RSD Alex - 28 Points
RSD Alex - 28 Points
RSD Alex - 28 Points
are enough. These are all one and the same thing. Where people get lost is in idea of transition or
change, acting out of character or whatever. Forget all that. Being yourself means following your core
purpose and purest intentions free from socially conditioned influence. You will make mistakes
when you do this, but thats natural because interactions are subjective. Responsiveness is the answer
to interaction mistakes. Being your best self means you plus you taking responsibility in life. Your
physical nature as a man, and your nurture that is individually unique to only you that sets you apart.
2. Be natural. Its better to be natural and do things that pick up would say are wrong, than to do the
perfect pick up according to the book. If the pickup is too perfect, if you seem too seamless as a
person you wont come off as normal and you the girl wont take you seriously. When your being
natural you make mistakes. This makes sense to the girl. In fact, you should make lots of mistakes,
you prove your worth (DHV) when you deal with your own mistakes and other turbulence.
3. Dont calculate and micromanage. One of the first things girls look for is evidence of the cogs in
your head grinding to see if you second guessing yourself and if yourself aware. If you are self aware,
calculating your game, and trying to micromanage the interaction the girl will instantly put you in the
not alpha male category and you are done even if you can string the set out a bit. If youre not self
aware, not calculating not micromanaging that is to say if your present, in the moment and not self
aware you communicate to the girls that you are enough and they categorise you as an alpha male
and attractive. This is what you want, its only when you second guess yourself that you shoot yourself
in the foot. So trust yourself and keep things moving forwards for your own sake.
4. Be unapologetic. This is the key to showing you are congruence with who you are. Even if you
fuck up you didnt mean to, and you didnt intent to offend anyway. Unapologetic is the key to
getting away with anything, similar to Stifler or James Bond. When your unapologetic you can do
what you want, get away with it, and ultimately people will react to you, you dont react to them,
youre the source of a range of emotions and stimulation and this makes you a man of value to them.
5. As a man, there is nothing someone can give you that you cant get for yourself. As a result of
natural evolution men have become socially and emotionally autonomous where are women are not. If
you need people, especially women on any level, especially for ego validation or sense of self youre being a bitch. You will never be attractive. Remember that when you go out: your sense of self
and fulfilment is something you can achieve on your own, this is not true for a woman. Realising this
is the key to a naturals frame.
6. Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn. In life, time will tick away whether you like it or not.
Time is a constant. Whatever you are doing in that constant of time will be reinforced. If you are
getting out there taking action, moving forward, taking responsibility you will either achieve things or
learn things, making way for other achievements. The worst thing you can do with your time is
nothing. Staying home, not going to the gym, not approaching, or ejecting for a worthwhile set. If you
arent winning or learning something at every point in time in your life you will be out of congruence
with your man-of-action innate trait and you will feel bad. When you win and when you learn you
feel good. Get out there. There is no failure, there is just competent and not-yet-competent.
7. Whatever you feel, she feels. Remember that women dont judge you on your status, they dont
judge you on your looks or even on your words. They judge you and react to you based on what
feeling you influence them with. That said, its most important that you are always feeling good. Best
way to do this is to be a man of action with a path in life, someone who is ballsy and risk taking,
someone who is daring and someone who sets out with positive intentions. You were born feeling
good with self esteem, so you know that if you get back to natural state then you will feel good. Its
only when you try and force things or unnatural do you lose your default good feeling. Be natural, be
relaxed and you will achieve the very important goal of feeing good most of the time, and
automatically make all girls feel good most of the time. You will be a fun guy to be around.
8. State is chill, not fireworks. This is a big one, most guys have no idea that state is not something
exciting, not something flashy or even something extravagant, the coolest people you have known in
your life and alpha males all have a chill vibe about them. This is true state, what Jeffy calls a burning
coal. It is EASY to be consistently chilled-out or relaxed, its as simple as adopting an its all good
attitude and having some willpower to not let petty things get under your skin. If youre always
operating from an its all good attitude, and you dont get into bad state by letting people or
incidences (the external world) get to you, then simply taking actions of your own choice (following
your core) will ignite the nimbus. You will draw state from within. As a man its when youre doing
something you want to do that youre most aroused. You influence others with this arousal and it
makes you attractive. This state, unlike fireworks state, is the infinite well and never burns out
making you always attractive.
