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Media Literacy Lesson Plan

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Name: David Mirabelli, Stephanie Parker, Keshia Peart

Cohort: B1

Lesson Plan
Lesson Title: Sports and Advertisments Grade: 6

Date: January 18th 2015

Subject/Strand: Language Arts Unit: Media Literacy Location: OH-0004



(length in minutes):


Lesson Plan Description

(What are you teaching? How does it fit into the context of the unit? What are the big
ideas/essential/enduring understandings?)

This lesson will allow the students to work with commercials to develop their understanding of
media and interpret media forms for the purpose, audience and techniques used. The lesson will
focus on using commercial advertisements designed for the 2014 FIFA World Cup.
Ontario Curricular Overall Expectations

(numbers from documents and details)

1. demonstrate an understanding of a variety of media texts;

Ontario Curricular Specific Expectations

(numbers from documents and details) selected & listed from the Ont.
Curriculum, refined when necessary, has verbs that are observable & measureable, has realistic number of expectations (1 to 3), have
expectations that match assessment

1.1 explain how a variety of media texts address their intended purpose and audience
1.6 identify who produces various media texts, the reason for their production, how they are
produced, and how they are funded
Learning Goals

Discuss with students: What will I be learning today? (clearly identify what students are expected to know
and be able to do, in language that students can readily understand.)

Today I will learn

to analyse a commercial to determine target audience
to analyse a commercial to determine the purpose
to analyse a commercial to determine the techniques used


Success Criteria

Discuss with students: How will I know I have learned what I need to learn? (Clearly identify the criteria
to assess students learning, as well as what evidence of learning students will provide to demonstrate their knowledge, skills and
thinking, in language that students can readily understand).

I can: figure out who the commercial is aimed at

I can: figure out why the commercial was made
I can: pick out media techniques a commercial used
Assessment How will I know students have learned what I intended?

Achievement Chart Categories (highlight/circle the ones that apply):

Knowledge and Understanding;
Assessment For, As, Of Learning (Circle One) (Describe way(s) you and/or your students will assess.)
Assessment Mode
Written, Oral, Performance
(Write, Say, Do)


Assessment Strategy and Task

for Students- What are the students

Assessment Tool - Instrument used to

assess task and record learning e.g.,

doing to show their learning? e.g. turn and

talk, role play/individual, cooperative, etc.

rubric, checklist, observation sheet, turn/talk, role play


Fill out template about the

commercial and present their
findings to their classmates

Self-assessment checklist students



Lakehead University Orillia, 09 02 15

Prior Learning: Prior to this lesson, students will have

been introduced to different styles of media and analysed techniques used
Analysed the humor and celebrity technique
learned about various techniques used in media works
Differentiation: Content, Process, Product, Environment, Assessment/Accommodations,
1) Bruce Wayne will receive a pair of headphones when he is put into his group so he may listen to the
commercial an additional time more clearly.
2) Peter Parker will have the option of working alone at the computer station and may fill out the template
given electronically
3) Selina Kyle may submit the template that was filled out during the action if she does not wish to
participate in the presentation portion of consolidation
4) Jean Grey can record her observations from the commercial (using the template as a guide) on the i-pad
where the teacher can later listen to.

Rearranging desks: Students will be working in groups of 4 or 5 using their cluster of desks

Permit students to work in the hall where it is quieter.

Planning to engage prior knowledge: Ask the students what they already know about the World Cup.

Planning an extension activity: Students will write a letter to the head of FIFA regarding the dangers of using
alcohol in their advertisements.

Incorporates multiple skills: viewing commercials, writing, discussion and presenting

Learning Skills/Work Habits



Highlight/circle ones that are assessed:




independent work,

Vocabulary (for word wall and/or to develop schema)

target audience
Resources and Materials /Technology Integration

List ALL items necessary for delivery of the lesson. Include any
attachments of student worksheets used and teacher support material that will support communication of instruction. Include the use of
Information Technology (ICT) in your lesson plan where appropriate.


