Estimation of Reducing Sugar by Nelson-Somogyi Method

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Estimation of reducing sugar by NelsonSomogyi method

Micha Kaczmarek

Keywords: reducing sugars, Somogyi-Nelson assay,

equipment required:
spectrophotometer capable of measuring
absorbance in the 520 nm region.
cuvettes for spectrophotometer
water bath 100C
required reagents:
carbohydrate standards (glucosamine) at the concentration ranging from 0
mol/ml to 0,50 mol/ml
Copper reagent :
180 g Na2SO4
12 g potassium sodium tartrate
24 g Na2CO3 (anhydrous)
4 g CuSO4 x 5 H2O lub 2,6 g CuSO4
16 g NaHCO3
Dissolve 12 g of potassium sodium tartrate and 24 g Na 2CO3 in 250 ml H2O.
Followed by continuous stirring add 4 g CuSO4 x 5 H2O i 16 g NaHCO 3.
Dissolve 180g of Na2SO4 in 500ml of boiling water H2O and boil to remove
air bubbles.
The two solutions were mixed and filtered hot to obtain a clear solution.
Nelson reagent:
25 g (NH4)2MoO4 x 2H2O or 25,75 g (NH4)6Mo7O24 x 4H2O
21 cm3 H2SO4
3g AsHNa2O4 x 7 H2O
Preparation :
Dissolve 25 g (NH4)2MoO4 x 2H2O or 25,75 g (NH4)6Mo7O24 x 4H2O in 450
cm3 H2O and add 21 cm3 H2SO4 (concentrated)
Dissolve 3g AsHNa2O4 x 7 H2O in 25 cm3 H2O
Mix both reagents and incubate 30 min. in 55C
execution time: from 10 min
Procedure Description:
The Nelson-Somogyi method is one of the classical and widely used
methods for the quantitative determination of reducing sugars. This method
utilizes the reducing properties (because of the presence of a potential aldehyde
or keto-groups) of certain types of carbohydrates. Determination of reducing

sugars using Somogyi-Nelson is based on the absorbance at 520 nm of a

coloured complex between a copper oxidized sugar and arsenomolybdate.

1. Prepare carbohydrate standards in distilled water ranging from 00,50 mol/ml.
2. Add 1 ml of each standard to separate tubes. To the tubes used as
the blanks, add 1 ml of distilled water.
3. Prepare the unknown samples in an appropriate dilution.
4. To each tubes, add 1 ml of the Copper Reagent and mix.
5. Place the tubes in a boiling water for 10 minutes
6. Cool the tubes to room temperature and add 1mL of
reagent Nelson Reagent to all the tubes.
7. Measure the absorbance at 520 nm.

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