camp kitchen,
and cook pad thai for the visitors to dine and socialize in a space dedicated
to art.116 Nothing was left once the dishes were cleared, except for the aftereffects of real-time relations.117 An objection to Bourriaud's self-promotion
is not that he's wrong but that he merely repackaged a standard concept as
old as Dada and the Situationists. Of course art's ambition is to set sociability in motion.
Do literary critics similarly assume that language arts make comm~nty~ I f
nority \ffit1 n act, the issue hardly comes up, unless the 1ocus
IS rru
ing and the frame is Deleuze and Guattari's reflections on Kafka and other
11Y marked authors.U8 Perhaps more poets, P1aywnghts' and narra.
to th
th visual artists.
rs an we have noticed share the relational am ItiOn WI
. thrive on moments
etimes we teachers forget to mention that wnters
of t 1.
that poets often
e:x: ra 1terary contact, even when we remem er to say
To See Unseen
can still strike before a work of art, as if observation could avoid interference. Any good literary or cultural critic can decry this lack of reflexivity in
another discipline, say, anthropology. But humanistic criticism doesn't look
back as it moves from observation to commentary. Humanists do indeed
ask about the effects of teaching and scholarship on the poem or painting they study, a fundamental concern of reader-response criticism/20 but
hardly ever about the ripples interpretation sets o~ unless they engage in
cultural studies.
Then the answers have been characteristically critical of others and pessimistic. Artists, scholars, and policy makers who try to intervene in social dynamics seem to do more damage than good, because culture is not
expedient. 121 On this view, interventions fold back on problems to aggravate them. 122 Although some scholars show that creative practices such as
micro-broadcasting or traditional arts and crafts are agents of change,
the field has more often dismissed agency as a self-defeating illusion in
capitalist society. I confess to less systematic thinking and to admiration
work into account. It can generate shifts in grammar} not only developments of vocabulary. Add hip-hop to musicology} spoken word poetry to
belles lettres1 graffiti to art history1 and scholarship can break out of a lexical ivory tower but stay inside an unexamined presumable indicative grammar. A generation ago1 anthropologists noticed the intersections between
cultural products and the effects of interpretation; the result was to locate
a blurry area where self-ethnographies develop along with collaborations
between social scientist and subject.128 Even earlier} natural science had
to consider how observations interfere with objectS.129 Interpreters of art
seem strangely stiff alongside these reflexive neighbors.
I am insisting a bit1 but the pressing issue of humanism's effects has
seemed doubly irrelevant: either the effects are negligible and should remain so1 or they are too patent and personal to argue. An outstanding
option is to observe that the effects are underexamined1 though democratic life depends on the dynamic between art-making and humanistic
interpretation. This is no exaggeration. A disposition toward creativity and
critique resists authoritarian single-mindedness; it acknowledges different points of view and multiple ways to arrange available material. Constitutional democracies are themselves collective works of art accountable
for their constructions.l3 And constitutions remain open to performative
interventions1 obliging citizens to cultivate their creativity and criticism. It
is time to ask what humanism does1 especially now that many others are
asking the question in order to justify budget cuts that threaten the foundations of free society.
Comm on Sense
FouR. Pre-Texts
Literature is recycled material, a pretext for making more art. I learned this
distillation of lots of literary criticism in workshops with children. I also
learned that creative and critical thinking are practically the same faculty
since both take a distance from found material and turn it into stuff for interpretation. For a teacher of literature over a long lifetime, these are embarrassingly basic lessons to be learning so late, but I report them here for
anyone who wants to save time and stress.
My trainer was twenty-two-year-old Milagros Saldarriaga, cofounder
saint of Andean migrants in Lima, Peru. Sarita Cartonera was the first
cardboard publisher to replicate Eloisa Cartonera of Buenos Aires. As far
to make beautiful and affordable books if the books were not in demand.
Carton era
ckwtse from
( c)o
, f{utsemba
bottom }
- L3 Casa workshop
~rtmouth College,
,lt D..
f{utsem ba
Q!ntt Qartuntra, .
Cartao, and Animtta
Cartonera. Photograph by
Christine R. ChoJ.
.,, . .,
ditions promised similar success for the new Cartonera, until it found indifference to be an obstacle more stubborn than poverty. Unlike Buenos
Aires! Lima doesn't read. As for economic crisis, it was chronic for Peru!
not the shock it had been in Argentina. It would be foolish, Milagros told
mel to invest in publishing without cultivating buyers for the books. So Sarita began to employ its charming products as prompts for producing more
readers. What better way to use books!
Even during the economic crash of 2001, haunting photographs of
Buenos Aires show people who stare longingly into bookstores and while
away unprod ucttve
with books in hand. Just a year after the economy
th apart and long betore It recovered, Eloisa Carton era was respon d'mg to
b .
rea mg matenal with an alternative to the a1 e
usmess. Poet Wa h
d to
use d
s mgton Cucurto and painter Javier Banlaro starte
an reuse availabl
binatio f
e matena1s, pre-owned cardboard and new corn
ns o words. Cucurto . h
h 0 writes
sports colu
ts t e stagey name for Santiago Vega w
mns1 poems1 novels, business plans, and lately lectures for V.S.
cardboard books.
One of a kind covers announce the original material inside: new literature donated by Argentina's best living writers. Ricardo Piglia and Cesar
Aira were among the first, soon followed by Mexican Margot Glantz,
Chilean Diamela Eltitl and many others. By now1 Harvard University's
Widener Library has more than two hundred titles from Eloisa Cartonera, and the University of Wisconsin) Madison1 has more. Several of the
former paper pickers in Buenos Aires and in Lima later found work in standard publishing housesj others returned to finish high school. All of them
managed to survive the economic crisis with dignity. Today Eloisa is a cooperative of ten members who share the work and the income from book
sales and from a recent venture in sustainable agriculture. One member, a
chubby woman affectionately called ((la Osa," sells books on the street as if
they were empanadas. Captivated by her hawking, distinguished journal3
ist Tomas Eloy Martinez reported on her pitch to potential customers :
Do you want the latest in poetry? No1 you don't like poetry? Well1 I recommend this memoir. Or1 what about a reprint of an out-of-print classic?
Eloisa didn't set out to be the model for an entire continent and beyond!
but her example proved irresistible.4 Rippling throughout Latin America
and before reaching Africa or winning the Prince Claus Award for 20121
the Cartonera project reached Harvard University in March 2007 invited
by Cultural Agents for a week of talks and workshops.5 Javier from Eloisa
taught us how to make beautiful books from discarded materials, and Milagros from Sarita showed us how to use them in the classroom.
This was a moment of truth for me and for other teachers of language and
literature crouched on the floor cutting cardboard! and hunched over tables
covered in scraps, tempera paints) scissors, string~ and all kinds of decorative junk. Until then, the Cultural Agents Initiative had been drawn outward! attending to impressive top-down and bottom-up art projects that
exicos eqUivalent
to the NEA) celebrates a Mexican CulturaJ
stmt ar awar partnership begins in 2012 w1t
bia, where the National University in Bogota and Medellin offers a doctoral
concentration in Cultural Agents through the Faculty of Social Sciences.Jo
These act'lVIfIes represent other people's work and academics hkern e
were taking note fo th b fi
r e ene t of colleagues students and artists. e
Wit out anticipat' b
d ate
mg It, ut charmed and shamed by two undergra u .
maestros at Harvard C ll
ege- I made a move toward more d1rect P
P Ion. 1n 20o6 Am B
soorie a
ar aksht and Proud Dzambukira had gone to
' sma town in I d.
. d d "vbere
girls are e
n Ia where Amar s mother was ra1se an
xpected to dro
. d raise ex
Pout o school by age nine. Detcrmmc to
CHApr "R p
ures, t e two
young men established an NGO that hired local artists to offer after-school
workshops. If the girls wanted to make art they had to stay in school. The
almost immediate and sustained success of '~na Arts" in India justified
expanding the project to Proud's native Zimbabwe by the following year.u
Keeping children in school by brokering art lessons was the kind of cultural agency I could manage. This was a wake-up call to direct action. 1
understood that agency doesn)t require genius or depend on particular professions. It can be a part of modest but mindful lives, my own for example.
I am a teacher, after all, and the work of education is urgent almost everywhere, including my university-rich area where poor neighborhood public
schools face escalating dropout rates and increasing violence. So I developed a course called Youth Arts for Social Change with Boston's Leadership Institute for after-school instructorsP The course became a regular
offering at Harvard's Extension School, engaging local artists (in dance,
music, painting, theater, photography, etc.) to train teachers in creative
techniques for the classroom, any classroomP This was to be my culminating effort as a cultural agent, appropriating lessons I had learned from
resourceful undergraduates, from seminars, conferences, and artist workshops. We were bringing art back into schools as the motor and medium
for engaged learning.
But the Cartonera brought me further when it returned me to literature. Following Sarita's lead, teaching literature through the arts became
the adventure in literacy and citizenship that we call Pre-Texts. "Make up
your mind," some potential partners demand. "Is Pre-Texts a literacy program? Or is it arts education? Or maybe civic development?" The answer
is yes to all the options because each depends on the otherS. Let me explain: (I) Literacy needs the critical and creative agility that art develops;
and good reading welcomes interpretation from many readers to achieve
depth and breadth. (2) Art-making derives inspirations from critical readings of social issues; and it improves with contributions from informa~t~,
colleagues in different disciplines, and public responses. (3) Finally, cttl.
zens 1p thnves on the capacity to read thoug t y, crea
' . .
b s "commumcatlve
artists whom we learn to admire. (J iirgen Ha ermas ase
. ,
. "
D the Hard Dnve. ) AdmiactIOn
on creativity. See chapters, Play nve ill
1 ble participatiOn from
ra ton, we saw, animates civic life by expectmg va ua
ne's own opmwns
ot ers. Toleration is lame by comparison; It counts on
"From the Top.
w e waiting for others to stop talking. See c apter
. a hothouse tOr
Itpre -Texts IS
er th an any one response
rields a vanety o
. .
erature )
oach to literacy, art, and CIVICS develops perso
be This integrate appr
. .
manipulations because crea tve
master the elements at hand.2 A challenge to rna ke someth'ngnewofa
as the entry point for reading lessons 1n vanous academic
to take Jttera ure
. . .
fields. Whatever the art we facilitated or the diSCipline we targeted, a creative text launched interpretations, problem solving, research, and design.
From the Extension School course we created a portable workshop that
follows the model of Boat's Forum Theatre: an interactive approach that
adjusts to local circumstances. We train facilitators, the way Boal did, in
order to multiply agents and sites for implementation. Complex academic
and civic results follow from a simple Pre-Texts approach: (1) Take a text.
(2) Spin it using a range of available arts. (3) Reflect on what you did.
After writing, painting, dancing, acting, and so forth, participants sit in a
Freirean circle to reflect, like Boal's spect-actors. The question is always the
same: what did we do? (Asking what we learned is likely to get unfriendly
answers from teens. They sense that teachers want approval or praise and
refuse to comply. But if you ask what they did, students will want to justify
their work or else they may look foolish.) One reflection follows another,
in no set order, until everyone has spoken. After a few sessions the dynamic
of universal and brief participation feels natural and necessary. The first
fe~ interventions, however brilliant, will not exhaust possibilities. While we
watt for more, exercising critical thinking and patience with peers, intellectual and civic skills develop. New facilitators learn to expect original comments from one another and then from students. Participants a1so no t'1ce
the democratizing euect
o co lecttve reflection it levels the unevenness
between forceful p 1 d h
eop e an s y ones who are worth waiting for.
epen unng the senes of visual, hterary, an per
ormance mterpretat'
f h
d 0
ve1op breadth by oin 0 ff
g g
on a tangent" each week. Choosing a tangentla
ext t at they can con
f f: nect to the shared reading in any way- even 1 ar
Recycled Words
books by Sarita
Cartoncra (foreground)
and Kutsemba Cartao
(background). Photograph
by Christine R. Choi.
retical terms don't come up when we work with primary school children
but in all cases, the lessons are as clear as they are welcome: Each particip.ant is coauthor and authority of the work produced. Interpretation exer~Ises both critical and creative faculties. And the divergent but plausible
Interpretations stimulate admiration for everybody.
It is obvious' isn't 1t'> Th at boo ks and plays and poems are made up of
words, motifs' plots' charact ers, grammatical
structures and elements that
already exist in other contexts and that authors borrow' and recombine to
produce arresting new
. .
wor ovelty 1s 1n the poaching and the recom natiOn, not in the t 1 h.
" h
rna ena w tch, logically must already have been use
t e new creation ho e b
. ..
P s to e understood. Wittgenstein wisely dtsmtsse
e posstbthty of private 1
anguages because they cannot communicate eeen one person and a h 22
1 d.
not er. All language is borrowed or taken over,
me u mg the Ian a
c .
gu ge of hterary masters. Every reader of Don Qutxote
ows, ror mstance that C
ervantes played with chivalric and ptcaresqu
sources to write his masterpiece. But the game of literary lifting goes even
furtheri he shamelessly ((admits" to picking up the whole manuscript, written by an Arab author, at a flea market. And Shakespeare is notoriously not
the author of his plots, but the genius rewriter of appropriated stories. To
introduce students to writing through the liberties that great writers take is
to demystify the classics. It is to invite young people to try their own hand
at altering texts with every new reading. Through artistic play, participants
know that the classics of high culture and higher education are within their
audacious reach.
The recycled nature of literature is hardly hidden, though we haven't
said it so simply. The simplicity can tickle students and teachers of literature while it levels higher-order understanding. Thanks to the jokes generated by Sarita Cartonera's pedagogy-about the fundamental accessibili?
other peoples
0 f 11terary
criticism and also about great hterature mg
h 1t
Anyone can get
wnting-playful sophistication can have a laug ate tsm.
t0 h
h 1c be more effect1ve
m t e fun of writer as robber. Teachers cant ere ore
and inclusive when they invite students to take pleasure from a text.
. ,
Rewriting is his hobby, Cucurto says, doing more homage than harm
to the greats. In fact, he tells his sports column readers that they too had
better read the classics if they want to play ball: "OK, everybody, get rid of
an rea netti, or at least Fontanarrosa, read Osva 0
Sonano, at the very . .
mtmmum. You can't play good soccer if you haven t
read Martin Fierro
p lkn
' or au er.... It sounds crazy I know, but let rne
te11 you that with m
ore cu ttvated, sensitive ball players, readers of poetry,
gentme soccer wo Id b 1
u e a ot better off. And don't let any of those bng t
s get on the field 1'f th h
for starters."2s Hi . ey av~n tread The Adventures of Huckleberry Fttm
s hterary advtce to ball fans, and his hobby of repurpos118
ing literary classi~s for personal fun, made Cucurto the ideal facilitator for
rr xts in Apnl 2010 when Cultural Agents came to Roberto J b ,
aco y s
recen tly established CIA (Centro de Investigaciones Artisticas) 1n Buenos
Already and independently, Elo1sa Cartonera had set out to educate the
soff who created the Weapon of Mass Instruction. It is a recycled military
tank that had participated in terrorizing civilians during the Dirty War
(I976 _I 9s3 ). Today the retired ~ut st~ imposing vehicle is a mobile purveyor of books, flanked on all sides With stacks of fiction, poetry, history,
rnaps, and magazines. It collects books from dumps and rich neighborhoods and then offers them for free throughout the rest of the city. (A similar inspiration in rural Colombia created "Biblioburro/' a traveling library
fueled by two donkeys who accompany itinerant teacher Luis Soriano. )27
Ever alive to the arts of turning trouble, like the trauma of armored tanks
on city streets, into usable trash, Cucurto and friends mitigate the divide
between high and low culture. Cucu takes elite taste by the throat (not to
mention other body parts). Before he heard about Sarita's rewriting lessons, Cucurto was there at the forefront of appreciation-by-appropriation.
