Web Copysouth Sudan Independence
Web Copysouth Sudan Independence
Web Copysouth Sudan Independence
South Sudan
Political, Economic, & Social
2014 Brain Wrinkles
SS7CG2 The student will explain the
structures of the modern governments of
b. Explain how political, economic, and social
conflicts resulted in the independence of South
Before 2011
Great Britain established colonial rule of
the region (Sudan) in the 19th century.
In 1924, the British divided the region
into two territories: the Arabic-speaking
Muslim north, and the mostly Englishspeaking Christian and Animist south.
2014 Brain Wrinkles
The northern
region is home to
mainly Arabspeaking Muslims.
But in the southern
region, there is no
dominate culture.
The Dinka and
Nuer are the
largest of nearly
200 ethnic groups.
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One Nation
In the 1940s, Great Britain merged the
two areas together to be one nation with
a northern government and Arabic as
the ofcial language.
Southern Sudan was shut out of the new
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In 1956, Sudan gained its independence
from Great Britain, but there was still a
lot of tension between the north and
South Sudanese were not happy with
northern rule.
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1 Civil War
Islamic Law
Fighting began again when the northern
government established Islamic law
throughout the country.
Southerners were angered at attempts to
impose Islamic law on the whole country.
Islamic Law
Civil war had been going on between the
North and South for most of Sudans
Dictator Omar al-Bashir seized power in
1989 and continued to impose radical
Islamic law.
2014 Brain Wrinkles
In 2005, the northern and southern parts
of Sudan signed a peace accord.
This allowed the South to rule itself for
six years and then vote in a referendum
for independence.
In January 2011, nearly 99% of South
Sudanese voters called for
2014 Brain Wrinkles
Oil Control
Unfortunately, there are still problems
between the two countries.
Sudan and South Sudan are tied
economically by oil.
Most of the oil reserves are in South
Sudan, but the factories, pipelines,
shipping ports, etc., are in Sudan.
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Oil Control
Both countries continue to disagree on
how to divide oil wealth and settling
border disputes.
Negotiating a deal is critical to both
countries peace in the future.
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