TRM0371 GAP Training

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GAP Training

Prepared: John T Nguyen

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TRM0371, Rev. 1, Author: John T Nguyen

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John T. Nguyen

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TRM0371, Rev. 1, Author: John T Nguyen

GAP is a windows base, high level, block-oriented programming language

GAP stands for Graphic Application Programmer

The GAP program has sophisticated algorithms and timing control that have been
rigorously proven
Many blocks in GAP have been used since 1984
GAP doesnt have subroutine or task/folder format such like PLC or MKVIe. All the
code is written on sheets
Currently GEAEP is using GAP for LM6000 and LM2500 for core engine control and

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TRM0371, Rev. 1, Author: John T Nguyen

Introduction (cont)
GAP block format
Category Name: User define
Up to 10 characters max
Must begin with letter

Block name: User define

Up to 10 characters max
Must begin with letter

Output Field(s)
Input Field(s)

Block Type

Rate Group (msec): User define

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TRM0371, Rev. 1, Author: John T Nguyen

Introduction (cont)
GAP block format
Rate Group (msec):
Up to 6 rate groups defined (5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160)
Different rate groups have different block colors

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Introduction (cont)
GAP block format
Input Field(s):
Input wiring or net from another block

Input connection from another block output

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Introduction (cont)
GAP block format (cont)
Input Field(s):
Analog Fixed Input can not modify when online

Boolean fixed input can not modify when online

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TRM0371, Rev. 1, Author: John T Nguyen

Introduction (cont)
GAP block format (cont)
Input Field(s):
Analog Tunable Input: *xx(yy,zz) (where xx = tunable (default); yy = min tunable limit; zz = max
tunable limit)
Note: yy must ge equal to or less than xx
zz must be equal to or greater than xx

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TRM0371, Rev. 1, Author: John T Nguyen

Introduction (cont)
GAP block format (cont)
Input Field(s):
Boolean Tunable Input: *FALSE or *TRUE
Note: If input defined *FALSE, the default is FALSE
If input defined *TRUE, the default is TRUE

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TRM0371, Rev. 1, Author: John T Nguyen

GAP Blocks: Delay

The Delay block provides a time delay function for Boolean signals. Once the TRIGGER input goes true and
remains true for the specified Delay Time (DLY_TIME) interval the output will go true. If the TRIGGER input
goes false and remains false for the specified Negative Edge Delay Time (NEG_DTIME) interval the output will
go false. If the input changes states but does not maintain that change for the specified time interval, the output
will not change state
DELAY: The input signal delayed by the specified delay times.
DLY_TIME (Real): The time in seconds that the TRIGGER input must remain true before the output will go true.
The timer is activated on the RISING edge of the TRIGGER input.
NEG_DTIME (Real): The time in seconds that the TRIGGER input must remain false before the output will
change to false. The timer is activated on the FALLING edge of the TRIGGER input.
R_TIME : The Remaining Time output indicates the time remaining in seconds until the output changes states.
TRIGGER (Boolean): RISING and FALLING Edge. The input signal that triggers the timer to start.
NOTE: The delay times must be a non-negative value but that times of zero seconds are allowed. This allows the
user to specify a RISING edge delay but no FALLING edge delay, etc.

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TRM0371, Rev. 1, Author: John T Nguyen

GAP Blocks: Delay (cont)

When TRIGGER changes state from False to True, R_TIME starts count
from 10 down to 0 (in second). When R_TIME equal to 0, DELAY transitions
from False to True.
When TRIGGER changes state from True to False, R_TIME starts count
from 5 down to 0 (in second). When R_TIME equal to 0, DELAY transitions
from True to False.

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TRM0371, Rev. 1, Author: John T Nguyen

GAP Blocks: A_SW

A_SW (Analog switch)
The A_SW block accepts two Analog Input Field values and switches it's output between the two based on the
status of the control input. This block is intended to mimic the action of a relay or set of switch contacts.
A_SW: Output of the block will be dependent on the state of the CTRL input.
CTRL: This input determines which input value will be passed through to the output. If the input is true the output
equals the NO input. A false selects the output to be the same as the NC input.
NC: The Normally Closed input. This is the Analog value to be used for the output when the CTRL input is false.
NO: The Normally Open input. This is the Analog value to be used for the output when the CTRL input is true.

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TRM0371, Rev. 1, Author: John T Nguyen

GAP Blocks: A_SW (cont)

When CTRL is False, 10.2 (NC) passes to A_SW.
When CTRL is True, 13.3 (NO) passes to A_SW.

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TRM0371, Rev. 1, Author: John T Nguyen

GAP Blocks: B_SW

B_SW (Boolean switch)
The B_SW block accepts two Boolean Input Field values and switches it's output between the two based on the
status of the control input. This block is intended to mimic the action of a relay or set of switch contacts.
B_SW: Output of the block will be dependent on the state of the CTRL input.
CTRL: This input determines which input value will be passed through to the output. If the input is true the output
equals the NO input. A false selects the output to be the same as the NC input.
NC: The Normally Closed input. This is the Boolean value to be used for the output when the CTRL input is false.
NO: The Normally Open input. This is the Boolean value to be used for the output when the CTRL input is true.

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TRM0371, Rev. 1, Author: John T Nguyen

GAP Blocks: B_SW (cont)

When CTRL is False, FALSE (NC) passes to B_SW.
When CTRL is True, TRUE (NO) passes to B_SW.