His pleasure in playing with literature, pilfering and redeploying words,
plots, and characters, the way all good writers do, is a profound lesson for
literary criticism and for education.
Make Readers
Sarita Cartonera calls its literacy project LUMP A (Libras, un modelo para
armar, or Books, a Model Kit, playing on a popular title by Julio Cortazar) .2
h. h b00ks beLUMP A is a loop between publishing and pe agogy m w IC
come found material for making endless variations. The program covers
standard classroom concepts- author, plot, characters, themes- so that
. while they go further. Instead
teachers meet required curncular
summarizing a plot students a1so d.1Shngu1s
h Plot from story by arof JUSt
. and rearranging moments
. an d they recognize that
of th e narrative,
a narrator may be lying (what a clever way to un er me
. )
characters of a story.
hon as they reassign the role of narrator to vanous
participants rewr1te
. 1
In teacher-training workshops and then m
c assrooms,
d. Lr
t times and places, an
c ass1cs through alternative points of VIeW, meren
e c t e same character and see that each image lS
different from all the t h
Thi .
res 1 t ey sense that divergence is not a sign of error.
s IS a revelation for t h
eac ers w o had assumed that only convergent
answers are correct o
. .
will .d .
' ne per question. Dunng the reflection, partlctpants
I entify each per
1' d .
sona IZe Interpretation and skill level as factors that
m ervene After th
to " . . . .
e portratts are freshly hung in the ((gallery" and the "curar Initiates the expositi b . . .
collaboratio h
on YInVIting a pair of artists to talk about their
n, t ey are usually 1
description d h
re uctant to note differences between
an t e sketch ul h
were describ .
s t IS the figure you had imagined wh1le you
mg It to your part ">" p
d. nIsh divergenc . f .
ner ust responses often deny or uni
e m a nendly effort to signal collaboration. Even after the
Only after the curatorial interviews recur with several more portraits
does the group begin to anticipate divergences between the partners and
to enjoy each person's particularity. With the recognition that variations
are both plausible and pleasant, participants realize that ucorrect" answers
multiply by the number of interpreters. The conclusion amounts to an appreciation for the uncommon genius of each contributor. Variety- even
miscommunication and disagreement- enriches the experience of the
text, and readers learn to admire peculiarities.
is naturalm c ren
t el'Wlse, hostility festers aggresstvely. AggressiOn
a d.
th environment, st mg
n Intense for teens. It is an energy that tests e
. rn
31 (More on Winrucott In chapters, Play Dr
hostility to cwectwn.
Ive In the
. ") 1h Ayaras are a model crew for Pre-Texts. They h
Hard Dnve.
ave b
h' h-order literary mstructwn to h1p-hop arts and hav d Y
now added tg
, bl. (
e one
.h h
port of the Banco de la Repu Ica Colombia's equ
so wit t e sup
to the Federa
r ops
. areas as 1solated and underserved as Narifio and Amazonas as '"ell
as 1n
the capital's largest pnson.
The popularity of rap in Colo~bia ~nd throughout Latin America (as
well as Africa) should be no surpnse, Since Black Atlantic cultures of.unprovisation connect the Americas back to Africa. The international appeal
of rap is Jess a phenomenon of U.S. cultural imperialism than an African
reconquest. Far-flung performance traditions of dueling and outdoin in
duet- irreverent repartee, signifying in the United States, payadas in Ar!n.
tina, debates musicales in the Caribbean, contrapunteo in Colombia, and repentes in Brazi133 - all attest to legacies of the Mrican spirit that flashes
through a range of musical and verbal genres. Melville]. Herskovits might
have guessed at this north-south vector by 1941 when he showed the connections between U.S. black cultures and continuing practices in Africa.
Then Robert Farris Thompson tracked the ties of Mrican-inspired genres
from the United States to South America.34
In this transatlantic and inter-Amencan
context, IS It uncanny or predictable that contemporary h1p hop sh ould connect With
. a folk tradition of performance and writing B 1' N h
m raz1 s ort east? Lzteratura de cordel or literature
on the clothesline is lit 11 h
era Yt e practice of hanging poems rhymed news
artie1es, musical challen
th h .
ges, an ustrative woodcuts on a rope, sometimes
WI c1ot espms, in order t 0 . [!
m orm, entertain, and entice the public to purase a copy of the work W 1
ate th
e earned th1s from ArtsLiteracy and appropne practice for Pre-Te t 35 A
.. .
tion betwe th .
x s.
Brazilian JOurnalist marvels at the connecen IS 1me of writi
d A .
ng an
ncan American arts:
I have always b
een Impressed h h
exists betw
Wit t estrange relationship that
een northeaster
rap. They are
n ImproVIsational poetry and American
separated by c I I .
Improbably si .
u tura kilometers, temporal distances,
ngmg the same
almost twins. In r
. verses. Nevertheless, they are peers,
ap, and m impr . d
OVIse repente, the verse IS a as '
ays m your
men a1ag111ty
he ,
n repente
poems go on paper, the paper goes onto the clothesline, which in
the past might have been called the major newspaper of the Northeast. People from the Sertao knew what was happening thanks to the
popular "news-line." They say that when Getulio died, it wasn't until
the cordelistas hung up the news that people found out.36
'Ule multi-arts approach to interpretation shared by Pre-Texts is as hardwired in the cordelista tradition as it is in the culture of hip-hop. Northeast
Brazilian poets are often also the guitar-strumming performers of improvised verse that they can later polish and publish "online." The same artists
can double or triple as woodcut masters who call attention to their poetry
with clever visual images, sometimes simply to spread news of important
events. But other times, they take full freedom as spinners of fiction. For
example, J. Borges (whose name evokes another writer who played masterfully with variations on a theme) is both an accomplished woodcut artist
and a poet turned theorist. He teases an interviewer with a frank formulation of fiction: "I lie. Let's face it; lies are a quality of all creativity." 37 Literatura de cordel is the third moment of our Pre-Texts workshop.
Open Shop
The first moment rehearses the bustle of Cartonera publishers, as participants enter and engage their eyes, hands, and brain in the tangible art of
making a book. Sounds of high energy come from people cutting cardboard, choosing materials, and constructing covers to be decorated with
markers, glitter, buttons, bottle caps, string, and so forth. Then, when designs are sufficiently advanced and attention focuses on manual details, the
second moment begins. A voice starts to read out loud the selected text,
and the bustle quiets down. Everyone can hear the reading, even if the
piece is difficult. The audible silence is a sign that people are listening; another sign is the frequent request to hear the piece again. This scene simulates another popular practice from Latin America: the reader in tobacco
factories. Still alive in Cuba, but barely, our intentional throwback to ~n
b. t 0 f collective desire
Ier penod revives challenging literature as an o Jec
and as a foundation for social interaction.38
workers significant power to press deman ds In negotiations With facto
an rames an extion
ryone s quest 10n,
thenex:t move 1s to choose one and to wnte a possible explanat.Ion or Imagiof the text.
the intertexts are hung on a cordel
na t1ve development
c 1nstant publication In this third moment of activity Each aut hor can
then read the contributions
. of others
. and marvel at the range of responses.
people will often take pa1ns to wnte beautifully, or at least legibly, to wel-
owners who could not easily replace the skilled workers. One standard a ryd
nOnnegotiable demand was that cigar makers be allowed to hi. reaprofun
sional reader and to select the reading. materials. All the worke rs, 1Iterate
. sand mostly illiterate,
would engage With both classic. and cutting-e dge lit.
erature from fictiOn .to newspapers
. and novels, sometimes includi ng Incendiary political treatises as they listened and later discussed the readin
' CoI'on's memmr
of a actory 1n
C ayey, Puerto Rico:
Here is Jesus
come passersby.
There were about one hundred and fifty cigarmakers, each one sitting in front of tables that looked like old-fashioned rolltop desks,
covered with all kinds of tobacco leaves. The cigarmakers with their
heads bent over their work listened intently. In the vast hall of the
factory, I looked for the source of the voice to which they were listening. There was a man sitting on a chair on a plattorm. . . . H e was
called "El ~ector"- the Reader. His job was to read to the cigarmakers while they were rolling cigars. The workers paid fifteen to
twenty-five cents per week each to the reader. In the morning, the
used to read the da11Ypaper and some working class week.
lies or monthlies that were published or received from abroad. In
the afternoon he wou1d read f rom a novel by Zola Balzac Hugo
or from a book by Kropotki n, Malatesta or Karl Marx
pants to thi k f
egm t eir reading, they prompt parttcl.
of a story thnt oh a question as they I'Is ten, the way children ask questions
a t ey hear. In c
d t
about detail
onvent10nal classrooms, teachers ask stu ens
This can bo
ex to see 1f the class listened and understoo
re or offend stude
If the teacher th. ks
nts who may wonder- as I used to wonderm they are t d
d the
story. But here th
s upl or if she needs help to understan
they get. Auth . e. student parf ICipants
Civic Self-Efficacy
other arts.
A lo Chalco
' a most girlish but unflinching voice, D1rector
would typical! dd
Y a ress a challenge that required more reso
128 c
Sample Activities
These are exercises designed to relax inhibitions, defamiliar. hab'1ts, and create a core spirit of trust and cooperatwn
among particilZe
pants. Many suggestions are described in Augusto Boal's Games for Actors
and Non-Actors.51
printed texts.
Participants sit back-to-back while one describes a character from the text and the other draws the description. Gallery conversations follow and participants observe that oral and sketched
renderings necessarily interpret the text with personal and culturally specific elements.
f the
Cipants to evelop a music score for a film versiOn
text. The facilitator 1 fi
d ks
Pays ve or SIX one-minute music fragments an as
parttctpants to mark
correspondmg numbers on particular passages
e mustcal fragment
lite 1
cou accompany. Then they explain the chotces1
ran y and musically.
tures r
se re erences
eme. Then project the photos onto a screen for viewin
to a
g an comThe actiVIty makes lessons 1n perspective and compost
men a
. .
1 ton qUite
ough they seem d1fficult tn literary and social criticism
Play with Me
Young people love to learn but hate to be taught.53 They learn best through
guided play. I am convinced along with Winnicott that this is true for adults
too because play doesn't stop for human beings. Learning through creative play is not new to education. Over a century ago, Maria Montessori
pioneered an arts-based, project-centered pedagogy that managed to educate poor and intellectually limited ( today's special education) children in
Italy so well that, without teaching for testing, they scored above average
g~~des in national standardized exams. Like later reformers, including Brazilian Paulo Freire, French Jacques Ranciere, and a North American rogue
teacher like Albert Cullum,54 Mont esson.,s gui.d.Ing pnncip
. . 1e was respect 10r
the self-educating capacity of students. "The task of the teacher becomes
that of preparing
of motives
. of cultural activity, and then reframmg
. .
a senes
from obtrustve intererence."55 Sequels to her approach or parallel proJects,
h d
s and the Reggio Emilia project in early c oo
n rm t e eVIdence of superior results through artsased education En
th d'
gagmg chtldren 1n creativity demonstrably enhances
en tsposition to 1
earn a range of intellectual and social skills by cu ticoncentration and d 1.
practi v
lSCip me through pleasurable, even passwna '
ces. Iet Montessor'1 d 'tAT ld
d 1 ses
rather th
an vva orf schools now serve privilege c as
an pu he classroo
h t the
real missio f
ms. ymcs aren t surprised; they figure t a
n pubhc sch 001s IS
to tram
. obedience, not to educate till
. nd Freire-hke antiauthontanan understand
This Montesson a
., ,
tng of
. . h theme of Jacques RanCiere s The Ignorant Schoolm t
educatiOn IS t e
as er, a
ench Revolutionary teacher of phtlosophy who urg
biography o a r
France after the monarchy was restored. Jean Joseph]
neede d to eave
acofriend's invitation to teach m Belgtum, though he knew
tot accep e a
. .
Dutch. The desperate exile preferred to nsk looking Incompetent rather
than risk his life. Luckily, a bilingual edition of a popular novel came out
that yeari and to his delight, Jacotot found that his students could teach
themselves French by pouring over that book. Students can teach themselves when teachers give them tools and set high expectations.
Teacher training in Pre-Texts takes this lesson to heart as participants
first create particular interpretations and then pause to formulate general
observations. Explanations, interpretations that converge and diverge, and
admiration for the range of creativity all come from the players in eureka
moments that reflect on art-making. They add up to a dynamic civic education that takes the form of aesthetic education and brings us back to
While the French Revolution was spinning out of control, Friedrich Schiller
wrote Letters on the Aesthetic Education of Man (1794).1 He began the night
he heard that Louis XVI had been executed? Soon, the very Jacobins who
killed the king (after inviting Schiller to be an honorary citizen) would
themselves go to the guillotine. The Letters don't rail against violence. An
aggressive tone would have violated Schiller's conciliatory message that
art, not arms, achieves political freedom. It is a promise that has inspired
generations of philosophers and activists to explore what art-for-everyone
can do for democracy. Pragmatist John Dewey and post-Marxist Jacques
Ranciere cite Schiller as their mentor for recognizing art as a motor of political development. Liberal philosopher Jiirgen Habermas cites him too,
for stimulating the imaginative construction of new agreements through
"communicative action." A mention of Dr. Winnicott's prescription to play,
and of Freire's link between pedagogy and politics, develops this spotty
genealogy a bit more but won't amount to an academic contribution. My
more practical,
. ,s.3 It IS
urgent conversaPurpos e 1s
as was Sch1ller
to pnme
Let's Loosen Up
e ratiOn a Formtrieb, into the energy for producing aesthetiC
p ea.sure. Between the rock of reason and the hard place of mindless sensua1Ity, man is practicall
t to
Ya CIVI war in himself: savage by enslavemen
passionate nature and b b
(1 rter
ar arous by the pitiless exercise of reason e
Other P
s m ranee and
d .
nxiously to poht1cal events, where they assumed the "
great estmy
of rnan is to be played out (letter 2, 223); they evaluated competing dea State that could. construct and preserve civilization But Sch"ll
s1.gns I'or
1 er
mistrusted the cold scrutmy, and he bracketed the big political questions.