9. Others ARE socially conditioned, have empathy. It doesnt matter what you have read or what
manipulative tricks you know, IF WHAT YOUR DOING DOENST GEL WITH ANOTHER
means is, if what youre doing as good or as slick as you may think it is- doesnt make sense to the
people you are doing it to, you will simply be ignored or not taken seriously. Have an awareness of
how those around you are socially conditioned and be responsive to that. Start within the constraints of
that, then lead the interaction in your direction your reality. Just as important, if you continue on, not
aware that the way your approaching people doesnt make sense to them, they will think you lack
empathy and give rise to ignore responses or straight up blow outs. Be calibrated, use your brains
and your empathy.
10. If the girl isnt gaming you, youre not going to have sex with the girl. Its true that people
value something they have to work for, or something they think of as higher value than them. And this
can be confusing if you are learning cold approach pick up. How can I approach her, then, get the girl
gaming me? Furthermore, to think that you have to game the girl implies that you are lesser than her,
and this implication with become a self fulfilling prophecy to the girl you are interacting with. After
all, the way you approach her is the way she makes up her mind about you. The way to get the girl
gaming you is in the VALUE INVERSION POINT, what some people call the transition or the point
when you go from 90/10 to 50/50 talking ratios. Go in chat, even entertain her and arouse emotions.
Then withdraw. This usually elicits a question from the girl. Usually something chodely like where
are you from? or what do you do?. This is her gaming you, once you get this going, keep it going,
answer with statements (obviously), express yourself to inspire attraction and she will continue to
game you. The more she finds herself gaming you (unlike the way guys usually try and game her) the
more she will find herself liking you and the closer youll be to sleeping with the girl.
11. Whatever you do, DONT try for rapport. There are many levels of communication when two
people interact and there are subsets of communications within them. To name a few there are verbal,
non verbal and physical ways to communicate; and if you want to be more technical there are logical
modalities and emotional modalities, direct or indirect. The modalities arent as important as using
them to ensure you dont try for rapport. In any interaction people automatically fall into a role of high
value and low value. If youre trying for rapport you will automatically communicate low value, if you
dont, you wont communicate low value. To try and break rapport is tricky, and to force it is actually
a form of trying for rapport. What you will find is that when you are completely natural, as a man, you
never try for rapport, and others automatically respond by taking on a subordinate value to you.
12. The girl is down to fuck until otherwise proven innocent. And most guys shoot themselves in
the foot pretty quickly, sometimes before they even approach. Many guys fail to realise that girls are
constantly on the lookout for that special guy, in the same way we are on the lookout for that one hot
girl in a bikini. To guys, a girls looks set her apart. But girls judge a guys behaviour, the way you
behave is where your potential to be seen as a special guy lies. So when you start an interaction deep
down shes hoping to meet an awesome guy but doesnt expect to, and she wouldnt even know
what that looks like when it ran some game on her. If you dont do anything offensive, or socially
retarded to get yourself blown out then you give her a chance to start FINDING in you the things she
wants in a guy. Interpretation of behaviour is very subjective, and it helps that the girl is making a
conscious effort in life to interpret guys in the way she hopes to see them. So do less, stay in set, dont
shoot yourself in the foot and the you give the girl a chance to be attracted to you.
13. Proactive DHVs communicate lower value. The ideal of demonstrating higher value is as
important in the game now as it ever was. But to go out of your way to demonstrate value to someone
is really demonstrating lower value. To tell a clever DHV story to a girl, to do a magic trick or to run
some elaborate routine is unnecessary. Proactive DHVs are the actions of man with a mindset that he
is not good enough just as he is; as opposed to a guy who just assumes value. Girls derive their
attraction to you, or not, based on your mindset (which automatically generates your behaviours and
autopilot responses). Proactive DHVs is like showing a girl your Ferrari Key chain no good because
your saying to the girl that guy hiding behind the key chain isnt enough. If youre a cool guy the girls
will know automatically, if youre not cool they will know just as quickly.
