Tutorial Petromod
Tutorial Petromod
Tutorial Petromod
PetroMod 1D is part of the PetroMod software package that fully integrates seismic, seismicstratigraphic and geologic interpretations with multi-dimensional simulations of thermal, 3-phase fluidflow and petroleum migration histories in sedimentary basins. The PetroMod family offers full 3D
hydrocarbon generation and migration modeling capabilities. The full package combines the
technically most advanced 1D, 2D and 3D technologies with a unique degree of usability for the best
results of your petroleum systems analysis.
PetroMod is mostly used in exploration work, but has also proven to be a valuable tool in research
applications. PetroMod is equally valuable in new exploration areas where only a few data are
available, as well as in already explored areas where problems such as source-reservoir correlations,
seal efficiencies, and overpressure systems are investigated - in addition to the fundamental task of
obtaining the most accurate prediction of timing and location of petroleum generation, expulsion, and
migration processes.
PetroMod 1D can be used as a stand alone tool or as a fully integrated component of IES modeling
systems, the PetroMod 2D and 3D packages. Single point data (wells and pseudo-wells) can be
constructed from scratch or extracted directly from PetroMod 2D and 3D models. Calibration results
such as heat flow trends can then be used directly by the 2D and 3D simulators. The result is that
calibration work is performed much faster in all packages. An easy-to-use input table enables the user
to create and manage individual wells within one or several projects. Boundary conditions such as
basal heat flow and paleo water depth can be set graphically or through direct tabular input. The
simulation is initiated automatically by opening the Output window. The results can be displayed in
individually customized templates made up of one or more panels.
PetroMod 1D Express is a restricted freeware version and has not the full functionality of PetroMod
1D. However, it has full compatibility with PetroMod's 1D, 2D and 3D packages. Some of the links that
refer to other PetroMod applications may not be active. The freeware version has the same source
code as the fully functional version and is actually the same executable. License control is simple: if a
license key is not found, the software automatically starts in the freeware mode. PetroMod 1D Express
makes it possible for an unlimited number of 1D licenses to be used, for example as a 'reader' for 1D
models or for points extracted from 2D/3D models. Please see the table below for a comparison of the
features of PetroMod 1D and PetroMod 1D Express.
Product Goal
Data Sources
Thermal History
Pressure Modeling
Property Editors
Special Modeling
Note *PetroRisk is IES' unique risk management system which enables the user to
determine and statistically evaluate the effects of uncertainties in specific types of geologic
input data on the results. IES' PetroRisk technology can be applied to all PetroMod 1D
(complete version only), 2D and 3D packages.
The PetroMod 1D and 1D Express Tutorial offers a general overview over the PetroMod 1D software
package, including information on how to install the program and on how to get started, as well as an
introduction to individual features and functions. It consists of a series of lessons, which leads the firsttime PetroMod user through a typical project using a fairly standard workflow within each module.
The lessons have been written in a simple step-by-step format. They cover all of the features of the
PetroMod module. In this tutorial, you will learn how to build a 1D well model from scratch beginning in
PetroWells, how to set boundary conditions, customize your output model and create your own output
panel template, and finally how to calibrate your 1D model to optimize your output. Since the individual
features build on each other, it is suggested that you take the time to go through the tutorial in one
sitting, which should take about 4-6 hours.
Most parts in this tutorial are valid for both PetroMod 1D and for 1D Express. The parts that refer
exclusively to PetroMod 1D are clearly marked as such.
We, at Integrated Exploration Systems (IES) constantly strive to improve our products and wish to
make the usage of our software as convenient as possible. If you have any suggestions, questions or
concerns, please feel free to contact us via email at [email protected]. For further contact options
please see chapter 9 IES Support at the end of this tutorial.
PetroMod 1D Express (Windows) can be downloaded by itself directly from the IES website
(www.ies.de). To install PetroMod 1D (Windows) or the versions for Unix and Linux you need to
download the full PetroMod package. When installed only the free Express version or the versions for
which you have acquired a license will function. IES PetroMod 1D Express is also distributed together
with other PetroMod modules (1D, Input 2D/3D, SeisStrat 2D/3D, Simulator, etc.) on CD.
Open the IES costumer support website: http://www.ies.de/Support/Support.html. From here you can
download IES software, documentation and tutorials. Follow the online instructions. The InstallShield
Wizard will open automatically. Follow the guide through the installation procedure. PetroMod 1D
Express will self-extract.
Opening PetroMod 1D
The Project Dir: button at the bottom left of the PetroMod Command Menu indicates an
automatically created PetroMod directory.
2. Click the Project Dir button to change the project directory. The Select Project Path window
will open (see Figure 2.3).
Note The big panel in the Select Project Path window displays the Project History. In our
case this panel is empty since we have not yet created any PetroMod project directories. If
several project directories would be listed here, you could choose one by double-clicking
directly its name in the Project History panel. The bar below indicates the path to the current
project directory. (The bar may be empty as well.)