Instead, he went to the heart of the matter and to the heart of man when
he named the political crisis as an abandonment of the imaginative arts
and therefore of freedom: ((Utility is the great idol of the time, to which all
powers do homage and .all subjects are sub.servient. In this great balance of
utility, the spiritual semce of art has no we1ght, and, deprived of all encouragement; it vanishes from the noisy Vanity Fair of our time. The very spirit
of philosophical inquiry itself robs the imagination of one promise after
another, and the frontiers of art are narrowed, in proportion as the limits
of science are enlarged" (letter 2, 223). More than two centuries later, the
recurring impatience would compel Martha Nussbaum to remind readers
why democracy needs the humanities.9
Schiller anticipated objections. Perhaps the young reader to whom
he addresses these letters would prefer ((a loftier theme than that of art,"
which probably seemed ((unseasonable in desperate times" (letter 2, 222).
Yet Schiller's brief for the arts is quite practical, he explains, because play
can lead indirectly to political liberty while more direct means, including
didactic art/' keep missing the mark. "For nothing agrees less with the idea
of the beautiful than to give a determinate tendency to the mind" (letter
22). Making something new-something for which there is no prior concept- is the liberating activity that raises man above his dual and dangerous nature. 10 Only playfulness creates multiple perspectives that bypass
the mono-vision of sensuousness or of reason.a The opposite of play is not
work or seriousness, not even depression, anthropologist Gregory Bateson
would explain for socio-ecological reasons; it is the one-dimensionality or
ferred the liberal and pragmatiC American R
Hamhlh Aren t pre
J3 But now tn 1a
. 1free dom."} sch 1'11 er would not h
' take toward po1ttlca
what path can \\ e
the question, because his answer has staying powe
been stumpe d bY
. .
dcrstood as artistic creatiVIty that offers the only sure .f.
It IS p1ay un
. .
" .
1 1 In.
d t to liberty. Schiller mststed that this matter of art is less c
dtrect1con Ul
roreign to the needs than to the tastes of our ag~; nay, that} to arrive at a solution even in the political1 the road of aestheticS must be pursued1 because
it is through beauty that we arrive at freedom" (letter 21 224). Almost anyone at the time could see that pursuing reasonable shortcuts to liberty1 indifferent to human passions and material needs1 does violence to the very
humanity that reason would set free. Schiller's remedy for revolution is an
aesthetic education. To be moved by an aesthetically pleasing effect is to
acknowledge freedom in wrestling material into new forms, repairing the
damage that flesh and spirit do to one another. At precarious peace in the
world1 an artist or an admirer- both count as active citizens for SchillerI
though real fans play at being artists- achieves freedom and invites others
to share and to cultivate the experience. Cultivating this freedom into a
general condition of possibilities in collective political life is Schiller's ambition. And since wrestling with matter and circumstance takes discipline
and training! he sends Letters to encourage and advise us.
Face to Face
' in Denmark BY
the lettersl schiller mvttes
each of us to read as if we were the
pnnce himself (D1d sch111er 1earn the tactic from Machiavelli? 14) The pomt
the "d tscon
from habit that art provokes man stays torn1 stuck in material appetttes
and ar res te d b y stnctures
of Jmorahty.l
Coach'mg takes t1me1 Schiller admits
thodox cultural
1 so we s1
1ould be prepared to spend it. Gramsc1 s unor
.11 d 101
c . h nan development
sm needed time too. ) No quick fix WI o
because rus
St te is sure to suppress a good part of our hu
. . , " timeless a
b t part is our capacity to expenment, to select d
an re.
22 ) .1he es
(lettei 4, 9
. Is to imagine unprecedented combinatio .
sting matena '
ns, that
arrange exi.
is, to play.
S mbolic Destruction
d Winnicott would come to the same conclusion throu h
Donald \:voo s
. .
opment an
. ,
. aenta1. Perhaps Winnicott read Schiller s bnefs, though we have no
e\~dence.n vVe do know that Winnicott developed an aesthetics through
psychotherapy, one child at a time, early Onj and he elaborated his notes
on play over a lifetime.23 Schiller wrote uman is truly human when he plays,
and he plays when he is truly human/' (letter 15) as if summarizing Winnicott's work. 24 The therapist included his own practice among the playful
and creative (that is, human) activities he studied: ((Psychotherapy takes
place in the overlap of two areas of playing, that of the patient and that of
the therapist. Psychotherapy has to do with two people playing together." 2S
This means free and non purposive communication, which the analyst must
not force into reasonable sequences.26
The instinct to play surfaces immediately, says Winnicott, with a newborn's search for its mother's breast.27 The breast materializes because the
mother also plays1 bending to the baby's will in order to welcome it as creator of its world. The early games multiply throughout life as uplay is the
continuous evidence of creativity, which means aliveness." 28 People play at
affecting the world) not only in a response to hostility or to repair a loss, as
Melanie Klein had thought.29 Play is an innate drive- in Schiller's senseto achieve tacit control over existing, often conflicting, materials and demands. Riskine ss spikes both art and analysis
. With
. dangers of unpre d.tctability, dangers that cannot be abolished if work is to proceed. So the work
demands a stead
. .
P aymate. The drive is potentially (destructive
w ether it is dest t'
rue IVe or not depends on what the object is likej does t e
. .
o Ject survive, that is1 d
oes It retain 1ts character or does it react?
estructlon of an ob
Ject t at survives, that has not reacted or disappeare '
the ignorant
gmg, w l e t ere 1s the greatest difference tn making.
Schtller disagreed Th ough his Letters take Kant's advice to tram
. JU
. dgment
b .through aesthet'tcs} they also exhort everyone to imagine and to rna ke
eauttful things Art ki
-ma ng ratses the intensity of Kant's discusston
menta l faculties (reas
) a
on, un erstand1ng Imagination and Judgment to
regtster of raw instinct Th r
s. e rormtneb (formal drive) lines up more or
pure abstract
d )
reason. On the other side1 the Sinntrieb (sensual nve
sublime Modernity
Classic culture could count on continuity between nature and art. But in
Schiller's frenzied world} man needs to work continuously to make connections. Moderns cocreate new societies; and new works of art help to
negotiate temporary truces between conflicting drives. They are sublimely
unstable and honor the dynamic of world-making more than they revere
any product. Much as he admires the ageless equilibrium of ancient Greek
art1 Schiller notes that its very perfection forfeits the freedom to stray from
an ideal1 so he prefers the tortuous and obsolescent historicity of contemporary arts (letter I6). Experiments trump the timeless enchantment of
classic art along with Kant's flat baseline of training taste as civic education.
Schiller the poet relished the effort1 the detours1 and the self-doubt that
art-making demands. He even accepted outright failures1 however envious
he might have felt about the natural talent that apparently flowed from
"naive" poets.41 Innate ability paradoxically undercuts their merit} he says}
"because it is not the work of their choice.... We are free, and they are necessary; we change1 they remain the same .... We therefore perceive in them
eternally that which is missing from us1 but after which we are required to
strive} and which1 although we never attain it1 we nevertheless may hope
to approach in an infinite progress. We perceive in ourselves an advantage,
which is wanting in them." 42 The advantage is freedom} and its sign is error,
the capacity to deviate from nature.
f ty and thereTh e very success of the ancients is a constramt on crea lVl
fore an obstacle to freedom (letter t6).43 Schiller develops this com~ar~
so 0
c to for modermty s
n m n Natve and Sentimental Poetry 1801 1 a manues
b h'ldl'k
and rise above}
1 1
cu t freedom. In any age, noble souls can e c
or t
. 1
(S hiller's favonte exs ay c ear of1 contradiction in this stmp e way. c
am 1 .
. h d transparent c arp e IS Pope Adrian VI [1522-I523] whose upng tan
Difficult Freedom
h' h a01nes 1t
0 Ject ought also to reflect the enlightened mtelhgence w lC tm o
the hand which shaped it with affection, the mind free and serene which
chose it and exposed it to view" (letter 27, 309). When an artistic expen~
rne t
nd eventually to
n succeeds, it charms even philistines to recogmze, a
emulate, the man-made miracle of new forms:
. n ou combat their maxims, 1n vain WI you contive. In va111 W1 Y
Schiller didn't despair; nor would John Dewey, Herbert Marcuse,53 Paulo
F . An
reire, tomo GramscV 4 Augusto BoaV5 Antanas Mockus, or Jacques
R~ciere. These and other exemplary agents of change investigate the
S~Irals of power and passion to locate cracks or weak points where alternatives can open a wedge. In Pedagogy of the Oppressed (1968), Freire called
these fissures limit Sltuat.Ions" that provoke interventions to derai1current
procedure 56 Th
or unfinished
. moments of a narrative, available for a new twist.57 ConvenlOna1endmgs go aro d . .
d h t
. ..
un m Circles, Freire warned when he propose s or
ClrCUitmg the d 1 .
Ia ecttc of mastery and bondage that Hegel had describe :
as masters become d
ependent on their slaves (who change the wo
wor newly e
The lo
mpowered slaves lord it over their former mas
op stratghtens o t b
. gleu Yrep acing the top-down and bottom-up sm
Deliberative Differences
"Appearance" is the
from s h'll .
counterLactual contribution that Habermas receiV
c 1 er m order to f 11
ac ttate discursive action. Action assumes
va 1ues do not t
h t they
can be
ye eXIst among conflicting parties, but t a
constructed throu h
. agine
g communication. The challenge is to trn
bl"c1 character. e P
art; its pu
d d developed only at the cost of the fragment .
could be differentiate an
,, -o
cou not rest content with the Kantian differentiations between und t d'
ers an mg and sense, freedom and necessity,
mmd and nature b
d' t"1ons
' ecause It perceived in precisely these Istmc
t e expression of d' h
. .
d' .
tc otomtes Inherent in modern life-con ttwns.
a more deliberative process and Habermas Wl
h th t he
1 1 and the stretchr'ftathat
or communicative action. Thanks to the fl exi'blty
st the short s 1
earns from Schiller Hegel can level a cnttque agam
dy of
d h can offer the reme
ant giVes to the procedure of judgment, an e
Anxiety of Agency
. . .
Scht 11er encou
s pidity and smug intelligenc.e. Hi~ exasperated tone a~ticipate~ posthumous
trouble too. Paul de Man ts a s1gn of the trouble. I 11 mention his objections because de Man can stand in for a whole generation of skeptics who
continue to haunt the humanities. Though Gayatri Spivak, for example,
takes a bold turn toward intervention and toward Schiller in her recent
An Aesthetic Education in the Era of Globalization (2012), she stays tied to
de Man and to deconstruction through a habit of translating tension into
the tormented stasis of double binds.1his knot of conflicting demands described particular tight spots for Gregory Bateson, who coined the
But double bind is generalized in deconstruction to mean a simultaneous
possibility and impossibility to say or to do almost anything. It practically
amounts to an interdiction against action. Spivak claims to be stuck between dedication to scholarship and the call to engagement.81 In fact, she
pursues both admirably in a syncopated rhythm that artists understand.
Schiller described that irregular progress of getting beyond binds. That was
his project: to overcome the impasse between reason and passion, time and
eternity, obligation and desire, indirectly. Through play, he argued, humans
can reconcile conflicting demands into new forms that change the players
and change the world in the process.
de Man's animus against Schiller wasn't envy or resentmentj he apparent~y felt no overpowering admiration that might have soured into
an aruuety of 1nfl uence. The contrast with Johan Huizinga's parr1c1
underlines the d1ffi
H . .
k ht
erence. mzmga rehearsed the Letters in a boo t a
clearly owes Schiller a great but unacknowledged debt Homo Ludens:
A Study of th Pl
1938). He dismissed Schiller, ma e
htm 1ook silly
' tn a smgle mention delayed past the middle of the boo
e master who ta h
ug t everyone from Hegel to Habermas to recognt
P ay as t e motor of h
oppsychol .
uman arts, culture, and society is reduced to a P
ogtst of doodli . ''A h
. . f las~
ng. t eory designed to explain the ongtn P
H \RD DRi\'E
Letters can gtr
d Citizen-artists
to defend art and to woo skepttcs.
Hts. book
muc a trammg manual as a companion throug t e
oscillations failu
res, an temporary successes of art-making in mo ern
times. Schtller is b0 th f k
ran and eloquent about the challenge to c arm
b h
ot technocrats a d
n pessimists. He wants us to win them over to a
roug a profound! h
Y uman susceptibility to beaut" even when reason
at s to JOin us. The L
tio f
etters, seductive and persistent have set off genera
ns o corresponde
ers art'
nee Wit pohttcal philosophers, pedagogical re orm
, tsts, teachers, and citizens.
. ff proJec
ts that translate
personal riski it may also provoke spm-o
d'ISSId ence into renewable energy for the movement. W'th
1 Pre-Texts, the
arts 0 f recycling triggered commonplace creattve
agency, first through the
e 1
bl' hi
roJect and then
ast Ymultiplied model of Eloisa Cartonera's pu IS ng P
h. h
through a pedagogical sequel that appropnates
1 era ry classics and tg
theory for the irreverent fun of advanced literacy.
Welcome Back
1. See Thomas Docherty, Aesthetic Democracy (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2006). Also Martha Nussbaum, Not For Profit: Why Democracy Needs the
Humanities (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2010)j Geoffrey Harpham on
"How America Invented the Humanities/' watch?v=
1. Antanas Mockus, "Cultura Ciudadana, programa contra la violencia en Santa Fe
de Bogota, Colombia 1995-1997." Estudio Tecnico, Washington, DC, July 2001, no.
SOC-120 Division de Desarrollo Social, Publicaciones Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, (accessed July 12, 2010), http:// doc/ 63048/ Colombia
3. See the reference to Martha Nussbaum in a response by Alexander Nehamas,
"An Essay on Beauty and Judgment/' Three Penny Review 8o (winter 2ooo): 4-7.
. philosophy
. .
leasure as distraction.. See
4 Class1cal
also d1sm1sses
p1easure and dtsp
N r u 's
Minority lVritirzg itt the Americas (Cambridge} MA: Harvard University Press, 1999).
. Economist Pier Luigi Sacco reports the denial in "Culture 3.0: A New Perspec14
ti\'C for the EU 2014-2020 Structural Funds Programming," for the European Expert
Network on Culture (EENC), April2011. http:jjwww.culturalpolicies.netjwebjfiles
I 24 1/en !Sacco_culture-3-o_CCis-Local-and-Regional-Development_ final. pdf.
15. Stuart A. Kauffman, b1vestigations (Oxford: Oxford University Press1 2ooo), pp.
16. Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed. New revised twentieth-anniversary edi-
f1 La Ola Verde: La ilusi6n de 1ma gencraci6 11 (A 1
he}' I Ill
" alias
J. Sect
i l 1Mugarita Martinez Escall6n, produced by Juanita Leo S
n. ee
,, ) (2011 ) dircctcl ,)'
l(cesscd June 14, 2013.
,!ll , '
http:// ww" ' k , "When 1Am Trapped, I Do What an Artist Would Do ..
Antanas Moe us,
, con
\\'.usz.l, in Forget Fear: -;th Blc,male for Contemporary Art d
. ation w1th Joann.l
,e .