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The block accepts two Analog Input Field values and compares them to create a Boolean value. The input
comparison also incorporates Hysteresis to prevent chatter.
This block has an output A_EQUAL. This output is set to TRUE if IN_1 and IN_2 are exactly the same value. If
IN_1 and IN_2 are not the same A_EQUAL is FALSE.
IN_1: This input is compared to IN_2 (+/- Hysteresis) to determine the output of the block.
IN_2: This input (+/- Hysteresis) is compared to IN_1 to determine the output of the block.
HYSTER: The hysteresis determines when the block output will go true and when it will go false again.
If Hysteresis is zero:
Case 1: Output goes true as (IN_1) becomes greater than or equal to (IN_2) and Output goes false as (IN_1)
becomes less than (IN_2).
Case 2: Output goes false as (IN_2) becomes greater than (IN_1) and Output goes true as (IN_2) becomes less
than or equal to (IN_1).
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TRM0371, Rev. 1, Author: John T Nguyen

GAP Blocks: A_COMPARE (cont)

If Hysteresis is positive:
Case 3: Output goes true as (IN_1) becomes greater than or equal to (IN_2 + HYSTER) and Output goes false as
(IN_1) becomes less than (IN_2).
Case 4: Output goes false as (IN_2) becomes greater than or equal to (IN_1) and Output goes true as (IN_2)
becomes less than (IN_1-HYSTER).
If Hysteresis is negative:
Case 5: Output goes true as (IN_1) becomes greater than or equal to (IN_2) and Output goes false as (IN_1)
becomes less than [(IN_2)-(the absolute value of HYSTER)].
Case 6: Output goes false as (IN_2) becomes greater than or equal to [(IN_1) + (absolute value of HYSTER)] and
Output goes true as (IN_2) becomes less than (IN_1).

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TRM0371, Rev. 1, Author: John T Nguyen

GAP Blocks: A_COMPARE (cont)

Example 1:
IN_1 < IN_2 + HYSTER: A_COMPARE = False
(4.92 < 7.0)

Example 2: Raised IN_1

IN_1 > IN_2 + HYSTER: A_COMPARE = True
(8.47 > 7.0)

Example 3: Lowered IN_1

IN_1 < IN_2: A_COMPARE = False
(8.47 > 7.0)
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GAP Blocks: OR
This block's output will be false only if all of the Boolean Input Fields are false. If any one of the inputs is true then
the output of this block will be true.
AND: This output will be true if all the inputs are true. Otherwise the output of this block will be false.
RPT: Double click the left mouse button to add the desired amount of IN_x inputs. The maximum number of inputs
allowed is 600.
NOTE: IN_x, is for channels 1 through 600. Input number 8 will be IN_8.
IN_x: This input is a Boolean value and is ANDED with all of the other Boolean Input Fields in this block.

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GAP Blocks: OR (cont)

Example 1: Output False if ALL inputs False

Example 2: Output True if one or more inputs True

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GAP Blocks: AND

This block's output will be true only if all of the Boolean Input Fields are true. Otherwise the output of this block
will be false.
AND: This output will be true if all the inputs are true. Otherwise the output of this block will be false.
RPT: Double click the left mouse button to add the desired amount of IN_x inputs. The maximum number of inputs
allowed is 600.
NOTE: IN_x, is for channels 1 through 600. Input number 8 will be IN_8.
IN_x: This input is a Boolean value and is ANDED with all of the other Boolean Input Fields in this block

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GAP Blocks: AND (cont)

Example 1: Output False if one or more inputs False

Example 2: Output True if ALL inputs True

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GAP Blocks: NOR

This block's output will be true only if all of the Boolean Input Fields are false. If any one of the inputs is true then
the output of this block will be false. This block is similar to an OR gate except the output is negated.
NOR: This output will be true if all the inputs are false. If any one of the inputs is true then the output of this block
will be false.
RPT: Double click the left mouse button to add the desired amount of IN_x inputs. The maximum number of inputs
allowed is 600.
NOTE: IN_x, is for channels 1 through 600. Input number 8 will be IN_8.
IN_x: This input is a Boolean value and is compared to all of the other Boolean Input Fields

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GAP Blocks: NOR (cont)

Example 1: Output False if one or more inputs True

Example 2: Output True if ALL inputs False

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GAP Blocks: NAND

This block's output will be false only if all of the Boolean Input Fields are true. Otherwise the output of this block
will be true. This block is similar to an AND gate except the output is negated.
NAND: This output will be false if all the inputs are true. Otherwise the output of this block will be true.
RPT: Double click the left mouse button to add the desired amount of IN_x inputs. The maximum number of inputs
allowed is 600.
NOTE: IN_x, is for channels 1 through 600. Input number 8 will be IN_8.
IN_x: his input is a Boolean value and is compared to all of the other Boolean Input Fields.

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GAP Blocks: NAND (cont)

Example 1: Output False if ALL inputs True

Example 2: Output True if one or more inputs False

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GAP Blocks: ADD

This block adds the Analog Input Fields together and outputs the Analog result.
ADD:This output is the sum of all of the input values. Output = IN_1 + IN_2... etc.
RPT: Double click the left mouse button to add the desired amount of IN_x inputs. The maximum number of inputs
allowed is 50.
NOTE: IN_x, is for channels 1 through 50. Input number 8 will be IN_8.
IN_x: This input is an Analog value that is to be added to the other inputs. There needs to be at least two inputs and
the inputs may be negative.

