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Alice C. Dames Professional Summary: Business Communications Consultant

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Alice C.

Professional Summary

Extensive experience in staff and project management; business requirements and business process analysis; gathering,
analyzing and communicating business intelligence; instructional design; technical writing and training; teaching and
employee development; and social networking media.
Possess strong knowledge of information technology, learning techniques and strategies, financial services, marketing,
health care and violence prevention, economics, telco-related topics, Internet, blogs and social media.
Proficient in many software packages including (but not limited to) MS Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel), Visio, MS
Project, SharePoint, Adobe, HTML, Dreamweaver, RoboHelp, SnagIt, Camtasia, Captivate, and WebEx.
Studied PRINCE2 project management methodology, knowledgeable about ISO-9001:2000 compliance.

Skills Summary
General Skills: Project and staff management, business intelligence/analysis, data analysis, business process analysis,
requirements gathering and analysis, writing and editing print publications, editing and designing web pages, interviewing,
technical training, employee development, instructional design, writing videos/multimedia presentations, coordinating
business and town hall meetings; creating key, executive talking points and other marketing messages.
Project Management/Business Analysis: Requirements gathering/reporting; test-plan creation/execution; trouble-ticket
creation, assignment, resolution; use cases; data analysis, auditing, cleansing, testing; ISO-9001:2000 auditing/compliance.
Business Documents/Publications: Business requirements, business plans, business-continuity plans, employee manuals,
benefits materials, marketing brochures, online forms, policies/procedures, presentation materials, press releases, print and
online newsletters, product literature, proposals, research publications, script writing, service level agreements, web pages.
Training, Learning and Development: Course facilitation, coaching and counseling, employee development, web and
computer-based training (WBT/CBT), instructional objectives, instructor guides, needs analysis, design documents, step-bystep instructions, student workbooks, job aids, training scripts, tutorials, training videos, WebEx Webinars.
System Documentation: General/detail design, functional specifications, programming specifications, requirements
definition, wireframes, run books, production information architecture (PIA) documents, test plans/scripts.
User Documentation: Cross references, indexes, installation guides, online help, run books, policies and procedures,
reference guides, end-user manuals, job aids.

Professional Experience
Business Communications Consultant
Business Analyst, Instructional Designer, Technical Writer, Editor and Trainer October 2005 to Present

BJC HealthCare, TFC Unit, Process Business Analyst (November 2009 to Present) Responsible for requirements
gathering and analysis; intelligence gathering and competitive analysis research; new product demonstrations;
interviewing customers; designing, writing, creating marketing brochures, executive talking points and key messages;
designing and creating user surveys; and creating reports and process flow diagrams for Next Generation Messaging
project, which will replace an existing paging system with a Sprint wireless solution.

Express Scripts, Product Engineer/Business Analyst (August 2009 to November 2009) Responsible for requirements
gathering and analysis; leading joint application development/requirements (JAR/JAD) meetings; creating use cases and
wireframes, technical illustration; creating business requirements and high-level design documents; and performing
business intelligence research within Home Delivery Systems teams.

Banyan Communications, Project Manager/Instructional Designer (April 2008 to July 2009) PMO. Created and
managed project budgets; hired and managed freelance writers, editors and instructional designers; led documentation
and instructional design projects, and ISO 9001-2000 compliance for various clients including:
o Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Served as lead instructional designer (ID), researcher and writer for
Power of Prevention and Dating Matters, http://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/datingmatters.html, an online
course to help educate people on how to prevent teen dating violence. Performed needs analysis; created ID
(314) 277-0658 | [email protected] | www.alicedames.com

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templates and all documentation; gathered/organized research; found and interviewed subject matter experts; led
efforts with creative, software development and production staff; wrote content/learning activities.
U.S. Treasury: Served as lead writer and project manager for the Borrow Smart! Dont Be a Victim! financial
literacy campaign. Managed all graphic design and marketing communications personnel; took the lead in all client
relationships, and oversaw budgets and all deliverables: created a two-color, marketing insert for all mailed 2008
tax-return checks; researched, wrote, edited and organized the web copy for the MyMoney.gov web site wrote,
organized and edited the copy for the text-messaging campaign; reviewed content for the public service
announcement; managed Spanish translation efforts for all deliverables; promoted campaign and interfaced with
both (traditional) public relations and (technical) social-networking vendors.
Her Majestys Prison Service (United Kingdom): Served as lead instructional designer for several facilitator-led
courses for prison guard (governor) staff. Performed needs and content analysis and oversaw the work of
instructional design and writing staff.