14. Beating congruence tests is the way to overtly DHV. If you have even known a cool person in
your life you will know that it wasnt them who convinced you they were cool, someone eluded you to
the fact, or their value or coolness became apparent when they successfully dealt with a testing
situation. They dont need to convince you theyre cool because theyre already aware they are, you
only realise theyre cool once you get to know them. These types of guys are usually extremely chill
and unstifled. In the club, what this translates to, is being nicely conversational and expressive. As you
talk to the girl youre bound to elicit congruence tests because thats what girls do, and the way they
interpret you is subjective. If you get a test, an awkward lull in conversation, a we have to go with our
friends, an I have to go to the bathroom or a personal challenge from the girl this is your
opportunity to demonstrate higher value with a Positive-Dominant response. You overtly show you
can think for yourself, deal with tricky situations, are unreactive and you go for what you want.
15. Confidence is binary; youre either confident or youre a complete chode. You cant be ninety
percent confident. Close but almost confident really means that you are just a bitch or pretending to
be a chode. The best understanding I have of confidence is confidence happens when you perceive that
nothing holds you back. Thats why five year old kids can be just as confident as multi billionaires or
rock stars. Its all about not having a care in the world. Girl make a very quick attraction judgement
based on your confidence which is conveyed in your behaviours. If you hold yourself back in any
way... you lose. If you dont put any mental obstacles between yourself and what you are out to
achieve your confident; youre attractive.
16. Uncomfortable is the magic word. You know how many chodes complain that with girls no
means yes and yes means no, this isnt exactly true but it is true that girls dont logically
communicate what theyre emotionally feeling. Why do they do this? To see what your made of, if
you trust yourself and if you have balls. Its a pure alpha-ness and attractiveness gauge. Most guys
dont realise that girls very rarely communicate socially in the logical and verbal realm, most of what
is said becomes redundant, and when you open your eyes to the emotional channels you will
understand women much better. Most guys take a simple no, or a lack of enthusiasm from women as
gospel, when realy its just a test. I can guarantee that you can take most sets or interactions MUCH
further than you think you can, and she wants to see if you have the balls to. Sometimes you will be
miscalibrated or you will reach your limits of the set or escalation... you will know when the limit of
the interaction is when the girls uses the word uncomfortable or any translation of that.
17. Indications of interest is when the girl is quiet and attentive. Did you used to read the old
emails that advocated that a girl liked you when she licked her lips/played with her hair/touched your
arm/took off her skirt? Most did, and most guys are looking for some kind of guidelines to when a girl
likes him so he can eliminate the risk of rejection and his chode world coming collapsing down.
Whats worse is when youre searching for traditional IOIs you set out to suck them out of the girl
which makes your behaviour even worse. Furthermore, girls rarely think to themselves yes Jessica, I
like this guy, I hope he will kiss me in the night Im sure that does happen, but if youre waiting for
that then youre not going to get the girl because you will miss your window of opportunity. A part of
her liking you is when you assume she is interested in you, she will be attracted to a guy with that
reality. So, if your still looking for a way to tell if a girl might be interesting in becoming attracted to
you look for the ones that are nervous and attentive to you. Quiet, but paying attention to you. This is
the same behaviour that a guy would exhibit for a girl that he was very attracted to.
18. Dont know; grow. If youre coming into the community looking to learn how to become a guy
who is good with girls it makes sense to you that you need to logically learn something in order to
become a guy who is good with girls. No, the game isnt about learning the game is all about
growing. The reason why ideas, moves and techniques can be appealing is the way they inflate your
ego and your false sense of self. Really, knowing inflates your ego, messes up your identity and
suppresses your natural self beneath it. To learn human interaction is a intuitive, intangible thing and
very difficult to measure. Unless you have academy award winning acting skills there is no way to
truly fake it till you make it with learned knowledge because incongruence will still be communicated.
Use the knowledge you are gathering from others to guide your growth and change your mindset so
you can grow into the guy that you are supposed to be.