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GAP Blocks: ADD (cont)

Example 1: (1.08 + 0.18) = 1.26

Example 2: (-1.48 + 0.19) = -1.28

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TRM0371, Rev. 1, Author: John T Nguyen


Subtract block.
IN_1: This input is minuend input for the Subtract block.
IN_2: This input is subtrahend input for the Subtract block.
SUBTRACT: Output = IN_1-IN_2 or Minuend Input-Subtrahend Input

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TRM0371, Rev. 1, Author: John T Nguyen

GAP Blocks: SUBTRACT (cont)

Example 1: (6.63 1.44) = 5.18

Example 2: (-4.62 (-0.19)) = -4.43

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GAP Blocks: Multiply

The MULTIPLY block can be used to perform simple multiplication of 2 or more inputs up to a maximum of 50
input values. Output = IN_1 x IN_2.
MULTIPLY: The output is equal to the value of all of the inputs multiplied.
RPT: Repeat Field
Double click the left mouse button to add the desired number of input fields (IN_n).
IN_n: The Analog input should be restricted with a range of -9.0E20 to 9.0E20.

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TRM0371, Rev. 1, Author: John T Nguyen

GAP Blocks: Multiply (cont)

Example 1: (0.21*0.42) = 0.09

Example 2: (-0.14)*(-4.30) = 0.62

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TRM0371, Rev. 1, Author: John T Nguyen

GAP Blocks: Divide

Divide block. This block performs a divide function. It takes IN_1 and divides it by IN_2.
Output = IN_1 / IN_2ordividend/divisor
IN_1: This is the dividend input field.
IN_2: This is the divisor input field.
DIVIDE: This is the Quotient of the divide function

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GAP Blocks: Divide (cont)

Example 1: (9.0/3.0) = 3.0

Example 2: (9.0/-3.0) = -3.0

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GAP Blocks: Absolute

This block takes the absolute value of the Analog Input Field and outputs it. The Analog Output Field of this block
is always a positive value, regardless of the sign of the input.
IN: This input is the Analog value that is to be convert to an absolute value.
ABSOLUTE: The Analog Output Field of this block is always a positive value, regardless of the sign of the input.

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GAP Blocks: Absolute (cont)

Example 1: Abs(0.56) = 0.56

Example 2: Abs(-0.56) = 0.56

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The A_LIMITER block takes an Analog Input Field and limits the output from exceeding the IN_LOW or the
IN_HI limits. If the input (IN) is less than IN_LOW then the output will be equal to IN_LOW. If the input (IN) is
greater than IN_HI then the output will be equal to IN_HI. If the input (IN) is greater than IN_LOW and less than
IN_HI the output will be equal to the input
The A_LIMITER Analog Output Field will track the input (IN) between the low and hi limits (IN_LOW and
IN_HI) inclusive.
IN: Analog Input Field to be limited.
IN_LOW: IN_LOW defines the minimum Analog value A_LIMITER can achieve.
IN_HI: IN_HIGH defines the maximum Analog value A_LIMITER can achieve.
output will = IN_LOW when input is < IN_HI
output will = IN_HI if input is > IN_HI

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GAP Blocks: A_LIMITER (cont)






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The HSS_BUS block performs a high signal select function of multiple Analog input values. The output of the
HSS_BUS block will equal the input with the highest input value provided the value is not higher than the high
limit (HI_LIM) or lower than the low limit (LOW_LIM) inputs.
There are several Boolean outputs which provide status of what input signal is the highest value and individual
outputs to indicate whether the output of the HSS_BUS is being limited by either the LO_LIM or HI_LIM. There is
a SEL_x output for each input signal respectively which is set true when its corresponding input value is the highest
value. The Boolean output for HI_LIM limit indication is HI_LIM_I and LO_LIM_I for the LO_LIM limit
HSS_BUS: The output will equal the input with the highest value, provided the value of the lowest input is not
lower than the high limit (HI_LIM) or lower than the low limit (LO_LIM).
LO_LIM_I: This output will be set true if the value of the highest input is less than the low limit input value
HI_LIM_I: This output will be set true if the value of the highest input is greater than the high limit input value
LO_LIM: The LO_LIM input sets the lowest possible value for the output of the HSS_BUS block. If the input with
the highest input is less than the LO_LIM value, the output will be clamped at the LO_LIM value and the
LO_LIM_I Boolean output will be set true.
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HI_LIM: The HI_LIM input sets the highest possible value for the output of the HSS_BUS block. If the input with
the highest input is greater than the HI_LIM value, the output will be clamped at the HI_LIM value and the
HI_LIM_I Boolean output will be set true.
RPT: Repeat Field
Double click the left mouse button to add the desired number of input fields (IN_n) and associated in control status
outputs (SEL_n).
SEL_n: The SEL_n output will be set true when its corresponding IN_n input is the highest value.
IN_n: The input value is passed through to the output if it is the highest value and within the limits set by the
LO_LIM and HI_LIM inputs.
Note: Use HSS_BUS block for more than 2 inputs
If the input with the highest input is less than
the LO_LIM value, the output will be clamped at
the LO_LIM value
Lower Limit Clamp
Upper Limit Clamp

If the input with the highest input is greater

than the HI_LIM value, the output will be
clamped at the HI_LIM value
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GAP Blocks: A_MAX

This block accepts two Analog Input Field values and outputs the greater of the two. It is similar to the HSS_BUS
block except that it requires less execution time. Unlike the HSS_BUS block, A_MAX is limited to two input values.
IN_1: This is the first of the two Analog values to be compared.
IN_2: This is the second of the two Analog values to be compared.
A_MAX: Output of the block will be the greater of the two inputs.