3. In the Select Project Path window, click the Create New Project Directory button
. The
The main PetroMod 1D user-interface has three tabs (Input, Boundary Assignment, and Output). By
default the window will open with the Input tab open. We will begin here with 1D model building. You
can now move on to Exercise 1. Building a 1D Model.
3 Exercise 1
Building a 1D Model
We will begin our exercise in the first section by creating a new well model from scratch using the IES
well editing tool PetroWells. Then, we will load our well into PetroMod 1D and build a 1D model using
the PetroMod 1D tabular input. The well will be further defined by assigning values for thickness, age,
lithologies, and source rock properties.
1. Open PetroMod 1D. By default the Input tab will be open. There will be only one tab within the
Input tab (at the bottom of the page): Well1, since no other wells have yet been created. Nothing
will be listed in the project path nor will there be any groups in the WellData tab in the lower right
part of the window. We can now begin to create our own well from scratch (see Figure 2.4).
2. Click the Well Editor button (Calibration Data Editor)
3. Click Wells in the tree in the Objects window. A small window at the bottom left will open.
4. To create a new well type a name into the List box, TestWell_1, and click the New Well List
The newly created well list will appear in the Objects and in the bottom left windows.
6. Click TestWell_1 in the tree in the Objects window. The title in the window at the bottom left will
change to TestWell_1.
7. Click the Save button or click Save on the File menu to save your newly created group.
8. Click Edit in the TestWell_1 window. The Wells in List window for TestWell_1 will open.
9. Fill in manually the name and coordinates for our main well TestWell_1 according to Figure 3.3.
to apply and save your settings and close the Wells in List window.
You can now see a graphic representation of the well location in the PetroWells main area.
11. Click Save to save the newly created well. Close PetroWells.
12. Close and reopen PetroMod 1D.
13. Click the Well Data tab in the bottom right window. Extend the well list under TestWell_1. You will
find our newly created TestWell_1.
14. Click TestWell_1 with the left mouse button and drag and drop the well into the Input table on the
left. A new tab with the well name TestWell_1 will appear.
15. Save your project in the PetroMod 1D menu. The Save As window will open. Enter as the file
name for this exercise TestWell_1 and click the Save button. The newly saved model will appear
in the data tree under the Project tab in the upper right part of the PetroMod 1D window.
Note The data tree will always be displayed when you access the same project directory
in PetroMod 1D. Individual wells can be loaded e.g. by "drag-and-drop" from the Project tab
(right) into the Input table (left).
TestWell_1 (i.e. your 1D model) is now ready for geological data assignment, e.g. layer thickness,
lithologies, source rock properties, etc..
This part of the tutorial interrupts the flow of the tutorial for information on how to delete a well in case
you have created a well by mistake. You do not need to follow this exercise to proceed with Exercise
1. In the lower right panel of the PetroMod1D window, click the Well Data tab (per default, the Layer
Properties tab is active). On the left side, the Well Data tab shows a data tree structure.
2. In the data tree, click the + symbol to expand the ALL group list. The ALL group list contains all
wells that have been created or imported so far.
3. Click the name of the well you wish to delete.
4. Click that well with the right mouse button, which causes a submenu to open.
5. Click Delete.
Well groups can also be created, renamed, or deleted in the 1D Base Map using the
respective commands from the shortcut menu.
The functionalities described above are also available in PetroWells. The well data
are automatically stored in the well subdirectory of the project directory.
If the well has already been loaded into the Input table, it needs to be deleted in the PetroMod 1D
Input table as well as in the Well Data box.
6. Click the tab for the well to be deleted at the bottom of the Input table.
7. Click the well with the right mouse button which causes a shortcut menu to open.
8. Click Delete.
9. Save your model. Quit PetroMod and re-open the program.
We will start model building by entering the necessary data into the table for TestWell_1.
1. Make sure that the Input table is open. If not, click the Input tab at the top left of the PetroMod 1D
window. The TestWell_1 tab should appear in white, ready for the input of geological data.
Note The Input table works to a large degree in the same way as the spread sheets in
Microsoft Excel. Double-click in a cell to edit the cell contents, use the drag-and-drop
function to copy data.
Begin now with the input of geological data:
2. Enter names for the individual layers into the Name column according to Figure 3.7. The default
name of the top layer is always Sediment Surface and cannot be changed.
3. The present-day water depth shall be 0 m in this exercise. This means that the top of the layer
directly underneath the sediment surface (here layer_10) is also at 0 m. This corresponds to the
default setting. Do not change the default setting.
4. Enter the values for the Top and Bottom depths OR the Thickness values into the table columns
according to Figure 3.7. You only have to enter one item, depth or thickness. The other will be
calculated and inserted automatically.
