Springfield College - Daily Lesson Plan

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Springfield College Daily Lesson Plan

Name: Tom Hurley

Date: 2/23/16
Time: 9-10:20
School: East Longmeadow High School Lesson #: 3
Facilities: Half of the basketball court
Class Size: 24
Grade: 9
Unit/Theme: cooperative games
Generic Level : Control/Utilization
Equipment: 24 hotspots, 5 hula-hoops, 12 blindfolds, 24 cones
Focus of Lesson: team building
Student Performance Objectives (SPO): (National #
; MA CF #
Task/Activity #
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

(P) Demonstrate great cooperation and leadership by getting all 5 of teammates safely
to their hula-hoop without running into anything (National #S4. H3. L1; MA CF #2.17;
Activity 3)
(C)Discuss with group members of the last activity what 4 challenges that they faced
during the class during the closure of the lesson (National #S5. H4. L1; MA CF #7.12;
(A) Communicate with classmates effectively and argument free for every
activity/challenge for the whole class. (National #S4. H4. L1; MA CF #2.26)
Check each objective is it specific? Is it achievable? Is it developmentally
Teacher Performance Objectives During the lesson the teacher will:
- Give at least 5 pieces of global feedback
-Give at least 5 pieces positive specific feedback
-Keep students on task in every activity throughout the lesson
Special Considerations What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the
students in this class?
-Students may get in disagreements, but I am hoping they will be able to work through
them and not fight
-Bring students out of their comfort zone is part of this lesson but I do not want to push

References: (include page # and/or actual web site address)

Couturier, Lynn, Stevie Chepko, and Shirley Ann. Holt/Hale. National Standards & Grade-level
Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2014. Print.

"PEC: Lesson Plans for Physical Education." PEC: Lesson Plans for Physical Education. N.p., n.d.
Web. 23 Feb. 2016.




*Attendance and changing time*

Intro: Hello Students my name is Mr. Hurley.
Today we are going to be doing cooperative
games. Cooperation is the process of working
together to the same end. Let's get right into
it with a ice breaker game!
Warm-Up: Sinking Ships:
-24 hotspots (one for each student)
-The hotspots will be formed in a circle in the
middle of the gym
-I will randomly select students and their
hotspots will be taken away
-They will have 10 seconds to be saved by
their fellow students
-In order to be saved you have to have one
foot on someone's hotspot
-If your hotpot has not been taken away you
still need to have two feet on your or
someone else's hotspot.
-The goal is to take away as many hotspots
as possible and keep as many students in the
game as possible.
Extensions-UP- Put the students that do not
get saved off to the side with their own
hotspot and have them work together to get
back the the main group
DOWN- Give them as much time as they
need to figure it out


Safety: Students will get close during these

activities, if you feel uncomfortable at any
time during the class please tell the teacher.
Teacher Positioning: Teacher will be
walking around the gymnasium with their
back to the wall and scanning the students
with inappropriate behavior.


Demonstration:Teacher will demonstrate

how one way to get saved by a student.
Besides that it is up to the students to
problem solve and figure the challenge.




Transition:Students will meet in front of the

teacher in a small semi-circle so everyone
can see. The semicircle will be around me.
Students will bring their hotspots and put
them in a pile.
Activity 1: Cross the River:
Objective is to get your whole group to the
other side of the court.
-4 groups of 6
-each group will have 4 hotspots (2 less than
the amount in the group)
-Teacher will randomly select the teams
-Can only get to the other side of the court by
stepping on the hotspots
- Everyone in the group has to reach the
other side
-If you step off the hotspot and touch the
court at all with your feet then the whole
group has to go back to the start
-First team to cross the finish line wins
-Once your team finishes you have to cheer
on a different team trying to finish as loud as
you can
UP: Give one person on each team a
DOWN: Give the team that is struggling more
Teacher will only demonstrate how to properly
stand on the hotspot in front of the whole
class. The rest is guided discovery for the
students because I do not want to give away
the solution to this activity. Students need to
problem solve for this activity.


