Springfield College - Daily Lesson Plan

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Springfield College Daily Lesson Plan

Name: Tom Hurley

Date: 2/3/16
Time: 9-10:50
School: East Longmeadow High School
Lesson #: 1
Facilities: Half of the main gym
Class Size: 22
Grade: 9th
Unit/Theme: basketball
Generic Level : Control/ Utilization
Equipment: -22 basketballs
-4 cones
-12 pinnies
-10 hotspots
Focus of Lesson: Pick and rolls and give and goes. Game play.
Student Performance Objectives (SPO): (National #
; MA CF #
Task/Activity #
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

(P) Demonstrate how to get open off of a give and go or pick and roll in modified game
or game play. (National # S1.H1.L1; MACF# 2.17; Task/Activity-2,3,4)
(C) Identify when they should pass to a teammate doing a pick and roll or give and go
during the modified game or 5v5(National #S1.H1.L1; MACF #2.17; TASK/ACTIVITY3, 4)
(A) Stay in personal space at all times and do not intentionally foul students to
hurt them or stop them from scoring. (National #S4.H5.L1, S4.H2.L1; MACF
#2.26;Task /Activity- 3, 4)
Check each objective is it specific? Is it achievable? Is it developmentally
Teacher Performance Objectives During the lesson the teacher will:
-Explain and keep students safe at all times throughout the lesson
-Give at least 5 pieces positive specific feedback
-Keep students on task in every activity throughout the lesson

Special Considerations What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the
students in this class?
First time teaching with this class, they may not respect me and they do not know you I
am. Also I do not know any of the students names which makes it very difficult.

References: (include page # and/or actual web site address)



5 min.

Warm-Up: Students lead the warm-up going
around in a circle stretching different muscles
Safety: All students will be in their own
personal space so that they have enough
room to move freely.
Teacher Positioning: Teachers will be
walking around the gymnasium with their
backs to the wall and scanning the students.
Transition:Students will meet in front of the
teacher in a small semi-circle so everyone
can see.

10 min.

H=Basketball Hoop


Informing: -Start signals: ready go or one

-Stop Signals: Freeze or two whistles
- Point out the boundaries
- Address safety
Activity 1: Knockout: Students will be split
into three different groups. One basketball
hoop for every group. However if you get
knocked out you still have a chance to get
back in. If you are out and the student that
got you out gets knocked out, then you get to
go back into the game.
-Start/first shot from the foul line
-If they miss, they can shoot from wherever
they want (layup is easiest)
-no hitting the other players basketball away
from them
Extensions-up- Start/shoot from three point
Down- put a hot spot closer to the basketball
- the second shooter cant shoot until the first
person get the ball after their first shot.
Demonstration: Teacher will give


demonstrate how to start the game and what

to do if you miss.
Motivational Objective: Make the most
amount of shots to be the last one in the
Teacher Positioning: teacher will move
around to each group giving feedback and
scanning for off-task behavior while keeping
their back to the wall.
Skill cues: -balance ball on dominant hand.
Non-dominant hand is there to guide the ball
-elbow under the ball and over your knee
-eyes on the back of the room
-flick the wrist and follow through at target
Transition: when the teacher blows the
whistle, the students will form a semicircle
around the teacher. If they have a basketball
they will put it at their feet.

10 min.

Activity 2: Give and Goes/ Picks: Students

will be split into groups of 3. One Basketball
per the group of three. One of the three
students will be the defense. The other two
students will be on offense and they will have
to do pick and rolls, and give and goes to get
open. students will be spread out in the
basketball court. They are just working to get
open, no shooting. Teacher will give the go
over the fundamentals of the give and go,
and pick and roll.
Extensions:UP: Make it groups of 4 making
it 2 on 2 to make it harder to get open.
DOWN: Take away the student on defence.
Demonstration: Teacher will demonstrate

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will two other students how to do a pick and

roll, and a give and go.
Safety: Students need to stay in their
personal space so they do not run into each
other or other groups.
Teacher Positioning: teacher will move
around to each group giving feedback and
scanning for off-task behavior while keeping
their back to the wall.
Transition: when the teacher blows the
whistle, the students will form a semicircle
around the teacher. If they have a basketball
they will put it at their feet.

Activity 3: Modified game- Hotspot 5v5:

Students will be split into 4 teams and play 5
on 5. Two games will be going on at
once(each team gets one side basketball
hoop). There will be hotspots randomly put on
the ground and the students can only shoot
0 ss
from them.
-Student have to work together to get open
-can only shoot from hotspots
0 ss
- One student can only score 2 baskets in a
-team on defense has to clear the ball passed
three point line when they get the ball
-point system- three point shot=2, everything
else is 1
-normal basketball rules
Extensions-UP- only have 2 hotspots to
shoot from
-make each player touch the ball before the
team can shoot
DOWN- put hotspots closer to the hoop,
setting students up for easier shots
-If you shoot from the hotspot and make it, it
is worth 3 points and regular baskets are 1


Teacher Positioning: Teacher will move

around with back to wall, and being able to
see both games a once.
Motivational Objective: First team to 10
Transition: when the teacher blows the
whistle, the students will form a semicircle
around the teacher. If they have a basketball
they will put it at their feet.


Activity 4:5v5: Students Will Stay in the

same teams as they were in. They will play
normal basketball rules and can shoot from
anywhere. Except if they score off of a give
and go or a pick and roll they will get 3 points. X
-3 pointer are worth 2 points
- normals shots are worth 1 point.
-first to 11 wins
-students cant score more than 2 baskets in
a row
Extensions: UP: Make everyone on the
team touch the ball before they can shoot
DOWN: Make it three on three
Safety: Do not intentionally foul anyone
Motivational Objective: Be the first team to
score 11 point to win the game.
A- What were some important things you
learned on how to get open for a shot when
playing 5 on 5?
C- What was more effective to get the open
for a shot, Give and go or pick and roll?
P- I need 2 students to demonstrate how to
pick and roll.
I need 2 students to demonstrate how to do a
give and go



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