19. It is impossible to become a guy who is good with girls. Although the allure of the community
advertises that you can become a pimp with women and you will be able to fuck 10s it is wrong to
say that you will ever be a guy who is good with girls. To say that, is to say that you are above the
process and you are not a guy who is going to take action. To identify with being good with girls is
to cease to take action on a daily basis and lazily rest on your laurels. If you dont take action then you
will cease to approach, cease to move things forward and cease to be good with girls. Some guys get a
sharp reality shock when they realise that they cant ever become a guy whos good with girls. But
the sooner you realise its a futile pursuit the sooner you realise that you have to continue to take
action on any given night in any given set. As a man it is correct to identify with being a man of
action because thats what you physically and biologically are. Instead of looking to achieve the
identity of being a guy whos good with girls seek to identify yourself as a guy who is always
continuing to get good with girls. This is the road to Pick up mastery.
20. Inspire attraction, dont seduce it. Express yourself, dont impress others. Whether or not you
can be attractive to someone is completely subjective and thus, unpredictable. You can have no idea
what will turn on different people, especially when you are cold approaching lots of them. So instead
of focusing your efforts on what will impress them and what impression you are going to make, do the
things that is sure to inspire attraction in everyone. When you shift your focus from setting out to
impress people to, instead, expressing yourself and doing the things that you know will inspire
attraction; youre reality strengthens significantly, others react to you, you become unstifled and most
importantly you have lots of fun. They fact that youre not out to seduce attractive form women and
instead are out to inspire it communicates to women you approach that you have all the trust in
yourself that you have enough and are enough to be attractive to them. You inspire it in women, you
dont need to trick it out of them, and they come to you.
21. Be involvement worthy. The best way to go about natural game is to be someone worthy of
involvement. The best way to think of being good at natural game is to be continually asking yourself
Am I being involvement worthy?. This paradigm has massive emphasis on responsibility, proactivity and leading. When you continually ask yourself am I involvement worthy you move into a
headspace where you are continually drawing on yourself to get things started, move conversations
forward, formulate ideas and extrapolate social opportunities. In accordance with other natural game
principles you know that youre not going to get the girl unless shes gaming you, if youre
conversational, assertive and making situations fun then the girls will take it upon themselves to make
the most of your time and vie for more of it. Being involvement worthy is like wild male animals
expressing themselves hoping to find a mate. In this day and age the guy who has the most to say, is
the least stifled and the most expressive that will be the most involvement worthy and get the most
22. Get yourself into state. One of the primary differences between men and women is where they get
their state from. Women get their state from their environment, whereas men dont. Higher forces take
care of womens state, but men are indifferent to them. A mans default state is a chill relaxed positive
feeling, in a noisy pumping venue, thats your baseline, but thats not enough to be calibrated. A
mans state is proportionate to his ability to be present, positive, dominant and active. If youre not
getting yourself into state the environment will eclipse you and put you deep inside your head. Get
busy, do something positive; entertain yourself with stupid bar games. Do something dominant; arm
wrestle your friends, lead a girl by the hand, be loud or stand up tall. Do something pro-active, open
sets, move around, dance and escalate with girls. These are the best ways to get into state. Another rule
of thumb is motion is emotion, take action and move yourself around, dance, clap your hands and
bob your knees and state will come. No one else will do it for you.
23. Keep Things Simple While Learning. Once you make a significant transformation towards a guy
who is in congruence with himself you will realise that natural game is a minimalist thing; youre
strong reality and intent leading the girl with continual calibrated responsivity. But if you still have
lots of mental noise from residual social conditioning make an effort to keep things simple, your end
goal should always be no mind, all intuition. So when you go out make an effort to think about only
three things for once. If your new, three good things are friendly, unapologetic, draw state from
within. A more intermediate three might be assertiveness with a smile, lead, cant get blown out
from escalating and an advanced three might be every man starts equal, be 100% honest with
yourself and others, and persistence beat resistance. If you go out while youre learning the game with
truckloads of theory spinning around in your head you will only get out of state and reverse good
progress you have made. Its likely that you would be so inside your complicated head that you dont
even approach.
