Selangor Darul Ehsan
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Flag Of Selangor
Coats Of Army Of Selangor
Selangor also known by its Arabic honorific, Darul Ehsan, or "Abode of
Sincerity" is one of the 13 states of Malaysia. It is on the west coast of
Peninsular Malaysia and is bordered by Perak to the north, Pahang to the
east, Negeri Sembilan to the south and the Strait of Malacca to the west. It
surrounds the federal territories of Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya, both of
which were once under Selangor's territorial sovereignty. The state capital
is Shah Alam, however the first city in Selangor, and the royal capital is
Klang. Another major urban centre is Petaling Jaya which was awarded city
status on 20 June 2006. Selangor is one of only two Malaysian states with
more than one city the other is Sarawak. Selangor has the largest city in
Malaysia and it is growing rapidly due to modernisation in the Klang Valley.
In the 15th century, Selangor was ruled by the Sultanate of Malacca. After
the fall of Malacca to the Portuguese in 1511, the area became hotly
disputed between the Portuguese, Johor, Aceh and Siam. When the Dutch
displaced the Portuguese from Malacca in 1641, they brought in Muslim
Bugis mercenaries from Sulawesi. They established the present hereditary
sultanate in 1740. In many districts, Bugis settlers displaced the
Minangkabau settlers from Sumatra, who had established themselves in
Selangor some 100 years previously. In the 19th century, the economy
boomed due to the exploitation of huge tin reserves and the growing
importance of rubber. This attracted a large influx of Chinese migrant
labourers. Chinese secret clan societies, allied with Selangor chiefs, fought
for control of the tin mines. The increasing violence created social and
economic havoc. It also opened a window of opportunity for the British
government, which forced the Sultan of Selangor to accept a British
Resident in 1874. Under the stability imposed by the British, Selangor
again prospered. In 1896, largely through the co-ordination of the
Resident, Frank Swettenham, Selangor united with Negri Sembilan, Perak
and Pahang to form the Federated Malay States, with its capital in Kuala
Lumpur. The Federated Malay States evolved into the Federation of
Malaya in 1948, which became independent in 1957, and Malaysia in
1963. The city of Kuala Lumpur functioned as both the national capital of
Malaysia and the state capital of Selangor. In 1974, Selangor relinquished
Kuala Lumpur to the federal government. The Sultan of Selangor, Sultan
Salahuddin, reportedly shed tears of sadness upon signing away
Selangor's sovereignty over its beloved capital. To commemorate
Selangor's sacrifice, the Sultan decreed that an archway be built on the
borders of the new Federal Territory and Selangor this archway is the Kota
Darul Ehsan that now towers majestically over a section of the Federal
Highway between Bangsar and Petaling Jaya. The state capital was moved
to Shah Alam after the session. Putrajaya, a new city designed to be the
new administrative capital of Malaysia, was built by the federal
government in Selangor. Sultan Salahuddin was asked again to cede land
to the federal government. Putrajaya became a federal territory in 2001.
As of 2010 Census the population of Selangor is 57.9% Muslim, 24.4%
Buddhist, 11.6% Hindu, 3.8% Christian, 0.5% Taoist or Chinese religion
adherent, 1.4% follower of other religions, and 0.4% non-religious.
Bendera Selangor
Lambang Tentera Selangor
Selangor juga dikenali dengan gelaran Bahasa Arab, Darul Ehsan, atau
"Abode Keikhlasan" adalah salah satu daripada 13 negeri di Malaysia. Ia
adalah di pantai barat Semenanjung Malaysia dan bersempadan dengan
Perak di utara, Pahang di timur, Negeri Sembilan di selatan dan Selat
Melaka di sebelah barat. Ia mengelilingi Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala
Lumpur dan Putrajaya, yang kedua-duanya sekali di bawah kedaulatan
wilayah Selangor. Ibu negeri adalah Shah Alam, bagaimanapun bandar
pertama di Selangor, dan kota diraja ini ialah Klang.
Satu lagi pusat bandar utama adalah Petaling Jaya yang telah
dianugerahkan status bandar pada 20 Jun 2006. Selangor adalah satu
daripada dua negeri di Malaysia yang mempunyai lebih daripada satu
bandar yang lain adalah Sarawak. Selangor mempunyai bandar yang
terbesar di Malaysia dan ia sedang berkembang dengan pesat disebabkan
oleh kemodenan di Lembah Klang.Dalam abad ke-15, Selangor diperintah
oleh Kesultanan Melaka. Selepas kejatuhan Melaka ke tangan Portugis
pada tahun 1511, kawasan itu menjadi hangat dipertikaikan antara
Portugis, Johor, Aceh dan Siam. Apabila Belanda disesarkan Portugis dari
Melaka pada tahun 1641, mereka membawa tentera upahan Islam Bugis
dari Sulawesi. Mereka ditubuhkan kesultanan keturunan ini dalam tahun
1740. Dalam banyak daerah, peneroka Bugis disesarkan peneroka
Minangkabau dari Sumatera, yang telah wujud di Selangor lebih kurang
100 tahun sebelum ini. Pada abad ke-19, ekonomi berkembang pesat
kerana eksploitasi rizab bijih timah yang besar dan peningkatan
kepentingan getah. Ini menarik kemasukan besar buruh asing Cina. Cina
masyarakat puak rahsia, bersekutu dengan ketua-ketua Selangor,
berperang untuk menguasai lombong bijih timah. Keganasan meningkat
dicipta kekacauan sosial dan ekonomi. Ia juga membuka lebih peluang
untuk kerajaan British, yang memaksa Sultan Selangor menerima seorang
Residen British pada 1874. Di bawah kestabilan yang dikenakan oleh
British, Selangor sekali lagi makmur. Pada tahun 1896, sebahagian