Example 1: TRAINING.MAX.A_MAX = 2.32 (Max between IN_1

IN_2,, IN_n

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The LSS_BUS block performs a low signal select function of multiple Analog input values. The output of the
LSS_BUS block will equal the input with the lowest input value provided the value is not higher than the high limit
(HI_LIM) or lower than the low limit (LOW_LIM) inputs.
There are several Boolean outputs which provide status of what input signal is the lowest value and individual
outputs to indicate whether the output of the LSS_BUS is being limited by either the LO_LIM or HI_LIM. There is
a SEL_x output for each input signal respectively which is set true when its corresponding input value is the lowest
value. The Boolean output for HI_LIM limit indication is HI_LIM_I and LO_LIM_I for the LO_LIM limit
LSS_BUS: The output will equal the input with the lowest value, provided the value of the lowest input is not lower
than the high limit (HI_LIM) or lower than the low limit (LO_LIM).
LO_LIM_I: This output will be set true if the value of the lowest input is less than the low limit input value
HI_LIM_I: This output will be set true if the value of the lowest input is greater than the high limit input value
LO_LIM: The LO_LIM input sets the lowest possible value for the output of the LSS_BUS block. If the input with
the lowest input is less than the LO_LIM value, the output will be clamped at the LO_LIM value and the
LO_LIM_I Boolean output will be set true.
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HI_LIM: The HI_LIM input sets the highest possible value for the output of the LSS_BUS block. If the input with
the lowest input is greater than the HI_LIM value, the output will be clamped at the HI_LIM value and the
HI_LIM_I Boolean output will be set true.
RPT: Repeat Field
Double click the left mouse button to add the desired number of input fields (IN_n) and associated in control status
outputs (SEL_n).
SEL_n: The SEL_n output will be set true when its corresponding IN_n input is the lowest value.
IN_n: Then input value is passed through to the output if it is the lowest value and within the limits set by the
LO_LIM and HI_LIM inputs.
Note: Use LSS_BUS block for more than 2 inputs

Lower Limit Clamp

Upper Limit Clamp

If the input with the lowest input is less than the

LO_LIM value, the output will be clamped at the
LO_LIM value
If the input with the lowest input is greater than the
HI_LIM value, the output will be clamped at the
HI_LIM value
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GAP Blocks: A_MIN

This block accepts two Analog Input Field values and outputs the lesser of the two. It is similar to the
LSS_BUS block except that it requires less execution time. Unlike the LSS_BUS block, A_MIN is limited to
two input values.
A_MIN: Output of the block will be the lesser of the two inputs.
IN_1: This is the first of the two Analog values to be compared.
IN_2: This is the second of the two Analog values to be compared.

Example 1: TRAINING.MIN.A_MIN = 0.42 (Min between IN_1

IN_2,, IN_n

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GAP Blocks: A_NAME

The block allows you to name an Analog value and use that name throughout the rest of the GAP application.
A_NAME is useful for cases where a tunable value is used as an input to more than one block in an application.
This block simplifies program flow and reduces processing time compared to using several tunable values scattered
in different locations of the program. A_NAME can also make it easier to follow Analog signals in the program
A_NAME: The named Analog Output Field.
IN: This is the Analog value to be named.

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GAP Blocks: B_NAME

The block allows you to name a Boolean value and use that name throughout the rest of the GAP application.
B_NAME is useful for cases where a tunable value is used as an input to more than one block in an application.
This block simplifies program flow and reduces processing time compared to using several tunable values scattered
in different locations of the program. B_NAME can also make it easier to follow Boolean signals in the program
B_NAME: The named Boolean Output Field.
IN: This is the Boolean value to be named.

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The latch block looks at a single Boolean input (TRIGGER) and sets the output (LATCH) true if the input is set
true. If the input is false and the reset (RST) is set true, the output will return to false. If both the input and the reset
are true, the output will remain latched true because the input has priority over the reset
TRIGGER: The TRIGGER input will set the LATCH output true if the input is true.
RST: The RST input will reset the LATCH output false from the true state if a false input is present on the
TRIGGER input.
If RST is held true, the output will reflect the input (output does not stay latched)
LATCH: The output is set and held true by a true input on the TRIGGER, and will not be reset false until a RST
true input and TRIGGER false input is received.