.. k lJ0 1nna Warsza (Berlin: KW Inst1tute for Contemporary Art
Artur ZmiJCW!- 1 an< '
. .
ng Walter Konig, 2012), pp. 164-170. H1s mstallation "Blood
Verlag Ocr Bucl1an l
. .
. .
. e
. kt I% El%8o%9Eblood-ties%E2%8o%9D-von-antanas-mockus-2303
/blog,I prOJC c
. Jaunc
. L,~.: rncr, ,'\' cup 1mtura urbana (Rio de Jane1ro: Ed1tora
2003 )
. Sec Henry Murrain, "Cultura ciudadana como pohttca pubhca: Entre indica6
dores )' artc, in Cultura Ciudadana en Bogota: Nuevas perspectivas, ed. Efrain Sanchez
and C.uolina Castro (Bogota: Camara de Comercio de Bogota, Sccretaria de Cultura, Rccrcaci6n y Deporte, Fundacion Terpel, Corpovisionarios, 2009).
;. Ja\'icr Saenz Obregon, Desco,ifiarlza, civilidad y estetica: las practicas forrnativas
eJtatalcs porjiura de Ia escuela en Bogota, 1994-2003 (Bogota: Instituto para la Investigacion Educativa y Desarrollo Pegagogico, 2007 ), p. 131.
s. The first time was on March 9, 2001. See, for example: Salud Hernandez-MoraI
"Bogota organiza una noche 'solo para mujeres' para combatir la violencia," El
Afundo, March 11, 2001.
9 Friedrich Schiller, "On Grace and Dignity" (1793), in Aesthetical and Philosophical Essays (Middlesex, UK: Echo Books, 2oo6), pp. 127-154.
10. Schiller, "On Grace and Dignity," p. 146.
11. Frederick Beiser, Introduction to Schiller as Philosopher: A Re-examination
(Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2oos).
12. Mockus, 'J\rnfibios culturales" and "La innovaci6n y la extrana frontera que separa escuela y sociedad," Aleph 136 (2oo6): 2-5; 'runpliaci6n de los modos de hacer
polftica," Aleph 135 (loos): pp. 2-26.
13 Victor Shklovsky, ''Art as Technique" (1917 ), in Russian Formalist Criticism, Four
Essays, editor, Lee T. Lemon and Marion J. Reis (Lincoln: University of Nebraska
Press, 1965), pp. 3_24 .
14. Antanas Mockus, "Cult ura ctu
dadana, programa contra la vtolenc1a
en Santa Fe
de Bogota, Colombia, 1995 _1997."
15. Mark Schapiro, "An Eccent nc
. a Flair for the Dramatic Is Bnngmg
. .
ayor Wlth
Hope to a Notoriously Trou bled Captta,
. l, Atlantic, September 2001.
16. See Susan f'\uinn
Improvisation: How the WPA and a Cast ofThousands
, punous
Made Higlt Art out 0ifD
esperate Trmes (New York: Walker, 2008).
17. Letter from VIctor Laignelet, October 30, 2009.
t8. Conversation with F
rancots Lyotard, Antanas Mockus and Amparo Vega, Fe
ruary 3, 2009.
-anttpoliticosI 24098-3
33- Sec Maria Ospina, "Violencia y representaci6n en la narrativa colombiana,
198S-20Q , Pl1D .
d1ss., Harvard University, 2009.
34. Mur ram,
"C ultura ciudadana como politica publica: Entre m
d'teadores Yar t e,"
pp. 17-2o.
. Don~ Sonuner,
. . sit ' Press, 2004 .
NC: Duke Unlvcr. > . [). uocracy and the Foreigner (Princeton, NJ: Princeton lJ .
36. See Bonnie Honag, a
111 1001
vcrsity Prcss,
.. \ l'lci 6 n de los modos de hacer politica," Colloquc c .
l: R1 ,
'17 Antana5 Mockus, J mp t._
> . December 1- 3, 2004, P 1:>.
. . .. \ ,fibios culturales y dtvorciO entre ey, moral y cultura "
JS. Antana-.; Mol kus, J I
. . /(t
().uwary-Apnl1994): 37-471 P 3
Amfltst( po teo I
R ., I
I ,
, Flfiacaso de Ia naci6n: egton, c ase y raza en e Can be co/om.
, .
) (Bogot.i: B.mco de la Repubhca, 1998
bwno 1717. 1 . '
, . 1)Jl' II o, Clt,cl 1in Malcolm Deas,
Del podet y a gtamat~ea y otros ensayos
40 AndrL's
l)'litemtura colombtanas (Santafe de Bogota: Tercer Mundo Edi.. . po1'1rcc
sollrt' lmt01ul,
48. Jacques Rancicrc, The Politics of Aesthetics: The Distribution of the Sensible, trans. with an introduction by Gabriel Rockhill1afterword by Slavoj Zizck
49 Sir Francis Bacon1"Of Seditions" ( 1625), essays
of-francis- bacon -16.h tm I.
so. See George Yudice, Introduction to Nestor Garcia Canclini1 Imagined Globalization (Durham, NC: Duke University Press1 2012).
51. Claire Bishop, "The Social Turn," Artforum1February 2006.
52. Boal, Rainbow of Desire, p. xxiii.
53 Paolo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed. New revised twentieth-anniversary ed.
New York: Continuum, 19 93 . p. 39 .
. 54 .. Antanas Mockus, "America Latina1consensos y paz social: Q}te sugicre Ia expe-
ncnc1a de Bogota," (Power Point) Conindustrias 2004, Caracas June 30, 2004, slide
no. 7, (Sec note #27).
"'t 1
CJCr e cammo, Gma conceptual y metodol6g1ca omponente de conv1vcncia y
reconc1 1ac16n: Estrategia de reintegraci6n basada en comun
clades, Banca de Proy t AI C
ec os, ta onseryeria Presidcncial1May 2010.
t~a. h~rvard.edujfs/
Edu ,
I1 Salazar, "What Every Jewish Parent Should Know about the Waldorf
,. pebora
fng Spring 19991 p. 35. See also Bruce Uhrmacher, "Uncom5.
"jewish Paren ' '
Philosophy,}'ng A H.1s t o rical Look at Rudolf Steiner} Anthroposophy and Waldorf
on Schoo 1 . l Inquiry 25, no. 4(winter 199s). p. 381.
. " CtJrncu um
ovitch "This Is Play, New Ltterary Htstory 40, no. 1 (Winter
h Nac man
s8 Step en
loo9): ILhJ)er On tr~e
,_ A sthetic Education of Man, in a Series of Letters. Rare Mastere
hy an d Science. (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press1 1954).
. 59 Scof Philosop
Letter 9
M k s "When I Am Trapped/' 168; and Maria Cristina Caballero1
Antanas oc u ,
6o.d rnic Turns C'ty
1 1nto a Social Expenment, Harvard Gazette, March n, 2004.
"Aca eBesar Luuueta,
"Eight Indicted for Fraud in Albanian Elections: Prosecutors
.. on Tues day Indicted Eight Poll "Commissioners
for Rigging the Elections
. Lezha
. the Commune o f oa1c on May 8, 2ou,
. . Instght, March 15. 1 2012, http://
. ht .comfenfarticle/ e1ght-md1cted-for-fraud-dunng-albama-s-local\\'\M.balkanms1g
. ,
. .
d' Ra '
62. DaVId L Phillips1 "Less Drama from Albama s Soc1ahst Lea er: E 1 mas
Strategy of Confrontation and Gridlock Ill-Serves His Party and His Country/' Balkall Insight1 June 281 2ou, http:jjwww.balkaninsight.comjenfarticlejless-drama
63. Edi Rama, "Take Back Your City with Paint,"
_rama_take_back_your_city_with_paint.html, May, 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece
(Accessed June 291 2013).
64. Jane K.ramer1"Painting the Town," New Yorker} June 27, 2005, p. so.
6s. Nick Swift, "Edi Rama1 Mayor of Tirana/' http://
/ worldmayor_2004 / rama_winnero4.html.
66. Dick Hebdige, "The Machine Is Unheimlich: KrzysztofWodiczko's Home-
less Vehicle Project." Walker Art Magazine August 30, 2012 (Accessed June 14, 2013)
http: // magazine j 20 12/krzysztof-wodiczkos-homeless-vehicle
67. Vivienne Walt, "A Mayoral Makeover," Time 1October 2 12005,
.comftimej magazine/ article/ 0,9171,1112793,oo.html.
68 Kramer, "Painting the Town."
Antmen, Ahu, et al, curators, Tirana Biennale 1: Escape, with an introduction by
Edi Rama and Gezim Qcndro (Milan, Giancarlo Politi Editore, 2001).
' Kramer, "Painting the Town."
Makgetia, "A New Face for a Tired City: Edi Rama and Tirana} Albania,
0-loto" I
Un . ' nnovattons for Successful Societies (Princeton, NJ: Trustees o nnce on
1Verstty lo 10)
. .
1 pp. 1-10,
1. Tumi
"Government and the Arts: Voices from the New
. and 1vJC 1os
Rosen7.wcig '
71 . Pierre Restany/
d- hapcd Hundertwasser apartment bUildmgs m VIenna tho h
to rcsem bl e t eo s
.. .
. m1g
. ht be a t nck of the colour scheme. Signed PHI rev1ew of Anri Sala's Vid eo
"Dammi i colori" about Rama1at the Tate Gallery/ 2003. http:J/W\vw
1 172.
. Isabella Mara, "Color Is a Key to Transforming a City/' Sustainable Idcas1
November 28, 2011, http://, 28/ color-is-a-key-to
-transforming-a city1and http:// photography.nationalgeographic.comjphotography
/photo-of-the-dayfmanarola-italy-coastj. For more photos of Guayaquil1 Cerro
Santa Ana, see https:/
=en&rlz= 1c1RN PN_en US421 &prmd=imvns&source=lnms&tbm=isch &ei=hdDYT
-r7GeqJ6AHo 1u2yAw&sa=X&oi=mode_link&ct=mode&cd=2&sqi=2&ved=oCEgQ
75 . "During the years 2007-20o8, there have been twenty-two public hearings1
which have been characterized by an active participation of the citizens of Tirana
and which have also been reflected in the priorities and projects financed during the
year 2008 that have come to life day after day." Tirana News Archive1 November 281
20081 (site disabled).
76. "Edi Rama replies to questions from an international audience/'
77. Walt, "Mayoral Makeover."
78. Roy Rosenzweig and Barbara Melosh1 "Government and the Arts: Voices from
the New Deal Era," Journal of American History 77, no. 2 (September 1990): 598.
79 Rosenzweig and Melosh, "Government and the Arts," p. 596.
So. Conversation with Antanas Mockus, September 51 2009.
81. Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (original German
1905), trans. Talcott Parsons (New York: Scribner11930 ).
82. Virginia Mecklenburg, Public as Patron: A History of the Treasury Department
Mural Program (College Park: University of Maryland11979).
83. George J. Mavigliano, "The Federal Art Project: Holger Cahill's Program of
Action," Art Education 37, no. 3 (May 1984): 26-30. Also Don Adams and Arlene
Goldbard, "New Deal Cultural Programs: Experiments in Cultural Democracy/ 19861
84)ose Vasconcelos/
P 91quoted in
85. Claude
Fell1 jose Va sconce1os.. Los anos
- dez agutla,
, Educact6n,
S~ra." P S9 6
d David Lark.in1 Art Worked: The New Deal, Art and Democ-
S"' Roger .. Rizzo Iii 2.009).
. . \ ~ew York.
J y Bvwaters: A Life tn Art (Austtn: Umvers1ty of Texas
g.,." francJO
c Carrara~
" C
. .'
de Parques y Recreos, San J uan1 Division de Cinema y Grcifica1Archive General de
Puerto Rico, 19461pp. s-6. Quoted in Kennerly/ Negociaciones culturales, p. 30. Rene
Marques1Lorenzo Homar, and Rafael Tufiiio are among the DIVEDCO artists.
g6. Will Bradley and Charles Esche, eds.1Art and Social Change: A Critical Reader
{London: Tate Pub. in association with Afterall New York, 2007 ). See review
Project. Debate about Dewey in Alison Kadlec1Dewey's Critical Pragmatism (Lanham' MD : Lexmgton
Books, 2007).
Holger Cahill/ "American Resources for the Arts ( 1939) ,"Art for tltc A1illions:
(wasIung 01
105. Adams and Goldbard, Creatzve Co~munzty.
'Jler Lehman Institute of H1story, orgjo
J06. The GJl (
.. .. ht 'nl Sec also Bntanmca,
; 649339;wrA-Fcdcral-Art-Proj~~t.
wl) g nd Melosh' Government and the Arts, 6os.
1o7. Roscnz "1 1
108. Rosario Encinas, 'Jose Vasconcelos (1882-1959)."
Jpublications/ThinkersPdfjvasconce.pdf Accessed June 20, 2013. Originally published by UNESCO (Paris) in PROSPECTS XXIV, nos. 3-4.
109. Donna Sussman, "The Influence of Mexican Muralists on WPA Art/' Yale
National Initiative to Strengthen Teaching in Public Schools, May 2, 2oo 9, http://
teachers. curriculum/search/viewer. php ?id=ini tiative_os. 02. 09_u.
110 . The House Committee to Investigate Un-American Activities (HUAC, also
known in the thirties as the "Dies Committee," after its chair Martin Dies). In Adams
and Goldbard., Creative Cotnmunity: The Art of Cultural Development.
11 1. Hallie Flanagan, Arena (New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1940), p. 28, cited
in Adams and Goldbard, Creative Community.
112. Quinn, Furious Improvisations, pp. 172-183.
113. Quinn, Furious Improvisations, p. 90.
114. Quinn, Furious Improvisations, pp. 155-156.
115. Rosenzweig and Melosh, "Government and the Arts." p. 596.
116. Augusto Boa I, Theatre of the Oppressed. (originally published in Spanish as
Teatro del oprimido, 1974), trans. Charles A and Maria-Odilia Leal McBride (New
York: Theatre Communications Group, 1995).
117. Fidel Castro, Palabras a los intelectuales (Havana: Ministerio de Cultura, 1961).
118. Carraro, Jerry Bywaters p. 83.
104 .
119. FDR, Second Inaugural Address, January 4, 1935, quoted in Basil Rauch, The
History of the New Deal (New York: Creative Age Press, 1944), p. 146.
120. Carraro, Jerry Bywaters p. 81.
121. Rosenzweig and Melosh, "Government and the Arts." p. 578. In 1938 TRAP
became part of the Federal Arts Project.
122. Rosenzwig and Melosh, "Government and the Arts." pp. 604- 6os.
123 Don Adams and Arlene Goldbard, "Problem of Censorship"
.wwcd.orgjpolicyjUSjnewdeal.html#CENSOR (accessed June 14, 2013).
124 Rosenzweig and Melosh, "Government and the Arts: Voices from the New
Deal Era." p. 598.
~5- Jane DeHart Mathews, The Federal Theatre, 1935-1 939: Plays, Relief, and Politics
(Prmceton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1967 ), pp. 313 - 314, cited in Rosenzweig
and Melosh, "Government and the Arts," p. 598.
u.s.c. 952.
