Occupation-Based Reflection
Occupation-Based Reflection
Occupation-Based Reflection
Madeline Dunlap
occupational therapy is and the efficacy behind why we strive to do occupationbased interventions for all of our patients.
Now, with the experience that I have gained over the last six semesters, I am
confident in my abilities to utilize occupation-based practice at any setting with
every patient to optimize functional outcomes. As noted in my experience at
HealthSouth, working with a patient post-stroke from the initial evaluation all the
way through his discharge from the hospital, I was able to obtain an occupational
profile through a holistic viewpoint of the patient. This influenced the creation of
occupation-based goals and intervention planning. An accumulation of the
knowledge I have gained about the importance of occupation-based practice truly
prepared me for this real life experience. My professors have done a great job
outlining what this concept truly means and it has forced me to be creative and
innovative when formulating treatment plans.