Sse Gaeilge Improvement Plan Summary

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Scoil An Chro R Naofa osa

Dublin 15
Roll No. 19755L

School Improvement Plan Summary for School Community


Plan Issue Date: November 2015

1. Introduction
A school self-evaluation of teaching and learning of Irish in Scoil An Chro R Naofa osa was
undertaken during the period January to June 2015. For more information on how this evaluation
took place, please see our Irish Self-Evaluation Report Summary which is available on this
website. The outcome of the evaluation process was the formulation of an Irish School
Improvement Plan (summarised below) which is available from the principals office. This plan
sets out the actions that our school will undertake over the next three years to improve our pupils
learning in the area of Irish.
2. Summary of school self-evaluation findings
2.1Our school has strengths in the following areas:
overall positive disposition at home and at school to teaching and learning of Irish;
standardised test results for Second class in keeping with or above national norms in
two of the four areas tested;
willing and able staff interested in effecting improvement;
satisfactory level of teaching/learning materials available within the school to support
teaching and learning.
We know that these are our strengths from consulting with pupils, parents and teachers and
examining the pupils work and tests results.
2.2 Our school has decided to prioritise the following areas for development and improvement:
pupils end-of-year standardised test scores;

teachers rating of the culture of Irish within the school;

and pupils rating of their own competency in Irish, i.e. whether or not they are
good at Irish.

We have decided to prioritise these areas based on discussion and feedback from pupils, parents
and teachers, as well analysis of end-of-year standardised Irish test results for Second class and a
comparison of these results with national norms and standards.
3. Our school has set the following targets for improvement which are related to pupils
achievement and has identified the following actions will help in achieving these targets over the
next three years.
3.1 Targets for improvement
1. Increasing the number of pupils by at least 7% scoring above the 16 th percentile on
the isteacht Iomln section of the Drumcondra Irish end-of-year standardised test
(over the three years of the improvement plan).
2. Improving teachers rating of the culture of Irish within the school from weak to
moderate (at least) by 10%.
3. Increasing the number of pupils from 52% to 65% who state that they are good at

3.2 Actions
1. Introduce L Mr na Gaeilge every Wednesday with an emphasis on spoken Irish
throughout the day, particularly in the yard/playground at Break times.


Introduce Rang na Mosa and award Teastas Moladh Labhairt na Gaeilge at the end of
every month to one class from each class-level.
Award Gaeilgeoir na Seachtaine every week to a child from each class.

4. Implement a structured programme to support the use of Gaeilge neamhfhoirmiil outside the
realm of the formal language lesson based on Gaeilge Bheo! Resource for Gaeilge
Neamhfhoirmiil (Gael Linn) or Spreag an Ghaeilge le Spraoi.
5. Develop the childrens Gaeilge listening skills by providing at least one additional listening and
responding exercise every week.
As a parent you can help us by:

talking to your child in a positive manner about learning Irish at school;

encouraging your child to speak some Irish at home and outside of school;

learning some Irish or improving your own standard of Irish, if possible;

talking to your child in Irish (even if only a few words of Irish), if possible; and

letting the class teacher know if your child has difficulty with or does not understand their
Irish work..

3.3 We know we will have achieved our targets when positive feedback from pupils, teachers
and parents is corroborated by the pupils proficiency in speaking Irish and documentary
evidence based on their test results.

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