Teacher Positioning: Teacher will be

walking around the gymnasium with back to
the wall and scanning for the students with
inappropriate behavior.
Motivational Objective:
Be the first team to get across the finish line.
Safety: Students will get close during these
activities, if you feel uncomfortable at any
time during the class please tell the teacher.


-What strategies worked best?
-Are you going to change anything for the
next task?
-Do you think you can beat your score? if so
we will go again (only for one time).
Transition:Students will meet in front of the
teacher in a small semi-circle so everyone
can see. The semicircle will be around me.
Students will bring their hotspots and put
them in a pile
Activity 2: Get to Safety
There will be 5 hula hoops around the gym.
There will be one circle in the middle made of
-Same teams as the first activity
-5 out of the 6 members will be blindfolded
-The 5 with blindfolds have to start at the hula
hoops (1 team member per a hula hoop)
-The one team member without the blindfold
will be in the middle circle
-The student without a blindfold will volunteer
-If no volunteers they will randomly be
selected by the teacher
-Only one team member can travel at a time
The goal is to get every team member to a
different hula-hoop then they started in. The
only person on the team that can talk is the

one in the middle. When you successfully get

to a different hula-hoop you can take your
blindfold off but you can not talk unless the
speaker gives you permission to do so.
UP- Put obstacles around the gym so they
cant walk in a straight line
DOWN- Only half the team will have
Teacher will give a demonstration of how to
walk from one hula-hoop to another. Other
than that it is for the team to problem solve
and work together to complete the challenge
Teacher Positioning: Teacher will be
walking around the gymnasium with back to
the wall and scanning for the students with
inappropriate behavior.
Motivational Objective:
Set the class record for shortest time. The
entire class is working together to set the time
record for this challenge.
The speaker in each group has to be very
vocal. It is their responsibility to get their
teammates safely to a different hula-hoop. If
you hear a whistle stop because someone
might be close to running into someone.
-What strategies worked best?
-Are you going to change anything for the
next task?
-Do you think you can beat your score? if so
we will go again (only for one time).


Transition:Students will meet in front of the

teacher in a small semi-circle so everyone
can see. The semicircle will be around me.




Students will bring their hula-hoops and put

them in a pile
Activity 3: Chain Tag:
The goal is to tag as many people as
possible. Except once you get tagged you
have to hold hands (or link arms) with
whoever tagged you.
-to start there will be two students selected to
be the taggers
-They can choose to link up right away or
stay separate
-Once they tag someone they have to stay
linked for the whole time
-The bigger the student chain gets, the harder
it will to move around to tag other students
-Have to use the size of the chain to your
Teacher will demonstrate with students how
to properly tag and link arms. The
demonstration will be in the middle of the
court so everyone can see
Teacher Positioning: Teacher will be
walking around the gymnasium with back to
the wall and scanning for the students with
inappropriate behavior.
When tagging someone do not hit them hard
or punch them, just lightly tag the student
Motivational Objective:
Get the biggest student chain as possible.
-What strategies worked best?
-Are you going to change anything for the
next task?
-Do you think you can beat your score? if so
we will go again (only for one time).

Transition:Students will meet in front of the

teacher in a small semi-circle so everyone
can see. The semicircle will be around me.


Activity 4: Cool Down Challenge:

-Class will be split in half
-Students will form two different groups
-Students will be sitting on the ground
-Students will have to find a way for the whole
group to find to get their feet off the ground
-Everyones feet and butts in the group has to
be off the ground
-First group to get everyone's feet and butt off
the ground wins
Teacher will not demonstrate this activity
because there is only two ways to complete
this activity. Teams need to problem solve to
complete the activity.
Motivational Objective:
Be the first team to get everyone's feet and
butts off the ground
Students can not perform handstands or
anything like that in this activity
Students will meet in front of the teacher in a
small semi-circle so everyone can see. The
semicircle will be around me.


-What were some effective strategies when
problem solving through the challenges?
(teamwork and everyone being on the same
-What was your favorite part of the lesson?
(cross the river)
-What was your biggest take away from the

(teamwork makes the dream work)
-How can you use these themes from class in
the real world and athletics?

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