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GAP Blocks: LATCH (cont)

Here are some examples

Set TRIGGER to True


Set TRIGGER to False


Set RESET to True


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GAP Blocks: LATCH1

The LATCH1 is a multiple input latch block. The LATCH1 block has two kinds of latched outputs: the LATCH1
output which is a logical or of all the inputs, and individual latched outputs for each input. If any input goes to the
true state, the LATCH1 output goes TRUE. Also, when any input goes into the true state, its corresponding SEL_n
output is latched TRUE. An input that goes into the true state must be reset before it can go into the true state again.
The LATCH1 output and the SEL_n outputs can be reset only by a true state on the RST input. When an input goes
into the true state, its ALM_NO_n output will be set to an integer which represents the relative order in which that
input went into the alarm state (for instance, if input number three was the second input to go true after a reset, the
ALM_NO_3 field would contain the integer 2). The FIRST_ALM output is an integer which will have the number
of the alarm that caused the LATCH1 output to be set TRUE (for instance, if Input number 4 was the first input to
go true after a reset, it would cause the LATCH1 output to be set to TRUE, and the FIRST_ALM field would
contain the integer 4). The first out reset input (FA_RST) will reset the FIRST_ALM back to 0 even if there are
inputs that are true, the next input to go true will be displayed in FIRST_ALM. The HORN output will go TRUE
when any input goes into the alarm state; it can be reset to FALSE by either RST (reset) or ACK (acknowledge).
When the OVRD input is TRUE, the outputs are prevented from going TRUE.
This block has a comment field for each repeat input.
If a RST is given while inputs are still TRUE, ALM_NO_x is rearranged in numerical order and FIRST_ALM is set
to the lowest ALM_NO_x which is still active.
A_NAME: The named Analog Output Field.
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IN: This is the Analog value to be named.

GAP Blocks: LATCH1 (cont)

RST: The RST input will reset the LATCH1, HORN and SEL_N outputs false from the true state if a false input is
present on all of the inputs. If an event input still exists the output will be re-latched (and re-ordered) in the order of
processing from input 1 to the last input
OVRD: If set true, the OVRD input will prevent the LATCH1, HORN and SEL_n outputs from being set true
regardless of the state of the inputs.
ACKN: If set true, the ACKN input will reset the HORN output to the false state, but will not reset either the
LATCH1 or SEL_n outputs.
FA_RST: If set true, the FA_RST input will reset the FIRST_ALM integer output to zero, but will not reset the
LATCH1 or SEL_n outputs. When the next input is set true, it will then be considered the FIRST_ALM value.
LATCH1: The LATCH1 output will be latched true if any input is in the true state and the OVRD input is false.
The output will remain latched until all inputs are false and a RST is given.
HORN: The HORN ouput will be latched true if any input is in the true state and the OVRD input is false. The
HORN output can be reset false by either the ACKN or the RST input even if one or more of the inputs are still
true. The HORN output will be set true again when any input goes true again.
FIRST_ALM: The FIRST_ALM output acts as a first event recorder and will set the integer output equal to the
respective number of the corresponding IN_n which was the first event to go true. The FIRST_ALM output can be
reset even though one or more of the inputs is true by the FA_RST input, it then records the next true input as the
first event.
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GAP Blocks: LATCH1 (cont)

RPT: Repeat Field
Double click the left mouse button to add the desired number of input fields (IN_n) and associated SEL_n,
ALM_NO_n, COM_1_n and COM_2_n fields.
IN_n: Data Type : Boolean Input Field
If set true, the IN_n will cause the LATCH1 output, HORN output and the respective SEL_n outputs true if it is the
first event. If the LATCH1 and HORN outputs are already set true, the SEL_n will still be set true as indication that
the respective IN_n input has been set true.
COM_1_n: The COM_1_n input field can be used to add comment text statements for each individual input state
up to 38 characters.
COM_2_n: The COM_1_n input field can be used to add comment text statements for each individual input state
up to 38 characters.
ALM_NO_n: The ALM_NO_n output allows the LATCH1 block to act as a sequence of events recorder. The
output will be set equal to the number which represents the order in which its input was set true.

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GAP Blocks: LATCH1 (cont)

Alarm summary latched
Horn activated

First out alarm number indication

Alarm input 3 True

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GAP Blocks: RAMP

Ramp block. This block is a RAMP, it will ramp to a certain point depending on which position is selected. It will
also ramp at a certain rate depending on which rate is selected. It can be initialized to a certain value on power up,
and it has a reverse output function. The output is in units and the rates are in units/sec. The P_SEL_x inputs are
like a priority encoder, when USE_REV is FALSE, P_SEL_1 has the highest priority then P_SEL_2 and so on until
the last P_SEL_x which will have the lowest priority. The rate at which the ramp will move is determined by the
DFLT_RATE, (Default rate) R_SEL_x and R_SP_x. If there are NOT any R_SEL_x and R_SP_x then the ramp
will move at the DFLT_RATE. If an R_SEL_x and R_SP_x are being used then the ramp will move at the rate
being selected by R_SEL_x. If they are being used and NOT selected then the output will move at the
DFLT_RATE. The rates are priority encoded to, with R_SEL_1 being the highest.
RAMP output = REF x (the value of the position you're currently at)
If the USE_REV input = false, REV_RAMP = 0
If the USE_REV input = true, REV_RMP = (value of last P_SEL_x)-(current value of RAMP output) + (value of
Note: If you are using the Reverse Output, position 1 must have the lowest value, and the last position must have
the highest value.