13s. Rosenzweig and Melosh. "Government and the Arts," p. 6oo. "Most broad synthetic cultural histories of the 1930s have little to say about the role of government
programs for the arts ... strikingly little to locate government-sponsored art ... on
New Deal photography perhaps the single exception ... to assess it as art and cultural
139. "NEA Reassigns Communications Director following Uproar over Obama Initiative," FOX News, September u, 2009.
Wh1te Hou se," posted by Phil Crosby on Wednesday, December 9, 2009, see http://
foundationcent pn dj news / story.jhtml?id=2.768oo014 .
. Colummst,
..An lnter. 41. Michael F Sh aug hnessy, Semor
Vtew with Andrew Kl
art' /
. l\emvesting in A E l
Humanitie (
rts c ucat10n," President's Committee on the Arts and the
s lOti 'http //w
s. ee Lauren Silverman, "On Philly's Walls1Murals Painted Wit
Brot herly Loveura
"All Th
mgs Considered, NPR, August 231 20JO,
mplat.esjstory/ story.php ?storyld=1292816s8.
3- Melissa Dribben "1 M'l]'
k to
c c1 '
IOn Phtladelphtans Can't Be Wrong: Panstans Loo
opy ty s Mural Progra ., Ph 11
adelphta Inqirer, May 81 20091p. B2.
.-anonymous French street artist. See his TED talk1"One year of
"JR" 1s a serru
ld inside out/' 2011,
. the wor
the world_inside_out.html.
rt to_turn- _use-a -: Ell. The All New Australian Graffiti (Melbourne: Sun Books, 1985)1
Renrue lSI
http:/Jen. 11 p s
6. http:;; new .
. beiJ'ing/ htmlj1.stm.
ample Lucy Lippard1Get the Message? A Decade of Art for Soetal Change
1 See I Or ex
N York: E. P. Dutton, 1984).
( ew D "Ranciere for Dummies/' review of The Politics of Aesthetics1 Artnet,
8. Ben aVIs)
tnet.comjmagazineus/books/ daVIs/ daV1s8-17-o6.asp.
9. Augus t o Boal1 Aesthetics oif the Oppressed) trans. Adnan Jackson (London: Rout}edge12006)
. . ,
10. Carne
.... ,) "Twelve Miles: Boundanes of the New Art/ActlVISm1
Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 20081 vol. 331 no. 2. 309-3~7 "
11. See Liza Weisberg, "The Yes Men Fix the World One Prank at a Tnnel Huffington Post, July 27, 2oo9,
p. 64.
13. Clemente Padin, "Latin American Art in Our Time" and "Tucuman Arde: Paradigm of Revolutionary Cultural Action," chapters 1 and 4 in Art and People, trans.
Harry Polkinhorn. -Lndb/padin/lcpcintr.htm (web publication: 1997) and -lndb/padin/lcptuc.htm.
14. Jacoby also directs community arts projects such as Proyecto Matanzas and
recently opened a multipurpose arts center1the CIA1 in Buenos Aires. See http://
15 Douglas Rushkoff1Life Inc.: How the World Became a Corporation and How to
Take It Back (New York: Random House, 2009 )~ pp. 234- 239
I6. Rushkoff, "The Melt-Up," title of chapter 9, in Life Inc., P 227
17 Rushkoff, Life Inc. p. 234.
. .
18 Mady Schutzman and Jan Cohen-Cruz Playing Boal: Theatre, Therapy, Acttvmn
(New York: Routledge, 1994) 1p. 22.
19 Augusto Boall Hamlet and the Baker's Son: My Life in Theatre and Poltttes1 trans.
Adrian Jackson and Candida Blaker (London: Routledge, 2001)1PP 194- 200 .
20 J L M
oreno, The Essential Moreno: Writings on psych0 dram a' Group Method and
Spontane 1tY1 e d. Jonathan Fox (New York: Spnnger,
1987 )
archivefiles/2002/09/el readingroom/
teatro_campe.phP Al so, Yolanda Broyles-GonzalezJ El Teatro Campesino: The at er
-in the Cl"ucano JVJ
,.~ovement (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1994).
. "d o} 1974 ), trans Charles A and Maria-Odilia Leal McBride (New York-
deI opnmz
Theatre Communications Group, 1995), P 156.
25. Boal, Theatre of the Oppressed, P 132.
26 . Boal, 11zeatre of the Oppressed, chapter 4
27. Emmanuel Levinas, Totality and Infinity: An Essay on Exteriority. Martinus
NijhoffPhilosophy Texts, vol. 1. The Hague, the Netherlands: M. NijhoffPublishers,
28. Augusto Boa!, The Rainbow of Desire: The Boal Method of Theatre and Therapy.
London: Routledge, 1995, p. 7
29. Boal1 The Rainbow of Desire, pp. 26-27.
30. Boa), The Rainbow of Desire1 p. 59j Legislative Theatre: Using Performance to Make
Politics. London: Routledge, 1998., p. 56.
31. Boa], Legislative Theatre, p. 57
32. John Dewey1 Human Nature and Conduct, quoted in Steven Fesmire, John
Dewey and Moral Imagination: Pragmatism in Ethics (Bloomington: Indiana University
Press)1 p. 69.
33 Boa!, The Rainbow of Desire, p. 27.
34 Boa!/ The Rainbow of Desire, p. 45.
35 Boa!, Theatre of the Oppressed, chapter 1.
36. In Theatre of the Oppressed, Boal summarizes Arnold Hauser's argument in The
Social History of Art (London, 1951). See also George Thompson, Aeschylus and Athens
(London: Lawrence and Wishart, 1941).
37 ~athan Schneider, "Paint the Other Cheek1" Nation 1 April2, 2012,
.thenatJOn.comj article/ t668lo/paint-other-cheek.
38. Adrian Jackson , In trod uc t.IOn t o Th e Ram
. bow of Desire, p. xxiii.
. , . )
39- Nestor Garcia Can din1 Gl b li .6 .
, .
Otherwise Than Being, or Beyond Essence, trans. Alphonso
anuel LeVInas,
47 .Ernrn
h . K.luwer Academic Publishers, [1974] 1991), pp. s-6.
. (Dordrec t.
al Rainbow, P 43
49 Boal, Rainbow, P 26.
, Boal, Rainbow, PP 70-72
in Pai defiam{/ia e outros ensaws (Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra,
R0 berto c warz
b ted Boal as an alternative to Tropicalismo, which allegedly
8 ) had also ce e ra
d ther than developed Brazil.
rornanttclze ra
52 B
Legislative Theatre, P u.
al Legislative Theatre, P 15.
2l55 B I
56. Boal, Aesthetics of the Oppressed, P 6.
57. Boal, Hamlet and the Baker's Son, P 325.
58. Boal, Aesthetics of the Oppressed, p. 6.
. http:/ ?v=KKoZ7n-w97Y&feature=related. 'A Este59
tica do Oprimido nas Escolas."
6o. ''May the trash be with you," is the slogan of the collective Basurama. See their
61. Paolo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed. New revised twentieth-anniversary ed.
New York: Continuum, 1993, p. 28.
62. Freire, Pedagogy, pp. 39-40.
64. Boa!, Legislative Theatre, pp. 21-22.
6s. Betsy Bard facilitated these very successful programs at Cambridge Rindge and
Latin High School from 2004 to 2008 with a combination of techniques from Boal
and from Anna Deavere Smith.
66. See Norifumi Kamo, Mary Carlson, and Felton Earls "Young Citizens as
Health Agents: Use of Drama in Promoting Community Efficacy for
ohcc Aceountab.11tty
. and Anti-Transgcndcr Violence," e-mzsJerrca
3, n0 2 (November
69. See a r
ecent contribution with popular appeal: Lm a Irs m '
IUttzphant G R
ay evolution (New York: HarpcrCollins, 2012
. Lope de Vega, Fuente Ovejuna, Biblioteca chisica, val. 54. Barcelona: Critica,
1993 (first published in Madrid in 1619).
71 . Sarah Schulman and Jim Hubbard, Act Up Oral History Project,, p. 34
72. Sebastian Smcc, "Blunt Instruments: Collectives' AIDS Art Made an Impact
with Just a Few Strong Images," Boston Globe, October 30, 2009,
7J. Kramer had cofounded Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC) in January 19g2 but
resigned by 1983.
74 . Larry Kramer, 1he Normal Heart. The Royal Court Writers Series. London:
Methuen in association with the Royal Court Theatre, 1986.
75 'ACT uP Capsule History," cron-B7.htmi.
76. Claire Grace, "The AIDS Crisis Is Not Over: Activism and Collective Art p
ractice in ACT UP New York." Exhibition Essay for ACT UP New York: Activism, Art, and
the AIDS Crisis, 1987-1993, published by Harvard Art Museum 2oo 9 p 3 s E
' ee rnesto
Laclau and Chantal Mouffe, Hegemony and Socialist Strategy: Towards a Radical Democratic Politics (2nd ed. London: Verso, 2001).
From Harvard's VES website:
78. On their open-source website, Schulman and Hubbard 1
ranscnpts o
the mterv1ews
accompamed by short video clips See tuporaIh1story
.org/In temews/index.h tml.
and Makeshift Batt! St . .
onrung Montreal s Palais de Congres,
e atiOns m Fortress S F
. "
Articles From The Ti t
an ranctsco, December 2002, Index of
rea ment ActiOn Grou (
) h
/contentjarti720 .html.
P TAG ' ttp://
84. Barr,
cocreate Colors to provid
or Kalman on AIDS posters; they would
e soczal context ~ h h
or Kalman, Peter Hall M h
or t e P otographic campaigns. See Ti.
' Ic ael Bierut Ti'b
ton: Prmceton Architect
or alman: Perverse Optimist (Princeh
ura1 ress I 998) d
ttp:// 1. 'b'
an Steven Heller's uBiography" for AlGA,
a ISt-h orkalmanj.
"Right 0 n,
ouglas .
er (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press,
d M1chae1 vvarn
Social 'Theory, e .
ct interview no. 35, p. 22. Kramer doesn t deny It.
1993 ,
al History roJe '
C ltu al Agents, Harvard University hosted the confer9 ~. Act Up
0 tober t, 2005 u r
. .
. Mix Making Salsa" to feature master ptamst Larry Har ow,
92.. On c
"The Jewish-Latm
. Th .
. d' 0 maravilloso" Leon Gast, who filmed Our Latm mg
d iringly as e JU 1
known a m
d won an Oscar for When We Were Kings (1996); Martm
(1973 '
d founder/president of Latm PercussiOn, t e company
hotograp er an
. .
Cohen, P
. r source of Afro-Latino percussiOn mstruments, and Marty
developed t e maJO
nger and Grammy winning producer of Jazz, Latm Jazz, and
Sheller, composer, arra
1 ded Robert Farris Thompson whose books on tha Afncan cuiSalsa. Scho1ars me u
th Americas include Tango: The Art Hzstory of Love (New York: Pan.
tural hentage m e
theon Books, 20
Ada Ferrer "The Silence of Patriots: Racial Discourse and Cuban National93J
ism, 1868- 1898" in Jose Marti "Our America": From National to Hemispheric Cultural
Studies, editors Jeffrey Belnap and, Raul Fernandez, pp. 228-252. (Durham: Duke
University Press, 1998) p. 243.
94 Paul Chan, "Fearless Symmetry/' Artjorum. New York: Mar 2007. Vol. 45, Iss. 7i
pg. 260.
96. See
97 Ed Vulliamy, "Strings Attached: What the Venezuelans Are Doing for British
Kids," Observer, October 2, 2010.
98. http: user /LandfillHarmonic.
99. http: II /El_S is tern a.
100 Jose Cuesta, "From Economicist to Culturalist Development Theories: How
Strong Is the Relation between Cultural Aspects and Economic Development?/'
European Jo urnal oifDeve1opment Research 16, no. 4 (2004): 868-891.
b 1. An article from City I QJournal, the Lithuanian version of Intelligent Life, Octoer2oo9 ackn 1 d
ow e ges that the public versus private debate originated in the conroversy arou d th L'
S .
e tetuva Cinema, beginning in 2005. See Andrius Uzkalnis (2009)
ava tr Privatu. v .
tsat Nepnes1ska Bendruomenei ir Viesumai. Miesto IQ Tarp Vieso rr
lvataus R
ugseJls-Spalis 17, pp. 6-9.
Ol. lndepend
later fi
ence was declared on March 11, 1990, though recognition can1e a year
, rst from Ic 1 d
e an , then the United States and others. See
h t_of_the_Re-Establishment_of_the_State_of_Lithuania.
103 1
. n t e famo "Ki
Virtues of
tchen Debate" on July 24, 1959, Richard Nixon argued the
capitalism sh .
' OWing Amencan kitchen appliances for the convemence ot
cinema theater."
106. Urbonas and Urbonas1"pro-test lab dossier: / 2005."
107. It is impossible to know who they are because the identity of corporate shareholders is protected from public scrutiny.
108. In 19631Maciunas composed the first Fluxus Manifesto "to purge the world of
bourgeois sickness."
109. "United Nations Economic Convention on Access to Information1 Public
Participation in Decision Making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters."
. sj1 http:/;
WWW t -made-from-weapons- by-pc d ro-reyes. h tm I;
JartI g
ical~mstrumen s
mj news-snippet/ sounds-redemption; http:// \\".VW
Ien rchestra~of~rnus
1''"'.;vv.d g
d ;magine-by-pedro~reycs.
rnftren s I
tl1 Pedro Reyes, June 81 2005.
... conversatiOn WI
The State as a Work of Art: TI1e Cultural Origins of the Consti. . 1homas SlauterJ
s. En'
.ty of Chicago Press~ 2009 .
S c dU .
. go UnJvcrsl
tiotl (C ca
th t. Democracy (Stanford, CA: , tan1or
D herty Aes e tc
'fhornas oc
press, 2oo6).
n Kan(s Political Philosophy (Chicago: University of
I Arendt1 Lectures o
. J-{anna 1
Press} 1989)1 P 4
d h
Th Critique of Judgement [1790] translate w1t lntro uct10n
I manuel Kant, e
11 m
d ( 2 nd ed. revised) (London: Macmillan, 1914 part 7 See
and Notes by J.H. crnar
also Arendt, Lectures} P 67.
. Arendt1Lectures} P 4
11 "Aesthetic Problems of Modern Ph1losophy, chapter 21m Judg13- Stan Iey C ave J
j dates/stories/july/24jnewsid_27790oo/2779551.stm.
104. Nomeda Urbonas and Gediminas UrbonasJ "pro-test lab dossier: / 2005 ,
105. The St.1te Land Lease Agreement1operative until 2093 (Lease number
Noo 1194 _1745 ). Article 8.1 determines the primary purpose of the land use: "the
land lot can only be used for economic activities} associated with the mission of the
112. Rushko~ Life Inc.} p. 234. See also Detroit's Heidelberg Project: http://
feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed% 3A+readymade+% 28
113. Harold Bloom} The Anxiety of Influence: A Theory of Poetry (London: Oxford
University Press11973 ).