24. There is no such thing as a crush; ice cream theory. The classical notion of having a crush on a
girl is one of the most unnatural and destructive forces that counter natural game. The Dynamics of
the crush is one of the biggest limiting factors fort guys learning natural game. To have a crush on a
girl is to build up an idea of her in your own mind that is completely fabricated and usually vastly
different from reality. People think they have a crush on a girl because having a girl who is their type
appeals to their ego and their attempt to project a particular sense of self. You dont know a person, or
a girl, until you have spent a lot of time with them. Its natural that you treat everyone equally and
dont assume anything and wait and see if you cultivate affection for the girl or not. When you
develop a crush on a girl you go into chode mode. Even when you get the girl you have a crush on you
will eventually get a reality shock when you realise what you thought she was isnt what she actually
is. All attractive girls are good. Like flavours of ice cream, appreciate them all, and after lots of
experience then you can develop a preference.
25. For cold approaches social versatility is the most important thing, clicking. On the broadest
scale of picking up girls from cold approaches socially versatility is the most important thing. Not
your skills, or your methods or structures. If you are going to make cold approaches on strangers you
need to have the versatility and manoeuvrability in who you are and your personal boundaries in order
to click with and get into conversation with anyone. An egotistical person usually has an identity that
hold blind spots and can cause him to have friction with new people that he meets including girls hes
cold approaching. An easy going type of guy, a guy with self esteem and no ego, isnt restrained by a
reality and an identity that he is bound to or that he feels he has to project onto others. The result is
he clicks with everyone and assumes nothing. When you are a fluid and socially versatile, egoless, guy
you become someone that everyone likes to hang out with because they are all coming from the same
headspace of trying to make an impression. When they interact with you they will feel as though
they have made just the impression they want, and you will stoke their ego. Stoking the ego of others
especially girls, leaves them wanting more of it, people will look to you to fill their bucket with a hole
in it.
26. Its incongruent of you not to be sexual. One of the things that students of natural game most
often forget is their tenancy to be sexual. A nice guy who has undergone the transformation to
sexworthy guy was once a nice guy and still harbours reserved and stifled physical tendencies. If your
an alpha male and attractive to girls, and you dont have a physical and sexual dimension to your
game, girls will become weirded out by you and leave you cold. When you become advanced your
approach will be great and most girls will like you a lot immediately, but sooner or later if you dont
take things sexual you will miss your window of opportunity. If you dont have the sexual and
physical dimension to your game the girls will have a bruised ego that a guy who they liked and found
was attractive didnt want to make a move on her and they will quickly disassociate with you to
minimalize ego bruising. Or, they will go from thinking you are a fun dominant alpha male, to
thinking you are just a garden variety nice guy, and no girls are attracted to a nice guy.
27. The most important thing is to feel good, be fulfilled not happy. The first judgement a girl
will make of you when you cold approach her is whether or not she gets a good feeling from you. Do
you increase her life experience or do you take away from it. Its all well and good to be happy in the
club, but a happy feeling is a fleeting and superficial thing. If you have fulfilment in your life then you
will constantly have a feeling of confidence, security and positivity. Girls are not necessarily looking
for a happy feeling from guys, they are looking to him to she is he feels good, fulfilled and secure in
himself, to hang out with a guy who is fulfilled and secure in himself will give a girl very good
feelings and she will know if your fulfilled in your life almost immediately. To be fulfilled have a
purpose and a direction in life, this is to be in congruence with always being a man of action. Others
ways to find fulfilment as a man are to positively lead others, take action and always be progressing.
Simple things to achieve to ensure you have good natural game when it comes to cold approaching.
28. There is no right thing to say, its the right thing to say because you are the one whos saying
it. This is the best possible summary of natural game, and it in sharp contrast to traditional ideas about
game. On the purest level natural game is about being resourceful and relying on yourself. This ties in
with idea of creativity, spontaneity and turning nothing into something. Evolutionarily, it was the
cavemen who could completely rely on themselves and trust themselves not need advice or guidance
from others that set off the attraction triggers in cave womens heads. A man who can turn nothing
into something through action an responsibility has evolutionary advantages that other dont have, and
a guy like this generates natural attraction, and is good at natural game. When you realise that there is
no one right thing to do or say at any time in the game you become unstifled in such a way that you
can do everything with conviction whether good or bad - and this communicates confidence and
inspires attraction. The minute you look to others to for the right thing to do or say you communicate
all the wrong things. When you realise that there is nothing right to say its as though a weight has
been lifted off your shoulders, and you establish an unwavering feeling of fulfilment and posivity in
you that will make you an elite level natural gamer.