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GAP Blocks: RAMP (cont)

MOVING_UP is true if the RAMP output is increasing. And, MOVING_DN is true if the RAMP output is
The Default Rate is the rate at which the reference moves with no other rates selected.
Use the Repeat command to add additional positions and rates. Position 1 and Rate 1 have the highest priority. The
highest-numbered position and the highest-numbered rate have the lowest priority.
Once the RAMP is at a selected position the P_LIM_x will go TRUE, when moved off that position the P_LIM_x
will go false. It is NOT a latching output.
The RAMP_INIT input is the value that the RAMP output will be when powered up. The POS_SEL output displays
an integer which is the number of the position that is selected.

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GAP Blocks: RAMP (cont)

RAMP: Primary output.
REV_RAMP: Reverse output.
MOVING_UP: Moving up indication.
MOVING_DN: Moving down indication.
POS_SEL: Position input selected.
USE_REV: Use reverse output. This field may be left blank.
RAMP_INIT: Ramp initial value.
REF: Reference input. This field may be left blank. The application should restrict a name value to the same range.
DFLT_RATE: Default Rate (units/sec). This field may be left blank. The application should restrict a name value to
the same range.

Warning: When B_ENABLE is tuned FALSE, the RAMP output will be forced to RAMP_INIT. If this is
unacceptable for your application, you must intercept the output after the RAMP and force it to an appropriate

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GAP Blocks: RAMP (cont)

P_SEL_3 = True - Ramp setpoint target P_SP_3 is
selected (200)
R_SEL_3 = True - Ramp rate R_SEL_3 is selected

Note: If P_SEL_1 and P_SEL_3 are True, then P_SP_1

(10.0) will be selected as point target
If R_SEL_1 and R_SEL_3 are True, then R_SP_1
(1.0) will be selected as ramp rate

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Analog event counter. The counter output (COUNTER) increases by one each time the trigger input (TRIGGER)
goes true, as long as the RST input is false. The counter output (COUNTER) returns to (RST_VAL) when the RST
input goes true. The compare out (CMP_OUT) output goes true when the counter output (COUNTER) is greater
than or equal to the input (IN_1).
This block checks the RST input before it checks the input.
Note: The IEEE analog resolution limit is 16777216. If you add 1 to this number, the analog form will not
increment. This results in the COUNTER output being limited to 16777216
TRIGGER: Data Type : Boolean Input Field
Form : N, T, C
Trigger : Rising Edge
Each time the TRIGGER input goes from false to true and the reset (RST) is false, the counter output (COUNTER)

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GAP Blocks: COUNTER (cont)

RST: Data Type : Boolean Input Field
Form : N, T, C
Trigger : Rising Edge
Default Value : (FALSE)
The counter output (COUNTER) is set to the reset value (RST_VAL) when Reset (RST) goes true. Note: Because
RST is edge triggered, the counter output (COUNTER) will not remain at the reset value (RST_VAL) when RST is
held TRUE.
RST_VAL: Data Type : Integer Input Field
Form : N, T, C
Default: (0)
Default Value Range : (-2147483648 : 2147483647)
The Analog output (COUNTER) will be set to the reset value (RST_VAL) whenever a risinge edge on reset (RST)
is detected.
IN_1: Data Type : Analog Input Field
Form : N, T, C
Range: (-9.0E20 : 9.0E20)
IN_1 is the second input to the comparator. When the output (COUNTER) is equal to or greater than IN_1, the
comparator output (CMP_OUT) will go true. OutputsDataTypeDescription
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TRM0371, Rev. 1, Author: John T Nguyen

GAP Blocks: COUNTER (cont)

COUNTER: COUNTER is the Analog output of the number of trigger inputs since the last reset.
Note: The IEEE analog resolution limit is 16777216. If you add 1 to this number, the analog form will not
increment. This results in the COUNTER output being limited to 16777216.
CMP_OUT: CMP_OUT will go true when the output (COUNTER) is greater than, or equal to the Analog input
(IN_1). This comparator can be tied to the reset to make the counter block self resetting.

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TRM0371, Rev. 1, Author: John T Nguyen

GAP Blocks: COUNTER (cont)

Example: TRAINING.COUNTER.COUNTER always starts with 1
(RST_VAL). When TRIGGER transitions from False to True,
RST is True

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TRM0371, Rev. 1, Author: John T Nguyen


Z to the minus one block.
When not in a "loop", the ZMINUS1 block causes a delay from its Analog Input Field to its Analog Output Field
of one Rate Group. More than one ZMINUS1 block may be connected together in series. The second block will
have a delay of 2 rate groups etc. This is used to create digital dynamics.
When in a "Loop", the ZMINUS1 block will break the loop at the position of the ZMINUS1 block. For example if
block 1 feeds block 2 and block 2 feeds block 3 and block 3 loops back to block1, this is a "loop". The "loop" must
be broken by the loop breaker blocks, ZMINUS1_I, ZMINUS1_B, or ZMINUS1, and the placement of the
ZMINUS1 will determine the place the "loop" is broken. If the ZMINUS1 block is inserted between block 3 and
block 1, the execution order will be 1-2-3-z, however, if the ZMINUS1 block is inserted between block 2 and block
3 the execution order will be 3-1-2-z. Notice the ZMINUS1 block is always last.
NOTE: In version 2.05-x and above, the Coder will NOT allow "loops" in the application that have not been
broken with one of the loop breaker blocks. If a "loop" is found in the application program when the Coder is
processing, it will stop compiling and no Hex code will be produced. A list of the 'loops" the Coder found can be
found in a DOS file named "info" located in the same directory as the application file.
A_NAME: The named Analog Output Field.
IN: This is the Analog value to be named.

