Your Brand
Your Brand
Your Brand
5 Top Strengths
1. Harmony: seek agreement
2. Empathy: sense others' feelings
3. Futuristic: inspired by the future
4. Developer: cultivate potential in others
5. Arranger: organized and flexible
My Logo
The mission statement of my brand is, "To serve and
empower individuals and their families through
community engagement in the greater Seattle area." I
believe that individuals need to build ongoing,
permanent relationships with the community that they
dwell through community engagement. In my logo,
two tea mugs represent a cohesive, positive bond.
The tea mug initially filled with plain hot water
represents the beginning of my educational journey.
Adding a tea bag signifies continued added
knowledge. Acting as a boarder, my top five strengths
are listed, representing my knowledge evaporating
into the communities I engage in. Spreading
awareness and knowledge to my surrounding
community is necessary. My professional goal is to
use my expertise and skill set to impact my
community in a positive way.
This leadership approach emphasizes building honest and harmonious relationships and
values input from both parties. As a future leader in the health care profession who
embodies relationship building traits, I feel this leadership style best aligns with my values
and morals. I strongly believe that by building relationships on trust and support, individual
and team performance will blossom. Although this leadership approach focuses on
relationship rather than structure, lack of structure may weaken overall group dynamic.
Leadership Plan
Year 1: I will attend both the WOTA and AOTA annual conferences to enhance my
knowledge as a new occupational therapy graduate.
Year 5: I will hold a position in WOTA and present at the annual WOTA mini-conference
on community based health, wellness, and prevention programs.
Year 10: I will develop and implement a community-based program specializing in health,
wellness, and prevention on the Cowlitz Indian Reservation in SE Washington.
Leadership Artifacts