5 commercials to be analysed
Commerical to show in Minds On: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iG_LG_cQf0g
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hx7dQs6Wbxw
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AK6R2sdR4Tc
4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEKWfwhWbPE
five of the school iPads
Projector Screen
5 copies of the question template
25 copies of the self assessment checklist
Learning Environment (grouping; transitions; physical set up)
Individual desks moving into groups
Cross Curricular Links

Three Part Lesson

Identify what the students are expected to think about or do. Write the lesson description with
enough detail that another teacher could replicate the lesson without a personal discussion.
Lakehead University Orillia, 09 02 15

What Teachers Do:

What Students do:
Minds on: Motivational Hook/engagement /Introduction (5-15 min)
Establish a positive learning environment, connect to prior learning, set the context for learning, pre-determine key questions to guide
Time: 8 Minutes(Indicate time breakdown of instructional

Teacher begins the lesson by asking all the

students the following questions.
What do you know about the FIFA World

Expected student responses:

Its a soccer game
Its a tournament
It happens every four years
Lots of people will see it

What makes advertisers want to create a

commercial for the world cup?
Students watch and enjoy the commercial
Engage the students with a commercial:
Begin the lesson by asking the students to
turn their chairs to the projector screen.
I am going to play a commercial, at this
moment I would like you to just watch and
enjoy the commercial
Play the commercial using the projector
screen. (Commercial is roughly 1.2 minutes)
Once the commercial has finished the
teacher begins the lesson asking the
Now last class we discussed two persuasion
techniques that advertisers commonly used
in commercials. Can someone say what they
Teacher says Can someone provide an
example of either humor or celebrity

I think it was called humor

The other was called famous people
Its actually celebrity technique
Humor makes us laugh and when we laugh we feel
good we remember the product more
Celebrity techniques uses famous people
Bandwagon means the wagon that carries the
It means its popular
When a lot of people like something other people
will try it to fit in

Teacher says Today we will be discussing a

new technique. This technique is called the
Bandwagon technique. Just hearing the word
Bandwagon, what does this bring to mind?
Teacher says Great responses, when a
commercial tries to claim that everyone is
doing it and doesnt want you to be left out,
then its the bandwagon technique
Lakehead University Orillia, 09 02 15

Students watch the commercial paying attention to

the techniques that were used.

Teacher gives instructions Now class we are

going to re-watch the short commercial from
the world cup. While watching this
commercial for the second time I would like
you to think about the bandwagon technique
and whether it is being used here?
Re-play the commercial for the second-time.
Once the commercial is done ask the
students Why or why not do you believe
that the bandwagon was used in this
Teacher asks The commercial did use
children, so does anyone know who the
target audience would be?
Ask the students, So how does the ad
connect to the World Cup?

It was used because they showed a lot of different

kids drinking coca cola

Maybe children
But it is about soccer so people who like soccer
It shows children around the world playing soccer
Student volunteers to read the success criteria
I can: figure out who the commercial is aimed at
I can: figure out why the commercial was made
I can: pick out media techniques a commercial
Student volunteer says Humor, Celebrity, and

Teacher says Now before we begin our

activity for the day can someone volunteer
to read todays success criteria
Teacher Thank-you, and one last reminder
of what the media techniques are. Can
someone list all three of the techniques we
have discussed ?
Teacher Excellent, thank-you

Action: During /Working on it (time given for each component, suggested 15-40 min)
Introduce new learning or extend/reinforce prior learning, provide opportunities for practice & application of learning.
Time: 11 minutes (Indicate time breakdown of instructional

Teacher explains Now learners we are going

to examine other commercials in groups and
see what techniques were used. We also
want to make sure we understand the
purpose and the target audience for each
commercial. When I call your birth month I
would like you to join the group I point to.
Break into groups of 5 according to their
birth month, there should be roughly 4
Lakehead University Orillia, 09 02 15

Students are broken into groups according to their

birth months. Their are roughly 4 groups of students
in each group.