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TRM0371, Rev. 1, Author: John T Nguyen


Z to the minus one block.
When not in a "loop", the ZMINUS1 block causes a delay from its Analog Input Field to its Analog Output Field
of one Rate Group. More than one ZMINUS1 block may be connected together in series. The second block will
have a delay of 2 rate groups etc. This is used to create digital dynamics.
When in a "Loop", the ZMINUS1 block will break the loop at the position of the ZMINUS1 block. For example if
block 1 feeds block 2 and block 2 feeds block 3 and block 3 loops back to block1, this is a "loop". The "loop" must
be broken by the loop breaker blocks, ZMINUS1_I, ZMINUS1_B, or ZMINUS1, and the placement of the
ZMINUS1 will determine the place the "loop" is broken. If the ZMINUS1 block is inserted between block 3 and
block 1, the execution order will be 1-2-3-z, however, if the ZMINUS1 block is inserted between block 2 and block
3 the execution order will be 3-1-2-z. Notice the ZMINUS1 block is always last.
NOTE: In version 2.05-x and above, the Coder will NOT allow "loops" in the application that have not been
broken with one of the loop breaker blocks. If a "loop" is found in the application program when the Coder is
processing, it will stop compiling and no Hex code will be produced. A list of the 'loops" the Coder found can be
found in a DOS file named "info" located in the same directory as the application file.
A_NAME: The named Analog Output Field.
IN: This is the Analog value to be named.

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TRM0371, Rev. 1, Author: John T Nguyen

GAP Blocks: ZMINUS1 (cont)

FEEDBACK: ZMINUS1 input. The application should restrict a name value to the same range.
SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: This block must be in the same rate group as the block feeding it.

Example: TRAINING.ADD2.ADD = IN_1 (0.5) + IN_2. IN_2 is previous scan (ZMINUS1) of

Note: Can not loop the output of ADD block back to itself

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TRM0371, Rev. 1, Author: John T Nguyen


Z to the minus one block for Booleans.
When not in a loop, the ZMINUS1 block causes a delay from its input to its output of one Rate Group. More than
one ZMINUS1_B block may be connected together in series. The second block will have a delay of 2 rate groups
etc. This is used to create digital dynamics.
When in a Loop, the ZMINUS1_B block will break the loop at the position of the ZMINUS1_B block. For
example if block 1 feeds block 2 and block 2 feeds block 3 and block 3 loops back to block1, this is a loop. The
loop must be broken by the loop breaker blocks, ZMINUS1_I, ZMINUS1_B, or ZMINUS1, and the placement of
the ZMINUS1_B will determine the place the loop is broken. If the ZMINUS1_B block is inserted between block 3
and block 1, the execution order will be 1-2-3-z, however, if the ZMINUS1_B block is inserted between block 2
and block 3 the execution order will be 3-1-2-z. Notice the ZMINUS1_B block is always last.
NOTE: In version 2.05-x and above, the Coder will NOT allow loops in the application that have not been broken
with one of the loop breaker blocks. If a loop is found in the application program when the Coder is processing, it
will stop compiling and no Hex code will be produced. A list of the loops the Coder found can be found in a DOS
file named info located in the same directory as the application file.
NOTE: See the section about Loops for more information of the Z_MINUS1, Z_MINUS1_I and Z_MINUS1_B
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TRM0371, Rev. 1, Author: John T Nguyen

GAP Blocks: ZMINUS1_B (cont)


True, then TRANING.ZMINUS1.ZMINUS1_B send a True back to TRANING.COUNTER.RST to reset
Counter back to 1 (RST_VAL)
Note: Can not loop the output of A_COMPARE block back to COUNTER Reset

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TRM0371, Rev. 1, Author: John T Nguyen


T flip-flop block. This block is a toggle-type flip-flop.
IN_1: Every time either of the toggle Inputs (IN_1, IN_2) goes true, the output will toggle to its alternate condition
or state.
IN_2: Every time either of the toggle Inputs (IN_1, IN_2) goes true, the output will toggle to its alternate condition
or state.
RST: When the Reset Input is true, the output will always be set false.
T_FLIPFLOP: The output will toggle to its alternate condition or state every time either of the toggle Inputs (IN_1,
IN_2) goes true.

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TRM0371, Rev. 1, Author: John T Nguyen


One shot block. When the input goes true, the output goes true for the specified delay time. When the delay time
expires or the reset is true, the output goes false even if the input is still true. The input must return to false to rearm
the function, and the reset must be false. If the input goes false before the time delay has expired, the output will
still stay true for the specified delay time, unless the reset input goes true. Remaining time before the output
function times out is also output.
DLY_TIME: The DLY_TIME input is the time in seconds that the ONE_SHOT output will stay true unless the
block is reset before this time expires.
TRIGGER: Initiates ONE_SHOT block.
RST: Resets ONE_SHOT block causing output to go false.
Outputs ONE_SHOT: ONE_SHOT is block output.
R_TIME: R_TIME is the time, in seconds, remaining before the output function times out.
Example: When TRIGER transition from False to True,
TRAINING.OS1.ONE_SHOT becomes True for 1 second and transition
back to False
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TRM0371, Rev. 1, Author: John T Nguyen


