Pre Listing (2) BJ
Pre Listing (2) BJ
Pre Listing (2) BJ
Especially for:
610-8544-7045 Direct
610-585-5937 (Cell) Personal Background
[email protected] Member: Exton Regional Chamber of Commerce
Malvern Rotary Club
VFW Post 845 American Legion
105 Phoenixville Pike
Malvern, Pa. 19355 Areas Served
Chester, Delaware and Montgomery Counties
My Mission
1. My Listing Process
I will…
2. Prepare a Competitive Market Analysis of your home
3. Determine the best possible price in today’s market
4. Complete and review the listing agreement with you
5. Help prepare your home for sale. I will spend as much
time as needed going over the entire property with you,
both inside and outside. I will make a list, with you, of
suggestions and recommendations about your home so
that it will be seen at its highest perceived value while
competing in the marketplace.
6. Install lockbox and our exclusive “For Sale” sign
7. Create a professional home book highlighting the key
selling points of your home for prospective purchasers
to place in the home.
2. My Marketing Process
I will
1. Office Tour: Personally conduct 8. Digital Marketing Plan: Pictures are
a tour of your home for the “Worth a Thousand “ woks therefore I
agents in my office will take numberous fixed and video’s to
2. The Multiple Listing Service: upload to all internet sites and your
Professionally represent your homes web site.
home to the MLS. As a result, 9. Relocation: Because of Coldwell
your home will be exposed to Banker’s affiliation with Cartus (the
every agent in the area. largest relocator of people in the world),
3. Flyers: Professionally create, your property will gain exposure to
produce and distribute a flyer for Buyers who may be moving to this area.
local real estate offices and 10. Agent Rapport: I strive to motivate
general advertising purposes. agents to show and sell your property
4. Just Listed Postcards: through my own personal contacts. I
Professionally create, produce constantly work to maintain a high
and distribute just listed post rapport with the working agents in our
cards to the surrounding area.
neighborhood to promote your
5. Open Houses: Conduct Brokers
& Public Open houses when
6. Internet: Expose your home to
millions of potential Buyers
through over 25 internet sites.
7. Property Website: I will create a
website for your listing using the
address as a domain name
3. My Communication With You 4. Closing Your Transaction
I will… I will
1. Keep my communication with you 1. Constantly keep you informed as
honest and will not tell you to the progress of your sale from
something just because you want the time of signing until the
to hear it closing
2. Verbally keep in touch at least 2. Work hard to handle any situation
once a week as my work for you that may arise with mortgage
progresses companies, title companies,
3. Provide a written summary every appraisers, underwriters,
month and provide a 24-hour inspectors, purchasers and other
personal web site to fully inform agents during the time your
you of all facts of the progression property is under contract
of your property: what I’ve 3. Be present at your closing. This is
accomplished, marketing, what we’ve worked to achieve and
feedback, etc. you’d better believe I’ll be there!
4. Be available when contacted, to
present any offer that is written
on your property
5. Qualify all purchasers to the best
of my ability
6. Keep current on market conditions
so I can provide you with sound
advice when considering an offer
My Personal Marketing
Home Profile Book
· Community features
· Area entertainment
· Area parks
· Area shopping
· Area restaurants
BJ Barrett
105 Phoenixville Pike
Malvern, Pa. 19355
Home Business Card
Place in House
hand them out to neighbors, friends & family
Card back
BJ Barrett
105 Phoenixville Pike
Malvern, Pa. 19355
Card front
Personal Website
For EVERY Listing
Houses sell quickly and
usually for the most money
when they are priced properly
in the beginning.
Pricing Your Home
Setting the proper asking price for your home is the single biggest factor that will determine
the success or failure of your home for sale.
The consequences of making the wrong decision are painful. If you price your home too low,
you will literally give away thousands of dollars that could have been in your pocket.
Price it too high, and your home will sit for months, developing the reputation of a problem
property (everyone will think that there is something wrong with it).
Failure to understand market conditions and properly price your home can cost you a bundle
or cause your home not to sell…preventing you from achieving your goal.
Listing Agent 1%
Brokerage 1%
Co-op Agent 3%
Marketing 1%
Client Testimonials
“Luckily, we met BJ Barett and decided that having a realtor “I have put my business needs in the hands of BJ
(was) a good idea. BJ is a very experienced & knowledgeable because of his ethics and integrity.”
professional when it comes to the real estate business. BJ Robin Lynch, President
has a team of people that..helped us.. Along the way!” GESEACO
Dr. Dawn Huntsinger
Getting the job done when it needs to be done with
care and precision.
Keeping you informed throughout your transaction.
Since 1906, we have set the bar for full service real estate excellence.
from our hand-picked team of world class sales associates, to being an
industry leader through the use of cutting-edge technology coupled
with highly effective marketing tools, rest assured Coldwell Banker
sales associates are among the finest in the industry.
As you set out to embark on this exciting journey, we hope this presentation,
backed by our solid reputation and unparalleled knowledge
of the market will help you make an informed decision.
Coldwell Banker Hearthside, Realtors is the preferred choice.