Always hold the iPad with two hands

Each group should receive a iPad (or laptop),

a worksheet, and a link to a commercial that
can be found also on the google drive.
Each group will be receiving an iPad, can
someone remind us quickly of the rules for
Give the students more specific instructions.
Watch the commercial that was assigned to
your group and fill out the worksheet, work
as a team. The worksheet is asking you to
determine who the target audience is, what
the purpose of the commercial is as well as
what techniques were used. Just like we did
together for the coke commercial. You
should have a leader, iPad controller, a
recorder, and a spokesperson. After the time
is done you will be presenting your findings
to the class.
Jimmy your group can go into the hallway
where it is quieter. Just be sure to keep your
voices down.

Stay seated when using the iPad

Share the iPad with your group members

Students decide who is the group leader, the

recorder, iPad controller and spokesperson.

Students begin their assignment by watching the

video. Once the video is done student make the
same identifications as in the minds on (purpose,
target audience, persuasion technique used) in the
commercial. Students are working together to fill
out the information on the template provided to

Walk around providing assistance to the

students during their lesson.

Consolidation & Connection (Reflect and Connect) (5-15 min.)

Help students demonstrate what they have learned, provide opportunities for consolidation and reflection.
Time: _11 minutes_ (Indicate time breakdown of instructional

Teacher When I say 1-2-3, I need you all to

stop. 1-2-3 Stop. Great job students, now I
would everyone to turn to the center of the
room, and one by one each spokesperson
will come to the front of the room and
explain their findings
Teacher says I would the Jan-March
spokesperson to come to the front and
explain their findings
Teacher says Thank-you now I would the
April-June spokesperson to come to the
front and explain their findings
Teacher called the two remaining group to
Lakehead University Orillia, 09 02 15

Students stop working when they hear stop.

Students face the center of the room.

Jan-March spokesperson comes to the front of the

room and explains what the commercial was about,
who the target audience, the purpose, and the
persuasion techniques used in the commercial.
April-June spokesperson comes to the front of the
room and explains what the commercial was about,
who the target audience, the purpose, and the
persuasion techniques used in the commercial.
The spokesperson for the remaining two groups
comes to the front of the room and explains what
the commercial was about, who the target audience,

present their findings.

Teacher says That was great. Now before

we do our self-assessment sheets, lets
make sure we covered all the learning goals.
Can anyone explain to me how they were
able to determine the target audience in the
Teacher says Good answer. Now what about
our last learning goal. Can anyone explain
how they were able to determine the media
technique used

Teacher Your right, each sometimes a

commercial uses more than one technique.
Alright its looks like we have two minutes
before your nutrition breaks so you should
go ahead and fill out the self-assessment
sheet and then give it to your team leader to
hand in

the purpose, and the persuasion techniques used in

the commercial.
Student volunteer Well, we just watched it and
looked at the things and people in the commercial.
If their were a lot of adults we said it was for adults,
and if their were sports we said it was for sports
Student volunteer Our group decided that
sometimes more than one technique is used
because one commercial had all the kids joining in
the soccer game which we thought was bandwagon
but then they also had a bunch of famous soccer
players so it was celebrity technique
Students begin and finish the self-assessment
sheets and hand it in.

Extension Activities/Next Steps (where will this lesson lead to next)

Write a letter to the head of FIFA regarding the dangers of using certain sponsors in their
Personal Reflection (what went well, what would I change, what will I have to consider in my next lesson for this subject/topic)
The Lesson:
The Teacher:

Lakehead University Orillia, 09 02 15

FIFA World Cup Commercial Assignment

Group Names: _________________________________________________________________
Commercial Name: ______________________________________________________________
Who is the target audience for this commercial? Explain your reasoning.
What is the purpose of this commercial? How can you tell?
Were any persuasion techniques used in this commercial? List all that were used providing an example.

Lakehead University Orillia, 09 02 15

Media Literacy Self-Assessment

Name: ________________________________
Rate your level of fluency with media literacy in the following chart:
I was able to...
Determine the target
Determine the purpose of
the commercial
Pick out and name media
techniques used in the

Lakehead University Orillia, 09 02 15

With Ease

With Some Difficulty

With Assistance Only

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