Evolve24, Business Analyst, (October 2007 to March 2008). PMO. Documented/analyzed requirements for The
Mirror, Evolve24s web-based risk and reputation-management software, and the WorkBench, a database for internal
research and development staff. Tracked and prioritized software enhancements for releases. Created Boolean and
Lucene searches. Audited and cleansed data created spreadsheets to examine existing data reports, compared them to
the customers requirements, and then made necessary updates to the relevant data libraries. Reported and assigned
trouble tickets and enhancement requests in Bugzilla. Created and executed test plans worked with developers to
track system enhancements and updates, and then tested the new functionality in the test database to ensure proper
functionality. Wrote release notes, highlighting the changes and enhancements made. Developed, facilitated and
managed all communication and training projects for Evolve24s primary customer (MasterCard), and created job aids.
Also delivered in-person training for MasterCards local staff and delivered WebEx webinars to MasterCards regional
offices in Asia, Latin America and Europe. Served as a communication and customer-relationship liaison between
internal development staff, research analysts and sales staff.

Anheuser-Busch, Business Analyst, (January to October 2007). PMO and Center of Excellence/Competency Center.
Led documentation, web communication and market research projects for A-B wholesalers and internal staff; wrote and
updated on-line help files; wrote and edited end-user guides; created and produced internal videos; documented/analyzed
business requirements and documented competitive analysis from independent software vendors.

MasterCard Worldwide, Technical Communicator, (October to December 2006). Led documentation effort for
myProvider and Enhanced Data, two components of the Smart Data product suite.

Verso Technologies, Technical Communicator, (August 2006 to January 2007). Updated application server

Elsevier, Instructional Designer/Project Manager (October 2005 to November 2006). PMO. Designed, wrote, and
edited two web-based training courses and seven training videos for nursing students completing their bachelors
degrees. Topics included: nursing issues and trends, communication skills, cross-cultural awareness, legal and ethical
topics, and confidentiality (HIPAA). Managed and mentored other staff, led cross-functional team meetings, reviewed
wireframes and prototypes. (Note: One video was bilingual: Spanish/English. In addition to writing the English version,
also located a linguistic resource to translate the text into Latin American Spanish.)

AAA Missouri, Instructional Designer/Project Manager (January to April 2006). Conducted a needs analysis and
developed detailed design documents for two blended learning courses.

Reuters, Technical Communicator, (October 2005 to January 2006). Led international effort to document/edit all
materials (product information architecture and operations run books) for the Reuters.com web product.

The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Senior Editor, Public Affairs August 1998 to September 2005

PMO. Worked with end-users, content owners and IT staff (programmers and database architects) to create content
for the Banks public web site, www.stlouisfed.org. Managed all content creation and posting of interactive features:
online polls, surveys, and registration forms. Created wireframes. Monitored usage with WebTrends. Awarded Best
Corporate Site. received 2nd place, Best Web Content, St. Louis Chapter, International Webmasters Asso., 2002.
Served on Bank-wide Business Continuity committee created procedures and documentation for staff members to
follow in case of a business interruption. Also took part in off-site business-continuity exercises.
Managing Editor for Central Banker, a quarterly publication for Eighth District bank CEOs, (2001- 2005).
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Managing Editor for Review, a bi-monthly economics research journal, (1998-2000).

Additional duties included writing and editing contributing articles for Eighth Note, a bimonthly employee
magazine, writing online news stories, creating executive talking points, ghost-writing executive editorials, and editing
various print and online materials for various departments within the bank.

Washington University in St. Louis

Lecturer, Technical Writing Jan 2000 to May 2002

Taught technical communication to upper-division students in WUSTLs School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.

Business Communications Consultant

Instructional Designer/Technical Writer and Trainer 1991 to 1998

American Express Teleconferencing Center Managed staff, developed and delivered facilitator-led classes for
sales and services reps. Built training program from ground up. Topics: customer service skills, new products and
services, effective communications and active listening techniques, change management theories and techniques, total
quality management, order entry and systems training. Researched, designed, wrote, edited and produced the American
Express Teleconferencing System Users Guide for employees.

Consolidated Communications Systems and Services Designed, wrote and facilitated customer training courses
and developed related end-user documentation.