J. Grant Kester1 "D 1 l A
h .
ons" engagement1but on individual terms. Sec h1s "An Essay on Beauty and Judgment," Three Penny Revrew So (winter 2000): 4-7.
16. Kant, Tlu Cntique of JLtdgement [1790] part 19.
17. Ronald Beincr and Jennifer Nedelsky1eds. 1Judgment, Imaginatimz, and Politics:
Themes from Kant and Arendt (Lanham1MD: Rowman and Littlefield} 2001)1 p. viii.
18. Arendt1Lectures1 p. 32.
19. Immanuel Kant, "What Is the Enlightenment?, .. l(cmt: PoliticallVriti11gs, ed.
Arendt} Lcctures 1 p. 4 .
11 Paul Jay and Gerald Graff, ''Fear of Being Useful," lu~rdc Hrghcr Ed, January~.
10111 http:j/ww\' /views 2012/ ot/ os
G zj l\1N W\.
l). G. Peter Lepage} Carolyn (Biddy) Martin, .md t\1ohscn l\lostafaYi, cds. Do tltc
H ave, to 1)JC UseJul?
with a preface
by l\lost.1t.wi
ltluca, N1: C orne ll U mvcrs1ty, l006).
14.. Laura Brow 11 c t a l1 "Twenty- F1rst
. Ccntur}'
. , at t l1c C ore o t. tl1c, Ll nt.
H urn.uHttl'S
vcrs1ty" 111
Lepage, l'vlartin, and Mostaf.wi, Do tile lllli11CIIIIflt'.\ Hell'(' tc> lk u~t:fid:.
pp. 13-181 quotc on p. .
1$. Biodun jcy~
. .
. ,,. .
, )l.t
and M
umamttcs -- wtth or wtthout Hum.u11sm~ 111 Ll.'p.l~l, h .1rtm,
ostafavi 1 D<> tl lc, 1Irmumrtres
- , llcwc to He Useful:,
~ ' pp. 61-65, p. 64.
"1he Emancipated Spectator/' Artjorum, March 27, 2007,
es Ranciere,
26 . R,lyna Kal,1s, "Poetry and the Common Sense," in Lepage, Martin, and Mosta-
favi, /)o the Humanities !lave to Be Useful?, pp. 67-73, quote on p. 71.
27. Caroline (Biddy) Martin, "On the Question of Value/' in Lepage, Martin, and
Mostafavi, Do the Humamties Have to Be Useful?, pp. 91-96. See also David Roochnik
"The Useful Uselessness of the Humanities," Expositions 2, no. 1 ( 2008): 19 _261who
has Aristotle speak to the importance of filling leisure time with arts, to divert citizens
from violence and war.
28. Dominick LaCapra, "What Is Essential to the Humanities?," in Lepage, Martin
and Mostafavi, Do the I lumanities Have to Be Useful, pp. 75 8s.
29. Brett de Bary, "Against Transparency/' in Lepage, Martin1 and Mostafavi1 in
Lepage, Martin, and Mostafavi, Do the Humanities Have to Be Usefu/1pp. 35- 4 o. See
also, Pauline Yu, "lhc Course of the Particulars: Humanities in the University of the
Twenty-First Century," (1997): s, http:l/archives.acls.orgloplop4oyu.htm.
30. Martha Nussbaum, Cultivating Humanity: A Classical Defense of Reform in Liberal Education (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press11997 ).
Friedrich Schiller, "On the Sublime (1801)," in Essays} ed. Walter Hinderer (New
York: German Library, New York University Press, 1993)1pp. 22-44.
32. Victor Shk.Jovsky, '1\rt as Technique" (1917 )1in Russian Formalist Criticism, Four
Essays, trans. with an introduction by Lee T. Lemon and Marion]. Reis (Lincoln:
University of Nebraska Press, 1965), p. 12.
33 Sec Douglas Kellner's useful review of work at the intersection of "Cultural
Studies and Ethics," http: 1/pages.gseis. ucla.edulfacultylkellner1essays1cultural
3~.. See Diana Taylor, TheArchive and the Repertoire: Performing Cultural Memory 1 ~ the Americas (Durham, NC: Duke University Press12003). Also her Disappeanng Acts: S~ecta.cles of Gender and Nationalism in Argentina's Dirty War (Durham,
NC: Duke Umverslty Press, 1997) i and Theatre of Crisis: Drama and Politics in Latin
America. (Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1991 ).
li 35 ~eo~or Adorno, Aesthetic Theory (1970 )~ trans. R. Hullot-Kentor (Minneapos: University of Minnesota Press} 1997 )~ p. 8.
36. Susannah Young-ah Gottli b
d .
e ' mtro uctJon to Hannah Arendt, Reflections on
Literature and Culture (Stanford CA St c d U .
mvers1ty Press 2007) 1 p xiii
37 Arendt "Th C
. .
e nsis m Culture: Its Social and Its Political Si nificance," in
Bemer and Nedelsky judgment Ima . .
gznatton, and Politics} pp. 3-26} quote on P 23.
38. Kant, The Critique ofJudgment} paragraph so.
39 Arendt} "Crisis in Culture/' pp. 16} 17.
40 Arendt, "What Is Permitted to]
.. ,
and H R .
ove : Reflections on the Poet Bertolt Brecht
IS e atton to Pohttcs} in Men in Dark y,
court, Brace and W ld
zmes} PP 207-249 (New York: Harer } 1968 i and Arendt R ifl t'
41. Hannah Ar d "C
' e ec wns on iterature, PP 223-256.
en t, ulture and Polit' "y;
ture and Cult
tcs, oung-a Gottlieb, Reflections on Literaure1 p. 185.
42. Arendt, "Culture and Polif "
lCS, pp. 190- 1911 197176
43- Jacqu
44 RancJer ill.
2004, PP 23 - 24 .
briel Rockh
h . "
.. . logical Aest ettcs.
r/ ster 0 Ja
45 1'-e '
. , "1he Emancipated Spectator.
)so Ranc1ere,
46. See a
"Of Seditions" (1625),
. FranciS Bacon,
47 If
. bacon-16.html.
. ,~,. "Emancipated Spectator.
( .
4B. Ranclde, VVi ting History: Essay on Epzstemology
Middletown, CT. Wes eyan
49 Paul Veyne, n
University Press, 1984)' P 11.
. co
tions of Human Sociality: Economic Experiments and Ethnographic Evidence from Fifteen
Small-Scale Societies (Oxford: Oxford University Press} 2004).
53 . Hannah Arendt1The Human Condition (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
(1958)1998), p. 182.
54 See David Damrosch1We Scholars: Changing the Culture of the University (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1995).
Four Essays, ed. Michael Holquist, trans. Caryl Emerson (Austin: University of Texas
Press, 1981).
57 Bonnie Honig, Democracy and the Foreigner (Princeton1 NJ: Princeton University Press, 2003).
58. Doris Sommer, Bilingual Aesthetzcs: A New Scntinuntal Education (Durham,
NC: Duke University Press, 2oo4 ).
59. VIctor Hernandez Cruz, "You Gotta Have Your Tips on Fire," Mainland: Poems
(New York: Random House} 1973), pp. 3-4
. Samuel P. Huntington, Who Are We? TI1e Challenges to America's Natiotzal Ide,tt,ty (New"(! k S.
or : 1mon and Schuster, 2005).
the title of a new secondary field at the Harvard Grad uate
S h61. Civic hu mamtles
c ool of Arts and Science.
62 '1\.nimating D
63. Questio
ns ratse at the Duke Public Humanities Conference1April 2011.
(A.t ' See Richard 1homas, Reading Virgil and His Texts: Studies in lntertextuality
ln Arbor M h'1
tc gan University Press, 1999).
65. Arendt1 "C . . .
nsts m Culture," p. 14.
66 Arendt "C .
' ns1s m Culture," p. 14 .
. . an d Culture"
67. Arendt, "Po1JtiCS
' p. 201. See also Robert E.
, Proctor, Defining the
R ,d
ring a Tradition Can Improve Our Schools, 2nd ed. (Bloo rnHumamt~t:s: HOJv c tscove
ington: Indiana University Press, 1998 )., ~ 156.
68. Sec Proctor, Defining the Humamttes.
69. Proctor com men ts on the surprising lack of full h1stones of humanism' De+:n.
:J' mg
the Humamttes, p. 87.
Council of Learned Societies, Occasional Paper no. 40, 1997, part 4, j op4och.htm.
7 ~. Charles Homer Haskins, The Renaissance of the Twelfth Century (New York: Meridian Books, [1927] 1955) and Robert Louis Benson and Giles Constable, eds., Renaissance and Renewal in the Twelfth Century (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press,
72 . For a recent overview of sacred and secular lyric, see John E. Stevens, Words
and Mustc in the Middle Ages: Song, Narrative, Dance, and Drama, 10S0-1JSO (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986).
73- Stephen Gersh and Bert Roest, eds., Medieval and Renaissance Humanism:
Rhctonc, Representation and Reform (Leiden: Brill, 2003), p. x.
74. Robert Black emphasizes the debates in Humanism and Education in Medieval
and Renmssance Italy: Tradition and Innovation in Latin Schools from the Twelfth to the
Fifteenth Century (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001) pp. 141 17. See also
"Massachusetts Arts Curriculum Framework/' Massachusetts Department of Education, November 1999, xiii; and
R W. Southern, Scholastic Humanism and the Unification of Europe (Oxford: Blackwell, 1995), p. 19.
75. Proctor, Defining the Humanities p. 164 and throughout.
76. Frederick G. Whelan, Hume and Machiavelli: Political Realism and Liberal
Thought (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. 2004), p. 4 The most prominent of the
civic humanists were Leonardo Bruni (1370-1444) and Leon Battista Alberti (14041472), who is more famous in the modern age for his treatise on architecture.
n. Jacob Burckhardt, The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy, trans., S. G. C.
Middlemore (New York: Penguin Books, 1990 ), P 17.
7 P~ul Anthony Rahe, ed., Machiavelli's Liberal Republican Legacy (Cambridge:
Cambndge University Press, 2oo6).
. 9 Isaiah Berlin et al., The Proper Study of Mankind (New York: Farrar, Straus and
G1roux, 2ooo), pp. 334 _335 .
Bo My
h B 1
emp asJs, m er metal., Proper Study (2ooo ), p. 336. (Voltaire, Letter to
Maunce Pilavoinc, April 23, 176o.)
1. http:// plato.stanford.eduj entriesjvicol Berlin "The Divorce between the
. ,.
k d
Natural Sciences and th H
e umamt1es, m Berlin et al., The Proper Study of Man tn '
pp. -358, pp. 350-353.
. h BerItn ru
gz. Isa1a
State, Soctety
sity Press, 9 ),
. 1h Persistence of Subjectivity: On the Kantian Aftermath
Robert B. Plppm, e
C b dge Universtty Press, 2005).
dge am n
(Cam n dings 1h e Umversr
ty in Ruins (Cambridge, MA: Harvar
Bs. Bil ea
pe t er Gilgen, "Structures' but in Ruins Only: On Kant's
1 6
Press, 99 'P n and th e U mvers1
, CR. The New Centennial Review 9, no. 2 (fall
Historyo fReaSo
2009):165-194, P 175
/h. t
86 JS ory
Mr. Jel+erson's University (Washington, DC: Natwnal GeographiC
Also Garry
s, :JJ'
. .
d M Clelland State Society and Unrversrty m Germany, p. 112.
Society, 2002 ; an
. h th M d
The German University: A Herorc Ideal m Con tct wtt e o 87 Dame a on,
ern ~orld (Boulder: Colorado Associated University Press, I980 ), PP 14-15. ee a so
McClelland, State, Society and University in Germany, PP 109-110.
88. Arendt, Lectures, p. 182.
89. Arendt: "Crisis in Culture/' pp. 6-8.
. .
90. Oscar Wilde, preface to Dorian Gray, cited in Cleanth Brooks and Wilham
Kurtz Wimsatt, Literary Criticism: A Short History (New York, Routledge Kegan Paul
1970) J p. 486.
91. Brooks and Wimsatt, Literary Criticsim, p. 447 Also Terry Eagleton, Ltterary
Essays on a Liberal
Educati~~~ (London-Macmillan, 1968 ), pp. 302-303j cited in Proctor, Defining the
Humamtzes p. 99 See also Nietzsche, New DealjWPA History." Accessed November 4, 2012. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, On the Genealogy of Morals. translated by
Walter Arnold Kaufmann. New York: Vintage Books, 19 67 vol. 3, p. 2.
107. Benjamin H. D. Buchloh, Neo-Avantgarde and Culture Industry Essays on European an d American Artfrom 1955 to 1975 (Cambridge' MA MIT p ress, 2ooo ) .
108. Pavel, Spell of Language, p. xii.
106.]. W. Hales, "The Teaching of English/' in F. W. Farrar,
109. Stanley Fish, "The Last Professor/' New York Times January 18 200 h
fi h bl
9, ttp"fl
s . ogs.nytimes.coml2oo9lollt8lthe-last-professorj.
N uo. S~~w~at Toorawa, admits a standard visceral rejection in "In Praise of
uance, m epage, Martin, and Mostafavi, Do the Humanities Have to Be Useful?
pp. 107-110.
:1' ' }
th M . ' uca tons End: Why Our Colleges and Univerup on e eamng oifLife
(New H aven, C T: Yale University Press
apohs: University of Mi
An Watching Dallas (New York: Metheun, 1985); and John Fiske,
122 ' See len St
dies and Television," in Channels of Dtscourse, ed. Robert Clyde
"British Cultura1 u
ew York: Routledge, 1992) PP 254- 289.
Allen (N M tin Barbero De los me dios a las me dracwnes:
cu lt ura y
123 Jesus ar '
hegemon w 5 e
.. H b 'd Cultures: Strategies for Entenng and Leavmg Modermty (Mmneapohs:
chm, Y
127.]. L. Austin, How to Do Things with Words 2nd ed. Oxford: Clarendon Press,
1975. The William James Lectures, 1955.
128. James Clifford, The Predicament of Culture: Twenthieth-century Ethnography, Lit-
erature, and Art (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1988) i see also various edited
volumes by Michael Fischer, George Marcus, and James Clifford. Also Anthropology
and the Colonial Encounter, edited by Talal Asad (London: Ithaca Press, 1973).
129. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle is basically that observation itself affects the
outcome. For discussion of Heisenberg's paper published in 1927, see William Charles
Price, Seymour S. Chissick, and Werner Heisenberg, cds., Tlze Uncertainty Princzple and
the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics: A Fifty Years ' Survey (New York: \Viley, 19~.., ).
130. Slauter, State as a Work of Art.
13 1. Stanley Chodorow observes a "culture of complaint" and recommends a series
of creative adJ. ust ments m
. "Tc..l_: the Humanities Off Life-Support.,
1 2
6s6 Comtcs, "S o b re 656 Comics." Accessed September 8, 2013. http: i W'N\V
.6s6comicso rg / PI sob re-656-con1ics_7919.html.