Sequential Funtion Chart (SFC) step block. This function block formalizes a sequence of actions and is based upon
the IEC-1131 Sequential Function Chart specification. This block complements the B_ACTION block in offering
an elegant way of designing and implementing sequential control actions associated to the Sequential Function
The coder uses special loop-breaking logic for the SFC_STEP block such that the SFC_STEP output field acts as a
loop-breaker when needed. Explicit definition of ZMINUS1 blocks are not needed for loops created by the
SFC_STEP or TRAN_x output fields.
INIT: Initial STEP state.
DESCR: This field can be used to describe the function of this SFC_STEP block.
RPTs: Repeat section for adding multiple SF_SEL_x inputs. At least 1 input is required with the maximum limit
being 999.
SF_SEL_x: Any SF_SEL_x input will define this Sequencer state as being activated.
RPTt: Repeat section for adding multiple T_COND_x inputs and TRAN_x outputs. At least 1 input is required
with the maximum limit being 999.
T_COND_x: Transition condition permissive has been met.
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SFC_STEP: SFC_STEP status. SFC_STEP = True when this sequencer action is active.
ACTIVETIME: Active time in seconds.
TRAN_x: Transition to new state.
The figure below relates the fields of the gap block to how the block information is displayed on the Gap sheet.

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The SFC_STEP block becomes TRUE when any of its SF_SEL_x inputs becomes TRUE.
If the SFC_STEP block is FALSE, then T_COND_x inputs have no effect.
When the SFC_STEP block is TRUE, if any T_COND_x input becomes TRUE, then the SFC_STEP block
becomes FALSE and the TRAN_x output is TRUE for a single Rate Group.
If the SFC_STEP block is TRUE and two or more T_COND_x inputs become TRUE simultaneously, then the
SFC_STEP block becomes FALSE, but only the single TRAN_x output for the highest priority T_COND_x is
TRUE for a single Rate Group. Priority is based on the order of the repeat, so T_COND_1 has the highest priority.
The path of sequence flow is defined by connection of a TRAN_x output from one SFC_STEP block to the
SF_SEL_x input of another.
The T_COND_x input is connected to a Boolean value representing one of the State Transition Conditions. The
Transition Condition is usually, but not always, a GAP block output.
SF_SEL_x inputs may ONLY be connected to TRAN_x outputs.
Every TRAN_x output MUST be connected to a SF_SEL_x input.
SFC_STEP blocks connected via Transitions must be in the SAME rate Group.
Every Sequence composed of interconnected SFC_STEP blocks must have one and only one block where the
INIT input is set "ACTIVE".
While it is possible to connect SF_SEL_x inputs to any GAP block output of type BOOLEAN this should never be
done. There exists the potential to inadvertently generate multiple "tokens", that is multiple TRUE sequence states
where only one should exist.
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If a TRAN_x output field is not connected to a SF_SEL_x input field the token will be lost, no SFC_STEPs in the
sequence would be TRUE. From this "Dead" Sequence state, nothing can happen.
It is possible to define a sequence which starts from a "Dead" state by connecting the first state SF_SEL_x input to
some non-SFC_STEP block (or to a tunable Boolean). This should NOT be done as it invalidates the protections
built into the SFC_STEP structure.
Rate Group crossings have the potential to generate multiple tokens or to lose the token resulting in a "Dead"
In general, TRAN_x outputs are connected to a single SF_SEL_x input. It is possible to connect a TRAN_x output
to multiple SF_SEL_x inputs, generating multiple "tokens". In some cases, this creation of a "divergent" sequence,
one with multiple parallel paths is desirable. It is very important to manage the convergence of such sequences
Which SFC_STEP block is defined to Initialize to the "ACTIVE" state depends upon application considerations.
An "OUT OF OPERATION" state may be appropriate in many cases. Depending on fail-safe states or the
possibility that the control could re-initialize as the result of a momentary CPU power loss or inadvertent CPU
reset, specific actions may be required so initialization to a "TRIPPED" or "SHUTDOWN" state may be a
preferable starting point. Alternatively, a special "POWERUP" state might be defined from which system
conditions such as speed, temperatures, etc. are evaluated to determine whether to transition to an "OUT OF

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In any sequence, proper response to faults or otherwise non-sequential events must be considered and addressed.
Therefore, most SFC_STEP blocks should have a transition condition (or conditions) tied to events like
"Shutdown", "Emergency Shutdown", "Normal Shutdown", "Sequence Timer Overrun", "Sub-System Fault" and so
on. NOTE: The subsequent sequence state may not be identical for a given "event". For instance, the response to a
"Normal Shutdown Request" while in the state "PREPARE FOR START" may be significantly different than while
in the state "FULL LOAD OPERATION".

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Example 1: TRAINING.SFC1 set initial to INACTIVE. No SFC is actived

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Example 2: Toggle SFC1 select False/True/False activated SFC1

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Example 3: Toggle TRAINING.OS1.TRIGGER (F/T/F) > disabled SFC1, activated

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Example 4: Toggle TRAINING.OS2.TRIGGER (F/T/F) > disabled SFC2, activated

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Example 5: Toggle TRAINING.OS2.TRIGGER (F/T/F) > disabled ALL SFC

Note: TRAINING.SFC_RST.ONE_SHOT connected to ALL SFCs transition pin
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