Technology Applications, Inc. Revamped failing training program into a successful profit center. Hired/mentored
staff, designed, wrote and facilitated training courses and developed end-user training and documentation. Also wrote
proposal documents and other related marketing materials, and assisted with the design and writing for partner-marketing
web page.

U.S. Veterans Administration Designed and wrote several CBT courses for the administrations medical care cost
recovery unit.

Conoco Retail Stores Designed and wrote Management and Leadership and Loss Prevention CBT modules.

Georgia Pacific Designed and wrote two instructor-led courses regarding new systems, policies and procedures.

IBM Designed and wrote CBT modules designed for third-party repair technicians.

President Riverboats Casinos, Inc. Edited and programmed CBT mastery courses for general employees.

Bridge Information Systems Designed and wrote all training materials and users guides for the Computer
Operations division. Also wrote and published various end-user guides, a glossary for stock market and financial terms,
and a training video titled Introduction to DBSys Window.

Sears Transformed more than 150 procedural flow charts into an outline for written procedure manuals.

Brooks Fiber Communications, Inc. Designed, wrote and managed training documentation project for sales force.

Ameritech Cellular Centers Designed, wrote and facilitated multiple application-selling courses.

GTE Wireless Designed and wrote several CBT courses for sales and service reps.

Ameritech Small Business Service Centers Designed and wrote product literature, sales brochures, basic
telephony courses and an operations plan for employee seminars.

Digital Equipment Corporation Developed the creative theme and assisted with the planning for 3rd quarter 1994
International Sales Meeting, which included creating all presentation materials and coaching sales executives on key
marketing messages and talking points. Also wrote 4th quarter 1993, 1st and 2nd quarter 1994 sales announcements and
application-selling brochures for the same audience within Digital.

Citicorp/Diners Club Conducted surveys and initial content research for sales training programs.

Monsanto Chemical Group Designed and wrote instructional materials for Problem Solving and Team Building
course. Also conducted needs analysis/survey and presented key recommendations to the plant executives for technical
training program at Monsanto Chemical Groups Acrilan Plant.
(314) 277-0658 | [email protected] | www.alicedames.com

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MCI Telecommunications, Inc.

Systems Trainer 1989 to 1991. PMO. Developed and facilitated customer service, computer order-entry/systems
navigation, and new product training for national, major and general-business account representatives in MCIs five-state
Southwest division. Designed, developed, reviewed and edited all training materials, job aids, tests and evaluation tools for
both (locally and nationally delivered) facilitator-led and CBT courses.
Team Leader/Customer Service Representative 1987 to 1989. Identified and resolved MCI Network service troubles.
Entered trouble tickets into trouble-management system and escalated unresolved trouble tickets to 2 nd, 3rd, and 4th-level
Network Operations management. Calculated department payroll and acted as department supervisor in his/her absence. Led
the Day Later Cancel/Save Program; contacted all small commercial accounts that requested disconnection and converted
them back to MCI services, winning back 35% of these lost customers. Compiled automated and manual reports, identifying
repeat trouble patterns and circuit-performance analysis. Handled monthly or quarterly account contacts, account
maintenance, revenue enhancement, and sold new services.

Education and Professional Development

UM-St. Louis Completed 3 hours towards a Masters of Education Adult Education.
Northeastern Illinois State University, Chicago Completed 15 hours towards a Masters of Education degree Adult and
Counselor Education.
St. Louis University Bachelor of Arts.

Continuing Education and Professional Certifications

BJC HealthCare: (1) Facilitation Skills for Leaders (FSL) and (2) Accelerating Change and Transitions (ACT)
PRINCE2 Certification: Took various lessons on this British project-management methodology.
Ragan Communications, Inc.: Completed various seminars: (1) Advanced Writing and Editing for Corporate
Communicators and (2) Effective Employee Communications.

Dale Carnegie

UM-St. Louis Micro-Computer Program: Completed continuing education courses in HTML and Dreamweaver.

American Management Association: Completed Train the Trainer certification program.

Creative Training Techniques: Completed several seminars for leading effective facilitator-led training courses.

Completed various seminars in project management and business communications through Career Track, Inc., and
National Seminars, Inc. (a division of Rockhurst College).

Course, St. Louis: Completed 12-week course, Dec. 2002. Received two human relations awards.

Previous Memberships and Affiliations

American Society of Training and Development and American Society for Technical Communication


United States of America

(314) 277-0658 | [email protected] | www.alicedames.com

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