Torolab "T
. .
to b
' ransdisc1phnary Projects. Accessed September 8, 2013. http://
ro 1a .orgj.
34. http~/WWw
e1-mpo-d /oBj d c penolcsjo2oooo4075885. See 2011 o8
sc esol-im 1
cupe .
pu sa-e -rescate-de-lenguas- indtgcnas-y-fomcnta-la-cducaclOn . Rcract6n de Ia l
- .
dad d
engua Ml.Xteca del municipio de Santa ~laria Pcfwlcs, con Ia hn,lhe contribuir 1~
l .
a orta ectmiento cultural de Ia poblaci6n mixtec.1 debs loc,1li1
dades de Santa Catarina Estetla y Canada de Hielo del municipio de Santa Maria
Penoles y mantener viva Ia lengua mixteca como lengua materna." AJso
135 . "Texto de partida" is the program name in Mexico City. See http:J/www .
1. Ksenija Bilbija and Paloma Celis Carbajal. Akademia Cartonera: A Primer of
Latin American Cartonera Publishers=Un abc de las editoriales carton eras en America
Latina (Madison: Parallel Press, University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries, loo9).
2. Kutsemba Cartao in Mozambique is a recent ripple, after Luis Madureira from
the University of Wisconsin, Madison, went to teach there and found a need for
books. See, the official website for the publisher in
3 Tomas Eloy Martinez, "Las editoriales cartoneras: Creadores ante la crisis," La
Nac10n (Buenos Aires: Sabado 28 de febrero de 2009)
/ 1103987Creadores-ante-la-crisis.
4 Bilbija and CeLis Carbajal, Akademia Cartonera.
s. awards. "More than 6o independent Cartonera pubJjshers are currently operating in countries across Latin
America and one has started in Mozambique."
6. "For over 20 years Fotokids, originally called Out of the Dump, has worked as a
non-profit organization breaking the cycle of poverty through training in visual arts
and technology." Fotokids1 Martin Cohen founded but is
no longer active in Fundacion Ph 15,
7 Shahidul AJam's project Drik in Bangladesh: And Colombia's Fundaci6n Disparando Camaras para Ia Paz: http:// disparandocamarasparalapaz
C rto 1 sw: La revoluci6n de mayo vivida par los negros (Bue
23- Washmgton ucu ,
Aires: Emcee Editories, 2009).
PP 111189. My translations.
24 . Cucur o,
. t Cucurto "Libros si, playstatiOn no! Se vtenc la Fen a preferida
25 . Was hmg on
de los lcctorcs, una oportunidad para futbohstas JOVenes} ESPN Deportes, April 221
, http: I/ espndeportcs-assets.espn.go.coml news Istory?id=797885&s=fut&type
26 . Centro de Investigaciones Artisticas~
. Luis Soriano is the teacher-creator. See Simon Romero, "Acclaimed Colombian
Institution Has 4,8oo Books and 10 Legs/' New York Times, October 191 2008, http:jj 2008/10 j 20lworldl americas/ 2oburro.html.
28. "Libros, un modelo para armar" (LUMP A). Accessed September 8, 20131 http:jj
29 . Northrop Frye1 Anatomy of Criticism, Four Essays (Princeton1 NJ: Princeton
University Press~ 1957 ), p. 158.
30. Jose Eustacia Rivera, La voragine (Bogota: Cromos} 1924) i and Jose Eustasio
Rivera, The Vortex, trans. Earle K. James (New York: G. P. Putnam1 1935).
31. D. VI/. "Ninnicott, "The Use of an Object in the Context of Moses and Monothezsm" (1969), in Psychoanalytic Explorations, ed. C. Winnicott1 R. Shepherd, and
M. Davis (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University PreSS1 1989), p. 245.
32. "The workshop proved how important it is to encourage young people to read
literature} because it will give them the bases for writing their own texts through
which they express themselves." http:/
33 See Henry Louis Gates Jr., The Signifying Monkey: A Theory of African-American
Literary Criticism (New York: Oxford University Press1 1988).
34 Melville J. Herskovits1 The Myth of the Negro Past, (New York: Harper Brothers,
1941); Robert Farris Thompson, Flash of the Spirit: African and Afro-American Art
and Phzlosophy (New York: Random House1 1983) and Tango: The Art History of Love
(New York: Pantheon Books1 2005 ).
35 Formerly in Providence} Rhode Island1 A.rtsLiteracy has regrouped as HABLA in
Merida Mexico
. I.
See http1111 www. habla.orgI enI about-uslmerida-meXIco
36. Getuho Vargas dietat or from 1934 th rough 1954 when he committe d smc1
38. Michael Voss' "Read mg
While Rolling
. Cubas, Famous Cigars , BBC, Decem1
ber 10, 2009 http II
11 news. "Instead of canne
music, many cigar factories m
. C ub a stl"11 rely on the ancient tradition of empIoymg
. a
reader to help worker
s pass away t e day. Gricel Valdes-Lombillo1 a matronly former
school teacher, has been th. f
lS actory s official reader for the past 20 years. In the
mormng she goes through th
th d h
e state-run newspaper Granma cover to cover. Later m
e ay s e returns to the l tt
P a orm to read a book. It's a job Grice! Valdes-Lorn 1 0
c aims s c has never tired of 'I t 1
. f kn0wid
ee useful as a person 1 giving everyone a b1t o
e ge an culture. The worker h
s ere see me as a counsellor1 a cultural adviser} an
Jmergcnce O; OJ>tl ar
Natwnalzsm m the Cuban Communttres of the United States, 1848- 1898. (Durham NC:
Duke University Press, 1989).
41. See Eric Arnesen, Encyclopedia of US. Labor and Working-Class IJistory (New
York: Routledge, 2007 )~ pp. 333-334.
42. Gompers had a one-year hiatus of leadership from 1894 to 189s.
43 Arnesen1 Encyclopedia of US. Labor and Working-Class Hrstory p. 333- U.S. syndicalism develops1 Arnesen says} at the "intersection between anarchist mternationalism and Cuban nationalism."
44 Paul de Man1 "Autobiography as Defacement," MLN 941 no. s Comparative Literature (December 1979 ). Reprinted in Paul de Man, Rhetoric of Romanticism (i\ew
York: Columbia University Press, 1984), pp. 67 82.
45 Freire1 Teachers as Cultural Workers, p. 8.
46. Howard Gardner1 Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences (New
52. Jackie Andra~e~ "What Does Doodling Do?," Applied Cogrtitive Psycholog~
) doi 10 1002 acp.156l,
( 2009) 1 published online (www.interscience.wi '
d. "Cottference Irtterpretrng: Current
Charles Tijus, "Interpreting for Understan mg,
T 1 (Amster. D . I G"le
1 1and Chnstopher ay or
Trends in Research1 ed. Yves Gamb1er, ame
dam: John Benjamins, 1994), P 46.
dM h' es g no. 1 (Febru.
" Mtnds an ac zn '
53. Alison Gopnik1 "ExplanatiOn as rgasm,
UuldJwvd Educatio 11 (\lew York: Teachers College Press, 2003) i and Cathy Weisman
Top.1l .md Ldb G.1ndm 1, Bt:allty'ul Str~ff! Lt:tmwzg with Fou11d J\1atcrials (Worcester,
i\1A: D.n 1s Publications, 1999).
sS. Se~ R.1st! B. Rernstem, Class, Codes mzd Co11trol (London: Routledge and Kegan
P.wl, 19?t).
S9- On Kore.1: http: pages/ 140oj South-Korea
-educ.1t10n.1l system. oYeniew.html; and Finland: http: //
/""cb finland.php?.1id--831. See Lane vVallace, "Multicultural Critical Theory. At
B-School?," Nt:Jl' York Times Business Section, January 9, 2010,
.com 2010/ 01 / IO, busincssj wmba.html. Also Robert and Michele Root-Bernstein,
"Arts at the Center," plenary talk at UNESCO 2nd vVorld Conference on Arts Education, Seoul. South Korea, May 25-28, 2010,\ newj fileadmin
j multtmcd1a hq cit, cit pdf Arts_Edu_SeoulConf_KeynotePrestation_en.pdf.
6o. Quoted 1n Robert E. Proctor, De.firung the Humamtzes: How Redzscovering a
Tradztzotz Can lmprol'c Our Schools, with a Curriculum for Today's Students, 2nd ed.
(Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1998), p. 6.
61. Jacques Ranciere, Tlte Ignorant Schooln1aster: Five Lessons in Intellectual Ernancipation, trans. with an introduction by Kristin Ross (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, (1987]1991).
Friedrich von Schiller, Letters on the Aesthetic Education of Man, in Literary and
Philosophzcal Essays: French, German and Italian, vol. 32, Harvard Classics (New York:
PF Collier and Son, 1910): pp. 221-313.
2. January 16, 1793. I thank James Chandler for this note.
3 See a narrower, spatial interpretation of Schiller's freedom in Wolfgang Dusing,
Friedrich Schiller: Ober die asthetische Erziehung des Mensch en in einer Reihe von Briefen,
Text, JV1.atenalicn, Kommentar (Munich: C. Hanser, 1981). Also see Benjamin Bennett,
Aesthetics as Secular lvfillenialism:lts Trail from Baumgarten and Kant to Walt Disney
and Hitler (Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press, 2013).
4- President Obama's State of the Union address in January 2011 stressed the importance of technical and scientific education with no mention of arts and humanities. See But his new initiative
"Turnaround Arts" promises to redress the exclusion. See
s. Sir Ken Robinson, "Do Schools Kill Creativity?" (2oo6). See http:jjwww.ted
. )ks "The New
. . / o8brooks.html.
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1) . 1ccton University r '
~ Js Tile Creativity QuestiOn urNJ Ill
C 1R Hausman, co . ,
ton, Nbcrt Rothenberg and ar
I thank Natalya Sukhonos for this rcter)0.
ukc University Press, 1976 ' P 3
hatn NC: D
' '
q. Schtller mentwns
. Charles V had no need to read
the Silent that 1s patron
remarks of his hero 1 am
S e Fred Bauman "Two Friend. n b
e he embodied those teac mgs. e
Karlos and Letters on
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Res lpS. c 11 er s
. d Ed
do A Yehisquez, (Lanham,
tllinking Politics and Affection in lvfodem Twzes, e .
PJ t k C Beiser' Scl11ller as II o.soMD: Lexington Books, 2003), p. 424. See a lso Fre d enc
pher: A Re-exn111ination (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005)' PP !25, 151.
15. Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, new revised twentieth-anniversary ed.
See Al
~ac~J;v~ ~c~:n
of Illinois Press, 1988), p. 358.
17. Jacques Ranciere, "The Politics of Aesthetics, Roundtable," on Eyal \ Vei7mans
Blog, www.roundtable.keinorg/node 463. Rancicre comments on a "one-se.1ter ..
contemplative theater project that earned the scorn of critics who imagine that political art needs to address particular issues. Rancierc deYclops his idea about the personal effects of theater in "The Emancipated Spectator."
18. Freire, Pedagogy, p. 39
Ranciere, interview with Sudeep Dasgupta. "Art Is Going Elsewhere: And Poli-
~cs Has to Catch lt/' Krisis 1 (2oo8): 70-76i http: // content/2oo8- 1
Disconnectlon IS
R anc1ere
' 's pre ferre d term f.or t11e aest h cttc
e ft.ect .....S ~c mt~r
in l'r(11srs
Beiser s ~1111
' c eras Philosopher, p. 132.
ll.. For c:x
1001 )
p. 16. amp e, Lesley Caldwell, Art, Creativity, Living (London:
K~un~lL' Books .
hiller as
23. "As I look back over the papers that mark the development of my own thought
and understanding I can see that my present interest in play in the relationship of
trust that may develop ... was always a feature of my consultative technique." D. W.
Winnicott, "Playing: Its Theoretical Status in the Clinical Situation/' International
journal of Psycho-Analysts, 49 (1968): 48.
24. Cad Jung kept the mantra in focus for Winnicott's readers: "The dynamic principle of fantasy is play, a characteristic also of the child, and as such it appears inconsistent with the principle of serious work. But without this playing with fantasy no
creative work has ever yet come to birth. The debt we owe to the play of imagination
is incalculable." Jung, C. G., & Baynes, H. G. Psychological Types, or, The Psychology of
Individuation. London: Kegan Paul Trench Trubner, (1921). (Collected Works Vol. 6)
volume 6. P. 93 Quoted, for example, in Ellen Y. Siegelman, Metaphor and Meaning in
Psychotherapy (New York: Guilford Press, 1990), p. 172.
25. D. W. Winnicott, Playing and Reality (London: Tavistock Publications, 1971 ),
p. 38. Cited in Siegelman, Metaphor and Meaning in Psychotherapy, p. 172.
26. D. W. Winnicott, "Playing: Creative Activity and the Search for Self" Playing
and Reality (1971): 54-55.
27. Freud invokes the authority of Schiller to describe the opposition of the ego
and the id. See Paul-Laurent Assoun, Freud and Nietzsche (London: Continuum
Collection, 2002j originally in French, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1980 ),
p. 84. In 1908 Freud wrote: "Might we not say that every child at play behaves like a
creative writer, in that he creates a world of his own, or, rather, rearranges the things
of his world in a new way which pleases him?" Sigmund Freud, "Creative Writers and
Daydreaming" (1908), in The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of
Sigmund Freud, vol. 9, ed.J. Strachey (London: Hogarth Press, 1955), p. 14.
28. Jan Abram and Knud Hjulmand, The Language of Winnicott: A Dictionary of
Winnicott's Use of Words (London: Karnac Books, 1996), p. 121.
29. Winnicott, Playing and Reality, p. 70.
30. Mihai Spariosu, Dionysus Reborn: Play and the Aesthetic Dimension in Modern
Philosophical and Scientific Discourse (Ithaca, NY: Corne11 University Press, 1989), p. 185.
31. D. W. Winnicott, "The Use of an Object in the Context of Moses and Monotheism/' in Psycho-Analytic Explorations, ed. Clare Winnicott, Ray Shepherd, and
Madeleine Davis (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1989), p. 245.
32. Barbara Johnson, "Using People: Kant with Winnicott," in The Turn to Ethics, ed.
Marjorie B. Garber, Beatrice Hanssen, and Rebecca L. Walkowitz (New York: Routledge, 2ooo), pp. 47-64.
33. Caldwell, Art, Creativity, Living1 p. 16.
34 Winnicott, "Usc of an Object," p. 93.
35 D. W. Winnicott, "Primitive Emotional Development/' International Journal of
36. Jean-Jacques Rousseau/ Politics and the Arts: Letter toM. dl\lembert on the Theatre, with an introduction by Allan Bloom (Glencoe, IL: Free Press1 1960).
the Enlightcnmen . , .