No erosion will be entered in this exercise. The erosion columns can be turned off by
5. Enter the values into the Deposition Age from column according to Figure 3.7. When you enter
the values into Deposition Age from from top to bottom, the values for Deposition age to will be
calculated and inserted automatically. If however, you wish to enter a hiatus, you need to fill in
both columns manually.
6. Click Save on the File menu to save the model.
For compaction calculations your 1D model needs besides depth and age, information about the
lithologies of the respective layers. Additionally, for maturity calculations we will determine the
petroleum system elements and source rock properties.
3.4.1 Lithologies
When a lithology is set for a specific layer, its lithological properties, e.g. porosity, density, and
permeability, will automatically be assigned along with it. PetroMod offers a range of default lithologies
with corresponding lithological properties. In the full version of PetroMod 1D, additional lithologies can
be created, customized and edited using the PetroMod Lithology Editor (
2. Double-click a lithology group (e.g. SHALE) to open a table of lithologies belonging to that group
(e.g. various SHALE lithologies).
3. Double-click the desired lithology (e.g. SHALEcarb or pure SHALE) to place it into the marked
4. Follow Figure 3.9 when assigning lithologies to the respective layers.
5. Click Save on the File menu, or click the Save button
3.4.2 Facies
The Facies column is hidden by default. To make it available, click the Facies button
. When you
create a new 1D model a facies number will be entered automatically. This number cannot be edited.
However, if wells are imported from 2D or 3D projects, facies names and colors will be displayed
according to their data assignments in PetroMod 2D/3D.
Essential Elements column (column 12) in the Input table. Per default, the PetroSys Essential
Elements column is hidden.
2. In order to assign PSE terms to the individual layers of a well, double-click in the respective cell in
the PSE column. The essential elements list will appear.
4. Follow Figure 3.10 when assigning Petroleum System Essential Elements to the layers.
5. Save your model.
). For this tutorial however, only the default kinetics will be used.
Note HI, TOC and Kinetics columns are available for petroleum kinetics. The kinetic type
can be chosen. Please refer for more information about the different types of kinetics to the
reference literature listed in the detailed bibliography in the PetroMod 1D User Manual. In
this tutorial, we will enter petroleum kinetics with the HI.
2. Enter 5 wt% for the TOC and 500 mgHC/gTOC for HI petroleum kinetics into the respective cells
for the source rock layer_4 (see Figure 3.9).
3. Double-click in the Kinetics cell of layer 4 to open the selection list and click
Tissot_et_al(1988)_T2 for the kinetic reaction.
4. Click Save on the File menu, or click the Save button
1. Click the Layer Properties tab in the bottom right section of the screen.
2. Click in the cell for the salt layer (layer_2) in the Name column of the Input table. The chosen
layer name will now be displayed in the Selected Layer(s) panel under the Layer Properties tab.
The right panel of the Layer Properties tab lists the available Layer Based Models (see Figure
3. Select the Salt Movement check box. The Salt editor window will open. It displays Age and
Thickness columns for three layers and three graphical input panels, one for each layer (see
Figure 3.12). Since only one layer (layer_2) in the 1D Input has been determined for salt
movement, only the Age and the Thickness columns for that layer contain default data.
4. There are two ways to set up salt thickness through time:
a) by entering numerical values directly into the table or
b) by drawing the changes directly into the graph. Click in the graphic panel. The cursor will
turn into a cross hair. Click on the trend, a node (small black square) will appear. Drag the
node to any desired place (to drag, hold the left mouse button and move the cursor) and
drop it with another click.
Note To delete a node, click it with the middle mouse button.
Either way, follow Figure 3.12 to enter age and thickness data into the columns for layer_2.
Note It is not possible to enter any property (such as Thickness) for a layer prior to its
deposition. Therefore, in this example, salt movement can only begin after deposition of
layer_2, i.e. after 40 Ma.
5. Click OK to apply the modifications and close the Salt editor window.
Note The salt layer (layer_2) in the Input table will now show a light green background color.
The color indicates that salt movement has been assigned to that layer. When you click in
the cell of layer_2 in the table on the left, you will see that the small square next to Salt
Movement in the lower right window is checked (see Figure 3.13).
Figure 3.13: Changes to the Input panel after entering salt movement
Figure 3.14: The Input Burial History diagram displaying the salt movement.
8. In order to proceed with the tutorial version that is valid for PetroMod 1D and 1D Express, we
need to take off the data for the salt movement again. To do this, click in the cell of layer_2 in the
Input table on the left and deselect the Salt Movement check box in the lower right window (see
Figure 3.13).
9. Save your model again.
1. In the upper right panel of the PetroMod 1D Input tab, click the Input Burial History tab. The input
burial history will be displayed in a diagram (see Figure 3.15).
2. Check the geometry evolution of your model prior to simulation.
Figure 3.15: The Input Burial History tab for verification of your input data
Before running the simulation, boundary conditions (e.g. heat flow) need to be set. Please proceed to
Exercise 2. Setting Boundary Conditions.