. Beiser, Sc
J(ant, "What Is
. niversity Press, 1970).
sec Irornan ucl( earn bridge: earnb n d gc U n Kant's J>oli tica I Pit ilosoplty, edt ted
~~sSiegbert Re~ in Hannah Arendt, Lectur~hocago: University of Chicago Press,
!(ant, quote
by Ronald Bemer.
retive Essay
\\'ith an interp
. . " . Aestltetical and Pltilosophicnl Essays
J98z, P 64 . h Schiller, "Grace and Dlgmty, m
46 Ernst Cassirer would spell
F ednc
6) pp 127- 154, 1 "
ks t
40 n
K: Echo Books, 200 ' . .
. or l\Ssaulting the senses. Than
(Middlesex, U
corm depends on stunulatmg
morality and desire by
ting a '
1 } p bet"\veen
out that wres.
eworks the Kant ian re atJOn::, 11
(RepriisentationjDarstel11 CassJrer r
11 , epresentatlOn
Sch1 er,
d " which e ca s r
'te Plains
"forma nve,
. A 'Tiuory OJ Art
insistmg on a
er Feelmg an orm.
See also how Susanne ang
C .. er's line of thinking. Michael Polan)'l s
d Ernst asslr
1 1~ 1 11t
man, 1977 contmue
C .. 's The Philosophy oft te rg NY: Lon g
. " l' heavily on asslrer ~
" k'Jlful k.nowmg re 1es
project of s '
. ton University Press, 1951).
emnent (Princeton: Pnnce
S bl' " trans Vvilliam F. Wertz,] r. See http://
iedrich Schiller, "On the u lme,
41. Fr
1 trans on sublime.html.
't t org/trans I
- 1
www.schillennstl u e.
(1795) http: /Jwww.schll er
"0 Naive and Sentlmenta oetry,
42. Schiller,
., .
tal- html (accessed June 16, transl /schiller _essays/ nal ve_sc n tl men
b aile ng that
's "Schiller Institute" misreads ths preference y
43 Lyn on arouc
h "ll
. promoted classical culture for contemporary l'C
S httpIfllwwvv.SC 1 er
1 e ... ee
greatness to America, where she contrasted the beautiful innocence of Melville's Billy
Budd with tormented Captain Vcre, whose duty to the collective good compels him
to condemn angelic Btlly. Arendt, On Revolution, pp. 78-79.
49 See Maria del Rosario Acosta L6pe1., "'M.tking Other People's Feelings Our
Ow '. F
n rom Aesthetics to the Political in Schi\lcr's Letters," where she quotes rom
Schiller's essay
. "Conccrnmg
. the Sublime'' (
): fi11oso fi aytrage d'
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of so. lhcrc is no document of civilization which is not at the same time a document
barbarism" W lt I
,, . 111
a cr ~cnjamin, "1hcscs on the Philosophy of llistory1 m umma
ns, ed. i lannah Ar d
II Th German University: A Heroic Ideal in Conflict with the Moder
52 . Dame! Fa on, e
1pp. 13-15 .
lVorld (Bou ld er, Co
Eros and Civilization: A Phtlosophzcal Inquzry Into Freud
53 See Herbert arcu }
p ess 1955 ). Richard Van Heertuml Marcusel Bloch and Freire:
(Boston: Beacon r '
. .
p dagogy of Hope"
Policy Futures m Educatwn 4 1no. 1 ( 2oo6):
Remvgoratmg a e
c t
45_51. I n 100
no te 1, the author addresses Marcuse's direct debt to Schiller as he deveiops the idea of an aesthetic education..
. "
. Paulo Freire wrote that during his time m exile: I read Gramsc1 and I dis54
covered that 1had been greatly influenced by Gramsci long before I had read him."
Freire quoted in Peter Mayo, Gramsci, Freire, and Adult Education: Possibilities for
d with the book, too IttBeacon Press1I9SS)1p. 168. Gregory Bateson was urumpresse
d Work" letter to Ph1lhp
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J Play Newsletters~ no. 4 ( 1979 :
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. f C lie a
k 1 . University o a IOrm
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. The William James Lectures, 1955
. de Man, "Kant and Schiller/' P 154
. Marantz Henig, "Taking Play Seriously/' New York Times Mauazine
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, Feb_
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8. See Eric Slauter, The State as a Work of Art: The Cultural Origins of the
17 200
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. l]oUInal of Psycho.
D. W. "Primitive emotional deve1opmen t 1" In ternatl011a
61 _6 9i and the
. n ACT u '
coJiectiVC a
ff ct J6-l7, 24, 49-50, 55 '
ture e e '
d democracy, 85, 91, 104, I 12,
6o-61, t '
dmiration as basiC to,
. mutual a
1em o f
86-87, 111, 144I
6, 31, 4-3-44,
9 28 Pro~Test Lab,
bl" ambivalence, 1 ' '
pu IC . 1 effects of, 17, 30-31, St, 6o,
73-78i npp e . ~economic problems, 9,
. to solve socto
8 versus tolerance or vanJ:Z. 48,53113 I
17, d'.
31 91 147 See also interventlonsi
guar 1sm, ' '
social change
. I
f on morale and socla re~
color, influence o
form, 34-35
ense civic, 88, 90, 104-S, 137, 142,
. .
. t rsubJective apprectatwn, 35-36,
149i as ill e
105, 12s, 146, tS0-51
communism, 29, 34, 40, 41, 44, 99
creativity: and bilingualism, 27, 93i bottom~
up, 36,. as a conduit to human freedom,
need for mutual admiration, 56-57; Newspaper 1l1eatre, 44; political career of, S3,
57, 59; work in theater, 2, 211 31,58
8, 40, 43, 51, 98- 99i critical thought processes of, 3, 9-11, so, 88, 94, 127; maligned
as fabricators, 90, 150; muralists, 39, 41,
so; pantomime, 2, 16, 19, 24-15, 27, 31-32;
rebellious tendencies of, 3I-32, 40-43, 57,
71-72, 91; risk-taking character of, 4-5, 8, 92,
137-38, 148-49; as teachers, 110-u, 120-23,
126-27; under the New Deal, 38-44
art-making: as a collective undertaking, 36,
48, so, 74; importance of to cognitive development,
19, 136-37, 145; and psychological stability, 8, 46 -47, 90, 141, 142- 43, 150; role of
individuality in, 47-48; as a tool to prevent
violence, 47-48, 111, 121
Ayara Family, 121-22
114, l84n38
criticism. See aesthetic experience; creativity
social change
cigar factories as an educational force, 124-25,
citizenship. See civic education; collective
civic education: aesthetic judgment as a basis
for, 2-3, 6, 34-35, 87-88; as the basis for
collective action, 9, J01 u, 19, w - 12, 132;
iverqtas, 9 '
f creativity
ociauon o
Enlightenment: ass
2. concepts
. 30 J361 14 I
Nith civic actwn, '
d. cussions o
96-971 JOOj 15
of humanism,
t nd taste, 8s, 87, 9
6 "3~76,
judgmen a
e 6 7 2'1, 5 '
cial chang '
experiments: so
4 57
4 53-s '
14 8,
6 60 1051 Jl41
facilitatOfS, 21 ss-s
142, 145
classics: musical as a medium for social bonding, 72-73; repurposing of literary to pro-
also jokers
. ct 4J-44
tre pro)e '
Federal 1hea
. .p -43
an I-{a11le,
" 61 t14 1).
FIanag '
,6, 5"' ,
Theatre, 54 Forum
nrird Crztrqttt
l(r.1111er, Lan;,
tion Pre-Texts; thinking
lc arning. Sec c uca
.r M
I Aesthetic Educatron OJ Cltl
I rttas otl t u:
88 1.p; messages o , 137-42,
(1794 I 91 Jl, I
_ __ 4 . purpose of,
q.$ 1 I)0 ) I
s, 9, 135
(FAP) (1935-1939),
Project) 41, 43
newspapers: clothesline,
as litera
Lyotard1Jean-Fran<;OIS, 20-21
s .
. l
o Vto
cnce, 47, 72
. the Arts ( N 1 .\ ) ,
' EJn d owmcnt tor
feedback, w8; Freire's theory of, 6o, 66; o
s. 9 136-)9, J.p
. -t6
4\, 14'
1( 968) S 6o, 9,
Pedagogy of tile Oppre_,sec J
' '
IW, 146
Pc ru ).,'- 54 ' wS, 112
J onstructJOn,
9 .. UI~C.:
philo<>ophy: Classlca ' 94 )
, . So-S;,
. Enlightenment, ~,.
149 J'il, ISJ, 1)41
' 8 J4l. langu.,gc, 9' JO,,
96-9-, 13..,_3 '
1 pohtJc,tl.
6 99 142, I)
tSJ Sli moral, s6, 9 ' '
, .
4s 140,
hutn,\11 nccu tor, 4. '
,.., l'i.l.J '" '
)$, 2ll _,, '
. .
)\'cr... ot, - 9 . 1\7-'~'~ , ....
I . I hbld\ , .
~,. ondtut tl' po ttJc.l
, ll''l't'riJlll'nt.t
,<, . '
-.. ' itn.tgJJl
14~ "'"'
,l .
play (continued)
tion, 139-40, 140-41, 149, 188n24i power of
to balance re.1son and passion, 12, 136-37,
142-43, 1881127; power of to fight antipathy, 25-26; Schiller on, 136-38, 140; as a
tool for learning, 132-33, 136; Winnicott
on, 121-22, 135, 140- 41, 187-88m.3
pleasure: as a basis for socio-political consensus, 18, 35, 40, 88-89, 102, 155; emotionally
mediating power of, 19, 136, 142; human
fear of, 3-41 18, 1441 153; power of to motivate learning, 117- 181 1281 156i role of in
forming judgment, 861 u2
politics: art and1 59 -60184, 881 137-38; art as
politics argumcnt151; concept of the aesthetic regimc1 10 u; connection of to aesthetics~
34-35, 36, 89 91
poverty: arts interventions against, 7, 46-47,
110- 11; interactive theater as an intervention against, S3i literacy-promotion interventions against, so, 127-28. See also interventions; social change; violence
pragmatism: in arts-based interventions171 33,
s6; embraced by Dewey, 41 10, 90, 136, 147;
as related to pleasure1 18, 19
Pre-Texts: as a citizenship-building tool112021; demands of on participants' thought
processes1 119 201 122, 124-2.61 129; sample
activities of, 129 -32; teacher-training
through, so, 114, 12.1-22, 126 2.8, 134; as a
tool to promote literacy, 6, 105, 111-13, 123,
133, 155; underlying philosophy o~ 113-14,
126. See also Cartoneras; classics; literacy;
reading; writing
Pro-Test Lab (Lithuania), 73-78, 155, 17311101
public space: gentrification of as a civic problem, 76; graffiti in, JO, 49 51, 57, 71-72, 104,
t21i muralists and, 30, 32, 41, 49, so; and
pride of ownership, o; privatization of
as a civic problem, 73 74, 75, 77i as sociopolitical objects, 26, 36, 67, 73-74, 78; as
venues for agents of change, 64 65, 66-68.
Sec al.~o architectural works as sociopolitical objects
Puerto Rico, 38, so, 79, 112, 12.4, 127
Rama, Edi, 33-37, 48, 164n73
Rancicrc, Jacques: on the aesthetic regime in
. f rt 89 141 _ 4 2; theoretical
on the power o a , '
es of from Kant, 891 90, 141 -42,
1441 145, JSO
t nomous character of, 32, 99i as
science: au o
. .
t to the human1t1cs an arts,
a cornp1emen
7' in education, 79,
6 7 J00 1 104/ 145I 14 J
' 'E 1. htenment concept of scientific
145i n tg
_ 9 7' role of judgment m,
reason1 s, 7,
3i scientific method, 21
politics, 10 11, 90-91, 148i on cultural amnesia, 100, 148; on education, 132., 134 ; Ignorallt Schoolmaster (1987 ), 90, 134; on social
change, 139, 187n17; The Politics of Aesthetics
(2004), 91, 148, 187n17
reading: of classic literature, 117, 118-19, 133i
as a cultural tradition, 108i and interpretation, 114 s, 124 27, 130 31; publicly
among political activists, 63, 64, 73i as a
rigorous mental process, 7, 111-12, 131-32.,
183nlOi spiral relationship of with writing,
112., 115, 126; in tobacco factories, 123-24,
125, 184n38i as a tool for understanding, 381
99 100. See also Cartoneras; classicsi literacy; Pre-Textsi writing
reason: dangers inherent in, 6, 9, t8; as an
insufficient road to freedom, 91 136, 138,
145, 154i Kant on, 87, 152; productive tension of against passion, 3-4, 19, 144-45,
152; scientific rationality interpreted as,
96-97; versus irrational sensuality, 12, 137,
142-43, 149, 150; versus judgment, 85-86,
87, 94, 142, 146
Renaissance, 95 96, 100, 133
Reyes, Pedro, 52, 81 84, 94, 104-5
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 35, 58-6o
ripple effects: of art, 3, 11, 38, 64, 791 102; of
innovation and social change, 7, 31, 67, 72,
99, 12.4
risk taking and personal development, 8, 127,
133, 143- 44, 148, 156
rooftop gardens, 48, 52, 78
Roosevelt, Prcs1dcnt Franklin Delano, 10, 12,
37, 38, 42, 45
Schiller, ~ricdrich: on art as an independent
entity, 32.; on art and reason, 9, 18, 136,
144 45, JS4i on the barrenness of utility,
137, 148; on beauty, 88, 143 44i on the connection of art to freedom, 35, 135, 142.-44,
146, 148, tSOi critics o~ 152. S4i on cultural
agency, s, 1$3, 154 s6; on the human drive
to play, 136 38, 140, 152, J54i on the importance of trial, error, and failure, 143-44, 151,
156i influence of, 10, 19, 90, 135, 140, l4S-53i
Letters 0~1 tile Acsthd1c Educalio11 of Man
(1794), s, 9, 11, 88,137 45, so S4i opposition of to molding human beings, 30, 153i
Shklovsky1Viktor, 19, 89
social change: art as a provocation o~ 51 52i
realities, 86-87, 138 39, 140, 141; and intersubjective behavior, 86, 105, 140, 141, 150,
151-52i private, 18, 45, 92, too
Surrealism, 51, 98, 149
Sustainable South Bronx project, 78-79
taste as a precursor of judgment, 12, Bs 88,
90, 96, 146. See also judgment
teachers: as cultural agents, 12, 37, so, 63,
u 1- 13, 126i importan ce of risk-taking for,
Cradle Will Rock, 71u, 41 - 42; as an educational tool, 31, s8, 6o; Federal Theatre
Project, 41-44; forum-style, 54, s6; mteractive as a tool for situational interven
tion, 53-55, 6o- 61; Legislative Theatre,
51, s8-S9i "Living Newspaper," 44i mental, 53 , 149; as psychological therapy,
531 S?-S8i Theatre of the Oppressed, 56,
58, 601 uo; as a tool for effecting soetal
change, 59-61, 45, JSSi as a tool for social
protest, 41-44, 53, s8; vanguard-style,
53-54, 58
thinking: art as a complement to, 3, 9-11, so,
88, 99, 127i civic, interpersonal powers of,
132 142' countcrfactual, 9, 24,
88I 1141 1 1 I
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urb,1n farmtn . ,
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